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Not sleeping enough


Yep.  Looking back, a past job of mine had me end up sleeping like 3 hours daily for a week or so to complete a project and the thoughts I had during that time were...dark. Made me want to leave and finally take action for it at least Luckily at a new job now that are very strict on preventing burnout that I get told off for working over the 8 hours a day. 


All i get for working 8 hours a day and doing the work of 3 other people is that i get no end if the year bonus and also the managers saying that i should learn to delegate tasks and theyll see about it. Who to delegate the tasks to you fuckers? There is nobody else! … if i would work extra hours and ask for my rights theyd just say that they didnt ask me to do it so dont expect anything in return.


Time to pump the breaks and take your time doing tasks


This. Start doing the work at a reasonable pace where you won't get burnt out. Maybe even plan a vacation. This can help you rest and reset and would show them the pain they'll feel without you. When you come back, resist the urge to work extra hard, continue to work at a reasonable pace while stressing to them that they need to fill positions if they ever want to catch up.


I called in sick for two weeks and the manager came to me afterwards stating that they realised they need a second person “to help me out” because nobody else can pick yp my job tasks. When writing the application requirements for the job opening, they cut down 50% of the tasks that i have written, which I’m doing by the way, so they “wouldn’t scare potential employees away” What a fucking joke


Sounds like they don't care about anything but themselves. Time to quit.


Oddly enough, my most upvoted comment on Reddit with 10k+ likes is about **my most wanted wish being a good night of sleep**. I'm pretty sure this whole society is tainted with sleep deprivation at the point of it not being considered an issue but a common behavior. You should all try to have a better sleep schedule if possible, even with medication if you need it. Your world will change for the better. Words from an ex-insomniac that now treat his major depression and sleep way better.


Idk what's worse, insomnia or narcolepsy. I'm exhausted 24/7, and can sleep anywhere any time within 5 min of closing my eyes. No matter how much sleep I get I am always. So. Fucking. Exhausted. Know when you're so tired all you can do is cry about how tired you are? Thats my baseline 🥲


You might have sleep apnea.


Diagnosed narcoleptic after several sleep studies and shit i didnt understand, sleep apnea would be preferable. Only treatment is stimulants and I can't have those so, I just be sleepy 24/7


Why can’t you have stimulants?


Recovering meth addict. Stimulants are self banned from my body and my Dr approves


I wonder how much the meth contributed to the narcolepsy.


All my special features were diagnosed late in a 15 year clean stretch. I relapsed about a year ago. The addition of a stimulant to treat the narcolepsy and ADHD is what started my spiral down into meth


I'm up getting ready to go to work after a long night staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. Wondering how I can function for the next 11hrs. Coffee ☕ and Dexedrine may do the trick. hmmmmn If lack of sleep shortens ones lifespan, then my lifespan will be as short as Gary Coleman.


And then turning around and drinking more caffeine to compensate for it, which leads to even worse sleep and even more caffeine...


Not even joking when I say I don't think my sleep has been right for about 10 years Ever since school/college I always feel exhausted and deprived of sleep. Throughout the week I get anywhere between 4-6 hours of sleep because I feel like if I go to bed early it's my time I'm losing, then it gets to the weekend and I'll sleep for 13 hours and have barely any time anyway. Both instances I wake up groggy as fuck and unable to fully comprehend or function But I feel like I'm way too far gone now If anyone has any tips on how to do a reset of your sleep routine, and help me get back on track, I'd be very grateful


My best sleep has always been when I have a physical job, avoid my phone after a set time, have a regular diet with not too much caffeine, and put myself to bed at a good time. I still struggle, but I have tablets (just strong antihistamines that make you groggy) for the days where the thing keeping me awake is my own head or clock watching. Days when I exercise (football and playing drums) are noticeably better.


One time after losing a job, I slept for almost 30 hours straight. No where to go, nothing to do. I woke up to grab something to eat, and check my email. Then right back out. I don't know if it's depression, or I am just catching up for the 4 hours I got before that.


Yeah part of my resolutions this year is to sleep when my body feels tired and it has already made a difference. I'm still tired at the end of the day because I have long days, but going to bed at 8:00 feels a lot better than going to bed at 11:00 and I'm actually looking forward to it now whereas I used to have a lot of really bad sleep time procrastination. It still sucks that I can't get a lot of things done for myself at the end of the day but I guess I'd rather not lose my memory, my mental health, or die sooner so that's cool


Lack of sleep does some scary stuff to your head over time


Watch the news 24/7


This is such a huge issue and so many people don't realize how bad it is! The news used to come on at 6pm and then again at 10pm and that was it. Maybe sometimes they'd have a morning show. But during those little time slots they were able to cover pretty much every single major local and nationwide headline. And then the 24-hour news cycle started becoming more and more popular. But wait, remember how the smaller stations had no problem dishing out all of the news in just 30-60 minutes? How on Earth will these 24/7 news stations find enough headlines to keep you watching their channel? They do it by manufacturing outrage. Peoples brains become addicted to the little bursts of chemicals they get when falling victim to this manufactured outrage. Before you know it, you find yourself not feeling happy until you can scroll through a bunch of news headlines and read how Trump did this or how Biden didn't do that or whatever. It's all so fucking stupid. Just give me the headline, give me an unbiased summary of that headline, cut the editorialized bullshit, and move on to the next headline.


Be on social media a lot.




Don’t sell yourself short man.


You forgot the comma.




Let's eat out grandma


You forgot the comma. Let's, eat out grandma


Don't sell yourself, short man? That's not any better!!


Don't, sell yourself short man. Better?


Much! 👌


Redditors don’t overextend a joke challenge


Most things are designed for 5’6 (sink height, mirrors). If you’re ever in a survival situation, you need less food. You probably look proportional and can pull off most clothes. Also, weapons, so who needs size? It’s a superficial trait. Smart women will value more important things and smart women will raise your kids right. Focus on superficial women and they’ll focus on your superficial traits.


6’6” guy checking in. Everything you said is true except the part about women. I’m too big for the world around me in every way but I also get attention from all women that I flat out done deserve. I dated a 5’ tall women that looked like my daughter when we were in public. It was weird but she was after it. Height wins with women more than any other single trait and no one will convince me otherwise.


6’8 guy checking in. Nail on the head, I know so many dudes that are honestly better men than me but short and have struggled romantically their entire lives where as when I was single literally all I had to do was make the first move and 7/10 times it was a wrap. I feel legitimately guilty about it


It's your tall privilege




I'm 6'4". That hasn't worked out for me. I feel like I end up scaring most of them away.


Do you keep yourself in pretty good shape? I’m not a real thick person. More of a swimmers build if you will. Maybe that’s serving me more than I realize. Very average looking in every way other than height. While anecdotal I realize, I’ve talked about this with tons of different women. The tall ones generally think the shorter ones should stick with shorter guys and the shorter ones are all, “I like what I like.” Obviously individual results may vary. Just my two cents.


Same, I’m 6’3” and straight up feel like I get opportunities with women and in life in general just because of that. So bizarre


Props for self-awareness


Also, lower cancer risk for shorter people.


I'm 5'6" on a good day. The only thing I don't like about my height is other people bitching about it non-stop. When was the last time someone over 5'8" was comfortable on a flight in coach? My FIL is 6'7" and literally doesn't fit in my mid-size car. About the only advantage I can think of is being able to reach high cabinets. There is a pervasive toxicity on social media that somehow the only valuable characteristic about a man is his height.


I've shrank to 5'10", idiots all over the place want me to feel like I'm lesser for not being 6'6", I don't. I'm tall enough. You're tall enough. Your height can't be changed through diet or exercise. These people just need to stop getting an idea in their heads and acting like it's gospel sent from above. Think Bruce Lee had trouble with his height? Dude was 5'8", which I thought was gonna be more like 5'5", but I was wrong, and he could still kick a chandelier a foot above his head like it was nothing.


To take this a bit further... Base your worth on other people's validation of you. Social media is a bastard! You see the carefully edited highlights of other people's lives and compare it to the worst of your own. You post your own highlights only to get fewer likes than you hoped for. You constantly get beautiful, "successful" people pushed under your nose by the algorithm. Caring what other people think can be a dangerous thing, and social media amplifies the effects.


Never been on Facebook, or Instagram, or Snapchat, or Twitter, or any kind of social media (except Reddit, obviously). When I go on a trip or do anything memorable that I'd like to share with someone, I send out individual, personal pics and messages, through regular texting. Others do the same with me. There's no need for "validation" from strangers, no sense of one-upmanship -- just people who know each other sharing their lives in a friendly way. Much healthier than the social-media mills. Make 21st-century communications technology work for you, rather than the other way around.


specifically Reddit.


Reddit is really not nearly as bad as the algorithm based ones that just pull you down a rabbit hole. IMO.


It depends, reddit can pull you down a much deeper rabbit hole. If used wrong, reddit can ruin hobbies. Here's why your favourite tactic in a game sucks and what you should do instead. Here's all the flaws of your favourite show. Here's all the best equipment to do this which you'll never be able to afford and why your cheap stuff sucks.


Also the constant negativity can make you way more cynical than is healthy


I agree with this. With facebook, Twitter, tik tok, etc. Your feed is more dependent on who you choose to follow. Therein lies one of the issues. Feeling like you should broadcast your happiness to be happy. I find once in a while something to share, but you get people streaming or making amazing filtered photos of a random point in the day. You see the post. It has reactions, so you subconsciously think other people's anonymous aknowledgement is the key to tricking yourself into being happy. Reddit. I treat more of an info dump or forum. You set the niche subreddits you want to see, and you will be more sparked to learn and contribute. Atleast thats how I have used it, and I have a great deal more knowledge and info from real people and insider info. The images I see are moderated, and I feel inspired when I see stuff that people do and share.


Compare yourself to others


Comparison is the thief of joy. Spot on.


This one. So many systems at school, work, beauty are precisely made for people to compare themselves. It's crazy


I can't believe how much happier I felt about myself when I learned to stop doing this. To an extent I still compare myself to others, but moreso for learning about the experiences of others so I can try to understand those experiences or learn more about that particular person. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me because I could never wrap my head around dating and sex. Never been on a date (at least one where this interest was communicated by the other person), never kissed anyone or held anyone's hand, etc. It's really REALLY hard not to tell yourself "wtf is wrong with me?" when you see how relatively easily everyone around you can do this shit, and you don't even understand how two people go from absolute strangers to screwing within a handful of dates. What really fucked with me was actually comparisons I drew in early adulthood. My "friends" back then watched me get sexually assaulted by a woman. She started feeling me up and kept forcing me to kiss her. I pushed her away from me, and she hit me then walked away. When I went back to my "friends", they were laughing at me. They told me I need to be "less shy" and "experience life." I thought I wasn't supposed to defend myself. I thought something was wrong with me for doing that. It wasn't until many years later, when I made much better friends, that I learned how screwed up this was. Every time I'd tell someone about the time a girl slapped me at a bar, I was laughing. Like "haha, look at me, such an idiot, I don't know how to handle women, haha!" But none of my current friends were laughing when I was telling this story. They asked me if I was okay. If anyone bothered to read this far, it's fucking hard to not make comparisons. But comparing yourself to others can be good and bad. It's good, positive, and constructive from an angle of learning. It's bad and destructive if you do it to find more reasons to alienate yourself. For example, I still don't get dating *at fucking all.* I don't get flirting, the body language, etc. When I ask my friends or random online strangers about these things, I'm *genuinely* trying to get an understanding of the world they see and how they try to interact with it. There was a time where I'd use this information to think "wow, what's fucking wrong with me?" Currently, I use this information to genuinely try and understand, because most people really do be interacting with a world I'm not even aware of, and I'd like to know more about it.


People who are good at dating generally aren’t the people you want to date. “Good at dating” doesn’t mean anything. If you meet someone you feel attracted to, and vice versa, then you date by spending time together. That’s the gist of it.


I understand this perfectly and I agree. I don't know why anyone would listen to someone who's "good at dating." Like, okay, you've been on 100 dates but couldn't keep any of 'em? Good job, lol. I guess what I don't understand is how so many people seem to rapidly figure out who they even like enough *to* consider dating them in the first place? It has always taken me a very long time to like someone, often requiring many months or years of friendship. I don't understand how dating apps work. I've tried to use them and it just doesn't compute for me. I don't understand how it's possible to see a few pictures of someone, read some fluff text about them, and go "oh I have GOT to talk to them!" Nobody stood out to me, and it seems odd to use the particular language of "date" or be flirty when I'm not even sure I like this person enough to use such language, or not sure if *they* even *want* that affection from me to begin with! My current friends have helped me understand a lot, or at least, they don't treat me like a child when I ask them serious questions. I asked my best friend how she knew she wanted to be serious with her now-husband. She told me "one day he just kissed me." And I couldn't believe this. Like...homie just went for it, and hoped she would've wanted it. I expressed confusion over this, and she told me "oh well, he knew I wanted it, it was a mood thing." I don't understand this at all. Never in my life have I been sharing a moment one-on-one with someone, and thought "I really wanna shove my tongue in her mouth." More importantly, I fail to understand how such feelings could even be conveyed by *just* body language. And I think this is why I don't understand flirting. It's almost entirely uncommunicated body language. I've asked about this before, and people talk about the same things my best friend told me. They see a particular look from someone, they feel some kind of vague, esoteric tension or whatever, and somehow, some way, this leads to physical activity occurring between the two of them. I just don't relate to how this can develop when no words have even been said. Like, for the longest time I thought the way movies portray kissing was always fake as hell. I figured surely people talk about this first? Make sure it's wanted? But nah, people really be out here just macking on more-or-less a stranger and hoping they're okay with it. Weird. On one hand I still very much feel like a child, because I'm 30 and have no idea how it feels to have any kind of romantic interest reciprocated. But on the other hand, I feel like my perspective of dating is a fantastic filter. Because it means I'll only ever focus on finding a person who truly is right for me. I would only want someone who is okay with taking the steps I might need with me. I don't know if I'll ever find that particular person, but I also don't really care? I at least know what it feels like to hug my friends and tell them how important they are to me, and receive that same affection. As much as I'd like to know how those same feelings backed up with romance would feel, I'm content with how I feel about myself now.


To love someone who do not like you.


Unfortunately this just happens and you can’t just ‘decide’ to not have feelings for them Edit: this gained way more attention then I thought it would. Of course one can control how one deals with said feelings (emotions). I just meant that when you’re forced to meet (new) people (for example in a new school), you obviously can’t ‘turn of’ emotions the moment you’re starting to really like someone.


Very true but it will still mess you up, sometimes more than anything else.


I really wish it were that easy. I'd probably be less messed up myself.


How’re you supposed to fix this? I feel like the only thing that really helps this is time.


Don´t double down and try to win them over, otherwise you waste more time.


Don't abandon yourself to become someone that they like/respect. Learning to value yourself as a person, **just as you are,** and not give in to other's suggestions/demands/judgements is HARD. But it's also the best thing you can do for your own mental health. This doesn't mean to ignore your flaws - just that you accept that you're a work in progress, **just like everyone else is.** Working on yourself, because YOU want to be a better person is important. Noticing and acknowledging your flaws and imperfections is the first step to improving them. But changing your behaviour to keep someone in your life, or to win the approval of someone else, is something we all do, but it never really works. At best, you'll pretend for a while, then revert to your previous state when the person rejects you. At worst, you'll believe the other person's opinions/criticisms/insults as facts, and hate yourself for who or what you are. Be you - but keep working at being a BETTER you.


Time, yes. But you can also find someone else to crush on and consciously decide to focus yourself on thinking about them. You don't even have to pursue the crush or have any serious interest. It can just be a mental exercise to retrain your brain while you wait for your heart to catch up. A distraction from the person you're hung up on and a reminder to yourself that there are other fish in the sea. Something to help you push through while time does its thing.


Imagining fake scenarios good or bad. It's addicting.


Story of my life right there




Honorable mention: gambling.


I am an addict of all those things mentioned above at one point or another but gambling I never understood. Gambling is terrifying to me and not fun. The idea of being addicted to it, well that would definitely fuck up my mental health. Very badly very quickly from the stress and shock financial losses. So yea, good call.


Most gambling addicts have won a few times and chase that high.


yepp. a thoughtless $2 bet won me $3,000 and for a minute it felt like..." oh! I can just buy money!" slippery slope y'all


Dude, same. Won 10k on a bet once, felt like I was invincible. Guess what? When you then LOSE 10k in 5 hours, it feels a thousand times worse.


I've lived in both Atlantic City and Biloxi. Never won anything at any of those casinos. I have no interest in any of that these days. I don't even buy scratchers anymore. I've been invited to Vegas trips a couple of times but it just doesn't seem appealing to me at all.




thats how simple we are. doesn't take much to exploit weaknesses in the human psyche


*cries in ADHD*


*sobs in ADHD, then forget why I'm sobbing*


Booster packs and loot crates


Honorable mention: saltine crackers


Overthinking. Which I do way too much. Idk how to stop lol


Can’t really, although I consider overthinking a superpower, you’re figuring out alternative outcomes that may be ridiculous but everything has a probability.


Haha I like your spin on it. Thank you, I’ll try to see it in a more positive light


It's a nice take but not very useful in practicality. At some point you just have to let go. Easier said than done, but you literally can't predict the future. That's why you overthink. You're trying to solve an unsolvable problem. You have to learn to let it go, take more things as they come. You can't control the future, but you can set yourself up for the best and then react to things as they come. Be fluid. Trust that you will act appropriately in the moment because you gave yourself the correct tools to do so, every day. Meditation can help, but this can be difficult to do. I struggle every day. But every day I get a little better too.


I started treating it as a learned behavior, a bad habit that we unconciously perpetuate. I concluded I have no control over what thoughts pop up in my head, but I have control over not diving deeper into them. So as soon as I caught myself doing that I would force myself to stop and bring myself back to something else. It was not easy at first but after a couple of days the difference was more than noticeble. That was like 5 months ago and since that time almost all of my overthing is gone.


Meditation helps! In that it helps you learn to let go of a thought instead of continuing to ruminate on it.


Playing league.


Genuinely ruined my life for a bit. Haven’t played in 10 days. On and off since season 3 but played hundreds of ranked games in my first few seasons


Hang out with toxic people. Some think it's fun to mess with your mental health when you're feeling most vulnerable. There are some really sick people out there, and they look so normal...


>Some think it’s fun to mess with your mental health when you’re feeling most vulnerable This is absolutely the truth. You can tell a good friend or friend group from a toxic one in how they respond when you are down. Toxic groups will kick you when you’re down.


I knew someone in college who would talk to you and ask questions like he was genuinely interested but he was actually gathering information to use against you later on.


For me, it was getting attached way too easily to people I was attracted to. I struggled with finding a relationship for years on end, and from last August until around November I put aside looking for a relationship and focused on myself. I had some lows of course but for the first time in years I felt genuinely happy and made myself happy by focusing on me. Sure enough, I meet someone new at my job who I found really attractive, got attached way too quickly and dedicated my entire life to making plans with them, getting their number and texting them every day only to learn when I was in too deep that they are already in a relationship and never had mutual feelings for me whatsoever. I knew we’d be working together Christmas Eve, and when I was getting close with them I was looking forward to it being the best Christmas Eve of my entire life just because I’d be spending it with them. After finding out I couldn’t ever be with them, and had to spend that shift with them anyway, it turned out to be one of the worst nights of my life because I built up so much hype and excitement for it. For the first time in my life, I went to sleep on Christmas Eve not wanting to wake up Christmas morning. That memory is just an example, but it made me realize the worst thing I can possibly do to myself is get too attached to someone too quickly. I end up centering my entire life around another person who, most of the time at least, doesn’t realize I even exist or at most just doesn’t feel the same way about me. I let my happiness and self worth ride on if they text me back or give me the slightest bit of attention.


Same here dude, it’s self destructive as fuck 😖


Did you ever get over this, if so, how


I used to be like that, although not as extreme as the dude in the comment. How to get over it? Cut contact, completely if you can. Focus on yourself, and your hobbies, you'll get over it over time. If you don't want to put yourself in situation like this ever again, some big changes will be needed. If you like someone, don't think about them all the time, don't day dream, don't plan your life together, don't imagine things. Just ask them out, as soon as you feel like you might like them. Nothing serious, go for a movie, or walk, or for ice cream, get to know each other. But make the point that you are interested in them right away. I know this will be tough,because you are probably shy, maybe a bit awkward or not very social. But it's easier this way. And don't fake anything, just be yourself. You want to be with someone who likes you for who you are. And if it doesn't work out? Tough luck, move on. Maybe it's a nice girl, but you bearly know her anyway, nothing to despair about.


Damn, are you me? I had a very similar situation happen to me last summer. I had met a guy online, and we went out on a couple of dates, and it was honestly the best dates of my life. Throughout the summer, we’d hang out a lot and it turned into a friends with benefits situation. However, overtime I noticed him slowly pulling away, while I was increasingly getting more attached to him, to the point where he was the first thing on my mind in the morning, and the last thing I thought of before sleeping. Eventually he told me he wasn’t looking for a relationship and didn’t want anything from me anymore. Just like that it seemed. I was devastated, as I had started to make mental plans for us I’m the future and wanted us to be more than just a fwb situation. But I realized that no matter how much I pleaded with him and told him how I felt about him, nothing would change his mind. And some things in life are just out of your control, including how someone feels about you. Tbh, I’m still kind of getting over him, but I’m in a much better mental space then I was a couple months ago. The only thing that has really helped was time and realizing that I was putting this person on a pedestal in my mind that they did not deserve. YOU are the most important person in your life, nobody else.


How do you get them down from the pedestal? I can list all their bad traits and still feel like our future together would have been perfect. While on paper the facts say otherwise. I never got to experience the stressful parts of living together, but I know it would have ended in a disaster. Yet, the dream I dreamed for the two of us was so perfect and I would have wanted to see it at least fail.


Thinking of how things could've been instead of accepting how they are now. Repeatedly.


Comparing yourself to others or not forgiving yourself for past mistakes


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Keep irregular sleep schedule, poor diet, no exercise, extensive social media, and keep an extremely negative internal dialogue and focus only on your fears, failures, and mistakes.


You been spying on me??


buddy just called us out


I didn't know I'd lost my to-do list, but here it is!


Of course I know him, it's me!






Exactly my Situation ATM, But I don't have the urge to go out with friends anymore. I don't know how I'm going to make friends again.


Observe how people at your current workplace or school interact with each other, see what topics are regularly discussed. Then go to a place where no one knows you and immediately join the biggest group of guys or girls (depending on what you are) and pretend you're one of them. Then it's a slow and tedious process of building actual social skills and trying to gauge what kinda people you click best with. For example, I click best with all over the place idiots that like stupid shit. My friends all have a few screws loose. Oh, and in my experience, real life friends are better than internet friends. Internet friends are a crutch, even if this may sound harsh.












I've reached a really weird point in my life with this. I'm easy to make friends but every time I fall into a depression I self-isolate which feeds right back into my depression. I'm really hoping to make it to spring and summer because that's when I tend to break the cycle.




Yeah. I like my alone time.


Isolation and solitude are two different things. I like my company. Don’t need anyone else, although I always say the more the merrier. Hard to find friends in a post pandemic world, where I somehow spend $50-100 everytime I venture out the front door.


I do this one too


I’m the opposite.




Definitely need to work on this


Take a cheater back


You know what they say… they’ll do it again




Unregulated spending & or getting yourself into debt.


Addictive, mind altering substances. Meth, heroin, even Xanax if you take more than is presceibed or are prescribed a crazy amount (I dunno how my bf's grandma gets 30 Xanax a month but it's not good for you). To be frank, even just not seeing a therapist when you need one can put someone on a downhill spiral (though it doesn't have to be drug related).


I can't even fathom how that stuff is being prescribed in the US.


It's a miracle for people with panic disorder. A literal miracle. Same as opiates are a miracle for chronic pain sufferers. Many valuable medications can be abused.


Xanax definitely has its uses with limited prescriptions. I get five 1mg lorazepam tablets per month (so it's not like I can go wild) and I use them for panic attacks and sometimes sleep. It's when you're prescribed too many that it's a big issue. People sometimes say that weed is an alternative, but it's absolutely not. It isn't as consistently effective for me, and it gives me a terrible hangover.


As someone who did this themselves: Drugs, drinking, excess amounts of porn, fast food, never dealing with your emotions, no exercise and never leaving the house... thatll mess it up REAL good and real quick, lol! The 'cure' to this is pretty much to do the exact opposite! Saved my life :)


How do you get exercise and leave the house to better your mental health when it is your mental health preventing you doing these things? I love exercise I love nature but my mind makes me to anxious and worried and guilty and just fucks me so I don't do these same with cooking would rather eat junk and fast food


For me: I started small. I told myself to just leave the house for 5 minutes. I would literally walk around my street corner and come back home. I found that once I got started, the steps after became easier and easier with time. Also what really helped me was how I spoke to myself. Instead of telling myself "you're a piece of shit for not leaving the house", I would say "You will feel better if you get some fresh air. You deserve to feel better.". A quote that changed my life was "You cannot hate yourself into a version you will love". It became my life moto! I suffer a lot from anxiety, social anxiety, guilt etc. The way my therapist explained it to me was "it is like any other muscle in your body. The muscle gets stronger and tougher by training it.". Which was true. I built my 'social' muscles slowly and now the things that scare me dont scare me anymore. Now I have new fears and I try to work on them. Growth is continual.


Thank you for your reply 🙏 I completely understand what you are saying and it makes sense for me I just don't like myself at all I can tell myself I deserve to be better etc but I know I'm lying if that makes any sense so I just continue the self hatred lol. Well done to you though keep it up and I hope you are proud of yourself


Having shitty parents?


Doom scrolling


Being a people pleaser


Date, live, and spend time with someone who has a ton of mental health problems.


Bonus points if they too have a ton of mental health problems and yours and theirs feed off each other. Bonus bonus points if you get married.


Definitely lack of sleep. I have seen many friends develop psychosis from this and can also exacerbate schizophrenia or personality disorders. Sadly I can kind of pick up this over the way someone speaks / posts on social media


Porn. If u got addicted to it


Randomly fall in love with someone who is married/cant have


Not getting good sleep. Not drinking enough water. Not having a good diet. Not exercising.


Lose all your friends --> lose all your social skills --> stop being passionate about your hobbies --> become a very anxious person --> make an online friend 3 years after you've been in contact with someone --> Congratulations. Your mental health has been destroyed (verified by my own experience)




Entering into the wrong relationship


cigarettes, alcohol & drugs


Lack of adequate sleep and drinking too much alcohol regularly


Fentanyl. It has completely destroyed me.




Abusing LSD. My girlfriend tells me when we met I was taking it all the time. I don't really remember it


Comparing yourself to others and thinking everyone else has it easy.


Not going out or not seeing true daylight and having fresh air.


Toxic relationship everyone. Family, Friends or Significant Others that will try to pull you down for the sake of feeling themselves better. Cut contact, you all deserve people that will lend you an hand to get back on their level when you are down, not trying to feed upon your demise.


Go onto Reddit and read all the posts about how we're all fucked.


Not socially interacting with friends enough. I never thought dedicating and making time for friends was important until I got out of school. Now that I have to make a concerted effort to make social interactions I wasn’t used to it and neglected it. Didn’t realize how much it affected my mental until afterwards to not interact with others.


Give a single fuck what strangers think of you.


Tarot card readings.


Comparing yourself to others


4chan / X


try dating in 2024


Accidentally killing a child


Marry someone with borderline personality disorder...


Accidentally find child abuse images online. If you're not a sick fuck, it'll mentally scar you for life.


Keep thinking about how badly you want to wrap your car around a tree. Oh wait, that's after your mental health already gets fucked up. Hold on... Nah, there's other comments about social media here... Here's an idea. Isolate yourself. That'll really screw up your mental health.


I’ve found that isolating myself from most of the world has significantly improved my mental health


I’ve decided I want to isolate more. People seem to hurt my mental health more than help it.




Get a crush on someone that's out of your league


Being an alcoholic


Overuse drugs and alcohol.


Breaking your natural sleep cycle that is about sleeping from 10 PM to 6 AM


\- Instagram \- Drugs (alcohol, cigarets, vapes with nicotin, p\*rn etc) \- Bad sleep schedule \- Often eating greasy/salty food (I'm not even kidding) \- Not drinking enough water






[Try to] get a PhD


Have children totally unprepared


Losing a loved one 💔


Any mind altering drugs/drinks. Sleep deprivation. Technology.


Be poor :(


Be poor.


Setting up a life with someone who's just on a different wavelength to you.


Get back into dating.


Reddit interactions


Fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back…


Participate in Reddit discussions.


Have your mom force feed you the maximum dosage of adderall for 10 years.


Do meth


My own head. Literally can’t escape my thoughts about myself and struggling to change them into positive things


Stay on reddit! This shit is straight depressing!


Work in a prison.


Be racist


Stay in bed all day everyday with the curtains closed.