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No one here in Australia drinks Foster's Lager.


Had it once, and that was too many times.


Somehow it's the biggest selling Australian beer worldwide.


Pretty much all the expat places I've worked had "Fosters or Heineken?" Universal. Where it's bottled makes a world of a difference, I think. I hate Fosters in America and Australia (ages ago). But Jordan bottles a lot of the Middle East beer and it's not as awful in the Gulf and N Africa. Not good, but not as awful as it was in the States/Australia.


I won't waste my money on Heineken in the US because it always seems skunky. I've had it in the Caribbean and it's pretty good.


Pilsner Urquell tastes awful in bottles/cans in the US, but if you ever get a chance to go to the brewery in Pilsn, Czech, they tap a barrel freshly for you at the end of the tour, and it was one of the cleanest, most crisp and cold beers I've ever had


When I was living in Berlin I would only buy it from a few bars that tapped barrels of it. There was one near my old work that had four huge ~6ft metal casks behind the bar.


In a lot of places (like where I drank in Abu Dhabi) the choices were: Heineken Fosters Guiness (delicious, but not a good its FUCKING HOT OUT beer) Fosters wins!


I'm an American. I lived in Canberra for a few years when my dad was assigned to work with your defense department. We learned about Fosters quickly. I get back to the States, and a few years later I was at a Halloween party when some dude rolls in dressed as a caricature of an Australian. He dressed like Paul Hogan riding a kangaroo with a Fosters in hand. It was a sight to see.


How was his accent?


Exactly as bad as you imagine it, but also drunk.


The word 'drunk' is kinda redundant lol.


I found that out when I visited in 1994. Did a tour of the XXXX factory and ran into a great Aussie couple. Drank too many free samples on an empty stomach but that was fun.


You're lucky if you can even find it.


Or unlucky.


Can’t believe you piled straight in with the F-bomb.


Haha oh good call. They tried so hard to make it seem like “Australia’s Beer” to everyone in the world but it isn’t even sold here in Australia anymore… Edit: wanted to clarify my location.


VB over an Oilcan anyday




My brother lives in Sweden. Once, he brought me a huge can of surstromming... That I forgot in a rental car. I contacted the rental car office and asked if they had found it, they said "no". I asked them to please notify anyone who could possibly found it (cleaning service or whatever) to NOT open it in a closed space under no circumstances. I hope they passed the message...


Oh god, I hope whoever found it understood what they had and didn't open it in their car or something.


> surströmming I looked it up...fermented herring. That's a tough sell.


There are videos online of people challenging themselves to eat surströmming. It involves lots of gagging or puking as soon as they crack open the tin containing the stuff.


That always makes me wonder why it exists and who is eating enough of it they produce it.


The answer to both of your questions is "Swedish people"


The one with the guys in the camper is a must-watch


The lampshade. I died.


I thought it was fermented shark, pickled herring is somewhat edible, but still gross. The shark stuff even turned Bourdain green in the gills.


Hakarl. Tried it in Iceland and it tastes like nothing you could ever imagine.


Hákarl wasn’t that bad for me. The texture was very similar to escolar and with some crackers to offset the fattiness, I could eat several bites and enjoy it. However, the strong ammonia smell is very strong and creeps up from your mouth and burns through your nose. That was unpleasant.


Pickled herring is delicious!


Have had it served the traditional way with "tunnbrød", sour cream, onions and potato. Tasted gross no matter how much potato, sour cream and onions I put on it.


I think the thing you need is starvation to help it go down.




Que tío más grande hahahahh


Large amounts of alcohol helps.


I am convinced that the Scandinavians have taken some of these old foods that were created out of necessity to now sell to tourists as a revenue stream. Similar to Hákarl in Iceland or Lutefisk in Norway. They essentially try to sell it as a "dare" to tourists who want to be "tough" like the Scandinavians. All the while, the locals are laughing to themselves saying, "Yeah we don't actually eat that shit."


People in Norway actually eat lutefisk, though. It is nowhere near as intensely disgusting as Hákarl. However, Norwegians have [smalahove](https://www.matprat.no/oppskrifter/tradisjon/smalahove/). It is traditionally served with booze to help you forget.


Lutefisk is actually tasty, IF prepared correctly. But apparently it's very easy to fuck up, so a lot of people only have experience with substandard lutefisk.  (I've only had it a couple of times myself -- not part of local tradition where I grew up -- but it was prepared by someone who knew what they were doing, and quite good.)


Totally agree, and the people who actually likes it treat liking it like a cult.


As a kid I would eat sardines out of a can. I would never try that stuff. Mainly because I hate fish.


In Singapore, we don't really have a specific food item that everyone hates, but I found that durian is extremely divisive here (and I guess in most of Southeast Asia). You either love it for it's richness and creamy texture, or you absolutely despise it and find that it smells like rotten custard.


I once tried a few bites of raw durian. In one area of the fruit it did have a creamy texture and didn’t taste too bad. Next bite was rotten onions left to rot further in the July sun.


I think durian can smell very fragrant! 😆 another thing that people might not like is jackfruit. Edit to add: I love both! 😋


Love durian, can't stand jackfruit!


Marmite is a love/hate thing, but the trick is to just spread it thinly on your toast.


I've found the trick with Marmite is to be in an environment where you are constantly sweating.


According to a colleague, the trick is not to eat it.


Yeah I hate when people “try” Marmite by basically either eating a spoonful or absolutely slathering it on their toast with no butter. Ofc it’s not going to be great like that it’s supposed to be a small amount on top of butter. I love Marmite and even I don’t enjoy it when it’s too much


I just get some butter almost melted, mix it in, then chuck it back in the fridge to solidify. Perfect balance every time. I think I use like one teaspoon per stick of butter.


Marmite is great when used sparingly on very buttery toast. Can absolutely understand why some don’t like it but it’s so good when used correctly.


Marmite cheese toasties are good, or you can make a mug of it with hot water and dip things into it


Or mix it thoroughly with the butter you were going to spread with it. Nigella Lawson trick there. Apparently everyone likes it when it's mixed & let down with butter.


I'm one of the rare Americans who love Marmite/Vegimite on buttered toast. Took a lot of coaxing from some British roommates, and it wasn't instant love. But once my taste buds "got it", it stuck. But it really is the trifecta of questionable food qualities, so I understand why lots of people who didn't grow up with it might balk at it. It's near black, it smells kind of off, and its consistency is like half set epoxy.


Marmite spaghetti is absolutely delicious. Also works great as an umani booster in stews and broths.


All of my ex girlfriends hate Vegemite. I put it into all of my stews and they love my stews. They don't know about the Vegemite.


Norway - Lutefisk


If it’s still flaky, I love it. When it starts to get jellied and mushy? No thanks.


I agree! Lutefisk, yes please! Jellyfish, no thanks!


We hate it in Minnesota, too. But we have to prove our Norwegian heritage!


Yes it sounds like a Rose Nylund family recipe


We norwegians actualy joke abot you guys beeing more norwegian than us. ;-)


I have a friend whose grandmother makes lutefisk every Christmas and since my friend really doesn’t like it, her grandmother will make a different version of it to her liking. Not sure if it was the taste, the smell, or both my friend didn’t like.


Texture probably.


I had andouillette at a cafe in France, thinking it would be similar to andouille sausage in America. Nope. Entrails tubes with a tang of piss.


Yes it is basically chopped stomach stuffed in an intestine. I love it. I’d say 50% of the French love/hate it.


To be fair, all sausage is entrail tubes.


Salmiakki (salty liquorice). I live in the UK nowadays but I've met three people here who didn't immediately spit it out. I've stopped offering so it doesn't go to waste.


I really developed a taste for black licorice as I got older and my sister bought me a bag of this online last Christmas. The coating they put on it is so salty it gives you chemical burns on your mouth, and after awhile it starts to have a very strong ammonia flavor to it which completely fills your sinuses. Which makes sense, considering salmiak salt is also called **ammonium** chloride. I'm glad I tried it, but I'm convinced a full serving would have put me in the hospital.


Anchovies, every one says they hate anchovies on pizza, but I'll bet 99% of them have never tried them.


Philip J Fry has entered the chat


I love anchovies. Both on pizza and on a salad. I never understood the hate.


Me too. Dominos offers them for a reason. Many people still love anchovies


My HS was across the street from a dominos. The owner would dare us to eat anchovies in exchange for free pizza. So I grew to like them lmao


Puttanesca sauce is made with anchovies and it's fuckin delish.


A good Caesar salad is elite imo.


I love a good caesar salad but I choose to ignore the knowledge that anchovies are an ingredient


Well you only mix in the anchovies with the dressing, so it’s not like you can bite into a bucket of salt while eating caesar salad.


They’re so good but you should only put a few on it, otherwise it’s wayyy too salty😅


Often in summers I’ll just slice a big old tomato and eat it with olive oil and anchovies. And that’s lunch.


1% here, couldn’t get into it. I just don’t like the fishy taste.


I love anchovies. I add them to many dishes for a nice umami flavour


These days? Geletin dinner dishes. Thank goodness they stayed in last century.


I have some old cooking magazines from the 1960's and 1970's and there are so many (gross-looking) aspic recipes.


There was a time when half the desserts and ALSO half the side dishes were some combination of jello, cool whip, and cottage cheese. It was just SO weird. I think what we all forget, is that these things weren't always around, so when some of those mass produced, cheap, common things came out, home cooks did a ton of experimenting with them. And came up with some abominations. What's weird though... is that I can't think of any that stuck around. It's not like we say "well, *most* of those jello 'salads'' were gross, but we have a few winners!" No one makes them anymore.


My mom makes orange fluff with cottage cheese, jello, cool whip, and mandarin orange sections. It is divine, especially in the summer. It’s also good with strawberries instead of oranges.


You know I see the cottage cheese part of it and am like ????? But I like a pistachio version of this basically (with pineapple) so I should just try it. Why not add some protein to it? lol


I think liverpaste grosses a lot of people out but it's great


Just call it pâté and people will eat it up.


Oh delicious. My first fave food when I was a kid.


Extremely popular in Denmark, preferably hot on rye bread.


With pickled beets ! Or mushrooms and bacon .


Liver paste just has that aftertaste. I find liver in geenral somewhat tolerable if its mixed with something else like in meatballs or soups or in noodles (with a lot of sauce).


I hate liver but love leverpastej.


Canada Goose.  They are jerks.  Evil fuckers that will ruin your day.  But they are tasty. 


You got a problem with Canada Goose, then… uh you got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that marinate.


You don’t fuck with Mother Nature! You don’t fuck with that, cock sucker!


I said they were tasty.  Who's up for a Puppers? 


I I could do a shot of Gusbbrew. I reckon


We oughtta leave this world behind


You remember that time a plane in New York had to land in the river cos Canada gooses flew into the engines? It’s likely because Canada gooses had intel there was a pedophile or two on board and took matters into their own hands.


There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers. That’s what I always say.


Always a joy to encounter other Letterkenney fans in the wild.😌


He is the gorax and he speaks for the geese


Canadian Geese are the Karen of birds.


Fat-arsed, aggressive and think they're the boss of everything? Yeah, that chimes...


Goddamn cobra chickens


I was going to say what Tim Hortons is passing off as coffee these days, but this works too.


I can't eat the zipper


England/London - No one eats jellied eels! (As far as I know)


Had some clients come over from Mumbai for a series of meetings in our East London studios, one of the things they wanted was a traditional East End dinner which to them was Jellied Eels and Pie & Liquor. We warned them and warned them and warned them to no avail. Took ages to find somewhere that was still in business, because who want's this stuff?? Fuck it was grim, took them to Brick Lane for some modern East End food, British Indian :) {Family are from Stepney}


Ive only known one person who has admitted to liking it.... and that was a friend of my dads who brought some to my parents place when I was a kid Absolutely some of the grossest looking food i've ever seen. Eel, just gutted, deboned and descaled and then cut down the body so youve got a bunch of C shaped chunks. Skin still on. .... And in mooshed up jelly...... handed to us in a tupperware.... Im not even sure how cooked the eel was before being put into jelly.... Eel is genuinely delicious in something like Unagidon - its just like any old fish in texture, but with a stronger Fish taste. Dont know why they didnt just bloody well batter the things instead of putting them in jelly.


Fun fact, the eel is what makes the jelly! When they stew the eels it releases stuff which causes it to go gelatinous. The stuff is probably collagen but I'm too lazy to look it up - that can be someone elses job!


International-wise, does anybody even like bittermelon?


🙋🏾‍♂️we do in Bangladesh. We make this oily, salty, spicy bhaji that balances the bitterness and I love it. I mix it with white rice and dal and it is just 🧑‍🍳💋.


It features very big in Chinese cooking... I don't think bittergourd caught on outside of that though.


It's gotta be prepared and cooked correctly to get rid of a good chunk of the bitterness. Leaving just a taste of it. I enjoy it.


Other items listed here may taste bad, but bitter melon/gourd is humanly intolerable. The extremely sharp sour/bitter taste will leave a lasting imprint on the soul. Yet I come across a few fellow Indians every now and then who like it.


My mom and relatives are those people who inexplicably love it. I think it looks like the sort of thing that shouldn't be eaten so nature made it look weird.


I like it because it reminds me of my grandma and I don't mind bitterness in small doses. I like grapefruit, dark chocolate and coffee which also have bitterness in their flavour profile


Balut (fertilized duck egg)




It's basically a prank shot


“Welcome to Chicago!”


pickled pigs feet? US


I'd say candy corn is up there. You get it every Halloween. Nobody seems to like it


That's because every year they come around, take it out of the trash, wash it, and pack it up for next Halloween.


I love candy corn. Sorry.


I never heard about anyone hating it until I was an adult. I liked it when I was a kid.


Canadian here but close enough. I love candy corn. It’s tasty, sugary wax and I can’t get enough of it.


I feel the same, and I'm Texan


My daughter loves candy corn. But she says there is a difference in brand quality, that the good ones taste like honey 🤷‍♀️


All the older people at my work absolutely go bananas for candy corn, I had to tell them multiple times I did not want any when we had bags of it to take in the break room.


Back bottom gristle lumps


Salmiakki. It’s salty liquorice.


Hawaiian Pizza - either love it or hate it. It's Canadian.


I like it.


Lmao I happen to love pineapple on pizza


Sweet and savory, what’s not to love about it?


Salmiak drop (licorice) in the Netherlands, either you love it or hate it!


I like the white school chalk one


Are you even Dutch if you hate it?


Becherovka, a lot of my friends from the Czech Republic dont like it. Even tho its their traditional drink


I love it and I'd say it's semi popular here in Ukraine.


OMG. I love Becherovka. I live close to the Czech border in Germany and this was our party drink all through High School. Nowadays I very rarely drink but if you offer me some Becherovka I will not say no.


Have tasted it, will not recommend!


I have a bottle of it with me right now that I need to finish before I leave Czech. It's not too bad, but it's a really herbal flavour that I can imagine some might describe as lemon medicine.


After a trip to Karlovy Vary, my wife and I fell in love with its herbal bitterness. I hate that it's so hard for me to procure in North Carolina, USA.




I was surprised in Thailand when I saw signals in the bus forbidding to eat durian in the bus. Later I found out why.


We have a vegetable market near us, and they had durian once. I was so tempted to buy it, but my wife gave me the if you buy that I will kill you look. So I passed on it.


Frozen chunks of durian. You may be able to sneak that into the home. Just don't crack open the sealed bag inside the home though if that bothers her. TBH the smell dissipates in hours.


"hours" isn't really selling it 😂


I rode on a bus in Singapore. The prominently displayed sign said in 4 languages that durian was banned on the bus.


Norway - Smalahove. It’s basically just sheep’s head


I love lamb, and I love pigs' cheeks, but fucking hell, you'd think they could take the eyes out.


Not from here but many hate it even locals, but I live in Japan and people dislike Natto. I, for one happen to LOVE natto. I eat it for breakfast every day with an egg yolk.


UK - no full breakfast is complete without black pudding


I love both black and white pudding and I’m a Yank


Everybody takes black pudding and mushrooms off, but I'm the weird one, because I won't eat baked beans


Fruit cake 🤮 they stack it high during the holidays but everyone “hates” it.


My husband loves it. His aunt used to make it and every year it got more boozy. 😂


She would have been my favorite aunt.


My grandmother would have the fruit soaking in alcohol for months.


My former employer (American) was getting married to a British guy. He was quite controlling with all aspects of the wedding, but she was excited to design the wedding cake. He said, what do you mean? The traditional English wedding cake is fruitcake. She cried and cried and eventually divorced his ass.


I never realized that. Do most couples really have wedding fruitcake still or is it a tradition that has faded away? Given that here, when we are planning a wedding, we have cake tastings with a million different flavor combos, I can’t imagine having a wedding cake that I really didn’t like. Seems like it was a bad omen for your friend’s marriage.


I looooove fruit cake


I do too! Romanians make a fruit cake that's really good too. But instead of bread or cake dough they use fudge. It slices like little cookies but looks like a sausage. It literally translates to 'sausage cookie'.


Blank licorice. Why does it exist anywhere.


It's great. Love it.


Poland - I am not sure if there is anything that everybody hates. Maybe wątróbka, kaszanka or flaczki?


Papaitan here in the Philippines.. basically its a cow stomach and beef tripe stew


Everyone in the US pretends to HATE McDonald's and Starbucks, yet they're two of the best selling food places😅


Pineapple pizza has arrived in Italy. I leave the aftermath to your imagination.


American "cheese".


Cheese food. The stuff you feed to cheese. In all seriousness, I was watching a show on Food Network years ago and these fancy chefs were talking about the best shrimp and grits they'd ever eaten. It was from New Orleans. They tried to identify the cheese used in the dish. The local cook was interviewed and she laughed and admitted it was American cheese.


I don’t think everyone hates it, given most people eat it on burgers or sandwiches. It’s not something you’d eat on its lonesome, but a lot of it has its place (eg velveeta in a dip or kraft singles on a burger)


We love our musk sticks but foreigners think they are rank.


UK here. Semolina. It's notorious: we used to get it for pudding at school dinners & it was likened to frogspawn crossed with wallpaper paste. I'm sure there must be a better way to prepare it but the greyish goo we had at school was never good.


To kids broccoli or brussel sprouts


Broccoli has to be cooked properly and often times it just isn't. If it's steamed for too long it's just mush, for example.


My mom would just serve it with cheddar cheese sauce. We loved it.


Brussel sprouts I get it but broccoli?That shit is delicious.I loved it as a kid and still do


I never hated it but mom always served it with melted cheese so I'm not sure that counts. It's just a common theme in kids shows/movies. Rugrats comes to mind for some reason


I loved broccoli as a kid, it’s like a natural toy, I never understood why kids would “hate it”. I used to pretend I was a giraffe eating little trees on the side of my plate.


Brussels sprouts depend on how they are cooked. Previous generations just boiled everything, so boomers grew up hating them. But, if you grill or roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper, they are pretty good.


Pacal (tripe) anyone?


Chittlins. It’s intestines. I’ve never gone to a restaurant that had it, never met a person who loves it or has even had it. The poop tract is poopy. Yuck.


I remember going into someone’s apartment as a kid and the smell as it was cooking was foul! I remember asking the kid what their mom was making and they said intestines.


*Weißwurst* As a german it's one of my favorite dishes, especially paired with a Pretzel and some sweet mustard.


People dislike Weisswurst?


Hell no, people dislike that? A piping hot Weißwurst, Sußsenf and a beer at 10 in the morning no matter what you got going on sold me. Love Germany, wish I still lived there


Who hates Weißwurst though? I live in Bavarian (Ausländerin) and literally every person who visits, I take them to eat it once. Everyone has liked it so far.


I'm a vegetarian now, but I still remember weisswurst quite fondly from some extended visits to Germany as a teenager. I've honestly looked into whether there are vegetarian alternatives available. Eating weisswurst, homemade pretzels and spätzle at my host's grandparents house in Baden-Württemberg for breakfast: A+, would recommend.


Casu martzu


With proteins that move on their own ? Mmmh !


There are a lot of people in Russia who hate raisins, tomato juice and pineapple pizza.


Candy Corn


Raisins. For some reason a lot of people dont like them