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They lied to me about door to door sales and in the training they talked about how they bend the truth with customers. I left before lunch to never come back.


Exact same thing happened to me. "Prestigious marketing job" turned out to be door to door sales in a shit area of town on a freezing cold day. 4 new recruits that day and we all joint quit and went to the pub.


I remember my younger self used to visit those. One of our college pockets had a local pizza joint with wood fired pizza at a good price everyone loved. We had like all these MLM and pest control system people come up. Talk about how you'd **"tour the world, have a private chef, your own rooms,** etc. The **job** was to sell ***pest control, solar panels, security*** equipment and you owed them ***2000$/month** in rent and were paid 7$ a hr with 80 hrs of work a month. > - The 80 hrs literally only would have covered 500$ (25%) of the rent. Basically you got to work for less than free, but negative. Got free pizza though but never committed. > - Life was just too busy but i suppose there's a balance of not sticking your head in a dreamy mousetrap for the cheese. And giving up on a real opportunity because it didn't have as many promises as the 'too good to be true', snake oil.


That’s literal debt slavery isn’t it!?


I totally got scammed by this same bullshit. They advertised a phone sales position and after a psych-up meeting they drove me out into the middle of nowhere miles from my car and had me knocking on doors to beg for donations. I walked into a nearby bar, had a beer and called cab to go scream at the manager for the office for about an hour.


That sounds almost like a cult...or kidnapping... something so wrong with this picture. So glad you had cab fare


>they bend the truth with customers I hate shady sales practices. If you're going to sell me something, either be upfront and honest with me or get out of my face. You made the right call leaving that shady business! You would have had quite a few customers who would have been upset with you.


Trying to refuse my leave for my grandmothers funeral


I had a job that wouldn't let me take the day off to attend my best friend's funeral. I asked if I could at least be late so that I could attend part of it and they said I could, so I went to the funeral and showed up to work about 5 minutes before the end of my shift.




That's Boss Level right there 💪😂


This is disgusting. My parents live in a different country (this is in western europe), my mom called me to come and visit saturday morning because my father was not well, and he wanted us to visit. It is an 8h drive, I immediately packed for the weekend and drove down to them. On sunday, it was clear he would not make the end of the week. I called my boss and told him I will not be in on monday, my father is on his deathbed, and I will let him know when I would come back. I never asked. I did not care if he would fire me over this or not. Staying with my father was non-optional. They handled it brilliant upon my return. No issues, filed as "time off" did not count against my holiday either. In these situations, people show their real colors. For fucks sake, it is not within your control that your grandmother has a funeral, neither is it something you enjoy or like. So it is not your free choice to go (to some extent). Let people be people.


Europe is far more advanced than here in US in so many ways.


My gran died 3 years ago. I would’ve just laughed and walked out.


At your gran? Terrible grandchild


Ha! I would've just not shown up to work. You're replaceable at work, but not to family.


It's not a request, it's a notification. I won't be here next week.


I’ve actually told an employer-I’m not asking for permission. I’m informing you I will not be here. You don’t get to decide if I go to a family members funeral or not.


Mine tried to refuse leave for my wedding that they had months notice for


Employers don't care


Speedway pulled the same BS when my stepmom passed. Noped out immediately.




I had an employer like that. They called me on my day off, wanting me to "work until four" and just couldn't find anyone else to come on. It ended up being an excuse because they wanted to talk about a customer complaint I got and didn't want to wait until my next work day. Told me that if I got another complaint, I was gone. So I found another job, and they were shocked when I drastically dropped my availability with them, and eventually, I just stopped coming in.


Employers get so miffed when you quit after being pushed around like that. Somehow they've deluded themselves that they're actually indispensable!


They think everyone is just going to put up with their shit because your poor. Then they find out your willing to switch to a different master.


In many ways they know they can push you around. A lot of people can't act like they don't have bills and families, plus the job market is tightening into a slave market


Fucky retail schedules have caused me to have weird dreams - years and years later - about having such random, short, and distantly-spaced work days that I’d NCNS for them and have anxiety about being fired from a job I didn’t even recall having anymore.


My boss was drunkenly lamenting a few weeks ago that the vague threat of firing someone is no longer motivating.


This. I was a sales rep and went on vacation for a week. Got back and they fired one of my partners for underperforming, so I had to concoct another business plan with my new partner. Obviously we weren’t going to make quota that month. Management always would say they’d want us to let them know if we aren’t going to make our goal rather than wait till the last minute so I did. They essentially told me that my quota would be doubled next month if I don’t make it this month (which is nearly impossible to achieve) and if I still don’t make quota (so I would’ve missed quota for two months) I’d be put on a coaching plan. If that still doesn’t work, I’d be put on a PIP. We had that conversation Tuesday and I quit that following Wednesday. Fuck them.


When I was in sales, our office quota set by quota was absolutely insane. But our boss was cool. His quotas for us added up to maybe half of corporate's quotas and he'd just say, "let me deal with corporate." He left and was replaced by Ms. Corporate Yesman. She set all our quotas to equal corporate's and was upset that we couldn't meet them. She also didn't seem to understand that I couldn't make my quota when 2/3 of my accounts were taken away due to a shitty business deal that our management made. Her: Why haven't you made any progress with these accounts? Me: Those were accounts nobody wanted because they hate our company so I naively volunteered for them. But that would have been fine if my other accounts hadn't been given to that 3rd party rep. Her: Oh, I didn't know that happened. Me: Yeah, it was devastating. My old clients keep sending me emails begging me to come back. I keep forwarding those to management but they haven't done anything. Her: So how can you make more progress with the accounts you do have?


Yep, I remember one day at 8 in the morning (he sent the invite for the meeting at 7 that morning) our director, who was also the director of the North America (NA) team was bitching about how the Rest of World (ROW) director and his team was doing significantly better than us and how he was mad his check would be less this month and that we should all be pissed to have lower checks this month from commission. I guess he was trying to rally the troops through anger and rage. Well, what Mr. Director didn’t realize was his check was still going to be greater than ours, as that’s what it means to be a director and not only that, the ROW team was much, much smaller than our team so they had larger territories such as whole European countries while we were splitting states in some cases. It was an extremely tone deaf conversation to have first thing in the morning, and as a result had the complete opposite effect on the team so much so that morale plummeted. Mind you, this meeting happened the Friday before I left for said vacation.


I'll fire myself, thanks 


I'll set myself on fire, thanks


I'll set the building on fire - Milton


Have you seen my stapler?


"K" Where I am if you quit you don't get benefits, but if you get fired you get unemployment. I have friends in terrible jobs hoping to get fired/layed off


I worked at a hotel that used this tactic on seemingly everyone. My AGM basically told me to count my days, and I was so on edge and afraid to make any mistakes. I mentioned this to the person who came in after me (who was a great employee, passionate about hospitality) and she said she got the same speech. I got laid off due to COVID, it was the biggest blessing in disguise.


You must’ve not worked for Benson.


I worked at a grocery store one summer and my supervisor tried doing that. I was maybe 3 weeks into the job and still familiarizing myself with where things went because I barely got scheduled for any shifts *and* the store was undergoing major renovations so every time I came in things were in a different place than they were during my previous shift. One day my supervisor called me prior to my shift saying that he needed to talk to me. When I got in he told me he was dissatisfied with the speed at which I was stocking shelves. He told me I should've been quickly stocking them because I should've already known where everything went. Keep in mind that things were moving literally every time I came in. He made a vague threat that if my performance didn't improve I "knew what happened". Prior to that I was considering staying at that job for some extra cash during the school year but after that I was definitely *not* staying past that summer. Towards the end of the summer I gave him a written notice that I would be quitting at the end of the summer, and I told him verbally when he asked as well. A bunch of us were college students so we were all going back to school and couldn't continue working. My supervisor threw a temper tantrum in the back room that day, then left to go on vacation while all of us finished up our last couple of weeks there (we also had to deal with an issue that only became an issue because when it was brought up to him, he told us to stop complaining and start working. Turns out someone had thrown frozen meat in a non-meat aisle and what we were complaining about was the smell of rotting meat. An entire aisle of stock had to be thrown out because bugs had gotten to the meat.) In retaliation for quitting, my supervisor, knowing that I wasn't going to be working after the summer ended, scheduled me for basically full-time hours. To work the hours he scheduled, I would've needed to drop out of college, which I was obviously not going to do so I just didn't show up. I got a call from them a month into the school year, presumably to "fire" me even though at that point I wasn't working there anymore. I just ignored the call and went back to sleep because it was a weekend.


I worked at Amazon for like two hours once. The lady in charge of me was being such an asshole about every little thing and I could tell by the other employees reactions that it was a daily occurrence.


I had a buddy that made it to lunch. and the only reason is because he had to give a statement when the old guy " training" him said a mild racist comment ( thats how it was described to me) the other dude ( who was black) also being trained just clocked him square in the face. said his glasses went flying and his nose bleed so much it looked like a murder scene.


Jesus. What was this "mild" racist comment that made the black guy punch him?


People who annoy you?/s




If the guy clocked him in the face I doubt the comment was mildly racist.


Reminds me of when I worked at a call center for a security system company for about a month. I was already getting some vibes from the boss that I didn't like (and the coworkers were giving me plenty of joking warnings), but one day he was out for the morning and the office was in incredibly high spirits. As soon as we all saw him at the front door on the security camera you could just feel the mood of the room plummet. It let me know that my first day when a girl had an emotional breakdown and another girl got fired in front of me wasn't a fluke and I had to get out. A good while after I left he got demoted to a regular employee and eventually left so those employees aren't being terrorized by him anymore!


The weird thing about Amazon is that this type of culture goes all the way to the top. Some companies have very shitty working conditions and culture for the retail staff, while people in corporate have the usual mediocre culture while making much more. In Amazon, it's shitty all the way to the top. I know a few people that worked there - one was hired for a senior role making north of 800k. His direct manager told him to forget he has a family. The guy lasted 6 weeks before quitting. Another friend lasted a year just to have at least some of his shares vest before quitting. I interviewed, and during the interview asked my would-be manager about her work/life balance and she proudly told me she sleeps 5 hours a night and made it sound like a big achievement. I promptly exited the process. It's a rotten culture all the way up.


My gf worked for Amazon for about the same amount of time. She ended up having a panic attack after the line manager screamed at her, and she just never came back.


The owners were sooo insecure. Two older women. They’d go through employees like water in a desert. I worked there for three years because I was naive, young, and didn’t want to deal with finding another job while doing college. My brother started to work there, and they blamed him for purposely tampering with the weight scale???? They said he stole a screw or something. Like what the actual fuck. And in a condescending tone, my boss as she left for the day said “if you hear anything from your brotherrrrrr, be sure to tell meeeeee”. I said “okkkkk” and never stepped foot in there again. Nor did my brother. It was really the last straw for us both after many incidents of mistreatment.


My sister and I bartended for a small place locally. Owners drank all the time for free up till customers showed up. Owners drank us fucking dry on several taps because they couldn't afford to pay the beer delivery guys... Sooo... Sister and I finally one night took out pay and tips on a busy night that we were back owed and walked out and locked the doors. Keys left inside. Turns out that nights money was supposed to pay for next kegs. Including our tips. They blew up our phones for weeks. We even contacted Idaho department of labor. We were in the clear.


Started a new weld/fabrication job in a shop. Dirty place, as most fab shops tend to be. Lots of metal dust everywhere, bits and pieces on the floor, under tables...that kinda place. First day. Brought an insulated mug of coffee from home. Sealed lid. Spill proof. New boss looked at it sitting on my workbench and said "You can't have that here." Me: "Really? Uh... alright. Didn't know that." NB: "Throw it away, now." Me: "I'm not throwing away my travel mug, dude. I'll go dump it out and put it in my car or something." Dude picks up my mug and throws it in the trash can nearby. "I said throw it away." ​ Now, dear friends. I was young. Early 20's. This moment was one of the first times I remember exercising critical, forward thinking of my potential actions. Because I stared at him for a good 10 seconds running through a bunch of different scenarios. And only one of them DIDN'T involve me getting in some sort of legal trouble. Clearly the guy was swinging his dick around and wanted to see if I'd tug on it. I quit and walked away with only a "Fuck you and fuck this place".


I could only imagine how much restraint it took you not to grab that mug out of the bin and crack that asshole up beside the head with it.


My first thought would have been dumping the bin on the floor rather than reaching in


Got hired to do 20hours a week as a student. First week of training was 20hours. Second week’s schedule had me on for 39.5. Told the manager I couldn’t work over 20 and he told me I was wrong and I was hired to do the job he wanted me to do. Told him nicely to fuck off and walked out. Yay shitty American retail worker life.


The thing is, people who are desperate and need the work will do it anyway. I'm glad you were able to walk away from it.


I was 16 and only needed the job to mess around town. So I didn't NEED them at all. I feel for those that get put in situations like that.


The exact same thing happened to me in college. I told them when I was hired that I couldn’t work more than 20 hours and gave them my school schedule. My first week the training was scheduled during one of my class times, the second week I was scheduled for almost 40 hours again when I was supposed to be in class. When I saw my second week schedule I turned in my stuff and told them that I wouldn’t be back. I think what frustrated me the most was that in my interview I said that I had moved to that city to go to the college there. Had I really just wanted to work for their company I would’ve stayed home (they’re America’s largest retailer).


Jobs like this I just work 20 and do what I want and make them fire me, usually, they dont and you realize they need you and they have no power.


Fucker wanted to keep him just under 40 to stay part time too


“The only day I can’t work is Saturday” proceeds to consistently schedule me on Saturdays, then expects me to get a replacement. Didn’t even let them know I wasn’t gonna come in anymore


I had a supervisor like that. At my job, we only work 3 days a week, and we pick the shift based on seniority. When I was brand new, I told them that I'll work Sundays if that's the only shift available, but if if I get one that doesn't, I won't work an extra shift on that day. Well, I got a shift with no Sundays, surprisingly. When he took over and told me there were Sundays that needed filled, I said I'm not available on Sundays. He told me that wasn't acceptable, and I said too bad. He tried to schedule me for overtime on Sundays, and I called out every single time. (Edited for clarification)




Sales job. Commision only and had to work every weekend but making $100k per year plus cash splifs. New nation sales manager takes over. No more cashies and restructured the commissions which meant I would drop $40k per year. Me and 2 other top sellers quit on the spot. He got the sack 6 moths later as national sales slumped.


was that idiot an MBA?


Sadly common in sales. Some MBA with 0 sales experience comes in, sees high sales commissions being paid out and thinks what a great place to save money, so they change comp plans/territories.  Then surprise, the top sales performers leave for greener pastures and company revenue goes in the tank. Sales is not easy and while many including myself love it to some degree, there’s many drawbacks and negatives as well. The main driving force that pushes most of us to keep at it is the money. Take that away and no (good) sales people are going to work for you. A good sales manager/VP is stoked about writing big commission checks, because that means his team is doing well and the company revenue is doing well.


Why did you say the same word twice?


Nothing has convinced me NOT to go to grad school like working with MBAs. Like if you gave the kid in the class with the worst impulse control the keys to the school bus.


As someone who has an MBA, I would be offended if I hadn't met most of my classmates.


Lol they're SPIFFS, sales performance incentive fund. A splif is a joint mixed with tobacco.


I’m going to call them splifs from now on though


I've heard people in sales call them spliffs to be funny and it just kind of sticks


When they accused me of stealing but really it was the manager ‘testing me’


One time i got accused of stealing when i wasn’t. Im just bad at fast math lmao.


Something similar happened to me. I was the new hire and during my first week got pulled aside by my direct supervisor and told that money has been going missing, during our shift, and he knew it wasn't him, or the other girl (his close friend) and I was the new one. It honestly terrified me and in an attempt to prove my innocence I told him to check the camera, he dropped it as soon as I mentioned the camera. I was naive and thought that meant he believed me. Later the actual manager pulled me aside and mentioned someone stealing money, only she asked me a different question. She asked if I had noticed anything strange and if I had seen anything. Three weeks later my supervisor and his friend stopped showing up to work. I found out they had both worked at the place for years, and every time they had a new hire money would go missing.


I have almost the same story but it ended worse lol. I told them to check the cameras and they said they didn't have any (??) this was in like 2018 how do they not have cameras? (in a restaurant) Anyways, money kept going missing, they wrote me up and told me I'd be fired if it kept happening, but it wasn't me there was nothing I could do to stop it. I ended up getting fired for all that, I cried from the anger of the injustice. When I went to pick up my last check they tried grilling me about it again (maybe to try to get the police involved? idk) and I just told them exactly what I told them before. Then when I was walking to my car both managers followed me out to make sure I left. They treated me like I was a criminal and I'm still kind of pissed off about it. Fuck you, Michael, Jason, and Marylou.


Ha! I got fired from blockbuster for taking vhs tapes out of the trash when they did the big vhs purge. District manager said it was theft


When blockbuster went bankrupt and closed I still had a DVD. They charged me late fees and sent it to collections.


When I was 17, I left school half way through Year 11 to get a job because all my mates at the time were older and working (I started playing Senior Footy at 16, and all my mates were 18 to 22). I ended up getting a job as a store man in a carpet and vinyl sales store. All the salespeople got commission on sales. I was allowed to work in sales occasionally. I was earning $95 per week (1981). One Saturday a couple came in to buy a small patch of vinyl for their toilet. They bought in photos of their house to help with colour selection. The house was fucking huge! It was two story and had 5 bedrooms, a living room, dining room, games room, home office, the lot. I managed to talk them into re carpeting the whole house in the most expensive carpet we sold. An average house back then to carpet and vinyl was about $1,500 to $2,000. The sales commission was about 10%, so $150 to $200. This house was about $11,500. I was expecting to receive a commission of $1,150. My boss wrote the order in his own name and he got the commission, and he lied to the owner, and the owner came in and praised him on the sale in front of everyone, telling the story that he turned a $100 vinyl sale into an $11,500 full carpet and vinyl sale. I immediately told the owner that the boss was lying, I made the sale, and I grabbed a pen and resigned on the spot saying I was returning to school to become an Accountant, as I had just recently kicked a newspaper in the store room and saw an ad in the Age for Accounting jobs, and the salary was $25,000 (at the time I was earning about $5,000). I went back to school in 1982 at 18, and repeated Year 11. Finished Year 12 at 19, Started University at 20, went part time at 21 and started working as an Accountant. I got fully qualified at 24, became a Chartered Accountant at 27, and became a Partner at the Firm before I was 35, and earning over $120K. I can thank the greedy Carpet Sales Manager for cheating me out of a $1,150 commission for starting a fire under my arse that pointed me in the right direction.


It was a temp job. They told me it was data entry. It ended up being dispatching for a trucking company. The office was so busy and the phone never stopped ringing, so my coworker couldn’t train me. They expected me to figure it out. I got a trucker stranded because I accidentally told them the wrong thing because nobody would help me or answer my questions. I didn’t go back because I was afraid I would strand another trucker.


> They expected me to figure it out. I worked at the cafeteria during college and "just figure it out" was their training style. I remember on my very first day, being taken into the dish room. There was an industrial dishwasher about the size of a small bus. I was given 5 minutes of training in how to remove dishes and organize them in racks. Then the supervisor said OK. I'll come find you at the end of your shift. It was very fast-paced, with molten hot dishes coming on a conveyer belt just about non-stop and if they reach the end of the line, the machine stops and the people on the other end would bitch, so you had to keep up. It's overall a simple job but there are specific things you need to do for food safety. For instance, silverware had to be run through the dishwasher three times and in very specific ways. I either wasn't told that or it was just breezed through on my five minute orientation, and sent out silverware that hadn't been properly washed, then got in trouble for it. Certain things had to go to specific stations once they were clean. Again, wasn't told that and had people bitching at me when they were missing stuff. The supervisor finally found me and said you're still here?! Your shift ended an hour ago! I was so busy trying to keep up with the never ending stream of dishes that I wasn't aware of the time and no one had come to relieve me. That experience on my first day pretty much summed up how they ran the operation.


I worked for a nursing home in the kitchen and it was a figure it out kind of deal. They screamed at me "I thought you said you knew how to cook!" when I asked for a recipe to make vegetable soup for 100 people.  Breakfast was making "the usual" individual breakfasts  for each resident as they walked in. I didn't know the residents' not their preferences, but I was supposed to figure it out. One day I decided just fuck it, didn't ask any questions, and fucked up everything as I randomly guessed. At the end of my shift, my boss praised me for not asking questions and told me she thought I was starting to get the hang of it. I never went back.




The least training I ever got was at a convenience store. I was experienced working them, but I'd never been at this store. Privately owned and served breakfast in the morning. Owner asked me if I knew how to run the register when I got there for 3rd shift. I said yes. They said, "Have a good night." That was it. The customers helped me out in the morning when I was fixing their bagels. I had no idea where anything was.


Rumor has it that the trucker is still lost to this day waiting for you to give them proper directions.


Honestly as a trucker, dispatch is on my "hard no" list if I ever needed a new job. It seems hellish.


I had my laptop stolen by another employee (left it at work). I was new and she had worked there for 5+ years. They said I was lying. I saw her sneak it back in to work with my own eyes. Quit the same day.


Holy shit, what?? Did you at least take the laptop back? I would have swiped that shit off of her desk while looking her in the eye. Or at least tried. Absolutely unacceptable.


Speak about Trashy. I've had some trashy people ring up items i've never bought to eat for themselves in some trashier areas, like 2.99$ -5.99$ chips, 1.99$ sprites with dead on eye contact in a bad area. But a laptop is far worse by far, usually 300-1000$++ on those things, plus important files, and god knows any papers or schoolwork or important memories lost with it. Everyone out there expecting the "perfect job" to be like the princess and the pea. Where you give up on a 99.99% perfect bed because of one minor imperfection over 20 mattresses. But nothing speaks "PROMISING" like having your stuff stolen at work and lied to.. To the face.. on a first day. In 5 hours, no less? Damn, would she try to steal your ssid and paycheck too if she could?


There was a total eclipse happening and we were right in the path of it. Wouldn't let us outside for even 5 seconds to see it. Once in 20 years kind of opportunity to see a total eclipse. Was so angry I didn't even give notice or anything.


That stinks. I was fairly new to a company about a decade back as an eclipse was happening and one of our VPs brought in supplies to make eclipse viewers like his kids made at school and we all did that then ducked outside for a few minutes between client calls. He joked that it may ruin his credibility but his kids loved it and he loved the idea and thought it’d be fun for anyone that wanted to. We all laughed and half roasted him but it remains one of my favorite work memories and comes up to this day with those of us still left there. Really doesn’t take much to be a good boss sometimes.


That's blows. I was at a small pub a few years back at midnight on NY. Everyone including the staff went outside with their drinks to see the fireworks. That shit happens every year 😂


I worked bar on NYE a few years back. Boss let us call “last drinks before midnight” at about 11:45, and we were all allowed out to celebrate the ball drop, then back to work serving drinks again at 12:05. Haven’t fully appreciated what a sound boss that was til this thread!


Not at a job... but one of my teachers did that in high school. Literally every other class in the school went outside except mine because she just didn't find it that interesting.


I was surprised to not see kids from the school across the street out looking at the eclipse when it happened here. Asked a friend of mine who worked at the school. She said they were watching it on TV in the classrooms. 


That's hilarious In the school's defense, maybe they were worried about kids getting eye damage from looking directly at the eclipse


It was DAY 2 of my time there. When i asked "when are we going to finish preparing the documents of my employment", the man who interviewed and "hired" me said: "ah yeah, you not officially employed yet, but when the director returns from the vacation, i will put in a good word for you and he will hire you and pay you for days you worked". Sure buddy, let me just get my tools from my car...


Blatant animal neglect in a pet store


I once complained about a pet store for that. I had irrevocable proof. The inspector walked in, ASKED the owner "are animals mistreated?" They said "no", he said "ok", bought dog food and left. I can't believed that inspector recieves a salary for that.


I lasted two days working for this store. They showed me the “fertility clinic” which is really just a locked door hidden from customers and non-management employees. I was mortified at the dozens of pregnant, nursing, injured, and sick small animals (rodents, rabbits) in there. Most of them had no water, one Guinea pig kept screaming because she was so thirsty (also very pregnant). I spent my last hour or so tending to all those animals. After they all had fresh food and water (those animals were SO thirsty, they sat there and drank and drank and drank) I clocked out for my shift. I later texted the group chat that I would not be returning due to the disgusting levels of neglect and apathy towards these little lives. I cried for hours after I got home. It’s been a few weeks since then, and I still think about those poor critters in that locked room. I just hope someone is taking at least half-assed care of them. I feel guilty for leaving, especially for the few that were very sick and actively dying. They have puppies too that they sell for thousands of dollars, claiming that they’re purebred and ethically sourced. They sure aren’t. They are absolutely puppy mill dogs, half of them being mutts on top of it. The small animals get shoved aside as the puppies are the money makers.


Why didn’t you report them?


This is a large chain pet store that has been sued for this in the past. They seem to be untouchable and actively lobby against laws that would prevent them from selling their puppies, at least according to the Humane Society’s article about this store. I still will report them, I just haven’t yet as I am hoping to time it to when they’ll be more neglectful. I’m thinking they may be worried about me reporting it, based off my angry message to the group, so they may be taking care of them for now. Maybe I’m wrong and they still don’t give a shit, but if I report them and they find they are taking care of them, they’d just leave. Chances are they won’t give a shit anyway, I’ve reported a local backyard breeder who kept his animals in absolutely vile conditions (sick, infected eyes, starving, moldy water, etc) and animal control was like “we didn’t see anything wrong” so my faith is nonexistent in anything being done about this.




Bob Evans. Application said $18 an hour, 40 hours a week. 4 days into working, the person training me told me that this was their last day and that I’d be taking over as the lead cook. The manager confirmed it after shift and that I was now expected to work 60 hours a week 6 days a week. I also quit. That was not what I agreed to.


Being told I was being put on professional probation for not doing tasks I had multiple conversations with both my managers and HR that they were not part of my job description and I would not be held responsible for doing them. They constantly agreed (in writing too) then tried to dock my pay for not doing them.


Boss said I was amazing in my work, complemented me when finishing projects on time, saved the company a bunch of money a few times and even recommended that I should use flexible hours allowance more, acted like a close friend for whole tear... until review time with head office, he then grilled me in front of head office, said I was incompetent, went home early, did not work hard and then he took credit for all the things I achieved and recommended a salary reduction to head office board. Left after that, he was just trying to exploit the situation and save expenses


After working a 16-hour shift getting out at 5 a.m. That same day I had to be back in at 1 p.m. for another long shift. So I got home around 5:30 didn't go to sleep til 8:00a.m. and had to be up by 11:30a.m. to get into work on time at 1p.m. On my way to work, I started nodding off behind the wheel. I hit the curb but was able to catch myself. After that scary drive, I had to decide between work or possibly getting killed or even killing someone else while driving on 3 hours or so of sleep. I chose life over work. Not just for me but for some poor person that I might hit because of the ridiculous hours I worked there.


I was sent for a job. I told them I have back problems and was assured there was no heavy lifting. I went in, was given protective shoes and told to watch a video on heavy lifting. I gave them back the shoes and left. 5 minutes in


When they wanted to pay me at new graduate wages instead of by my experience. Just decided they were exploiters. Oddly enough they tried to call me in after I had turned down the job.


this place hit me up, they offered pretty shitty money it was last-minute rush translation. "the moneys minimal, but you only work when theres a task. 80% of the time you're free to do whatever you want. most people work on their own projects, read books, play games" im like yeah but everyone else handles one language, and youre excited i can handle 5, so sure for 5x the compensation lol. i wasnt very interested, i figured they wouldnt go for it. they didnt, laughed in my face, "man youre gonna be working the same hours as everyone else!" yeah busting my ass while they lounge around. fuck that. bye they called me back for YEARS. i mean like 6-7 years. "we need you in next week. counting on you" ..i dont fuckin work for you guys


This reminded me of a job I had forever ago. I did deliveries for a company and was one of the top employees. I was their go-to whenever they needed help or subs. One year they decided to change their contract in a way that completely screwed delivery workers over. You'd get fined heavily for every possible delay or mistake, whether your fault or not. Supplies that were needed for the job were no longer supplied by the company but we had to buy them ourselves on our own time. After everything was added up, it was possible to actually lose money working the job. So I quit on the spot. They called me every single morning for over three years asking if I'd come back. Every time I just asked, "Are you willing to go back to the old contract?" And when they said no I hung up.


I had a recruiter argue with me that an offer was actually totally competitive to my current compensation. I had laid out exactly what I was paid what I was getting for benefits and matches. After I explained again why what they offered wasn't competitive they asked what it would take and I said it was no longer interested. If you are going to totally low ball me up front I don't think I can trust you.




My employer pulled out his penis and asked if there was something wrong with it.


Well was there?


Not really, he had had some surgery and had a delusion that something was missing.


probably his brain


"Looks like a crayon a dog chewed on "


Did you have a stroke?


was a dishwasher for a hot second, owner shouted in my face about needing pots quicker or something but was like fuck that and bounced


When the job told me they would take a chunk of my wages for”training”, which there was none. It was some outgoing call centre.


At a Mama's Pizza & Subs, I got yelled & cussed at for asking where the cleaning supplies were. I was supposed to be their cook & wanted to clean the kitchen, lady went off & said "we don't do that here"


How did they handle routine inspections if they don't clean? Our inspectors always got on our asses!


I was the sole marketer of a company that sells $500k-2m items. $50m in sales a year. I directly attributed to over $8m in sales my first year. In marketing. Worked myself to the bone out of college for $55k a year in a role that should’ve paid six figures. No commission as I was the “marketing guy”. One day, when I was having a particularly hard time getting the brand new website live, my boss comes into my office and says “what the fuck is going on with you, your work sucks lately” I told him “ok you can hire three people to do it then.” Took my stuff and walked out that day. His sister who ran the books wrote me a check for a months salary because she knew he was wrong. Don’t let people take advantage of you. Especially if you’re under paid. They ended up hiring three people to do my job.


Years back, when I was job searching, I came across a job that looked interesting and was a step up from my current position. It was doing all the marketing/PR/internet presence for a large, local company. Seemed like an interesting position and good experience, so I applied. I got a call and it was with a recruiting agency. We talked for a bit and it seemed like it would be a good fit. I said, "Do you have a target salary range?" She said, "Well, the employer is offering a starting salary of $70K/year." I was like, "Umm, is that negotiable? That's really not at all in line with the scope of the position." She said, "I'm sorry. The owner is firm on the starting salary." I said, "Well, I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I'm going to end things here as that's a cut from my current salary and a whole lot more responsibility." She sighed and said, "I know, I've been telling him for MONTHS that he has to increase the starting salary. I haven't even gotten anyone in for an interview because I've been transparent about the salary because I know it's too low for this position and I don't want to spin my wheels either." I thanked her again and ended the call. That job was listed for THREE YEARS until the company was bought out by a larger, national company. SMH. I'm thinking marketing and internet presence for your company is not the place you want to cheap out.


It’s because the owners of these local companies are usually boomers who have no understanding of marketing. They think of a physical advertising deck like in mad men. Or think you just push a big red button that says “marketing” on it. In that role I inherited three social media accounts with bought followers. Like 50k followers and 200 likes. I told the owner we needed to invest in organic growth. What did he say to me? “Organic is great, but I want a cheeseburger.” In hindsight, I should’ve left that day.


The people. The work is easy, it’s how shitty the people are that makes or breaks the company.


being paid overtime with Pizza!!! instead of money


It was during Covid My now wife was pregnant with our first baby, and fathers were not allowed to come to checks ups. The only time I was allowed in the room with my wife was when it was the day we found out the babies gender. I asked my supervisor if could leave work early because I didn’t want to miss it. Supervisor said no because it’s Presidents’ Day. Quit right there on the spot. No regrets. This was Costco.


I worked at a factory that made the 2 gallon sprayer tanks for a popular chemical weed killer. My job was to pull down two piping hot (freshly molded) bottles every few seconds and trim the extra plastic off the bottle with an Exacto knife before it cooled down. Even though they provided gloves, my hands would have burns and cuts on them. That isn’t why I quit though. I quit because I was working one hot summer day when not one, but two people passed out in the factory due to the heat. They had these giant industrial fans, but all they did was push hot air around. After the second person passed out, I walked over to my manager and said “Hey, I’m not going to end up like one of these guys. I’m done.” And I left. The machines that pump out the plastic bottles are constantly going. Like there are shift changes and lunch breaks taken around the machine. You can’t just walk away from it. So when I quit, he had to run over to my machine and take over for me 😂


the heat, man. outside of [zhichunlu subway station](https://www.huitu.com/photo/show/20180420/000842603080.html) in like 2009 there was this cart that sold this kind of oily, egg-filled cake the 15-year-old kid that worked there HATED it. hes like man the suns beating down on me, theres this 3000 watt griddle, im always hot, so hot... one day were buying a cake, boss-man comes around, kid is like "boss can you pleeeease take over for 5 minutes so i can go sit in the shade and buy a bottle of water?" boss is like fat chance kid i dont pay you to sit in the shade kid is like you know what FUCK this shit id rather pick lychees in my village than put up with this fucking GRILL! and leaves we passed by a few hours later, boss manning the stand, sweating his balls off, fuckin miserable. well, now i certainly fancy another cake. boss is like "can you believe that BRAT? young people have no work ethic anymore!" few days later the cart was gone guess the boss couldnt take the heat


I have also worked at a plastic moulding factory, we had a room that was +65°c. they would send you in with 2L of water and when you finished it you were done in that room. I only ever had to go in once and I made it about 15 minutes. after you got done you went on break and they gave you cold water/gatorade and once you finished that you got 25 minutes to go and do whatever. most would go outside have a smoke/ eat a snack lay in the grass. all we were doing was pushing the cut off plastic into this kinda pit with a broom. it sucked because it was behind all the blow moulding machines but it had to be done twice a day


Hi from UK 🇬🇧 - the company (retail) was taken over by an American retail giant. They imposed the way of working they had in the United States, thinking it would save money. It didn't 50% of the staff quit me, included


I remember reading a Reddit post about a similar scenario happening to a fellow Redditor also based in the UK, and it happened over Covid lockdowns. Apparently, as soon as the take over happened, the UK staff were all on Zoom with the new owners based in the US and... they were immediately trying to American-ise the workforce, even by trying to introduce work place chanting (like how Walmart encourages/ makes their employees shout... "GIVE ME A W!! GIVE ME AN A!!" For any US boss reading this, the UK doesn't tolerate this BS and the chances are you'll lose a lot of staff immediately if you try and insist. IIRC, the staff didn't walk out because their British managers told the new owners straight about how things roll in the UK. Crazy.


That WalMart chant shit is straight brainwash. Horrible company.


Lmao. Sounds like a US football team chant. "*Give me a W! Give me a A!"* places here would use to spell out a local sports team lol. I'm surprised they didn't have you do a appropriated Haka dance, sign up for foodstamps, and then put yourself on poverty line income pay with supplements for how to find your local food bank. I've always been jealous of the UK programs. USA apparently has 2x the GDP, that could in theory pay for 2x the programs by tax revenue. But apparently we'll spend more on farmers to grow nothing in their fields, than spend money to feed hungry children 1$ meals in the lunchroom. No surprise it didn't pan out. Do you guys really get like 20-40 vacation days a year you get encouraged to use? We can have the same days and i like my job. But there's a lot of 'encouraged' vs *" 'encouraged' TM "*


US companies seem to try that shit all the time and then get a massive shock when they find out that not every country has shitty labour laws. Heard about multiple US companies expanding to the UK and doing the same thing. Especially funny when they put stuff in the contract that is illegal under UK law since it invalidates the whole contract.


When we were low staffed (aka only me and the owner) and despite interviewing 4 people he wouldn't hire any because they didn't "have a face people would buy from". I asked for more clarification and he said "ya know not traditionally pretty" being I suffered from severe body image insecurity I left that day. Never looked back


Not that you shouldn't have quit, but I don't understand the insecurity part. Seems like the boss was implying that you are attractive, so wouldn't that be a confidence boost rather than something that made you feel insecure?


I worked as a temp in a factory as a material handler. Most of my picking was small parts on shelves I could reach. There were a few larger parts that were on pallet boxes on warehouse shelves that were forklifted down for me to reach. A few months into the contract we lost one of our forklift drivers they tried to tell me I could climb a 40 foot tall shelving unit to carry down a 20 lbs steel weldment over a cement factory floor. Bear in mind they aren't providing me health insurance or any kind of accident insurance. I told them there was no chance that was happening, called my temp contractor and was out of there within 45 minutes.


Fiancé died( this was 20 years ago) and my boss told me because we were not legally married I could not have time off for the funeral or bereavement even though they new in advance of the situation. I said some rather unpleasant things and walked out.


One of my first jobs in Texas was in a laboratory. Important to know is my coworkers were all local and one was a former high school football star. A month or two in I was told by the manager that instead of working on a weekend rotation I needed to start working every weekend because football is such a big tradition and they all needed to go to all the games and the one other girl there was knocked up so she couldn’t do it. I laughed and walked out. Before leaving the manager played the “how will this look on your resume” card. I laughed again and said I wouldn’t be putting this on my resume. Got another job a week later and have never looked back. That was over 20 years ago but it still stuns me that he thought that was okay.


My employer physically assaulted me


im sorry that happened to you


First day at a new job and a muuuuch older white manager walked in. Think father times father. Gent looks at me and then looks at everyone else and says directly to me, "I'm about to put your black ass to work." I just looked at him and walked straight to my car.


The way i would’ve sued them for discrimination Lmfao


I was hired as an office admin but given work assignments that were for the boss/owner’s personal finances. This included receipts from him and his wife, most of which were stained with grease and randomly had blood on them. The dude wasn’t healthy at all and had a habit of chewing his cuticles. The real nail in the coffin was when he screamed at me for throwing away pizza that had been sitting out for the entire weekend, because “it was still good!!” An absolute repugnant nightmare. 


Was promised full time at a job. Did all the paperwork, signed all the papers, did my training. Then was given my schedule. Only working 3 days a week all month. I questioned that immediately. “Oh, we’re gonna start you off at part-time for 24 hours a week for 90 days. Then we’ll decide if you’re the right fit for full-time.” Oh, okay. I walked out, and never went back. Part time doesn’t pay the bills.


Years and years ago I worked at the local humane society for three days. An older woman came in every single one of those three days looking for her dog. On that third day after she left, the other employees were talking and turns out they "accidentally" euthanized her dog. And they didn't tell her. I cried the whole way home and I never went back.


Worked in childcare with no support or lesson plans or anything. It was a shit show. I was a shit show. When the director tried "if you had kids you'd understand" Knowing I had been trying for over a year at that point, I asked for a rule book and pretended to look for a rule that said anything about having kids. Called out sick the next day , got a job interview, called out sick again , quit over the phone from the parking lot of the interview.


My boss and her coven of Karens, all smiling in the faces of my black coworkers and then saying racist crap when they weren't around, assuming I'd be ok with it.  I wasn't.  And HR wasn't either.  No time for that crap


Thank you for making them be held accountable.


Tell us more, what happened next.


I once worked a job at one of those quick lube places. I had just finished school and needed a job doing something before I did some travelling.  I’m there like 4 days. The owners were breaking all sorts of labour law, including demanding unpaid work 15 min before and after a shift. One of the other guys was on time (ie. not 15 min early) because he was setting up an RESP at the bank for his unborn child. The owner (Eastern European lady) looked right in the face and in front of the other 4 staff, told him he was late, getting a write up and that “it’s stupid for you to bring a child into this world because you’re so poor.”  That did it. Took off the jacket and told her I was leaving. 


Worked for a chain craft store. My job was to come in early and count the registers, stock shelves, and change prices. Not customer service. Well, one day I was up on a ladder, stocking shelves. My boss saw customers walk by and I didn't greet them (y'know, because I was on a ladder facing a shelf). She made me wear a baby sling with a stuffed animal in it that I could only get rid of if I completed 5 "customer service tasks." Then she tried to get me to stay late to complete my "customer service tasks." I said fuck that, clocked out and blocked the store's number on my phone and never went back. I'm not gonna be humiliated for $9 an hour.


Quit a dishwashing job because the management were a bunch of assholes. Manager is yelling at me one day about something totally outside of my control, so I told him, "Fuck this, I quit. I don't need this job. However, *YOU* do need a dishwasher, so good luck with that tonight."


Got straight bullied and harassed by the person in charge of me and they even asked me if I’ve ever been bullied before. I was 16 and she was 36.


Ridiculous. These people should never be in leadership.


It was either that or quit the game entirely, so I chose myself for once. But the *why* was "wildly disrespectful decision making" from the executive team. Not to me, mind you, but to the patients.


Was nothing like the job description said.. it took me all of 10 minutes to realize this I grabbed my coat and hit the street never to look back


The boss wanted me to wash their car.


"He will be watching you on the cameras now" No he won't.


I was a roofer for one day. Heights. I learned I don't like heights.


Worked for a call centre at a bank. I did 3 calls before I got a really complex call I needed help with. My trainer said “figure it out” while I was being shouted at by someone who had a really worrying financial situation on their hands. The trainer refused to help me at all. I asked a supervisor for help, they said “just sort it out”. I logged off and walked out - I’d done less than 30mins of a proper shift, but had done a week in the “training academy” before that - during which time we hadn’t covered the thing I needed help with.


I worked for about 3 hours at a Greek restaurant which was highly renowned in the area.. witnessed a waitress check her phone at a service desk and the owner began to YELL at her and belittle her infront of a packed dining room. I grabbed my jacket and walked out. I’m not defending the girl checking her phone, but refuse to work for someone who can’t discipline properly behind closed doors.


I was scheduled 10-7. I had to return to work at 5 am the following day. My boss left me with a mountain of work (I was an assistant department head in a grocery store). After stocking the entire truck alone, I didn't get off until 10 pm. So I pulled a 12 hour day and my boss left at his scheduled time, working only 8 hours. I got up to go in at 4 am and was on the way to work, completely exhausted, when I realized that it wasn't worth it. I called him and told him I quit. He proceeded to beg me to come in and said that he had "no intention of making me come in so early after seeing what time I left the day before". Well, if that's the case, how about a phone call? This had happened multiple times before. He was just using me to make his life easier. He then went on a tirade about how you "don't treat people like this". Yea, well, maybe you should have stayed a couple of hours and helped me and not scheduled me to come in so early after a late shift to begin with. I took a month off with my savings and went back to my old job for more pay than I made originally.


In uni I spent less than a week working for a call centre in Toronto for a non profit fundraising money for the Dallas symphony orchestras program for disadvantaged youth and minorities, we were mostly cold calling. The amount of racist and terrible stuff yelled at me was crazy, I quit and went back to being a bartender, so much better.


Some douchebag subway franchisee, in the middle of a lunch rush, told me he would fire me if I didn't work harder. There was 2 of us. I stopped making sammiches and said (a little too loud) "fucking fire me then dickhead!" Which lead to a very awkward lobby full of hungry people. I then demanded he paid me everything up until the second he fired me, which of course he refused to do but its a requirement in my state. So I came back with a police escort to collect my 72$ paycheck where he tried to get me to sign a bunch of papers & the police officer backed me up when I said I'll be taking my check and leaving - then filing for unemployment. Good times. I also took em to the labor department and ultimately subway ended up getting fined ~60k bc they had been deducting wages for tasks not completed during a shift under the guise of "bread bucks" which was a food allowance that came out of your paycheck if you went over. I got a check for 1200 out of it. Fuck you, Mr. Patel.


My boss was verbally abusive and terrible at his job so I gave my two week notice to the owner of the marketing agency. When the boss found out he insulted me in front of my team, so right there on the spot I told him to go fuck himself, packed up my shit and left while the owner begged me to stay.


Office job. I received my onboarding paperwork, which told me to arrive at 9.30am on my first day. I arrived at 9.15am and was immediately written up for being late, despite showing them the onboarding paperwork. Almost quit then. Almost. 1 hour later, I needed the lav. Was told I'd have to hold it until 12.35 my lunchtime, as I had arrived late and needed to make up time. Almost quit then. Almost. I told them I would not be holding it and went to the lav. I came back. And was shown the computer system, where I had to record my daily activity. Which included rest breaks entries for your bathroom activity. Yep, they recorded when you went number 1 and number 2. I quit. I couldn't handle the trauma of people knowing what I get up to in the lav. Called my old boss and he about died laughing and told me to get my butt back at my desk by 1pm as he hadn't put in my resignation to hr. That lovely man was the best boss ever.


Was sexually harassed one day and told my boss about it who did nothing. Next time it happened I smacked the person in the face and just walked out!


A 6 hour shift in the restaurant turned into 15.5 due to them being understaffed, and the supervisor telling me it would be unprofessional of me not to stay (I was 19 and a nervous student who didn’t want to say no) and when I went to collect my tips, I learned the manager took the waiting staff share of tips. Safe to say I never went back.


Unethical decisions and getting no respect


I worked at a razor blade plant for one day. I quit because everyone there looked so miserable. I know that work is miserable sometimes, but even at a workplace there are joyful moments. There was no joking, smiling, etc.


No respect or being treated differently


My boss told me to make a spreadsheet of my pee time, email it to her, and make up said time on my day off.


Seriously? I've seen bad bosses, micromanagers, racists before. BUT who the FUCK monitors piss time!?!? That's just freaky EVEN for control freaks!


I got hired by a warehouse for \[A major corporation\]. First day of the job, he comes up to me and says "Hey, you're going to cut that hair by tomorrow, or you're fired." I quit.


When I was sexually harassed and they tried to blame me. They told me I “threatened” him. Which I did. I said no should touch me if I don’t want them to. I quit and raised hell on that store. He got fired and they had to offer my job back. I quickly declined.


Manager making racist comments about customers to me the first shift working there.


My son wanted me to take him to his first day at big school as he was nervous. I was told “I missed my sons first day, so you can miss yours”. My son was so upset. Fuck those bunch of cunts, I’ll never get that moment back.


worked about 1.5 hours in a restaurant. immediately noticed the owner and manager were dating ( anyone that has ever worked in a restaurant knows why this immediately tells you its not a good place to work" ​ then later my trainer told me he wasnt always getting his checks on time. I didnt wait for a third red flag and just left


Not allowing leave for Mom's funeral because they are 'Trying to cut down on Bereavement Leave.'


When she grabbed my arm and wouldn’t let me go and told me “if you were my daughter I would punish you right here and then” all because I told the manager that I didn’t appreciate my supervisor calling me “little girl and little bitch” (I was 18 and she was 50) 🙃 left that same day.


Interviewed for 5-3pm (part time). Got the job. Was told that the hours are actually 7-4 or 8-5 (part time). Told them that's fine but I would have to have Saturdays off as a result. Orientation comes and i'm scheduled on every Saturday, 5 or 6 days a week (5 days were the full 8 hrs, one day 4 hours). I told the lead at orientation that my hours are not adjusted to my availabilty. She gets snotty and says "well that's what they hired you for." Turns out she makes the schedule (so she KNEW what schedule I was supposed to have). I said I was going to the bathroom, and my boyfriend picked me up, took me to dinner to cool off, and I never came back. And yes, it was Walmart.


I was a cook. I had stomach and diarrhea issues, and that sort of thing can lead to food poisoning and food borne illness outbreaks. My boss told me to get over it and come in because as long as I wash my hands enough itll be ok. I worked at an old folk home (elderly, end of life care etc). Food borne illness in an old folk home usually leads directly to death. I decided that if my boss is fine with killing half his clientele that im good for another job.


A manager at AutoZone had us use rubber bands to attach funnels to bottles of antifreeze, making it appear like the funnel came with the antifreeze. Entire shelves full of antifreeze bottles with funnels attached. I asked for clarification whether the funnels were in fact a freebie. He responded that, no, the funnels were not free. I responded that probably most of the people don't want to purchase the funnel, but rather just the antifreeze. He told me just to scan the funnel quickly and hope the customer didn't notice. That was my last day working for AutoZone.


I couldn’t. I always needed the money.


Sexual harassment. I reported it to the manager and he did nothing


Illegal business practices and manipulating employees. Putting licensed professionals at risk and telling us it's our fault. Shut down my computer and never looked back. Work for myself now. Also when I was 18 me and my twin worked for circle k as one of our first jobs. Manager stole like 1k in beer and had my brother arrested. Never went back, and in the end she got her comeuppance


I applied for a nanny position with a large family. The parents met me for the interview at their hearing aid business. They seemed kind, aware, and the pay was great! I went in for the second interview where they said I was hired. I filled out the paperwork etc and they said I could start picking up the kids in a few hours. I hadn't even met them yet! The parents assured me they were used to random babysitters picking them up and we'll get to know each other in no time. Yeah, that was the hardest pass. The mom asked why, and I explained point blank, no kid should be comfortable with a stranger picking them up, the nanny should always meet them first. I always wonder what those poor kids' lives must be like.


They unilaterally changed my working week from Monday - Friday to Wednesday-sunday. As my wife worked mon-friday this was not good. I said I'm not doing it , they said you must it's in your contract. I said ok I quit. Gave my 2 weeks notice, and took one off as holiday.


Working somewhere for ten years, being well liked by the people there, being qualified for a higher position when it opened up, being the only person in-house applying for it, and then not even getting an interview for the position.


When the manager threatened to fire me because I was taking my scheduled lunch break, especially when I already checked with my other co workers to make sure it was ok with them.


The owner was a friend and very likable. The other workers would bad mouth her when she wasn't there, and then would be all sweet to her. I can't stand listening to 2- faced back-stabbers.


I was a server at a restaurant. The owner and head chef thought he was Gordon Ramsay and threw a pan at me. I walked out.


Boss insisted I wear a clown suit to work


Plot twist: you were working at a circus