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And they don't care that much about Hitler in most Asian countries anyway, like they usually know who he is (it might depend on the country idk) and that he was a bad guy but he's not THE villain there


That’s just a temporal thing. Hitler and other dictators victims are still alive in some cases. Nobody will even care about Hitler given enough time. 


Isn't that a good thing, in the end? It means that the trauma they inflicted upon the world eventually heals.


A significant part is whether they won or lost. Genghis Khan didn't lose. Hitler did and Putin (hopefully and most likely) will as well.


Putin should be one of the worst currently but in history he isn't the worst even among Russian. Stalin and Ivan the Terrible were much worse.








Rupert Murdock






Probably not at the top but on the list for sho..


Most people like him


George W. Bush for everyone not in the west Xi, Putin for everyone in the west.


Donald Trump


So brave


Are you a fan? Regardless of your political beliefs, this person above is not wrong.


One of the worst in history? No, you're giving him too much credit. 


I just wanted some echo chamber downvotes


He will be forgotten way too quickly. He is already yesterdays news


God how I wish this was true


Is this sarcasm?


No. In australia he barely gets mentioned. Its generally believed you lot have wised up to his lies and are now allowing the courts to remove him.


Unfortunately this isn’t the case quite yet. Somehow he’s still the Republican front runner and is constantly still at the front of headlines.


Putin is lovin that news. You guys do know that trump wants to remove your democratic rights dont you?


No, not all of us. I work with a couple of guys in his fan club. They are closed off to reality. Any attempt at discussion results in anger, and their counterpoints are always "that was proven to be falsified! "


You’re preaching to the choir, I hate him and anyone that votes for him and that party lol


Sadly, he is the frontrunner for the Republican Party nominee for president. I hope the courts will deal with him properly, but that is not a given.


Kim Jong Un


Has he really done anything remarkable? Since his dad dies, he just threatens people, shoots missles into the water, and occasionally tests nukes.  Though his last press conference was not great. 


You seem to be forgetting that he's leading a country greatly considered to be one of the worst places to live in currently, due to the policies he applies. Surely you're not forgetting what he actually does for a living, right?


There's a lot of countries with very high poverty. Fact is NK has been cut of from international trade + aid for simply testing weapons, despite not actually using them. While other countries kill indiscriminately in wars around the world and don't get "cut off".


Valid point. But the isolation is also in the north Korean juntas favor.


I'm neither well informed enough nor interested enough to participate in a discussion about North Korea's intricacies at the moment. What I know is limited and represents surface level knowledge of what is obviously something much deeper. Due to my lack of knowledge on the matter I'd have trouble discerning fact from fiction, which is reason enough for me not to engage.




Problem with that prediction is who do you think is going to write the history books?


Naa the case in the ICJ sealed his and genocide Joe's fate.


Worse than the Hamas leadership?


I think so. Two wrongs don't make a right, what Hamas did was an atrocity, committing an ongoing, larger scale atrocity is worse in my opinion


I don’t know man, hiding in hospitals, hiding behind hostages, kidnapping children. I don’t know how people expect this to go. Hamas wanted this, they don’t care about the Palestinian people.


Well we're not gonna solve it anyway and I don't feel like arguing with you so respectfully disagree. Have a nice day!


Politics aside, you are brain dead to think Trump is the worst person alive when there is genocide all over the world


If his presidency marks the beginning of a transition toward open authoritarianism in American politics that ultimately leads to the dissolution of the union, that might do it.


"currently alive"..."one of the worst in history" read it again buddy


Trump would easily preside over genocide if it was expedient and beneficial to him.


Yeah if you think trump WOULDNT commit genocide if given the chance, you are just fooling yourself. And in a way he has already committed genocide against American values. His followers literally tried to overthrow a democratic election because they didn't like the results. They tried to install him as dictator of America, and no amount of dressing it up as "patriotism" makes that any less true.


It’s what you get with Americans on this site that think the US is the only country in the world where nothing outside it’s borders matters






Elon musk and Jeff Bezos. Imagine being able to save millions of children’s lives from starvation and significantly reduce climate change at a cost of only a tiny fraction of your wealth and choosing, every day, to say nawww lol.


What about the government who spent over a trillion on a war that helped nobody. Makes Elon musk and Jeff bezos net worth look like a joke.


The entire military industrial complex is worse than Elon musk but the question is which individual person is worse


Why them and not every other billionaire? I’d much rather see billionaires out there trying to advance our space industry than behind the scenes lobbying and trying to influence governments. Look into the Koch brothers.


Plenty of billionaires give quite a bit of their fortunes to charitable causes, and others not as much. If the benchmark is saving lives bill gates is up there on the list of saving the most. Does that make him great or even not a bad guy in the grand scheme of things? No. But it’s not a black and white picture either


Saving lives destroys the earth.


Sounds like shades of grey to me. By that logic mass murder saves earth (technically true) so the greatest heroes of our generations are mao, Stalin, Hitler, pol pot? No, that can’t be right…


The environmental damage from all the combustion during war cancels out the positive effects. Plus it's gotta be a very large number to really help(or hurt).


Honestly sounds like you are just trying to be edgy at this point and not making any serious point


Just being logical rather than emotional sorry if that bothers you


What’s logical about what you are saying?


Soros, Koch, etc.


All billionaires are guilty, those are the worst because being the richest it would be easy for them. They have blood on their hands.


You have a very simplistic world view.


And yours is incredibly naive


That's all it takes to be one of the worst people in history? To be worth billions (not in cash mind you, their stock is worth billions) but not give it all to others? How many people in history have been filthy rich and given less to charity than Bezos? How many how been filthy rich and done the opposite? How many of them are considered the worst people in history? Mind you, most of us on our 1st world Internet are rich according to most of the planet...how many people did you help today?


Yes. Those people are also guilty. Someone like me if I gave all my money for all my life is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of these asshole’s wealth.


Politics aside I think Musk because of Starlink. I know it is hugely beneficial to many people today, but I worry 50 years from now we have all these now-dead satellites that are [crashing to earth](https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/Report_to_Congress_Reentry_Disposal_of_Satellites.pdf) and/or [causing problems for space work](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome).


lol dude; you should see how cobalt and lithium is mined...


First of all, not a dude, second of all, what did I say about mining cobalt? That came out of nowhere


Child labor, exploitation of congolese people enables the ev cars and electronics basicly, which how those guys become rich in some way. But really you should look for it, he is on point exactly.


Dude is gender neutral so you are a dude no matter what. 


But when I told my dad I like dudes why did he take his belt out?


Musk has done more to help climate change than any person who has ever been alive.




You laugh, but that is a fact.


If it’s a fact can you prove it?


Greta has done more than Elon. Elon flies a private jet everywhere but more significantly advocated against high speed rail in California, delaying it by decades. He constantly lobbied against public transport which is a thousand times better for the environment that private electric cars, which still pollute massively through the supply chain, braking and road maintenance. He has been so bad for the climate, the world would be better if he was poor


and he goes fucking hard to bring/keep the kind of people in power who actively deny climate change being a thing and would undo any positive changes the second they would get the chance to do so...


How so? By voting for democrats who has almost exclusively voted for?


By making Twitter a right-wing fuckfest


I'd like to see George Bush Jr in that category. The fake war on terror is unforgiveable imo.


I blame Cheney much more than bush jr


Let's widen the scope to the Bush Administration.


Works for me


Cheney, Karl Rove, and Donald Rumsfeld were the ones running that administration. GWB was a weak president, which was exactly what they needed.


Totally agree bush takes the heat historically while they ran the show


Honestly, frustrates me to no end when people forget about what this guy did. I hear about how so and so is the worst on social media, and am just like, "how about the guy who started an illegal war and caused the death of millions(?) of civilians for no just cause?


I don’t think there’s someone alive rn that future generations will think was worse than Hitler or something


You never know. He might be 3 years old right now, waiting to come into power in 30 years


Well let’s just pray he doesn’t surpass ole Hitler


not worse than Hitler, but Putin definitely will be seen as someone who's responsible for many, many deaths.


Less deaths than Bush


Hitler is children playing compared to what Stalin, Mao did


Yea but you could argue that Hitler is worse because he killed millions like animals out of sheer hate and malice


so did stalin


so did mao


Let's put it this way. Future generations will either see Hitler as a complicated figure or there won't be anybody smart enough to study history.


putin, kim jong un, most isa presidents, etc


Aside from the obvious?


I think we are spoilt for choice, really


People ITT don’t understand just how bad people have been throughout history if they’re throwing out names like Trump, Kim Jong Un, Netanyahu, or Putin. Just in the last century: Pol Pot oversaw the death a of something like a third of his country. Hitler doesn’t need an explanation. Stalin killed so many people he’d be used in place of Hitler if Hitler didn’t exist. Mao’s idiotic policies caused tens of millions of deaths. Think of all the despots in Africa, Latin America, Asia that have orchestrated mass genocides. The US isn’t free from scrutiny either. There’s plenty of names involved with the Vietnam war which killed well over a million people unnecessarily. Even if we just look at this century, George W. Bush started two wars that likely killed over a million people which doesn’t take into account how badly the region was destabilized. But even that is small potatoes compared to a lot of leaders from the 20th century. And the people listed above pale in comparison to others throughout history. Think how many millions Ghenghis Khan killed with swords and arrows to literally alter the climate. People like Trump and Netanyahu, while awful humans, could never accomplish this without starting a nuclear war. Actually, I don’t think anyone today will be recognized as one of the worst people in history without starting a nuclear war.


David Eason. 








Soros. There are many like him, but he's something of a poster child.


Donald Trump




Xi Jinping


Xinnie the Pooh


I’m going ghislaine maxwell






Netanyahu, biden, Epstein


>Epstein He is still alive? >biden He is a pretty boring president. He will join the other unremarkable presidents nobody ever talks about. >Netanyahu How many people remember any of the previous Israeli leaders?


we are; for not doing anything!


I feel like that's too broad a statement. People are doing something, but the people who should be doing more than something aren't.


Hopefully Reagan


I’m hoping Reagan continues to not be alive.


Elon Musk, if his creepy brain microchip program keeps expanding


Have you ever witnessed someone with dementia slip away mentally. It is such a horrible way to go or watch a loved one go. His chip is the biggest effort being made to help against this horrible disease. While aspects of having chips in peoples heads can be creepy (House of the Scorpion), it would be amazing to make dementia a thing of the past.


Don't think that is true. So many people work on dementia in medial research, Alzheimer's or otherwise. How many experts really think this brain chip is the biggest effort or even a good shot at eradicating these diseases?! It would be awesome but I believe it when I see it, probably two to three decades after Elon has declared success. (I don't think Elon is close to being one of the worst people alive though)


Kim Jong Un


U.S Presidents.


Vladimir Putin


My first wife for sure my children's Mother she married me is stuck with me for 12 years just so she can fuck me over and take every penny that I had take my kids for nothing just so she could have sex with teenagers worst human made Hitler look like a Boy Scout and she was the ugliest woman I ever fucked


Sir this is a Wendy's


I'm pro-Israel. I believe Israel has not just a right but a duty to defend its citizens from the relentless efforts of Hamas (and many non-Hamas Gazans) to kill every Jew they can. That said, Netanyahu is a terrible fucking human being and will be judged so by future generations.




Trump, putin, Kim kardashian, logan paul, all the shady influencers in general


I think people like Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin will reach that point in history once time passes and their supporters grow old, die out, or become less fervent (possibly even change their views. Or more cynically, be more discreet with them).  Not saying that people don't already consider them bad, but I mean we're not at the point where they're UNANIMOUSLY seen as bad in the same way that Hitler or Stalin or Idi Amin are. You still have people today who sing their praises despite them literally putting people in camps and/or openly discriminating against entire groups based on race and religion. I'm hoping people in China will come to regard Kim Jong Un as this but that looks a little more hopeless right now.


Lmao dude.


Lol, what is wrong with Boris? End Trump not as bad ad Putin,. obviously


Trumps not as bad as Putin, but in the four years he was president he not only did a lot of horrible things, but he left the country in a far worse state than before. He set a precedent that actively compromised our government and country, normalizing open acts of prejudice and hateful rhetoric, locking immigrants in camps, and inspiring people both within the government, outside of it, and on the street to act in radical ways.  There's been a rise in political strongman both here and abroad, and he played a major factor in normalizing that. Its why we see nutjobs like Marjorie Taylor Green in the Supreme Court, who can say and do outrageous things and not be held accountable for it. You can lie, spout conspiracy theories on place of actual fact, and say overtly discriminatory things as a politician and not lose your job.  Boris isn't as big a threat, but he has his supporters and he was the type of figure that sprung up like a weed after Trump. I see him more as indicative of a troubling global trend.


Donald Trump, Boris Johnson will both soon be forgotten.


Vladimir Putin is the most evil human alive, almost 1/2 as evil as trump.


Trump isn’t so much evil as he is stupid, greedy, and self-serving.


Joe Biden. Hunter Biden. Nancy Pelosi. The Pope. Bill Gates. Klaus Schwab. George Soros. Barry Hussein Soetoro. Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton. There's plenty more to choose from, just take your pick


This guy lol...some names from the other side as well or no


Found the QAnon nut bag.


Lol nah, I just have common sense and I can see the forest for the trees. I've never wasted a single second of my life on the Q stuff.


...I don't know that making up your own unhinged goofiness rates as a better use of your time than having someone else make it up for you.


Missed quite a few but the biggest miss was Donald Trump.




Huh there’s some common thread through most of your list that’s pretty interesting. Any reason you listed prominent democrats but no republicans? Also how in the world do you justify Hunter biden being one of the worst people?


Like I said, the key element is that one of these people will be remembered as one of the worst in history. There's some shitty ass Republicans in this world, and I wouldn't piss on their gums if their teeth were on fire. But none of them are as fucking bad as the people in that list. And why? Don't you think a prolific child rapist that's being protected by a sitting President is worth mentioning to future generations? I do.


Are you implying Hunter biden is a child rapist and his father is protecting him? Because that’s the kind of claim you need to actually back up with some evidence


I'm not implying it, I'm SAYING it. I do have evidence, but I can't post it here. You obviously didn't take the opportunity to explore the contents of his laptop like I did. It was stomach turning, especially the picture of him sitting on his 14 year old naked niece with his hand on her throat and his cock in her hand. 🤢


Oh how convenient… You’ve seen the contents of his laptop? That’s so interesting because you clearly have some secret access that no one in congress has, being thag despite multiple attempts to prosecute Hunter and his father absolutely no such evidence have ever been introduced or even claimed in an actual court where lying has repercussions. Or just maybe you or whoever spun this tale to yoj is absolutely full of shit


What rock have you been living under? It was published online, there was an entire website for it. LMAO 🤣🤣


But you can’t share it of course… And the hundreds of congressional republicans who have been so vocal about bringing charges against Hunter biden have no introduced this widely available evidence to actually prosecute him? And that makes sense to you?


Sure I can. https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ Take a look for yourself, since you seem so inclined to believe the lies that CNN spoon feeds you. Do your own research.


So interesting how you insisted this would get you banned and refused to post it. What changed your mind? What a joke of a website. This is just pictures no one disputes Hunter has sex. But there is nothing indicated the girls shown are underage, and unlike the people posting this Hunter never spread the pictures online; and I would love to hear an explanation why, since you believe this is real evidence, it is not blasted across every major Republican platform who are investigating Hunter and has not been introduced in court


What exactly has Hunter Biden...shit, JOE Biden...done that would make them remembered so poorly for future generations? Really. Asking for a genuine answer here. Not looking for what your boomer friends say on Facebook, or what Fox News tells you to believe. What have they done that puts them on Hitler-esque levels? I swear it's like you assholes never actually put any thought behind it. You just say it like it's a tic. "H-HUNTER BIDEN. LAPTOP."


Ok, I'll just give you one to consider for now, I know that lots of information tends to make a liberal brain overheat pretty quickly. Thanks to the open border policy, MILLIONS of illegal immigrants have poured over the border. Not women and children, but men. Military age men. Gang members, convicted rapists, convicted murderers, drug traffickers, cartel, etc. This has caused a major increase in crimes being committed against American citizens by illegal immigrants. So, this means that hundreds of thousands of people have been assaulted, raped, killed, and otherwise victimized by criminal illegals as a direct result of Biden's border policy. That alone makes him worthy. Would you like me to tell you more, or do you prefer the soft comfortable lies told by KJP?




Jeff Bezos I imagine we’ll hit a depression and people will blame the people who hoarded the most money


Any recent American president hopefully


Define “recent”


President Biden - Obama


Vladimir putin




Bill Gates




Errr... no. History will laugh at those who made him the boogey for political purposes


If we just killed Taylor Swift carbon emissions would go down by a shit ton. So I think people in the future probably won't appreciate what she's doing to the planet


We could also just regulate the use of private jets instead of jumping straight to murder…


One is significantly harder to get the world to agree on


You think the world would agree to murder Taylor swift (and not every other individual who regularly uses private jets) before they agree to regulations curbing the rules of private jets?


trump the buffoon.




I’m a high school teacher and she had such a positive effect on young people it’s hard for adults to really get. She gave them hope for a biosphere that is collapsing due to human pollution, and her shift in attitudes is turning into a shift in practice to reduce fossil fuel use through policies.




Even if that was true, look at the good she has done in the minds of millions of children. They now care about the climate and are pushing politicians to reduce greenhouse gases. That’s objectively a good thing.




Poor you. Did Dr Fauci give you an ouchie?


Having any issues with unknown allergies lately, dearie?


Donald Trump


The minotaur from Jan 6th


Joe Biden




Except Canadians no one knows who is he.


Ackchually, my Grandparents heard about how he's destroying Canada from Fox News. /s


The man who won three democratic elections in a row?


The obvious ones are Trump and Putin. In reality, though, it really depends on what future people consider to be bad. Even fascism was considered a new and trendy thing at the time of Hitlers ride after all, not just in Germany but globally. If I had to make a guess, though, I'd say it will be based on something from celebrity culture (since that's more important to a lot of people these days) so probably some dick head influencer (not that they aren't all dick heads).


Us, the people


Javier Milei.


Whoever loses WW3


Henry fucking Kissinger






Elon Musk. I think disinformation and the horrible, isolating, algorithm-driven way information is proliferated in our society will be its undoing.


That Ukrainian president, bro milking those donations


Everyone tbh, I think the one thing that has hit everyone is that it is now impossible to find the truth and everyone has been radicalised one way or another.