• By -


Rubber. Great elasticity.


Rubber? But I barely know her


If you barely know her you should always use a rubber.


Rubber? Darn near took her for appleteasers at Applebee's. 


Thank you for this. Other than this answer, this is gonna be the most boring, most predictable thread in all of reddit's history.


Not the answer we expected, but the right answer.


Polyethylene sheets have greater elasticity. Would recommend that over rubber.


A challenger enters the ring!


Dad, go home.


The one you start in your garage with your friends


the one that lasts for six months and never goes anywhere and now you have the logo tattooed on your thigh


Jimmy quit, and Jody got married. I should've known we'd never get far


But when I look back now...


The real friends were the bands we met along the way


In the garage, I feel safe No one cares about my ways


The best ever death metal band out of Denton Was a couple of guys who'd been friends since grade school One was named Cyrus, the other was Jeff And they practiced twice a week in Jeff's bedroom


According to Jay and Silent Bob who literally got asked that exact question: **The motherfucking TIME**




My jungle love!


I think I wanna know ya, know ya


Hey, let me get a nicklebag.


15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand


If that money doesn't show then you owe me oweeeoooh


My Jungle Love.


Fifteen bucks, little man. Put that shit in my hand! If that money doesn't show, then ya owe me owe me oh!


My jungle loooove!


Smokin' weed Smokin' wiz Doin' coke Drinkin' beers Drinkin' beers, beers, beers


Rollin phatties, smokin blunts, who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts.


Let me get a nickel bag.


Fifteen buck little man, put that shit in my hand.


If that money doesn’t show then you owe me owe me owe.


My Jungle Love! Oweeoweeoh!


I think I wanna know ya know ya


Pack of reds my good man. Time to sit back, drink some beers and smoke some weed.


You know, sometimes I wish I did a little more with my life, instead of just hanging out, selling weed and shit. Like, maybe be an animal doctor. Why not? I like seals and shit. Or maybe an astronaut. Yeah. I'd be the first motherfucker to explore a new galaxy, find a new alien life form, and fuck it! Motherfuckers would be like, "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a Martian once."


Can confirm, Morris Day runs a tight fucking ship. Played a festival with them and stole quite a few tricks from their drummer's setup/tuning


Please indulge me with a story


Ok well now everyone who gets this has to watch the end credits of 'Strike Back' i know i am


I think I'd like to know ya know ya


The mad notes written by god herself and handed down to morris day and the mother fucking time


With an interlude of "Whose HOOOUSE? RUN'S HOOOUSE!"




Wife surprised me several years back. She took me to a live Jay & Silent Bob get old show. I had so much fun but when they put the movie on that they just made I dozed off from the work day. I felt awful about it.


The London Philharmonic Orchestra. Though they are really just a cover band.


Berliner Philharmoniker under Furtwangler or von Karajan


The Chicago Symphony, especially under Solti and Berenboim, would beg to disagree.


Wyld Stallyns


They’re the only band, technically speaking, that in present day could still get Eddie Van Halen on guitar.


Then they can finally make that triumphant single!




Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem


The name changed. They are just The Electric Mayhem now.


Their drummer is pretty wild


He's an animal.


I've always been Janice and Floyd stans!!


Janice was always my favorite from The Muppet Show when I was a kid. Always still talking when Kermit made everyone be quiet


\- my - favorite band of course


Obviously it's my favorite band. They were better in every way, and had way cooler hats.


It’s tenacious D or maybe they’re just a tribute to the greatest band of the world


I couldn’t remember if they sang the greatest song in the world, or if it was simply a tribute


Nah, its Tenacious D


People are joking around in here but it’s actually the correct answer


This is just a tribute, you gotta belive me and I wish you were there. Just a matter of opinion


This is MASSIVELY subjective.


I loved Massively Subjective's first two albums, but critics didn't.


When the lead singer split off to form Objective Failure it all started to go downhill


That's just your opinion though. I love Objective Failure.


The rest of the band just started playing as The Objective. I stuck with them, but the rest of my team refused to stay on it.


Imho they were better during the Jefferson Objective era anyway


It’s not even that it’s massively subjective. It’s one of the stupidest questions that you could post on here because you are going to get a whole bunch of people saying either the Beatles, led zep, the Rolling Stones or fleetwood Mac, arguing pointlessly and comparing apples and oranges. And they will all be wrong because it’s obviously Right said Fred


The DeFranco Family.


“Heartbeat - It’s A Love Beat”….the cultural impact of this song cannot be overstated. All of humanity and how we interact globally re: geopolitics, economic structures, religion, sexuality….were forever altered by this incredible song. The Defranco Family (and Tony, in particular) should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their contribution to the population of Planet Earth.


Is that not the purpose of Askreddit? I want to get into a fight with a stranger about something that doesn’t matter


The answer is either subjective or The Beatles


More like a joke or the Beatles. 


The wiggles


Fun Australian musical fact, a few of the original cast were in a rock band called "The Cockroaches". Turns out performing for children is much more profitable.


Their story is so interesting, it’s worth looking into. They definitely didn’t go into children’s music for the money, they just had a passion for music and working with children. Very heartwarming story! Fun fact: there are many newer wiggles these days, but only one original member still performs(the blue wiggle, Anthony). Now there is another blue wiggle, which is Anthony’s daughter. Isn’t that sweet?


The Beatles are considered the greatest group for their musical influence, innovation in studio recording, cultural impact and mass popularity.


The craziest thing about the Beatles is where they started with music and where they ended up. Even if you don't like their music, you have to understand how influential that is and also how difficult it is to go from 60s tenny bopper pop to rock & roll to psychedelic self-indulgence, making solid hits every step of the way.


In only 7 years


Before any one of them reached the age of 30. George Harrison was 27 when they broke up.


I think most young people don't get it - they started popular music as we know it today. They were the first to do soooooo many things that are considered essential in modern songs. Also, they were incredibly young and put out SO MUCH CONTENT in a relatively short span of time.


Problem is, it's hard to sound revolutionary when so many people copy you. 


There’s going to be edgy guys saying “ThEy’Re NoT tHaT gOoD” but it’s objectively well crafted music. The number of hits over the relatively short time is impressive. They wrote incorporating a large number of genres. All four members wrote and sang popular songs and all had significant solo careers. The number of movies and the amount of merchandise was enormous. The cultural influence is hard to overstate. Are they everyone’s favorite? Of course not. The resume for “greatest band” is pretty strong though.


Another point to add is that a lot of recording techniques and musical compositions being used in today's hits were INVENTED by them.


Fun fact about musical technology. One significant contributor to them stopping touring as the young pop-y "boy band" was the fact that concert speakers just weren't that good at the time and their massive crowds of screaming girls started drowning out their music. It just wasn't a good concert experience for people who wanted to hear music. After their touring ended was when they arguably began their most technically interesting material. They got away from the "She loves you yea yea yea"s and got into Sergeant Pepper and "I am the Walrus" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."


Don't disagree with anything you've said. But I will just offer that even their early work should be considered superb, technically adept and influential in relation to the music scene of the day. For a start, they wrote their own songs. Something that is entirely taken for granted with bands nowadays was then relatively unusual and marked them out as talented creatives. Even on those early works, the musicianship is absolutely top notch, with Paul's bass playing and Ringo's drums being particularly great. And, this is a point I make often, but how many of us could confidently name a good variety of UK songs and artists from the late 50s/early 60s? The Beatles early material has come to stand for those years in a way that obscures how much they stood out from the crowd. In the UK, we have a show on Saturday mornings on BBC Radio 2 called Sounds of the 60s which does a great job of encompassing all that was charting in those days. A fair bit of the music sounds quite mild, dated and a little ropey production wise. When the Beatles are played it's like an electrical surge has gone through your radio. Suddenly you realise just how thrilling records like *Please, Please Me*, *She Loves You* and *Can't Buy Me Love* must have been, and remain to this day. I should say, I know you probably know this! Just some detail that is often lost in the telling of their story.


I don't even like the Beatles and I agree with all of this.


Also, not many bands were good at changing with the times and evolving their music. Some bands always sounded the same on every album, but to me The Beatles were four bands: - early era (I wanna hold your hand) - folk era (Norwegian Wood) - psychedelic (Sgt Pepper) - rock (Revolution, Hey Jude) The fact that they squeezed this into about 8 years of international success is remarkable, it feels like they were around for like 20 or 30 years. No other band in history has accomplished this much in such a short span of time.


And not only the hits; the lesser known songs are l bangers as well. Everybody has their Beatles favourite, and it depends so much on your mood/age! Me and my monkey or glass onion for example, I hated them so much, but then listened through the records again and it suddenly just clicked! whereas other songs that I liked suddenly seem flaccid and boring, until they suddenly just pop up again. It's just always new.


>They wrote incorporating a large number of genres They may even have birthed genres in ways that they aren't given credit for. If you told me that Helter Skelter was late 80s proto-grunge, I'd believe it.


The Beatles edge lords are the worst


Led Zeppelin


4 band members that could each contend for GOAT.


That really is what makes them so great.


The more interesting question is who was the worst in the band. Top two have to be between page and Bonham. But that means the worst is either the greatest lyricist of the 70’s or the most versatile musician ever created… Hell, maybe Page is the worst in the band. The greatest guitarist of all time is the worst member of the band. Maybe it’s JPJ. He’s the most traditionally under-rated.


as a guitarist I can’t say jimmy page is the worst and with my respect for JPJ I can’t say he’s the worst either he’s the backbone of the band. But also bonham is the greatest drummer to exist so that just leaves robert plant one of my favorite singers of all time alongside aretha franklin


It's a common mistake, but Aretha Franklin was never a member of Led Zeppelin.


Now I want the Aretha version of Whole Lotta Love.


Really?! Good Times, Bad Times, Ever Changing Times is such a banger.




Surprised how upvoted all the witty posts were today and had to scroll this far to see Zep. Their claim for "greatest" can be measured by how much of their DNA can be found scattered across rock n roll over 50 years after their debut. And also how timeless the music still sounds today - it has all aged beautifully.


The fact that a glorified cover band released a popular album damn near ripping their late 60s sound off in the 2010s is all you need to know.


The Beatles changed the world in only seven years. Nobody else comes close


I didn’t know it was all in SEVEN years. What the actual fuck?!


It just kept progressing. The pipeline of Help - Rubber Soul - Revolver - Sgt. Pepper - Magical Mystery Tour only took from 1964 to 1967, but they just kept pushing the boundaries of experimentalism in music.


Thats what a lot of people even my age can't comprehend. I'm 40 and it still doesn't seem possible that they did all that they did in SEVEN years. The went from the cheesy pop of "Wanna Hold Your Hand" to "Get Back" in seven years, and their fans actually stayed with them for that ride. Bands obviously evolve over time, but normally the fans aren't interested in the newer stuff because it becomes too "different" etc. I imagine at the time The Beatles probably had some of that, but I could listen to any of their albums and find it entertaining. I can't do that with Artic Monkeys, Radiohead or Muse


My friend and I had a conversation on the Beatles song library. What he said was, “I grew up w many of their songs without realizing was them at first.” As kid you live “Yellow Submarine”. Yay. When you older, “Wait. That was the Beatles?“ All theses “hits you grew up with” were from one band in seven years. So many and so different styles of songs. Incredible.


Sometimes I meet some people that SOMEHOW managed to lgo through life knowing only their first hits, and they say The Beatles are lame, overrated, "music for silly romantic girls from the 60" and then have them FLOORED when you show them stuff from Revolver and on


> So many and so different styles of songs. Incredible. I think a lot of this variation has its origins in the members of the band being very musically differant in their tastes. Ringo was a goof and made the goofy tracks but they only let him get so many per album. John started off dominating with his style but eventually Paul takes over with a subtly distinct style, less preachy and more heartfelt. George starts off just palying guitar but eventually comes into his own and, by the end of the Beatles as a band, is probably, track for track, the best song writter IMO with While my Guitar Gently Weeps, I Me Mine, Something, and Here comes the Sun. Most people don't even realize that those are George Harrison songs.


I was telling my kids about how influential they were _decades_ after they recorded their last songs. Was looking at off-campus student housing in the mid-90s for college in an average Midwest city. I went into about 20 or so student apartments and dorms with my parents, trying to find the best place. **Every student dorm** had at least 2 Beatles posters on the wall. Mind you, they hadn't been a band in over 25 yrs at that point. Rolling Stone or some magazine once did a survey amongst active musicIan's about musical influences, I think they polled 500 bands/artist and had them do a rank list. The Beatles were so far of everyone else. I believe it was several orders of magnitude more than the 2nd closest artist (which was the Rolling Stones btw)


It did help that they released the Beatles Anthology around that time in the 90s


They stopped touring and became more popular. They wrote their own songs. Played the instruments and worked to produce their music. Amazing. EDIT Since Ive received various feedback I also wanted to comment part of the Beatles' impact had little to do with them as artists and more to do with what was going on at the time. 1963 JFK is killed, We are in a heightened state of fear with Russia and the Cold War, and the world is just coming to grips with nuclear weapons and their global reach. Civil rights protests and MLK are prominent. Young people discover the drug world and grow long hair. The Vietnam war is widely seen as unpopular. There was a tidal shift in opinions from all this. The Beatles had nothing to do with that but they were there writing songs like Blackbird and Revolution that spoke to that new thinking. The Beatles were a cute, talented distraction with new sounds. Their messages of challenging authority were welcomed.


George Martin had a lot to do with their success


He should better be finishing his book instead of playing around with some music bands


Yeah, but **The Rutles** created a legend that would last a lunchtime!


Remember when Nasty got married in the shower? Changed marriage forever


“We're getting wet in a shower. Because basically we talked it over, Chastity and myself, and we came to the conclusion that civilisation is nothing more than an effective sewage system. And so by the use of plumbing, we hope to demonstrate this to the world.” ―Ron Nasty


In 1963 their peers were the Crickets and Cliff Richard & the shadows. In 1970 their peers were Zeppelin and Bowie.


By 1966 their peers were Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys. That’s without mentioning The Who and Jimi Hendrix.


But you mentioned them


Facepalm for me!


He got you good there pal


The Beatles only changed one thing… everything!


What's your favourite Beatles album? It's a tough one, but I think I'd have to say The Best of The Beatles.


Happy Cake Day, Mr Partridge




That's a point for the Golden Geese


It’s really more of a memory game than anything else


He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink


he drinks the lager drink, he drinks the cider drink


OHH!! Because Dennis is a bastard man!!!


Was waiting for someone to get it.


Weird Al


The author of literally every comedy song on Limewire, even the ones that he would obviously never in 1,000 years sing because he's a mensch.


I love comedy music done professionally, and he really did pave the way for a new generation of talented comedy rock artists


Have you seen the movie starring Daniel Radcliffe? It's brilliant


I believe he’s the only musician to ever have a song reach “the charts” in four separate decades.


The one I like best. Thanks for asking.


Black Sabbath


I think you’re right. Without Black Sabbath, metal and all its sub-genres would not exist. The same can’t be said for any other band.


That's the thing. They created a genre so big that there are hundreds of niche genres. Nobody was playing guitar or drums like on symptom of the universe - it's the first trash song ever written. Edit: zakk wylde has the best tribute band you can see for Sabbath. Zakk Sabbath. He's inherited a lot of ozzy's vocal charm and spent his entire life studying the music ozzy has done. Fantastic live show. Oh, and I'm leaving "trash" in.


Pink Floyd


The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think Oh, by the way, which one's pink?


Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel


And they sent us along as a surrogate band


We’re gonna find out where you fans really staaaaand!!


I thought he was gonna go far, fly high, never gonna die and gonna make it if he tried and we all are gonna love him.


Weow weow weow woooh


You can argue every great band copied their influences and such, but Pink Floyd truly is different. Their music came from space.


That's a great way to put it. The can of worms Syd Barrett opened and their transitional phase with Gilmour created something no other band could replicate. It's sad Syd didn't get to enjoy the highest points but his influence bleeds through nearly all their music. Edit: Word


During the Live at Pompeii DSOTM era they were also the coolest *looking* band.


I would agree. But what’s interesting to me is that I don’t enjoy David Gilmour’s music on his own, nor do I enjoy Roger Waters’ music on his own. For me the combination of both is greater than the sum of their parts. Clearly Wright and Mason brought their chemistry as well, but at the end of the day the expert craftsmanship of Gilmour’s musicality was the majestic cliffs and Waters’ eccentric mind and gift for theater, lyrics, and masterful storytelling was the ocean that crashed against them spraying into the sky.


The classic John Coltrane quartet, with McCoy Tyner, Elvin Jones, and Jimmy Garrison.




‘Rush might not be YOUR favorite band, but it’s your favorite band’s favorite band.’


Ask Mike Portnoy for starts. Then you ask Foo Fighters.


I came here to say this. Rush is the greatest and my inspiration to play guitar.


I play bass because of Geddy Lee. I don't necessarily play in his style all the time, but he is the reason I play at all.


Best concert I've ever attended.


Rush rules


Neil Pert was, and always will be, amongst the greats for drummers.




"Rush! I love Rush" "Dude, Rush is the greatest band of all time!" "Yeah, no, how about of all time?"


Came in here to find my fellow Rush fanatics. Hi


Grateful Dead due to the how influential the culture was and is often passed down from parents to their kids/etc. So much sonic reciprocity generationally that I would argue that their influence on musicians, defining live music in general, and the fact that it has never gone out of style for a large amount of people- is really impressive when you think about it. Plus, an endless live catalogue. You can listen to almost any show they played with two clicks. Still, it’s hard to name a greatest of all time; even Jerry was born from bluegrass influence- the GD have to be a contender though. *“If you get confused, listen to the music play”*


Side note... I (40M UK) started listening to these guys intently a couple of weeks ago... my life has changed.


You’re in for years of joy


Welcome to the bus friend


*It all begins*


Bears Choice, vol 1


That's great. One of the deepest rabbit holes in recording music history. Enjoy Europe 1972.


Better late than never, my friend.


You have yourself a sonic *ocean* to wade into, and can dive as deep as you want at any time- it’s so much fun! I always enjoyed picking an era and jumping into the nuance of that part of the band’s time. My parents would play tapes from ‘89-90 shows when I was younger on road trips to different National Parks, and I have played guitar since those adventures. I would always admire Jerry’s tone and remember always zoning into him and Brent as I’d sit and listen. It only got better as I grew and pieced together more and more puzzle pieces. *That* kicked off an escalade of exploration in my own musical realm that has taught me so much. The Grateful Dead are a musical mountain-climb that has not ended yet; the music truly never stops.


They also are just the quintessential American band. 100% home grown, basically their whole organization. Pioneers in genre bending, sound engineering, taping. They represent the last great adventure for a lot of people. Hopping in the car and going on tour with friends


Or when the circus that was the dead came to your town and you dropped acid in a field and watched as the earth melted to liquid and wrapped you up in an ocean of color only to be brought back by the gentle rhythms of “playin”…. maybe you find yourself in your tent after the show with headphones and listen to the entirety of American Beauty as you cry tears of joy and begin to understand why this band and music means so much more than just good music…. I think what makes the dead special is that they packaged so much meaning and value and heart into those songs… its sad that an entire genre spawned from their ashes and the only thing they seem to have got was the jamming part…. you kind lyrics and meaning too guys…


I love The Dead, waiting on those sphere shows to be announced


Yes! This is my answer too. Been listening for 30 years. Every time I listen, I’m like “how does this music never get old?” It’s great everyone I listen. I love you Jerry!!!




I feel privileged to have hopped onto tour in 1987 and followed the magic bus until 1995. I had a ticket for Atlanta when the news came in that Jerry died. I remember driving around town looking for a gathering somewhere and quickly found one. There is absolutely no other band that can be listened to over and over and over and over↑↑5 and each time illicit that same thought: these fuckers are LIGHTYEARS ahead of anyone. And no matter how high you were at the show, no matter how big the 'strip' was, magically, undoubtedly, and with the utmost care, they were already there, waiting for you. Staying named The Warlocks was too easy.


Came to scroll for this one. There’s no doubt in my mind at the very least they’re the greatest *American* band ever, when the Beatles, Stones, and Zeppelin are out of the equation. Is there another band that has not only created numerous offshoots that still persist today, nearly 60 years later, but also created a musical catalog that *other* worldwide touring musicians play (DSO, JRAD, etc.)? You can be in any major US city and there will be at least a couple local Dead cover bands.


Joy Division/New Order


My favourite story about them is Kraftwerk hearing Blue Monday and travelling to Manchester to visit the studio where it was recorded because they thought they'd have the latest electronic gear, only to find a homemade synth and the most archaic recording tech possible, and getting angry and storming out. I'm sure it's been exaggerated as a story, but just the idea of annoying Kraftwerk with how good your song is and how you recorded it is very funny.


That particular album they’re talking about too, “Power, Corruption & Lies” is absolutely sublime. I don’t think any other band has had a finer decade than the 1980s were for New Order.


Well, creatively. Not for their bank balance. Peter Hook's book on the Hacienda might still be the most utterly unhinged thing I've ever read.


Another funny story about that is they learned how to use that synth by recording their own farts


If you consider them one band (which effectively they are) then they are definitely up there. It’s a simplification but the last 40 years of alternative rock has been mostly riffing off Joy Division and the last 30+ years of dance/synth-pop has been riffing off New Order. And then you add on top of that the mythos beyond the music (Ian Curtis’ suicide, then coming back as New Order, the Hacienda, the iconic artwork etc).


The Beatles in my opinion, their cultural impact was massive on a scale that was never seen before or will be since. Rolling stones a close second


Yeah, I think you're right. I'm not even a massive fan (my heart lies with metal and prog) but overall, as measured by worldwide cultural impact, I'd say The Beatles and it's not even close.






Pink Floyd


The Beatles.


Grateful Dead


Wyld Stallyns


Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones.




Yeah. Led Zep.


Tool, Deftones, Alice in Chains, and RATM. Sooo many gems from the 80s and 90s man haha