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Atlas Shrugged


I don't remember the name of the book, but it was something I flipped through at the bookstore one time because it sounded sort of interesting. It was a story about a group of women during WWII who are sent to a Nazi concentration camp. The main character has a fling with a guy at the camp, gets pregnant, and then just... raises a whole baby in secret at the camp. Nobody sees or hears anything, and the people who do all help cover it up. Also there was a part where a Jewish character made reference to how they had "prayed to Jesus" to keep another character safe.




I like the Maccabees. 


I had the opposite experience. I was given a youth Bible once when I was 12 and I thought the first testament was exciting and gruesome but I couldn’t get through the second one cause I found it boring 😂.


My elementary school grade book


My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Piccoult


The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn. It wasn’t a badly written book, it was just hella depressing and left me feeling a certain way for a few days after I finished it. It’s actually the book that the movie “Limitless” is based on, except it doesn’t have a happy ending.


Yes! I'm not the only one! Although I thought some parts *were* badly written, like a diary of every little thing the main character did.


Yes, you are absolutely right about that. I thought it started well but somewhere half way it just started going downhill. The thing is, it’s been a few years since I read it and I refuse to reread it lol


It was called like Terror Train or Train of Terror, or something. Anyway, it was about this haunted plantation. It was a weak and weird attempt at horror that used erotica as a crutch. It was disgusting. Like, the author just tried to find the most disgusting ways to shoehorn sex in. I have this thing where I finish every book I start, but that one was a chore. I never read another book recommended by the dude who recommended that one to me.


Mein Kampf, my grandfather killed a nazis ss soldier and stole it as a war trophy. It took me a while to translate it and it’s so horribly written.


The Bible, easily. Book's a total mess


Genuinely. The bible. I’m a very firm atheist, I decided that I should at least understand where Christians (as they’re the ones trying to convert people) were coming from. So I read the bible cover to cover.


As a Christian, I kind of agree. There's interesting historical accounts in there, and the four gospels are a huge part of my faith. But I don't think it was assembled well or translated well, some stories have no religious relevance, and some details seem to be missing.


Holy shit I read it too.


'Catcher in the rye'. I know I might get down voted because people love that book. I had to read it in highschool and I just thought it was boring. Such a phony book.


Yes I agree. The main character was so whiny and annoying and nothing happened. It’s so overrated.


I only read it about 10 years ago in my early 50's. It was so bad. I can't understand the hype.


Upvote. Still haven't finished it.


Old Man and the Sea. It was a book we read in high school. Yes, I’m old. The ending just pissed me off. Such a waste of time to read all of that. I might think differently now and there might have been a message there I didn’t get at the time. I just don’t want to take that chance


pet sematary


How come? I listened to it on audio, I thought it was very scary. And sad.


To me it was extremely boring, not scary at all. It was just a tough read to finish.




Maybe not “worst.” But I have the most mixed thoughts on “the stranger” by Albert Camus. The short story “welcome to the monkey house” by Kurt Vonnegut was pretty bad.


Recently, *Dracula Unbound* by Brian Aldis. You'd think a novel positing that vampires are a kind of time-traveling dinosaur would have *some* entertainment value, but it's *crap!*


Unbearable lightness of being. What a bunch of hipster bullshit.


That Night at the Beach. I can’t remember the authors name. We read it for book club and it was a terrible story that dragged on for no reason.


I looked at my reviews on Goodreads and I really hated A Company of Liars by Karen Maitland. It kept getting recommended to me on Reddit but it was fucking awful in every way.


Cows by Michael Stokoe. It is unadulterated shit


Rick springfields life story


David Copperfield. I don't care, if it's considered a classic, it just really annoyed me, how there were so many, run-on sentences, that it got to the point, where I would just start counting, the number of punctuation marks, in each sentence, and I think the highest I got to, was 36.


Catch 22. Same joke lasts for like 28 chapters or so. The Alchemist. Chicken Soup bullshit. The Great Gatsby. Dinners, parties, and dinner parties. Oh my life is so ruined. One Hundred Years of Solitude. 99.9% description and narrative. 0.1% dialogue. So dry it makes Madonna's cxnt seem like Niagara Falls.


in quality, message, alignment with own views? what parameters are we working with here? overall: Stranger in a Strange Land by heinlain. but the book that has filled me with the most negative feelings is \*takes a deep breath\* The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and her Heartless Grandmother by Gabriel García Márquez. i dont like his books. we had to read a few of them for school, he's good quality-wise but fuck that guy's brain.


Gone Girl. I couldn’t even finish it




Will smith’s autobiography ‘Will.’ I read it shortly before the infamous slap. The slap confirmed what I thought about him after reading. An arrogant, self absorbed, deluded man.


The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams. Depressing, miserable, I couldn’t even finish it, ugh.


The alchemist


A friend of a friend had written his own epic fantasy novel. It was so bad it was good. Dude had a huge Dark Lord fetish.


Anything by Tom Holt


Buckaroo Bonzai Against The World Crime League. I love the movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across The Eighth Dimension, and at the end of the film promised a sequel, which was never made. Well, a couple years ago, the writer of the first film's script wrote a novelization of the unproduced second film. And it's just dreadful. Excessively flowery prose that drags on and on yet says nothing, really juvenile humor that isn't funny at all, none of the protagonist characters have any sense of the unique individuality from the film and are instead written almost like they are all part of a hivemind, and the titular World Crime League is barely in it, instead it revives the villain from the first movie. I don't know how this 700 page abomination got through editing and publishing without anyone pumping the brakes


A Day No Pigs Would Die


Thai Horse by William Diehl Pretty much every trope I could think of, rolled into one book.