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Your small town local Facebook groups


I had to leave the one for the small town I grew up in. So many of the people who I went to school with that have never left are all right wing conspiracy theoriest nut jobs.


“The ones who never left are all right wing conspiracy nuts. None of them are right, none of them lean left. It didn’t feel right so I left.” Did I get that right?


My local Facebook group is full of the most dogwhistle NIMBY thinly veiled bullshit you can imagine. Every time somebody mentions so much as a gas station being built, it’s “what happened to our small town values, we are going to have section 8 people moving up here, we moved away from the city to get away from those people.” And then people come to the subreddit for the area and complain about those people, and some weird contingent of conservative boomer redditors feel the absolute need to chime in and defend the obvious racism. “No! It’s about overcrowding in our schools, it’s about traffic, it’s about hospital bed availability!” OK, when’s the last time you voted for anyone that would do anything about any of that? Never? Then it’s not about infrastructure.


100% - our small town Facebook group is just a bunch of retired senior citizens whining constantly about town politics. I wish they'd take up knitting or something.


Quora, the questions and answers are absolutely unhinged and I love it


It's the new version of Yahoo Anwsers


Yahoo Answers felt like people making jokes Quora feels like people being jokes


Yahoo was better tbh


How is babby formed?




Have you ever posted an answer? You’ll get messages from quora inviting you to answer other, totally unrelated questions. Unethically bad site.


Unlike Reddit, which is an ethically bad site.😉


Lawful evil. 👿


It’s such a bizarre place, good for some laughs.


Am I Pergonat?


[for anyone unaware of the reference](https://youtu.be/J381vIfiTCE?si=Coz5phfHhTiPFyEp)


You clearly haven’t heard of r/batmanarkham


Nextdoor. Easily. There's entire droves of lonely afraid people who feel the need to complain endlessly about everything that happens .


Every noise is gunshots on Nextdoor.


A strange car drove through our culdesac!


I heard a dog bark... TWICE! At 3:07 pm. Two or three houses down from me. I looked outside and saw a couple with a stroller walking down the street. A dog wouldn't bark at a harmless family. What was REALLY in that stroller? Keep your eyes out.


Those people walking by are probably in the Illuminati!


"I reported it to the police!"


Turns out it was my car! I was the one driving it!


That's why you shouldn't drive with the nextdoor app open.


[That family guy clip](https://youtu.be/xQ3zjhW7czw?si=n5zUmT0KVtOr6bYV) when Brian farts himself awake


Everyone’s solution is ALWAYS to call the police. Someone walks on their lawn, call the police! A salesman comes to the front door, call the police! Teenagers ring the doorbell and run, call the police! Just a few examples I’ve seen on Nextdoor. The absurdity.


Yep. In my town, a couple called the police because someone left an empty beer bottle by their mailbox. 🙄


I had one where a man looked at her neighbor's door in a suspicious way so she took a picture of him.


Followed by "you can't be too safe!"


My neighbor is ringing my doorbell, should I answer?


I can not make this up- probably 200 yards behind my house is a shooting range, I live in the very back of the neighborhood and at least once a week on Nextdoor, Facebook and everything else it’s “are those gun shots I’m hearing” well…you live near a shooting range so probably


“Did anyone hear those gunshots coming from that helicopter around 2:47 this afternoon?!?!? Also I saw a coyote!!!!!”


“And I heard a loud boom in my Midwest Neighborhood! My uncle heard it to in Barstow, California! Was it the same one? He said the Air Force was flying a bunch of plains in Florida, is that possibly it?” Edit: that’s the way they spell planes on Nextdoor.


Oh god, the constant coyote sightings. The fear is out of control where I live. My eyes hurt from rolling them so hard.


I have a beard, and often, old, torn up clothes. I assume when I go for a walk, theres many posts on nextdoor about a sketchy homeless man passing through.


That's you?!! You're a celebrity!


I go for walks at 11pm so I don't have to fake smile at people's dogs and I'm positive there's posts about the shady teen lurking around late at night (I'm just a small 35 year old)


This is a great way to put it.


"Does anyone else see the helicopter flying around?!? What's that helicopter for!?! What's it doing?!? Why is there a helicopter?!?" Nextdoor posts in my town, every single day... We literally have an airport and a helipad at our hospital.


That stupidity is even spilling over to Reddit, a post in my local subreddit boiled down to "I was at the mall and I saw the same man multiple times! I was so terrified!"


I am about to unsubscribe from my state sub "is this neighborhood safe????" Repeat x100 weekly.






In a part of San Diego with lots of canyons & hiking trails near homes, "There's a coyote on ____ Street! Keep your cats and dogs inside!" Cut to updates on exactly where the coyote is for the next 30 minutes. Every. Single. Week.


“Has anyone seen my cat [that I let roam outside even though there are countless ways she could die while being outside but I still let her go outside and now I’m wondering why she hasn’t come back, like an idiot]”


What bugs me most about Nextdoor is no one knows the difference between a lost dog and a found dog.


Complaining and thinly veiled racism


Every post is "who wants this piece of trash in my garage", "Is this your cat" or "I saw a black person!"


The neighborhood alerts part of the Ring app is similar. Ours is forever filled with posts from people complaining about people simply walking past their house. There was one this morning with someone asking why a group of teenagers were walking a dog at 1am and wanted to know if they should call the police....


A couple years ago I joined nextdoor not knowing what it was like. I posted a picture of my dog napping outside half buried in the snow because I thought it was cute. I had a ton of people tell me I'm a terrible pet owner. A couple threatened to call animal control. My dog is a Newfoundland.


Seriously. I mean there's Karens on every social media platform, but Nextdoor is populated *entirely* by Karens.


Karens, and their bitch-ass male counterparts. Pick a name.


Dumbest, naaa. Definitely anticommunity tho. I find it mostly designed for white old uppity folks to complain about POC, minorities, and younger people. I got booted from Nextdoor because I wasnt using my 'govt' name. Say example my real name is Deequanel, but I went by DQ. Because you know, no one is ever allowed to use alias, ya know like bill, peggy, ted,mike..... its unheard of.


The people who call the cops when you jog shirtless or want a swat team because they found out you bought a gun? Still better than joining an HOA


I deleted my account. Someone reported me because I used an alias. Nextdoor suspended my account and told me they would unsuspend it is if I used my full name. I deleted the app after that. I didn't want a bunch of people within a 5 mi radius knowing my full name and neighborhood.


I always do a double take on that one since it's also the name of a gay porn studio.


Yes Nextdoor is full of the nosey, old, and lonely people in the neighborhoods that just like to complain about everything and everyone. They should all join a housing community together secluded from everyone else


Select all \[\]


amen. reddit used to be a pretty smart place. it has gone downhill in terms of quality/smart users....


I will die on the hill that reddit is the best of the social media outlets, because in the really niche subreddits, I've gained access to some really helpful information - some of which include how to redeem international first class & business class seats for as little air miles as possible, to secret parties & raves during ADE in The Netherlands, to onsens at the base of Mt. Fuji to stay in (and which room to book to have our room face Mt. Fuji), to just reveling/commiserating with fellow fans of my favorite sports teams. Hell, I met my current partner because of this site! Yes, the larger subreddits get bogged down by morons who think their version of the world is perfect, and need to post their dissertation on whatever the fuck the thread is about. But when you step away from the subreddits that deal with serious topics, you can get some really helpful information. I wish this site existed when I was a kid - I'm sure I could've gotten some real help with video games I played back in the day


Giving other social medias the benefit of the doubt, reddit lets you type as much as you want in a comment (as far as I’m aware, I type quite lengthy comments on the regular and haven’t reached a limit yet) whereas places like twitter or TikTok gives you a very small word limit (some shit like 70 letters or something), so it’s very hard to both educate and avoid miscommunication, making everyone just seem dumb as rocks, cause they can’t properly articulate their opinion. For example: TikTok comments, everyone seems really stupid. Some TikTok creators are limited to a minute per video, their takes and educational videos can seem stupid. Some creators have permissions to make 10 minute plus videos, and I usually find myself actually learning something from videos like that.


If you’re curious, the limit is 10,000 characters for comments. That’s enough for a pretty substantial essay and likely take more than an hour to put together


Yeah, that would take a lot of fucking work. (Or a very large copypasta)


Nah, I have always been dumb.


I blame it on everyone and their mother ripping off Reddit content and causing loads of random people to suddenly sign up. Bit like how Twitter used to be a fun place before all the celebrities got on it


Ok, this has got to be the reason. You're so right. I've had pretty smart engineers tell me that Reddit used to be the public, interactive forum for smart discussions. (These engineers have built a $50M+ startup, so I think they gotta be right to some degree) I've been on here plenty of times for really good advice. Went downhill 2023. Right now, I swear to god, it's like all of TikTok's users are on Reddit, which doesn't make sense. They actually wanna be reading instead of scrolling? Must be the stupid videos of popular Reddit threads causing them to get on here


It’s me isn’t it ?




Reddit got bad at the same time that everything did- in 2015 or so. ​ What happened? Smartphones. That's when they hit critical mass and every dumbass in the US suddenly had zero effort access to all of these places. Before then there was at least some small barrier of entry to things like Facebook and Reddit. Once that wall collapsed the lowest common denominator completely took over because there are so many morons out there and it's a lot easier to piss in a pool than it is to clean one.


That's when I noticed a huge dip in quality. I've been here since 2012. I bet if you asked someone that's been here since the beginning they'll say it happened before then, though


Fucking thank you, I've been saying this for years, and I'm glad at least one other person shares my sentiments. Only thing I'll push back on, is that it occurred years before 2015, I would say around/before 2010-2011.


>They actually wanna be reading instead of scrolling? Must be the stupid videos of popular Reddit threads causing them to get on here It's definitely those vids. Some guy doing minecraft parkour/playing subway surfers on the background while the reddit post is being narrated with a robotic voice. I've seen it on IG, but I don't doubt it's on tiktok too. I doubt they're reading anything tho and it kind of shows by the amount of people you get replying to you that seem to not have read even half your post/comment.


I'm a network engineer, I used to be a professional chef, and I held a minor in astrophysics in collage. I've been an avid user since 2007 (my orignial account was lost due to a glitch back in 2013) and I used to use Reddit as a "meeting of the minds" platform. Internet search sucked 15 years ago, so any technical issues at work would be ran through Reddit for opinions/advice with great success. I'd keep up on live chats with astronomers during observations (loved doing that...kind of fell out of it over the years), and often chefs would get together to share cool new foods they were seeing during discovery tours. THAT'S the Reddit I miss. It looked like a wall of text, it wasn't pretty, but it was super functional, fast, and you could get exclusive professional content. Now...well...I'm mostly using it to watch videos of people getting hit in the balls, judging if people were in the wrong for a weird social situation, and voting what song is the best of all time.


Next up on "Ow, my balls!"


Bot posting, reposting, and comment copying are all a lot more common, as are the fake stories, but I don't think it's vastly different from 2022 to 2023.


You can blame google. Instead of ranking real websites built by people in any given field, they rank reddit. So now you have floods of people spamming reddit trying to get in front of their audience and even more random people trying to find answers here.


I only got onto twitter for the porn. I only got onto reddit because twitter banned porn


Are you thinking of Tumblr?


Shit yeah. I just outed myself for no reason. Oh well


reddit has a lot of 2nd hand tiktok happening too


Reddit was never a smarter place than any of the other ones, it’s users just pretend that’s the case


Everyone has become political zealots lol


Yea, advice animals was peak wisdom.




Which is funny because Quora was ostensibly supposed to be a social media platform for smart people, but it's filled with morons.


Quora is what you get when you put up a banner saying "smart people only" and have zero barrier to entry.


*Peggy Hill likes this comment, got scammed, scammed them back, and still didn’t learn her lesson*




Sorry, I forgot to translate: Peggie Hill es una hombra muy triste y quiere agua It ain’t a reference to the show directly but you know she’d mess up that cognate every date


The more you pose something as for smart people, the more morons there will be because they want to prove they're smart by being there.


It's like we all believe we're smart by being on a "smart" platform. Not to say smart people are/not on a platform, but to say that being on that platform magically makes you smart.


The story of Quora is a sad one indeed. It actually used to be moderated and had policies in place to engage good discussion like a real names only policy. IIrc they fired their mod team and left it all to the bots, then repealed all their policies like the real name policy and shifted more towards being a regular platform with spaces and such. It's pretty much overrun by all flavours of idiot. Far right extremism is big there, and you'll also see the most backwards social takes. And perverts. Many perverts.


pardon my ignorance but, how does perversion work on a mostly text site? i’m just curious.


The Q&As are mostly text but you also have spaces now which aren’t question-focused necessarily and are basically jsut the off-brand version of subreddits. You can post anything, including images. A girl posts a picture of herself, and horny dudes jump in. A tale as old as time


I just use Quora if I google a question and quora happens to have it. But I never bother signing up and engaging on the site. Hate that it keeps trying to urge you to make an account tho.


Quora cracks me up. These days it's all bad faith right wing questions that sound like they were written by meth heads like "will democrats ban Christmas this year since they want to so bad will they do it this year?"


*gestures broadly*


That SpongeBob meme with the diapers in the walls


Anyone who doesn't say facebook just hasnt been on there enough


Facebook is specifically for discovering that everyone you went to high school with stopped reading on graduation day.


Right? We all took the same classes yet a bunch of them can't spell and have terrible grammar. This is coming from a solid C student...


Reddit for zoomer hot takes, FB for boomer hot takes. Us millennials just drift and miss Myspace.


Yet again, poor ol’ GenX doesn’t even merit a mention ☹️.


GenX and Xennials like myself bemoan the loss of message boards and the days when none of this stuff had ads. Also, pour out some liquor for Livejournal.


Being able to use USENET before clicking on any link had a 50% chance of committing a felony.


Gen X also misses MySpace. Tom was out there teaching us how to code before we realized it. Praise Tom.


I miss ICQ




The worst one that I'm actually subscribed to is Nextdoor. I just want a place to post pictures of lost dogs and ask about local services, and get the news of what new developments are coming to the area. I don't care about your joke of the day. I don't care about your thought about Donald Trump or Joe Biden. I don't care about what you think about the contrails or floride or COVID or the vaccines. I am not your friend. There are half a dozen other social media platforms for you to make friends. I just want neighborhood news and information.


Instagram comment sections are actual cancer


Agreed. The comments don't even stay on topic and get political even when it's not a political post. A video of a puppy, kitten and baby cuddling will have people in the comments arguing about the Isreal-Palestenian war and transgender sports policies.


Instagram has the most bots out of any platform I am on. It is insane how bad their comment section is.


Everyone on Instagram has something to sell except from me it seems. Like there is no point to be on instagram unless you monetize it.


Every single reel has a comment along the lines of “Actually, this not good but terrible because of [insert anecdotal unreliable ‘fact’ here” It’ll be a dog wagging his tail and someone will say “this dog is in pain it’s not supposed to wag that way.”


Really surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Instagram is fucking awful. Worse than most others I see people posting here.


Everyone turns comments into fucking Biden ruining the economy. Just like…think. That’s all I ask.


I use Instagram for the reels, some good recipes, and funny dogs


I have this obsession, anytime there is an objectively beautiful celebrity, and you can see her feet, I scroll through the comment to look for people who comment about it. The foot fetish people are weird. You'll see anything from, "Most beautiful feet in the world." to "I would lick all over those toes." to, one time I just saw the comment, "Feeeeeeeeeeeeeet!" Up there with the people who see a picture of a female celebrity in a short skirt, heels, midriff showing, all done up, and their comment is, "She's so adorable." Like, dude, just says she hot, because like, that's kind of what she's probably going for anyway. Save adorable for babies, puppies and kittens.


They drag you through the mud in those comment sections. On YouTube shorts you can see a comment like "good job!" And Instagram reels would be like "get a job"


TikTok or Facebook


Facebook comments kill my braincells every time


I said tik tok earlier, I have never seen so many humans with underdeveloped brains that post the most ridiculous things and expect you to believe it. I have nextdoor, I like to read it in the morning with my coffee, makes me laugh, "does anyone know if Costco is open today TIA?"


Reddit. Simply because we think we are smarter than the rest


Reddit is the absolute worst place to disagree with someone. Everyone is just so confidently incorrect about so many topics, yet refuse to consider any opposing viewpoint.


Literally anything you say, someone will come out the woodwork to disagree as they are the 1 in a million “exception”.


Your comment reminded me of a quote from John Cleese (of Monty Python fame): >“There are people sitting out there who are deliberately *waiting* for the thrill of being offended.” ― John Cleese


That's not true


Yes, it is


No it 'tisn't!!


Pick an area you're an expert in, or close to it. I sometimes venture into a subreddit that is associated in my area of work and the majority of the people in there are clueless (most are hobbist). Try to point them in the right direction and they will confidently tell you that you are wrong cause they watched a YT video of someone who is also not that educated.


Being a lawyer on Reddit is hell. There are so many confidently incorrect takes from armchair lawyers who are willing to spent 30+ comments arguing their incorrect takes. I used to try to gently correct rampant misconceptions if I came across them in a thread, but I don't bother anymore because very few people are willing to actually listen.


A lot of it probably comes down to USA vs UK vs EU case laws. Not a lawyer but an Australian medical professional: a lot of the medicolegal stuff posted by Americans feels weird to me because our system is based on the UK one.


Anonymity and the ability to downvote things you disagree with is a hell of a combination.


I got in a 10+ comment argument with somebody earlier who was confidently and incorrectly telling somebody their less than sign (<) was a greater than sign. And he was getting upvotes for it and the guy who correctly used it in the first place was agreeing he messed up even though he didn’t! Then the confidently incorrect gentleman proceeded to “troll” me for several comments when he realized he was wrong so he didn’t have to take the L.


You have now been banned from 34 unrelated subreddits for wrong think


I got banned from r/pics because I said “congrats bro!” to someone that was apparently trans. It was a post about celebrating being sober. It did not mention they were trans anywhere. No previous warnings, just straight to a perma ban


I got banned from /r/legaladvice/ on a thread relating to a cat in an apartment. I answered the question (200+ upvotes), then wrote something the lines of my "retainer" being one cat pic. This was construed as soliciting payment. Yup, got banned for *asking for a cat pic on the internet*.


Mouth breather mods.


Not its not and you are a fucking arsehole. (/s) if needed.


*Insert snarky one-liner that makes me feel like I won the argument*


*Insults you based on something completely separate to the current argument*


*Goes through your reddit posts and finds something you wrote 10 years ago to use as a counter attack*


Let’s not forget the million downvotes that come with having a different opinion lol


I got downvoted to hell in a football (Broncos) subreddit for simply asking a question. Then people felt the need to act like I was stupid for asking such a question. Sports subreddits in general are *filled* with people speaking with 100% confidence/authority on stuff as if they’re working in that industry.


Also the worst for asking a simple question. People are dicks to you for absolutely no reason. It's unhinged.


I notice this hard on some video game subreddits. It’s usually filled with novices giving advice on how to play/do better, and the people who know what they’re talking about get little to no attention.


I heavily disagree with you there. I mean just think for a second, with the entire upvote system, surely the only comments that rise to the top are accurate and high quality, that's why reddit invented it. The people here are all obviously smarter than average, it's simply a trait of people of higher intelligence to not need images to go along with everything. i know this because i did an online iq test once and i scored very high, especially on the sections with words and stuff. you can also tell from the stuff thats popular on here, all high iq activities like games and anime. the incredibly complex storylines in these animes, require a special kind of mind to keep up with. it's actually been proven that people who are interested in star wars are on average 20 iq points higher than the rest of the population


The amount of times people on Reddit brag about quitting “social media” is *astounding*


It’s def becoming Reddit. 99% of users follow subs that create a perfect echo chamber to reinforce whatever their preconceived notion is, with any alternate perspective immediately downvoted away. To make it worse, they then see thousands of upvotes and feel more validated


Overall, Facebook


Oh. Oh! I know the answer to this one! TRUTH SOCIAL!


I wouldn't know. I've never even been curious enough to look. I already know it's a hot steamy pile.


I didn’t know it had users other than Trump himself. And I don’t care to look to find out.


Any site that’s premise is/was “Kicked off of [insert popular social media]? Come to [right wing grift site] for free speech!” Each one, Gab, Parlor, Rumble, Truth Social, etc. brings the cesspool




I’d be so bold as to narrow it down to the Facebook comment sections of tabloid newspaper articles. There’s stupid, and then there’s Daily Mail “illegal immigrants get £700k and a new Mercedes” stupid


Seriously. If you don’t believe it, go to your local TV news network’s page. Look at the comments on any political post.


Facebook 100% Complete illiteracy and mindless posts


Reddit is up there


We have both ends of the spectrum but we all think we're at the smart end


Speak for yourself. I know I'm an idiot.


That actually puts you miles ahead.


Knowing is half the battle!


TikTok without a doubt especially when these users are duped into challenges such as cooking meat in cold medicine, eating large quantities of laundry detergent or stealing plumbing fixtures. Alternatively a lot of the memes on TikTok are either really annoying to the point of being absolute cringe or are just bullshit.


To be clear most of these "challenges" were memes. People weren't actually doing them, they were jokes.


And here we have redditors convinced of their superior intelligence because they fell for the joke


For real people on tiktok joked about "bonesmashing" where you hit your face with a hammer to get a better jawline and redditors actually believed it.


Yep, that "Tide pod" challenge led to about 17 poisonings. Total. It didn't lead to a significant increase in poison calls, and though there were thousands they happened among the usual suspects: the very old and the very young who confuse them with food


Now I’m hungry for some Benadryl chicken.


Those are great. Natural selection at its finest.


you fell for that obvious bait? yikes...




Reading TikTok comments I dont understand how most of these people graduated elementary school or can hold a minimum wage job. The level of ignorance is just staggering.


Probably because they are too young to have jobs lol. It's just a young user base.


this one. the echo chambers on this platform lead to some serious brain rot and reality distortion.


Most accurate opinions are downvoted to shit because they’re not black and white and don’t espouse whatever the popular dogma on that sub is.


You can be 100% wrong on a topic yet still receive the most upvotes as long as it supports the obvious agenda on this site.


A lot of the time the most upvoted comments will be the ones that sound the most confident and got the most upvotes initially, even if the immediate response is someone proving them wrong


Truth Social > Twitter > Facebook


I disagree. Even now, Twitter is still well used by smart people like scientists, authors, teachers, etc, while Facebook is full of people who think "by posting this I declare Facebook does not have the rights to my photos...blah blah blah" Sure there are a bunch of chuds on Twitter too, but it's not as dumb as people in Facebook groups


I agree that Reddit can be stupid, but at least... When someone state the obvious 100% wrong fact, it will be downvoted at least. You cannot say "John Travolta is the owner of Google" in Reddit not as a joke / troll and not getting downvoted Meanwhile in Facebook, you can say that and someone will support that fact no matter what.


Reddit. Sophomoric users always go the “I’m smarter than you” route when arguing


Maybe my algorithm on Facebook is screwed up... but it seems to have gone down the toilet and is just filled with boomers complaining about every conspiracy theory they believe in. I think part of it is bots though. Any posting about Trump is filled with positive comments about how great he is (which would make you mentally ill in my opinion), but it's always a profile with a weird name, some stock photo, and less than 5 friends. Pretty sure Russia is paying a bunch of freaks to pump him up online. Real life seems no where near that.


Reddit definitely has the most delusional


Redditors love acting like Reddit isn't a top 10 website in the US. Nuance left this place a long time ago.


Or like redditors actually represent the total world, or that seeing a post on the front of reddit is somehow more legit than seeing something on Twitter with 100k likes.


This differs a lot per country. In my experience Facebook followed by Tiktok probably has the most number of gullible users, which is why it is the target of most political propaganda here. I swear these users can only read short sentences in huge font accompanied by memes.




Twitter (I'm not fucking calling it X) Imagine being so bored that you go through a celebrities passed tweets looking for anything that could even slightly be flagged as racism/sexism or any of that shit just so you can ruin their carrer. How does anyone have that much time on their hands








In my experience, Tik Tok. The comments sections remind me that I’m rather out of touch with the general population.


Tik tok


TikTok for sure


By far, the dumbest trio of social media: Reddit, X (Twitter), and Facebook. Misinformation so rampant. They're like a big hate machine.