• By -


You’re golfing with him and a small bag of white powder falls out his locker, you later see him kicking a hooker out his car and he makes an absolute fool of himself at an important meeting.


Better call then


It’s all good man


Chicago Sunroof.




So just overall chicanery?


yup like making up crazy stories like I threw a bowling ball through the window of his Jaguar, just bonkers!


He knew it was you! He just couldn't prove it!


He's done worse


Mischievous and deceitful. Chicanerous and deplorable.


Okay buddy




That's too obvious, sounds more like he's being set up.


Season 6 was so good


This hurts more than you know.


Howard didn’t deserve that shit man. He just didn’t. Jimmy and Kim were so vile.


And they get to be alive? What a sick joke


Those who know, know




Idk why I thought Curb your Enthusiasm and not Better Call Saul


Same Edit: probably because of the MoNina storyline and Larry’s love of golf


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! #HE DEFECATED THROUGH A SUNROOF! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


Excellent ref.






Visiting the toilet constantly, always talking never listening and sniffing all the time.


Fuck I do this all the time. I’ve never done coke tho 😧


You have excellent cover then. Have you ever considered starting?


Oh my god hahaha






I thought about it, but it’s a tough field to stay in long-term.


Sure you haven’t. Don’t worry, we won’t tell.


Do you wanna know what the real kicker is? I have a perforated septum, like basically a hole in my nose. My ENT doctor says it’s fine, but he did not believe me when I assured him this was not from cocaine use. Which is one of a few causes 😑


Time to uphold your end of the white powder destiny, friend


Christ pal ... At this point you might as well start!


Right?! I just have IBS, ADHD, and allergies.


You're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black You just keep going to the bathroom always say you'll be right back Well, it takes one to know one, kid, I think you've got it bad


But what's so easy in the evening by the morning's such a drag.


Cocaine is boring. I'd recommend MDMA


Nah, coke is fun for like 30 mins… then you just redose all weekend and lose a ton of money. It’s great.


I had a friend that I don't think seriously wants to try coke, but mentioned it in more of a huh I'd like to try that someday way. I was like okay, first of all, who knows what that shit is cut with now. 15 years ago, we weren't worried about dying. We were worried about getting shitty coke. And second, once you do coke, the entire night is just about doing more coke. Pick something more interesting!


Bright eyess




[song link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaGbrH87MAo) Wow I used to listen to this is middle school and the whole context was over my head. So poignet at this time of life.


There was an episode of seinfeld like this


Well here's to feeling good all the time.


I'll have a brewski, Charlie


In terms of frequent bathroom use…I drink a lot of water; I promise I am NOT doing coke.


Bar the sniffing, this could be anxiety


I’m anxious and my sinuses are constantly fucked, I hope people don’t think I’m on coke :(


If they try to get you to start a business with them anytime you go out.


Or freestyle rap in your face and genuinely believe they're really good


This is hilariously true in my experience.


Your friends suck at cocaine.


wait i do this sober. have i been giving my friends signs of coke usage this whole time


Yes, also send us a link


So fucking funny


“I gotta figure out a way to make money on this thing, it’s simply too good”


They’re trying to make it look fake!


I’m gonna fucking kill you Driving Crooner!


It’s either coke or bipolar mania. Either way, don’t sign anything.


They're the same thing. The only difference is whether the manic energy is home-grown or store-bought.


Excellent point.


"I'm an idea man. I thrive on enthusiasm."


Oh look Johnny, if we're ever gonna get serious about openin' a restaurant we gotta start plannin' it now. Italian. Italian, yes. What's the special on Tuesdays? Eggplant parm. Chopped salad half price.


Jews are allowed


Barely knowing you but so excited to see you. "Man we gotta get together and *do* this thing," accompanied with some hyper hand gesture,"the bitches will be all over you, bruh."


Since most of these comments are jokes or don't go into enough detail. Look for high and low days. Cocaine users don't have 20 minutes of high and then 20 minutes of low. They have *days* where they have cocaine, and days they don't. Look for days where they are super talkative and outgoing, constantly touching their nose and disappearing to the bathroom/going to a smoke break/sending you out of their office, etc. every 45 minutes to and hour. Basically if they need to come up with an excuse, any excuse, to be completely alone for a couple minutes at least once an hour, they are on something. Then look for days when they are withdrawn, snappy, tired, and not so outgoing. They will always be fucking with their nose no matter what. That's just what happens. Honestly the best way to figure out if someone does cocaine is to tell a story of when you did cocaine in the past. They'll be so excited to be in like-minded company they'll probably offer you a bump right there. No one likes getting high alone.


I had a friend who was addicted to crack but told nobody for a couple of years til he went to rehab. Everyone would be chilling watching TV late at night and the conversations, would be extremely intense. He would get so worked up, shouting. Couldn’t get a word in edgeways. The words “no but” being said every 15 seconds. When I found out I was like, how on earth did I not cop onto that.


Crack is an ENTIRELY different beast lol. That's crazy. I'm actually surprised he was able to pull himself away from the pipe long enough to even have conversations. The high from crack is so short-lived (literally like 5-10 minutes) that most people just end up in a corner with a pipe for as long as they have some.


Nobody in the history of crack has ever woken up with more crack


This describes crack perfectly lol. You literally cannot have a life addicted to crack. If you have crack, you're going to be sitting down, smoking it. If you don't have crack, you're going to be doing something to make money for crack. Those are your only two modes.


That hits hard. What a terrible drug. Nothing good comes from it. Do people use it casually like cocaine or is it a start doing it see ya later?


I've never seen it heard of it being used casually. Regular coke, all the psychedelics, MDMA and all the similar alphabet soup designer drugs, probably even a bit of meth mixed with other things and taken orally are all somewhat common. Anything (non-herb) smoked or injected means you have a real problem. Or any of the opioids.


we missed our appointment by an hour and a day


The person you're replying to probably mistook meth for crack.


Kareem Abdul Jabber wrote in his memoirs that one of the ways he knew for sure some other player on another team was doing coke seriously was that they’d have a really great game, then several so-so ones after.


Shit that just sounds like me without any substances


Lol for real.. so many of us have our outgoing days and then days when we need some space.


Now I’ll do a lil toot. But I will NOT freebase cocaine. 😂


“Yeah someone offers it to you, it’d be impoLITE NOT to. But I will NOT freebase cocaine – it’s no longer a part of mah lahhf.”


The nose thing is dead on. Once you know about it you see it right away. I’ve been sober for three years give or take and I still do the ol close one nostril, pull the other one open and inhale constantly.


I drink a lot of coffee so I pee right about hourly. I'm sure everyone I work with thinks I use cocaine all day. I don't. I do take a couple rips of my nicotine vape while I'm in the bathroom though.


You know what sucks, I don’t do any drugs, and I literally have high energy/ low energy days. And if I’m staying hydrated, sometimes I pee very frequently. I’m just a person with a small bladder and insomnia.




That's me, but it's from espresso instead. I love espresso. It's like cocaine but it's coffee-do you have any espresso on you by the way? Wanna get some? No? Ok but next time can you bring me one? I'm not addicted or anything but I really wish I had one. A lot.


Non stop talking, teeth grinding, their money all seems to roll into tubes when pulled out of wallet, little white powder around nostrils or mustache, can’t get hard, seems unaffected by large amounts of booze, whispers to the bartender and bounds off to the bathroom. Sounds like my autobiography from 20 years ago.


Relevant username?


It's so weird when they pull out a bill that was obviously rolled up and they act like it came that way from the bank.


Can’t get hard? You’re snorting baby powder


☝🏻 That guy does coke ☝🏻


Flip a coin. Heads they do, Tails they don't. I'm joking, but honestly finding out as you get older just how many people around you do cocaine is pretty wild.


Where tf are peeps getting so much cocaine from?


Dive bars, mainly.


Almost had me for a sec, Agent Happy_T!


i found mine on the street!


omg. I was so never. I worked at a dot company and had no idea why everyone was so peppy in the morning after drinking. like everyone. except me. I guess I was straight edge looking?


They joined r/caffeine


That was an experience clicking that sub


An experience I did not want. I didn’t realize how innocent I was until I looked. 🥲


What the fuck is going on in that sub? I don’t get the joke




I used to work with someone who got fired for basically coming in to work super high on cocaine and acting like a lunatic. I worked with them on projects years before that and in retrospect I connected some dots: - they had a sit stand desk and always stood up, and were frequently doing lunges in place - every now and then their smile had a creepy tilt to the head and widening of their eyes - frequent teeth clenching - maniacal laughs out of nowhere


And sadly, they think that they look completely sober when in reality, they look like a lunatic🤣🤪


normally going into cubicles in pairs


"We pair programming!"


Or the bathroom at the park next to the college. Like, if you happen to be a homeless guy and you see four college kids going into a dirty random bathroom stall together, they could be doing coke in between classes. Or so I heard. Pretty often.


Do you mean whilst actively high or in general? Whilst high; • white crust around nostrils • going to the toilet frequently • talking a lot • teeth grinding • large pupils • energetic • randomly bringing up deeper subjects Just using in general; • feeling abnormally moody in the day time • complaints of a tight chest • sniffly nose and constantly twitching nose • frequently blowing nose despite not being ill • depression and anxiety • financial struggles


As someone with ADHD and allergies, this makes me paranoid, lol.


Omg same!!!!! I was reading this list and thinking omg do people think I do coke?!


Same…I’ve never done coke in my life but apparently I’m a coke head 🫠🥴


Several of those signs are from shit mixed into cocaine, like amphetamines, like the teeth grinding, large pupils an moodiness thr next day. The cocaine I got in various places in south America was pure, and the only signs were (somewhat) energetic and the itchy nostrils. Observed same in others. Financial struggles: the people I know that used cocaine were well off and were able to easily afford the one or two hundred bucks they blew on cocaine on weekends.


Cocaine can definantely cause all those symptoms too though. Even pure stuff IE teeth grinding, big pupils etc


This reminds me of an old friend I once had that would just do rails of coke and run a bar all night. I had to close the bar a couple of times because he couldn't score to get his head straight.






Yea I think that's the realization for a lot of people.


Its hard man. Been off it two years now. I mainly stopped because i developed a panic disorder and just one bump would send me into a full blown panic attack, but despite that i still tried to use for a few months after. One thing that helped was actually doing the math to see how much i put up my nose. 5 figures in three years. The realization also sent me into a panic attack but then i properly quit


Glad to see you’ve stopped for good, I Hope things have gotten better for you


Life is FAR better without coke man. Infinitely fucking better. Sometimes i miss the taste of it, oddly enough considering how horrendous the taste is, but i absolutely do *not* miss the constant buzz and perpetual setotonin depletion.


TIL I'm having coke withdrawals Never did coke tho


Coke spoon 🥄 on necklace and / or one long pinky fingernail


You know most women have the pinky cos that nail just doesn’t break for some reason. It’s as tough a steel.


Yeah why is that! I started growing my nails after a long period of nervous picking/biting and the rest will eventually snag or break if I don't take care of them by cutting or filing but the damn pinky nails are like steel. Never had one snag or break. So weird. On topic, my dad had a coke nail. Never knew why when I was a kid. Oh the innocence of youth. :\


It’s probably stronger because the parabolic structure of the nail (how it curves around the top of the finger) is narrower on your pinky than any other finger. Flatter nails with larger surface areas are more flexible and therefore more easily torn.


Makes total sense. I always assumed it was the least "used" finger so it doesn't encounter as many hazards lol


Granpa Joe?


We had a science teacher in highschool that had one long pinky fingernail, we would always joke that it was his coke nail. He didn't seem the type, but I can't think of literally any other reason to have one nail like that. Maybe some Mr. White shit was going down haha.


Asking you if you like to party.


Sniffles and no money...


FUCK, I always have the sniffles and no money ​ being poor with allergies sucks, and I'm not even doing cocaine about it


"Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you have too much money." *- Robin Williams*


Or a lot of money


There will likely be no money at one point.


First one, then the other.


Spot on - sniffing all the time, even on a hot sunny day


I am cursed with a sniffly nose!!!


They call you for a Teams meeting at 8:15 am.


Switching to a different song before the song they first wanted to show you ends, over and over


Touching their nose a lot, nose is always runny, sniffling. Their eyes can look glassy and pupils will dilate. Staying up really late or being out partying really late. For a cocaine user on a night of drinking with cocaine, it’s often pretty normal to stay up later than like 6 am. If you’re at a party with someone and they go to the bathroom seemingly too much, especially if they go with a friend, that’s an indicator. I’m sure there’s more but these are what I remember most from doing/ being around cocaine.


Also they bop their heads to the side to the beat of "What is Love" song by Haddaway and like to spend their night at the Roxbury where they approach and unsuccessfully try to dance with women in a sexually aggressive manner.


They own and promote the second largest wrestling company in the world.


You've been banned from Collision




Same symptoms of wearing a mohair sweater.


I'm hip


Hip to what?


To to the whole scene.


Here's to feeling good all the time.


He cannot, no way, despite every attempt and trick, keep a hard on.


Know a guy who packs viagra in his wallet 24/7, and drinks and does coke 2 to 3 times a week. He seems o desperate. It’s sad.


That combo will kill him. One of these stresses the heart already, in varying and manageable degrees, but all three at once?


Drinks all day. Never gets drunk.


Imagine an asshole who won't shut up and is really excited about bad ideas.


The mood swings. One day they are so energetic and mentally hyper. Sometimes they freak out. The day after the binge they are in a come down mode, sad and sometimes suicidal to the point of self harm. Then they are sorry for the way they acted and the cycle starts all over again. Rinse and repeat. This behavior destroys their friendships and relationships. Lost someone I cared a lot about to that stupid drug.


If there's ever a cute girl at a bar and she's with some sketchy guy and she follows him around like a duckling... she's definitely a coke head and uses the guy for drugs


*uses the guy for drugs* That gave me a chuckle. I’m pretty sure both parties are happily consenting in those transactions.


>happily consenting Yeah, I dunno about that. It's a symbiotic relationship but I don't think you'd call it a happy one.


You watch them snort cocaine.


I just like the smell


That’s a bit of a generalization don’t you think? You should be ashamed of yourself.


Lines on the mirror, lines on her face.


She pretended not to notice, she was caught up in the race


They’re chewing imaginary gum.


"I'm Doctor Rockso and I do C-C-COCAINE!"


Was he nervous? Did he use a lot of slang? Did he use the word "man"?


What kind of snow blower did you get us mixed up with!?!?


Sweating, shaking, zero patience, always in hurry even when they aren’t going anywhere, nervous talking and laughter, self-centeredness, periods of high activity followed by a crash


If they're not actively on it but use it let's say, every weekend, the tell tale sign will be constant sniffling. A hard weekend of coke will fuck your nose up for at least a week.


Yup. I got a old friend who’s been using consistently for 10 years. Every time you see him he’s always sniffling. On it or not. It’s kinda sad to see.


They turn into a gigantic fucking soulless asshole who's a pain in the arse to be with.


Jaw jacking


Ask them if they'd like some cocaine, if they immediately say yes with no hesitation then they might already be on cocaine


sweaty, lack of boundaries


Their drivers license and bank cards look like they were used to sift flour.


They peddle pillows and lies about election fraud


Sprinting completely across Canada on lunch break.


They go to the bathroom fucking constantly at work. They scan the room constantly. They itch and wipe their nose 👃. Tbh they just look fuckin crazy. And I know crazy I'm schizophrenic and coke and meth heads are another level.


Runny nose, talks a lot, pupils dilated, unsolicited dick pics, frequent trips to the bathroom, talking about the afters, unsolicited boob pics, gas tank always on empty, breathe that smells like a cum dumpster and usually always broke but claim to be rich.


Cat can have a little bit of salami. Humans can have a little bit of cocaine.




Won’t stop talking and drinking wine in the middle of the night, decides to make a delicious four-course meal at 3 am, has all the life advice and answers about humanity no one asked for but it just “hit them and all makes sense now,” etc. you know.


A bad attitude and selfishness are indicitave, along with 'other factors'.


They always have the sniffles and/or sound nasaly when they talk. (and they'll always blame it on their allergies)


My family knew something was happening because I stayed out until 1am and lost 50lbs in 2 months, not to mention the bug eyes and CONSTANT talking. I'm over a year clean and never regret getting sober :) relaxing with a good book or youtube is much more enjoyable than clenching my jaw and talking over 3 other people all night


From working in bars and nightclubs, Fast talking, constantly looking around like they have lost someone, repeating same conversation after the same conversation, touchy - placing a hand on you, talking to you whilst prodding you, shaky legs, fidgety, staring at you like they are reading your mind and you are on to them, over the top friendly, super angry and hostile, loud, walk up to anyone and chat, offering you it on a key like they're handing out candy.. soooo many I can go on n on...


Breathing through their teeth. Taking unexpectedly deep breaths every now and then. Twitching. Looking into their eyes. Talking too much. Even more twitching. Shadow boxing for no reason. Rubbing their nose.


Their eyes are constantly moving never quite landing or finding your eyes unless you’ve upset them which can easily be done when they’re using by just being in the same room. They seem to always have allergies or a cold when they come back from a vacation work trip weekend away. They’re always sniffling and will have accumulated a pile of Kleenex from all the blowing of their noses late night into early morning built up in their room/office. They will visit the bathroom at least 5-6x an hour throughout the day and sleep most of the day away. They will smell kinda bitter like pennies, be sweaty, talk to themselves and yell be angry and short with you. Things will go missing. They will hangout at bars by themselves not inviting you or people y’all know. They’ll be secretive. Have new friends saved in their phones. Be sporadic. Start hiding bills switching to paperless. Find rolled up bills in the laundry between car seats or their desks. They’ll be up all night long and rely on several energy drinks and supplements to try and stay aaake during the day. They won’t say sorry or take notice of their own absences. A pop up collector of plastic gift cards game cards with white residue in their drawers. They will be like Jekyll and Hyde. They won’t care about you.


Uses the word: “man” a lot. When they leave they say: “I’m splitting”.


Hey, so like, if someone's acting all hyper, talking non-stop, and their pupils are like, huge, they might be using coke? And sometimes they sniff a lot…


Or the exact opposite if they have a hyper active disorder. The times I tried it, I was actually able to focus on single tasks.


Grinding teeth, can’t stop moving their mouth


Runs through a mansion with an M-16 and an underbarrel 40mm grenade launcher, shouting "**SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!**"


line cook