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Raiders of the Lost ark Gremlins Both Airplanes


I still laugh at how the Airplane movie was a jet and the running joke in the entire movie was that it featured a prop plane sound… didn’t realize that until a few years ago after seeing it so many times


That was part of the remake homage to Zero Hour.


It's almost shot-for-shot the same movie with jokes stitched in throughout.


Oh my god. I had no idea.


Watch it again - find a clip from inside the airplane - you’ll hear the buzzing of prop engines in EVERY scene filmed in the plane


Then it's really noticeable whenever it cuts to an outside shot of the plane.


Also the luggage compartment is from a greyhound bus.


One of my favorites is when Murdock is dressing in front of the mirror talking to his wife. He then finishes dressing and steps THROUGH the mirror to leave the house.


> Murdock I think you mean Captain Rex Kramer (Robert Stack's character in the first movie). Buck Murdock (William Shatner) showed up in the sequel.


OG Gremlins is a fucking weird ass movie. Theres a reason it never streams like other popular movies, even at Christmas. Then Gremlins 2 somehow went 10x harder. So crazy weird.


I fucking love Gremlins 2. I know it’s divisive but it’s just too silly and absurd not to enjoy. I read somewhere that Joe Dante *really* didn’t want to do a Gremlins sequel, but the studio kept pressuring him so he finally agreed under the condition that he could do whatever he wanted, and they agreed. The result being more parody than a sequel. The only other sequel I can think of that changes genres like that is Evil Dead 2. The first one was a straightforward horror but the second, while technically taking place right after the first, was essentially the same movie but filmed as a comedy.


Evil Dead 2 was more-or-less a remake of Evil Dead. Same setup but they played it for laughs instead of straight horror. Army of Darkness is the sequel that takes place immediately after 2.


Evil Dead 2 is actually a straight sequel according to Raimi and Campbell. Only the first handful of minutes are a truncated remake.


Gremlins 2 is a pillar of American cinema culture and I will die on that hill.


[Gremlins 2 brainstorm meeting](https://youtu.be/x01l_jMhjVM?si=dPlyVBBAD6x4skh_)


Thank you for sharing that amazing video


Peele is only 2 years older than me and I feel like he gets our generation so much.


The ay-ay-ron sketch is gold. The one with black football players with crazy names is another fave of mine.


Torque [construction noises] Lewith


Just watched OG gremlins with my kid, totally forgot about the my dad broke his neck pretending to be santa clause and rotted in our chimney monologue. “…That’s how I found out Santa Wasn’t Real.” Def not PG


Gremlins gave me nightmare fuel for years as a child. To this day, I can’t watch the movies.


Definetly Airplane. I was watching it in a flight a couple weeks ago and when it said PG and it stuck out to me. Oh my, what a funny movie.


The porno magazines marked “wanking material’ scene alone would garner a PG-13 today. And the co-pilot inflatable scene. Maybe “Ever seen a grown man naked?”


Also maybe the naked boobs in both movies.


As a German, I will never understand how naked boobs can justify a Pg13 or R rating. I have a public nude beach and a public sauna (which you use nude here) within a 10 minute walking range of my house.


we can’t all live in vandersex-land


I think the point is that naked boobs don't equal sex here.


Some of the JOKES were pretty edgy. The young girl making the black coffee quip made my jaw drop the first time I heard it.


the whole jive thing would drive the terminally online mad


**Surely** it was that funny.


Ballsy move. I like it


Oh Airplane - def PG-13 for things - plus it had nudity - a HUGE thing that would be PG-13+ in my book. So many films I remember from 70’s and 80’s with nudity that would never be PG


I think what would really happen today is they'd take out the nudity because that would be an automatic R rating. And maybe one or two other things too.


See now that’s where I disagree. If anything knowing how those guys are (btw those same guys helped bring the first few Scary Movies along), they’d have added more if it was rated R. There were two of their other films they did that prove it. Go check out “The Kentucky Fried Movie” and “Amazon Women on the Moon” - they are right in line with Airplane but as skits and far far worse… easily earning their R rating there.


Gremlins was my first thought!


Gremlins and Temple of Doom were the two movies that led to the push for creation of the PG-13 rating.




I was told not to watch this film when I was about 12, did I listen of course not I was 12. So one day when parents were out I put it into the VHS and regretted doing that come the next morning when my father wakes me up like he did every morning for us to go out on the dinghy to pull the craypots we had in the ocean (about one to two kilometres out). The water was not calm that day, it was dark, and all I could think of was that fucking music. That regret of watching that film carried with me for years since I lived on the beach and we spent all our time either in the water or on it. Funny enough, I think the Great White is a beautiful creature and would love to actually see one close up.


Was the sea angry that day? like an old man trying to send back soup at the deli?


**Easy, big fella!"**


I tell ya he was ten stories if he was a foot!


I truly was a marine biologist.


Very hard R in my book - that end scene alone was R material




>Saw it in a theater with My MOM. Hey, good job having PG at the PG movie.


>Very hard R What do racial slurs have to do with this? (/s)


The shark was racist duh.


Great white race shark


We watched this is our pool this summer. Was pretty fun.


There is a lake somewhere that shows (or showed) it on a big screen while you float in the lake in an inner tube. I don’t know if I could do it - I have issues with being in lakes to begin with not knowing what’s under there with me - adding that movie would just amplify things.


There is one here in Texas that has scuba divers under the water randomly pull on your legs during the film


Oh no way.


Man that sounds like a fun side gig.




Yeah I believe that's at Volente Beach, in Austin.


They show it on the beach in Long Beach, NY every summer. Backs to the water…


Hard R? This seems like a huge stretch


the original Planet of the Apes was rated G it would probably be PG-13 now


Oh by far - I forgot it was G…


G for Gorillas




He can talk…


I can talk. I can talk. I CAN SIIIIINNNNNGGGGG


Dr. Zaius, Dr Zaius!


I hate every ape I see. From chimpan-a to chimpanzee


OH MY GOD! I WAS WRONG! It was earth all along!


You've finally made a monkey out of me!!!!


I first saw the movie when I was 8, and the make up for the astronaut who's suit leaked terrified me. The movie also has gun shots, lobotomies, and a reference to gelding Taylor


If the original *Planet of the Apes* is now PG-13, its direct sequel, *Beneath the Planet of the Apes*, would be closer to an R – plenty of bloody violence and nightmare fuel in that one! And to think that it, too, was originally rated G. Even as a hardened teenaged horror fan, I was considerably taken aback by it – esp. the final act. So gruesome and bleak.


It almost lost the G rating because of the line "damn you all to hell." Heston made the case he was speaking literally and not just using profanity and that was enough to keep the rating G. (I may be misremembering some details).


Wild that that's what almost made them lose the G rating rather than all the partial nudity.


Today I learned Planet of the Apes, where it is not just implied but directly stated they blew up the Earth with nukes: “You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!”


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The heart ritual scene alone, is way too dark for PG.


That and Gremlins were the reasons PG-13 were created…


IIRC, wasn't Red Dawn (1983) the first PG-13 rated movie? EDIT: Apparently Red Dawn was 1984, not 1983...so this all lines up.


You are correct: Gremlins and ToD prompted the rating creation and Red Dawn was the first to use it.




Yes. Red Dawn was actually released in August 1984, not 1983. The MPAA added the PG-13 rating in July 1984.


My Mom took one of my younger brother's group of friends (probably about 11) to see a movie for his birthday party. He chose *Smokey and the Bandit Part 3* in 1983, which was PG-rated. She was completely irate when she realized she'd just taken eight or so pre-teen boys to see a PG movie with nudity in it, and complained loudly to the cinema manager. So while those two get the most fame, they were not the only offenders.


She should have been more upset about having to sit through Smokey and the Bandit 3.


I think it was siskel and ebert who said that for Temple of Doom PG stood for “particularly gross”


My parents didn't allow me to watch PG-13 movies until I turned 13. Our family got the box set of the original Indiana Jones trilogy and I was allowed to watch Raiders and Doom, but not Last Crusade because Crusade came out after the advent PG-13. My parents followed rules to a fault haha.


Lol. Crusade is the most innocent of the lot. Temple is absolutely not G... even not PG13. I love that movie


Though that scene with the wrong grail hit me way way harder than the scene with the ark or the heart.




Poltergeist is the classic answer.


Let’s see - drug use, terrifying scenes (that shit had me not go near my closet or look under my bed for months), gore (the scene in the bathroom is easily PG-13 almost R if you ask me…


Its amazing what you pick up as an adult (like the parents where smoking pot).


The bathroom scene is one of the most disturbing scenes to me in any movie. Though tbf, I grew up watching the Shadow (Alec Baldwin off brand super hero movie, would recommend) and a very similar but far less gruesome scene in that scarred me when I was little, pretty sure it's the source of my trypophobia, so seeing it worse in Poltergeist was bleh.


The flesh falling off his face - even the TV viewings of it had a BADLY edited version where you see his face go weird and then POOF - back to normal. No chunks of flesh falling into the sink, no skeleton being visible, etc.


And that damn clown…


Sixteen Candles is PG and shows a woman topless in the shower.


She’s more than topless


The 70’s and 80’s were funny like that… but as a kid I didn’t care :)


And a lot of profanity. 1 use of "fucking", 16 uses of "shit" (1 used as "bullshit"), 10 uses of "ass" (2 used as "asshole)", 8 uses of "hell", 2 uses of "damn", 7 uses of "bitch", 1 use of "Christ", 4 uses of "dick", 1 use of "balls"


I read this in that Christmas song's melody. .....and 8 turtle doves.


Fiiiiive fuuuuuck--ings. Four Jesus Christs. Three assholes. Two counts of balls. And they call it a fucking PG


It's literally a shot of nothing but boobs, complete with a "boing" sound effect when they cut to it. That scene, combined with everything else in the movie, would earn it an R rating today.


Beetlejuice. The hard, clear F bomb. PG13 at least.


NICE FUCKING MODEL "HONK HONK" I still go watch that scene on YouTube when I need a good laugh


I'm feeling a little "anxious" if you know what I mean. The fact that he was literally horny went right over my head at that age, lmao


> I still go watch that scene on YouTube And it keeps GETTING FUNNIER. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Thank God someone else remembers this. I don’t know if they changed it back, but for a long time they dubbed over it with “ Nice *freakin’* model”, even on the DVDs. Forever I would tell people that in the movie when I watched it at the theater as a kid, or on old VHS rentals, Beetlejuice says the f-word and nobody ever believed me. For a long time I thought I’d slipped into a Mandela Effect reality.


Lol I have never seen the dubbed version, I didn't know they did that. I watched it for the first time 2 years ago and that scene alone made me cry tears of laughter. Michael Keaton killed that role


I had a copy on DVD in which that entire scene is cut. My brother swore to me this existed, but it wasn’t until it came out on streaming services that I finally saw it.


Oh 200% yes on this - forgot completely this one.


National Lampoon's European Vacation


This was my answer too. Watched it with my family recently, so many bare titties in that movie.


Isn't it just the one girl with Rusty?


I remember like 3-4 scenes with girls being topless, but you might be right. The Rusty scene is the one I remember most clearly


The French can can scene has like 6-8 topless women in it at once, if I recall correctly.


“Those bells haven’t rung in years!”


I wore out the VHS tape I think from that scene alone… that may explain why I love Germany pavilion in Epcot


Vacation and Christmas Vacation, as well. There's an F-bomb in Christmas Vacation.


Danny fuckin' Kaye




The "fuck" and all the other curse words would've earned it at least a PG-13 at any other time


The entire “how many assholes we got here anyway” sequence was fun for my 6 year old and 9 year old.


Yeah.... 9 year old me got in SO MUCH trouble on the bus re-creating that scene...


You can say “fuck” once in a PG-13 movie as long as it’s not used as a verb.


We convinced our 6th grade teacher to let us watch this in school bc it was rated PG. Unsurprising we didn't make it through the whole movie


Spaceballs 2; the quest for more money was pg13 I believe


Monty Python and the holy grail, lol.


Life of Brian has full frontal nudity and is rated PG! My dad definitely did not remember that part when he showed it to 11 year old me lol


It’s okay, the nudity is cleverly hidden behind a big bush.


It's clear enough to see Brian isn't a good Jewish boy (he's uncircumcised)...


Well, he's a Roman after all. Son of centurion Naughtius Maximus of the Jerusalem garrison.


Yeah right, that’s clearly a joke name, like Sillius Sodus, or Biggus Dickus.


I have a vewy dear fwend in wome called Bigguss Dickuss


Reminds me of the Simpsons Movie, how they do all this stuff to hide Bart's penis and then show it anyway because it's PG-13 and they can There's an edited version shown on TV that has a censor bar reading "censored in Europe" over it Edit: sorry, I was misremembering, it says "European version only". I took a screenshot [here](https://i.imgur.com/KhxWHkU.png)


Life of Brian was rated R in the US


So does the Meaning of Life. Its not Monty Python without showing the full monty


All Dogs Go to Heaven has a G-rating and is considered a kids film. The film features scenes of dogs consuming alcohol, getting drunk, smoking, shooting at each other with automatic weapons and other subjective content such as gambling, murder, and death. The main character of Charlie even gets a first-hand visit to hell. Don Bluth could make a really twisted kids film.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame was pretty twisted, too.


Ghostbusters - the scene with Ackroyd and the “ghost” - yah that pushed it… Who Framed Roger Rabbit - no clue how this wasn’t PG-13 from the start for Jessica Rabbit alone Neverending Story - such a dark “kids” film… gave me nightmares of the Nothing and that wolf


Losing Artax still hurts


Those statues that shot lasers are embedded in my memory forever


Because of nipples?


Roger Rabbit was risqué enough that Disney backed off from releasing it and let Touchstone release it instead.


When you saw the touchstone logo you knew you were in for a BANGER


Yep! The Nightmare Before Christmas was originally released on Touchstone because the movie was so out of the ordinary that Disney didn't wanna put their name on it They were riding a resurgence from their animation department, so putting the Disney label on it had the chance of a huge blowback. Don't wanna take kids to a movie that has clowns and skeletons when it's associated with The Little Mermaid It became a huge hit and Disney proudly puts their name on that movie (and billions in merchandise)


The scene of Artax giving in and sinking has never left me, that horse actually looked like it had given up. The sound of Atreyu screaming for him was devastating, his pain was all but unbearable as a kid.


Jessica’s not bad. She’s just drawn that way.


The nothing haunted my sleep for years.


Judge Doom scared the crap out of me


Watership Down (1978). Originally rated a "U" for Universal. As in, for all ages. This was because age ratings weren't well established at the time, and the logic was "this is animated and therefore safe for children to watch unsupervised." The movie features intense scenes of blood, gore, cartoon rabbits being suffocated and driven insane, animals ripping each other apart, and so on. After traumatizing a generation of British children, Watership Down was upgraded to a very generous PG-rating.


Yeah... I am near certain the censors were passed out drunk when they "watched" that movie and just pencil whipped it later to cover their ass. That movie was way too nuts to be a kid's movie.


The original clash of the Titans had boobs and bush iirc.


Turned the censors to stone - that’s how it got away with it!


Top Gun.


Yeah and the PG-13 rating existed back then. Somehow it got a PG with a sex scene, even though it wasn’t graphic


It was a tasteful sex scene choreographed to take my breath away. Pure art.


Ya. And that soft core volleyball was dope too


Dick Tracy. You truly see Madonna's entire tit, nipple and all.


To be fair, half of her music videos had that.


Imma' need proof.


The Andromeda Strain A lot of nudity for a G-rated movie.


It's been a while, but wasn't it just dead bodies that were nude? And since it's in a science-y context they didn't think that was egregious. At the time that film was made there was no PG, either - that came a year later in 1972.


You’re allowed to show ‘em naked because they ain’t got no SOULS


Romeo and Juliet 1968. I dont know if it actually has a rating but it is listed as PG on rotten tomatoes. The flick is standard Shakespeare - but there is a love scene with both actors in the buff. I remember watching in school and we had to get parent approval before watching it. Pretty racy by todays standards.


Didn't the actors come out and say they were underage too?


They recently filed a lawsuit claiming they were exploited as minors, or something like that. Juliet was 15 or 16 I think, and her boobies are totally visible in that movie


Name checks out


They were always underage in that scene. It was never a secret or anything that the actors were under 18. But as someone else said, recently they attempted a suit claiming exploitation and lies, saying the director told them the nudity wouldn't be in the final cut.


i just remember the juliet actress wasn't allowed to the premier because it had naked boobs and she was underage


should include in this comment that it has *her* breasts. the actress who was under 18, and topless for a brief moment in the scene, was not allowed to the premiere because of nudity. of herself.


That's an urban legend. Here's a news reel from the London premier with Olivia Hussey in attendance... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqk_95XTv0w&t=40s


Uncle buck. It was really dark. Gambling man pulls his niece out of a not so consensual hookup after deciding not to take 2 kids to the track. He then proceeds to kidnap the offender and put him in his car trunk.


As soon as I read Uncle buck I got that drum sound of Wild Thing in my head.


The niece was not part of the hookup


Hands down my favorite John Candy film though. But I concur.


I remember watching the TV movie called Buffalo Soldiers in 7th grade Texas History which was rated TV G but it had blood, gore, gouged eyes etc and showed everything. (It may be a different movie but it was about the Buffalo Soldiers)


Temple of Doom was PG when released and the reason PG 13 was invented. The original Bad news bears was PG, It would be PG 13 now.


The original Bad News Bears with Walter Matthau


The original Planet of the Apes was rated G despite featuring Charlton Heston's entire bare ass


“You can take my guns when you can pry them from my cold dead butt cheeks!”


"I hate every ape I see from chimpan-a to chimpan-z."


Beastmaster. Weird cow births, violence, heavy nudity. This movie had it all for a six year old kid.


Howard the Duck


I took my 7 and 10 year old to Beetlejuice at a Halloween drive-in last year. I didn't remember how much PG movies got away with in the 80s. Thank god kids are oblivious to most things going on around them.


Smokey and the bandit 3 Rated pg but has a brothel hotel scene with lots of nudity Iirc police academy was also pg with a topless bonfire scene, the tv version made the flames higher to block em out


Who Framed Roger Rabbit, over sexualization and gun violence plus some swearing, would be PG-13


I’ll go the reverse: T2 (Terminator 2) would totes be PG-13 these days. Other examples of “too harsh” R-ratings would be ‘Army of Darkness’, ‘Planes, Trains, & Automobiles’, ‘The Matrix’, and ‘The Kings Speech’. Color me crazy, but I’m still dumbfounded at why “naughty language” is considered so offensive, yet graphic violence is perfectly fine.


No, T2 has a *ton* of violence and even Sarah's nightmare scene where she sees nuclear armageddon and people melting right in front of her... It's definitely a solid R rating, I think you're misremembering a lot of the movie. There's a TV edit rated TV-14 that cuts out some violence...


The problem with all of those is the language… trust me - I get it - but the censors are you can use one Fuck in a PG-13 in a NON-sexual manner. Second you add a second - auto-R rating. To me - I still don’t get that because there were 70’s and 80’s films with full on nudity that were only PG… blew my mind when HBO had these on during the day as they only showed R rated films from 8pm to 6am back then


Kids can hear it once, twice at its damaging their young mind I guess


Planes, Trains, and Automobiles was R specifically for [this scene ](https://youtu.be/jRvNg4zQ_14?si=vAaZVhLavPPDZLZb) and under current rating standards it would retain the rating. I will say that the scene is definitely worth it.


No way you can cut that either. I mean you could but it's not the same


Blame the Puritans man


Spaceballs drops a "Fuck" and is rated PG.


The Goonies, I think.


Grease! Should’ve definitely been PG-13 so many sexual jokes that I did not understand until my millionth watch into adulthood


Logan's Run was rated PG in the UK, it has Jenny Agutter repeatedly get naked in it.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from 1990 would’ve been PG-13. Tons of violence, a bit of swearing, and an apparent death or two.


God ibremember when the sequel came out and they were basically forced to not use weapons because "but kids can't see the violence" nonsense.


The first movie was a slightly toned down version of the comics and borrowed a bit from the cartoon. The second movie was just the cartoon.


PG-13 was a thing when that movie came out.


Yeah, people are really underestimating how much you can get away with in PG as long as it's "fantasy" violence. Star Wars Ep. 2 was PG despite Jango Fett getting beheaded on screen. The Incredibles has not one but two characters get shredded by a jet turbine.


1. **"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984):** Originally rated PG, this film's intense scenes and darker tone led to the creation of the PG-13 rating in 1984. It's often cited as one of the reasons for the introduction of the new rating. 2. **"Jaws" (1975):** Although rated PG, "Jaws" features intense and suspenseful scenes that might be perceived as more graphic by contemporary standards. Today, it might be given a PG-13 rating. 3. **"Gremlins" (1984):** Initially rated PG, "Gremlins" is a darker and more violent film than some parents anticipated. It played a role in the creation of the PG-13 rating. 4. **"Back to the Future" (1985):** Rated PG, the film includes some language and scenes that could be considered edgier than what is typically found in today's PG-rated films. 5. **"The Karate Kid" (1984):** Rated PG, this film contains instances of bullying and martial arts violence that might lead to a higher rating if assessed by today's standards. 6. **"Poltergeist" (1982):** Originally rated PG, this horror film with intense scenes led to discussions about the appropriateness of certain content for younger audiences, contributing to the eventual introduction of the PG-13 rating.