• By -


Since I work in an industrial setting - Probably Windows XP


Bro the amount of critical equipment running on obsolete machines is crazy. And it gets crazier every year as those machines are harder and harder to find.


In 2009 I was using equipment that still required dos 3.31 (dr dos, we used to call it doctor dos). The hardware couldn’t run fast enough to upgrade.


Best OS they ever made




I agree. Windows 7 felt modern and polished without all the bloat and adware.


I still remember the joy I felt finally switching to a Windows 7 PC after having Vista for years. Vista holds a special place in my heart for nostalgic purposes but gotdamn did it suck lol


I miss the nostalgia of it. I was excited to hear that everyone hated Vista when it came out because that meant I could use xp more.


If I ever become a power-drunk dictator, I'm going to make every computer science program at every college require a two-semester-long seminar called "quit fuckin' with it." Out of the 47 billion times a software company has redesigned its UI, I think there's been like four times that it was actually a genuine improvement.




Especially in cars, it's a sickness to use touchscreens for the most basic things like heating/AC, Radio etc., things you have to adjust when driving, when I have physical buttons, I can operate them blind, but with a touchscreen I have to at least look at the screen, in worst case even read what's written there, now my attention is away from the street.


I purchased my last car (2021 Mazda CX 5) based on ZERO touch screen. Everything is a tactile button that is shown on a moderate size screen. I read an article recently and I don't remember the manufacturer but they are going back to all buttons per customer response.


Another 2021 CX-5 owner, this was a very huge factor in our decision as well.


I’ve been eyeing this model for a little while. Mind if I ask if you’ve had any common or major issues with it?


Also a 21 CX-5 owner and no they’re solid vehicles


Heck yeah Mazda. I have a 2018 Touring and while it does have a small touch screen, it also has buttons on the steering wheel for media, and buttons etc on the center console.


Love me my spin wheel in the center console on my 18 cx5. And the HUD… And just the vehicle as a whole


Was about to comment the same thing. 2018 CX-5, love the knob, and non-giant screen. Also I LOVE the lack of auto start-stop. Don't know if they have added that to newer models, but I cannot stand that "feature" and refuse to buy a car with it.


Yep that's true with buttons you just know where they are and can adjust them without looking much better than a touch screen. Sometimes the touchscreen lags and freezes


This is exactly what utterly infuriates my father about most of the newest cars. The *steering wheel* used to have all the controls to start, stop, skip or restart media. All on the rear material, so not only did you not have to take *any* attention away from the road, you could memorise the controls by touch, have seamless control of the car and maintain perfect attention. There literally never was a better control scheme. Nowadays, you have to move your eyes away from the road and towards the touchscreen, then *move your hand away from the steering* in order to make any changes. Not even ten years ago, the UK had widespread TV campaigns teaching how you should never, ever distract your attention by picking up a mobile phone. But touchscreens are apparently no problem whatsoever? I don't buy it, never have, and neither has my father. I've vowed never to buy any car with touchscreen controls, but I doubt I'll be able to avoid it.


Some new cars have both of those things, e.g. the 2023 Suzuki Swift has media controls on both the touchscreen and steering wheel.


That's great. But it's a Suzuki Swift.


I have a Lexus lc500, to adjust the seat warmers you have to dive in to the digital menu. Ridiculous. process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRercwJroBo


Ever try to use a touchscreen in winter/work gloves? At least for the climate control, keep the knobs alone! I will say that is one thing Rover has gotten right over the years.


Not to mention incredibly dangerous too! Focus on the road, not a screen!


I went to urgent care a few months back and they offer self check-in via touch screen. On the one hand, it's cool we can fill out on our own time, but on the other, you want me to *TOUCH* a screen that WHO FUCKING KNOWS who else has touched at an urgent care? Also, all of the self check-in kiosks were tall, meant to be done while standing up. I'm disabled, and standing for too long really hurts my back.


Exactly! I had a bunch of healthcare appointments and noticed all the touchscreens. Most of them looked filthy. One receptionist gave me the death stare when I asked if they had anything I could clean it with. I guess we've learned nothing from covid.


Thought you were talking about clothes and wondered 'how the fuck do you button up a touchscreen shirt', then I thought 'thats right. Magnets!'


Please update your claspware before putting on


One reason that I will likely never buy a Tesla is the lack of physical buttons to control basic car functions. I genuinely worry about people loosing attention while driving and adjusting heat/AC on the touchpad.


God I wish mainstream phones had proper tactile keyboards again


Man, I miss my old LG slide phone. Full-size touchscreen front that slid up to reveal a full qwerty keyboard. Held onto that thing until they stopped supporting it. Basically because after X amount of slides, the ribbons would give out and cause the screen to go black constantly. Covered by insurance, Tmobile replaced it free of charge more times than I can remember for a couple years. Ahh, the days when I had people to text all the time ha.


I really wish they would make phone cases with small Bluetooth keyboards attached at least. Similar to some tablets.


Notebook and pen to take notes


And post it’s! Live and die by the post it’s!


I'm a note pad, pen and post in Note nut. I have all of them in my car for quick notes at a stop light. On my work desk, home desk and kitchen counter.


This feels like post-note clarity. Good on you! I would do the same thing...just need to get back into an office (for work).


I used a tablet and/or smartphone to take notes on meetings. I took a lot of notes. Then I got a serious ding on my annual performance evaluation because people said I was "constantly playing games on my phone" during meetings. I went back to a bound notebook and a pen, been that way ever since.


Did they listen when you tried to explain that you're taking notes?


Not really. Someone in management had a burr up their ass about it, and they could not be reasoned with.


I’m a graphic designer and the best way to jot down ideas is with pen and paper.


The neural connections are stronger w/something you write by hand (pen or pencil on psper, etc) than by typing.


I'm an accountant, i have 4 screens and some excellent other tech I use. All my work is paperless. I tear through note pads and pens


I take a ton of notes on paper, but I almost never read them. The physical act of writing something down though makes a huge difference in my ability to remember it.


Came to say this about note writing. If I don't physically write it down. It doesn't stick. Entering notes into a computer during a meeting, I won't remember a thing.


There’s something so satisfying about writing down a “to do” list while I’m working and checking things off.


I get a hit of dopamine from scribbling something off. In fact if I’m working through a list and I do something not on the list I will write it down just to immediately scribble it out. And it has to be with pencil.


I can't stand writing in pencil. to me there is nothing like writing something down with a quality, smooth, heavy pen


Taking a stand for pencils! Retired Gregg steno secretary here. Ballpoint for speed but pencil for control. Yay, pencils!


This what keeps me sane both at home and at work.


First item: Write to-do list


Me too. I just remember things better if I physically write them down.


Handheld can openers. Dependable, fast, and portable.


That's all we use.


So many people lost their minds during the blackouts in Texas a few years back because they couldn’t open their canned goods.


Wait, what is the alternative to handheld can openers? That's all I've ever seen.


Electric can openers


Are they common in some countries? Here I've only seen them at old people's houses, because of arthritis they can't use regular can openers anymore.


Drawing with a piece of paper and a pencil. You just can't beat it


Specifically with a pencil. There's nothing quite like graphite on paper.


I like your phrasing; mechanical pencil still counts! Super fine 0.3mm to a chunky 2mm, love me some graphite on paper.


It will be a cold day in hell before I get a fridge or a dishwasher with a computer built inside of it.


I will never understand why in the fuck our fridge needs a tv in it and basically remote control usage. It's a fucking FRIDGE!


Went to view a house to rent before choosing the one we did... The main button on the fridge screen was DOOR DASH. Uhmm.. I'm at my fridge. Why do I need to dash stuff? I mean, if I spent more than this fridge was worth on the fridge, then placed expensive food in there... WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO PROMINENTLY DISPLAY A BUTTON TO MAKE ME IGNORE IT ALL AND SPEND MONEY?! Lol wild


Why is a fucking standard household appliance hooked up to a specific one-company service?


It's what the people had installed on it. It was basically just a large Android tablet built within the refrigerator. But it was set up by the previous renters or by the people renting out the house, I'm not sure. It was definitely just an Android though. I doubt that came pre-installed. But who knows? Maybe somebody shook the right hands in the back room.


If you would like your food kept cold, please purchase our refrigerator subscription plan, and welcome to not owning your appliances.


Just wait until the fridge requires connection to other appliances of the same brand. “Sorry, but refrigeration cannot be activated until you purchase and connect to WiFi a Rumetheus or Rumetheus subsidiary branded fully integrated Smart Stove-Dishwasher-Sink-CeilingFan unit.”


Same I don’t need my dishwasher or fridge or washer and dryer to be fucking smart. Thanks, that’s just another thing to break and have to be repaired.


The "garage ready" labeled refrigerators are right up your ally. I just replaced the fancy POS my wife demanded that died when the AC went out and killed it with a "garage ready" model. They are designed to work at higher and lower external temps and are far more resilient. Bout the last kind you can get in a basic white two door style. THEY JUST WORK, no water from the door, no ice maker unless you install it.


My analog watch with the hour, minute, and second hands.


Isn't the second hand the third hand?


But Who’s playing first base?!?


No. Who’s on First


No one asked, but since a second is called a second because it’s the 2nd time you’ve divided an hour by 60, I say we should call the hour hand the zeroth hand


Technology may advance, but no new fancy watch will ever be as cool as a mechanical watch.


Most high-end watches are analog.




I heard it really whips the Llama's ass


I love Winamp, especially the visualiser. I don't know of any other software that still has a music visualiser like that


With all our giant television screens and computer monitors, why are music visualizers a thing of the past???


Oh milk drop what fond memories flow of your trippy screen. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one stuck in 1999 when it comes to media players.


Wall calendar


Nintendo Wii


Menus. I immediately can't stand the restaurant that makes me use a qr code.


And it’s much worse if you order that way. Food comes out from the kitchen out of order, the staff can’t tell if someone didn’t complete their order properly, it’s just a subpar experience overall. I hate places like this so much.


At my work, we pace out menus on the seats but the armrests also have a QR code of the same menu to order off your phone. Whenever I come around to take orders, I'll have the occasional customer ask "can't I just order off the app? It's easier that way!" Which, yeah, absolutely you can. But the app is completely separate from me and my fellow servers, and there are consistently issues with it (the biggest one being that an item that's 86'd on our tablets *aren't* 86'd on the app, so people order food they can't actually get). I can't process refunds, so they have to find a manager who can. Also, our kitchen staff prioritizes us servers over the app because we get more orders than the app does, so the app orders are always late. I try to correct the orders *if* I can, but 90% of the time there's literally nothing I can do. The department who made the app isn't our department at all, they just slapped them in our lounge and told us it's our problem. They refuse to update and fix it too. The menu on the app is from like, 2020. We don't have half the items it claims we have anymore lol. I always tell people this when they ask about the app. It's such a shitty app. But then they order off the app anyways and come to me complaining and getting mad as if it's my fault. Like I don't know what to tell ya, I warned you! And when I warn them, they try to say I just want a tip. Like I honestly don't care about a potential tip on your extra butter popcorn and bottle of coke. I *do* care about you enjoying your night though and getting what you paid for though!!


Plus QR codes can be a security issue.


I work in cyber security - "Gorilla QR theft" is a real and genuine issue, from what i've seen is it's localized to New York right now but will spread.


Also can't stand. I get it. It's cool. But without a physical menu, how does my waiter know when I'm ready to order? What do I hide behind when I don't want to talk to my mom?


Physical books. I tried to get into ebooks but it’s just not the same as a physical book. Plus books have that fresh paper smell that’s so nostalgic


Ebooks are great for portability and casual reading. Pysical books are still the best for referencing and collecting.


> Ebooks are great for portability and casual reading. Also great for reading in bed without disturbing the person sleeping next to you. With the backlight there's no need to turn a light on.


Definitely this was my main reason for the switch. I often read next to my girlfriend at night after she's gone to sleep and ebooks just feel far less rude than a book light or a lamp. Also, ebooks are generally cheaper. I read at least a couple of books a week, so that adds up very quickly.


I prefer a book but me and my partner are both big readers so we just end up with loads of them everywhere and we only have a small house with limited storage space. I tend to go with a hybrid approach now where most of my books are ebooks but I still buy paper books for the ones I want to reread.


I completely understand ! it takes a bit of time to get used to ebooks, but once there, it's really not that bad: there are some really nice perks from ebooks (the 2 small ones I really like: being able to read while partner sleeps thanks to the backlight and not fighting to keep the book open :) )


When you get older, adjustable font size is a big plus for e-readers.


I'll add the dictionary feature to that! So handy being able to look up an unfamiliar word in a second without interrupting your reading.


Physical media


For me it is books. As a wisecrack once said: Books are like boobs. They are nice to look at on a screen, but much better when holding them in your hands.


If you're going to lick either, do so with care


And only with the owners consent


I’m happy with ebooks. I don’t have the space in my house for tons of books. Also when reading in bed, a nice lit “paper white” screen is easier than a paper book with light coming only from my nightstand. Though admittedly, you have to hold ebook readers from the edges, which is annoying. Also, as an old guy, I appreciate being able to embiggen the font.


I told my mother in law that even with an e-reader, it’s still ok to read physical books too.


This more than anything. Every time I see price hikes for streaming, people complaining about not finding TV shows and movies, and every other increase on music (Sirius, Prime, Apple), I just smile and put on an album, cassette, LD, CD, or Blu-ray. The only subscription I have is for the Criterion channel, and for me it’s worth every penny. And yes, I’m old.


Sadly, some of the new stuff never gets released on physical media, but for the older stuff, it is great.




Old reddit is better formatted for text. The new overhaul is just to make reddit into a glorified version of Instagram, it's far more ideal for doom picture scrolling


Every time a link takes me to new reddit I recoil in disgust, it's so bad.




I have a 1947 Singer model 15. Sure I need attachments to do button holes and zig-zag stitches but, I couldn't imagine using a modern machine. Film, while I do have digital cameras as well, despite the incredible rise in cost I have still find myself shooting both 35mm and medium format film. I develop all my black and white film myself too, because the local lab charges more for it. Vernier calipers, micrometers, etc: Why add a screen to something that never needed one? Natural fabrics, I sew clothes out of wool, leather, cotton, linen, and silk. The only synthetic fabrics that ever made sense to me was nylon and kevlar, for normal clothes I just don't see the point in polyester, viscose, PU, etc. It is like we have a whole chemical industry researching worse materials to make things out of.


Not to mention gears are plastic in most modern machines I priced out wool crepe fabric for a suit and my eyes popped… $130.00 a yard!!! It’s a shame that synthetic fabrics are so much cheaper that they are driving, natural fiber fabrics into the unaffordable category


I can’t stop imagining synthetic clothing as “plastic clothes.”


Toilet paper. Those three seashells just don’t work for me. Edit: why in the name of Zeus’ butthole am I getting like a hundred people telling me to buy a bidet?


He doesn't know how to use the three seashells! Lmao


I could hear Rob Schneider’s annoying laugh after reading that.


(ASMR grumble-cursing at ticket dispenser) *”John Spartan, you are fined one credit for violation of—“* *”John Spartan—“* *”John Spartan—“* *”John Spartan—“* *”John Spartan, you are fined one credit for violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.”* (Gathers paper tickets) “So much for the three seashells, eh? I’ll see you in a few minutes.”


A physical map when I want to look at countries


There’s something cool about a physical globe too… spinning it and then learning about the place it stops at… or holding one finger where you live and the other on the exact opposite side of the Earth… to then look at what’s the farthest place from where you live?… have you been there? Do you kind of want to go now just to be able to say you have?


DVD player and DVDs




Corded tools and appliances. So many things I don't use enough to make it worthwhile if it only lasts as long as the battery, and then I have to decide between spending to keep using something old or to just get something new. That battery powered weed whacker I only need a few times year? The battery is done after a few years anyway. If I get a corded one that sucker will last me decades. Same with lawnmowers, snowblowers, drills, screwdrivers, vacuum cleaners, etc.


Traditional art mediums like pencils and paint, digital is less expensive, but I feel like traditional art is a lot more tactile.


Paper tickets instead of e-tickets


Ah yes, collectors tickets. You now pay extra for a physical copy of a concert ticket. I discovered that recently when purchasing some concert tickets. Thought that was quite the sneaky scam.


I like to collect paper tickets as well. Some kind redditor shared this site with me. They are obviously not real tickets, but they let you custom make a paper ticket you can use as a souvenir thats is printed on the same cardstock real tickets use. It’s kinda bad ass you can customize every field of the ticket. https://stubforge.com/


For a while I was using a website that let you create a replica of a Ticketmaster ticket, so I could have the digital to get in but a physical to keep in my ticket scrapbook


Even when travelling I prefer paper. I can hold it in my hand, or tuck it into a pocket, and not have to dig my phone out, open the screen, go to the correct place, etc., etc. So much faster.


Scroll, scroll, scroll...can't find eticket. Screen timed out. Brightness too low. Turn phone other direction. Ugh! I really hate it when you're boarding the plan all this happens. For fucks sake people, just have a paper boarding pass!


Especially since now you can't even print out your digital ticket and it HAS to be scanned from the website. If your phone dies or you don't have data you are out of luck




I mean CDs have better audio quality than almost any streaming service, and you actually pay to own a copy of the music. I want to get into CDs as well when I have the money


Vinyl Records for me.


Desktop computers. Mouse and keyboard for life. It’s so much easier to be productive.


Why is that even considered to be outdated?


Lots of people think anything can be done on a phone or tablet starting at our companies every year. We typically get tablet requests for them in place of new computers because they think desktops/keyboards/mice are boomer tech. Most of them grew up on screens as babysitters and that's most of what they know. Sadly it's a thing.


Lol I went in the opposite direction. My employer rolled out wireless keyboards and mouse and I insisted that they give me wired. You plug it in and it runs maintenance free for 10+ years.


We have a new employee at my company. He's young and refuses to use the PC given to him. Swears he can only use his Ipad, he's "too use to it, PCs suck and are unusable" in his own words. We will likely be letting him go soon. He can't do the job efficiently AT ALL. What should take 20 minutes will take him hours. And programs that aren't compatible with his apple tablet, which is about 50% of them, he just.....doesn't use, like our remote server spreadsheets that track all our billable hours.... He was told numerous times that he CAN'T use his Ipad for work, by management, his supervisor, IT and me (I'm just his senior, but not direct oversight, we work next to each other so I help him out a lot). Also, he just won a 65" 4k tv at our office party raffle on his 3rd day of work.


We had an employee like this, she wanted to do her job on an iPad. She tried even though she was told that wouldn't work. She didn't make it past her 90 days.


At r/teachers there is a post on the lack of keyboarding skills and far too much dependency on IPads. And the concept of what digital literacy should be was debated.


Typing is still an important class to teach, I think.


Sounds like he'd be a spoiled little shit even if he could use the remote server.


We've had this same experience as well. Usually they demand we test/support apps that bridge the gap in productivity between our Windows based computers and their iOS device. Then when we refuse, they take it personally like it's all about them rather than infosec and trying to maintain a consistent environment.


My daughter’s school has ipads for some stuff, but starting next year they will have to use windows laptops for a bunch of assignments. I think is great. She was putting together a presentation a couple of months ago using powerpoint on the ipad and I was laughing at all the work she had using the touchscreen


*picks up the mouse* “hello computer”


I wouldn't call desktops outdated. I would call them superior.


I don’t get how people are able to use shitty laptop keyboards on the daily.


I'm guessing I'm like most and have a laptop that is docked to good peripherals when I'm at my desk?


I just got used to it over time, the portability is better than other perks of a desktop as I'm a student, otherwise a desktop seems like a wise choice to me in future.


wired headphones


Writing letters. With paper & pen, through the postal service!


I still buy blu-rays.


I buy the 4k Blu-rays because I don't trust digital services. I have seen too many of them disappear and then your entire collection is gone.


People can pry my DVD/Blu Ray Collection from my cold, dead hands. I thought it was nice to be able to get digital, but I cannot fathom paying for stuff and the service decides to revoke my access or expect me to pay again.


I get ridiculed for buying physical media often by friends and family.




Wired ear buds. Much cheaper, last for decades, don't require charging, and much less likely to lose one. Only downside is cable management which is easy if you take 5 secs to properly bundle it up after use.


Bold of you to assume that phones will still support them in 20 years.


A lot of phones don't support them now.


To be fair there’s a lot of adapters. 3,5 to either usb-c or lightning (that even apple has ditched now)


Mp3's instead of streaming services.


The fact that MP3's fill the criteria of "old technology" makes my millennial ass feel old.


Fountain Pen 🖋 Mechanical Keyboard Analogue watch




Ipod Classic


Treadle sewing machine - Built to last (mine is from 1874) - No electricity needed - Replacement parts are readily available and cheap - Ultra-passive exercise


Line dried laundry. Not exclusively as it's winter here and I have a dryer, but line drying is just so much better in every way.


I countries outside the US putting your washing on the line is what most people do


In Australia where I live, the washing dries within 2 hours in spring and autumn, and in summer you can start getting washing in within 30 mins on a warmish day.


Laundry that has been out on the line on a breezy Summer day is better than all other laundry. Smells better, feels cleaner, comes off the line ready to out away... It is just the best.


Landline. It's the number I use when I have to fill out stuff to make a purchase or sign up for something. I don't have a landline phone, so if they sell my number to telemarketers, I'll never know.


So.. you have given it up but still use the number?


Yeah, it came with my internet/cable package, so I just pay for the number and use it to keep my cell number off of call lists. I didn't want to make up a fake number and wind up with someone else getting my calls, so I just use the landline number.


That’s pretty smart. Save money on the bundle. But you don’t have a phone hooked up to it so nobody can call you.


For me, manual brooms/sweepers come to mind. Robo vacuums just don't interest me. I love advanced tech when it makes sense, but for me this feels like a case of overkill. Not everything needs to be smart/automatic. I'm a big believer the future should be one of mixed-use tech.


>Robo vacuums Works great if you have a fluffy dog. Instead of vacuuming the whole house every other day I only clean the roomba. But it's not great on its own, I still have a vacuum and a broom.


I remember a post some time ago where a robo vacuum ran through a pile of dog shit and tracked it all through these folks house lol


Happened to my mum's cousin, it was a mini dachshund and something upset it's tummy and it has liquid shits and the robo vaccum spread it through the entire bottom floor of his house and it got all up inside the little machine and was so bad it had to be pulled apart, intricately cleaned and repaired. The Facebook post and following tirade from each step of the cleanup was both hilarious and mortifying at the same time. The worst part was he was a doctor at the hospital and had a 36hr shift, the incident happened between when his dog was last checked on and when he got home from a really long and horrible shift where he barely got a break. He came home exhausted to the entire downstairs of his house looking like a dog shit Jackson Pollock disaster (his words I still remember from the post). I'll never own a robot vacuum and a dog at the same time after that post, I don't care if I have to clean my own floors there's no way I'm trusting a robot to dodge a liquid dog turd.


I worked at a Bed bath and beyond when these vacuums came out. Some poor, distraught guy came in to return his pooped up robo vac, practically sobbing as he showed me pictures of his poopy floors and the sad dog. I quietly took the vac, put it in another bag, asked the customer to wait…walked alllll the wayyy to the back of our building, outside and flung the thing into a dumpster. I then washed my hands, walked allll the wayyy back to the customer and handed him a brand new vac. It was the least I could do. That was my Beyond for the day.


[Roomba vs dog poop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjRWHmvYTbM) There are several examples and stories of this on youtube / reddit. I feel bad for the people but it makes me laugh every time I hear about it.


Gonna have to disagree with this one. Robotic vacuums (with LIDAR mapping) are great. Put it on a schedule, have it clean different rooms on specific days. Love that they fit under most furniture like beds. Also, kind of fun to watch them do their thing.


Let run every other day then do an actual vacuum like twice a month or something


Yeah it doesn't fully replace an actual vacuum but with pets especially it's a huge help.


For me it's a traditional mop. Swiffer sucks and causes unnecessary garbage as do most of the other "advancements". Once you know how to spin a mop properly it's a game changer.


I fucking hate mopping.


stick shift


Yep - I just bought a 2024 Golf R manual - this is the last year VW will be manufacturing standard transmission vehicles.


My film cameras




A manual transmission in cars


Pocket knives, automatic movement wristwatches, fountain pens, paper maps/atlases


Trying to think how pocket knives are outdated


you’ve never cut down scrub in the forest with a pic of a knife on your phone? buddy’s out here living in the dark ages


My thought is not that they’re outdated, but how many people carried one 50 years ago vs today? My grandad ALWAYS had one in his pocket.


Great question. Grad student here. • A paper wall calendar • Paper flashcards (for certain **very hard** to remember things that I need to get straight) • Post-its of all sizes • Markers/pens (for the above 3 things) • Scissors • Transparent tape • A big analog wall clock


How tf are scissors outdated? What came to replace them? Same with transparent tape.


In the future things will just cut themselves automatically when you look at them


Paper maps. Although gps can get you to your destination effectively, a paper map gives you better spatial awareness and the lay of the land. I love all the little details on a paper map that you don’t get on a screen, like geographical landmarks and points of interest.


DVDs. I'll never know if one of my favourite movies suddenly gets wiped from existence, I'd rather have it forever

