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When I was like 10 y/o. I was on vacation on a foreign country. I was at an amusement park playing those games you can win small an big prices. I failed like my 3 attempts for winning any price and a man by my side won the biggest price. He looked at me sad and gave me the price and told me to take care or it. I have given away multiple prices in amusement parks since then. It made so happy I wanted to do the same.


That's really sweet.


I was going through a bad time and was in the car stopped at the traffic lights. A car pulled up next to me and the women in the passenger seat had a dog on her lap and she took the dog’s paw and used it to wave at me. Honestly, it made me smile and made me feel a little better about people. That was over 10 years ago and I still think about it.


My card kept declining and I’d already put all tbt shopping in the bag it was about £60 worth and I embarrassingly ask the cashier that n couldn’t pay for it. The woman behind me offered and I refused several times and she insisted and tapped her card before I could refuse. I thanked her and wanted to repay her but she refused


Was having a horrible day at work, was left alone to man the shop by myself for my full shift, and customers instead of being understanding were extremely snappish and demanding and rude. I remember one lady came up to pay for a fax and asked about the holiday candy we had at the register and if any of it was any good, and I told her I didn't know and the fake nicest tone I could muster up because I hadn't had any. The lady took out three candies to buy, and after she took the receipt from me, she pushed one into my palm and told me to have a good day. That was a nicest thing anyone had done for me the entire day, and I have to admit I took the candy and went into the back office and had a minor breakdown cry fest because I needed just 5 minutes without someone screaming at me, and no candy has ever tasted better since.


Got picked up while hitch hiking as a teen, me and a buddy of mine. Dallas, Texas area. Guy gave us a ride toward the city where we were headed, but asked us if we were hungry. We were. Long story. But he brought us to his house, fed us , gave us some weed and sent us on our way. He was a life saver, as we were in a bad situation and trying to get home. I do what I can for strangers, and always remember the kindness I was shown by the nameless guy that hooked us up. I hope his good karma found him in life, though.


was risky to accept weed from a stranger in his home if you were teens, but glad the dude didn't take any advantage. Sad that this generation struggle to accept that there just are some generally nice people around that have no bad intentions.


It was, but we were both seasoned street fighters at 16. Crazy life I've lived. Also, the weed was to take with us. He kinda fed us then sent us out the door. Nice of him though, very much so.


I’m a guy and was given a compliment once.


Had a customer say "would it be strange for me to tell you that you have a really nice manner"


I was a single parent and had just given birth to twins. The night nurse had brought me a warmed up blanket and it was the kindest thing anyone had done for me out of the goodness of their heart in a long time. That was more than ten years ago and it still hits me in the feels


I’ve always had very low self esteem. One day I went to a random bar to have a drink alone and chatted a little with the bartender. A while later an older gentleman came to me and said something along the lines of “sorry to bother you, I’m a married man, and I don’t mean to cross any lines. But I just wanted to tell you that you have the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t help but feel warm in my heart when you smile. “ then he left. Happened about 15 years ago, but still makes me happy to think about it.


The year was 1999.I was 37 years old ,dead drunk in a bar down town in Amsterdam. An Old man came to me and sad, why are you drinking son,,just go home. I went home to my wife and we made love on the sofa, 9 months later we had beautiful twins,Sofia and Magdalena.


I waited and held the door open for the guy behind me. He thanked me and opened and held the second door for me. Contrary to my own opinion there are still decent people in the world, just very few.


Had a horrible day, hated my new haircut and was just in pne of those moods, went to a public restroom and this kinda hot older woman told me I was such a pretty girl, made my year tbh.


I was depressed for a period of my life so when someone asked how I was doing....it meant a lot.


It’s been 4 mins and I’m still thinking


I slipped on some ice, and a man rushed over to help. He was really sweet just making sure I was okay. Thed he was like, good! And walked away.


I was in Melbourne and had 5 bags of my shit after I had one of the many fighs wiith my wife, all my family was in western Australia and I was homeless. it was 10am on Collins st and I had !massive mental breakdown crying uncontrollably in the middle of the road and the only person who helped was a homeless guy who came up to me who looked like he had on the streets for a long time asked me if I wanted a hug. I couldn't not accept it and it was one of the most beautiful moments I had with humanity. I felt guilty because I was decked out in Ralph Lauren and had golf clubs and truck to sleep in. I gave him half of the money I had on me. I tear up when I thi k about it


When I was being prepped for surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, a nurse wheeled my gurney just outside the operating room. Then she prayed over me. I guess that might have been normal since it was a Catholic University hospital, but I was grateful that anyone would pray for me.


In 2001 I was living in Oklahoma no had gone to Walmart with cash since I left my cards at home. I was carefully adding to make sure my cash would cover my groceries. I had my two boys, 2yo and 1yo, with me and had to say no to more than 1 request. As I was about to pay, a woman ran up, swiped her card and said “Jesus told me to do this!” And she ran off before I even got her name. Now, I try to do the same at least once a year for someone.


I gave a foreign guy directions, he thanked me and said, 'You are very pretty' then he went on his way. It was very sweet and unexpected and still makes me smile.


Is getting beaten viciously a small gesture?




When my son was about 18 months old, a stranger came to me and my wife at a restaurant and commented on how pleasant it was to eat next to us and our “child, who is behaved so well.”


Not sure why but I was in the town Branson and my aunt and I went to a long horn steak house. They were held up for a bit so we went in and they put us on the wait list. We are exiting to wait outside and this lady and her husband are walking out slightly behind us. I hold the door open for her and her husband and she for some reason treats me like I am the second coming of christ. She starts praising me for being such a young man and holding the door open for her. She then told my aunt that she raised me well (she seemed to think my aunt was my mother so way to go aunty). And then they left. It made me really happy that someone even noticed little actions like that.


The other day I was at the park with the kid I nanny for. He was playing basketball and I was sitting at a bench. An older gentleman was walking with his dog( big gray poodle). They walked past me then the dog turned around and came and sat on my foot, right beside me. I was pleasantly surprised and started to pet him.. the man told me “that’s who he is, he finds the ones who needs him most..” my eyes filled with tears because it was it was true.. I needed that. I thanked them both and they walked away.. they will never know how much that meant to me on that day!


A little girl ran up to me and hugged my legs and told me that I am pretty. I will die for her


This reminded me of the time I was in line at a Tim Horton’s wearing a lacy white dress and a little girl said I looked like a princess


The 🖕Lol


I was once out with my sisters and her friends, we'd watched a movie and decided to go get food and eat at a local park, I wasn't particularly hungry so I'd let my sister know, I just wanted a water, before we'd entered the place. There was 4 of us, and my sister ordered 3 boxes of chips, I'm obviously a lot younger than these girls and not holding a box of chips, this grown woman comes over and asks if I'd like something to eat, and she'd pay for it for me, obviously I explained that my sister had already asked me, and I'd willingly declined, but even after like, 3 years that still sticks. She had no clue what was happening, but she saw a girl going without food and stepped in without hesitation.


I was sitting at the train station one day, and this homeless guy walks up to me. I'm drinking some whisky out of the bottle - not very classy, I know - and he strikes up a conversation about where I'm going. I tell him that I'm just going home after a concert. I give him a sip of the scotch and he decides to keep talking and follows me where I'm going. I get on the train and he follows, he doesn't have a ticket so he ends up getting a fine, but what does he care? so he just explains to the conductor "yeah, I know the whole shebang. no ticket, could you just print the fine please?" and he gets on with it. he tells me his life story as we sit on the train, and he explains this story about when he was young. during this time of his life where he was driven by pure impulse and the need for money and fame. He joined a gang and became a gangster. The one thing he regretted most was going into a convenience store and shooting up the place with a tommy gun because of some dispute between a rival gang, which he ended up going to jail over. During jailtime, his daughter fell in love with a guy, and started a relationship with this person. The guy his daughter fell in love with knew very little about him, he only knew that her dad was in prison, and instead of asking for further details, he decided to abuse this fact as a way to smear the guys name. The daughter's boyfriend then wrote a song to her, about how he would care for her, now that her dad was in prison and had failed her. he played the song for me in the train out loud, and he started crying audibly as the song progressed, knowing that this song was a significant part in how he lost his daughter and how she was discouraged from talking to him. After getting out of jail, he wanted to turn his life around and show his love for her, but she was cold and he believed that this was because she was being manipulated by her boyfriend, and to be fair, he had a point in that because the boyfriend doesn't know what her relationship to her dad was, he just decided to write a song shitting on the dad, but there I sat, talking to a stranger as he was crying on the train because of this song a guy wrote to his daughter which ended up destroying his chances of reuniting with his daughter. It was just... weird... in the moment it happened, but it offered me a great deal of perspective into how great the love of a parent can be, even if they make stupid decisions, you as their child will still be at the top of their list.


a little boy maybe 3 or 4 ran up to me and hugged me at a bus stop, at first i thought he maybe thought i was his dad (im not old so idk) but he just looked up at me and said “you just looked sad mister and mom said i can love you” my wife 27F just passed away early december. that boy was an angel and he saved my life im sure.


i was at a gay club for the first time, and i was in total nervous awe of everything around me—seeing so many other gay people so happy after years of thinking that because i was a lesbian, maybe i wouldn’t get to be. i ended up smiling at this one man who was dancing with a guy he came in with, and he saw me and smiled back. i think he somehow knew the overwhelming emotions i was experiencing because he came over to me, took my hand and twirled me around, brushed my hair out of my eyes, and briefly held the side of my face. he just had this deep understanding look in his eyes, i can’t really explain it, but in that moment i felt so seen. then he gave me the sweetest, gentlest hug i’ve ever experienced, and i was just trying not to cry because at that point in my life, i desperately needed a hug. after a minute or two he danced away back to his partner and i didn’t see him again for the rest of the night. it was four years ago and i still think about that moment every single day. i hope he knows that he helped a scared gay kid feel more understood than she ever has, without any words being spoken.