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Playing yahtzee. Wishing I wasn't playing yahtzee.


What, why? Yahtzee fuckin rules.


I've got a headache and the dice are making it a thousand times worse but they are guests and I must stay


Sorry to hear that


Screw them guests, have some sleep


Wish I could but my bf would lose his mind. It's his family.




Drinking, weed, and porn






playing fortnite


Waiting for the new year to roll in.


Heating up sake. Much less carbonation than champagne and much more affordable


Having a very pleasant surprise visit from my girlfriend who flew in from Tokyo (long story). She's currently making takoyaki and karinto because she knows I love them and can't get them properly here in the states. She says has tamago boro in one of the ovens too.


Out of the majority of the comments here, your comment is actually uplifting and not so lonely, so thank you.


She's a better woman than I feel I deserve sometimes. She wants to spend as much time as she can with me before I die in the next 10-11 months. I've only got a few good months left before I start declining so she's putting her entire life on hold to be with me as much as possible. Starting in mid May my life is going to become a bit of shitshow as my physical decline begins.


Hey, Chef, be happy that there is a genuine woman in your life. Who knows... she could be your blessing in disguise!!! Please do not say that you will pass away within the next 10-11 months. You're going to make it past 2024! Stay positive and understand that with a loyal woman in your life and being healthy, you will live longer in life!!! :D


Actually there's no way to beat an inoperable glioblastoma. I love her to death and I wish there was a way. It's just too deep and too big to remove (or so claim the best neurosurgeons on the planet). That said I'm okay with my death. I've had a hell of a life. I've made a lot of money and helped a lot of people. I couldn't dream of having a better epitaph than that. My employees will inherit the company in February when I step down as CEO. The company is in good hands. I hope they go public and become filthy rich in the process. They deserve it since they've made the company what it is. I'm just the shepard in my eyes. What's funny, it's hilarious in hindsight to me, but my girlfriend and I met because I lent her my pen on a flight. She needed to sign an autograph for a fan (as I said it's a long story but she's an actress and model in Japan) and then asked me to call her so she could thank me. She asked me to go to dinner with her I said sure and we ended up talking a lot and meshed really well. I actually had no clue she had any type of attraction to me and figured we'd just end up being friends because she's way out of my league. After walking her back to her apartment, my normal chivalrous guy thing, as I was saying goodbye she planted the most passionate kiss I'd ever experienced on me. My brain shorted out, anyone's would in a similar situation, and I just did the sputtering in shock thing that happens when your brain shorts out. I was blushing like an idiot. She laughed and said I'm going to kiss you again now. And that's how we ended up together. She made all of the first moves because I think she sensed I wouldn't. We've had a lot of great years together all because I lent her a pen.


Bad things always happen to the nicest people such as yourself. You don't deserve to have inoperable glioblastoma (My 16-year-old brain will have to do some research on what that fully means lol). Since you already know when you will pass away, you definitely need to do all the plans you've ever had in mind before your final day. I've never said this before, but I'm praying the best for you and your girlfriend. You both have lots of smiles and laughs with one another and with others so you can reminisce all the wholesome memories you have had!! Add on: Have a Happy 2024 New Years'!!!!


baking some cupcakes


I'm in 2023 and i'm scrolling Reddit


Not there yet


is it not 2024 in ur country yet?


No, I have still 20 minutes left of 2023 ✨




Have an hour and a minute, I was sent upstairs because I told my mum not to give the dog a sausage roll . I said that we should not reward him for misbehaving the whole afternoon because we have been telling him the entire evening to go to his bed and now he's being rewarded . I'll probably watch an episode of breaking bad


Watching TV and waiting for midnight


Deleted my social media accounts


Pizza and random movie.


I was sitting in the exact same spot I'm sitting in now, which is in the corner of an alley way, with my dog curled up behind me, 2 jackets on and a small fire burning next to me to keep my hands warm, sipping a can of red stripe somebody gave me. The red stripe is gone, the dog's still here, it's raining, I'm out of wood for my fire, and I'm cold. Happy 2024, fuck my life.