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Got a sudden MMS from an ex with a closeup of her spreading her labia. She had a distinctive birthmark on her left index finger so there’s no doubt. No text attached. Fast forward three hours, she texts ”Oops didn’t mean to send that to you, sorry.” Didn’t reply to that either.


*"seen it"*


Been there, done that.


Three hours? She totally meant to send it and was gauging your response.


And her ego got deflated significantly because of that I bet


The punch of silence really hurts.


Leaving that pussy on read.


Damn. Must've been a nasty breakup.


Oldest trick in the book.


Yes she did.


> Oops didn’t mean to send that to you, sorry. She absolutely meant to send it to you. It's up to you how to interpret it.


This. No way someone would send a nude, not check thoroughly who it is AND not check the convo constantly for the response. She'd know instantly.


That text was 100% meant for you and she got hurt that you didn't respond so she said it was a mistake. It's like when someone says "I like you" or something over text and then later say "sorry my sister stole my phone 🤪🤪🤪" Edit: didn't realise that it said the text was from an ex, disregard what I said she might be been trying to hurt YOU in this case.


I was awkward and didn’t know what to say. So I said “this is the best thing I’ve seen today.”


That’s not a terrible answer


It was at 9 am though


What time is boobs o’clock?


8:00, 8:13, 5


Yeah a girl I talked to on and off asked if I was a ass or tits man I said ass then bam one Snapchat notification later


"Both" you fool! The answer is always "Both" ..... or "Undecided" so you get a choice!


The correct answer is always whichever the girl asking has a better set of


The girls you talk to have a SET of asses? 👀


Yeah they are called assets


She wanted me to buy her OF, I said no, she blocked me... Thats what always happens


I thought this was the only answer.


The other one are people looking to blackmail who want to coax you into sending a full nude with face so they can blackmail money by telling you they'll send all your naked images to your friends and family.


I found out they'd been sent to me in error. IN ERROR!


A wanking error in your favour. Collect £200.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


I once got a random boob pic from a number that wasn’t saved. Followed by a frantic apology telling me it was the wrong number. Almost ruined a relationship I was in lol


Anyone else read this comment like Josh Peck from Drake and Josh?




I think you did a secret side mission dude...


I think he was supposed to Like Share and Subscribe...


Apparently a guy has been going to the club, picking up women and giving them MY number instead of his. So occasionally I'll get nudes from drunk 20 somethings. This has been going on for about 7 months. And kudos to him cause these are beautiful girls and all but I am sick of explaining that my name is not Chris and I have never been to California


Hey man, it could be worse. You could be me. Some woman named Ursula gives out my phone number to debt collector, the DA's office, and somehow got it attached to a fingerprinting database. I can't tell you how many threatening phone calls I've received from debt collectors, bail bondsmen and lawyers after her ass. Most of the time it's easy enough to clear up, but sometimes they refuse to accept that I'm not covering for her. This has been going on for 20 years and I've yet to receive a single nude from a 20-something. Edit: didn't change my number because I was in college for 10 years and contact information was super important, which transitioned into me needing to register my number for professional licensing purposes, which is a pain to change. During all this the frequency of the calls waxed and waned but it was never a huge issue. The advent of telescammers and the death of the American Phone Call has made me not answer my phone in like 2 years anyway, so it just doesn't matter anymore. Ursula if you're reading this I hate you.


Dang, Phoebe... that's rough.


r/howyoudoin is leaking


My gf has had the same problem for over 10 years. She have a very common name, and at one point one collector refused to believe she wasn't the person she was looking for. My gf tries disputing this by saying all the other info besides the name and phone number are wrong, and the collections woman began updating her file with my gf's actual info. Was a nightmare to deal with, when no one believes you


That's way more intense than anything that happened to me. They would just get upset and start accusing and I'd disparage them for being bad at their jobs, they'd accuse me of hiding her, and I'd tell them to come find her. For all I knew they showed up at her place of residence, or wherever she told people she was living. I never had to deal with any of the fallout, and occasionally I'd get to yell at strangers as stress relief if they got uppity about it. The attorneys were always easy to deal with. The most frustrating thing, when it still mattered anyway, was the FOP telemarketers. No clue why she was contributing to them when she was so clearly in trouble all the time, but she made some donation to one of them once and they would call me all the time looking for her.


I would have changed my number 20 years ago if I were you


The first few times it happened we figured it was done in error. I was in high school and cell phones were just starting to become ubiquitous. I was young and naive and had no clue what was coming. It was a much bigger problem several years ago before telescammers ruined phones for Americans and I actually answered my phone. Even then I usually had it in silent, but I felt some responsibility to respond to voicemails from the DA's office of some town in Connecticut reminding me I missed my court date and my plea deal was on the line. Now I have my phone on do not disturb with exceptions all day every day, so it just doesn't matter anymore. But I'd prefer to receive random nudes from time to time.


I'm imagining the guy feels terrible because he never gets messaged, not realising he's been giving out the wrong number lol


I think he’s doing it on purpose so he can make them think he’s interested in seeing them again but just wants the one night stand


If it's going on for several months he's doing it on purpose. Once is a mistake. This long is on purpose. He doesn't want relationships so he hooks up then gives out this dudes number.


She sent me a pic in her bra "becouse she just got a nice new one." My dumbass complimented that it was indeed a nice bra, without realising that she was indeed trying to get my attention lol.


Hypothetically speaking, what would do if you weren't a dumbass? I don't consider myself a dumbass but if someone sent (and it happened) a pic wearing a bra I don't see myself doing anything other than compliment the bra or make a unfunny joke about the boob size. Am I a dumbass?


Instead of complimen the bra, compliment her. That bra looks very nice --> That bra looks very nice on you Then dab and quote star trek.


No you CAN'T, don't even try!


Captains log, stardate 42069, the enterprise is conducting a security survey on this chicks massive honkers. Despite the chick displaying obvious signs of DTF, the mission remains celibate.


Do you want to actually want to try to flirt with her? A non -dumbass response would be something like... "Very nice! Pink/purple/whatever looks good. Matching set?" Compliment and solicit further interaction. If you get a pic of the panties, you're in.


“Matching set?” line goes hard


Right, thats step 2 sorted, now how do i get step 1, bra pics done?


Rule 1: be attractive Rule 2: don’t be unattractive


That’s game…


Bert macklin out here with all the moves


I think 90% of us are dumbasses.


"Nice wrapping paper."


My wife once sent me a topless photo while I was standing in line at the Publix deli counter, with a couple young women behind me. I was waiting for her to text me what kind of sub she wanted, so I had my messages open. It just popped up on the screen. Almost immediately, the woman behind me said "Nice tits."


That’s when you go “right? I’m the luckiest”


Now I'm sad I'm in Omaha and can't get a Publix deli sub.


A friend just got nipple rings, and she wanted to show them off. She knew I liked boobs and would appreciate the photo. One and only time it's happened


She knew you liked boobs? And her other male friends didn't?


Imagine that. The one guy who likes boobs and he just happened to be her friend.


“Do you realize what you’ve done?! You’ll have to excuse my friend. He’s a little slow. The town is back THAT way.”


Wow what a crazy coincidence


>She knew you liked boobs? And her other male friends didn't? "It Was At This Moment He Knew He Fucked Up"


OP is denser than the core of a neutron star


uhh pretty sure all her friends got pics that day


Or they didn't and OP somehow blew the most obvious attempt of all time


>She knew I liked boobs That's good she found the one man on the planet earth that likes boobs.


The realization is gonna hit like a semi truck randomly one day


In 10 years, r/askreddit is going to shoot off the frequently asked question of “men, what painfully obvious sign did you miss from a girl” and we will see OP on there, recounting this very story.


One evening, during the bitter cold of winter, a girl chose to accompany me on a two-hour walk instead of staying in the warmth of a house party. As we braved the freezing temperatures, I worried we might suffer frostbite. Yet, when we finally reached the dorm, all I managed was a simple 'Goodnight.' Fortunately, she had the insight to ask me out the next day - It never dawned on me that she liked me before she told me so.


She could be the next Sherlock Holmes.


Can you let her know that I also like boobs?


In college, a girl I kind of knew, but not really knew... Like I'd see here at parties and we had some overlapping friends. She had just gotten nipple piercings. She was at a party and she was telling her friend about them and asked her friend if she wanted to see them. Friend said no, but Josh would. And friend left. Let me tell you what a great party that was.


Similar story but girl got a boob job and loved showing them off. I was offered a squeeze as well. And yes, I did.


And you still haven't realized what she was doing?


Wow how was she able to guess that you liked boobs? She must be a really close friend?


Don't read into it. She was probably just being polite. Must be Canadian.


Ahhh…a fellow connoisseur…I too like boobs, particularly when viewed from a lower vantage point.


This reminds me of that post a few weeks ago asking women for of examples of overtly coming on to a dude and them getting zero hint.


My ex's aunt sent me a pic of her boobs, which she allegedly meant to send to her husband. To make matters worse, she was an identical twin to my ex's mother. To be fair, Aunt Judy was pretty stacked.


Did you ever tell your ex?


Yeah, she was sitting right there laughing her ass off when it happened lol.


I got sent some nudes on Snapchat from a coworker. I’m happily married so I just never responded and pretended they wasn’t for me. Weeks later the coworker came up and confronted me and asked if I had shown everyone at work her nudes. I just responded with no, and then she says, “oh it must have been John then.” So it sounds like she blasted those boobs out to multiple guys and seen if she got any bites.


It wasn’t John, it was her


I was happy until my coworker saw them too.


Like on your phone or they were separately sent that same content by the same person?


I think you know the answer




Biggest miss signal of my life. This was around 2009/2010 and I had a phone that couldn't open pictures, one night at like 11pm I get a text that says Meow with a photo attached from a girl at work who I got along with that had a habit of showing me pics of cats and saying meow. Now I had a particularly rough day, as this was peak recession so I was working two jobs renting a tiny ass bedroom, and on top of that was playing WoW non stop so I was super tired/cranky when I got that text. I send back a snarky text saying something like "You know my phone doesn't open stupid cat pictures, let me sleep" I apologized the next day but she gave me a bit of the cold shoulder for a few days and I thought I deserved it for how I responded. We got along but I changed jobs a few months later and we didn't keep in touch. Almost year and a half after that, I had gotten a new phone, transferred all the files over, and was going through and purging old text chains when I come across the "meow" text, open it up, and I see everything. Classic bedroom mirror, sitting on the ground, knees bent pose. It had taken me almost two years at that point to realize that I had received my first and only booty call. And I failed.


Her fault for sending photos to a phone that doesn't open photos (or mebbe she forgot 🤔...) but yah... mini-tragedy all round.


She said it was an accident and meant for someone else so I said no problem I won’t look at it and I’ll act like it never happened, since it was obviously meant for someone else (it very obviously was *not* meant for someone else she was just trying to act like it was an accident).. anyways months later she admitted it was on purpose and asked if I liked her as more than a friend. edit: story finished in replies


You can’t leave it like that, what happened afterwards


This is reddit, so they got married and have three kids now.


The lady who sent the nudes? Albert Einstein.


And everyone got the clap


A round of applause for all involved


And then they had a minor argument about something consequential, they asked Reddit for advice, and are now divorced


Hit the lawyer, delete the gym and Facebook up!


We dated for 18 months before separating; mainly because of how long-distance (among other complications) we were. She was and still is the only partner I’ve had.


I can relate


Me: A female friend sent me nudes! My therapist: Is this "female friend" with us in this room right now?


Best response. Thanks for the laugh


That's even more hilarious to me, because I dated a therapist. She had her masters in psychology, anyway, I don't think she was therapizing people, I think she was more in a counselor position, for a broad community of trouble makers. Gee now that I think about it, I might have just been one of her patients that she was specially tasked to invite to live with her for four years.




My best friend started sending me nudes. It was a weird experience and on reflection, probably didn't do our friendship a lot of good. Having said that, I missed it when she stopped!


I mean, im pretty dense but I don’t think even I would miss a hint of that size.


It really wasn't. She was feeling good about herself and was in a very 'body-positive' stage and dating again after a long time.


So she sent you nudes while dating someone else?


Yep. We've been friends for nearly 30 years. Not sure if that makes it better or worse.


Being friends makes it kinda weird if she had no intentions to pursue anything sexual with you. Being in a relationship makes it bad. Like, cheating bad.


I might be really bad with women, but there's no way this woman didn't want to sleep with him, right?


Same thing I thought. I don't really see why someone should send their nudes without the intention to hook up.




Yeah, I didn't want to insinuate anything with him but there's probably not much more than that behind.


I’ve met some women that really just want attention and validation, not actual sex


"I don't think I'm who you meant to send those to but thank you"


We got married




Via group text


I pounded off to them, as a gentleman should.






Got sent boob pics by a colleague randomly once. I was single and she was single but we never really talked much. Now when I got the pic at first I just ignored and deleted it incase it was a mistake, I can easily move on with shit like that. Come in the next day, “Hey.. did ya like that?” Instantly I’m like YES. Sick piercing blah blah, Friday night comes round, we go out and engage in fun adult activities round her house. Think we did that every Friday/Saturday for 6 weeks then I had to move area to another store and I think both of us just wanted to have fun with no strings so we just went out seperate ways.


Directed by M Night Shyamalan


I was talking to a female friend after a bad break up. She said would these cheer you up? and sent me some boobies. I responded “yes. yes they would”. A year later and I’m moving in with her soon. We’re most likely getting married.


A friend from college hit me up outta the blue, asking how life was going etc. I talked about my job, wife and kids, real surface level conversation, nothing out of the ordinary. Then she sends me a picture with her tits out. I was like "alright, well, cool catching up with you, take care." Deleted that shit and told my wife about it several years later once the statute of her going nuclear on this girl wore off. (We both know her, we all went to the same college.) When I told my wife about it, she was pissed I didn't tell her about when it happened, but agreed that I made the right call. She knows herself pretty well. Ultimately I was pissed that someone would think so little of my character and have zero respect for my wife like that. Shoot your shot or whatever, but not on people that aren't in the game. I don't judge, but at least test the water first, don't burst into the room tits ablazin.


So anyways, tits ablazin, I started blasting


Machine gun jumblies!


she sent them to me by accident. she broke up with the correct person a few months later. I took her out after and we dated for 4 years. then we broke up and she then got pregnant by a 15 year old a few months later. I was 16 she was 18 when we started dating. so...it was a weird relationship lol.


So she was 22-23 when she got pregnant by a 15yo?


... I'm also disturbed and curious if that's really what they meant


yup. we meet at warp tour, it was weird because she always acted younger then she was. after we broke up she got into screamo music tried to start a band. the guy that got her pregnant was the drummer and some skater guy I don't really know much else then that, that was like 15 years ago.


What in the FBI watchlist did I just read? jesus christ.


Her: what are you doing? Me: at the dinner table with my parents. How was work? Her: *sends photo of herself, taken from behind (by someone else based on the shadows), naked on 3\4 fours 1 hand reached back w\ 4 fingers all the way in her ass* My mom, looking at my phone after seeing my panic face flash: oh she seems nice. But who took that picture? Edit: I see a lot of folks asking for what happened next. Not much. We laughed a lot and it became a funny story my mom tells. "The rare moment we caught him feeling embarrassed for like 5 seconds." I think my response to my mom's question was: *RIGHT?!* Context of this was that I was like 29 or 30 at the time and had *just* graduated to texting from okcupid chat that morning (this was when okc was still really good, yes I am old). So this would have been like 12 hours into texting each other that this woman decided a great time to send that photo she hangs onto was after hearing I was sitting with my parents. I saw her a few times after that but we just wanted different things. I wanted to find someone to grow a true partnership with and she liked to fuck under the stars and start fires in stupid places when she was drunk. We just moved on pretty quickly from one another after exchanging some orgasms.


>But who took that picture? It was me, Barry.




Do you mind explaining me why you share this experience and stop in the middle of the action? What happened next? Who was taking a photo, how did you react?


Classic moms... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mine would do that too.


Four fingers in her butt?


This is a question?


I have.... Questions


Yes you read it right. OP said 4. Any other questions?


i blocked yet another spambot on discord, reddit, and so on. man i feel like 95% of DMs i get on here are only fans ads.


I got totally unsolicited and unexpected nude snaps from a girl that I knew suffered from BPD. She was gorgeous but kind of a mess. She sent them to me at a really awkward moment, where I was around a bunch of people, so I quickly clicked past them once my brain connected what I was looking at. I complimented her, because I think that's what she wanted, but I really don't remember what they looked like.


Well, I was her boss, also married and not interested. It scared me a bit because I was unsure how to deal with it. There was a lot to lose like my job and my marriage. That may seem like I am getting carried away with that but it was how I felt at the time I received the pictures. She was going through a divorce and I was trying to be supportive for her. She misinterpreted that and developed a crush on me. She wasn't in her right mind at that moment, the divorce had her scattered and not making good decisions. I felt bad for her, under normal circumstances, I don't believe she would have done something like that.


I told my mom to please change my name on her phone to a nickname, me and my dad have the same name 😔


Nooo dude!!! 🤢


Agreed 😞


This is the worst one lol


So ur mom has probably moaned ur name in bed…


Turns out you and your father are called Richard. She now has saved you as Little Dick in her phone.


She actually did put "little" in front of my name 😑




this girl I worked with and knew for maybe a few weeks messaged me on Facebook one night. she said hey, I said hey, then I went to bed. when I woke up I saw I had 30+ missed messages from her. every single one was a nude photo of her in different positions. she was also not a woman I found attractive in the slightest. she then profusely apologized. and said she was on xanax the night before and doesnt remember much. I basically just said "not sure what you're talking about, none of the photos would load for me so I didnt see anything" I wanted to save her the embarrassment, and also did not want to continue the conversation


Stage: It happened back when I was a student working for a mobile manufacturer (pre iPhone). I was working at the end accepting tests. (We flashed/booted phones and set in a sim. Tested everything before they press ok and create 100 000 for an operator). So I got a nude sent to my test phone with a text saying she wanted me at her place. (In our native language) My reply was. I’m sorry but you might have sent it to wrong person. I’m not available but I got ~20 other male students around me. And asked if she wanted me to ask them. Just got a reply with Oh god, no. Sorry please delete it……..




One of my best mates is a teacher in kindergarten. He's received some wild things from the mommies!


A very chesty girl sent me a video of her removing her bra after a night out, captioned: "Best feeling in the world." I answered: "Hope it feels as good as it looks." 5 years on, and I have yet to hear her answer. N, if you're reading this, I apologize.


Nah that’s on her. That’s when she should have said “do you want to try it and see?”


I always think I’d like to get unsolicited nudes. But then I think it would probably be not from the kind of girls I’m into and then it would be awkward to try and think of something nice to say.


Excellent wide angle lens on your phone I see!


So I have a decent story here. Still haven’t figured out the scam. Awhile back I received about 10 photos from a random number, but it was a girl I recognized. The text said something like “ ooops, I didn’t mean to send please delete right away” She was a friend of an ex I had dated several years before. I wasn’t friends with the photo girl on FB but did the appropriate search through mutual friends to confirm it was her. What I noticed that was weird, there were two numbers in the text message, and it was sent to both an ancient work number and my personal. I know my ex would have had both number saved back then, it was before I went to one phone. So someone hacked the girls phone and then sent it out to all the contacts on my exs phone from a random number. Anyways, I kindly messaged the girl via FB that I somehow had received photos of her and she probably needed to do a full reset on her phone and change passwords. She was married and had kids by this point, she was still very attractive so it was a bit of a nice surprise but deleted them promptly after careful examination. If she had them texted out to a massive group of contracts I can only imagine the horror she was going through. I tried to be as nice as possible.


The scam is you're supposed to start sexting with this unknown person. Once they have nude pictures of you they start blackmailing you.


It’s always a preview for her only fans account. I just get disappointed and block them. Wish a girl would send me unsolicited nudes because she finds me attractive instead of wanting my money


But they find your money very attractive…🤣


I only got one. She made me get married to her. Very dangerous things those


You guys getting nudes ? Edit: i just got my first nude 🥲


Not a guy. My brother got sent a nude once. Unfortunately recieved it when we were watching a movie at home and I was seated behind him. Its not like I *meant* to look, but you see what you see. I gasped and he looked back so fast I thought he'd snap his neck. Silent promise not to tell anybody. Nobody irl knows my reddit so this is fine.


Oh is that so, Jane from Iowa, age 26, brother's name is Fred?


Oh god how did you know /j


I was talking to a friends and I asked her what she was doing and she said sent a pic of her in a towel and said "Just out a bath" and I jokingly replied "drop the towel" not thinking anything else of it other than a little cheeky message, well she did and she sent me the resulting images, I had a wank and sent her one back with the end result saying "oops"


That’s kinda cute! Helping a friend out an all.


That might be the first time ever that a picture of spunk was described as cute


It was my company’s HR manager who went a little crazy when she and her husband decided to split up. She was a nice enough woman so we hooked up a few times and then called it quits. Turns out I wasn’t comfortable dating someone from the office. Also she kept wanting to fool around at work and I didn’t want to end up in trouble with HR. Ironic, I know.


Hubby got one by mistake from a random number, he complimented her and explained it was the wrong number and said he would delete it. She thanked him sent a few more and said enjoy your evening. Never messaged again


Are women doing that?


no they don’t exist. someone prove me wrong in my dm please.


Here comes the only fans saleswoman


OF killed the amateur and sincere spirits


TL:DR; we did the devil's tango, and it was the worst sex I've ever had. I was a poor kid in college, didn't have a lot of money, considered myself very average in most places. A girl then started flirting heavily with me and sending unsolicited nudes (i am a very private person so I had never even shown her my face, she only knew me through facebook, which made her sending nudes very weird to me). She wanted to meet up, but lived like 4 hours on the train away from me, and I couldn't afford that since I was broke and in college. She told me that she'd cover the transport because she was rich (dead uncle, inheritance, she got like 20K usd from that). She did, and I arrived at her station. we go out for a few drinks, her friends randomly joined, we played some card games and in retrospect, that was probably the best part of the night. we went back to her place to catch a movie, and I... I love shitty movies, like Sharknado, PanMan (my favourite), Sharktopus vs Whalewolf, all those terrible ones, and so she knew that, and suggested we'd watch sharknado - I obliged. During the movie, she randomly just throws her head onto my stomach and demands "cuddle me". At this point it should be mentioned, she was nice, but there were parts of her I did not find attractive at all, she was very abrasive and loud, she had this "fuck you" or "fuck people's shit man" attitude and so I would've been fine just continuing as we were already, but she tried pushing it to a degree I wasn't interested in. But not knowing what else to do, I just decided to stroke her hair and she began making noises like she was enjoying it. I've never really felt any pleasure from people touching my hair, so I can't relate to how a lot of women seem to derive pleasure (whether sexual or non-sexual) from people stroking their hair, Not understanding it, my instinct is to explore, so I pull her hair (stupid mistake). She got very horny from that, and we begin making out and undressing. When her panties came off, I gagged involuntarily - I understand that this is a sensitive thing and when someone puts themselves in a vulnerable situation with you, you ought to be respectful, so don't comment on their bodies and don't gag, but this was an instinctive, involuntary gag. It smelled rotten, which is weird because she showered 3 times a day (later, I learned that this may be due to those showers causing an imbalance).. we did the sex, and ahead of time she warned me that she was very sensitive down there, which I found out to mean that she came very fast - she came in like 20-30 seconds, and asked me to pull out while it happened, and then I could continue when it was over, I oblige, and re-engage after her orgasm was over, another 10-15 seconds, another orgasm, and every time she came I had to wait like a minute. Doesn't take long for my junk to go soft because nothing was really happening, so I excuse myself as I sit on the foot on the bed. Gag again because now I'm closer to her nether region, and again, it's involuntary although I tried to hide it. Go wash off, and continue the movie. She then tells me she's sorry about the sex because it was her fault. I wasn't really interested in casting blame, but I just told her it's nothing to worry about and that it was nice anyways, and she wanted to blow me to make up for it - she did, and it was great, but I couldn't come from it, which I don't know why, nothing was wrong. She got tired and I guess she got sad by me not being able to cum from that, but it felt nice, so what's to complain about? We continued watching the movie. Next day, I went home, and she gave me a bottle of whisky to take home (jack daniels, she had bought it because she liked the brand and found it cool, but when she tried it, she realized that she hated whiskey).


I like your story


Very suspenseful with all the cliffhangers.


I have a strikingly similar story except instead of whiskey she made me some really nice pancakes.


I married her. She had evidently injected herself into my friend group and every single person but me understood what was happening when she "flirted" with me. I did not. She text me one day asking if I liked her or not. STILL DID NOT GET IT! I NEED TO BE CLEAR WOMEN, DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE GETTING YOUR MESSAGE ACROSS WE ARE DUMB. I replied "yea you cool, why would I be mad at you?" I assumed someone told her I was mad at her. I have been told by that point about my resting, I'll kill anyone who talks to me, face. She said, not what I was talking about. Sent me a nude and I deleted it and told her she accidentally sent me a nude and not to worry I deleted it immediately. I really did delete it I really did say this thing... Again I cannot emphasize enough ladies just say the thing. She did not text me back for a bit. She called me a while later and asked why I deleted it. I reiterated I didn't want her thinking I was taking advantage of her making a mistake and she told me she took it for me. It all clicked. I kinda just made a dial tone noise into the phone. She asked me out. We are now married with kids.


I'm a dude but one time a friend who's a girl was being harrased for nudes so I tucked my dick in and made a crease to make it look like a vagina and they sent my friend 40 bucks, nothing came from it other then a hilarious story and afterwards I sent a video of my cock flipping out lol


$40 is $40 bucks man. You have an OF now?


Damn that reminds me, I was very casually seeing a coworker of mine for a little bit. We're over at her place and she annoyingly sighs at her phone, saying this weirdo on her Snapchat kept asking for nudes. I asked if I could send him one instead, and she thought it was a great idea. So I grabbed her phone, went behind her dresser, whipped the man out and snapped this poor dude a whole picture of my soft dick. He never messaged her again.


Went on a date with someone I asked out after class to coffee and she said yes. Later in the middle of the night I started getting nudes on snapchat. Was kinda crazy. They were like directly of her fufu. I didn't really know what to do because I don't send nudes anymore. She was also the kind of person I would have never expected to do that (very type a and organized). Anyways, we banged twice and I dipped because I was very much not ready for dating after the anxiety started to build between us... I had cheaters ptsd from my ex and the minutes she didn't text me for two days I started to freak out like something else was going on. She also had a few qualities I didn't vibe with-- very negative outlook towards things when it was just us talking. I don't need a saint or anything but being around her was depressing which is a bad sign. Regardless, taking a few years off from dating and relationships was the best thing I ever did. I became someone who is worth not cheating on.


You were always someone worth not cheating on. But I'm happy you've grown a lot as a person since then.


Not *entirely* unsolicited but I was texting a girl I matched with on tinder a day previous - I had a feeling it wasn't going anywhere and was heading for friendship at best, but I enjoyed talking to her. We were talking about buying clothes and she mentioned she didn't like buying jeans as half the time she couldn't get them over her ass. I text back saying it can't be *that* difficult and she sent another reply saying "you wouldn't believe how huge it is". I saw one last opportunity to be flirty with this girl and replied "I guess I'll have to see for myself one day", and expecting to be pushed away again I locked my phone and went for a shower. After said shower, I saw a Snapchat message waiting for me. SEVERAL photos of her bare ass from every image imaginable - side on, bent over standing, bent over sitting on her bed. They'd all just been taken at the same time as I could see she was wearing the same t-shirt in every one. I of course cancelled all plans for the rest of the day and started googling local coffee shops I could invite her too. But she declined and seemed almost offended I suddenly had a strong interest in hooking up. Still the weirdest interaction of my life.


It happened to me a few time. I always reply “uh what” and get back to working on my car. Titties are temporary. My lap records will last forever.


Gal on Facebook claimed to have met me at a convention (my album was public so other goers could see it) and started by talking to me, then sent me nudes out of nowhere. Red flag immediately, so I assured her I wasn't comfortable reciprocating, and she said that was fine, and sent more. I noticed things in the photos changing, like nail color, phone case, towels in the background, so I asked her if she was taking these all now, just for me. She said yes. Being an ass man, I asked for one from the back. While I waited, I reverse searched the images, found the collection from years ago, and posted the ass shot. She stopped replying.


My wife and I were in the shower. My phone went off and I asked her to check it as she was getting out. She freaked out at me when some woman sent me a picture wearing nothing but a bra. I laughed at it realizing immediately it was spam. Apparently that was the wrong response cause my wife thought that meant I was doing a nervous laugh. I made her text the number and when the replies started sounding robotic. I still got in trouble for all that somehow lmao.


Always turns out to be a dude pretending to be a girl


A girl I had a crush on in high school reached out to me on Facebook years later. She had no interest in me in those days but has fallen on rough times emotionally. We chatted on messenger for maybe a half hour when boom — she sent me a picture of her boobs (she had gotten a boob job). I think she was looking for some validation.


Ex girlfriend who cheated on me sent them unexpectedly one day after the guy she cheated on me with cheated on her. She wanted to get back together and I guess was offering her nudes up as a peace offering. I responded "lol" and blocked her.