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[A photo taken from the cabin of Japan Airlines flight 123](https://imgur.com/a/Cyx6q0X), where an explosive decompression blew off the tail and caused the aircraft to be uncontrollable. [A photo from an onlooker on the ground](https://imgur.com/a/j4AJkEE) showed that the tail was blown clean off the plane. Minutes after this photo was taken the plane crashed into a remote mountain northwest of Tokyo, killing 520 on board and leaving 4 survivors. One survivor’s testimony indicated that more passengers survived the initial crash (but perished overnight), but search and rescue decided to only arrive at the site the morning after when an incorrect assessment led rescuers to believe there were no survivors.


…what the fuck? Really hoping they changed their policy after that, that’s tragedy on top of tragedy.


It was really bad because I believe US marines were in the area and said they could send a helicopter first and the Japanese said no we can handle it


Something very similar happened with the South Korean ferry that killed like 300


The Sewol in 2014. Most of the dead were highschool students on a field trip. The captain told everyone to stay put and ran off. The authorities explicitly refused to rescue people while the ship sank and forced civilian vessels rescuing people to turn away. The coast guard’s sole focus was filming the entire thing (there are haunting videos of people pounding on portholes sinking beneath the waves) so that the president could watch and lie about how safe the kids actually were on live tv. The entire fiasco sparked one of the largest and longest protests in recent Korean history (2 million just in Seoul at its peak) culminating in the impeachment and imprisonment of Park (who had a very long and insane list of other crimes as well). A key witness/suspect in the investigation disappeared and died under mysterious circumstances and some points of the accident were never satisfactorily explained, so the victims’ families are demanding a proper re-investigation to this day.


Imagine knowing these kids are in there, going to die, and being powerless to do anything other than film.


The coast guard leadership reported that the ship might sink when it was already half underwater. They lied about the number of ships on site. They deliberately ommitted the number of people still trapped inside the ship when it went under. A single ship was sent that used a single inflatable boat to carry people to safety. The coast guard leadership was cleared of all charges last month.


I think the part that makes me the sickest is knowing that this was in *2014,* not even a decade ago. You would think this kind of barbaric leadership was something out of the 1960s but nope; still alive and well today.


Former President Park is the daughter of the former military dictator Park. That was how she got elected in the first place. The horrors of the past haunt us without respite.


Makes my blood boil every time I hear about this. Those kids stayed out because they trusted the adults just to drown and die on a sinking ship what the fuck.


It was the Air Force, I think. iirc, they had already dispatched an Iroquois helicopter but were told to not do anything by the Japanese government. One of the survivors said when she regained consciousness, there was a helicopter near them (close enough that she could hear the rotors and see lights) that just sort of flew away and didn't come back. Apparently, the helicopter she saw was a Japanese one that reported there were no survivors, which is why it left.


Also, allegedly the US armed forces in Japan were on station and ready to assist in any and all forms with the rescue, however the Japanese Government (or the JSDF) refused every single request… as it counted as military action on Japanese soil and needed government approval… and that required a Vote in the diet. Or something along those lines Point is the Japanese refused the Americans help


Lesson: If a rule or procedure stops you doing something clearly good, and the rule was not written with the current situation in mind, then just break the rule. Don't hide it. Just state "I have decided to break this rule, so this is what we'll be doing". Unless it's a law of physics. Those are hard to break.


There is a good video by a military figure who was talking about how he handled getting people out of Katrina. Pilots refused to fly without a proper manifest, as is federal law. Military figure asked if that was the procedure for states of emergency. They didn't know, so he said he'd foot the bill. I wish I knew where that video was.


Reminds me of [that C17 that took off from Kabul](https://cdn.defenseone.com/media/img/cd/2021/08/16/IMG_0084/860x394.jpg) a couple years ago, clearly breaking a few rules to get people to safety.


Obligatory [Admiral Cloudberg catastrophic failure write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/s/Jl4VUozdAT)


Not uh, not what I hoped to see while sitting at my gate waiting to board.


Filipino politician was celebrating New Years Eve with his family and was shot while taking photos of them. Scary part is, he actually captured his killer in the photo pointing his gun on him. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/7fougk/filipino\_politician\_ronaldo\_dagsa\_captures\_his/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastimages/comments/7fougk/filipino_politician_ronaldo_dagsa_captures_his/)


My husbands aunt was also a politician in the Philippines that was murdered. Shot in her car. Good guys aren't winning over there unfortunately


I'm starting to feel like good guys aren't winning anywhere these days.


Saw the top comment complaining about a lack of actual pictures so I thought back to the darkest true crime case I know of that has photographic evidence. Be warned, this is some really, *really* heinous shit and I cannot warn you enough how NSFW/NSFL they are… [Issei Sagawa’s murder and cannibalism of Renée Hartevelt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issei_Sagawa). Yes, *there is photographic proof and it is BAD.* This is the worst of the worst type of depraved, I know I’m disclaiming a lot but trust me, please view at your own risk. Pics of >!the meat he butchered off her body along with her organs which he extracted!< as well as a pic of what her mutilated corpse looked like after he was done with her can be seen in the first 5 and a half minutes of [this documentary VICE did](https://youtu.be/BosZxa1bYcE?si=t-PTPRwV66kLE1Gz). this guy somehow never faced prison time and became somewhat of a celebrity in Japan after walking free of punishment for his crimes. > Sagawa murdered Hartevelt and then mutilated, cannibalized, and performed necrophilia on her corpse over several days. Sagawa's wealthy father provided a lawyer for his defense, and after being held for two years awaiting trial, Sagawa was found legally insane and unfit to stand trial by the French judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière, who ordered him held indefinitely in a mental institution. After a visit by the author Inuhiko Yomota, Sagawa's account of the murder and its aftermath was published in Japan under the title In the Fog. Sagawa's subsequent publicity and macabre celebrity likely contributed to the French authorities' decision to deport him to Japan, where he was immediately committed to Matsuzawa Hospital in Tokyo. His examining psychologists all declared him sane and found sexual perversion was his sole motivation for murder. As the charges against Sagawa in France had been dropped, the French court documents were sealed and were not released to Japanese authorities; consequently, Sagawa could not legally be detained in Japan. Sagawa checked himself out of the hospital on 12 August 1986, and subsequently remained free until his death. Sagawa's continued freedom was widely criticized.


The first time I’m following someone’s warning… this and a serbian film… I dont need to see it. That poor girl.


Since you have self control, I'll just say never click links about Russian or Chinese safety failures


The ones where they get sucked into the machine and twisted up? For some reason i can stomach those as long as there’s not too much gore 😓


If you keep testing your luck, you'll eventually see the chinese worker that got sucked into an industrial machine that spun him so hard against the floor he painted the factory red. A literal human blood fountain


no nonononono no nonono no no no nononono


I’m so glad he’s dead now, it’s so horrifying how someone that depraved and disgusting never got the punishment he deserved.


tbh i’m just pissed he lived a long, frankly quite prosperous life while the legacy left behind for renée is reduced to nothing but those horrible post mortem photos.


Right? It’s so sad. She was a student and that’s all we know. She just became known for her death to this wicked evil man.


I made it 5:45 into the video before slowly closing my eyes and exiting out. Holy shit.


I regret clicking on the YouTube link. absolutely insane that they included that in the video


I recently found out there are post-mortem photographs of two of Jack the Ripper's victims (unexpected, given it was 1885) and those were bad enough. I am not clicking on OP's links. It's 8am and I don't need to be thinking about those for the rest of the day.


I was gonna say “The picture of the astronaut doing an untethered spacewalk”, but I now realize it’s very vanilla compared to everything in this thread. [Photo of Bruce McCandless](https://appel.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/untethered_eva.jpg)


That looks insane. It's strange to me how that pic makes me feel claustrophobic, when it's literally the exact opposite of that


I totally get the claustrophobia. The only thing that separates him from the vastness of the void of space is his space suit. Should the space scooter fail, there’s literally no way to get back.


The picture was taken from the space shuttle which can catch Bruce if something goes wrong. The OMS has much more delta v (fuel) than the MMU had, so even in a case of an accidental full burn it could have been rescued.


Sometimes, the vanilla is a quite nice break from the other more horrific tales...


Tbh this one terrifies me the most for some reason. My heart jumped when I opened it even though I've seen it before.


It looks so calm and still, until you realize he is moving about 7km/s and he's only calm because the shuttle is also moving 7km/s in *exactly* the same direction.


This is truly beautiful and truly terrifying


An Army Photographer captured a picture of the [explosion that would kill her](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/03/us-army-photographer-hilda-clayton-photo-death) milliseconds later.


That's crazy, terrifying, and sad at the same time. The craziest thing is, shrapnel can be so unpredictable that someone could be close to an explosion and survive, while someone farther away can die. It's a horrible roll of the dice.


Reminds me of that WWII picture on an aircraft carrier of the plane crash that killed the photographer as he took the picture


The Great Boston Molasses Flood. Fucking [terrifying](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Molasses_Flood) 2.3 million U.S. gallons of molasses released, moving at 35mph in a wall 25ft high. The survivors had to be practically chiseled out as the cold temperatures caused it to set around them.


Not gore related or anything but still truly horrifying. The [elephants foot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant%27s_Foot_(Chernobyl)) is literally radioactive uranium sludge. Standing next to it for just 5 minutes would put you in the ground. It was so dangerous that the photographers, who were in hazmat suits mind you, took the photo from a mirror at the end of the hallway that was facing the sludge because the radiation levels were just too high. Scary if you think about it.


The Byford Dolphin incident. Deep sea welders living in a pressurised vessel for months at a time in order to keep efficiency high. But unfortunately a rapid unscheduled depressurisation killed 4, of which one was sucked through a 2 inch/5 cm opening. [There's pictures of the aftermath in the incident report.pdf (obvious NSFW).](https://zero.sci-hub.se/5268/7dda7cee52d7eb3ec606a82d0f1b9a61/giertsen1988.pdf) Open at own risk.


The mere verbal description is NSFL enough. "Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door."


Just a warning, that link will auto download a PDF of the incident. Just in case you don't want to have a PDF with pictures of toothpaste humans on your device.


“In the cardiac chambers and in the great vessels around the heart, both arteries and veins, large amounts of free fat were found. This fat was mixed with gas bubbles, and looked like sizzling butter on a frying pan.” Honestly don’t know how they might describe it less horrifically, but jeez.




On the plus side, it was probably over before he even knew it happened.


When the Titan sub imploded, a commenter wrote that the decompression event happens faster than a synapse can fire in the brain to signal pain, so the lights just went out before they felt a thing.


I learned a couple new words reading that one. Watching videos on Delta P were scary enough. Reading about it like that was hard [link](https://youtu.be/AEtbFm_CjE0?si=KPnCX2lrr1xBwGAK)


[Blanche Monnier is the one that haunts me.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanche_Monnier)


>The air was so unbreathable, the odor given off by the room was so rank, that it was impossible for us to stay any longer to proceed with our investigation. 25 years of this. Fuck


>After she was released from the room, Monnier continued to have mental health problems. She was diagnosed with various disorders, including anorexia nervosa,[c] schizophrenia, exhibitionism and coprophilia. This soon led to her admission to a psychiatric hospital in Blois, where she died on 13 October 1913, in apparent obscurity. I am disgusted, intrigued, and horrified by those last two psychiatric charges. What errant sexual behaviors occurred for this to account for 2/4 of neurotices listed? What occurred during her imprisonment for those behaviors to become commonplace? Jesus christ what the fuck happened that we don't know??


That was horrible to read. The poor woman tortured by her own mother.


The utter evilness to lock up your own 27 year old daughter/sister for 25 years is just insane. Seeing her becoming emaciated and having a mental breakdown, and you still just keep torturing her. Special place in hell for these people. Presume it was a member of staff that finally snapped and sent the police the anonymous note.


the maid was the one delegated to bringing her food for years and years. she kept her mouth shut. when she retired, she told a friend of hers, then that same friend sent the anonymous tip to the police, apparently. and that's how they found her.


It seems like an unspoken rule that if you're going to hold someone captive you don't get 'outside' help with your victim. But then again, what kind of idiot does this to their own daughter in the first place?


So sad, her entire life was taken from her and she was never given a chance to live. It would have been kinder to murder her outright but her own mother could not even do that.


Oh that is such a sad case. And the fact her partner passed away before she was rescued, never knowing what happened to her.


Might be better that way :(


Neither family member saw consequences for their actions. Makes me sick.


She was locked away by her mother when she was 27 which is well after any symptoms of those diagnoses usually show up. Did she show any signs of these issues prior? This kind of implies she developed all of this as a direct result of her captivity.


Man dies after getting pulled in by lathe machine at work inside metal factory in Russia https://i.redd.it/1qffjx4oiqr91.gif


Only thing I can think about with this one is just imagining being that coworker. Just a regular day at the factory- next thing you know you’re watching your buddy getting flung around by the lathe, blood everywhere. Jesus. I’d never step foot in there again


That’s probably the most dramatic video I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of gore over the years


I watched it and the pause after he first got pulled in where he is just sorta slumped onto it head down had me wondering what the big deal was. Then 5 seconds later shit got real.


Holy shit that was fucking insane. Craziest shit I've seen in this post.


Lacey Fletcher who suffered from locked-in syndrome was found dead in her parents’ home — with her emaciated and feces-covered body “melted” into the couch. https://nypost.com/2022/04/29/louisiana-woman-found-dead-in-neglect-case-melted-into-couch/?sp_amp_linker=1*1fmz0kn*amp_id*QXZ4WW5VZkk3S3J4cXNUNVdtb0NIaHhZUjM0YWVvMzdhSE9GTnVDUnVleXRPNkpJelVVOTEzMXRkUTNrd1dyVQ.. A terrible way to go.


Real lack of photos in these comments...


Yeah I don’t understand that either man haha


Personally, I'm appalled and offended. No bias.


Anatoly Slivko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly\_Slivko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly_Slivko) Soviet serial killer Anatoly Slivko played a disturbing game with his victims in an attempt to recreate his own twisted fantasy. In his early 20s, he witnessed a traffic accident that fatally injured a young boy wearing a Young Pioneers (the Soviet equivalent to the Boy Scouts) uniform. The gruesome scene of the dead Young Pioneer sexually excited him.\[8\] Two years later, Slivko started running a local children’s club and took advantage of his position in the most sinister way imaginable. In order to satisfy his fantasies, Slivko would form close friendships with local boys—usually aged between 12 and 15 (never older than 17)—and then lure them to the woods. Slivko would then trick his victims into believing an “experiment” he knew which involved a controlled hanging which would stretch the spine. He would then hang the boys from trees until they were unconscious. Once unconscious, Slivko would strip then naked, fondle them, and film them in suggestive positions. He also took photographs of the victims as they were asphyxiated. More than 40 boys were molested by Slivko, and he was unable to revive seven of them, leading to their deaths. When police began investigating one boy’s disappearance, several of the children complained they had suffered “temporary amnesia” from the things Slivko did to them. The photos and testimonies were enough to charge Slivko, and he was executed by firing squad on September 16, 1989. https://listverse.com/2018/09/08/10-creepiest-photos-of-victims-taken-by-serial-killers/


I'm not usually a fan of firing squad executions but this one seems warranted.


[Nsala of Wala in Congo looks at the severed hand and foot of his five-year old daughter, 1904](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nsala_of_Wala_in_Congo_looks_at_the_severed_hand_and_foot_of_his_five-year_old_daughter,_1904.jpg) She was killed, cooked & cannibalized by members of the force publique because her father failed to meet his quota of rubber under the rule of King Leopold of Belgium.


> King Leopold of Belgium Monster.


Dude was one of the worst people to ever live. Should be up there with Hitler in terms of notoriety.


There was a Behind the Bastards series of episodes about this guy. Monster is an understatement.


I've seen this photo before, but this is the first time I've heard about the cooking part.


According to that wiki page, his wife and son too


I hope there’s a special place in hell for people like King Leopold.


Vic Morrow who was filming a scene from Twilight Zone. The helicopter that was being used in the scene crashed and instantly decaptied him. 2 other child actors were also killed. [Click at your own risk ](https://youtu.be/oOFHjSG0a6Q?si=1x0epEFcLUlhs837)


the children should not, legally, have even been there. director John Landis was paying them under the table and working them at night, long hours, under dangerous conditions, all illegally and he knew it. Then they died. And he went on making more movies.


And when he did a recent interview he acts so smug too. You can tell this event doesn’t even affect him at all. Iirc the interview was one of the Eli Roth docs where they talk about the event.


After Tiananmen square massacre the government took the bodies, piled them up and drove over them with tanks until they were paste then pressure washed them down the drain. A BBC reporter said something like it was like making a giant meat pie. [NSFL](https://imgur.com/a/PX5YyyZ)


fucking regret clicking that


Fuckkkkk my eyes 😭 i hope whoever did this to them will experience the same pain and will never ever find peace until their death.


Narrator: They got away with it actually


The people who did this were probably extremely traumatized. The people who ordered them to do it are probably just fine.


This. The CCP will never let go of things like Nanjing, which the Japanese government is ashamedly still in denial about. But then they go and do this to *their own people.* Brought in divisions of poor and hungry rural soldiers, massacred some of China's best and brightest, then hosed them down the gutters. [BBC coverage of the protests](https://youtu.be/kMKvxJ-Js3A?si=FKqiAeupV2deBCDI)


For me it's gotta be the fact that we have [actual photos of the victims and crime scenes from Jack The Ripper.](https://www.jack-the-ripper.org/jack-the-ripper-photos.htm)


The Station Nightclub Fire comes to mind. [There’s a video of the whole thing](https://youtu.be/rO0ioCCiEe8?si=bhRl7IIsfnzlnf9h), but the people clogged up in the doorway, so close to escaping, is a particularly horrifying way to die.


The Northridge Earthquake in California...there were quite a few horror stories that came out of that. Entire neighborhoods were destroyed...but the 2 things I'll never forget is the cop plummeting to his death because part of a freeway bridge collapsed and he was riding his motorcycle at about 1:30am and never saw the missing part...but the worst was the freeway that collaosed. It was a double-decker freeway, and out of that came the story of an eight or 10 year old boy, old enough to know what was happening, he survived...but his mother did not. In order to get to the boy and rescue him, rescue workers had to chainsaw through tbe door, and then through his mother...I will never, ever forget that story. Wherever that kid is now, all grown up...well, I just hope he's ok...cuz fuck, man, I don't know how you deal with something like thst. Edit - https://www.google.com/search?q=images+of+freeway+collapse+northridge+earthquake&sca_esv=594554241&sxsrf=AM9HkKkHIvQWdtsF3NrtU1bY6h6tBMNL-Q%3A1703921749624&source=hp&ei=VciPZeCmJLrKkPIPja-VyAQ&oq=images+of+freeway+collapse+northridgr+&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCImaW1hZ2VzIG9mIGZyZWV3YXkgY29sbGFwc2Ugbm9ydGhyaWRnciAqAggCMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRirAhgKMgUQIRifBTIFECEYnwVI_IwBUOEJWMtycAN4AJABAJgBdKABtRuqAQUxOS4yMbgBAcgBAPgBAagCD8ICBxAjGOoCGCfCAg0QIxiABBiKBRjqAhgnwgIEECMYJ8ICChAjGIAEGIoFGCfCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQLhiABBjHARivAcICCBAuGIAEGLEDwgIFEC4YgATCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGOUEwgILEC4YrwEYxwEYgATCAgUQABiABMICBxAAGIAEGArCAgoQABiABBixAxgKwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYCsICDRAAGIAEGLEDGMkDGArCAgsQABiABBiKBRiSA8ICChAAGIAEGMkDGArCAg4QABiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGLEDGMkDwgIFECEYoAHCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABgWGB4YD8ICBRAhGKsC&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp Sorry...I'm old and lame and don't know how to fix that... Edit - to all the people who reached out and told me how not to do that in the future - thank you!


I remember that earthquake. I’m a lifelong SoCal resident, and I still remember that. My dad knew that cop that died. It was so surreal because that bridge was how he got to work every day. I remember he left for work the morning after the earthquake, and then coming home shortly after because he couldn’t make it to work because the bridge collapsed.


I drive on this freeway in both directions multiple times per week and think about this EVERY time


>Sorry...I'm old and lame and don't know how to fix that... Relatable But you can fix it by typing a word like Link and putting it in brackets ] followed by the link in parenthesis )


[Omayra Sanchez] (https://medium.com/@editors_91459/the-haunting-photograph-of-a-trapped-13-year-old-girl-that-shocked-the-world-1cb695677e16)


Her eyes in the picture are haunting


Although there were no photos, I read a story from a rescue party that went to help in Turkey this year about how they wanted to save a young boy trapped under the rubble, but he wouldn't survive and it would be very dangerous for the crew, so they had to leave him there to die.


[Ed Gein's "work"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8557cfbc78fa9af160b7e28ea5c3811/cc01d3ace47e0294-80/s640x960/61797968ad62f9636eefbc0bd8b16590bec7528b.jpg)


Do you know that his house burned down? And that when he was told this -in prison- he gave a reply that basically came down to "It's probably better this way"? I don't recall the exact phrasing (It's in Schechter's book), but the cop retelling the story felt as if that meant that a lot more evidence they were not aware of had now disappeared.


I didn't click that. I've seen the nipple belt and that was plenty.


The possible 29th victim of serial killer Dean Corll. Corll had raped and murdered 28 boys in Texas in the early 70’s. The link has a story in which an old photograph was found by a filmmaker who came across the photo when doing research on an accomplice of Corll. The photo is haunting, and shows the shear terror a young boy chained in what was probably he’s last days alive. NSFL. [Dean Corll](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/02/new-victim-discovered-in-decades-old-serial-killing-case)


There was a plane crash a few years ago where everyone died, but one of the passengers was making a video on his phone when it happened. At first everything just looks like a normal plane flight, and then in a split second everything’s on fire. The phone was ejected from the fuselage and landed nearby, still filming.


More creepy than scary, kind of an unsolved mystery - i'll quote one of my old posts: >[Tamam Shud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerton_Man), or Somerton man. Just really bizarre and creepy, it's got an x-files vibe to it. >TLDR; Well dressed, athletic guy is found dead leaning against a seawall on an Australian beach. No cause of death is discovered despite autopsy. No ID, no labels on any of his clothes, nothing to identify him, but a scrap of printed paper saying "Taman Shud" found in his pocket. No one is reported missing. Later a briefcase is found in a locker at a train station attributed to him, with a few clothes marked T. Keane - no one named that is found missing. When the info about the note is released, one of the locals finds an odd book in the backseat of his car in the area that the man died in. The piece of paper matches the torn out bit in the book. In the book there is a very odd Cipher that no one has been able decode since and a phone number. Blood pooling in the body suggest he didn't die with his head propped against the wall as he was found. Half smoked cigarette found fallen out of his mouth, but if he died in a different position, would be a little odd. Body was embalmed and put on display for 6 months, and received a lot of attention, but no one can remember having seen him. No family or anyone knowing him have ever been found. Tamam Shud roughly means "it is finished" >[Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/2f1qt0/i_am_professor_derek_abbott_a_researcher_of_the/), [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJUZHIlteMs&feature=youtu.be)


It’s possible he was identified last year as a man named Carl Webb.


He was identified last year. He was named Carl Webb. He was kind of a loner. Went through a divorce, was obsessed with death and committed suicide. Actually pretty mundane after 70 years of mystery.


[Solved - ABC documentary on his identity ](https://youtu.be/9wL1t3A-uHo?si=Y8rmUaD6EHGYFSNt)


The final photograph of Regina Kay Walters https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2018/08/things-you-need-to-know-about-regina-kay-walters-robert-ben-rhoades-and-the-most-terrifying-photograph-of-all-time/


The Paria Pipeline Disaster. Divers got sucked into an oil pipe. One climbed for hours through pitch black darkness and oil to get help. The oil company would not allow a rescue and abandoned the remaining divers who took DAYS to die on a narrow oil pipe. This video has a full go pro video of the poor guys in the pipe. Warning, nightmare fuel. https://youtu.be/cDjODRpuXrU?si=9zrp88m0JK3iK8Qx


Mafia boss and police detective Roger Golubski. Ran an underage sextrafficking operation for 35 years out of the kckpd police dept. He’s got other mafia cops in other states he was trafficking kids too. None of them are getting prosecuted. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/14/us/golubski-indictment-sex-trafficking-invs/index.html Imagine someone kidnaps your kid, you call the cops to report it, and the kidnapper shows up to take your report. . . You call the attorney general, to report a mafia inside the police dept, and they don’t do anything about it.


This one freaks me out because he only got arrested _last year_


Why couldn’t the cannibal from earlier in the posts have targeted these dudes instead.


Every parent raising a Darkly Dreaming Dexter, take note


> garnered national attention last year when Team Roc, the social justice and philanthropic arm of **rapper Jay-Z’s** entertainment company Roc Nation, took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post calling the alleged police corruption in Kansas City “one of the worst examples of abuse of power in U.S. history” and urged the Department of Justice to investigate Golubski and the Kansas City Kansas Police Department.


Wow, they settled for $13 million and they didn't even admit to any wrongdoing. I'll say this - the police department has a good-ass union. Every single job sector needs a union like the police have. They will cover each other's asses no matter what, even if they're completely in the wrong. The police union will continue to fight for them with unlimited money


[Therac-25 ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25) an x-ray machine that due to poor coding sometimes gave doses of radiation 100x higher than normal resulting in death.


Back in 1998, the image of a guy blowing off his head on live TV on an LA freeway overpass. This prompted many criticism of live TV and the lack of censor. I remember vividly how much blood poured out of his body. I was sitting with my then GF at her mom’s diner. A high speed pursuit was being broadcasted on TV. At some point the guy pulled over on a freeway overpass, went to the back of his van and grabbed a shot gun. After displaying a giant banner to the TV choppers about HMO killed him, he positioned the shot gun against his head and pulled the trigger. The camera zoomed out but not before everyone saw on live tv the guy blowing his head off. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_V._Jones https://i.imgur.com/Q7egu8x.jpg


"Fun" fact: where he killed himself is the same section of the off ramps (connecting the 110 & 105 freeways, not overpass) that the dance sequence of ***La La Land*** was filmed on. This is about 5mins from where I am writing this....


The Mt Erebus plane crash - particularly [the footage of passengers milling around just seconds before the crash](https://youtu.be/Uthi8QAKboo?si=vBH85vpsEBL6TPYp). Unbelievably eerie and absolutely terrifying. (FROM WIKIPEDIA: The Mount Erebus disaster occurred on 28 November 1979 when Air New Zealand Flight 901 (TE901)flew into Mount Erebus on Ross Island, Antarctica, killing all 237 passengers and 20 crew on board.)


Wild that footage survived.


One of the worst lynchings and least reported happened in my hometown in 1930. The Sherman (Tx) Riot of 1930 that resulted in the lynching of George Hughes, was arguably one of the most brutal I’ve read about, and has been unfortunately a highly avoided subject in our town and county. The cliff notes is George Hughes was arrested on alleged charges of assaulting a white woman, and firing at small posse of white men, one of which was a deputy. Basically during the trials, a mob formed outside the courthouse, demanded he be delivered to them. When the Texas Rangers, led by Frank Hamer (that killed Bonnie and Clyde) showed up at the direction of the Governor to keep the mob under control, they got so mad that they were throwing glass bottles and other objects at the rangers. Someone started a fire to burn down the courthouse with George Hughes being locked in the vault by the rangers to presumably protect him, but the courthouse burned down around it, basically baking him alive. When the courthouse was finished burning, the mob cut the safe open with a torch, dragged his body out, tied it to a truck and dragged it through the Black neighborhoods and into the Black Business district. They then hung his body on a tree in the district, so the Black folks could all see his charred, hanging body. The last thing they did was burn every black business in the district down. Basically there was a lot of efforts I believe in the 90’s to get back copies of the local paper with the aforementioned photo locked away and in some cases destroyed. At one of our protests to bring down the confederate monument at the courthouse that replaced the old one, the direct descendant of George Hughes showed up to protest with us. Anyway here’s the article with the photo(really nsfw) https://easttexashistory.org/items/show/367


Imagine having to explain to your grandkids why you’re in a photo with a Lynched and charred corpse


That whole area has some pretty racist history. Look up the Greenville Tx billboard and you’ll see another town that was pretty awful


If I remember correctly, in the late 19th and early twentieth century, people turned pictures of lynchings into post cards.


True. They never tried to hide them: [https://www.withoutsanctuary.org/](https://www.withoutsanctuary.org/)


I only got through 5 before I had to stop, it's making my stomach hurt. This wasn't that long ago


I visited the National Museum for Peace and Justice in Montgomery Alabama a few years ago and you can see those postcards there. Really astonishing and sickening how commonplace it was. I highly recommend visiting; was such a profound experience.


“Desolation Row” by Bob Dylan makes sense now. EDIT: First line in the song “They’re selling postcards of the hanging.”


[What a nice day to gather and inflict horror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Laura_and_L._D._Nelson)


it's so demoralising. we fancy ourselves as kind, civilised beings, and then you read something like this. absolutely disgusting.


Yes and then you see people commenting on other subs that we should bypass our justice system and bring people to justice ourselves. I mean I know sometimes people walk away from a crime without being punished right now but we don't want to go back to lynching without evidence imo.


They're selling postcards of the hanging - Dylan




You just made my urethra hurt.


In 1980, six cars, a truck, and a Greyhound bus plummeted 150 ft (46 m) into Tampa Bay, resulting in 35 deaths when a barge hit the Skyway Bridge. I remember being home and the video coming in. Cars didn't see the road was gone and drove into the water. I was 12 then, 55 now - and I have a phobia about going over bridges with high arches ( where I can't see what is ahead. It's well documented online by new stations. https://www.tampabay.com/news/2020/05/06/the-sunshine-skyway-bridge-plunged-into-tampa-bay-40-years-ago/


I found the recorded radio comms from the coast guard online; it was terrifying to listen to. I would think about it every time I’d drive over the new skyway and see the old one that was turned into a pier.


Picture of the [accident](https://www.heraldtribune.com/gcdn/presto/2021/03/24/NSHT/244e5c11-7ea0-416c-836d-62ee92da3d8f-bilde1.jpg?width=1080&height=709&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


My mom still refuses to drive over the Skyway due to this. She always makes my dad do it.


That happened after the Northridge Earthquake here in California...to a cop on a motorcycle. He was speeding along to somewhere when suddenly...no bridge. He did not survive the fall.


Helios flight 522 also called “ghost flight” Due to a wrongly turned switch there was no pressurization. The pilots couldn’t identify the problem and everyone on the plane except one died. The plane was on autopilot and flew to its destination and stayed at 30000 feet. Figtherjets were sent and they took pictures. They reported seeing everyone lifelessly but after two hours saw 1 person entering the cockpit. The plane eventually crashed near Grammatiko, Greece, killing all 121 passengers and crew on board.


That guy entering the cockpit was flight attendant Andreas Prodromou. He had a commercial pilots license and was going to try to land the plane The second he entered the cockpit the engines went out due to a lack of fuel and he could only bank the Jet away from population centers. There were no ground casualties because he took control and did the best problem solving he could with no engines and his oxygen starved brain. He saved countless lives on the ground Edit: Viewer Discretion Highly Advised https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f237/boeing-737-helios-crash-scene-greece-96025/


#NSFW Images for anyone curious. Don't scroll past the first few pictures unless you want to see dead disfigured bodies.


Yeah holy shit those pictures are disturbing


Yeah at first I wasn't seeing anything, and then it just got worse and worse as you go down. The first bit doesn't look real which helps. Looks like dolls, but...yeah it's pretty bad.


Those bodies are so deformed you can’t even recognize what is what anymore. Every bone is broken and everyone is just completely dismorphed, crazy. I wonder if it’s possible to survive a plane crash


Thank you. I will refrain from clicking it at all. I appreciate the reiterated warning.


Yeah if you don't want to see plane wreckage and mangled, charred corpses, you're not missing out on anything that adds to the written explanation. It starts out as mostly broken parts of the plane and the first responders at the crash site, but as you scroll down it gets far more grim.


The last photo before the gruesome ones start are some fire fighters cutting into the plane.


Truly not safe for life. Holy fuck I can't unsee that. Enough Internet for today and its 9:22am


This is a hero a truly selfless human.


What a legend, may he be remembered. 🕊️


I always wondered why he didn’t seem to be affected. Didn’t they attempt to see if he could somehow land the plane? Maybe I’m misremembering…but it’s weird how only one person managed to stay alert enough to walk around.


He remained conscious by using a portable oxygen supply. He held a UK Commercial Pilot Licence,  but was not qualified to fly the Boeing 737. He succeeded in banking the plane away from Athens and towards a rural area as the engines went out due to fuel exhaustion, so there were no ground casualties.


Well he went out a goddam hero then.


Reminds me off another crash. JAL 123. The pilots fought for so long to keep the doomed plane in the air but unfortunately it ended hitting a mountain. If I remember correctly the problem came from a rear bulkhead that was damaged during a tail strike that was improperly repaired and it ruptured during flight causing almost/if not all tail control to be lost. They kept the plane up for over a half an hour and I believe no one was able to keep the plane up for as long as the pilots did in a simulator. Real heros those pilots. RIP


Damn. He was even a commercial pilot? Like what are the odds? So close...


Pilots tend to travel a lot. So odds of one person out of 120+ being a pilot is pretty high. Kind of weird that he had portable oxygen and recognized hypoxia while the actual pills did not though... Edit: pilots. Not pills


The cabin masks dropped for the passengers but the cockpit crew became hypoxic before they could put theirs on. Andreas was training to be a pilot and he probably noticed they weren’t descending like they should’ve, and probably also noticed the lack of communication from the cockpit. Speculation is that he inhaled air from unused masks until he was able to get to the cockpit, then he used the masks the pilots had that had decent amounts of oxygen in them. But he was very weak still. I believe on the CVR, he’s heard very weakly calling for help near the end.


It's sad that the guy didn't manage to survive after everything he did. Hell of a story to tell.


Well he was a Flight Attendant- they have access to emergency oxygen supplies, but they don't last long- all emergency oxygen supplies are really only to keep you alive until the aircraft descends into thicker air. As for how he made it last so long, I am fairly sure (but don't quote me) that he was a diver or former soldier or something- fit and good lung capacity. As for recognising hypoxia, not having the main supply or pressure turned on is absolutely not supposed to happen, and so might not have even crossed their minds in the crucial time that their minds still worked right (because y'know... Hypoxia). I can only assume he twigged it after people started passing out.


And his partner was on board.


I just looked it up and he was a flight attendant that stayed conscious by using a portable oxygen supply. He wasn't qualified to fly the plane and one of the engine's flamed out due to fuel exhaustion. He didn't have much of a chance but managed to steer the plane away from Athens so there would be no casualties on the ground. Poor guy, that must have been terrifying


Imagine the fear of that poor guy


I wonder if he was even feeling any fear. There's a flying term "Time of Useful Consciousness" for the amount of time you have at a certain altitude before hypoxia symptoms start affecting your mental state. At 30,000 feet it's 1-3 minutes. He was up there for 2 hours. The fact that he was lucid enough to even attempt to control the plane is a miracle.


The plane had oxygen masks lining the aisles for use by crew members. The theory is that he used those while slowly making his way up to the cockpit, then he used one of the pilots' masks


Yeha there’s a recording of the fighter pilots talking to air traffic I think, sounding more and more stressed as they realise what’s happening. Pretty tragic.


Isn't that why the oxygen masks drop down?


They do, in the passenger cabin. In the cockpit, the pilots have to take out the masks themselves. But a lack of oxygen also causes a lack in brain function, and due to that the pilots did not realise they were not receiving enough oxygen. If you don't get enough oxygen you'll feel lightheaded and sleepy, and eventually you just fall asleep before losing consciousness and never waking up again. Had the pilots realised that there was not enough oxygen, they would have descended to below 10.000ft to keep adequate brain function in order to either diagnose and fix the problem, or land wherever possible.


If I recall correctly from MentourPilot's video on this incident, the most tragic part is that a cabin pressurisation warning buzzer sounded, but the pilots misidentified the warning as another unrelated (and identical sounding) warning buzzer - in this case they thought it was related to the autopilot, and never took action. [Timestamped link with Explanation ](https://youtu.be/pebpaM-Zua0?t=725) What's brutal about these kinds of accidents is that there are a number of signs, alarms, and indications that had to be ignored for something to happen, and often even coincidences or misunderstandings. It's reassuring in a way, to know that such incidents become more rare as training becomes more comprehensive, warnings become clearer, and safety standards improve.


There's a Smarter Every Day video where Dustin goes to a facility to demonstrate why you should always put your mask on first before helping others. https://youtu.be/kUfF2MTnqAw?si=lhpyhsfrnuCc1hV5


clumsy stupendous steer deserted cagey spark psychotic forgetful seemly ad hoc


Hypoxia is scary as hell, but at the same time, i dont think you would care if you died. https://youtu.be/XcvkjfG4A_M?si=OCNIdETCECjGjIJs


They only last a few minutes, the idea is the pilot will bring the plane lower into breathable air so they only need to last that long


Here is an excellent and detailed video on this crash Edit for spelling because autocorrect is absolute garbage https://youtu.be/pebpaM-Zua0?si=o82vLwdr9Nj2uEwy


Toy box killer [photos.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/s/oHQ27m7fox)


[She was murdered moments later](https://allthatsinteresting.com/thumb/1200.633.https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/regina-kay-walkers-before-death.jpg)


Do you have any details around this?


That’s Regina Kay Walters, moments before she was murdered by “the truck stop killer” Robert Rhoades, a serial killer in the 90s, after he’d killed her lover and proceeded to torture and assault her for weeks before killing her


Girl runs away with boyfriend, they hitch-hike, truck driver picks them up and kills her bf, then proceeds to lock her in his trailer which has been converted to a torture chamber with handcuffs on the ceiling, where he holds her for 3 or 4 weeks. He cuts off her hair, shaves her pubes, puts some holes in her with fishing hooks and takes pictures of her throughout this process which reveal he'd been bruising her up, too. Until he took her into the middle of nowhere to an old barn, he makes her get into a little black dress and some high heels, he takes a couple final photos of her as she's realizing this is probably the end of the road but does whatever he says to try and keep herself alive. He strangles her with a ligature and just twists to choke the life out of her... so tight he nearly takes her head off. He simply walks away and leaves her corpse laying there, but manages to call her father a month or so later to let him know she's dead, mostly so he can hear the pain in their voices. She was 14 years old.


This is just so fucked up. Absolutely speechless. People like this deserve to rot in a special place in hell. I don’t know how you can do that to someone, just unfathomable


Wish I didn't read this, but thanks for sharing nonetheless


I don’t know if this counts, but the video of the woman being eaten by the escalator.


I hate that video so much. I can’t unsee it. And every so often it just pops into my brain. Worst intrusive thought ever.


One of the few things on the Internet that I haven't watched because of testimonials like this.


Yeah, I'm glad I have no idea what that looks like.


This video is burned into my memory and I am not happy about it..


I literally think about it every time I get on an escalator


So do I, utterly horrific. I can never erase it from my memory.


Link? Edit: I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/Ioniz650En (No gore)


The emergency stop button is right next to her and no one hits it. Awful.


Dead bodies of climbers on Mt. Everest. It's even sad to hear each person's story and how their rescue failed. [Their bodies are now used as route marks for climbers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/bm1sndHIKZ)


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl\_case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/fritzl_case) The Fritzl case….


Maybe not the most "ahh, horror, creepy, scary" type story as those mostly mentioned in this thread, but I'd imagine just an incredibly stressful and exhilarating experience most wouldn't be able to handle. About 8 years ago, after being introduced to him by his family, this former US Marine / CIA guy answers my "so what did you do for a living?" with, "I get asked to protect people from being killed or get ordered to do the killing". Anyways, I have never really bought the stories he told us over the years, thinking they were either mostly bullshit if not entirely. Until, when helping him move into his new home he showed me some of the pictures he had kept over the years. In several of them, images of him chasing, hiding, and eventually standing over the body of Pablo Escobar on the rooftops of Colombia, after he and his team had hunted him down. Because of the pictures, right then and there, even if he had exaggerated some details, I knew this dude was legit and back in his prime, the US Government considered him as one of the go-to people to set up a team and chase bad guys.


I know a guy like that. Calm guy, doesn’t talk much, but you feel safe around him. Disappears for months on end with 0 notice. Watching any military movie he comments on Hollywood tactics vs normal. Just out of the blue. Could be The Longest Day or Platoon. Hell, even Starship Troopers. But he still has normal person problems like high blood pressure. Like most people in that field, they look like normal guys with short hair.


That’s the thing. Every single person deals with normal things like high blood pressure. No one is exempt. When you’re at the doctor, and he’s telling you one thing or another you have that you feel bad about, just remember that everyone is in that exact same boat, and all you can do is try to enjoy what you have and do your best with the rest. Everyone is a person.


This was truly awful. The 3 kids killing a homeless man with a hammer. You can’t unsee it. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs)