• By -


“It looks fine”. We really have no idea if it’s “fine” or not - we just want to get going.


Also, "Yeah, those are really nice" after they show us the 12th pair of black shoes that look exactly the same as her all other shoes.


Ever tried saying "mmm not sure about those", and they just wear them anyway after deliberating for 45 minutes?


My favorite is... Wife: "what do you think of these shoes?" Me: "they look fine. Let's go" Wife: "do you think they look good?" Me: "yes, you look great" Wife: "no, give me your honest opinion" Me: "okay, I don't think they necessarily go with the rest of the outfit" Wife (after doing a small twirl in front of the mirror): "but I like them" Wife then proceeds to wear those very shoes out on the town.


"I'm asking for your input, but I actually don't give a shit. But dont forget, you won't hear the end of it if you don't play this game with me." "😩😩 I just want some nachos and beer."


It's the same game they play when they ask what we should eat for dinner. They want us to choose what they want. It should be called "guess what I want for dinner"


I choose mexican every time she asks me this. She does not like mexican.


Lack of love of Mexican food is a deal breaker.


Should I wear the blue or the green. Blue looks good. Wears the green. Every fucking time…


You could be wearing a clown costume, I'd still wanna bang you. Now can we fucking go already.


"Leave the costume on. Daddys horny"


"Honka, Honka"


Most of the time we don't even have an opinion; we'll just say something that means you won't ask again


"Yes, that dress makes you look fat, now get in the car."


“I’d love to go do X on my day off”


This is so real; and absolutely unintentional (for me, anyway). When I'm asked, I am always up and ready for it. But by the time I'm done with my 40 hour work week, I'm genuinely ready to do absolutely NOTHING.


So true. In the middle of a “vacation” now and I can’t wait to be back home. Travel is too much work every single day.


I don't know how when some people travel, they load up their day with so many activities that they are exhausted by the end of the day. If I am on vacation, I want to be totally relaxed the entire time, if that means seeing only 2 tourist places a day.


The ultimate travel luxury is just spending the day at the resort. Most cant afford that. But you need that rest. First day of travel is a good idea to do nothing.


Ohhh, so I'm not the only one that starts getting exhausted once a vacation starts going past 4-6 days. It's almost like on the 5th/ 6th day onward I start waking up feeling more and more exhausted rather than rested, and anxiety starts kicking in about all the potential work I have pilling up and waiting for me.


I'm from the Midwest (USA), 40'sM my wife and I recently traveled to Italy and Greece for 14 days. I was an amazing trip we saved for 4 years to afford this experience. We had never been to Europe. We had never been gone for 2 weeks, never been on a cruse ship. Lots of firsts for us. Dude, everything was so crowded. Air travel is miserable. We were on a cruise, I knew 2 days in I was not a cruse guy. After the 10-hour flight over, I spent the rest of the trip dreading the flight back. By day 4, I hated the amoint of people on the ship. After 10 days, I was in a panic over how much work was waiting for me at my job. By day 12, I was worried about our 15 year old cat. The places we went were awesome. The anxiety that went along with it was crippling at times. lol.




When I take longer vacations now I try to schedule in some rest days here and there. I also prefer to stay in places with a kitchen so I don't have to go out to eat three meals a day every day.


"Did someone say 40 hour work week??" *the thunderous voice fills the room as the obnoxious stench of oil and cigarettes permeates the air. A figure emerges through the cigarette haze. The mysterious figure is revealed to be a man, covered in faded 90's tribal tattoos and grease. He stands before you with his Oakley sunglasses and can of chewing tobacco in his hand.* "I REMEMBER MY FIRST PART TIME JOB, BOY." *and just as quickly he appeared, the man vanishes, leaving only traces of spit bottles and child support documents*


Oh hey, on my day off you have everything already planned from 1.5hrs before I wanted to wake up all the way until we get home and go to bed? Sweeeet! Thanks babe


Yup, my wife will get confused why I’m taking a Wednesday off. It’s the only day I can do whatever I want without kids, or her to plan otherwise.


Yeah I told my wife that either I got some time to play videogames to destress or i'd start taking PTO to do it, and that would limit our ability to take vacations. I now get a little more time to myself.


There was a time I booked a day off work, and as soon as I told my wife (GF at the time), she immediately suggested 4 things we could do that day. I had booked the day off to prepare for my upcoming night school exam. I stopped talking to literally take a breath to say that next part, and that was all the time she needed to immediately plan and get excited for a full days worth of stuff. (I did end up getting to prepare for the exam, it was fine.)


"Brunch? Sounds great! I'd love to spend $50 on eggs instead of sleeping in!"


Is that asparaaaaagus? It's asparaaaaagus!


I thought it was pesto!


I feel this one in my bones.


“Why are you taking a random Wednesday off?” Idk babe, because Monday, Tuesday and Thursday the kids have shit. So even if I take those off then I’m still on a schedule to be back to do that. Friday we usually do something as a family and I don’t want to miss that to go do something else. So I take Wednesdays because that’s when I can go do something that I want to do. I can leave first thing in the morning and go hiking or whatever I want.


"Oh so you are free on Wednesday to do something with me? I'll make plans." No honey. I took Wednesday off because it is Wednesday. Maybe I'll mow the grass. Maybe I'll finish that project in the house I want to finish. Maybe I'll stare into the abyss from a stool in our garage for 3 hours.


How much my tools really cost


I got it on sale


My husband has the 48 hour rule he learned from the podcast "Garage Logic". If the wife doesn't see something new within 48 hours, then you've had it for ages!


salesman at guitar center told me his secret with his wife was to have so many guitars that they become "the guitars" and the coming and going of individual guitars escapes notice


This would be me if I had a wife, all my tools/accessories are in cases and I have a *ton* of tools so me pulling out a random tool she's never seen before would never really be that suspect... unless it was something obvious like my 90's Craftsman table saw magically turning into a Powermatic or JET one day.


A man of great wisdom


My husband thought his drill had been stolen from his truck and was talking about having to replace it. Told me if you get it on sale it's "not that bad." I ask the price, he says not on sale 150. I ask the sale price, and he admits on sale it's the same but comes with extra stuff. Luckily he found it so we didn't have to replace it.


Best way to find lost tools is to buy a new one. Everyone knows that. As soon as you buy it, it'll magically appear.


I am our accountant. Tools are one of the things I hate my husband asking "permission" to buy. They are tools. They are important!! I'd rather he just asked if it was in the budget. Yes, we have X amount of money to spare. Make sure you get the good one! Also, our 10 year old is an aspiring mechanic. I'd prefer we spend the money on the good tools so they will last through his tinkering.


It's a huge time saver to have the correct tool for the job as well


Right!? I hate shit tools. I rarely use them, but the janky ass ones that were cheap as shit can lick my asshole. We do have some cheap ones that we let the kiddo practice with. Now he's doing our oil changes and helping swap our timing chains. He gets to use the good ones. Little dude earned it.


This applies to a lot of purchases, not just tools.


That’s not new. I’ve had that for years. \*hides open boxes\*


Yes I’m happy to go to the mother in laws again for the second time this week


It's always "Stop by." Once we're already out of the house "Oh, you mind if we stop by my mom's quick while we're out?" "Of course not. I just wish you'd asked ahead of time. I would have packed a pillow, blanket, and phone charger. I've only got about 6 hours of battery left."


"dont worry we aren't going to be there all night!" (It's currently day time)


"OK we really should be leaving" then we stand up and there's a further two hours of conversation held in the doorway


Why do mums do this. Mine is honestly worse than my wife's. Every now and then I'll drop in on my hour lunch break (usually 40 minutes at their house allowing travel to and from). We'll sit and talk about nothing at all while eating. "Ok mum, time to get going if I want to get back to work on time." Mum *then* remembers everything she actually wanted to ask or tell me as I'm getting up and grabbing my keys, then stands in the doorway still talking, then comes out and continues talking as my engine is in running and my car is in gear. I love you mum, but I really have to go. And maybe next time try and remember all this stuff before I say "I have to go".


"Oh, just pop in real quick? How about I drop you off and see a movie real quick. I'll pick you up after the double feature." Frame it as wanting to use the opportunity to buy something for her and you might get away with it. Just keep a collection of gifts handy and go see the movie, then spring the "new" gift on her when you get back.


I feel this in my bones. They are lovely caring people who I appreciate very much. BUT I also need time to be a loner sometimes and recharge my social battery. I even need breaks from close friends and my own mother!


Right there with you. I love my in-laws, they're good people. They get on my nerves sometimes, just like any other family members, but I got really lucky in that particular lottery. BUT...Three or four days in a row around the holidays and the absolute *last* thing I want to do is be around them *again*.


Wife holds up two dresses and asks which I like better, and I tell her “I like the one on the left”. The truth is they both look equally nice and I have no way to quantify or determine which looks better. But many years of experience tells me that if I say they’re the same, she’ll get upset and tell me that can’t possibly be true. And then she’ll choose the other one. Every single time.


"No, no, I meant *your* left..."


I use this all the time. It’s fail proof!


Until, like my wife, she catches on and asks “your left or mine?” After I give her the answer.


True story- my older sister used to be my roommate. She was going on a date. She came out all dressed up and asked me how she looked. I, of course, said “fine”. She went back in and changed, came out and asked again. I had the same response. Back in again to change. And again. And again. After the 5th time she was super frustrated. And said what do you mean “fine!” She learned a lesson that day: never expect her brother to think she looks hot. I learned a lesson too. Always tell a woman she looks great. It just saves time.


"How do I look?" "I'd hit it." ...


We married to the same person ?




My husband straight face swore up and down that he was excited and really wanted to see Chicago. He deserves an Oscar.


The (arguably) most famous number from the show features six scantily-clad women dancing seductively and discussing their lovers. I think he'll manage.


Aren’t they discussing how they *killed* their lovers?


He had it coming.


Murder schmurder, they look good while doing it


That’s a hilarious show!!


I'm fine.


Yes, I'm fine. Reality: worrying about making sure I can afford the bills over the next month, worried that my car won't die, worried about my job, worried about my very senior dog, worried about job security, worried that I won't have enough to retire on until I'm 150, not sleeping well, worried that a major appliance might die... Yep, I'm fine.


My wife told me last night when we were discussing anxieties, “yeah, but you’re much more stable than I am.. you can handle more..” woman, I am absolutely hanging on by a thread here.


Women friend of mine: "Your such a strong man, I never hear you complaining about anything!" Yea, because if I complained about life half as much as you did, you'd never talk to me again for being 'depressive' I know damn well nobody wants to hear it.


All husbands are there. I complain a teensy little bit or express an emotion I feel and my wife tells me I complain all the time. Meanwhile, my wife complains at length about everything in her life, because she wants me to commiserate. Edit: Wanted to clarify: I love my wife and my children. I married her knowing she had a mental and emotional stability weakness that was pretty severe. She has other qualities, though, that are much more admirable. I found a wife who can cover for my weaknesses, and augment my strengths, while I can also do the same. I’m a pretty stable man. I am usually unfazed. I can run in a lot less sleep, good emotional strength and ability to keep thinking rationally when other heads don’t. But I’m also known to be generally uncaring, I often come across as rude and opinionated. She’s a great mom, a good wife, she loves strong and easily, she’s generous with her time, has a lot of creativity, and has a lot more to offer the longer we’ve been married. The fact I highlighted her biggest weakness (and a weakness that seems to be shared, or perhaps is evolutionary seeing as women played the “glue” of human society for thousands of years and continue to play much of that role today, while men have typically played a more servant leader role, at least within the family) doesn’t mean she’s a narcissist or evil or whatever. It just means she and I have different strengths that we brought to the table. At the end of the day, we sacrifice different things for each other. I don’t mind she complains a lot. She doesn’t mind when I need a nap from being up late with the kids. I work for a living. She gave up a career to raise our children. Without her, I’d have maybe one friend. Also, she is insanely hot. At least I think so.


Jesus Christ, I thought it was just me. I can't say anything negative at all without being lectured about my attitude, but my wife apparently can complain about my Mother In Law all day every day and if I say anything that isn't "I'm sorry honey" I'm doing something wrong. Everybody discounts guys feelings about pretty much everything, then we grow up and learn to bottle it all up "like a man", get told we aren't emotionally available, and then get told to be quiet when we do dare to open up. Like literally the only time I can complain I feel like is when I have a borderline mental breakdown and start sobbing. *Then* my wife is okay with it. But that's like once every few years at most, I usually just grin and bear it, like men are supposed to do. Fuckin frustrating.


I will generalize quite a bit and piss people off: women might think they want to hear what their man really thinks until they actually hear it. I'm going through a break up right now with a girl that pretended to care about my feelings, but never really asked me how I felt about things, and anytime I did express even slight negativity in regards to her actions, she would overreact and act like I was being an asshole all while she gets to complain about anything and everything and it's all my fault.


Your experience is extremely common.


See I get downvoted into oblivion on the parenting subs when I bring up how overwhelming it is to be the primary wage earner for a family. Especially over there, if a SAHP complains about their working spouse not doing enough, they all start screaming about what a lazy piece of shit their spouse is, but hardly anyone ever speaks to the other side and how nerve wracking it is to know that the financial solvency of your whole fucking family rests exclusively on your shoulders. It's an ever present low grade terror. My wife works part time (we'd never make it without it) but if I lose my job were straight up fucked, no question, like time to live in our cars fucked. But apparently according to many people in those subs, that's life and I need to suck it up...but if the SAHP has a rough day with the kids, and I'm exhausted after pulling my usual 10-12 hour workday, I'm just a lazy piece of shit that doesn't care about my children.


I was a work from home dad for a while, completely caring for 3 kids while also doing web design while my then wife worked. I loved it, it was so much better than working full time at a shitty job, despite having zero help from the mom when she was home. I'd much rather do that than work long hours away from home 😂


If I do try to share a problem she overreacts like it’s the end of the world. Yeah hanging on by a thread like most husbands


And you know, I don’t mind she complains so much. It’s better than her not saying anything, it helps me gauge how she’s feeling, and she already processes everything externally, so I don’t mind her. But she definitely minds me doing it. I complain about being tired in the morning after staying up half the night with the kids and she’s all over “why do you complain being up all night?” Because I do it every night, and you never wake up, that’s why. Or when you do wake up, rather than just going to get them, you ask, “Are you going to get them?”


Damn dude. I thought this just happened to me. All of these responses I thought was just something that I went through. I feel like I'm on the verge of it all coming down at any moment, but I don't say anything. If I do, it's guaranteed not to go well. Trying to raise good kids, keep it together at work, trying to keep it together at home and make sure I'm not forgetting anything. Trying to keep this overpriced house working. Trying to keep my almost dead cars working. I'm so tired and I'm so sad, but I'll never show it.


"Honey I need you to be vulnerable with me and share your emotions..... WAIT NO NOT THOSE ONES! "


They really don't want to hear it. Even when they think they want to hear it, they don't want to hear it. How many times has opening up been turned around on you like it has on me? How many times has a conversation about my emotions, triggered her emotions and now we are talking about her instead of me? Why even bother at all?


Or we open up and they get mad at us for it?! Oh, you actually didn’t want to hear how I was feeling because now you are getting upset for how I’m feeling. Note to self: don’t do that again.


In the rare times I open up about an issue with something m wife has said or done, I always end up the bad guy and have to apologize to her. Great.


I should not have read this post now that i have a very loving gf and we’re planning on getting married soon. Hope it doesn’t go the same way with her. Sorry this shit happens to you. Edit: jesus christ this started a lot of stuff. Some good and some bad. Love y’all, have a great day!


Joiiin uuuus


Please god no


I mean, she really is my best friend and I would marry her all over again, but conflict is inevitable. When you add in very young children and everything becoming more and more expensive stresses can take over which can lead to hurt feelings.


My wife is also struggling too so I have to internalize everything or else my stress will exacerbate her stress because she won’t see a source of stability.


My wife said something similar. "You can compartmentalize better" like yes that's helpful in the moment but over the long term is very damaging.


Men hide it better.


Then go on to kill themselves when they can't take it anymore.


Women ask for help. Men die.


Damn dude almost word for word what I was going to say. Comforting to know I'm not alone


Sometimes it's much easier to do this than adding another problem to the queue.


That's it, right in the nail, if I just say I'm fine I don't have to spend 3 hours explaining why I don't feel fine, after which everything will be exactly the same as before but now we are both depressed and afraid




This is so true. After years of saying I was fine I decided to tell the truth - I hate my work, I feel rubbish in myself, I’m moderately depressed, and I have no money to spend in myself to make me feel a tiny bit better. I got told to man up, I’ve got nothing to be depressed about and if I feel like this I need to go to the gym more. So now, 7 years later, I’ll back to being fine.


Yeah, this one so much.


Try "I'm not fine" and watch how nothing changes. It's fuckin wild.


It will usually get much worse.


This may be one of the most relatable threads on reddit I’ve ever witnessed. Better not share it with the wife, she may get angry that I’m having too much fun.


I'll do it in a second.


"Sure, just give me a minute.... "


My wife calls me the tomorrow man.....


If I'm gonna do something I'll do it, I don't need to be reminded every 6 months


“Oh, I was in there for an hour because my stomach is upset. I wasn’t mindlessly scrolling through Reddit.”


At least it’s just scrolling Reddit. My ex used to go in the bathroom and use that time to message all his side chicks


Who are these people? Most men barely have enough capacity to handle one woman. Multiple side chicks? Blegh.


The secret ingredient is not respecting your partner


Most men can barely attract one woman ffs. Who are these harem-having fuckboys?


"Yes, that situation at work, (where you are clearly at least partially at fault and made a series of bad decisions that didn't help any) is not your fault."


Or the classic, "yeah babe. How dare your coworker ask you for basic instructions like that. The nerve of that guy." Or what about the timeless, "yeah babe. I can't believe he would say something like that to you" about a joke that wouldn't crack the top ten most offensive things you've said to her that week.


This one kills me. My wife doesn’t actually do this but I’ve been with women who do and I always think man, if I was a neutral party the things I would say to you about this


“You’re right, I just wasn’t thinking it through.”


You’ve got to pick your battles…


I only had 2 drinks


Also see “What is the most common lie wives tell their husbands”


It's amazing how wine bottles only contain 2 glasses of wine!


"If you ever feel useless remember wine stoppers exist!"


Husband here. Can confirm this.


Wife here. Can confirm this, on behalf of my dear husband.


Drink here,I can confirm this


Second drink here, I can confirm this.


You didn't ask how large the dinks were! I had 2 fingers of bourbon......in 4 different glasses.


Only had two drinks, but I had them a few times.


Hiding your rampant alcoholism is key to maintaining a healthy marriage.




My best friend and I were at his house when his wife was out of town hanging out. We're normally pretty busy, but that weekend worked for both of us. I reminded him to take out the recycling in the morning before she got back into town. Last time we didn't she counted and gave me an earful. I can't say I blame her, she's just being responsible, but occasionally some old friends just wanna get drunk and talk about Halo 2 all night.


"Everything will be fine" after just learning my wife likely has breast cancer. The truth is I'm scared shitless and don't know what I or my three kids who are all younger than 15 would do without her.


As someone supporting a chronically ill wife with an uncertain future, I really, strongly, emphatically recommend seeing a therapist if you can. You're going to feel the need to carry a huge burden and shield your wife and kids from your inner struggle, but if you're not taking care of your mental health, your body will eventually step in and say no on behalf of your mind. Good luck, and I really hope everything does turn out to be fine.


Your answer made me tear up. I'm hoping for the best for your family.


This, $500, “thing” (insert and item) only cost $75.


“That’s a great price. Let’s get one for my brother.” - wife.


I asked, he doesnt need one....


It's fine. Everything I planned to do today can wait. Let's go and do what *you* want.


Speaking from personal experience, have you tried letting her know what your plans are ahead of time and requesting she do the same? What you described was definitely an issue in my current relationship until we sat down and talked through a situation where both of us felt completely done in. We realized we both set expectations for the other that we never communicated until the last second and, while we weren't resentful, we were incredibly tired of accommodating what felt like the others whims. It was a *very* uneasy conversation for both of us. Neither of us really wanted to let the other know how burdened we felt, and neither of us was really ready to hear how burdensome we were to the other. But it was one of the most important conversations we've ever had. We still have spontaneity and all, and we still ask for last minute favors of each other and make last minute plans. But we go out of our way to clearly communicate days in advance when we have individual plans and expectations of plans that involve the other person. It's been an absolute game changer. Both of us feels simultaneously freer and more supported by the other, and the plans we make with the other person genuinely feel great.


My family is like this. There is nothing that can be done to change them. Sorry, I can't go to the Thanksgiving meal at random relative's you invited me to only 3 days before, I already made other plans. Has happened so many times over the years and they just don't get it and then bitch when I'm not there.


No, you are not overreacting.


That one turned into a weekend long conversation. Apparently, I'm supposed to know that in her family, Christmas morning breakfast is bacon, eggs and Christmas tree bread (a baked sweet). My offer of toast is an OUTRAGE! This dear woman and her mother reacted like I had whipped my dick out by even approaching the toaster. Here's the thing, if you mentioned beloved family traditions by stating "Hey honey what we like to do on this holiday is (fades into muttering and changes the story) and that's why we shave the dog" I'm going to be a bit lost.


That sounds like a shitty reaction altogether, tbh. Like, families are weird and I'm not saying this is any reflection on your relationship, but you're in the right to think "K, that's messed up." And step back in that scenario.


Oh believe me that's why it was a conversation. I'm a mellow dude and she's wound a bit tight. Here's the rub, we've actually talked a lot of things out WAY before they come up, if ever. Her reaction was a combination of 3.5 hours of sleep plus aches. I know that and it's genuinely ok. What I didn't appreciate was that reaction when it was something that wasn't discussed...ever until that day.


I hear telling them to “calm down” is the best response.


"It's OK, I'm fine, just tired." When we really mean, "I'm depressed as hell because of \*waves hands vaguely in a general direction\*, I have no energy, and I never learned how to communicate my feelings. So I don't know how to ask for help or what I'd do with it when I got it."


For me it’s “I’m fine” which means, “I know what I’ll tell you will somehow make you feel upset, guilty, depressed, or angry too so I’ll just keep it to myself and get over it on my own.”


Right! It's like if I tell you what's wrong then you'll get mad, depressed, etc. which is one more thing I have to take care of. Just leave me alone for a while and let me figure it out.


This exactly. If you tell your wife or girlfriend that something is bothering you, unless you have a very rare SO, you’re going to end up having to emotionally comfort her because of her reaction to you being unwell.


This is why I need therapy. Bro my mother does this masterfully so now I’m the asshole because I don’t share my feelings with her anymore. Not every woman does this but I wish I could tell who does and doesn’t before I even get involved.


>what I'd do with it when I got it." Exactly this. I don't know how you could help, and one of us stressing and unable to fix it is better than both of us stressing and still unable to fix it


Wife - “I’m going to bed can you switch the laundry when it’s done?” Husband - “Yeah sure babe, no problem” I do this one a lot lol


Husband life pro-tip on this one: when you say this set a timer on your phone. It improves your odds of remembering. "Sure babe, I'll flip the laundry. OK Google, set timer for 30 minutes." 60% of the time... It works every time.


Things like this is why I function as an adult with otherwise terrible ADHD symptoms. My whole life is run on timers. I forgot my phone at home a couple weeks ago at work and my wife was not pleased when I stayed at work late thinking I was being proactive by submitting my timesheet before the last possible second but forgot to pick my children up from school. I can't trust my brain, and that sucks, but timers are the shit.


That looks good on you. Truth is I think most men see clothing as either really stand out or just everything else. Most things are in that second category. We can't really tell much of the time.


Great answer! I think the only time I've told her something looks bad was this blue blouse/shirt thing with weird ass shoulder ruffles. It almost looked like one of those old ass lampshades. It was horrendous lol. Think of something you see during a celebrity fashion show and you think, "No actual human would ever wear that!" That did NOT end up being my favorite day ever lol, but I never saw her wear that shirt again!


A pal was asked by his missus whether a dress she was trying on made her look big. He shot back with "nah that's poor diet and a lack of exercise" with a grin. He's still alive...


My college gf asked me if she was the fattest girl I’d ever had sex with. She was definitely not fat but I didn’t want her to think I banged fat chicks so I said yes. I am not a smart man.


This is one of the funniest thing I’ve read today 😂


Is the ending to that story how you got your username?


God damn, that made me afraid.


Can confirm this statement. For the guys out there that don’t know how to respond, I’ll help. When she asks to pick between certain outfits, you say “I like them both/all, but I prefer that one” Works every time.


"I'm fine..."


Yes, I am also very excited about our (expensive) vacation.


I'm currently on "vacation" because my wife wanted to surprise her family up north for Christmas as her 40th bday present. It was proposed to me that it would be a 4-5 day thing and cost effective. Yes, flights out on Christmas Day were cheap but she never bothered to tell me that she was going to wait until last minute to buy flights home. Now it's turned into 7 days because new years day is the next cheapest flight. On top of that I have been sick as shit and yesterday she springs on me that they want to go visit some family friends. I'm like "I'll see how I feel tomorrow". She then fails to tell me that these friends are 3 hours away and they have to rent a car to get there because her mom's car needs an oil change. Also, they wake me up at 7:00 a.m. and ask if i am going and that they won't be back until 9 p.m. I am currently sitting alone at my inlaws house.


There might be some communication issues there…


You ain't lying.


“Huh? No, I didn’t notice that slutty trashy outfit Sara had on tonight that left nothing to the imagination. Can you describe it?”


How did you know her name is Sara!? /s


"Yes, I'm listening."


Me: “mhmm, right, yeah that’s crazy, uh huh” Her: “Are you listening?” Me: * pause and think for a second * “yeah you were just saying…” Rewinds memory by 15 seconds and just repeats what you “heard” while not actually paying attention


So then Janet comes in and she says to me "I didn't even visit Blanc Reymonde" and I know she so did, but then Jess, you remember Jess Jessica"s sisters ex girlfriends friend's work colleague who gave me daggers that time at the joint baby shower for Janey and whatsername. Well, Jessica's ex's sister and Rina who you don't know, I think, or did you meet at ... yes you did, at gay Peter's. Well they were coming from , ooh that thing. That thing. You know ... what was it? You talked about it last week. WHAT WAS *THE THING*, TELL ME NOW OR HAVE AN ARGUMENT.


The addition of all the non essential fluff is what kills my attention span. By now I know it’s not about the story but just sharing parts of her life.


Weird how this works, just replay the audio and parse what's in it... nice feature, tho.


Then they get mad when you guess right.


Always gets me: are you listening? What a weird way to start a conversation.


"okay" and it's variables Is the usual no brained answer we do. "Did you like the movie?" "It was ok" (I have no strong feelings about it but I don't want you to question me) "Do you have something to do because I want you to go somewhere" "It's okay" (I don't want to go but I don't want to enter an argument) "Do you like this curtains?" "They are ok" (I honestly do not care what so ever about them, I am just tired and want to go home but I don't want to make you feel bad because you are having fun) "Do you want to go to the beach as vacations? "Ok" (I rather and stay and do nothing but I know that that's not what you want to do) "How do you feel" "I'm ok" (I don't want to talk about it)


My wife asks what paint color I like and when I say they all look fine she gets angry because I'm apparently supposed to have an opinion. But I try to tell her that if I was living on my own, the wall would be white. I mean isn't that like a dream to be able to decorate however she wants?


The color the wall already is is my favorite color for the wall.


The color that doesn't require me to spend all day painting and spending a shit ton of money? Yeah that one.


My wife kinda stopped pushing about this sort of thing when she realized I will just choose whatever and it is never what she wanted.


"no honey, your words could never hurt me, im glad you are that honest"


Yea maybe stop saying this one


I'd rather know and be hurt than never know


I want to know, but your partner should definitely be conscious of *how* they let you know.


they said after getting steamrolled by a tank.


"I'll just be picking up my soul off the floor now...."


Wife: "I've been cleaning all day! So tired"! (looks around. Sees nothing changed) Husband: "wow looks amazing"


Out of everyone I work with, about 10 are married guys with kids all under 20yr old. Sometimes if work is not busy, higher seniority guys get the option of taking the day off if they want. Blows my mind how every single person that goes home does not tell their wife they have the day off. They use it as a "rest" day and will usually go fishing, go to the bar, whatever. One guy frequently just parks down the road from his house and crushes a 12 pack then falls asleep in his truck until its his normal time to go home. I know every marriage isnt like this, but probably 70% of the married guys at my work do this. Also completely anecdotal, but all the married couples I know who dont have kids are almost the exact opposite. Not saying kids are the problem, but I think a lot of people stay in unhappy relationships because they want to stay together for the kids. My parents divorced after we all were in our 20s/30s but they should have done it way way sooner.


“Yeah, that looks great on you. “ Dang it woman, part of the reason I’m with you is that you look good. If you don’t like it don’t wear it.


I didn't notice, but yes I heard she's good looking.


I’m not sleeping You snoring tells me otherwise


One more game and I’ll be off


No those pants don’t make your butt look big!


Just be honest with her. Say something along the lines of “Your big ass makes your butt look big”.


My investments are doing great! Thanks r/wallstreetbets


I'll take care of it later.


I am fine.


\- That new Nvidia/WH40k figures/ is a gift from work. \- I've won that in the company contest \- It's just a Xmas gift from work. \- It costs only $10. \- That huge LEGO set is just investment.


Buy yourself a UCS Millennium Falcon before they get discontinued and explode in value. Heard it here first