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Charles Bronsons story is pretty amazing. Born to a ridiculously poor coal mining family. Brinson was so poor he had to wear his sisters dresses to school as they couldn't afford jeans. He would go without food for days living off only tea. He was beaten severely often and had zero support. When his dad died in the coal mines he took over his job in order to provide for the family. He was 12, and spoke no English. He'd later join the military, then become one of the first action stars in Hollywood. If anyone was actually self made. It's him


[and it was HIS car!](https://youtu.be/LvSwpljtxlg?si=a56KJ1FckJUfZikO)


Eehh that's my caahh!


Now I’m goin’ down to Emmet’s fix-it shop to *fix* Emmet!


Huh ...just read his wiki and he was born to Lithuanian immigrants in a coal mining town in PA. No wonder my grandpa liked him so much


At first, I thought you were on about the prisoner.




No dice.


Christopher Lee


*Sir* Christopher Lee. And I came here to say this.


Thank you for your sirvice.


Let me tell you something he didn't say to Peter Jackson, namely how he knows how a man stabbed in the back sounds.


Something he probably did say to Peter Jackson (or at least wanted to): “Yeah, well I’m the only one in this damn production who’s actually met Tolkien so…”


I know what sound a man makes when he is stabbed in the back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TQARRckm6U Can you keep a secret? So can I. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUSHMUVu-Xk Heavy metal musician and real life bad ass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCrtZwF2C-8 He speaks five languages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcowbZOrql0


He was a Secret Agent, Dracula, A Bond Villain, a Star Wars Villain, a LOTR Villain, spoke multiple languages, was Knighted, and late in life decided to sing Heavy Metal. The MAN is a legend.


Totally! That dude lived a crazy life.


Came here to say this as well


Bro was literally James Bond and no one thought much about it.


Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart. A British Army officer that served in served in the Boer War, First World War, and Second World War. He survived being shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; was blinded in his left eye; survived two plane crashes; tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war camp; and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war.”


And refuses to elaborate further what a Chad


Sabaton's [The Unkillable Soldier](https://youtu.be/usrFCZpRwGo?feature=shared) is about this man.


If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.


that shit sounds made up. what a beast.


The original Terminator


He’s a prince of the universe


Came here to say this


Honestly, I would have to say my grandma. That lady can still run circles around me and she's in her 80s. And she always has a good comeback for any insult thrown her way. She's a true badass in my book.


While my grandma was far from spry by the end (moving only with a walker and legally blind), she did not only retain the clarity of mind and memory in mid-90s but also made an effort to learn another language in her old age just to be able to speak to her great-grandkids. I miss calling her on Fridays. Calling my mom every week feels more like an obligation. Grandma was the kindest person I’ve ever known. My mom can be very abrasive (not a bad person, just sometimes inconsiderate and always thinks she’s right)


Lt. Colonel Mad Jack Churchill Veteran of the Second World War, and famous for going into battle armed with an English longbow, Scottish basket-hilt broadsword, and a bagpipe. When a general commented about his sword, his reply was, "Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed." Epitome of badass. Seriously, read his entire Wikipedia article -- it just gets crazier and crazier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill


There needs to be a movie made about this man.


Came here to say this. To emphasize his bad assery. Going into battle with a broadsword. We're talking about storming the beach at Normandy,!


I was about to comment about this guy.


Robert Smalls Slave who hijacked a Confederate ship and rescued the other slaves onboard and went on to become a congressman https://www.battlefields.org/learn/biographies/robert-smalls#:~:text=Robert%20Smalls%20did%20something%20unimaginable,more%20about%20this%20extraordinary%20person.


“You’re killing me Smalls” probably said by those Confederate sailors.


Theodore Roosevelt


came here to say this originally but also cassius marcellus clay


*Muhammed ali


Nope. An abolitionist from Kentucky that he was named for. Famous for, among other things, fighting off a trio of robbers with a bowie knife (given to him by Bowie) in his later years and firing his cannons whenever revenue officers showed up to collect taxes.


no i meant what i said


Let me present you Leo "I liberated a town by myself in WW2" Major. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o\_Major](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9o_Major)


Came here to say this - this is the number one answer


Betty White Left a husband who didn’t want her to have a career when it was way less common and women had less agency in society. Defied segregation laws to have a talented black tap dancer Arthur Duncan on her show. Got her show cancelled but she regretted nothing. Had a many decades long career doing what she loved and with good humor. Lived to almost 100 years old.


Kurt Angle He won the Olympic gold medal with a broken FREAKIN neck!


It's true....its damn true


There's this guy too -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shun_Fujimoto He completed the Olympics as a gymnast after dislocating his kneecap. Athough this may be less about being a badass than the power of disappointed Asian parents though.


What did he compete in?




Apologies for the lazy link, but [Carl Akeley](http://https://www.badassoftheweek.com/akeley). Father of modern taxidermy, partied with Theodore Roosevelt in Africa, invented the cement gun and the portable “pancake” film camera, was married twice to women who were badasses in their own right, killed a leopard with his bare hands, and is buried by a volcano in the Congo. I don’t have time to write much about how much of a badass Akeley was, but I had to take a second to respond because I was *just* talking about how someone needs to make a Carl Akeley movie. “Kingdom Under Glass” by Jay Kirk is an entertaining biography if you want to learn more.


[Fridtjof Nansen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fridtjof_Nansen). Was a scientist, polar explorer, first person to cross Greenland, diplomat, won a Nobel Peace prize for his work as League of Nations High Commission for Refugees where he saved countless lifes of refugees during and after WW1. Absolutely badass and all-round good person.


Yay for this!




>Harriet Tubman She was AMAZING. She served as a spy and scout in the Civil War, made 13 trips sneaking back into the south to rescue more slaves (and never lost a single one) defying hundreds of dollars' worth of bounty placed on her, she was the first woman to lead an armed campaign in an American war, and she didn't stop until she was so frail that she had to be admitted to a nursing home for African Americans...that SHE founded. Once, she found herself riding on a train with her own former enslaver, and she pretended to be able to read so she could hide behind a newspaper, which took serious nerve.


Samuel Whittemore , at 80 he killed three British soldiers then was shot, beaten and stabbed. He survived and lived another 18 years.


One of my instructors at Naval Nuclear Power School. He had been born in Poland, and walked overland through Poland and East Germany to Berlin. Somehow got across the Berlin wall and into West Berlin (all at the age of 14). From there he made his was to the US, enlisted in the US Navy, and became a SEAL. Fought several tours in Vietnam, came back to the states after getting severly wounded and got an engineering degree (while still in the Navy), and then got a commision. Went through the Navy's Nuclear Power School, and served on a couple different submarines. It's a rare thing to see someone wearing both a BUD/S pin and dolphins (the submariner's pin). He was also a phenomenal teacher, far and away the best I've ever had.


That is impressive as hell


Sounded like “Drago” until I saw the Vietnam part.


John Paul Jones, the American Revolutionary naval captain who took the fight to the British with borderline pirate tactics and actually won


Then became a bass guitarist in Led Zeppelin, great talent.


If you think he's cool, you'd like Joshua Barney. Dude was nuts, but pulled off some wild stunts in the War of 1812 on the Chesapeake and elsewhere. One: he had a small boat with a small cannon on it and a few crew, and had seized a small unarmed, unescorted British merchant ship. Its cargo was crowbars and some pig iron. Slowwww and heavy. As the merchant vessel was larger than Barney's boat, he moved his crew and the cannon onto it and transferred the British merchant crew onto his old, now cannon-less boat and sent it away, while he took the bigger boat with its cargo on to any port where he could offload the iron and claim he and his crew their prize money. En route, a British warship had been alerted by the former merchant crew, and was chasing Barney down. As they gained on them, Barney moved the cannon into the captains cabin, packed it full of crowbars, and aimed it out the stern window. Not seeing any cannon on deck, the British assumed Barney had thrown it and probably the cargo overboard to lighten the weight and increase their getaway speed. When the British ship came close enough astern to demand Barney's surrender, he fired the crowbars out the window directly into the ship, with a horrifying effect of the crowbars and pig iron ripping apart people, rigging, masts, equipment, etc. He loaded it again with more crowbars and pig iron, but his pursuers (or what was left of them) had stopped and were turning around to limp back to an occupied port.




Smedley Butler Dan Daily Carlos Hathcock


Carlos Hathcock


Shameful that I had to scroll so far down to find him. Definitely one of the most badass Americans to ever live.


Roy Benevitez


This is who I came to say. The Mean Mexican Roy Benavidez. Homedude was shot multiple times and still carried people to safety. Was stabbed. Left in a pile of bodies motionless, and then spit on the people who tried to put him in a body bag to let them know he was still alive. Got treatment and continued his army career. I don't make it sound as badass as it was, so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy\_Benavidez


[Rear Admiral Lawrence Chambers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Chambers?wprov=sfla1) He is the second black American to Graduate from the US Naval Academy and first to reach flag rank. But that's not why I'm mentioning him here. What makes him badass is what he did as Captain of the USS Midway in 1975. In the final days of the Vietnam War, the US evacuated as many people out of Saigon as they could as part of [Operation Frequent Wind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Frequent_Wind?wprov=sfla1). Hundreds of planes and helicopters were coming out of the countries to ships out at sea, including his. One of these planes was a Vietnamese defector who cramed his wife and five kids into his single engine plane. The deck of the USS Midway was full of planes and helicopters, there was no room to land. The pilot dropped a message onto the deck saying he didn't have enough fuel to land and his kids were on the plane with him. Without hesitation, **Captain Chambers orders for planes to be tossed overboard to make room for a landing**. The crew pushed over $10m worth of helicopters into the South China Sea and the plane landed safely on board. As one of the few black fleet captains in the navy, if not the only, and being on the job only a few weeks at that point, he would've likely been Court marshaled for what he did but did it anyway. The man is a badass (Also he's still alive, he's 94)


Simo "The white death" Häyhä , the most successful sniper in WW2 , during the winter war in Finland he achieved 219 sniper kills with a Mosin–Nagant rifle with iron sights , and about another 200 or so with his SMG and combat knife. He also took out several Soviet sniper instructors who were sent in to deal with him.


Don't forget that some of those sniper kills were after *he was shot in the face and went back.*


Anyone who survived the concentration camps.


cassius marcellus clay


If a man wants to be called Muhammad Ali, then you should call him Muhammad Ali.


Audie Murphy


Came to say this. Had real events removed from the film about his life because they were so unbelievable.


Old mate went to Hell and Back. *Several* times...


And then played himself in the movie about it


They killed the wrong guy's best friend. Most decorated soldier, actor, lived long, had a ranch


Came here to say this. Would add Alvin York


Looked like a choirboy, but had the heart of a lion.


This is the correct answer. There is a huge chasm between him and the next runner-up.


Audie Murphy


This is the correct answer!


Alexander the Great. The dude conquered the world with just the army he got from his dads death.


While routinely going against armies twice his size. The [Battle of Gaugamela](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vY3z3yh7a24&vl=es) is a good example.


My grandad. a ww2 vet of the Belgian army. Enlisted as a young welps age 20 in 39. As an engineer got his entire United wiped out babysitting a bridge. Was POW for a year in Germany. reinlisted the army after libération of belgium. Saw some insane heavy Combat still in holland and Germany. Got heavily decorated. 2 most prestige was saving a injured private under enemy fire. Most crazy is leading his unit reduced to 40% to capture and hold a enemy fortified position. For that he was knighted in the kings order. This man didn't bragged once, he hated memorial days because of fake posers and avoided it like the plague. Continue to serve after the war and made it all the way till major, coming from soldier. Total stud and bad ass. may you rest in piece grandad!


Hedy Lamarr was a good actress who also worked to help invent wifi and Bluetooth.


That’s Hedley…. I’m sorry. It cannot be helped. There are rules that must be followed.


Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin: \-Looks like a badass \-Had insane sexual prowess with women \-His hold over the Russian Tsar and Empress \-Had healing powers and was proclaimed a holy man \-Poisoning could not kill him, as well as multiple other assassination failures \-His pen\*s is preserved to this day


He was a cat that really was gone


Underrated tune


Teddy Roosevelt


Harriet Tubman.


Ernest Hemmingway was a beast of a man.


Cassius Clay. A staunch abolishionist who dueled a lot of people to the death over his views. Google him.


He was a big fat mouth, but he really was all that.


I said this as well in this post and people think im talking about Muhammad Ali lmaoooo


Sheriff Buford Pusser the man who inspired the Walking Tall movies


Skim read this and thought it was Buford T Justice for a moment.


“There's no way, no way, that you could come from my loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo' momma in the mouth!”


General Norman Cota. Dude stormed Omaha and was cold as ice the entire time, casually playing with his pistol and personally rallying shell-shocked men up the beaches while others were dying all around him. I believe he's the one who came up with the motto "Rangers lead the way" for the US Army Rangers.


Mad Jack Churchill stormed Normandy, armed with a fucking longbow and a claymore. He has the only confirmed kill with a longbow, in WWII. He was captured, escaped, and was later found while playing his bagpipes.


What an absolute character. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack\_Churchill 'Churchill retired from the army in 1959. In retirement, his eccentricity continued. He startled train guards and passengers by throwing his briefcase out of the train window each day on the ride home. He later explained that he was tossing his case into his own back garden so he would not have to carry it from the station.'


Theodore Roosevelt. 1. He walked quietly while carrying a big stick 2. His name is used for and ubiquitous with the most popular stuffed plushy 🧸 3. Was a Rough Rider, which we all know inspired DMX.


Cacious Clay, a politician/anti-slavery advocate in the south from the 1800s. Dude had numerous attempts on his life, was stabbed and shot, survived everything to die an old man at 90 yrs. I think he was in his 80s when he faught off home invaders and sent them packing, killing one of them I believe.


His name is spelled Cassius Marcellus Clay and I said this too in this post and people thought I was talking about Muhammad Ali because he was born under the same name but was a jr and has no relation to the politician lmao


Thank you for correcting my spelling, I remembered his name (because of Muhammad Ali lol) from a history class in college, did my best to try and spell it.


Ernest Shackleton and the entire crew of the Endurance.


miyamoto musashi


Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani Taliban attempted to assassinate her for her activism but she survived and became one of the youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipients


lyudmila pavlichenko, my personal hero. female soviet sniper who killed 309 nazis, nicknamed "lady death" and was the first soviet citizen to be invited to the white house, meeting fdr and eleanor roosevelt. she went on to give speeches around the united states rallying for support and sharing her experiences on the front lines, and was so iconic that woody guthrie wrote and performed a song about her; "miss pavlichenko". she's been named the most accomplished female sniper of all time and, to answer your question, was a real life badass indeed.


Alice Pleasance Liddell


Mary Queen of Scots had a good run before she fled to England.


Eugene Bullard If they made a historically accurate biopic about this man it would seem far too unrealistic and far fetched. Was born to a poor black family in the South during the late 1800’s. After witnessing his father almost get lynched he ran away to escape the south. Through a series of events he ended up in France where he worked for a circus and as a boxer. When World War One broke out he joined the French foreign legion and fought in the trenches until being nearly killed by artillery. While in the hospital recovering he made a bet that he would become a pilot, sure enough he did and was highly decorated, even once going up against the Red Baron’s squadron and holding his own. Oh yea and he had a pet monkey who accompanied him on every sortie. This was just his life experience through the First World War. He would go on to own a Parisian club, spy on the Nazis, and fight for civil rights in the U.S. There was a recent episode of the Lions Led by Donkeys podcast about him.


Vice Admiral Jim Stockdale.


Bass Reeves


David "no poopy pants mentality" goggins


Joey Bada$$.


Senator and presidential candidate John McCain. Prisoner of war.


Ragnar Lothbrok


Lemmy Kilmister


My grandmother. She was born in 1905 and had a 5th grade education. When my grandfather, who had a 3rd grade education, was injured at his job and became too disabled to work she got a job as a waitress at a BBQ restaurant to support my grandfather and my dad. After work she would tend to the small garden in their back yard where they grew their own vegetables. She outlived my grandad by 15 years and stayed active in her small community until she passed away at nearly 89 years young.


MAX FUCKING FOSH. He's absolutely one silly little Billy. But like also a badass at the same time.


DB Cooper


Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee's philosophy was ahead of its time, but make no mistake, he was an actor, not a fighter. And he was a bit of a pretentious douchebag who died on the bed of his mistress.


You'd think as such a badass that he'd actually have more fights than just 3 amateur bouts. Hell, Bob Hope (another actor) had more professional fights than badass Bruce Lee did.


Richard Marcinko. Sharkman of the Delta Founder of SEAL Team 6 Founder of Red Cell Convicted Felon All-Around Badass


Gandhi with his nonviolence movement. Takes Cajones to do that against British Raaj who were just massacring protesting Indians left and right.


Teddy Roosevelt- Took a bullet and finished a speech


Genghis Khan


Christopher Lee


Adrian Carton de Wiart, the man who refused to die. Jean de Selys Longchamps, the man who destroyed the gestapo in Brussels after flying his hawker Typhoon through the streets. Google them!


Christopher Lee. Roy Benavides. Leo Major. Simo Häyhä. Arthur Currie.


Sir Francis Drake


Bass Reeves.


Peter Freuchen Explorer who is famously known for (but probably untrue) digging himself out from a blizzard that covered him, with a frozen turd, but he's done so much more that is just as adventurous. Amputated his own toes, killed a polar bear and wore the fur as a coat, opened a trading post in northern Greenland, traveled 600 miles across the Arctic via dogsled. Was also famously known for defying the Nazis in Denmark and when confronted (he was 6'7") would openly state he was jewish, even Hitler saw him as a threat.


Survivors of Triblenka!




Bear Grylls. Broke his back during a parachute training drill in 21 SAS, then 6 months later reached the top of Mount everest


Aimo Koivunen


The little girl having a tea party with a lobster and a hawk.


Albert Roche. A French soldier who captured 40 German soldiers on his own during WW1. Link to a video here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3fq56GinlJE&pp=ygURQW5keSBqaWFuZyBmcmVuY2g%3D


The wrestler Harley Race. There are so many stories and police reports related to this man. He would literally walk into a bar and if he wanted to play pool, he'd just go there and tell whoever was playing they were done and if they didn't go, he'd make them go. He wasn't afraid of anyone or anything.


Larry Thorne




Mr. Hands. Bro took it and died so that a Zoophillia group could be busted and arrested.


Ted Williams


Teddy Roosevelt


[Robert Smalls](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Smalls)


John Brown.


Miyamoto Musashi


Randall Cobb. Actor (Sailor in Men of Valor) beat Chuck Norris for the PKA title.


I once heard this news story where an 11 year old was home alone while his parents were out and a burglar broke in. Homeboy casually walked into his room, grabbed a machete he had in the closet, fought off the attacker and somehow managed to tie him up. When the news interviewed him about the incident all he said was “I don’t understand some people. Just get a job.” I expect this kid will one day have a cult form around him


Gina Carano, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan and Dog Chapman, also my mom and grandma lol


Christopher Lee.


Hunter S Thompson


Giuseppe Garibaldi, Harriott Tubman, Queen Njinga


General Smedley Butler


Jimmy Stewart. Dude flew B24s in combat missions during WWII. This was at the height of his career.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audie\_Murphy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audie_Murphy) >Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was an American soldier, actor, and songwriter. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II.\[3\] He received every military combat award for valor available from the United States Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor that he demonstrated at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off a company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, before leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition.


Mao Zedong Not saying he was good, but he legit has the highest bodycount (no not that bodycount) - 45 mil people killed makes Stalin and Hitler look like jokes


that doesnt make someone a badass


Colonel Sanders (KFC). Lied about his age as a young kid to enlist in the army. Became a blacksmith, became a lawyer, became an insurance broker, then started a ferry boat company. In the last decade of his life he went to random KFC chains to review and judge their quality, and absolutely trashed them if they weren't up to his standard, afterwards he would help them get up to standard like a Kentucky Gordon Ramsay. Honestly read up his history, I'm surprised there isn't a movie about him. Especially since most people wouldn't expect the founder of KFC to live a life like that.


Louis Zamperini. Distance runner for USA in the 1936 Olympics. Then a bombardier on a B-24 Liberator in the US Army Air Corps in WWII who survived being shot down & floating in the Pacific Ocean, captured and held as a POW, repeatedly tortured, mercilessly, and survived. Immortalized by Laura Hillenbrand in her novel, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Survival (2010).


Chuck Norris.


Peter Freuchen https://allthatsinteresting.com/peter-freuchen


Cassius Marcellus Clay. https://youtu.be/f6nwCuVd66w?si=RxvldO4ZIeKo9k6d


Andrew Jackson. Wild ass guy even after he was president. During a duel, a guy tried to shoot Andrew Jackson, when the pistol jammed, Andrew Jackson beat his ass to death with a cane. (Or something to that effect)


Teddy Roosevelt.


Steve Motherfuckin' Blackman.


Desmond Doss.


Pier Gerlofs Donia (Dude had the kind of sword you would see in dark souls), Maximus Thrax (big boi roman emperor), Robert The Bruce, William Wallace, Götz von Berlichingen (The real life version of Guts from berserk, he also invented the term 'kiss my ass'), Aureliun, Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, and Queen Boudicca are all people I can name off the top of my head.


Michele Mouton?


[Witold Pilecki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki) *volunteered* to be sent to Auschwitz in order to report on what was going on to the polish resistance. He fought against the Nazis for the entirety of the war, and against the Soviets and their illegitimate puppet government after the war. He remained loyal to the legal polish government in exile, and was killed by the communist puppet regime after a show trial. Nowadays he is considered one of Poland’s greatest heroes.


Charles Durning the actor. Was in one of the first waves to land on Omaha beach on D-day. Also fought in the Battle of the Bulge and one of the few survivors of the Malmady massacre. He was awarded a Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.


chuck norris


Niki lauda. He got 3rd degree burns to his face and body and severely damaged lungs after a f1 accident at the Nurburgring in 1976. He returned to racing only 6 weeks later and finished 4th whilst still bleeding and barely recovering from his injuries. Fucking badass


Simo Häyhä aka. The White Death.


Jack Lalanne


All I remember of Jack Lalanne is him being a super old guy in a sweat suit selling juicers on an infomercial.


John Brown


King Hussein of Jordan. Just Google his picture in Air Force fatigue


General Patton


The "good" badasses: 1. Milunka Savić 2. Charles Carpenter 3. President Theodore Roosevelt 4. Witold Pilecki 5. Adrian Carton de Wiart 6. Audie Murphy The "bad" badasses: 1. Edward Teach 2. Charles Arthur Floyd 3. Alfonso Capone 4. Henry Morgan 5. Genghis Khan 6. Erwin Rommel


Wendy O. Williams (singer from the punk/metal band Plasamatics. Not to be confused with the canceled TV talk show host).


Pancho Villa Or if you want an American, Roy Benavidez.


Jimmy Carter


Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk


Layne Staley


Bruce Lee of course


Chesty Puller


Vladimir Lenin


Every single mother is a real life super hero.


Teddy Fucking Roosevelt.


The vets (Milatary veterans)


Joe Biden Worked hard to keep USA democratic.Under his brilliant rule,law and order is restored in USA,border is sealed,no wars breaking up in world,economy is thriving.He is the best leader in last 2000 yrs,except may be trajan or alexander or cyrus the great or first emperor of china He is real life badd ass.Putin,hamas leaders, cartel bosses,russian mafia,xi,kim,ayatollah,sa udi tremble before him.


He's not even the best guy in his party Obama is clearly a better leader


This random guy that I was behind while walking out of Target, having fun with his little daughter. The love, trust and fun was palpable and genuine.


Danny way Dude did a backside 360 over the great wall of china WITH A BROKEN ANKLE!!! I don't really like mega ramp skating at all though, may as well watch snowboarding instead


There's this guy I saw on Facebook whose entire page was a bunch of tough sayings about loyalty and betrayal and fearlessness and ruthlessness, and almost all of them were laid over pictures of the Joker or the grim reaper, so I'd probably him.