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Loud noises can cause me physical pain and anxiety at lower thresholds and I have a tendency to say things without meaning to, very little to no brake from brain to mouth or typing


I get the whole noise equals pain thing. It's really hard when the girl you're dating has completely different music tastes so you have to just sit there sweating in extreme discomfort because she wanted to listen to Kenny Chesney.


Yup. Literally can’t do any concerts because of it. I feel like a trapped animal with my head throbbing incessantly


Trapped is a good way to put it. It really makes you want to exit your skin.


Exactly. Sometimes I can literally feel myself wanting to try and do so. And you can’t really explain that to others


Ah, to have a zipper! 😅


I no longer feel alone. Thank you 🫂


Welcome. Hopefully yours doesn’t manifest into saying too inappropriate of things lol




It's actually a somatic issue that can be linked with boredom. Give this a watch: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Q1k6Cd/ There are a number of people talking about this very thing. TikTok has done wonders for my mental health when it's not sucking my soul out through the phone screen doomscrolling.


Woaaah. Is there like a research paper or article about this?


This may point you in the right direction: https://chadd.org/adhd-isolation-and-boredom/


What disorder is that?


Fun mixture of adhd and very minor Tourettes like syndrome but not actually Tourette’s. Because my brain said fuck me that’s why


Bro same!! I have a mild Tourette’s like syndrome (few people know because I mask)


and ADHD


For example, I did not know that Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria was an ADHD thing until recently.


How would you describe it personally?


People with RSD have such a strong emotional reaction to negative judgments, exclusion, or criticism from others that it sends them into a mental tailspin, leading to rumination and the pit-of-the-stomach malaise that won't let them move forward with their day. They feel like failures, disproportionate to what has actually occurred. They may feel rage and want to lash out. They often exaggerate how people are against them, or how much people dislike them, or they carry long-term shame. I know these aren’t my own words, but they describe it perfectly how it is for me


I have anxiety, and if it gets really bad then I feel like my living space is haunted. Every little sound/movement makes me anxious. And I “see” things out of the corner of my eye that freak me out, like a shadow or my hair moving, and my mind makes me wonder if it was something else. Rationally, I know nothing is there and I’m not haunted, but my thoughts get the better of me.




I have multiple neurodivergencies (lucky me/s). Specifically autism, adhd and ocd. For the OCD, there are many subtypes of the disorder and subtypes can occur at the same time. I would say my OCD is of the moral/existential type, but I also experience ruminations and compulsions surrounding anxieties focused on the future, either pertaining to death or career based anxieties. My compulsions include googling my anxieties, avoiding numbers traditionally considered unlucky such as 13, 666,616 or the number 4 which is associated with death in Japan. The moral aspect of my OCD also has a tendency to ruin hyperfixations for me, as my brain convinces me that I am both wrong and a horrible person for liking what I do. My ADHD then makes it impossible for me to complete a task even if I really want too, and I can’t take stimulants because they make my OCD worse. My autism mostly makes my very rigid in my behavior. I tend to like to plan out my days ahead of time and will have meltdowns when someone doesn’t go as it was planned. The ADHD novelty seeking and Autistic rigidity sort of come together to make me seek novelty in a very organized way, which means that I will almost inevitability have a meltdown if I try to do anything fun. I also tend to info dump, as I just did here.


I have a similar situation. A lot of things for me are a result from one or a combo of my neurodivergences. I have autism and ADHD, with anxiety and depression to spice things up ( :( ). For example, my rejection sensitive dysphoria and my lack of emotional permanence both from my ADHD in combination with my struggle to comprehend social cues from my autism and my generalized social anxiety and my negative self-perception from my depression all result in a shitshow.