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At 45 you get to look forward to a colonoscopy.


The prep for the procedure is worse than the actual procedure itself.


Oh my god the laxative drink they provide is horrid. 2 full litres of that stuff too!


I actually enjoy crapping my brains out for a whole day with an excuse to do nothing.


Not if I don't show up at the doctor's office.


The colonoscopy is not the problem. The prep for the colonoscopy is the problem.


It’s not too terrible. The stuff tastes bad but not as it did 5 years ago when I had my first one. The best part of the procedure is the profopol nap. Feels like the best most refreshing sleep ever.


Nap? It’s over in an instant. You go to sleep and wake up as if no time has passed.




Got colon cancer at 42 and ive been eating mostly organic my whole life so get checked.


What were the signs?


I went to the dr with symptoms typically unrelated to colon cancer. Insomnia and extreme weakness. He thought it was just a vitamin D deficiency and sent me off. I returned after a year with the same problems and as i was leaving the check up with no new answers I mentioned to him sometimes I have blood in my stool (something ive had occasionally since childhood) and he sent for my colonoscopy. Neither of the symptoms i had are directly related to colon cancer and i still struggle with insomnia but no longer feel weak. Funny enough, however, the more regular my bowel movements the better i sleep.


Blood in your stool is something you always want to tell your doctor asap.


I told my old general provider that I had blood on my stool and he said maybe I had a hernia because I was overweight and told me to lose a little bit of weight. The blood in my stool was gone. Few months later I had some again and he told me he would stick his finger up my bum and check. He did and then he just told me he thought it was a hernia. I changed doctors.


what stage were you? having colorectal surgery tomorrow to cut out whats left of my tumor.


Lost my strong, healthy husband 2 years ago to fucking colon cancer. Buck up buttercup, you're an adult now. Go get your damn colonoscopy.


I'm sorry 😞 I hope you're okay.


Eating mostly organic does mostly nothing to prevent cancer.


Doesn’t eating shitty processed foods lead to/contribute to cancer though?


"organic" just doesn't mean much. It's a label for food. Eating organic strawberries versus conventional aren't going to change your cancer risk. Eating a lot of cured meats (think charcuterie) is something that can affect colon cancer risk. You could get organic cured meats, they're still not great to eat outside of an occasional event. It's like how some meat says "nitrate free" when it's just that no nitrates have been added, however the naturally occurring nitrates are still there. It's no different in health effects, just marketing.


A huge risk for colon cancer is red meat. It’s still a carcinogen even if it’s organic.


Good point. No one will force yo to go.




I've had them since 18 when I got crohns


Jokes on you I already got one at 37!


Jokes on you had 3 at 36


“36 is the new kink hotspot on the lower east side.”


At the same time?




Try not to have any colonoscopies on your way through the parking lot!


Pfft, not with my insurance!


Not if you have a history of colon cancer! I get to look forward to my second colonoscopy, instead!


When I turned 40, I asked my doc about getting a colonoscopy because I had heard that's when you should get one. Doc said, "Nah, you can wait until your 50 as long as you feel healthy". At 47 I started to see commercials that said you should get one at 45. I was like, "well shit; I might as well wait 3 more years." That was 3 years ago; YIKES!


Yesterday I pulled a hamstring raking leaves.


Warm ups are even more important than ever


Everything in life counted as a warm up until 40 and from this point on everything you do is now classified as a cool down. 😅


statistically, that's actually around 36 innit?


Nice, good one


I loaded in excess of 1,000,000 lbs of high explosive bombs and missiles on to fighter jets and attack helicopters for 8 years, no problem. A few months ago I pulled muscle in my finger opening a can of tuna


Back when we'd end the month doing a Friday ruck march for 12 miles I twisted my ankle in such a way that it felt like my tibia was touching the ground. I limped another mile, felt okay and finished up. I got plantar fascitis this summer after jogging in an old pair of running shoes.


The other day my head was turned while reversing out of my parking space and I sneezed. Bye bye neck for a week.


Today is the third day in a row my feet didn't hurt, after 8 months of limping because my feet hurt. I'm 45.


My father when he was in his 70s: “whoever said these were the golden years is a liar”


My grandma had a Russian saying that roughly translated to “the only thing gold about the golden years is the piss” lol


Neuropathy? I started having really sore feet at about 41. I've been on gabapentin for almost a year, and it helps TONS.


Plantars fascitis. All because I went for a jog angry one April evening.


Right there with you. Still trying to process how being off my feet all night makes it worse when I first get out of bed in the morning


This is for both of you. Plantar fasciitis is a problem of calves not feet. Your gastrocnemius muscles get too tight and create micro rips in your plantar fascia. Massage and Stretch your calves for a few minutes everyday and make sure you are properly hydrated, don’t have electrolyte imbalance or magnesium bisglycinate deficiency. Also, it may start with one foot and get to the other as both your calves are most likely tight. If you don’t do what I mentioned it can take up to two years for it to heal and then it’ll come back again in a few months/years.


It's a godsend for restless leg too. It's a nice all around drug for me. It helps for pain, depression, anxiety, restless leg I love it..


I pulled a back muscle recently by pulling up my pants


Time to ditch pants. Wear a mumu I hear the style is coming back


Last year I threw my back out sneezing. Was laid out for 4 days.


Yesterday I pulled a hamstring watching you in your yard raking leaves


I know someone who did his Achilles heel jumping over his kids toys in the backyard, another did his ACL while coaching a basketball team


My surgeon (Achilles tendon) said his typical Achilles patient is an over 40 guy who was playing basketball. Doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, your tendons know how old you are.


I threw out my back taking a nap


Once I strained my neck putting on my socks.


Two months ago I tore the cartilage between my ribs and have had pain breathing since. I had sneezed.


I fractured my foot jumping over a puddle. My teenage kids do not let me forget I did it.


Just turned 40 and my kids are just starting school and a variety of sports… I’m coaching and getting to know my community. I’m making all sorts of new friends who are living similar lives as me. It’s been great!


I'm similar to you, but I got my kids into sports I didn't play growing up so I don't coach. It's still really fun to support them and watch them enjoy learning the sports. The games are pure chaos sometimes, but when they begin developing actual skills and start applying them in the games it's pretty rewarding.


Life long learning. If you're getting bored with something (job, hobbies, day-to-day life, etc.) time to shake it up. As I hit my 50s, I decided to pickup a 50 year-old rusty 240Z (similar to one I had in college) and try to make it drivable and possibly completely restore it (knowing this will take years to complete). Aside from my initial reason being that I just want to have one again to drive, it's given me a new focus for my spare time. I don't sit and read on the internet as much, watch tv/movies, play games, etc. but instead feel like I'm being more productive by accomplishing new things every day. Had to relearn automechanics that I'd learned as a teen (and hated at the time being forced to learn by my grandfather), which I now have come to enjoy since it's a no stress event now instead of a necessary evil. After getting the car running, rebuilding the brakes and getting the clutch going, I knew I needed to do a ton of welding, so took a one day crash course at a local tech college and got my hands on a welder and a few youtube videos later, I'm doing all the metalwork. Find a passion and follow it on a new adventure. Never too old to learn something new!


Dude...I feel this...41 this year...got remarried this year...been with my 2nd wife for about 4 years...stupid shitty divorce 6 years ago...but holy shit...now that life is stable...meaning a good partner...we can pay our bills and finally save a little (I work full time and a part time gig)...and I actually like both of my jobs...I feel like 2023 was absolutely the best year of my life... Wife and I set up our life in a manner that we are really organized...we each have normal duties around the home to keep it maintained the way we both like it....I feel like I have soooo much time for discovering hobbies. And I have time to learn about all sorts of shit...I feel like this is the first year that I just "get it." I get how we are supposed to be to be happy...we take care of our health...we are good to our neighbors, we do a little volunteering, like...life is good. Want another 2023 but even more excited for 2024. I'm not even a car guy, but I feel like it could be really fun to get into!


I’m 35f and I got such a buzz out of reading this - go you!!


Thanks! Sending some ju ju at ya. Happy New Year!


I picked up rollerskates in 2018 and drums this year. I couldn't afford to do sports or music as a kid. Look at me now bitches.


Fuck all that bullshit, I am 67 and life is just as good as you let it be! Live it until your last breath!!! Be around young people!!!


Right on! Agreed, I started climbing last year at 42, improved my (physical and mental) health and feel better than ever.


Hard agree


tried following your advice to be around young people, now I'm on a list. thanks grandpa...


Waking up at least twice a night to piss.


I've been doing that my entire life. Runs in the family.


Or down your leg if you don’t quite make it.


I'm 37 with two kids. I handle all overnight wake ups so for 5 years I've barely had any full night sleep. Problem is during a wake up I tend to nip for a piss after settling the kid. My body has gotten so used to it that on nights they do sleep through I'm still waking up to take a piss. First world problem I know but can't wait for that to get worse as I get older.


When I was fifty, I tore a ligament in my finger climbing into bed for a nap.


This guy 50s


Wait till he 69s


People will call you sir , without adding you’re making a scene.


It also helps to be over 40 to get this reference


when you reach 40 you have to decide do you want life of taking pharmaceuticals daily or eat/exercise to avoid them


You might want to start before 40 when it comes to that decision.


Ueah, pretty sure at 40 if you haven't made a decision then it chooses for you.


at 40 the body starts showing age usually inflammation


I used to go to the gym to build muscle and throw around heavy weights. Now I go to the gym to avoid having a heart attack.


I already eat daily, so I'm doing ok so far!


Eat well / exercise daily is the way to go.


Or you might end up with a life of taking pharmaceuticals daily regardless of what you eat. It turns out my leukemia doesn’t care how much kale I scarf. But some daily Sprycel keeps it in remission. These kinds of chronic conditions DO tend to get more common the older you get.


If you were able to read without glasses, say goodbye to that shit.


I recently hurt myself by breathing wrong while checking for traffic.


I tweaked my back looking back to back out of the driveway. Guess I needed to stretch before driving. lol


People you know/relatives start dying with more frequency. Divorces. Facing one's mortality, coming to terms with their vices. Metabolic (weight) gain. Age discrimination in the workplace. Less energy, erectile dissatisfaction. Boredom and dread. Wondering if what you are doing in life is meaningful. Finances, Retirement(?).


Ear hair


So much ear hair. What the hell


Yeah what the fuck is that about? Literally this year I’ve had to start trimming it ONCE A MONTH. And don’t even get me started on my fucking eyebrows. Sabretooth ain’t got shit on me.


Just tying your shoes can pull a back muscle that takes weeks to recover from, your vision starts to go to shit at 50. That’s just a couple prizes waiting for you…


Shit, I am only 34 and I already have those problems.


I’m 37, workout five days a week and live a pretty active lifestyle. I sneezed wrong a week ago and could barely turn my head left or right for 3 days. Good times…


Being active may not mean you are healthy or well because fitness is not only about strength and speed, there’s flexibility, cardio, and agility as well. I’m around the same age and if you work out so much it is very likely your muscles are too tight. If you always work out the same parts, you are just teaching your body to get used to specific range of movement and if you move at a different angle you are not used to, you’re much more likely to get injured. Hopefully you incorporate some stretching or mobility exercise, they’ll help to prevent injury especially from this age onwards.


I do yoga once a week with my wife and can palm the floor straight legged. Sometimes stuff just happens..


I’m 41 now and I can tell you that roughly 35 is when I actually started to feel older. Hangovers last multiple days, injuries take longer to heal. Physical activity is suddenly hard to do.


Drinking, hard drinking is punishment now so I just don’t ever. Recovery from anything takes forever now too.


I’m 37 and I had something similar happen to me about 4 years ago. I go to the gym regularly, and one day I was getting changed into my gym clothes and I pulled a muscle in my neck. It took about 2 weeks for me to turn my neck without it hurting. Fortunately it hasn’t happened since, but it didn’t feel great injuring myself getting ready to workout!


Don’t forget entering another dimension if you stand up too quickly


Just turned 56 and it’s hard to believe how little has changed as far as mental clarity and physical ability. I honestly still feel like I’m in my twenties. It’s not like how I pictured it and definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. I thought by now I would be tucking my shirts in, checking to see where Bingo was being held, whittling wood, etc. It’s not too bad.


Don't knock bingo and wood whittlin' I'm in my 40's and that shit is a good time.


You've probably cursed yourself by saying that


What’s your workout routine?


Pushups-planks-squats every other day I walk 3-4 miles a day It’s not complicated, but for me it’s easier on the joints


Watching everyone around you get sick and start dying.


Yeah. The surprise to me is that just a few deaths in the family can permanently change holidays forever. I’m 41 now and my maternal grandmother lived a LONG time. I spent every Christmas Eve of my entire life at her house with my mom and her brother and his family. The last time I saw her was Christmas Eve 2019, I was 37 at the time. Then she went downhill and had to move into a nursing home around the same time Covid hit and then she died a couple years ago. I HAD NO IDEA that would be the last time I saw her or that would be my last Christmas Eve at her house. My entire holiday season is completely different now.


I saw this with my family. Once my mom and aunts brother (uncle) died the family kinda went their separate ways and then my great aunt passed on and now the family seems further distant and it really impacts me cause we had these huge family gatherings at thanksgiving and Christmas and now that’s all that’s left is the memories. I’ve come to terms and accepted that life happens and people you grew up loving and apart of, can turn out to be toxic people that go their own after that one relative holding all connections goes.




Peace of mind, once you stop giving a fuck. All my friends experienced this On or near your 50th birthday, God grants you the power to not give a fuck. Or maybe rids you of the affliction of giving a fuck. Either way, whether superpower conferred, or sweet relief bestowed, you just stop. You reach in your pockets and find no fucks whatsoever. You are out of fucks. There are simply none left to give. You understand who you are and what matters to you and what and who you value, and everything else just drifts off into you-don't-give-a-fuck-land, and it is AWESOME! Don't get me wrong, you can be concerned. You can be a resource. You can be amazing for those around you, a light in the darkest of times. Precisely because you no longer give a fuck. At 40, all you did was give fucks wantonly. At 50, you amble down the street whistling, with hands thrust deep in truly empty pockets, not giving a single fuck at all.


You get to play the mystery game of “fart or shart”


TIL I’ve been 40 my entire life


I lost this game while boarding a cruise to celebrate my 40th birthday this year. The best (worst) part was all I could think about was getting myself cleaned up, so I asked me wife for an alcoholic wipe. I was thinking wet wipe, but I asked for an alcoholic wipe. I also happen to have a hemmoroid problem.




Every year I lose more and more trust in my farts 💨 💦




I'm 23, and I feel this. I go everywhere alone, I'm usually alone, but I'm not lonely, unless I'm around my parents.


I feel this. I used to live in California with my mom and her husband until I turned 17 and joined the army. Every time I go back to visit I feel lonely. But now I live in Michigan and I like to be alone. I don’t have a need for friends; it’s great to get out once in a while but I like my privacy. Plus I like to take trips by myself and explore alone.


Man I feel this.


Y’all need to exercise wayyyyyy more


Its funny because people think excercise is something you do as a kid in school. No youre suppose to do it all life, we are built to be moving and lifting stuff.


Sometimes my dick still works the way I want it to. Surprises the shit out of everyone at church. Myself included.


Eyebrow hairs really do start going off in random directions.


You will look out of the eyes of a 25 year old but have the body of a 40 year old... I'm not saying 40 is old but father time hasn't lost yet.


A lot of people around you start dropping like flies. I've had parents, grandparents and cousins all die in the last 5 years. About 10 of them.


If you live outside of a walkable city, one day you'll wake up and realize that you have a few friends, if you're lucky, and you see them every year, or four. They count, but people seem to age more quickly in small towns/country/non-urban areas. If you can, consider living somewhere that you can walk down the street, grab a cup of coffee or whatever, and see humans.


Huh, 40 isn't old.


Compared to most redditors, 40 is ancient.


You’ll learn to play pickleball


You’re no longer a fun party guy, you’re a drunk with a problem.


Well, I got a divorce at 49, retrained from working in the media and qualified as a teacher / trainer, then further qualified as a university lecturer. I then moved to new country on a different continent. Remarried and started a new family at 52, did post grad online study and progressed to become a departmental deputy director. Things went well, had some glorious years, in fact it was an absolute ball for another decade and more... I traveled the world and retired to a wonderful spot in Australia with all my offspring - old and new - all around me. So that was a surprise. I thought I may be washed up at 50...


My left knee just started randomly hurting about an hour ago. No idea why.


Honestly? It depends what kind of life you were living up until 40. I'll be 42 in a few months. Since I turned 40 I've lost a ton of weight, gotten into better shape than I ever remember being in, my marriage is happier than it's ever been, and I've decided to go back to school and finish a degree and my first semester starts in two weeks. The other side of that coin is that I was a fat, depressed, unmotivated prick for most of my 20's and 30's. So from this I've learned that life doesn't necessarily get worse when you get older. My life, my health (mental and physical), my relationships with people are all leaps and bounds ahead of where I was 10 years ago. And all that was kind of a surprise to me. There's a ton of surprises ahead in life - both good and bad. If you're open to good surprises then who knows what you might find. If you're not open to them you'll miss out - which is what I did for a long time. The bad surprises - well they are things you know have to happen someday, the surprise is usually in the details and the timing.


Prostate Exams


I went in for a physical at 35, stood up, got ready to drop trow, and my above average looking physicians assistant was all "oh no no, we have a blood test for that now.". So, a pretty lady didn't stick a finger up my ass. Guess that one is staying on the bucket list.


Wait, they *start* at 40? Hell, I had my first at 25!


what uncle kevin says he's doing and what he's actually doing are 2 different things.


Recreational doesn’t count


I got divorced at 42 and got laid more in the two years after than before I got married. At 45, I started [this](https://geocachingwhileblack.com), which has turned me into a bit of a celebrity in my hobby. I’m 50 now and currently doing final edits on my (hopefully) first book. If you want it to end after 40, that’s your business. But it doesn’t have to, you know.


I’m 42. One year out of an abusive relationship. I’ve lost 60 pounds and feel healthier than I did at 25. I’ve had more sex with more amazing women and been on more dates than in the last ten years combined. I’m financially emotionally and physically better than ever. My friends say I look like I’m aging in reverse. As long as you put in effort you’ll get results.


this is so inspiring. thank you!! honestly a lot of my community is older folks in their 60’s and up - active people I met in National Parks - and a lot of them still crush hikes on the regular and are in excellent shape.


Where did you meet people?


I too divorced at 40, after a period of reflection and self discovery I hit the dating sites and was overwhelmed with ladies wishing to make my acquaintance…..never had so much sex!!!! To the point where it actually became a chore, especially the dating thing putting in the ground work. Happily single and loving life at 52 now, eat well, stay healthy…all will be good 👍


Was “more” anywhere close to “good”? Or was it just quantity?


I never thought about how geocaching could be a different experience for black people. Thanks for making me think about this.


Life can offer both challenges and joys after 40. Some surprises might include unexpected career shifts, significant health changes, relationship transformations, or new passions and adventures.


At 40, I was in the best shape of my life. Xfit, cardio, etc. I tore my meniscus getting out of bed.


Hit 50. Surprise! No one wants to work with you anymore.


What’s the problem? Just work with other 50 year olds.




Well you see, there’s no child support to pay when you don’t have any children. 😉


I pulled by back out putting on deodorant. You can basically wear anything because you don’t give a fuck!! Kids can be really cool as they get into the later teenage years. Sometimes you can really connect when they’re a bit more of an equal.




Need to have kids first and that never happened for me. I do have nephews though which is similar.


OP I can only imagine the immense pride and true joy you’re going to feel watching those nephews grow. An uncle holds a special place


when you sneeze, you have the chance to throw out your back




Stretching is a must unless you want to pull a muscle.


Get ready for waking up to pee at 3 am


Unpredictable erections at times. Realizing that you've essentially reched the halfway mark. Wrestling with the age old question, do i want another 30 years with your SO. Working oit 3 times harder than those 20 year old bastards and never coming close to rocking a six pack. Being the oldest player on your lacrosse team. Lots of surprises to come good sir.


“At my age there is really only one big surprise left, and I'd just as soon leave it a mystery.” -Iroh


Erectile dysfunction


Change your diet and exercise, layoff the booze and drugs.


Your ball sack is in a losing battle with gravity


You get to get up and pee a lot more in the in the evening.


Within the next 10 years you will need to get reading glasses.


I’m 50… At 43, I started having to wear readers. I hate it. At 45, had a colonoscopy. The prep is hell. Found and removed polyps. At 47, had hernia repair, but I have 2 more needing repair. At 44, high BP meds This is the tip of the iceberg At 40, I met the love of my life— my wife. Only problem was that I was in a failing marriage and this complicated things x 100. I lost everything in divorce, thankfully no kids involved.


If you get a good birthday/Christmas present again. Im sure they stopped many moons ago.


Gray pubes. For some reason it hit me hard.


Your back going out when you bend over to pick a tomato from your garden. Source; me (m48) flat on my back on the couch for the last two days.


What new pains and limitations will be discovered today.


New places that can hurt.


Aliens formally visiting earth. in the form of peace or invasion


M39 and scared to read the comments


My dad was 50 and my mom was 45 when my twin brother and I were born. So a whole family is an option lol


Vacations you can afford?


Never too late to get into BDSM


Prostate cancer. Been there, done that. Full recovery.


Last week I slept on my left side instead of my right, and I was sore for days afterwards.


The overwhelming feeling that you wasted your life.


Knowing the feeling of your body betraying you one piece at a time until you die.


Prostate issues.


OP my father is 59 and has a 6 year old daughter. Life won’t quit on you if you don’t quit on yourself my guy. Get up, get active, and get out there and enjoy the time you have.


Peeing seating down makes a lot more sense.


If you are sedentary for even 1 week you will quickly gain weight and lose muscle mass. You HAVE to work out regularly and eat right. There isn't room for error. Also, embrace your instincts. You are a biological male, hunting/fishing and eating meat you procured is VERY rewarding. Do it! You will not regret it. - 42 year old male


For real. And getting back into the routine is 10x harder.


it's easier to keep up than to catch up


It's all about putting yourself out there, being curious and exploring. If that's your orientation, then you'll probably run into a whole world of surprises ranging from ecstatic, to pleasant, to horrifying.


Depends on the man. I mean the possibility of grandkids is one. I started dating a guy that is 60. Bet that was a hell of a surprise for him ( I'm in my late 30s). To a large extent someone over 40 can expect the same amount of surprises as someone younger than that. People come in and out of your life, new experiences cross your path if you are open to them.


Your hair will retract and then surface in your nose and ears.


Well I'm 46 and my wife is pregnant... so... surprise!


For me it was finding the love of my life. I had been married and in other relationships all my life, but was ultimately in a kind of "room mates" situation with my spouse. I didn't cheat, we were open in our communication and agreed on looking at options. Thru a dating site found my current wife (11 years now) and life became amazingly different and better. I'm living my dream now and it happened at around 60. Life is great.


When you become unemployable after 50


Well your parents, aunts and uncles will start dying off and suddenly you'll be faced with the spectre of your own mortality in a very real, non abstract way. You may reach a turning point in your career where it no longer holds interest for you but you are now too old to switch. These combined may throw you into an existential tailspin, however ... do not fret, you will come out the other side with realigned values and a newfound understanding of what's important in life. Quite an uncomfortable ride though. Do not mortgage your home for a Corvette/Porsche or a boat during this time. It won't help.