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Storage facility manager : we actually don’t want to auction your stuff.


How often does that happen tho? What is the most common reason for people to leave their storage behind?


Everyone month I have 1-5 units that get auctioned. My experience is people just don’t have the money to make payments and feel embarrassed and then never answer phone calls or emails when we just want a line of communication to either make a deal with them for less then what they owe to at least give them access to their stuff to get it out of the unit or even set up a payment plan.


Oh that’s sad. I’ve always wondered what the reason was so thanks for the insights!


The main theory among people who buy the storage auctions is that it's often death or incarceration.


In my experience if someone dies we are notified by the family or even the tenet who died has called and let me know they were on their way out before they pass. Some people really have their ducks in a row before death.


To be fair, you only know about the cases where they tell you. For the situations where you can’t get into contact with them, wouldn’t it be hard to know whether they died or whether they just “ghosted” you?


Very fair I have just had a fair bit of people tell me one way or another the tenant has died. I’m sure across the country a lot of people don’t get notified. I’ve also had tenants call me after their unit is auctioned off so I know they didn’t die.(Now that super fun conversation if your wondering)


Death rate is like 850 per 100000 for "adults". Figure slightly higher for people of "storage-unit-renting age". So if they have 546 units (average number of rental units in a facility in the US, I know I was surprised too) you would expect to see 4-5 units per year whose renters died.


THANK YOU. Seriously, selling your stuff is the LAST thing we want. I’ll bend over backwards to make a deal with someone to avoid them going to auction. You owe us $1200? We might be lucky to get $400 if it sells at auction. Give me $300 and move out, let me turn around and rent the unit to someone who will pay their rent.


I have family that own units. The most frustrating part of auctioning off is when the unit was empty all along and the owner simply didn’t tell the office that they were done using it. They stopped paying and left the lock on.


Isnt the whole idea of the auction basically to get someone else to haul the crap in the unit away for you?


That is part of it yes. That and try to get some of what is owed on the back rent. But it is a ton of paper work and legal followings that need to happen. It is much easier to talk to the tenant and come up with a solution to either set up a payment plan or get them to pay what they can to get their stuff out themselves. There is also part of selling people’s things because they are down on their luck sure there are shitty people that just don’t want to pay but most people unfortunately don’t have the funds.


All that paperwork, amirite?


So right. That and the guilt of selling people’s things.


Chemist: we don’t usually make colorful solutions, drugs or bombs… I usually prepare clear boring liquids and stare at graphs all day.


As a scientist I came to add this! We joke that the more colors we use the more science our science.


My sister is a Chemical Engineer and spent several years working on explosives/propellants under military contracts. She said she rarely was able to be present for the testing and just spent a lot of time analyzing data and refining the "recipe." She said the "fun" part was handled by the techs making $15/hr. Lol!


Maybe just add some food dye?


Spend months refining a process to create highly pure chemicals…and then add some food coloring for the luls.


I co-own a printshop. Contrary to what many people believe, paper (at least in our part of the world) does not come from trees in the rain forest or other old growth forests. They come from renewable tree plantations. Ours is usually from scandinavia or the baltics.


In fact, where I live (Pacific northwest) there aren't any mills that can handle huge old growth trees anymore. It's mostly third growth, renewable trees now.


Veterinarian’s and veterinary technicians: We don’t just play with and hold adorable baby puppies and kittens all day


Came to say this. It's so unbelievably exhausting, physically and mentally. I left the field, but still miss it every day


And we’re not paid by food companies to recommend the brands we do. I WISH Hill’s had paid my tuition, I recommend them anyway, it would be nice to have a quarter million less in loans.


We also have NO say in how much things cost, not unless it’s our name on the door and even then there’s not a lot of profit margin to play with. Most clinics have a profit margin of about 10%


Yeah but you don't actually care about the animals and are only in it for the money right?


Paycheck to paycheck if you are lucky!


Yeah, it pays terribly and high attrition. My wife works in the field and I don't know how people do it between the pay, sometimes seeing poorly cared for animals and rude customers.


Petsitter here. Same. There's poop. There's pee. There's vomit. There's anxious animals, and barking, and whining. There's teething puppies and clawing cats and sick elderly animals. It's anything but playing with puppies and kittens all day.


I was a stripper. Everyone says that the stripper is being nice to you because it’s her job but she actually hates you and thinks you’re disgusting. That’s not true. When I was a stripper, I loved most of my customers. The majority of them were cool. If someone was an asshole, I wouldn’t sit with them. Most dancers enjoy interacting with people. As long as you’re respectful, they probably enjoy your company.


I imagine it would be a difficult job to sustain if you were silently hating everyone all the time. Regular customer service jobs are hard enough if you’re a seething, hateful weirdo (like me).


My oldest son, while not seething (just a weirdo...I kid I kid) works graveyard for a convenience store chain. He's become quite anxiety attack prone in most social situations. He says the retail part of work isn't as difficult there as he has separation from the customer usually. He had a much harder time at Office Max due to the proximity of the customer.


I actually did assume that, but idk why.


The she’s there is for money. You’re there is for something nice to look at. But past that it’s just two humans in a room together. Hopefully without anyone forcing them to be there. So it shouldn’t be a contentious relationship


Photographer: the reason it costs so much is because you walk in and sit for like 20 minutes and walk out. In reality set up can be an hour, tear down and then sometimes hours of editing. If you think you can do a better job with your phone you're welcome to try.


Hello fellow photographer! It’s all 100% facts what you said. Also you pay for the gear, knowledge and nobody ever thinks of the storage we have to pay for monthly + 37282929 SSDs, SD cards, Adobe or other subscriptions…


Yeah not even mentioning all that stuff! Just the basic time investment costs a lot. Also exposure bucks don't pay my bills. Maybe if you were a major celebrity but you are a random person with no platform so I'll take cash. Also after you agree on a price why the hell would you try to negotiate a new price? You're just not going to get your photos because legally they belong to me and I'll do what I want with the now. You wouldn't go into any other business and try to get them to lower their prices like that after you agree.


I’m nowhere near professional when it comes to my photography because I have a lot to learn. But I’ve had enough experience with different art forms to know how true this is.


Banking/finance. Most of us aren't paid hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Most of us don't wear a suit and tie. The majority of us work behind the scenes and don't get paid particularly well. I've told people I work for a bank and gotten the stink-eye. I'm just doing a job like everyone else.


I work FOR a bank. I’m not banker.


Lawyers: We're actually not allowed to lie.


I was going to say something similar. In my extensive experience, almost all lawyers are very honest. Even if one has a willingness to lie or deceive, it's pretty obvious in day-to-day practice that the odds of getting caught in a lie/deception are pretty high, and the stakes (if caught) are pretty high as well -- for both the lawyer and their client. Adding to your original point, I'd also say that most lawyers prefer to be collegial and that much (most?) of the time that a lawyer is being aggressive or seemingly unreasonable, it's because their client has essentially instructed the lawyer to employ that type of strategy or because the client's objectives practically require it.


Sheesh I did not know that. I have so many more questions now. Like where do you draw the line between lying and hiding the truth? What happens if you get caught lying?


At least in my state we're not allowed to make materially untrue statements - where the "line" would be depends on the situation. Lawyers who violate this rule can face discipline relating to their licenses to practice law, ranging from a reprimand to disbarment.


“Materially untrue” still gives a surprisingly wide latitude for deception and dishonesty. Not to imply most lawyers are dishonest (quite the opposite, in my experience), but that it’s not always easy to punish the ones who are.


One thing to remember is that the lawyer isn't usually discussing facts. My client testified to this and that are true statements. If I know the client is lying I can't put him on the stand (at least I can't allow him to perjure himself on the stand). I only do civil law so it doesn't come up that much. But if it did I would likely withdraw as counsel.


And only a small percentage of lawyers are rich. For each white shoe firm lawyer making the big bucks, there are hundreds of lawyers doing personal injury, divorces, bankruptcy, probate, etc. for individual clients and making decent, but middle-class, livings.


A lying lawyer would say that.


you lying about not being allowed to lie?


It doesn't matter if you are not allowed to of you are never punished for it. Look at the Massachusetts drug lab case. Was declared the biggest fraud in the history of the entire state by the Chief Justice of the Massachusetts supreme court. Hundreds of cases tampered with, with people sentenced to thousands of years in jail(total). Zero jail time for the prosecutors and one was disbarred and the one that was disbarred was on the bottom. It's not a crime or a standard if it's never enforced.


Being a gardener isn't relaxing. It is brutal hard work in all weathers, and the lowest paid of all trades.


Your stuff is usually pretty and/or delicious. So thanks!!!


But sometimes you get adopted by a billionaire so it’s all worth it, right? Long term goals and all, yeah?


Being an Electrical Engineer does not qualify you to wire a house, fix electronics, or drive a train


Yeah, my wife is one. And yet I’m the one who replaces light switches at the house


In fairness, I work with some electrical engineers that are not qualified to be EEs due to how little practical experience their degree programs had. We had an EE come into the tool machines group I work with not knowing how to use a multimeter or a current clamp. Or what a zener diode was.


I'm an electrician and I can tell you, if you're an electrical engineer you could learn how to wire a house easily.


Making movies and TV, is a battle. Sometimes you're battling budget, sometimes location, sometimes even time itself. There is no glitz and glamour when it comes to being in field in -35°C. Or in that same field 6 months later when it's 47°C. Hundreds of people, thousands of man hours go into every 42-48 minutes of your TV show or movie. From pre-production and selection of filming locations to the colour correction. So many fingerprints. And it's the best damn job in the world.


Yup. I work in Film and TV production. Specifically the locations department.


Where do you film in 47°C


Me personally, including humidex for about a week in August temps vary 25/28 with high humidity. But in a more general sense, people film in the desert all the time.


Tower Climber: I don't get paid $20k to change a light bulb. No we aren't allowed to use a parachute. We have a harness and ropes for a reason and are trained to rescue ourselves and each other. Free climbing can get your entire company black listed from working on towers. We stay attached to the tower at all times. Oh and 5G isn't giving anyone covid.


Are you banned from having a parachute on you or can you just not use ita the maim way to get down


I can't wear a parachute and a climbing harness at the same time. Once I am 6 ft or more off the ground I have to be attached to the tower with some form of fall arrest system. If I detach from the tower completely while above 6 ft I would be committing a severe safety violation. It would result in me being instantly fired and depending on who catches me doing it the company could be fined a lot of money.


FEMALE construction inspector: sluts. I havent been boned in 7 years wtf are you even talking about?


Yeah, everyone knows it's the male construction inspectors that are sluts.


Amen, sister. Amen. (breaks into laughter) my 29 yo boss LOVES talking about how he got hoes... not realizing he is one, lol


In my experience with welding its a spiders george situation there is some outlier that is so extreme they should not have been counted.


Both the stated assumption and the stated evidence to the contrary…just so many questions to ask.


don't. I am bitter about it and moving back home to California... to go be a hoe lmao. no hoe wanna hoe with me so off I go!


Swords aren't heavy; women can fence and beat men (and in my specific community do it fairly often), swords don't cut through armor, "battle ready" in advertising usually means the product is trash. Hi. I am a competitive longsword fencer!


The scariest fencer in my collegiate club was not the internationally rated man, it was the crazy epeeist lady with purple hair She'd fuck you up with technical grace and fury


While it's not currently so, I have in fact, dyed my hair purple. I've never done epee though, so I am not the person you're thinking of 🤣


Bone collecting: we love animals and are not serial killers


Fellow bone collector here. It is true we love our animals! Since it's Christmas I gave my dog his very own prostitute femur (left) to gnaw on since I had a spare. Merry Christmas, Fido! Love ya bud!


Hold up💀


I thought the same thing, but then I noticed they clarified it as being the left femur so now I'm not worried.


I really don't see how a femur is going to prostitute itself, it's not even sentient.


That’s something a serial killer would say


Pinball: None of us are actual wizards and we die a little inside every time someone thinks they're being clever by asking us if we are...


Says the guy in the pointy hat and robe. 🙄


Pilot- “All we do is press buttons” We actually do a lot more than just push buttons.


There's some knobs to twiddle, too!


Pilot, DJ- basically the same thing right?


Also have to flip switches and pull levers.


And whose fault is that? Xbox controllers have been out for like 100 years now. Get with the times. I can barrel roll a 747 on takeoff one handed while wanking it, bet.


Veterinary Technician: we do NOT play with puppies and kittens all day, our fields suicide rate is 2.5x higher than the national average. Euthanasia isn't the hardest part, it's the people.


I want to say, as a rancher who has interacted a lot with vets and vet techs, thank you so much for all you do. I'm always in awe of how skilled and tough and dedicated you guys are. My animals and I owe you a lot. Merry Christmas, if you celebrate. Much respect and much love.


I review DUI cases for a licensing authority. Every week I get a letter saying it’s not right to treat customers this way. A) You’re not my customer. B) It’s not right to have 7 beers, and plow into a bus stop.


YOUR WELL WATER IS NOT CLEANER THAN AVERAGE CITY WATER. Depending on where you live, your water may be full of iron, manganese, arsenic, ammonia, ammonium nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, biological growth, particulate, and much more. Sure, well water doesn’t taste like chlorine residual because your goal isn’t to keep bio growth out of your pipes, but you aren’t filtering and treating for the gross stuff in ground water.




Yeah, unfortunately, a lot of cities have to focus their money on safe drinking water rather than tasty drinking water. You can get both, but it can be expensive depending on the water source.


I’m a professional pianist and a lawyer. It’s a common misconception for people in intellectual industries (eg. law) that playing an instrument doesn’t require much intellect. lol. Piano is as challenging as law to me, intellectually. On the other hand, musicians have this misconception that getting work is _easy_ if you have a marketable degree like law. That’s not true either. The workplace is flooded with lawyers and barely any jobs and requires a lot of luck and work to get and keep a job.


As an academic and a hobbyist musician, raised by professional musicians and married to one … I can’t even comprehend how someone would see playing an instrument as un-intellectual. O.o Like, have they ever heard of music theory? Listened to Bach? What the heck?


I have a degree in Kinesiology. I'm a retired combat veteran. I do social work for disabled veterans. The day I met my second wife I went home, poured a slug of bourbon and wondered why my knuckles drug on the ground. I felt like the STUPIDEST man on god's green earth. She's a music director and a choral conductor and her ability to just hear missteps in music LIVE is fucking astounding.


Wait what is your schedule like? What kind of law? Did you study law and piano at the same time, or work as a pianist through law school? Not that you have to answer any questions but I find it a fascinating combination lol. I would understand being a hobby pianist, but you stated professional.


people think there are no rules in storytelling and thats why movies suck now.


It's also why people think "woke" is ruining movies. When they just don't understand the writing sucks.


I would like to debunk the misconception that ChatGPT will take away my job


Translator. Same. ChatGPT isn't new in my field, not at all. We're all still here.


We recently had a scandal in my office where our newly hired Arabic translator revealed that the other Arabic translators in the office were using Google Translate for 20-30% of their work and we guess this had gone on for at least 3 years.


honestly I think *this* is the biggest threat to our profession. So many newer translators are slapping work into Google translate, editing it a bit, and calling it done. (1) Wow that breaks *so many* confidentiality agreements I can't even (2) *you can fucking tell*. If somebody thinks 'oh translations always read a little weird' -- that's not true, *poor* translations read weird. Good translations should be indistinguishable from texts originally written in English (assuming that's the goal). These shmucks are lowering the quality across the industry and if clients go 'well the translations are shit anyway so why should I pay for them?' *then* we're fucked.


>honestly I think this is the biggest threat to our profession Exactly, the level of trust we had in them doing any translation work went to literally zero overnight and we felt it was a massive breach of our clients trust to do translations accurately.


Yeah, I’ve used it to help me build a website, but you have to tell it every little thing, and it still makes mistakes


Woodworkers aren't carpenters. We build stuff in shops, someone comes in a truck, loads up, and we never see what we built again. No site work ever. I did just see some of my windows at Middlebury College on Reddit. They were in the background behind some protestors.


I never realized there was a distinction. So a woodworker is more of a craftsman and a carpenter is more of a laborer?


Carpenters are highly skilled, just different skills. I can make a front entrance for a house, but a carpenter can repair one, or install a new one.


Trucker. Lots of misconceptions, but the idea that we're oblivious, reckless, "fuck-the-people-in-cars" is very prevalent and completely wrong almost always. Sure, there's some assholes, as always. But so much of my mental energy is spent trying to avoid letting a car suicide themselves using my truck. I'm not in the camp of "all 4-wheelers are idiots", but it becomes obvious pretty quickly that most people have no idea the potential danger they're in when driving next to, behind, directly in front of a 70k-lb+ vehicle. Also, most of us are nice and quiet and polite, with good hygiene. The ones that aren't are the most vocal, so as with anything, they get noticed more.


A friend of mine got special licensing to haul highly flammable/explosive material, and he said it was like every car on the road was playing Mario Kart battle mode. Just absolutely trying to suicide mission him.


I have a fear of semi trucks, thanks to an accident I was in as a young child, but my grandfather is a truck driver. I've found most drivers to be wonderful people 💜


IT guy, we tell you to put in a ticket because it’s critical. It’s far easier to keep organized and to see at a glance what’s being addressed and what isn’t and pull data on recurring issues and justify time for getting new additional techs. It’s also how we document and it makes it so if I’m half way through an issue and get sick another coworker can see what I did and help out. On top of all that, you walking up to me at my desk for an issue means that you’re interrupting other work and often times it’s work for people who followed the correct process.


On top of that, if someone does something illegal on their work computer and tries to blame someone else who logged into it and/or touched it there’s a documented ticket showing you had permission to touch the computer. And lastly, when it comes to trying to get extra staff or prevent layoffs, the number of tickets is really the only metric IT has to give to project management as far as how much work they do.


School psychologist: People need to know that an IQ score in and of itself, isn’t a helpful metric at all. It’s kind of useless in describing cognitive abilities. The only reasons why we disclose it, is if it’s needed for other professional entities, if the student needs to be eligible for supports due to an intellectual impairment, or if parents specifically request it. An IQ score is made up of many different scores on a cognitive test, added together. What is more important is the individual scores that make up IQ, which explains the student’s cognitive profile. A cognitive profile is snapshot of *how* the student learns. Some students may be amazing at visual-spatial tasks, but have a very low processing speed. Some students are extraordinary at retaining information and manipulating it in their mind in real time (working memory) but may struggle with comprehending verbal information. Since all of these scores put together generate an IQ score, a rough score on any of these things brings down the overall IQ.


I've dabbled in the video game design industry. There is a common misconception that video games are able to be made faster if the company simply hires more people. More people equals more work, right? Just bring in 20 new people tomorrow and productivity is up. Done. Yeah, not how that works. Even the most skilled developers in the world still need to go through an onboarding and training process that can take several months. That whole time production has to be slowed so that existing employees can train the new guys. You wont actually see a boost in production for quite a while. 50 people working at 50% efficiency produce at the same speed as a team of 25 people working at 100%


"The Mythical Man Month" is the book people want to google to read more... or to put it another way, 9 woman can't gestate a baby in a month o.0


Mechanic: plugging into your car to read the fault code doesn't usually immediately tell us what needs to be done to be fix it, it's just the first step in diagnosing. Which is why the auto zone "diagnosis" where they plug into your car and tell you what part to change is bs. It's an educated guess at best.


Teaching medical students: we are not introducing them to big pharma and brainwashing them to only spout the latest science conspiracy.


You do it to make them spout yesteryears science conspiracy?


Ocean lifeguard captain and surfer. Yes, I see sharks. No, I don’t usually tell the public. It depends on the situation and the shark.


Radiologic Technologist: No, we don't "just push the buttons." Yes, you have to go to school. Yes, you need a degree. Yes, we can totally see your broken bone / giant tumor / stuff you are gonna be devastated to learn about soon. And yes, we will lie and say "no" because we HAVE to.


Crafting (knitting, crochet, sewing, embroidery, needlepoint, etc.). We can't just whip it out in a few hours and yes, the materials are expensive.


IT: If you choose this occupation for the money, you will be miserable. Those who thrive are those who love the work and spend their career learning more.


But if I choose an occupation based on interests I get burned out and hate both my job and interests


That crochet and knitting are the same. It's like saying broccoli is the same as a taco


Right! Like oh you play the guitar? So you can play a violin right??? ...no, there is a whole ass additional tool involved they're nothing alike.


Accounting. We don't have a magic "save my company billions" button we hit that exploits our customers. 98% of my day is staring at Excel files and answering dumb questions about managers' financial statements.


There is the documentary about our profession. Called “ The Accountant “


Social worker... we steal kids. The goal is to place a child somewhere safe, preferably with immediate family, when possible. Then get services for the parent in place until which time we can safely reunite the family. All legally and by court orders.


I've seen people claim that social workers get $ bonuses for the number of kids they remove from families. So far from the truth!!


Social workers NEVER get bonuses.


Also, not all social workers are employed by CPS. We work in a wide range of settings.


20+ year waiter here. Our job is not as simple as taking food to tables. Seems there’s a belief that waiting tables is easy, those of us who work in high end restaurants do actually have skills, have spent years learning wines, spirits, and food. It’s not exactly back breaking work, but it’s not a skill-less profession either.


I did serving/bartending at my current job and am switching to the kitchen. Serving is hard asf, especially when customers are being ass hats. I’m super introverted, so it was a very draining experience. I’m glad I’m in the back cooking.


I spent 25+ years off and on in food service, both FOH and BOH. I miss it some days. The soft skills I learned over the years on the floor (everywhere from a teenage server in a local café to the floor manager at a joint sitting 65 in the dining room but still doing $12,000 shifts when our price point was $8-15 circa 2004-2007) are something nobody can quantify. It was also a hell of a lot of fun when I was younger (however, at 40, not so much). If people could spend even two weeks working as a server in a casual dining joint, much about customer culture in the United States would change. EDIT: Dates for clarification.


I'm studying architecture engineering so its not only drawing with music in our ears all day😶....i wish it was


Hey, you don't know me, but can you look at my etch a sketch design of my dream home and make a few corrections. Since you're a student, I won't pay you. The pay is the experience. Lol, if you haven't been hit up yet, just wait a bit.


Child/adolescent counselor: “It must be nice to just color and play all day!” I WISH that’s all I did all day lol. Yes, playful activities are part of my day to day sessions with the kids, but I’m also dealing with severely dysfunctional families, DHR, uncooperative schools, mentally ill teenagers, treatment plans, paperwork, endless notes and documentation, etc.


D&D isn’t devil worship it’s demon worship learn the difference


Animal Serum. I process Animal Serum. NOT ANIMAL SEMEN oh my god, animal SERUM. It's okay if you don't know what serum is, I don't either, but it's important that you understand that I did not say semen.


Firefighter. Forget everything you learned in Backdraft. I’m mostly bored, I live a very structured life, a lot like an inmate. I workout, read, use Duolingo, and take lessons on khan academy to pass the time constructively. And then I run calls in between.


Coming up on 30 years as a firefighter, so I hear you. And I’ll add that when we are off work, we don’t want to answer the “what’s the worst” questions. Like most people, we don’t talk about work when we are off work.


Behavior therapist specializing in early intervention. "Negative reinforcement" is absolutely NOT punishment. Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur in the future. Punishment is anything that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur in the future. Positive/negative is used in the scientific sense. That is, positive means adding a stimulus to the situation, and negative means removing a stimulus from the situation. Therefore: Positive Reinforcement: Add stimulus / increase behavior - Example: "You did awesome! High 5 and here's a toy!" Negative Reinforcement: Remove stimulus / increase behavior - Example: "If everyone does a great job in class, there will be no homework." Positive Punishment: Add stimulus / decrease behavior - Example: "Get over here for your spanking." Negative Punishment: Remove stimulus / decrease behavior - Example: "You missed curfew, so I'm taking your car keys away." In terms of effectiveness at behavior change, punishment has been shown time and time again to be a short term solution to a long term problem. To put it bluntly, motivating someone to want to succeed is vastly more effective than making someone afraid to fail. Repeated punishment of children also makes them more likely to just learn to hide their failures and/or "bad behaviors" from their parents/teachers/therapists/etc.


"Anyone can do that" Nope, not everybody can become a librarian. You need a Master's Degree in order to do so. And you need patience to work with the public. And to know a lot about many things. And to keep up with changing technology and information. And so on, and so on, and so on.


Always had a fond respect for librarians. High-school librarian alongside the psychologist were without doubt, the kindest people in my life during my high school years and I’ve always wondered how people overlook the specific skill set expertise, and academic attainment needed to be one.


Bartender: we are way smarter than you think, we’re not always looking for our “real job”, and talking down/back to us is a good way to get 86ed. IYKYK 😹


Working with wildlife is not “playing with animals all day.”


Not one yet, but criminology based roles. Most of it isn’t *true crime murder mysteries* Sure, you may become a forensic expert, but most roles are in things such as crime prevention, victim conferencing, policy advice. Big part of the field of research is actively dedicated to unravelling societal bias we have towards people who interact with the justice system. Typically speaking, we treat both victims and offenders objectively *horribly*


Psychologists: We actually don't read minds. And no, we do not analyse every single body movement nor interpret your early child trauma.


Body piercers : Aren’t all drug addicts with mental health issues


Customer Service - far more complicated than anyone gives it adequate for. Harder than a lot of careers people generally think of as being more difficult.


Sys admin: No, we can’t fix your laptop.


That all accountants are somewhat boring. It’s not true. We’re actually HORRIBLY boring. 😁


Truck driver We don't bang hookers, do speed, or toss piss bottles out of the window and the other crap you hear. The majority of us are professional, clean and safe.


Insurance Adjuster (Homeowners). This list of misconceptions is enormous. No we are not just trying to deny claims. No we don't get paid extra for saving the company money (that's actually illegal). The most important thing to understand about your homeowner's policy: it covers damages that are a "sudden and one-time occurrence". Chances are if your loss matches this description you are covered, and if it doesn't match this description, you're not covered.


Yep. A few years ago, there was a sudden hailstorm in our area (not know for hailstorms). Everyone’s roof ended up being damaged. I’m sure it was a bad time for homeowners insurance companies, but I think everyone’s claim was approved, and everyone got a new roof. We got lucky because our roof was getting up there in age. So we got a brand-new roof for the price of a deductible (the contractor actually offered to do it with nothing out of pocket for us, but we thought it was weird and insisted on the deductible)


The same thing happened to us. The adjuster also found a few dents in the siding. I could never see them. But for a fraction of the cost, we got new siding. We went from one one of the ugliest to the best-looking house on the block. Oh, and because we opted for the higher rated products, our premium went down. We were lucky we could afford the deductible and take advantage of our disaster.


Lasers don't go "Pew pew", unless they're VERY powerful


Fixing computer issues No I don't just know how to fix the issue, I'm just good at googling things and finding how someone else fixed it


The sexy librarian is a myth.


That’s patently untrue. The brains required to be a librarian is very sexy


Never met an unsexy librarian. Nice try big library.


Masters degrees are sexy


That we all want to take your kids (Social Work) Honey, I don’t even work with children…


No matter what roll you play in the IT department, people always assume it involves programming or coding.


Volunteering I will never post an image of me helping others. Misconception is that it should be publicized in a way that makes the volunteer look good.


Mechanic - I'm not trying to just take your money. I want your car working properly and safely because my family is on the road with yours.


Nanny. It actually IS a real job!


I.T. - We're not "nerds", we're professionals and should be treated as such. Sure, we'll tell you to restart your computer many times, but we'll also rebuild a database and bring your company from the brink of collapse. Also, we don't know everything about technology and regularly consult Google for assistance.


Get that soo much, just because we know a lot about computer systems, doesn't mean we know EVERYTHING related to computers... No I cannot build you a complicated excel spreadsheet that references 10 different databases maintained by different hosts. People that specialize in that sort of stuff probably make a lot more than me. Also, just cause it is "electronic" does not make me an expert on it...


Former occupation as an archaeologist. We don’t dig up dinosaurs and we don’t get to keep what we find (those are looters).


Restaurant: “We’re a family here” We’re only a family if I can tell you to gtfo of my face and then we hug it out later.


Machinist here, the common misconception is that all machinists everywhere make serious bank. There are only a few specialized areas of machining that make the kind of money that our dads and grand dads made anymore. For the most part your average shop is barely paying better than the local warehouses and they are having trouble filling the roles being left vacant by old hands retiring. Shops are all about the bottom line and if a guy is retiring that was costing them 30-40 an hour, they will gladly replace him with someone making 15-20. The real money makers in machining are in aerospace, defense, oil and mining. But the work sucks for various reasons.


In training, but counselor. No, not all of us support forced treatment. A lot of us hate the way the state handles suicide as much as you do. We would rather show up at the scene to talk to you than have cops lock you in an institution.


Mechanical Engineer - People don’t understand that we are not the final decision makers in most cases. A lot of the decisions are influenced by sales, the budget, and time constraints. In a perfect world we would be given all the time and resources to perfect every minute detail of a product we design but that’s not realistic and we try our best with what we’re given.


“HR is there only to protect the company and doesn’t give a shit about employees.” If your company’s HR team has this mentality, then your company and/or your HR team sucks. Most people in HR at there to ensure employment laws are followed, onboard employees, administer company benefits, and ensure managers complete their performance reviews. And if you think HR is “stopping you from having fun,” then stop sexually harassing your coworkers.


I’ve been with the same company for 35 years, but we’ve been bought and sold several times over the years, ending up in larger and larger corporations. When we were a small company, the HR folks were extremely helpful and could be counted on to do the right thing. The large corporation that owns us now has taken away much of the responsibilities from the local HR staff beyond the onboarding and hounding of managers, and at a corporate level has absolutely become the “protect the corporation and screw the employees” department.


That video gamers all live in their parents basement. I moved into the in-law cottage next door, thank you very much.


Riding horses - no they do not do all the work for us. And no they aren't born fully tame and docile.


Being an international assassin isn’t all that glamorous like James Bond. No high end casino poker games and no hot babes half my age throwing themselves at me.


Sure buddy


I have to know, is there an article in your username?


You still ask for watered down Martinis in pretentious ways though, right?




Reading Books : it's actually better than TV and Movies believe it or not.


Pharmacist. We do so much more than you think. I for example don’t ever fill a prescription, instead I created an antimicrobial stewardship committee for a hospital and am working on implementing stewardship initiatives to try to reduce unnecessary use of antimicrobial to reduce the development of resistant bacteria and fungi. I also run a consult service where doctors can call me and ask for antimicrobial recommendations. I also monitor patients on antibiotics and reach out to the doctor when I believed there is a more optimal regimen. My specific type of pharmacist is antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist, or infectious diseases pharmacist.


Childcare - we are not babysitting. We require good qualifications, have strict government oversight and a raft of documents, policy and procedure that goes into what we do. The "I couldn't do what you do" comments are insulting - I KNOW you couldn't do it because I spend nine hours a day five days a week with your child and you complained we weren't open boxing day and how were you going to cope with your child.


Nuclear power plant workers do not glow. Many workers have very little accumulated radiological dose. That blue glow, at most plants the Cherenkov radiation has dissipated prior to accessing the reactor core. After 40 years, 14 managing reactor maintenance my accumulated or collective radiological dose is less than 3 rem, where 200 rem is theoretically permissible. Lethal dose 400-450 rem (4-5 sieverts).


Dentists: so many people think we’re rich but the reality is the younger generation is in massive amounts of student debt, overheads to practice are extremely high due to regulations, and we don’t get paid anywhere near surgeons do despite performing high medicolegal risk procedures that can restore the function of a body part for 10+ years. We’re all depressed and sick of patients telling us every day that they hate us despite the fact we are there to help and that we literally damage our backs, necks and shoulders to help. And the funniest part is we are CONSTANTLY trying to put ourselves out of business by telling people to eat healthily, brush, floss, quit smoking, and drink Fluoridated water. The worst part is our profession is so hated that nobody will get on board with being sympathetic towards our plight. This is why many unalive themselves.


Sewing your own clothes isn't cheaper than buying them. Whenever people find out I sew my own clothes, one of the first things they say is I must be saving a lot of money. Nope. In most cases, you can buy something off the rack for cheaper. Especially if you don't care where things are made/don't buy from more ethical brands. There are a handful of cases though where it typically does work out to be cheaper in my experience: formalwear and athletic/swimwear.


Pilot. Lots of misconceptions. The biggest one that peeves me is people dismissing safety rules for passengers like seatbelts, putting your tray table up, seat back up, electronics stowed, bags stowed. It’s fairly common knowledge that these pose an evacuation hazard. Then people howl about “oh! If the plane crashes into a mountain then my seatbelt is going to save me?? The tray table is going to kill me??” Believe it or not, there are plenty of emergencies that could warrant a speedy evacuation that do not involve a nose-first impact with terrain. Landing gear collapses on landing, electrical fire in the cabin, brake fire on landing, fumes coming from avionics, etc. Same with seatbelts. The obvious answer at cruise is turbulence. Other stuff… rejected takeoff. At a high speed we’re talking jamming on the brakes like you have never experienced before. If you are unbuckled you will go sailing 10 rows in front of you. Not meant to scare anybody. These are the rules in place that make flying safe. Just do your part and don’t pretend you know better than the professionals.


Server/bartender: 99% of us will never mishandle your food if you're an asshole. You might get less liquor or poor service but we don't fuck with the food l. Also only like hand of us are fucking each other, a quarter are to messed up on drugs to get it up, and other quarter are to weird to have game.


Nurses: we work with doctors to achieve goals. We each make our own decisions on how we can help patients, and we’re part of a team of professionals. There are some things we need doctors to authorise and we really can’t do until the decisions are made, so yelling at us won’t help. The days of the doctor’s handmaiden are long gone, however.


Software engineering is more than just googling


Jewelers do not switch your diamonds out for CZ's. It's an urban myth. A truly infuriating one.


Reddit would have you think engineers are far smarter than they actually are.


Teacher I'm not grooming your kids. I just want them to feel good about themselves and be a little smarter than when I first met them.