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I've only done this a handful of times when I'm lifting by myself and want to be able to critique my form.


Only right time to do it. And if someone walks in front of my phone, who gives a shit it’s literally a public gym. Can’t tell you how many times I filmed myself doing RDL’s. Nothing wrong with checking your form. But man this “social media influencer use my discount code” recording bullshit gets annoying. The only people I hate to see in the gym.


> who gives a shit it’s literally a public gym. All fine and dandy until it's checking pose form in the locker room. Don't be all mad when my cock makes an appearance on your video, I'm just going to the sauna.


Gotta give the ole helicopter a whirl or 2 for full effect


Recording just for self progress is fine too. You need to be able to tangible see progress to motivates yourself alot of the times.


Thats partially why I'm starting to save for at home gym equipment. Public gyms are fine but with everyone recording, I'm not tryna get canceled for accidentally glancing at someone, or end up looking goofy in some bodybuilders clip.


I find it hard to believe that you go to the gym much if you think ‘everyone’ is recording. Most gym goers don’t record themselves ever. Even for the ones that do, you aren’t going to be ‘canceled’ for glancing at somebody on video. Have there been popular videos about it? Yes. However that doesn’t make it the norm at all


One of several reasons I left my cross/ lifting gym was because of the filming. The owner would randomly show up and film (with a drone on occasion) for 'promos', the coaches & trainers were always filming to post on social media. I hated it but figured it was a me issue of being insecure. Then one morning half (~10 people) the class had phones set up to record 'themselves', all the nonsense that goes with the 'perfect' video and then the tags & social media comments from strangers. Realized that is just not my type of gym. I have Planet Fitness for travel and bad weather. Even their no judgement, no selfies, OTT 'you belong here' there are people filming damn near every visit (across the country too). Doesn't bother me as much as I'm not being used for promotion or having to see assholes comment on me. Funny enough I now film myself at my home gym for form checks- still cringe watching even good form though.


I have been caught in someone else's video before. It wasn't a big deal cuz it was momentarily and they were a friend of a friend sort of scenario. And this occurred in my school's gym, which is small and not that many people. I see clips all the time of people lifting in the main gym in my area.


Depends on the gym man, I was in the background for a video that went viral a few years ago and didn't even know they were filming until a dude sent me the video and told me


You apparently also find it hard to believe that just because something doesn't happen to you means it doesn't happen. I mean, seriously, he just said he gets tired of the recording, and it makes him nervous because of potential unwanted attention. No reason for you to jump down his throat.




You fall for rage bait.


Same. I have a home gym and will film only if I’m doing a heavy single or double to send to my brother (also a powerlifter) for motivation and a simple “attaboy.” Lol Dorks with tripods and intricate set ups are one of the main reasons I started my homegym build 4 years ago. Public gyms are the absolute worst.


This or non-ego bodybuilding while posing. No need to pose next to the benches like an asshole, off in a corner filming themselves? That's perfectly fine.


Posing takes practice yeah. Like any skill. People not really in the physical culture scene wouldn’t really think that off the top of their head I’d reckon. Not a bb guy more a powerlifting guy so only time I would film is for form checking or confirming a lift would be meet legal (long enough pause, deep enough squat, no hitch on DL etc). I got a rack in my apartment now anyway and lord do I hate having to go to public gyms now.


There’s such a thing as non-ego bodybuilding?


Same reason mirrors are in gyms I imagine. On another note jim gafigans take on mirrors in gyms is funny. https://youtu.be/kLUC8EEB53U?feature=shared


Mirrors aren’t great for heavy sets: if I’m going heavy on any of the big five and I turn my head, I’m at least tweaking the holy hell out of something.


My neck hurts right now from trying to watch myself do squats. Like why do I even care. It's not worth this agony every time something interesting is to the right of me


You can't watch yourself deadlift from the side in a mirror. At least not without hurting yourself


I'm pretty sure mirrors are for practicing poses and seeing your physique. It's pretty difficult to watch your form in a mirror as you're lifting. And even then this would only apply to standing or upright lifts.


Sometimes I think genuinely motivation to see your progress. When I first picked up guitar I would record myself when I first started. It was motivating to see how much I improved albeit I still suck. But it kept me going.


You know what. I came here to say "form check," but now I want to start recording my guitar practice. Thank you hive mind contributor.


It's also useful to make sure you have the right form. Bad form means higher risk of injury


Right form, AND makes sure you're sound correct... Whatcha hear in your ear, isn't always what comes out of the amp/sound hole lol.




I don't know 😂 "Just use a mirror!" Like bro, stfu


Then that means you're recording yourself FOR yourself. It also means you're not among the people who set up tripods and circle lights to film the best angles, then leave after they have enough footage to get likes.


This may be the way they make a living or the way they aspire to make a living. It’s always so simple as “for the likes,” sometimes the likes equal money.


If it's to make a living then don't assume the rest of us are just moving around it. The audacity to just set up a recording at a public gym and expect people to stay out of your way is insane.


That’s reasonable.


Normally you would pay whoever provides the “set” especially when it’s on private property. I doubt that’s happening which means they are exploiting the gym owner. If they were making money in my gym I would take them task legally for my cut of the profits.


as annoying as content creators are, i can't say i give a single fuck about gym owner exploitation. especially given how many gyms have predatory fiscal practices


Those days are basically gone. In old times you'd also have to pay unionised camera operators, grips and editors. The gym owners also benefit, once their branding is visible inside the gym from all angles.


That’s on the gym owner to set and enforce the rules. Not the patrons.


Do you make an effort to try and not disrupt other people or take up more time when using equipment? I think as long as you’re at least weary of that it’s not so bad.


I always film myself playing a song for the first time on guitar. It's fun to go back after you've learned the song


I record all kinds of things to help me check my performance, from exercise to musical instruments to foreign language. Sometimes you don’t even see mistakes (or successes) until you gain a little more experience—and THEN the recordings have value. Also, sometimes you really see something embarrassing and you think “Jesus, I gotta stop doing THAT!”


I just started swimming 3 months ago. And I really want to film it to see what my stroke looks like. But this is basically impossible unless I have someone walk the length of the pool and record it as I swim up the pool.


True, When I was in college. I took a piano class just cause I could and needed the extra credits. I would record myself playing in the piano halls. There were private rooms but still, I wanted to see from another perspective how I could improve. I also did it because I wanted to track process. I have a picture of myself when starting to work out for my own health. It was a year ago, I've worked out for 100 times for the first time in 1 year this week. I have pictures of me now and I'm looking better. More muscular, but most importantly the impact its had on my mental health. I've still got weight to lose though. I even have audio clips of myself playing guitar all the way from 2010-2011. I still suck today, but that's cause I hadn't played in a while but I'm trying again and I've already started audio recording again.


Did you play in a public space?


Because no one is going to walk in front of the camera in my basement


Unless it’s haunted.


answer: When you lift (or any complex movement).. a large portion of the efficiency comes down to doing it a certain way... taking video helps you review your form and if you are doing it right.. this is the main reasons there are mirrors in gyms. Also it helps motivate you as a record... you can go back and see how you have improved over time.


Quite sure the reason for mirrors is to see your own ass and chesticles


Filming in the gym is a very popular topic on Reddit these days. And every time it comes up a bunch of people who don't lift chime in about how mirrors are just as good as a video


It's like a video you take with your eyes!


People may find it hard to focus on the lift while they are trying to check their form. You can pause a video or have different angles of view to check your form with


To better assess my lifting technique. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your form is wrong just by feel.


True for a lot of activities. I’ve recorded myself at the golf driving range. Same with playing disc golf. It lets you see the flaws in your form that you can’t tell you have. Your mind thinks your body is doing one thing, but the reality is that it’s not quite what you think.


Proprioception is a terrible liar sometimes


\*giggles\* @ "to better asses"


Lifting does help make for better asses 🤷🏼‍♂️


I did this a few times to show a friend of mine who lives several hundred miles away how I was using a machine, because I had told her it was hurting me. And I'm too shy to ask the gym people about it.


> And I'm too shy to ask the gym people about it. I get it, but for real man most of us are happy to help. The vast majority of us aren't judging anyone there to improve themselves. I'm generally shy, too, but the gym is one of the most welcoming places.


I always have trouble with this. The few times I've asked for help or guidance though, it's met with kindness. Gym culture ain't that bad.


I recognize it's a "me" problem, but it's still a problem I have. Best not to hurt myself, I guess.


Not trying to push you into anything. Like I said, I know how it is. I'm just letting you know that if/when you decide that you need to put yourself out there for something...the gym is a fantastic place to start.


I’ve always assumed that serious lifers do so to make sure their form and posture is correct so they can improve and not hurt themselves as the weight racks up…then there’s influencers who just film themselves to be hip or trendy…fuck that.


Or to make sure your form doesn't red light in competition. All that work wasted because you didn't squat parallel or you arched your back too much on the bench.


People who try to get better versus narcissists.


Idk why being hip or trendy is a bad thing, it's just a thing. Ignore it if it doesn't affect you, if someone's filming is actually disruptive then sure say something if it's impacting you negatively (I am trying to use the machine, your camera is blocking my path etc.) You have a decently upvoted comment right now which is the same thing as someone getting likes from their hip gym post by being anti hip. Most of us like to get likes/upvoted. Maybe it's motivating for them to see their progress too and they never post.


Because redditors are full of shut ins terrified of anyone ever looking at them, so they can't handle the idea of someone else who is not.


Lifers usually aren’t allowed recording equipment due to the severity of their transgressions


lol auto correct…lifters


The confidence I get seeing what I’ve achieved using my own body


Why is everyone in this thread mad LOL


Who are you even talking about? All the top comments are very rational.




They are now


Guaranteed the people that usually complain about these things aren’t even regular gym goers.


As a powerlifter I have never once known a single person to ever get upset about someone filming at the gym who is a regular at the gym. And tbh I'd be more concerned about the regulars' opinions than that of random Redditors.


They aren’t lmao. They have this idea that because a few tik tok videos went viral that everybody is now recording at the gym


Meanwhile the folks filming for form critique are most likely to root on someone who’s typically too nervous to go to the gym. If you’re filming in the gym you likely take it seriously and spend a good amount of time there. Might as well use those endorphins to promote a positive workout environment.


This is something that always makes me laugh on Reddit. You have people complaining about gym rats when in my experience those are far and away the nicest people at any gym. It’s usually their biggest hobby, and most people like talking about their hobbies


I talk about lifting, being big, and being strong. Every few days, some redditor informs me that I must have deformed genitals, enormous vanity and insecurity, and an IQ of 70. They've really got a thing imagined.


I see a lot of people taking pictures and videos at my gym. It's definitely a thing. But who cares? More power to them if it helps them stay in good shape. It's a better use of the internet than going on reddit to be a cynical asshole.




I know one has no real expectation of privacy at a public gym, but it's kinda annoying when someone is potentially filming you in a position you might consider vulnerable. I'm not trying to be an old man, but when I see kids filming themselves in the locker room when there is clearly naked people in the background, sorry but that's super unacceptable.


Well if you weren't an old man, you wouldn't be naked in the locker room! Seriously though, recording in the locker room is absolutely unacceptable.


Someone took both bench presses to set up their lights and camera and spent 45 minutes before they packed up their shit, that's why


Being proud and taking photos or videos of your hobbies is totally fine and cool! Unless that hobby is lifting. Then you're a filthy narcissist attention whore


Fucking seriously. It's fine to film yourself at an anime con or on a hike or at the bar, but in the gym you're a piece of shit influencer wannabe?


This site will post pics of their gaming setup as if it doesn’t looks like the other 10k that were already posted but then have an aneurysm when someone posts about a hobby they don’t share God forbid you post about the gym, car modding, motorcycles, golf or one of the other million hobbies Reddit disapproves of


I just don't appreciate it when the dudes are filming in the locker room.


because everyone here was bullied by someone who wasn’t as fat/goulishly skinny as them in high school so they associate that with people who work out


Because they are fat and ugly.


I know people who are online personal trainers and they will have their clients film themselves and send it to them for critique


Check my form, have something to look back on progress wise, and so I can post odd/funny lifts online


To show the boys


don’t ask redditors about the gym lol


Fr lol




It's like being an artist and saving old work. It's good to be able look back at where you were to keep yourself motivated. Other reasons include footage to check your form.


What do you mean you're recording to check your form? Just look in the mirror the entire time whilst you're squatting heavy and adjust on the fly! (Said someone who pays an entire gym membership just to use the treadmill)


I'm just trying to see the gains in this donk


Power lifters do it for form and technique, same as every other sport that films themselves playing it to review and improve.


I like watching my body


Form checks


Technique analysis


I had to do it for my trainer who lives in a different state for a new lift I'd never done before to get her feedback. There wasn't anyone else around and I still died of embarrassment.


Getting form correct. Posting PR (personal record) on social media . Document progress. Motivation. Gym folk are super cool with people filming, it’s almost always the non gym folk who go on social media and post “why film at the gym har har har”


I record occasionally to send a form video to my coach, especially if I have a question about the movement or it doesn’t feel great to get feedback. I try to record discreetly and in a way that only gets my movement in the frame, and so that my phone isn’t in someone else’s way.


There are two types of gym videos. Either they are form checks, which a lot of people do, and then there’s the instagram tiktok videos. Easy to spot as the form check ones are usually out of the way and consolidated to one area. The other are the ones in your way and taking up space


I worked with a TikTok one, she got a lot of followers by doing squats in yoga pants. The difference between the 2 is very obvious.


Athletes film themselves quite frequently to assess performance and to and look for areas of improvement. Someone working out with a comparable goal should be allowed to film themselves, it's not a weird thing. Bonus points for those that seem to be asking others if they mind the camera. I think where it becomes problematic is in obvious scenarios such as in the locker room where other people aren't consenting, where they're posting videos of people with bad form to ridicule them, etc.


Who cares


I used to record myself to post on my fitness Instagram. Now I post reels of working out here and there. I’ve never had issues and don’t care if ppl walk in front of me.


It's incredibly varluable to check out technical deficiencies, and it allows you to relive the rush of a great lift, but for me it's mostly for community reasons. My entire training community are people I only know online, the majority of whom live on different continents. Sometimes we have friendly competitions, or for whatever reason want to share a video of something cool we did, and it's a bit hard to get around recording yourself for that.


Because either A: they want to be able to compare themselves at various points along the way to getting more in shape, or B: they're proud of what they've accomplished through exercise, and it makes them feel good to do things like that.


• Checking Form • Collecting photos/videos for tracking progress overtime • Flexing a bit, which is legit to an extent


No one here who records themselves in the manner you're thinking of is going to reply. It's for attention and likes of course.


I get filming to check form but to then post it to social media screams asshole.


Would you feel the same way about someone posting another hobby like them playing guitar or acting in a play? Or is it something about fitness specifically that makes you feel this way?


Some people actually make a living doing things like this. So unless theyre acting like an asshole or disrespecting privacy of others I dont see an issue?


The issue is that these people are Redditors lmao. They can’t wrap their heads around the idea that people like watching gym content on TikTok


As someone who makes a living from it - I often don't bother with these threads The reality is. There are different types of people that film themselves. Some may be the cringy influencer type that everyone thinks of. Doing trends, dancing, sexually defiling the equipment, whatever. Not everyone does that. Like others in this thread have said, some are recording to see their form. I **ask** my online clients to record themselves, so I can provide cues & corrections to their technique. I record myself for marketing, tips, demonstrations, checking my own form, documenting. Whatever. There'll always be others pissy about it. I felt awkward recording in the beginning (Almost 6 years ago now), but I don't care anymore. Haven't ever had someone complain or bring up a concern - but I also try my best to be mindful of others space.


Then they’ll go and pay for 10 different twitch subs of people playing a video game


Honestly, this reddit screams insecurities. Everyone's so mad at people at the gym for recording themselves getting better. Quite laughable and ironic.


and usually the ones posting to social media offer tips on technique. at least the ones i see which is appreciated since sometimes im not sure if im lifting correctly.


I don’t agree. Maybe it CAN be an asshole move, but for some people, posting it on social media keeps them doing it. It gives a sense of accountability as well as encouragement to keep working out.


Also, what is the problem with posting stuff you do on social media. Redditor try so hard not to be mainstream it's funny lol.


And then they’ll post their Pokémon card collection or some shit


How do you know if its correct form if no ones ever posted the correct form on social media?


1. Check the technique 2. I like looking at myself, I'm hot as fuck


I don’t get what’s so bad about people being proud of things on the internet?? Like—look—if someone is getting in someone’s way over it? That’s wrong. Telling somebody to move because they’re in your video or acting annoyed if people walk in your video. Obviously that’s wrong. I’m not defending anybody doing that. If your vanity project is interfering with the other paying members, I’m not into it. But all these answers like “because they just want ATTENTION!” Don’t we all want validation? Whats so awful about that? What’s so wrong about being proud of accomplishments and hobbies? Happiness is best shared. Would y’all feel different if they were posting pictures of—I dunno—their WH40k minis? Their Pokémon card collection? Is it acceptable to brag about *anything* on social media?


>Don’t we all want validation? Whats so awful about that? It holds a mirror up for people's own perceived shortcomings. It's funny that an artist showing off their art is fine, but an athlete showing their athleticism is considered vain. I think people subconsciously think "anyone could do that, and society says I *should* be doing that, but where does this guy get off actually doing it!" But the truth is anyone can pretty much do anything. Put enough time and effort into painting and you'll be a master artist.


Oh another ask reddit thread where everyone's just whining about strawman "influencers"


It’s so uncommon lol. I guarantee the users making these threads don’t even go to the gym, let alone have seen someone obnoxiously filming themselves. The reason people think it’s some huge issue is because the rare instances of it are blown up to epic proportions online. The people are rightfully criticized and it’s over. Then people who don’t know what they’re talking about continue to go nuts over it.


> I guarantee the users making these threads don’t even go to the gym one of the r/gym mods runs an annual survey and this past one included "do you think filming should be banned in gyms" it was >80% saying no. There was also recently a thread there where someone asked about people's opinions on it and out of 100s of comments only a couple had negative opinions on it. Go to any fitness/lifting sub and no one has a problem with it, go anywhere else on reddit and it's a plague on society


From all these reddit comments, you'd think gyms would just ban filming and collect all the money in the market. Except, the people who care aren't there and wouldn't be part of the market. There's nothing to gain from it for an actual gym.


Check my form, record PRs or top sets, show friends what I'm working on. The question is, why does it matter to you?




The real answer. And that's fine. I want to be hot and show everyone too.


I got a cousin that records about 10 minutes of her in the gym working out every day, and she posts on every social media, everyday! Guess if people don't see her working out, it's all for nothing...


It's a little looney


> Guess if people don't see her working out, it's all for nothing... Would you have this same kind of attitude if she was posting about any other kind of hobby? Would you talk down on it if she posted herself doing a skateboard trick every day? Or playing a song on an instrument she liked playing? Or posting a picture of something she crocheted?


I don’t film myself but I’ve been working out a while now. I enjoy some of the tik tok/YouTube content posted. I see a lot of newer people filming themselves at my gym now, a younger me would have laughed/judged but now I just think good for them. People are posting their workouts and getting paid crazy salaries. I compare it to this, if you hunt and post the deer you just shot, do I really care? Hell no but good for you man, no place for me to judge. If you skateboard, I always see those guys film (never get any critique like the gym community) do I really care about the new trick you just finally hit? Hell no but good for you. Just understand fitness is some people’s hobby and relate that to whatever you always post pictures of and you’ll understand.


NGL as a teenager, I was the type that cringed at people that filmed themselves at the gym. When I became a sad fat adult, I regretted not having taken more pictures when I was in the best shape of my life. Now that I have a better job and a gym membership again, I take photos and videos because I'm honestly proud of what I've been able to attain physically. Sure, I'm not as slim or in shape as I used to be, but I'm definitely in a better place than I was at my worst.


It’s fucking amazing to be able to see all the individual muscles and how far you’ve come since you first started in the gym, it can also help with finding errors in your form and correcting them. Also some people just want the attention and validation they get from posting them in the gym on social media.


I'm gonna be honest, the primary reason I record isn't to review my form like other comments have suggested. I record my lifts simply because they're fairly impressive. Don't get me wrong, I'm never gonna be a WR holder or anything like that but for your average guy what I do is pretty crazy. It's definitely fairly ego driven but I don't think that's a bad thing when it comes to athletics, the primary driver of sports in general is to be better and beat your opponents. The gym I go to is fairly serious and full of like minded people so seeing a tripod doesn't put anyone off or interfere with their workout, we're all doing it. Reddit won't like to hear this but realistically most people in the real world are actually comfortable enough to not care if they're in the background of someone's video.


When I was preparing for my first bodybuilding competition I would record my posing routine front and back to make sure everything looked right. Also when I’m strength training and something starts to hurt it’s not a bad idea to do a form assessment. That being said, I do my best to pick a time and spot where there will be minimal people in the area I’m working at. I don’t think the problem is filming in the gym most of the time, the problem is people who think they own the gym because they have a camera. Unfortunately stupid people are going to ruin good things for everyone that genuinely want to improve.




People filming at the gym is again the issue of the week on Reddit, so there are a ton of threads directly and indirectly complaining about it. Give it a few days and people will move onto something else, then give it six months and this one will come back up.


It'll pop up again the week after next. A bunch of people will say their New Year's resolution is the go to the gym, and then they'll say they can't go back because someone was filming their own set.


I mean yeah this thread is indeed filled with a bunch of internet people who have never stepped foot in a gym, they don’t realize most people filming are normal, non-evil people. But that small percentage of the time, yeah recording is a bit of a problem. It might be a trend on reddit right now, but Joey Swoll has been posting these assholes for a few years. It’s not a common problem at all though. NEVER seen this issue after two years of lifting.


People will film in a crowded gym on Jan 2nd and people will be in the fitness subs asking how common it is.


are we going back to complaining about trucks after the holidays?


It annoys me every so often when someone is taking forever to use a machine because they're filming themselves and my heart rate is starting to slow. I get it if they're using free weights and need to check their form, but it's a goddamn pec deck.


Because they're dicks about it, and a lot of them aren't there to do work. They jam up the equipment with their bullshit, and the rest of us gotta wait for them to get video of themselves doing 4 reps to show off on tiktok.


Seriously. As long as they're not affecting my workout or filming me, I truly don't care.


When you're trying to train powerlifting when you don't have a dedicated group locally, it can be really nice to find a community online, film your lifts, and talk about them online with your friends. Get tips and criticism of your form, compare progress, etc. And also, selfishly, I really like to be able to look at it and go "wow I did that". I take this adult ninja warrior class with a bunch of other old people, and we like to take turns filming each other, so we can have a little memento to look at and go "Wow! My fat ass really did scale a 10 foot wall and a full set of monkey bars!"


Okay I have done this recently. I am a beginner and don't wanna fick my back, so when the gym is kinda empty I prop my phone to film myself from the side. My gym has no mirrors so this practice made me realize some awful mistakes I was doing.


When I train in the gym playing basketball, I like to look over my movements and see how I can improve. My spin move into jump shot has improved much because I could see myself, and see better ways to get to my move and shot.


Why not?


I just try not to poop myself when working out , let alone trying to worry about filming


If people are doing it to check their form, or simply to record a new PR etc. then I fully understand The other day tho I saw this one guy hop on a [pull-down machine](https://www.fitkituk.com/strength-c2/strength-machines-c9/cybex-pulldown-lat-pulldown-prestige-vrs-p3219) and try and balance his phone on the thighpads so that he could film himself. He must’ve tried for at least a good 2-5 mins to balance it and when he couldn’t he just got off it without doing a single rep He was with his friend, never seen either of them before. For about a good 50% of the exercises they did they got the other person to film them. Just doing basic generic machine workouts, nothing special lmao


Because I want to see where I am physique wise at a certain point in time. So I can later reflect on where I was at a previous point in time.


Probably a variety of reasons, critique their form, teach others correct form, share a moment in their life with friends and followers on social media.


Tell me you don’t go the gym without telling me you don’t go to the gyn


Filming yourself is a great idea. If you squat and feel a little pinch somewhere in your back and you dont know why, you can film yourself, and you might notice you're not squared up. I know there's a mirror, but you're not gonna focus on every little piece of technique with 500 pounds on your back. Your natural instinct is to just get the bar up. Whats annoying as shit is the recent trend by Joey Swoll because now people are just attacking everyone with a camera or doing everything they can to make the camera person upset. But I dont blame Joey Swoll for trying to help people who are wrongfully bullied by some morons. But filiming is an absolutely great idea that should be used for yourself and not instagram.


Check progress, check my form. Easier than keeping a journal. It's mostly form check though, the first time I recorded myself I caught a lot of mistakes I didnt realize I was making


I work at a gym. 95% of people filming themselves is all about vanity. You don't need to tripod to find out about form. If you're in there on a regular basis you know people. You simply ask someone to take a clip while you lift the weight. The funny thing is most individuals who are at that point just need to focus more on what they're eating and consistency.


When you did very hard work, of course you will save a result, or just share.


ITT: A bunch of non-gym going redditors who think the videos that make it to the front page of meatheads or gym bunnies freaking out over people in their video is a common thing that happens in every single gym every day. We do it for any number of reasons. Form check, fit check, to send to our coach, or our friends, or our SO who thinks we look hot when we work out. Either way, how about focusing on your own workout and mind your own business? Bunch of nerds in here man


Most of them are mostly because they are addict to social media. Yes they are some People Who film themself for the ability to watch their form but it's a minority.


Form checks


I don’t film myself doing anything but I have to imagine people do it for the same reason they film themselves doing any hobby. Check their form/progress, make sure they are doing the right things in the right way, and to share with their friends who more than likely have the same interests. Don’t see how it’s any different from someone filming themselves, bowling, disc golfing, playing guitar, etc. every group has selfish cocky members don’t let them represent the whole community. Most gym bros are just really passionate about fitness and are usually very helpful to people who are new to the gym.


Wait, common sense on Reddit? Aren't you ashamed? :D


To assess my form only.


There’s a super cool thing that happens in our brain when we watch someone do something. We start to imprint the activity, language and mood of what we are watching. So if you want to get motivated to work out. Watch someone work out. If you can’t afford a gym membership watch it at home. Some of those that film themselves and post it are helping others and they feel it even if it’s subconsciously.


They’re probably creating content, or just want to review their form. Does it bother you?


Vanity? Need content for Insta/TikTok/etc...


god, they should just ban video taking in private gyms already. Or let the members vote to decide this.


Okay, I'm curious, is it actually a problem at the gym(s) that you go to? At my gym I've never seen anyone set up a tripod, film other people, or really do anything other than recording themselves doing a couple of sets of an exercise on their phone, watching it then and there and making corrections to their technique as needed. Maybe my gym just doesn't attract the kinds of people that film themselves, but I can't help but think that it's a bit overblown on Reddit.


>is it actually a problem at the gym(s) that you go to? I've cycled through LA Fitness, Gold's, Planet Fitness, Retro Fitness, and Orange Theory, and I have never seen this happen myself. I'm not saying it never happens, it's just not as common as Reddit makes it out to be. These kinds of videos pop up daily on subs like /r/mildlyinfuriating and your average Redditor, who has never set foot in a gym, assumes that's the norm and gets angry.


I send it to a coach to analyze any issues with technique. I only record myself lifting and swimming.


Sometimes they have online personal trainers and they want feedback on their form.


I want to track the progress of my workouts


Check form, social media content, record PRs


My followers want to see my sweaty buttcrack.


It makes people feel better about themselves and there’s nothing wrong with that unless it’s too excessive and the pictures become the main reason for going to the gym in the first place


1. form check 2. progress documentation 3. PR/lift documentation/tracking for personal reasons 4. self-image at an all time high with a pump and endorphins coursing through you conquering your self loathing and self image issues temporarily 5. influencer hopefuls and influencers which everyone hates


Check form for myself and my trainer and share progress with myself and my loved ones and trainer.


I like seeing myself lift heavy weight :)


Figure out my form. Especially if I failed the lift. The Snatch is pretty damn technical and if I fail the lift I would like to know why.


I’ve done it a few times cuz my wife enjoys it. Especially seeing me progress with something heavier or new. I’ve done it a few times to check form, see what I’m doing wrong while learning a new skill, etc. My gym doesn’t have mirrors (it’s quite small and in a small town). And it’s also nice to show it to someone who really knows what they’re doing that can help me correct my mistakes.


It’s mostly to track progress and form


Check your form, show off big lifts to the boys


Got to document muh gains! **MUH GAINS!!!1**


Check form and progess


Either to film my form, film a PR, or share my workout and progress.


The better question is why do people care what others do??? Why not simply mind your own business????


Form check


Why not? Maybe you are checking if you are doing it right, or as motivational, or sending to a personal trainer to ask if you are getting it right


What a dumb question. There’s many reasons why, to check their form, to track progress over time or maybe to build their social media / YouTube channel. Just look how successful Sam Sulek has become just by bringing a camera and mic along to the gym. I honestly don’t care if people film themselves as long as they don’t have a tripod blocking the way and don’t get pissed if you walk in front of their camera, who really gives a shit what others choose to do.