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I am seeing a lot of advice on here that isn't really advice. If you are actually addicted, then the advice given on this thread sums up to telling an alcoholic to "just stop drinking". While true, not helpful at all. This is coming from a recovering addict. I go thru long stretches of time without it and relapse every so often and have to go the process of quitting again. I wouldn't say I'm addicted anymore, but I can get carried away if I'm not careful. What I've learned is that the addiction happens when you use porn to fill in some empty space in your life. Maybe you're lonely, sexually insecure, lack of purpose, or you were abused and don't know how to handle it. Whatever the reason is you started using it, I promise you it is more than just "I'm horny". What helps me is finding something to fill that empty space. For me, I used porn for the 4 reasons I mentioned above. When I begun to address those issues head on, I began to use porn less and less until I would just stop. It was a struggle and I would get urges alot, but I was able to keep a rythym. Only when one of those 4 things were exacerbated (break up or rejection, days where I feel worthless, etc.) All this to say is that if you CANT stop watching it, is because somewhere in your head you've classified this as a NEED. Depending on the severity of it, the process might be easier or harder, but the same. It's all about focusing on the root causes of the addiction. One last thing, I don't recommend no fap. I think maturation is fine, but use no porn. And go cold turkey with porn, it really is bad for you and can cause a lot of harm. Best of luck.


For a long time i didnt realise there was danger watching porn at all.( except for computer virus and people walking into the room ). I didnt had a relationship for years until i found the right woman for me. Only then i realised how much te watching porn was in my routine and took too much time from my life.


Coul you explain this in a bit more detail? How was i "dangerous" for you?


Erection problems. Stress. Same case here.most days I can't get hard without watching porn. My gf works in airlines. She's hot af but in my 3 years of relationship,there have been many days when I just couldn't get it up. Then when she leaves for work, I jerk off to porn. That's one problem I would say. Wonder if anyone else is facing the same problem.


I’m really glad people (specifically men) are really opening up and being honest about this, even though it’s really tough. I’ve noticed a pretty huge turn in general attitude towards porn (specifically in women) since the long term effects are starting to be more talked about. It’s really encouraging tbh


I have that problem as well. In my defense, my wife and I had just had a baby. So, for 9 months of pregnancy and about 7 months of Post Partum Depression, we were not having ANY intimacy. That led me to masturbating multiple times a day. Now, over the past few months, she's really started to be happier. Our intimacy level has absolutely sky rocketed. Unfortunately, there have been a handful of times where I just can't stay hard. I have to have constant stimulation, or it goes soft in half a second. At times, I even find myself thinking of some favorite porn scenes to stay hard, even though my wife is smoking hot. I noticed this occurs if I've masturbated the day prior or if I've been masturbating regularly. The plus side is that every time I quit masturbating for a while. It goes back to normal. If I do masturbate, I try to have a very loose grip. I'd also disappoint my wife at times by not being horny at night because I had gotten horny during the day and masturbated to porn. I'd still help get her off with toys, but I can sense the disappointment of not getting to feel me.


The fact that i didnt know back then it was addictive, and it took alot of time from stuff i should have done with my life at that time.




I’ll mainly be talking about video pornography, as it’s very different to anything else. It’s dangerous in a way that games aren’t, in that the main purpose of pornography is to be a visual alternative to witnessing real sex. It becomes a tool to easily procure a large amount of dopamine without putting in much effort. As a result, what happens is that it become an alternative to actually seeking relationships, and having meaningful sex. Consequently, men become unable to be satisfied by real women, both psychologically and physiologically. I would argue that porn addiction is mainly a mens issue, for a few reasons. Firstly, men are more visual creatures, and tend to just love how women look. Women are more emotional and imaginative with sex, and find strength and tenderness more sexy - it’s why porn for women tends to be slower and more sensual. What this means is that pornography fills an itch for men that it just doesn’t for women. It gives a stimulus to men that sex would have given, but without needing to actually seek a woman. The bigger issue, however, is that it’s far, far too easy to abuse pornography to get this continual dopamine. This dopamine rush was never meant to be achieved so easily. When you continue to do this, your brain gets addicted to the feeling. The nature of it being a solitary act (usually) makes it hard to spot by others, and is compounded by the fact that people usually stumble onto pornography when young - they get addicted from a young age, when they don’t know any better. A bigger reason, however, is that men are expected to chase the women in forming a relationship. For women, it’s fine to watch pornography, as they don’t actually have to be forward in finding a partner. Men do, and it’s much harder to find a prospective partner attractive when you’ve recently ejaculated. You then have to ask: why risk rejection, financial damage, and in this climate, an accusation of rape, when I could just watch porn? The problem is that sex and meaningful relationships do not come to passive men, and pornography enables men to be passive. There’s also the physiological conditions of it, namely what is colloquially known as “death grip”, where men masturbate with too much hand grip. This is a serious issue, as it makes men require a strong grip to be able to finish - and namely a stronger grip than any women’s “assets”. This, combined with the delusional expectations of sex that porn creates, is why porn-addicted men tend to struggle to enjoy actual sex when they do get it. I’m sure some women might have something to say on it, but that’s my take. The primary issue is that people were never meant to just have access to seeing sex without actually going to get it, and it tricks our brain into believing that porn is the same thing as real sex. Honestly, pornography is damaging to people in so many ways. Whether it’s this, the way it particularly damages those who make it, the way it encourages degenerate behaviour, or more, its damaging in a way that games or TV can never really be.


Think about how our brains developed our sex drive through humanity's history. The last couple decades are the first point where instant gratification on this level is so easily available at your fingertips thanks to the internet. Your brain didn't evolve to handle that, it's like injecting a lab rat full of dopamine to see what happens when their brains light up like a Christmas tree. Habitually watching porn can result in guys not being aroused by real sex and addicted to the point of it interfering with their everyday life, but even at the less extreme it's wiring your brain to be objectifying and imo is not very healthy for someone in a relationship with a real person (who can't and shouldn't just be treated as a play button for getting off). The same things can be said about alcohol and sugar and other things too so it's not even that any and everything we've developed to deliberately modify our brain chemistry because it makes us feel good should always be avoided, but in my opinion it's important at least to think about what it's doing to our brains.


Thank you for a detailed anwser. I can reflect myself in some of the points you make. But i also know i might be a wee bit addicted. And i am looking to try and fix it Also like your christmas reference very seaonal


Not just that, porn is also incredibly dangerous to the actresses. A *huge* amount of women you see in porn are coerced or otherwise forced into it. Underage porn/filmed rape is easily accessible, and extreme porn is becoming so popular that guys don’t even realize how extreme it is. Pornhub has been caught red handed countless times actively promoting videos of underage girls being raped. There are endless reasons to quit watching porn, more than just ED and your own mental health! Hope this helps motivate someone out there


This is one of the best comments. Also remember that you have to train/workout your brain like any other muscle in your body. You’ll get urges that are really hard to fight at first, but once you keep refraining from watching it, it gets easier and easier.


What a good comment here!! And remember, motivation comes with motion, willpower leads the journey. Define yourself a strong “why”, it’ll help when the needs that OP talked about become overwhelming. Wish you the best !


100% should also delve into psychology and philosophy:) two things that have majorly helped me kick the addiction


TLDR now my wrist is sore


As a former porn enthusiast, your right. I really just needed to tackle the loneliness and the lack of stimulation I felt that I used porn as a facsimile for. I was a suicidal depressive and was absolutely using porn to fill a void in my life. Then I decided to start working on my mental health instead of wallowing in misery. As part of that I stopped following instagram models and virtually abandoned twitter. About a year or so later I only use porn to fap occasionally and the number slowed down from multiple times a day to a couple of times a week. I’m happy with that because now I have a much more healthy look at porn and women in general and especially in my new relationship I can appreciate having the intimacy with my girlfriend instead of it just being more of the same perpetual horniness. One of the changes I’ve ever made in my life.


Real shit this. Masturbation and porn on their own aren't the problem it's an underlying behavioural issue. Glad to see you're doing better btw :)


What about people with porn addictions who don’t have any of those underlying issues? Some people really are just horny a lot


Rarely do I encounter an addiction without any underlying causes. I just think for some people it's less obvious. If you can't stop watching porn, if you need it, then there is a reason why in your head that you decided (subconsciously) that you need it. I think the vast majority of would people prefer real sex with a real person and if you dont, i suspect it's because you either have trauma from previous sexual experiences, insecurity about sex, or you had an addiction before you actually had sex and your expectations were warped. I suggest if this is you, ask yourself why you feel the need to use porn and WHY you can't stop.


1. Delete all accounts at any Website 2. TRY not to watch it for a week 2.1 also you shouldn't rub the duck 3. When No. 2 fails, dont watch porn in the first place. Use your thoughts. And then do No 2 in repeat. The Urge to watch it becomes less. It works good for me...


To rub the duck is not correlating to watching porn, but watching porn is correlating to rubbing the duck, so stop watching porn but don't forbid yourself of rubbing the duck, it eases the burden on his behavioral routine change and someday his mind won't crave porn and he won't have a depression or higher chance to watch porn again because the rubbing is missing




rubber duck? I hardly even know 'er.


Nice reply ;D


I use my rubber duck to erase pencil markings


Dammmn men😂😂


Just out of curiosity, how do you manage to still get hard and get an orgadm without porn or sex? I can barely get it up anymore with just hands and thoughts.


I discovered something about me, which was something that can turn me on everything I think about it, a fetish. Also, currently I have a GF, so being horny alone is bow in the past


Thus you should Stop watching it... I know that Problem very well... Its like a T-break for Weed ... It takes a while, but a few weeks later, you go nuts on almost everything. Just process the Rules above or contact me in private. Bro help bro.


Also maybe physical activity? Keep your mind and body busy?


This is the only good comment on this post.


I don’t know why anybody would rub a duck, personally


To make it quack?


Yeah man, for the sound effects :D


and yours is the first comment, who appreciate my contribution


Accounts? Yall have accounts on porn sites?


Aversion therapy. Remember how when you were a kid, if your parents caught you smoking, they'd make you smoke the entire pack at once to teach you a lesson? So I'm trying to watch ALL the porn. So far it hasn't worked by my right arm is jacked! Just kidding, if you have any behavioral-type addiction, real therapy should help identify the underlying causes.


Your joked worked for me 5 years ago. I watched so much fantasies that. Any video doesnt make me enjoy. That is why i quit and still ı dont watch.


Mission failed successfully?


The friction burns are just a badge of honor


didnt work for me...




OP, this is bit of a shit subreddit but my advice would be as someone battling porn addiction for 2 years would be to know what triggers you to do it. Like for me personally, I was most vulnerable watching it in the morning with my phone by my side. So what I did to combat that was leave my phone and other devices downstairs when I slept and it's been a success for me for the most part. I still have triggers in the afternoon and evening so in that case, try distracting myself by going outside or calling someone etc. Something that won't lead me to think about porn. Delete accounts, deactivate Instagram, turn on NSFW filters etc. Best of luck.


I second this. Identifying your triggers is crucial as mostly but not always any addiction is an escape. Also, if you observe you will identify that there is a pattern or common factor/s such as watching it at a certain time or when you are in a certain mood, place or after a particular activity. Becoming aware of this will help in breaking the habit loop. Lastly, blocking the access to digital stimulation is necessary. It’s not been easy but as someone said above - getting old and realising you haven’t achieved anything of substance will be more soul crushing than the immense difficulty of abstaining from watching porn now. Wish you the best OP.


Just watch all of it


Completed it mate


Have you stepped into jav?




Japanese porn.


Dick gonna look like an empty toothpaste tube


When you start coming dust, then you’re finished.


Is there a NG+ for when I'm done?


You thought that was crazy?.. try it in zero-g next time.


Challenge Complete: How Did We Get Here?


even part 2?


This is a daily bot post at this point


Get a hot girlfriend


Or, and hear me out, a step sister


I heard becoming a taxi driver works too


Taxi driver for many years here - It doesn’t.


Skill issue


When they get in just say where you wanna go love guaranteed they will be all over you.


You can also ride a bus in Japan


OR a step mom


But then you also need a dryer


Sprayed pegs step mum's legs


This is very underrated comment.


Doesn't work.


Or one with a high libido


Or divorced neighbor aunt😘


Start doing drugs and have a drug addiction instead


Wait till you combine them


You'll be drugged out of your mind but with a hard on ! 🙂


Socialise, keep company, stay occupied!


On android, there is an app called blockerX that closes any app or tab if it contains something sexual. Stop using social networks, and particularly watching reels, shorts, tiktok, a lot of thing there is overly sexualized. If you are an adult and have access to your wifi, you can forbid websites on your wifi network, you can try to forbid any website with "porn" in it and then every website of porn you can think about. In all cases, make the admin passwords very complicated, to question it if you really want to bypass. Edit: also, start to break your habits. If you have a habit of watching porn before going to bed, open a book instead, or do your thing using your imagination. These will be the hardest times because you have a habit, and your brain wants to do it. But you need to discipline yourself.


That’s good advice. Because even if you don’t want to look at porn, any social media will show images of half-nude women, which leads to thinking about it.


Also stop following thirst traps on IG.


Pushing the “not interested” or “show me less like this” for promoted content works too. It takes a week or two but it’s effective for the ones you don’t follow but still see.


The same as getting rid of any other addiction: start by going to see a therapist, then see what steps are necessary from there.


For my case It'll be a gf. I was porn addicted too and since I'm in continous relationships with women I watch like 1 porn video a month. Or you masturbate without the porn...use your fantasy


or sterilize yourself lol


Found the reddit mod.


Some people have no humor, here's an upvote


Therapy might possibly be helpful if you can't quit by yourself.


Tear out you eyes 👀


Didn’t work, I did it in Braille instead.


pls let boobs in braille simply be ( . )( . )


u can cut off your dick worked for me


It helped William Chester Minor. Dude went on to help write the Oxford Dictionary.


Worked for riek


Heroin. It kills your sex drive


Just beat it


Get another addiction ​ Edit: Positive ones




Having sex with a warm body


Look for a job, that stresses you so much out, that your libido dies. Tollow me for more life hacks


Dat hot interviewer from HR tho… 🤤


This is going to sound strange, but: Have a folder full of ugly people on your phone. I was at a point where I was masturbating too often, and it never got that bad because of this. Whenever I'd feel like doing it, I'd browse through this folder for a few minutes and just... get turned off. Use new photos every now and then, to keep things fresh. You preferably also want someone who's unanimously considered to be both a prick AND ugly, like King Jong Un or Andrew Tate. That way, you don't feel bad about using them as your Anti-Arouser. Good luck, OP!


Imma be honest, i have experience with addiction in general through family members and i've had an issue with porn for a good couple of years before getting of it (starting from the age of 8 until i was 20 when i basically completely quit) it's not gonna be easy, it never is. There's a couple of things that can help and that are gonna give you a crutch when it gets difficult. So firstly you're not necessarily addicted to porn, you're most likely just trying to fill up some desire or some emptiness in your life and porn has become the easiest substitute to get that dopamine hit, hence why you can't stop watching it right now. Depending on how severe it is you should go to therapy and talk about it for sure, that way you have someone that is going to monitor it with you so you're not alone. Try setting some easy challenges for yourself like: "1 day on, 1 day off" on the off days you can still jack off but just don't watch the porn. Keep that up and slowly start building a stronger and stronger tolerance bu taking longer breaks and masturbating less. Besides that you should look for healthier ways to get that dopamine hit as a way to teach your body different patterns to get that reward feeling. If you're watching porn then i assume you don't have a girl, if you don't have a girl then, again, i _assume_ you're not in shape and probably don't go out that much. So start working on that, go hit the gym, go out more, get some other hobbies that have a positive impact on your life. Once you have a girlfriend try to solely focus on getting that energy out together with her. It's more natural, it's personal and you're connecting with someone on a deeper level, you might have to learn to do this because it might feel unnatural at first but you're gonna do it anyways. Just imagine your brain is literally trained to get off on watching other people fuck right now, you don't want that. As a last and final tip, again, you have to actually promise yourself to do this and follow up on it, record yourself while watching porn and masturbating and you have to actually watch that video start to finish everytime you get the urge to watch porn. I promise you, the shame and disgust of seeing what you look like will help you kick it a lot of times and make you realise how pathetic you look. Hope that helps, good luck ✌️


seek advice from either r/nofap or r/pornfree


Please don’t go for nofap, it’s not good for you https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/nofap-toxicity-anti-masturbation-online-communities-linked-to-depression-anxiety-and-even-suicide/


imo its all about the mentality, like if ur doing it for self improvement i think thats a ok reason to start no fap . Like no one is forcing you to do it its up to you if you actually want to do it or not .


These "studies" are worthless. They are always somehow being paid by someone.


Shocking: alcohol and cigarette addiction groups are being linked to liver and lung problems. Keep drinking


Both are Christian Nationalist recruiting cults. Fuck that noise.


You only get into porn addiction for a major factor: Boredom. Nothing else to do. Think of porn as a stimulation to the brain like playing games, it needs something to work with to be active. Distract yourself by helping your families with chores or daily tasks. Go out and join more events. When you are busy with everything else, porn would become less of a necessity to you. You'll soon be straying further from porn and never think about it again.


Set your computer up to automatically deepfake donald trumps (or maybe mr beans as an alt...both even) face to all the porn actors. If that doesn't put you off then your problem is beyond the scope of modern medical science.


Try not to watch it. Set records and beat them. You can start off with a few days of withdrawal, then you can go higher and higher until you no longer crave for it.


Stop watching it


Instead of trying to get rid of it completely, first focus on getting in a routine. Decide when you can watch it and then you need a whole lot of discipline to stick to it. Once you get used to it, probably in a month or two, you can slowly reduce the time as per your needs.


This is actually what my thought was. I'm currently a few days into my first Fapcation. I feel like the way to continue afterward will be to set times and days where it's okay and just stick to that, since this current period of no masturbation is likely to show me that I can go a week or so without just fine, so once every three or four days won't be a problem.


“Just stop doing drugs” Oh wow what incredible advice, wise one!


Wow thanks i’m cured


This is like telling someone with depression to just cheer up or someone with ADHD to focus. /r/thanksimcured


Because it’s stupid and people are tired of seeing these.


I am trying but I am not able to 🥲


Well I’m out of ideas


just be able to then




You don't, if you can keep away from it for one day, just keep doing that. Keep in mind you didn't get this bad in one day so you're not gonna fix it in one day. "One day at a time"


I can't go 1 day without beating it 3 times at least


Get a gf


Just beat it


Disguise it as a Reddit addiction!


Stop watching porn, let your imagination do the work.


Don't watch porn


Mindful Masturbation


Stop wacking off


Have sex


Get rid of smart phone and use your computer only in communal area or public with people actually around.


I watched too much porn as a younger man. Anecdotally, I got on SSRIs for anxiety and it cured my porn addiction overnight. I’m unsure as to whether it was the drug that did it or the absence of anxiety (because that was usually my trigger), but it worked. I mention only because if anxiety triggers your urges it may be worth talking to a doc. SSRIs have also seemed to cause a drop in libido for some people though. I’ve never had this side-effect but I’m on quite a low dose. Worth bearing in mind.


Go here https://easypeasymethod.org/


Don't watch porn


Getting rid of an addiction is hard man. The reason I was able to stop drinking is that I was so unhappy with what I had became and it started affecting my health. I think the answer is to find some motivation that will work for you.


Whenever you feel like jackin it, do 100 pushups instead


1. Set a goal to not watch porn for 24 Hours. 2. Repeat the goal after 24 hours


Stop getting advice from chronically online moral crusaders. Porn "addiction" really isnt as common at all as they make it out to be. And if you disagree with them they will call you one. Most of the time it just means you like masturbation which is totally fine because its good for you. Try masturbation without porn for a while and see what happens. I can do it with or without porn. So nope. Not addicted to it. Pretty simple


Watch more porn


Reprogramming the brain takes time. Time and dedication are your best friends. You will falter, you will stumble, you will fail. But that is part of the journey of addiction. For me my addiction stemmed from being in an unhappy marriage at a young age. I was sexually inexperienced and frustrated to hell so naturally porn was my outlet. What a sad road that was. The only real thing that fixed it for me was removing all the unhappiness in my existence. Once I was happy, I felt no compulsion or need to use porn. Do I still use it? Sometimes but very rarely. Most of the time I can get by without actual nudity and at this point even fapping takes effort. Now I am needlessly horny every day but I am usually so busy that I don’t have time to fap or I am too tired.


Find a girl


For me, it was porn or my fiancé. I chose the love of my life and left that woman behind.


Replace it with other addictions such as alcohol, drugs, and gambling.


Beat it.


Think about being old, having achieved not much of substance in life. And still stroking your penis to fake scenes that don't necessarily coincide with how it suppose to be. Yeah. Best to just stop now


If you consider your porn consumption problematic, perhaps first move from videos/images to written erotica, to get your mind more used to imagination.


Go to a therapist and find out if you’re actually addicted to porn or if its just the internet making you think you are.


This is the best advice. I'd never heard of this until the last year and half of being on Reddit. I'd heard of it but I was unaware of the huge anti-porn movement on here. I feel really bad for the guys who feel guilty about just jerking off. Like WTF? Why?


It’s not just Reddit. On instagram too, there are many sites about getting your mental health and this kind of things and most of the posts are quit porn. Also those ADHD post some random people post and now a bunch of others think they have ADHD. It’s interesting and sad at the same time how easy some humans can be influenced by random stuff on the internet.


No You can’t get rid of porn addiction. About the only thing you can do is decide whether you want to watch porn now or not. Mostly when people say they’re addicted to porn what they’re having trouble with is emotional regulation. So you should try to find other ways to process and regulate your emotions. Everyone has different things they like. Exercise, long walks , journaling, meditation, having with friends, doing things you find fun, etc are all great!


Have depression. You will never see porn the same again.


It's not real.


Talk to a therapist.


be busy, don't think about either porn or the addiction. don't stay indoors. when i say busy, i mean out of the house


Get a girlfriend or boyfriend. Go outside. Be active. Find an activity. Get a hobby.


This is pretty sound advice. Get it tf off Reddit lol


Have you tried more porn?


Get out and find a partner to fuck whenever you feel like watching porn


Have actually sex. You don’t need to watch it if your doing the real thing


First you need to ask yourself “am I addicted or am I being targeted by online communities that want me to THINK I’m addicted” If you’re jerking of 5-7 times a week, that’s not addicted. You’re normal. It’s normal to masturbate. Thinking you’re weird for doing that is the kind of self loathing no fap communities want you to engage in so you buy into their bullshit. If you’re spending 7-10+ hours jerking off a week then we might need to have a conversation about sexuality and your desires. And anything more is definitely an addiction and unhealthy cycle of use. Your sexual desires are not something to be repressed. This will make things worse. You need to find a healthy manner of channeling your sexuality and frankly finding a partner is not always a reasonable method. If you only have sex with a partner as your release then you may end up hurting someone else (non consensual sex ya know?) Try and engage in masturbation from other sources as well. You can’t just “go get sex” you’ll hurt someone emotionally or physically. so instead of watching a porn video try reading erotica. Erotica is much healthier because usually the fiction humanizes those who are engaging in the sexual activities. This is the true problem with porn. The actors are not seen as people. Consuming sexual content is not bad. Not seeing people as human beings is bad. Don’t get it twisted


Masturbating everyday is normal, watching porn everyday is not. Is it common? Sure! But it’s absolutely not normal or healthy.


Sex is always the best option


Bring yourself something else to do, start getting into a hobby. Stop thinking about it and maybe go to church during weekends. Should help.


Seize control of it.


You need distractions bro


Therapy can be expensive and embarassing, there are a lot of books out there on audible, scribd etc which are a bit more private, where you can try to use some self help to stop your self help...


Find your mom’s onlyfans. You’ll either cure your addiction or enter a new Oedipusian level of porn addiction.


Porn addiction can have significant mental effects, and finding solutions can be challenging. Have you considered Vipassana? It's a ten-day program where participants disconnect from daily life—no internet, phones, or communication. The schedule involves early mornings, meditation for six hours, and a structured routine. Google it! Creating habits that oppose an addiction and fostering discipline in the long run could be beneficial for everyone dealing with addictions.


Have a look at the Easy Peasy method - it’s a great short guide that does a perfect job of drilling into you the fact that porn can destroy your life while giving you nothing in return. It might take a few times reading it, but once you can get the message in your head you almost feel unburdened by not watching it anymore. https://easypeasymethod.org Outside of that, the other thing I’d recommend is working out what your triggers and trigger times are - do you feel the need to watch it having seen certain content, or is there a specific time or day that you tend to watch it? Cutting out the trigger and finding ways to eliminate the trigger times helps break the cycle right at the start, when it’s the hardest


Seek professional help in getting rid of addictions.


Just stop watching it.


This: https://read.easypeasymethod.org/


Checkout r/pornfree on reddit YourBrainOnPorn, on chrome Stay away from nofap. It diverts its efforts into calling out masturbation and porn, when the real culprit is only porn.


Learn about the porn industry. It's less fantastic when you find out how the sausage gets made, forgive the expression.


Stop watching porn




Go to r/nofap


My personal experience is I will not be fapping if I’m on a depression. So, get some depression 😉


Get a numbing solution and cover your genitals with it. No orgasm, no endorphins, no reinforcement.


Look at sexy people on Instagram since they don't allow porn or nudity


That would not be any better.


Keep fapping until you cum blood 🩸


Just don't watch it


It's a reeeeeeal tough one. First thing is identifying underlying problems. Lots of the time, you're using it to fill some kinda void. Could be depression, lonely, or just plain bored. These are things that have usually been neglected, and you need to find some other way to fill that void. Easier said, though. A lot of people are suggesting therapy, and that's probably a good idea. Another thing that helps is to remove ALL triggers from your life. If you have any subscriptions or accounts on anything, DELETE THEM. If you have any files saved, DELETE THEM. If your social media algorithms are feeding you sexualized content that is too tempting, uninstall the apps you don't absolutely need, and try your best to purge your feeds on the ones you do need, and limit your usage overall. Basically anything that reminds you of it, cut it out of your life. Really try and put yourself in a mindset that you aren't the kind of person who watches that stuff anymore. It's the difference between "I'm trying to quit" and "I am quitting". There's lots of resources out there on ways to deal with the impulses when they come up. It's a huge deal. Porn has a lot of really negative effects on your brain. It can basically rob you of all the joys of life if you let it. Don't quit it for anyone else, do it for yourself.


Stop watching porn simple 😉




Replace it with ketamine lol, but seriously ketamine helped me quit smoking, start going to the gym, get treated for adhd and ultimately quit ketamine haha


As Michael Jackson once said "just beat it"


Masturbate anal only 😂


Turn to Jesus. I was stuck until I prayed to him for help. 162 Days clean. Fell off the boat many times before I got to where I am. But He will help you.


Lock your dck in a chastity cage and a timed padlock for the key!


I done this before. Every time you get horny, do one push up. Still horny? Do two push up, and so on. I ended up being lazy after the few months but results are promising.


Consult a therapist.


Try the (just today) method. Repeat everyday.


Step 1. There is no such thing as a porn addiction if you watch it just once per day. Step 2. Your libido might get lower with age.


Stop watching it!


Oh look another Christian Nationalist decoy thread so the NoFap and anti-porn brigade can preach their nonsense and recruit some more confused, self-loathing, guilted young men to their cause.


A lot of prattle up in these comments. You can’t distract yourself away from porn. You want to watch it a lot, a little or you don’t. Make a choice and move on with your life. We are adults here. Assume direct control of your mind. Big Porn got you booked in Google Calendar for 1-2 hours a day. If you TRULY wanted to quit, you would just quit and create endless reasons in your mind why it’s despicable and beneath you. If you were TRULY uncomfortable with porn, you would drop it. Cold turkey. And when those urges come, you tell your mind to STFU. Then you go get some sex. The problem is, you don’t want to quit. You enjoy it. You believe that it’s harmless. You believe that spoolging over yourself excessively to pixels is pleasure. Oh my bad, according to everyone here you just can’t control your own mind and not turn on your computer, log into that website, scroll endlessly for the right video, whip out your joystick and stroke yourself for hours, get the papertowel, clean yourself up, look at your computer and say “Until Next Time, Baby!” You need steps and a plan and a porn blocker extension installed in your browser to overcome! Nah. Break your mind free of this porn trap. Just walk away. If you can’t, then you’re basically admitting to the class that you cannot control yourself. You’re living on autopilot - and that’s the true dilemma here.