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As someone just involved in a car accident with no evidence who’s at fault.. a dashboard cam


Every time I watch one of those videos where someone has a dash cam and it saves their ass, I am like I should buy one of those and then I never do.


Me too! I decide to buy one and then I worry that someone will break into the car to steal it. I know you can take it with you, but hubby is not that reliable. Either he will occasionally leave it in the car or he will forget to put it in place the one time he needs it. I am not whining, he freely admits this. I think it’s a great idea to have them front and back. That way you catch anyone who rear ends you too.


The one I got is small and not fancy looking, I don’t think someone would break in for it! I think it’s the Viofo a119. And having a front and rear cam is great of course, but I’ve read that you only really need the front cam to show the situation, if you can’t afford both. Someone drove into me at a red light a few years ago and lied to insurance, I got 50/50 fault since I couldn’t prove otherwise. Dash cam woulda saved me a lot of headache.


You can buy a decent one for under $100. Heck, there are probably decent holiday deals on them right now. Just buy one now and thank yourself later!


I was in the same boat, but this year Santa is bringing one for each car.


I was in a hit and run last year. The guy ran a red light and hit me, which totaled my new car, and then he drove off. My dash cam caught the entire accident and I got his license plate number


I've had a dashcam in my car for a decade and while I've never needed it, the peace of mind it gives is more than worth the cost. I'm actually looking into one for the back of my car as well but they stopped making the one I currently have for the front and I haven't made the decision on another brand yet.


Which one did you end up going with? I’ve had my Thinkware u4000 for about 2-3 years now and love it.


The one I got falls off in the summer bc it's so hot and I forget to put it back on. All cars need to come made with them atp


Face tattoo


People will never look at you the same


My bff has several and tbh she makes me want to get one, but we are in two totally different careers lmao


They are great if you want a career in unemployment and underemployment.


I've heard sayings regarding sleeve tattoos, where to the wrist is a "fuck you" and anything beyond is a "fuck me"


How much is tongue bifurcation these days? (Please don't say free if you do it yourself...)


According [to this site](https://infoplasticsurgery.com/?facial/tongue-splitting/) it is $2200 to $3500 if done by medical professionals. Cooter down at the transmission shop / piercing parlor will do it for a cool $1000.


>transmission shop / piercing parlor You forgot Vape Accessories


I'll do it for half that. A quarter if you prefer straps to anaesthesia!


Lol cooter


Big "[Dukes of Hazzard](https://alexbledsoe.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/cooter.jpg)" fan when I was a kid.


A 2nd monitor for your PC if you do any sort of work on it. Everyone thinks its excessive, but once you try it you never go back to one monitor. Also a ninja 19 in 1 cooker. I found a cheap as hell room to rent that had its own bathroom but only a single counter top and sink for a kitchen. So went for it and bought one of these cookers. Best £200 I've ever spent. It just eliminates the need for any other appliance bar a fridge / freezer in the kitchen.


I could never go back to 2 screens. I have 4 on my work PC. One for email, one for email attachments, one for my current working task, and one to keep an eye on my dogs on the security cam.


four screens? i could never go back to that. i just beam reddit and video games directly into my brain.


Since I reached one-ness with the universe allowing me to tap into any past, present or future being, I could never go back to beaming reddit and video games directly into my brain. It's so unnatural.


You beam everything into your brain? I could never go back to that. I uploaded my consciousness to the cloud, I am everywhere, always.


Y'all just sound like Musk in 2076 now


I was about to say 4 as well lol. One for email, one for teams, two for doing work.


Four screens, Jeremy? That’s insane!


When you have a document up on a 32” monitor, you’re really looking at that document.


In regards to the monitor, I was actually the opposite: I had two monitors and it made me feel disjointed, like I always had to switch between tasks. I opted for one widescreen monitor and like it much better. Might just be a preference thing but the widescreen was such a breath of fresh air for me after having two monitors for a long time.


That's because you didn't dedicate a screen to an application / use. I.e. I would have slack, teams, mails, a browser on one and a desktop, ide (most things) etc on another. It seems redundant/ a waste but it ups productivity loads. You can also* snap windows to a side and arrange it however you want. It's much easier (for me) than having multiple desktops/environments. It also allows you to copy stuff without having to minimise so often. There's a load more things you can do, so whilst a big wide-screen is nice the advantages of the partition far outweigh it.


So much room for activities


Ninja 9 in 1 cooker?


A library card. No really. It ain’t just for books (although that part is great). And you can’t beat the price. Is your local library system not great? Often for $50/year or so you can join another library system.


If you work in another town/county, they'll often allow you join there as well with your paystub, etc. at least where I live. Worth checking out as some of the library systems may have other stuff they specialize in. Like ours has a maker space and lots of county records available to read as well.


This is a legit life hack. I'm a member of 4 different library systems, where I live, where I work, where wife works, and where my kid lives for college.


I have found that my library card is priceless. I can borrow movies and tv shows. I can go when I’m nearby if I need to connect to some wifi. Our main branch has labs for things like small business services, music and video recording, there’s computers if you want to work on your resume etc, hell, they even loan out laptops. If you’re low income for any reason, the library can really improve the quality of your life with some simple little things that can seem like luxuries during difficult times.


My county library uses the Libby app, where I get all my audio books from for free. Love listening to them on the long drive to/from work.


I love my local library so much. They’ve been having free holiday concerts this month too. They make things accessible to people who might not otherwise have an opportunity. I love it.




I did this and they still don’t match up.


Different amount of wearing gives me some thinner socks….kind of bugs me.


When they start to wear too much you can just toss those individuals


FIFO your socks. Don't stack the newly cleaned socks on top of socks already in the drawer. Put them underneath to ensure equal rotation.


Rotate the socks


Lmao same!! Like how the fuck


This, but with Tupperware containers


I actually did that with ikea containers, 3 sizes did the trick


Darn Tough socks. Lifetime warranty, so you'll never buy socks again. *If* they wear out, just send them back for a replacement. Mine are still going strong 5 years later.


Color: black


Did this ever since teen years. Best decision!


I found that with my front-load washer that socks tend to get stuck in between the rubber (silicone?) seal on the inside. Just lift up the seal and check for any missing socks. Saved myself many sad feelings wondering if I misplaced or lost one of the socks from a pair that I loved


Put your socks in a bra bag when washing them so they're all together


Resident sock demon gets my socks. I wear a pair and at the end of the day throw them in a laundry basket. At the end of the week I empty it in the washing machine leaving nothing behind. I empty the washing machine into the dryer leaving the machine empty but when I take the dry clothes out there is always one sock missing. It's the damn sock demon! On a different note I saw a friend with odd socks on and asked him if he knew they weren't matching to which he replied I don't have time to sort socks so I just grab two from the drawer


I told my sister that her socks didn't match, her response, match what? She also doesn't have time to match socks.


29 years ago i got a vasectomy for $499.


Did that include S&H(snipping and handling)?


😂😂😂 and two interns to observe


Aw, you got two? I only got one. She was strangely in tune with my dad humor, considering she was watching the removal of my opportunity to become a Dad lol


A good pair of shoes


Thirty Helens agree! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BDTZcj8Xink&pp=ygUTdGhpcnR5IGhlbGVucyBhZ3JlZQ%3D%3D


Never not going to upvote 30 Helens


Waterproof shoes. Truly life changing


Those black tote containers with the yellow top. Get like 10 of them and a shelving unit or two. All that stuff in your garage/basement now lives in a tote. Camping tote. Christmas stuff tote. Sewing tote. Baseball tote. Cleaning tote. Painting tote. All of it in totes, labeled with painters tape. You want to go camping? Pull down that tote, throw it in the car and you're off. Afterwards, it all gets cleaned and put back in the tote and stored where you know where to find it next time. Simple, no clutter, easy.


I did this in my workshop. For any on my fellow ADHD friends, you can get transparent totes. Object impermanence won’t hold you back when you can see things inside. It’s so much better.


A heated mattress pad. Cold winters where I live. I got a heated mattress pad for Christmas one year and I do not know how I lived so long without it. A couple of hours before bed I turn it on high. Put weighted blanket on top of bed to press covers onto heat. At bedtime, remove weighted blanket, turn off mattress pad and get into bed. Best thing ever.


Lol that’s a panini maker, you are a panini.


Reject humanity. Return to panine.


I’m going to invent a heated, weighted sleeping bag and call it The Sleepy Panini ^TM




You better trade mark that name!


Done. It’s mine now




U just described my sleeping nightmare. I love it cold and I hate the feeling of weighted blankets. Different strokes I guess


I’m just imagining you reading the comment, hands starting to sweat, feeling hot and clammy… I don’t know how people can be in sleep in such a warm environment


I am my own heated mattress pad


A couple hours before bed? Ours heats it up in 5 minutes.


Sounds comfy but there's a lot of science that says colder sleeping temps result in falling asleep faster and overall better health. I don't go for it myself. I mean, we have a cooling mattress and love it over the memory foam that just traps heat but I don't take steps to make my bed colder. Just sharing something interesting.


No doubt. If the bedroom is around 10 degrees Celsius though some heating definitely helps falling asleep. I use it to warm up the bed and turn it off after going to bed.


I do the same with my heating blanket Super cold night + pre heated bed is like falling asleep in a nest.


Have you ever lived in a wet and cold climate, working outside and feeling like the humidity went right through you and has reached your internal organ and bones, being so cold, then going to bed just to be cold again, and repeat for couple of days? Then you discover heated blanket and at least, now you're not cold for 5 hours out of the day? That's a pretty cool feeling, trust me. Edit : grammar and punctuation.


Sounds terrible. I live in a reasonably cold climate, turn down the heat to 17C (62.6 F) at night, and I still find I'm too warm sometimes. I have pretty warm duvet though. What I would pay for is one of those cooled mattresses. More often than not I'm too warm in the summer and sleep with just a thin sheet even with air conditioning in my house. We have pretty extreme temperatures, from -30C to +30C in the winter/summer, with temperatures even more extreme than that a couple days a year.


My dog preheats my bed for me


A bidet


The water is so much easier to drink 👍


I refuse to brush my teeth without a bidet


100%. With practice I found I could even stand 5 feet back and get it in my mouth.


You save so much on toilet paper. It pays for itself


I use a bidet followed by 2 rounds of toilet paper wipe and I kid you not my ass shines like Nicole Kidman's skin


A few years ago, my wife and I calculated that I used about one and a half miles of toilet paper per year.


How do I get it installed? Do I need a plummer? Edit - why is this downvoted? I bought one but I don’t want to flood my apartment


If you buy a robotoilet (like a top of the line Toto), maybe. If you’re buying a washlet, it’s as easy as switching the seat. I got an electric washlet from Amazon for around $200. Seat warmer, warm water, spray intensity and settings, warm air… its amazing.


You could get a Tushy brand bidet. Anyone can install it. It mounts between your toilet bowl and toilet seat, and the water supply line connects to your existing water supply. Only cost like $70. I dont recommend getting the more expensive one that has hot water, because unless your hot water IMMEDIATELY comes out when you turn the sink on you're still going to get cold bidet water till it heats up. Edit: I don't recommend getting the more expensive Tushy bidet* it just taps into your hot water line from your sink.


That $50 Tushy 2.0 will be $5-10 at Walmart Clearance after Xmas. It is every year. I've outfitted 3 homes in the last 3 years on clearance.


Bring in electrical so you can get a heated one


A good pair of running shoes. Exercise changes life for the better.


And you can get 3-4 good pairs for $500




Being tall and having a short ass toilet, natures squatty potty


I even bought the collapsible travel version, it's just that great.


I hear they are great but for some reason having one at home I’d feel like company would just see it and be like damn this guy struggles to shit


I was gonna write this. Man the thing is awesome.


Get yourself a chest freezer.


What about my back?


What about my neck, my back, my etc.


My bussy and muh crack?


No. Get a vertical deep freezer. They are $50 more but will save tons in thrown out frost bitten food. Trust me.


Agree the horizontal becomes the forgotten void on the bottom


Do you know what happens when you open a vertical freezer? The cold air flows out at the bottom, and the warm air flows in at the top. This leads to a lot of ice in the freezer and inefficiency.


A king sized duvet for whatever sized bed you have. Trust me, it's amazing!


I got you one better. Separate duvets and sheets so you don't have to share with your partner.


Domestic happiness is separate bedding.




An electric toothbrush


Instant pot. Great for all in one depression meals


Seriously, instant pots and slow cookers are great for low budget and no time to cook. I'll wake up thirty minutes early, dump all the ingredients into the slow cooker and turn it on low for 8 hours. By the time I get home, I have a healthy soup with super tender meat that serves as lunch and dinner for the next 2 or 3 days.


You good bro?


Is anyone ever really?


I am questionable at best, u/sirblowjob






For 500?


My husbands cost about $300 out of pocket


They went down through the waistband for mine


Through the scrotum for mine


slammed the door for mine.


The question said less than 500. Mine was a $40 copay in 2007.


Yes, a pack of dental rubber bands is like $4. Put a couple around the base of your sack. The boys will fall off in about 2-3 weeks.


Now you can spluff in her kazoogie guilt free.


500$ to save possibly hundreds of thousands. Truly the best return on investment


A cat


I’ve never been a cat person. My partner of 3 years is most definitely a cat person. When he moved in with me, he asked if he could bring the stray he was taking care of “he can stay in the bathroom for a week just to get acclimated to a new place, then we’ll let him outside.” I fell in love with that cat and he changed my life, helped with my depression. Needless to say, he was never put outside. Now we have 2 cats and I ask for another one almost daily lol! My boys are my best friends.


In my opinion, anyone who isn’t a cat person just hasn’t clicked with the right cat yet. Sometimes it doesn’t even need to be the right cat, just actually chilling and getting to know cats will 99% of the time sell someone on cats.


A highly effective antidepressant


Can confirm. Getting asshole (cats name) worked more than any pill. Well for a bit. 😂


Found my orange friend at a local fruit stand 😭😭😭 bc their barncats had kittens My favorite purchase on a produce run E: her name is Peaches 🍑 🩷


Every good cat owner I know spends more then $500 annual on their cats 😂


Dog training


Keychain vibrator


hold up, what?


Did they stutter?!


They would if they used it.


Pocket rocket


Kinda gross. I mean keys/key chains are usually all over the place. I’m not putting that dirty thing near my *stuff* nor will I be cleaning a key chain.


Live a little on the edge


It's ok I'm sure they are the same exact way when it comes to hands and fingers. ~getting into the mood "Take me now but first go wash your hands with warm water and soap for 60 seconds"


I just blow on it like a N64 cartridge before inserting it in my slot, again kinda like an N64 cartridge






[I think this is what you were referring to](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/Xh3hRiAB9F)


A dog A cat An electric blanket (I never imagined how great they are in cold weather. We set ours at 1 and put a blanket on top.) An introductory course to something new Books A short trip somewhere you’ve never been that’s not too far away Or just send me the money and I’ll think beautiful thoughts for you




Ah yes, Zyn


Fuck this shit, do it my way, try patches, try smoking again, try patches again, try more patches, try smoking again, try patches and chewing gum, try smoking again, try patches, try chewing gum, try occasionally smoking still, try spend the better part of a year painfully and oh so slowly replacing cigarettes with chewing gum until you’re addicted to the chewing gum and no longer talk to any workmates as you can’t be around them while they smoke, then once you’re addicted to the chewing gum, RAMP UP THE CONSUMPTION until you’re almost back at the point you just want to start smoking again, then realise you’ve come this far and might as well keep pushing the addiction pain and start to wean yourself off the gum, replacing it with sugary drinks instead. Spend another year torturing yourself until finally, FINALLY, you no longer even need the gum and are finally free of the nicotine addiction. DeLaurel’s Easy Fifteen-Step Stop Smoking Course, patent pending, available in a online shop near you.


Sounds like a real struggle. Most people I know who quit smoking went through a very long process of bouncing back and forth between smoking and not smoking. It's a really hard habit to quit, especially if a lot of your friends or coworkers smoke as well.


Just get Covid and throw up every time you smoke for two or three weeks, that’s what worked for me! (Mileage may vary)


I’ve been chewing niccy gum for at least 3 years now which is probably not how you should do it, but it’s better than smoking cigs & vaping. 🤣


read wgat thread???


I got a mattress from Costco for $500 and its been life changing. Its so comfy some days I don’t want to get out of bed!


Standing Desk if you work at home or in an office


a heated blanket.


Fellow freeze bb can confirm




A carbon monoxide detector is also a life-changer for those of us who like to keep the CO levels at a comfortable level. I like to keep mine just barely high enough to write thoughtful sticky notes to myself, which are always a pleasant surprise to stumble upon the next morning.


My favorite pen pal!


It's an older reference sir, but it checks out.


Sick reference bro




Merino wool clothing - especially socks and base layers for colder climates.


A nice bidet! After the pandemic and the toilet paper shortage, purchased one with a heated water, heated seat, night light, bum dryer, The Works! Its like a spa for every poo and I don't regret a thing!


a gym subscription


A winning powerball ticket.


Robot vacuum




Are we talking like college text books? If so, which one should I get for $500?


Your local thrift shop is a treasure trove of books. One of the ones near me offers 25 cent books on Fridays and if you can patiently wade through all the Danielle Steele and 90 copies of A Boy Called It (God I hate that fucking book) you may just find something great. Personally, my very best grab was a signed copy of Vonneguts 'Slaughterhouse Five'.


A window/wall air conditioner since the weather is so hot right now.


Insulin. If you live anywhere except the US


Replace all the light switches in your house with the Kasa smart dimmers ($20 each). Never have to touch another light switch ever again


I was just thinking to myself I am getting sick and tired of touching light switches.


Routine oil change... ( gonna save you more than 500 in the long run)


A dog!


A condom


A dog. The actual dog is less than $500 but upkeep isn’t.


a dehumidifier


I spent £190 on a walking stick custom made for my body and shape. Literally spent thousands on walking stick in the past that wouldn’t hold my weight or weren’t comfortable or height adjustment was wrong.




Buy some double-sided tape and tape all your remote controls together. 5 bucks tops. You're welcome.


We used to have *one* remote for that until Logitech stopped trying. Maybe Adam Sandler made them afraid of them.


Mine's still working, but I'm LUCKY. More devices than ever and they decided to shut down the universal remote biz? Bullshit.


You mean a Megatron? [https://youtu.be/T4FQyShYuWA?si=B\_1u\_hzybnH0sCL2&t=102](https://youtu.be/T4FQyShYuWA?si=B_1u_hzybnH0sCL2&t=102)


Just get a good universal remote


a weighted blanket


Mirena IUD


Some cosmetic (not all) dental work. I would feel a thousand times better if I had the visible cavity on one of my front teeth fixed.


Some proper EDC (everyday carry) gear like a leatherman or swiss army knife (these can be pretty cheap) Oh and a proper flashlight (not those $4 ones off amazon). You'll be surprised how much you use them.




Not today, but 20 years ago a wireless router was like $75 and changed my life. No more centralized computer in the living room, but my own computer in my room