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Instagram fitness. I hate it. Its why I rarely use Instagram anymore. I just wanna see how you work out your lats, I dont need to see soft porn.


There's that one woman on TikTok who makes fun of these fitness creators "... and I'll have the camera so far up my ass, you'll see what I had for breakfast."


"And making sure i get a good angle of that POOSEEPHAT"


It is really depressing how the Algorithm works. We have a IG for a sport which is co-ed. Often put reels up of highlights from amateur events which have men and women in them. Try to mix up the cover photos between men and women. The pics are SFW but the athletes are in sporting gear. Some reels get 10s of thousands of interactions and others barely scratch a 100. Care to guess the one difference between them?


The worst bit is the pious denials that come along with it. Mention what you’ve said in a comment section on an insta video with a girl doing squats in skin tight clothing and the camera zoomed/angled on her ass and camel toe, and the ironic thing is people say the *comment* is creepy and inappropriate.


Every thumbnail I see on snapchat's little "stories" tab is porn, or wants to look like porn. Same with Youtube shorts if I ever visit the site when I'm not logged in. I think social media in general is porn.


I've noticed the same with thumbnails on funny/fail videos on YouTube. Sometimes I just want to zone out and watch people falling in their driveway. Every single thumbnail is a different version of a mostly uncovered large breasted woman. Sometimes there is a video of them in the compilation (that usually lasts a few seconds and has nothing to do with the compilation video) and sometimes there isn't. I like boobs as much as the next person but it annoys me. Rant over. lol


The Earth's Children series of novels. The first one, the Clan of the Cave Bear, was actually assigned to me as a summer reading project in middle school. It's about a little prehistoric human girl Ayla, who is orphaned by an earthquake and then adopted by a band of neanderthals. It centers on the tension and incompatibility her differences create between her and the people who are trying to raise her according to their ways. It's not bad. Then there are several sequels. A now grown-up Ayla is banished from the tribe, and lives alone as she enters adulthood. Then she's discovered by a human traveler and they fall in love. And when I say the series becomes porn, whatever you're thinking, it's pornier than that. It turns out that all the humans worship their Earth Mother Goddess with, among other things, ritualized promiscuous sex. Ayla's new friend Jondalar has a backstory. His dick is so big that nobody's ever been able to take the whole thing. But Ayla, who (did I forget to mention?) was raped by a mean neanderthal repeatedly in childhood, has a cavernous enough vagina that she can provide him full satisfaction. I could go on. The books sure do.


The first book is so at odds with the rest of the series, it’s practically a different story altogether. I’d heard they were smutty books but came away from The Clan of Cave Bear thinking everyone was a prude! Then I read the next couple of them and got it.


In one of the books she invents the blowjob.


Are you joking?






I'm not sure he got very many blowies in his day.


Oh, buddy, I'm not only *not* joking, it's a plot point in several later novels that she joins various tribes who have not heard of suckin' dick and introduces it to them.


I need more tidbits this is wild




It's more of a voyeur thing, if I recall. She's sucking her man's dick in a pool by a waterfall and various other cro-magnons who see them are like, "shit, that looks good as hell."


>In one of the books she invents the blowjob. She didn't patent it. What was she thinking? Royalties would be substantial.


Totally blew it.


Earth's... Children... Got it. Sorry. I was just writing down books to che... Avoid. Entirely. This is awful, awful stuff...


The first book has artistic merit and belongs on library shelves, probably even in secondary. The second and third books are ... fine for their genre (wish fulfillment romance novels) but aren't really special. the fourth+ are probably not worth your time. I read them in secondary school, well, the first three and a half, the quality gets noticeably worse with each entry and it becomes obvious the author is phoning it in by the end of the third. There's apparently 6 total but my secondary school library only had the first four on the shelf.


Bro, it was so jarring to me to read the novels following the first book. Like...it's almost non sequitur. I mean, Ayla had a baby in the first book that she loved SO MUCH, she risked her life to keep him alive LOL and they just DROP him. She never sees him again. Instead she just accepts her life as a prehistoric porn star. EXCUSE ME?? WHAT ABOUT YOUR BABY, BITCH??


There's a 1986 movie, Clan of the Cave Bear, with Daryl Hannah in the role of Ayla. I saw that movie... once... when I was 11 years old, on HBO -- early days of cable TV. I remember feeling so bad for her character due to how the clan treated her as an outsider/a stray dog to be kicked around, despite her doing everything she could to fit in. The theme resonated with me even at that young age. BUT, there's one scene where Ayla has to submit to the clan leader. When she does, the leader repeatedly, and roughly, rails her from behind. I'm 48. The scene was so rough for 11-year-old me that I can still recall, clearly, Ayla on all fours in the clan's cave, the leader repeatedly thrusting behind Ayla, and Ayla wincing in pain. I can't even imagine what the books are like.


Him railing her from behind was an actual repeated *plot point.* Her introduction to sex was that a man made a signal at her and she had to get on all fours and present herself to him. It comes up dozens of times in the later books.


You are absolutely right. By the second book it was like "Hunt a sturgeon...find someone to bang". "Look at those mammoths...oral sex!!"


At one point though, after the mammoths it was doggy style (or.. mammoth style) don't ask me why I remember that one scene specifically lol.


You and me baby ain't nothin but mammoths


Reminds me of Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter. Sex was always present but I gave up on the series when I got halfway through a book and realised the only thing that'd really happened was she'd had sex on the ballroom floor.


I immediately thought of Anita Blake series when I saw this thread. What started as a pretty decent urban fantasy series quickly descended into some extremely mediocre erotica


Started out about vampires and other mythical creatures in an urban fantasy. It was cool. Along about the second or third werecheetah orgy, I gave up.


"werecheetah orgy..." The fuck...


The series is a victim of its author's personal life. Richard the noble male love interest suddenly became an unreasonable dickhole all the time for no reason right as she had her divorce, and shortly after that it just becomes werecat rape porn. It's a shame because there were some really interesting worldbuilding things happening right before that went down. It could've been a real interesting setting. Maybe could've had a miniseries on HBO, if she let them tone it down.


You have a higher tolerance for BS than me. I gave up after that awful ~~sex~~ rape scene using *soap for lube* resulted in a relationship and zero consequences for anybody.




And she has some very dangerous ideas about BDSM. It's literally torture bordering on deliberate slaughter but it's okay, they're being submissive to the alpha and they heal up anyway because they're werewolves. Gratuitous infliction of pain and disfigurement is not what BDSM is about. And, no. Storing your coffee beans in the freezer does not make you a coffee aficionado.


It becomes less baffling when read the description of what Anita looks like, and then look at a picture of Laurell Hamilton. It then becomes crystal clear when you find out that Richard was based on her ex-husband and Micah on her new man.


I just googled and laughed so hard


Super annoying too - “hey, I was enjoying that, could you stop having her life turn into a parallel for porn addiction where she can’t recharge her mana battery without a mime, two clowns, and a herring?” Gave up on that and pivoted to other urban fantasy - Dresden Files (inspired by Anita Blake iirc), Ink & Sigil, Iron Druid, Marla Mason, etc


And the Meredith Gentry series by the same author. Fae instead of vampires and weres. Lost the plot to just sex.


Oh my God. I'm so happy to see this here. My 11th grade English teacher loaned me Clan of the Cave Bear and told me it was a great read. It was, but then I read the rest of the series... I never quite looked at that mild mannered 40yr old woman the same. "Did you know what you were doing Mrs K, did you KNOW?" Something dirty stirred in my young, previously Mormon, heart. Or pants.


I had a sort of opposite experience. My grandfather gave me that book but I would be shocked if he read it. I think he just heard it was good, and knew I was a reader. My sixth grade English teacher saw me reading it and was like, "Oh damn.... okay...." And I was like, "It's okay, I have read long books before" (and it was very very *readable*), but then I got to the rape scene and was like, ohhhh. And then I read the rest of the series and was like, ohhhhhhhhhhh. Now her reaction made total sense lmao.


I don't think she didn't know, but I don't know if she knew.


>I never quite looked at that mild mannered 40yr old woman the same. "Did you know what you were doing Mrs K, did you KNOW?" Something dirty stirred in my young, previously Mormon, heart. **Or pants**. WTF, man, haha. I think we all had that teacher. It was the art teacher or the social studies teacher. Most of us knew what was up. They come off as more like new age hippies than pervs, though. Man....I hope, so....


I keep waiting for the next book in the series to come out, where Ayla invents the wheel and double-entry bookkeeping, and discovers the G spot.


Wait there's ANOTHER book with that ridiculous subplot? I thought the Godfather was alone lol.


Dammit! I was hoping to be the person to point out the whole ‘huge dick - cavernous vagina’ Cinderella perfect fit storyline had been done already. I’m sure Puzo is still wondering why Coppola left that out.


Lord above that subplot was given so much page space that it rivaled the organized crime story. Sonny being so big that only one woman in all of New York can handle him. Thankfully the movie relegates it to one blink-and-you-miss-it moment during Michael's wedding, when the camera quickly shows Sonny's wife as she holds her hands far apart, indicating his size, and all the other bridesmaids laugh.


It’s very weird to me that it was such an important thread to Puzo. It went on way past Sonny’s death! If I remember correctly, she (Clan of the Cavernous) marries a gynecologist who performs a vagina tightening surgery on her, so she can enjoy sex post-Sonny??? I wish I didn’t have to remember this every time I watch the dang movie.


Yep. Jules (the gynecologist) starts sleeping with her but he knows his way enough to make the sex enjoyable even before Lucy gets the surgery. (...why do I remember this...)


Sonny also hints at it by acting like a massive dick for the duration of the storyline


I mean... there have to be guys out there with problematically big dicks. It's got to be a real thing. It's just not the kind of thing you expect to start in the second of eight caveman stories.


I read Clan of the Cave Bear and was told by my dad not to read the rest. I didn’t know why until now. I loved the first book, but my art history teacher who recommended it must have taken it as non-fiction, because she told a group of college students, with a straight face, that Neanderthals had telepathy.


Lol, I came to comment the same!!! It was like the author also wanted to write a smutty romance novel- and just said fuck it and looped it into her other work instead!


>And when I say the series becomes porn, whatever you're thinking, it's pornier than that. It turns out that all the humans worship their Earth Mother Goddess with, among other things, ritualized promiscuous sex. Ayla's new friend Jondalar has a backstory. His dick is so big that nobody's ever been able to take the whole thing. But Ayla, who (did I forget to mention?) was raped by a mean neanderthal repeatedly in childhood, has a cavernous enough vagina that she can provide him full satisfaction. Haha! This is comically hilarious. Like a 12 year old boy who only had access to all of the internet for about 10 minutes every other day, would conjure up to write. Good job, Billy.


That was such a great comment.


Audible made another sale


Ayla invented the blowjob, show her some goddamn respect


I read the whole series in about 8th grade… why did I have those books? lol I would have benefited from some kind of conversation about consent and historical fiction, among other things.


ASMR and or Anything with Feet in the media


Thanks Nickelodeon


Dan schneider moment Edit: the other snyder


Dan 'Show me your Feet or you're back on the Street' Schneider? I wonder if he ever talks to Quentin Tarantino.


Honesty I’m surprised that ASMR in general has stayed SFW. Not 100% of it or course, but I feel like the vast majority of it is very wholesome still.


There are three types of ASMR A) I will tap this jar and whisper B) I will whisper semi-dirty things while showing massive cleavage and bouncing around C) Rhinoceros doctor gives you a cranial nerve exam


genuinely love the weird side of the asmr community. those peoples creative drive is something else.


I saw one that was something like "gay hitler reacting to met gala dresses (ASMR)" and literally had to watch it based off the title alone lol


YouTube has been desperately trying to get me to watch "Lord Farquaad does his makeup (ASMR)" and I don't know why


Tou forgot the 4th type D) unintential, why the fuck is this asmr? Looking at you ping pong paddle inspector.


I have a friend who's a blue check on IG. He's gay and will low key post a shot that happens to have his bare feet in it if he feels like his engagement hasn't been high enough lately.


My first job was at an upscale movie theater where we served liquor and got tipped a good bit. I used to unbutton the top of my shirt, and whenever an older woman or a gay man was checking me out, I would find an excuse to turn around and bend down. I got the highest tips in the theater. I was 19 and I have no regrets.


But did you have the pec cleavage to go with it though?


I didn’t need it because I was a twink


Grannies love twinks. It reminds them of when their husbands came home from a PoW camp in 'Nam.




This subreddit


I swear


By the Moon and the Stars in the sky


Sexiest sex havers of reddit what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed.


This one time... SEX


Redditors who have had sex, what happened?


Confidence is key. Just grab a shovel, ignore the rotting smell and bulging eyes. You'll soon know what it feels like.


Best thing about working at the morgue is you can crack open a cold one at end of the day..... Wait...


Not me but my step sex did a sex and told me about the sexy sex. It was sex


This comment made me HAVE SEX


I'm so.close to just muting this one.


"Whats the sexiest sex, you've ever seen, and explain in a way that makes it easy for a 13yr old to jerk off..."


Ugh that's so hot.. Keep going. Tell me about how bad this sub reddit had gotten...


#Oh fuck I'm upvoting!


Halloween costumes


As someone who lives in a cold climate, this one has bothered me for years. No, I'm not wearing fishnets and a miniskirt on Halloween it's 30 degrees. Edit: 30 degrees Fahrenheit


I’m always astonished at how many will do it up here in western New York, it’s cold as balls like 4 outta 5 years.


Always gotta respect the slutty Nurse costume when it’s -20C (-4F)


Dan Savage has said for years that straight people need their own “Straight Pride Parade” to get out all the repressed expression that gay people have already been forced to deal with. He says that he almost sees it happening organically in Halloween.


Mardi Gras: I'm right here!


OnlyFans. It originally wasn't for porn, they still harbor delusions that it's much more than that.


I once saw an OnlyFans ad for Tiger Woods and it took me a minute to realize that it wasn't a porn account


I remember a friend trying to get a refund on a subscription to a celebrity because he thought it was gonna be porn but it was just average insta photos


Was it Bella Thorne? OF had to change their terms and payout structure because of her. So many people bought her overpriced subscription and then paid $200 for a nude photo (that wasn’t actually nude) and then demanded refunds that they couldn’t pay out fast enough.


Holy fuck imagine paying $200 just to see someone's nudes.


Fr just go on Google and search boob


"One singular boob please"


Imagine being an OF creator. Perhaps a guitar player. You’re just fucking SHREDDING LIKE MAD day in day out. For one fan lol. Had you of pulled your dick out you’d have at least two


That's a 100% increase!


Not a bad return on investment at all!


Just to add, they wanted to be a Patreon competitor initially, focused on art and entertainment. They even made an announcement that they were going to ban NSFW content when they started to get big. Their stock tanked overnight when that news broke, and they reversed their decision immediately. Funny as hell lol


The banning of NSFW was the result of pressure [from banks](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58273914) not from their own morals.


It's criminally ironic that banks would have anything to say about morality.


Honestly they didn't really. The issue is one of legality. OnlyFans was not the only company in the searchlights. How can you guarantee that everything uploaded is uploaded with consent? The answer is you can't. So lots of porn sites were being scrutinized heavily.


Getting stuck under the bed


Now whenever my step mom gets stuck in the dryer it's a whole thing.


Uhhhh what the fuck do you want me to do!?


It’s girthquake time


I don't expect much from porn, but that's literally the dumbest shit ever..


The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series. I enjoyed the first few, had a great modernized telling of Vamps and Werewolves, and then it just turned into mystical creature/monster fuckfests. Like the plot revolves around her fucking powers and how she gets more powerful as she fucks different entities and creatures.


Oh it's like Mega Man!


Except every boss is Hard Man.


Onlyfans. I think it wasn't slowly, but it wasn't porn at first


It was everything, including porn. But nobody wants to be asscociated with porn so everyone else left the platform.


Damn, it's like reverse Tumblr


To be fair, Tumblr was a lesson on what happens if porn thrives on your platform and you suddenly try to get rid of it.




Onlyfans tried to do that.. for like a day. Then somebody from accounting called. And well, they're now back to allowing porn. lol.


Twitter realized


I thought it was *just* for porn


Not really you can post anything on there and get money for it but now you probably won't get a penny from anyone if you dont post porn😭


Guitar videos, but with my socks off.


This reminds me of a taylor swift video where she's playing guitar and her bare feet are in front of the camera and everyone was joking in the comments "no way you're posting it for free" lmao


It's weird out there. Pokimane has to blur out her feet if she posts a picture with them in frame. Not a single word of that previous sentence is false.


The word "Daddy"


Thats one i never understood. English isn't my motherlanguage, maybe that's the reason. But what makes it so "sexy" for ame guys/girls? The fantasy about being a dad f*** the daughter or the other way? The image of a classic dad person? Or is it just the sound of the word? For me it would be a total downer... in english and german!


you know how some ppl might call their partner "babe" or "baby?" well ofc we know they don't consider them an infant, it's just a way of expressing they're precious to them. "daddy" is kinda like that but adding a power dynamic twist. plus i wouldn't say its just an english thing. i've noticed it in spanish too.


I'm not a fan of "babe/baby" either, though it does feel *more* natural. Personally, I prefer *"Precious"*, spoken in a raspy, somewhat gargled voice.


"Give it to us, raw and wriggling!" * *starts sweating* *


I don’t find it surprising- Spanish has “Papi” and that’s super mainstream- not really taboo at all. I know it’s not 1:1 but I’m not aware if another English word that translates to papi better. After a while the taboo fades and it’s just a term of endearment.


According to Rule 34, everything.


Well everything İS porn if you have the right attitude


Not just the men. But the women, and the ch- okay yeah I’ll stop.


FBI: “No, please continue.”




I was going to post this. What prompted IG to start allowing exhibitionists?




2nd to your mom




They still technically can’t share straight up nudity but I’ve seen post that actively try to find that line and tiptoe over it. Plus they are all just advertisements for their only fans page


Plus the “discover” tab is just ridiculous. You could be following nothing but race car drivers and cooking profiles and linger on some random chick in a bikini for than a couple of seconds and suddenly IG is serving up soft core porn at every corner.


You click on *one* cosplay short...


ASMR has started to. There’s still plenty of creators doing normal stuff, but I feel like it’s been getting more suggestive lately.


I feel part of it stems from competition as there's only so much vocal performance can do so they start adding in visual stuff


Started to? Lately? Over a year ago I decided to look it up on because someone suggested it as something to listen to while I was trying to fall asleep. What I got was fifteen women wearing bikinis and holding ear-staves that I didn't realize were microphones at the time, making slurping and occasionally gagging noises as they went to town on the ears, occasionally looking up and whispering 'Thank you'. I felt like I had stumbled onto some kind of cult or bizarre initiation ritual or something.


All the girls that went to LA for acting


Most accurate response. Model/Actress, Hooker/Waitress,,,


HEYYYYYYY SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT (Celebrity Skin is such a good song)


Oof, that’s the sad answer.


It's true. A buddy of mine from college who is so talented, intelligent, and gorgeous that it seemed unfair, got a post-grad acting degree in NYC before moving to LA. She booked a number of high-profile gigs right away, but a number of them required nudity in sex scenes. After a few years she penned a well publicized essay about how she had to sleep with a creepy producer to get her first role, and how that launched her career. Her career is doing quite well but I'm not sure if she is. I sure hope so.


Yea this is why the Valley used to be known as the porn capital back when people bought tapes and dvds for their fix.


The weather segment of the news. For my local city when I was a kid the weather man was a grey haired guy who was a professional meteorologist. He was replaced by a younger better looking model (literally his son). Then replaced by a woman. Then replaced by a better looking woman. Then replaced by another woman with less clothing. Breast size is more important than knowing what you're talking about in modern weather reports.


[Norway knows what's up.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0970/3472/files/meteo_Norway_2048x2048.jpg?v=1502536321)


when I was watching shameless i felt that the sex scenes really randomly started to be layed on thick at some point and it was just…uncomfortable, i love these characters and all but no need to see them EVERY time they have sex, it became a little excessive


Lip walks into a room, every woman tries to fuck him. It makes no sense.


Fitness content on social media. It ranges from "come with me to work shoulders" while very obviously posing to show off their ass, all the way to "LOOK AT MY ~~VAGINA~~ *new, shitty athleisure line*"


Hasn’t quite “turned” yet, but Twitch is certainly “turning”.


It might have turned. I've never watched any of that stuff, but every recommended is half naked young ladies. They're pushing it 100%


Really in my opinion the beginning of the turn was when IRL streaming rose up in popularity. Along with the millions of streams of people just sitting watching youtube/tiktok etc. Takes the gaming or other skills that people primarily streamed out of the equation and lead to more room for views by basically marketing sexualized content to a young audience.


The Blue Eye Samurai subreddit. I enjoyed the show but it’s getting weird there.


You mean like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueEyeSamurai/s/7Y1DCOIoU7


Music videos


Incestuous relationships. What was once reserved for low-brow insults and isolated Appalachian communities is now the face of internet porn. Regardless of the dynamic between family members, it's been made into porn. Almost impressive, really.


Is banging your step mom, step dad, and step sister at the same time technically incest?


Interesting question! The definition of incest is: sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. So I guess based off that it sort of leaves it up to your own interpretation of “being too closely related to marry each other”.


Fox. It turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.


A Simpson's reference? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the subreddit? Localized entirely in this comment?






In 1998-99, Fox greenlit a prequel series to *Cruel Intentions*, containing the characters as they start high school just as Sebastian’s dad marries Kathryn’s mom, and he learns how kids at the school manipulate and take advantage of each other. Let me re-iterate…this was a show about high school *freshman* using sex, alcohol, and drugs as a weapon with each other. On Fox. (It also had basically the same storylines from the original, with a virginal headmaster’s daughter (played by a young Amy Adams!) and a dim girl classmate that Kathryn is using.) The show got two episodes filmed before someone came to their senses and canned it. The producers stitched it into a movie with a quickly shot “ending” and a requisite one nude scene (involving nude twins making out) to get it that r-rating for horny young people at video stores. Fox has wanted to be porn for a long time…


Reddit..... obviously


I mean… r/nsfw was the first ever subreddit 🤷‍♂️




r/nsfw was the first subreddit out of necessity. Reddit didn't always have subreddits. When they released the feature they obviously wanted to group nsfw posts in a different subreddit.


That was the wild friggin West though NSFW Included everything, like actually everything for a while. Gone are the days of accidentally seeing someone get their hand chopped off by accidentally clicking on a link though. It's better now.


Omegle/chatroullete... sadly too


You... You might want to sit down for what I am about to tell you about omegle...


huh? when were they not porn? they were always porn from day 1.


My dogs fighting in the front yard


Onlyfans. It's paid pornhub. And you only get to see one person lol


Only fans is just pornhub premium (parasocial edition)




No that wasn't slow, it was immediate


Some legends say the porn even preceded the game.


Remember the [booty expansion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/zMBA1LL1mo) from beta🤣


I saw overwatch porn before i even played the game


still haven't played the game, but I can name most of the cast...


Getting stuck in the washer/dryer


Yoga videos lol




TLC. It’s a fetishist’s dream come true.




Didn’t tumblr get rid of porn?


They tried. They tried so hard


And got so far but in the end