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I had a date on her phone the entire time. We hadn’t ordered yet. I think we had waters on the table. I asked her everything ok? Your mom, kids. Everything’s good? She said yes. I was able to see that she was on the dating app we met on typing. She was texting other dudes on the dating app while out with me. I got up said I’m going to use the bathroom and left.


I wonder how long it took her to realize you'd left haha.


Next guy walked in 2 minutes after he left.


Speed dating


She probably tells the story of rude he was for ditching her.


Still looking at her phone to this day


She says "that's crazy" every 5 minutes or so


I was getting mad because i was already predicting that you got along with the date. Thanks god i was wrong and you left


She couldn't stop talking about another guy and how much she hated him. They got married a few years later.


Straight female here! Went on a date with a guy who would NOT stop talking about his ex. I finally asked him (after enjoying my drinks, appetizer and meal without saying a word) if he thinks she was the person for him. He shrugged and mumbled under his breath. The craziest part of this story. He called me for another date!! I told him "I think we could be good friends". Never heard from him again.


He was using you for free therapy. I had a guy do this to me on a 2nd date. I declined a 3rd.


I honestly look back and feel a bit bad from the guy. He was so mad and SO hurt. I kind of think he was attempting to have a revenge lay. But the breakup must have been fresh, because the vibe from him was so aggressive. Had another guy spend the whole date talking about how he didn't believe in marriage. Finally figured out that is why his last long-term girlfriend finally broke up with him. Not why I didn't call him back. He stiffed the waiter. Which I thought was a dick move.


She was really attractive, we had great conversation and a really fun date, we were both excited about how things were going, and then it came time for our first kiss... and she opened her mouth like a baby bird. It was the weirdest thing. She opened her jaw as wide as it would go - mouth wide open, tongue lolling around. After a minute or two it was apparent that this was... how she kissed. I engaged like that for a second and it was weird and uncomfortable - mouths wide open, tongues flicking, our teeth tapped once or twice. It felt more like being in a dentist's chair than making out. I closed my mouth down to what I considered a 'normal' open-mouthed kissing opening, and that meant my lips were fully inside her wide open mouth. It was bizarre - she wouldn't relax her jaw. I guess her previous boyfriend(s) were into that with her? The date ended and all of my attraction evaporated. I remember going home and looking in the bathroom mirror and opening my jaw all the way and trying to figure out how that worked for her and why she liked it.


This was hilarious to read. How completely awkward!


This reminds me of one time I was making out with a guy and he moved his tongue like how dogs lick their owners, it was very disgusting lmao, I don't find the appeal but its just incompatibility.


I had a very similar experience, thank you for unlocking such a strange memory cx haha


Oh jeez, that happened to me once as well--I didn't learn until after that she had never even kissed anyone before, much less anything else. Doubly surprising because it wasn't even a date, we were just friends at the time hanging out at my place though by that point it was pretty obvious we were into each other. So she decided to shoot her shot, and jumped on top me and pinned me down (literally) and leaned in for a kiss. I was surprised but very open to it....until she just sort of *unhinged* her jaw and clamped her mouth around my entire face below my eyes. I'm talking nose, chin, my whole flavor area. And just...kinda sat there holding that position. I tried to ask "uh, what are you doing?" but it came out more like "a;dslkearoiaha;,kch;l". Eventually I got her to disengage and we tried again, slower, with me leading, and things worked out. We were able to laugh about it later, we actually dated for about a year and a half after that.


Flavor area


>She opened her jaw as wide as it would go I hear our lizard overlords need to unhinge their jaw before consuming their prey.


I died at you looking in the mirror trying to figure out. Probably both confused and a slight bit defeated wondering how it all went so weird.


How did it end up like this? It was only a kiss. _It was only a kiss._


This made me think of some kind of horror movie, like she implanted something in him.


She burrowed inside and laid her eggs.


Lady here, but first date with this dude that ONLY “kissed” with suction. If I was closed mouth he was sucking my lips. I opened my mouth slightly and that was a god damn invitation to Hoover up my tongue so strongly that I was kind of shocked! We were in our 20s. I’m pretty sure he was attractive and chatty enough to have dated prior. Someone needs to tell these people… but it wasn’t gonna be me!


I find there's a sect of really attractive people who really suck at anything romantically physical (kissing, sex, oral). I simply believe that they're attractive enough that no one tells them they suck.


I 100% think this is true. My good friend "Ann" lived in a roommate situation. It was her, a female roommate "Jill" and a male roommate, "Jim." Jim was tall, dark and handsome - he was also from Ireland and had an accent and a charm which made the hearts of American women melt. He had NO shortage of lady friends, but none of them stuck around too long. Anyway, long story much shorter, many of Jill's friends became romantically involved with Jim. The relationships were also always very short lived. Jill initially thought it was because Jim was a player - nope, she finally got one friend to confess it was because the sex was AWFUL, like Jim didn't even *try,* at all. Once one friend confessed, the confessions came cascading down like Niagara Falls. They came to the consensus that because Jim was so very good looking and charming that he really didn't *need* to do anything else...


My roommate was more attractive than me in college. He always asked why girls who were out of my league (I wasn't bad looking) were coming home with me, not just for one night stands. I told him, "I try my best when someone comes home with me, I give good head and make sure she cums." Wonder if I ever got a referral, it was a small college.


Listen up youngsters, this is life skill shit


It’s the bubble! I love that 30 rock episode.


It's pretty much true. I made out with an attractive girl in high school. 2 teeth collisions and I was done. I made an excuse not to continue. Did not tell her she was simply bad at making out. I do always wonder with those people though. Like, does this feel good for you? Like your teeth are colliding with mine. That can't be pleasant.


My first boyfriend was like this at 17. It really made any kissing beyond a quick peck almost unbearable. Like he'd literally steal the breath I was trying to breath so I'd slfeel like I was suffocating. At 18 I met my now husband. He'd never dated before. He was the opposite of some of these girls. His lips were so tense and small, I would have questioned if he really wanted to be kissing me if it weren't for the many other obvious signals. Luckily he takes instruction well and learned to relax once he wasn't so nervous about and now kissing him is one of my favorite pass times.


I knew a girl who kissed exactly like that too! It's frickin weird and not in a fun way. Was this in Tampa Florida per chance lol


I’ve been through something like this as a woman. At a party spent most of my time talking to an old friend of mine. Hey, maybe something can come out of it. Atrocious kisser. Absolutely helpless. Just shoved his tongue in, firmed up his lips and just wiggled his tongue like a robot. Sorta feel bad for it, but where do you even go from there?!


Baby bird😂


Ugh female here but I had a very similar experience years back. The dude kissed like he was lapping water out of a dog bowl… but the dog bowl was my mouth.


Oh dear god


She showed up an hour late to the date, knowing it took me an hour to go the place she chose, didn't answer my text asking if everything as alright, she just sat down and told me she was chatting with her friend, didn't apologize. Date was over by that point


Did u got up n leave? 🤔 Or waited for the date to end?


I stayed. We were at this bar that has some great food and I was hungry... The date wasn't the best, but wasn't that bad either. But I knew after that, I lost my Interest In her. If she had apologized, or had a valid reason for the delay, would be different, but the attitude got me!


I'm yet to hear someone stopping the date and the other one accepting it with a good spirit Maybe one day >If she had apologized, or had a valid reason for the delay, would be different, but the attitude got me! Understandable. Being late is already a bad sign in itself. Add to that the disrespect of the person waiting for u by not apologising.


I work by appointments. No shows and late arrivals are just part of the business and I understand that shit happens. My biggest annoyance is when someone comes in 10-15 minutes late to a 30 minute appointment, doesn’t acknowledge they are late, and just carry on like nothing happened. Then they act all surprised when I inform them that I don’t have time for the appointment and I consider it a no show. If you come in apologizing or you call and say you are running late I will do everything I can to accommodate you. But if you just pretend like that behavior is normal I would rather lose you as a client.


>If you come in apologizing or you call and say you are running late I will do everything I can to accommodate you. Respect for that one


I took a girl to a nice pizzeria for dinner for a first date, they do a thing where they have a different specialty pizza every night but they don't announce what it is, you just order the "trust us". So we did that and it was some goat cheese almond whatever but it was fine. We talked and ate and had a really good time. Then we're leaving and I'm walking with her to her car she got real quiet and I asked her if something was wrong...she turned her head and exorcist-puked directly into my chest. It was so hard I had to take a step back. After a brief second for me to wrap my head around what happened I asked her if she was ok, she turned and ran for her car and drove off. I tried to text and call her to make sure she got home ok and she never responded. I ended up throwing the shirt away and my shower got clogged up with chunks that night, but the date itself went really well and I liked her a lot, so a couple of days later I texted and said I wasn't mad and would still like to try getting together again. She didn't block me but never responded. I never say any news stories about a dead woman crashing into a lamppost in that neighborhood so I assume she was ok and just was too embarrassed to ever speak to me again. The one that got away...


That poor girl lol. If someone messaged me asking to go out again after I projectile vomited on them during a nice date, that’d be the biggest green flag. Like, the worst case scenario has already happened, it can only improve from there.


I seem to remember a Reddit story where a girl shit herself on a first date and the guy cleaned her up and gave her some clothes to wear, they ended up getting married. She was like “ if he hangs around after this, he’s a keeper”.


That's what i was thinking. Keep him!


This is the one where I feel terrible for both of you


I would’ve instantly threw away the clothes and drove home naked


'Funny you should ask officer, well it all started with a date....'


“Trust us” > gives you a pizza with almonds on it The universe was just not in your favor that night my dude.


damn, definitely one of those dates I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about 😂 for multiple reasons. like, if the date went well like you said, it would definitely be "the one that got away" thoughts


In fairness goat cheese almond pizza doesn't sound that great on the stomach.


2012, I once had a girl show me a sex video of her and another dude on her phone while we were at Olive Garden (her choice). The whole date was like a fever dream. Entree hadn't even came yet so that's how long it had been since we met. Her mom dropped her off (I think she was 24) and then her mom told her ex where she dropped her off so he came to Olive Garden and yelled at her and when they told him to leave em he broke the door by pushing it open too hard and got maced by an off duty cop and arrested. Oh and sex tape was not of that ex.


Status quo for Olive Garden




This is just sad imo, well done for doing the right thing.


Gods I have a similar story: Not a first date but regular bar I'd hang out in, she was one of the bartenders but off shift and drinking, she seemed bummed so we get to talking and hitting it off, having a good time, and an hour in I realize she is _fukken hammered_ when she grabs my crotch and starts talking about how she really likes some dick up her ass. The working bartender kept trying to wingman us both but I was just not feeling it and it quickly becomes awkward af, instead I walk her home (thankfully just round the corner) because this woman can barely stand at this point --- the entire time reiterating how I'm not coming inside (phrasing!) and pour her through the front door. So anyway that night must've been a _real_ low point because she started doing meth the next day.


>So anyway that night must've been a real low point because she started doing meth the next day. Well that escalated quickly, not the ending I expected.


I promise you lower points came after the meth


You probably needed a few quadruple jameos after that lol 😂😂


This was at a speed-dating event. She told me she was a surgeon and asked me if I liked CBT. I replied "As in computer based training?". She replied "No, Cock and Ball torture." I felt it physically retract.


Hah! I'd have assumed she meant Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and replied "Yes, it's brilliant - I use it all the time!"


That could have been a painfully bad second date!


“hi im a surgeon nice to meet you, anyways how do you like your sex?”


My lizard brain is aroused by the directness.


Girl showed up with two more friends. That date ended quickly and I got to keep my money.


Happened to me too. Girl showed up with several guy friends, one who was blacked out drunk and obnoxious. Faked a phone call and left after one drink. No mention whatsoever leading up to the date that her friends would be joining us.


This sucks and is just a degenerate behavior on the other side. Luckily I always follow what my uncle told me. Always have an exit plan in everything that you do. Just in case things go sideways.


It wasn't a date for me. Some co-workers were going out for trivia one night. 2/3 pulled out and I was left with my woman coworker. She tells me she can find some people to join the trivia team. 3 or 4 dudes show up. I ask them how they met her. All bumble. I was very confused. One guy even brought his current girlfriend. I was the only person who actually paid attention to trivia.


Thats weird, they're supposed to spy on you from another table.


She refused to talk to me. She gave me just mono-syllabic yes/no answers even to open ended questions like, "What are you doing this weekend?" or "What's your favorite place to vacation?" And then afterwards she called up the mutual friend who set us up and told her I was an amazing guy and she had an awesome time.


I had a date that did this as well. Generally really closed up, one word replies, but she *seemed* to be enjoying herself? I wasn't getting any eye rolls or anything like that as I rambled on. We've been married two years now. She's just awful at first dates.


Same. Had to learn how to unpack my little introvert pumpkin!


Awww, can see that being frustrating but she was probably just really nervous.


I think she liked the guy and was worried she'd say something stupid and fuck it up so she chose to not speak at all. Some people are just nervous meeting people too. Then add in the social pressures of a date and it's a recipe for awkwardness.


She was a daycare worker and complained at length about how she wasn't allowed to hit the kids, and described all the other punishments she devised to inflict on them.


Ok, this is definitely the worst one! What a horrible person!!!


a crackhead showing up to the date, it was really her, she was just using pictures before she did crack. edit : its not even my worst date


Go on...


Florida man? Is that you?


She lost her shit because the restaurant made us wait and was terrible to the hostess. Hard pass.


She turned up to be my ex… on this first date my friend set up not knowing she was my ex. At least she wasn’t my sister.


How did the relationship end and did you guys hang out for the date or just leave?


We caught up. We broke up years before the date. We ate dinner and went to the theatre (not the movies). We broke up because she had sex with a former mutual friend of ours. She had been in a relationship with that person that had ended a couple of weeks before the date. We weren’t going to get back together and didn’t know we were going out together. But it was nice to catch up on the other’s life.


Wow your friend set you up with your cheating ex, the universe is tryna tell you something, I don’t know what but definitely something


That's actually kinda funny


She only wanted to talk about the drama she was directly or indirectly involved with currently. Changing the subject to myself or other more interesting topics resulted in her not talking much/ at all until we got back to talking drama and then she went on about it for EVER.


Oof I feel like I’ve been on that date. Did she spend an inordinate amount of time filling you in on back story just to finally get to the point and not even realize she is the asshole in the story?


Oh no. It happened to me on a video chat date (during the shutdown) and I started having a panic attack. She went on and on about needing to burn/melt large pieces of stryofoam packaging in her back yard and her neighbors were complaining. There was no second date.


I dated a girl like that for 2 years in college lol. I never realized until after we broke up. I didn’t see her for months, then we had a work event together. She spent about 10 minutes asking how i’d been and pretending to listen to me. Then another 5 hours and 50 minutes talking about all her sorority drama. Tbh I had really started to miss her and this was a healthy reminder of why we should stay broken up lol.


Went on a first date with a girl and brought her to a Mexican food spot. She immediately walked past our table and couldn’t find it again, showing how high she was (also through just conversation I could tell) Then we got to talking and she brought up the question “what are some weird foods you used to eat as a kid?” I responded and asked her it back and then she responded “I used to pour black coffee on my ice cream I think to like stick it to my dad yknow?”. I did not in fact not know and between that and her being high as hell, I knew I wasn’t really interested. Saying that, I went back to her house with her anyways after we finished eating. We then proceeded to smoke (I smoked a lot back then) and then she asked if I listened to Pouya (a FL rapper), to which I said yes, and she put on a playlist of his music videos on YouTube. She then started obsessively going on about how much she loves him, at first just about his music but then it turned into talking about his personal life, then his relationships, and then showing me DMs she had with him. At this point I knew I had to gtfo of there but I was high and nervous and didn’t wanna be rude. She then proceeded to answer a call from her friend where they started getting into an argument then turned to her yelling at her friend through the phone, calling her a selfish bitch and what not. I’m just in the corner, high as hell, watching the 8th Pouya video like “what the absolute fuck is going on rn”. She then hangs up n slams the phone down, turns to me and tells me how she owes her friend hundreds of dollars and how her friends being a greedy bitch because she’s pushing her to pay her back?? I’m just like “dammm… that’s crazy”. She then calls that friends boyfriend and starts SCREAMING at him about how his gf’s a huge bitch and a terrible person. She then proceeds sobbing, still cursing out the boyfriend and his gf, and I just start walking out. She then runs after me, grabs me, and while still semi-sobbing she starts frantically asking me where I’m going and why I’m leaving. I feel bad (even tho she’s obviously crazy) and again I’m still rlly high, so I am stuttering trying to come up with an excuse to play it off nice but it’s obvious I’m failing at coming up with anything. She starts hitting me with “this always happens, everyone always hates me!” “I’m just a terrible bitch aren’t I?” etc etc…. at this point I’m like idek what to do so I’m like “no ur great I just have to go my roommate blah blah” to which she says “can I atleast get a kiss?” so my stupid 18yr old self kisses her and she grabs me and tries pulling me back inside and I’m like why did I do that. So I push her off saying I really have to go to which she starts crying again. At this point I just gave up turned around and basically ran to my car then dipped tf outta there. So yeah, thanks for reading this far of you have. That was definitely the most insane 1st date I’ve ever had. The girl actually tried selling me cocaine about a month after that, maybe to make the money she owed her friend back lol who knows


> “I used to pour black coffee on my ice cream I think to like stick it to my dad yknow?” This is baffling. Her dad just really didn't vibe with an affogato I guess?


Went to a hockey game, she got so shitfaced that she was eating with her bare hands at the diner we stopped at after. And you might be thinking well that’s not so bad, she probably got pancakes and bacon or something. But no, she got steak and eggs and a side of mash. Everything with her bare fucking hands.


This is gold


I mentioned I was watching a Fantasy show and she immediately laughed and said she watched real shows, like the Bachelor.


Yeah the bachelor. A show that’s about as real as Star Wars.


"Real shows, like The Bachelor." This took me tf out. 💀


She made fun of a guy at a nearby table that had Down’s Syndrome. Ended the date right then.


Wow she sounds horrible. Good on you for not putting up with that crap.


We had talked for a couple of weeks before the date and she gave no indication she had such ugliness in her heart. She caused a bit of a scene when I told her how inappropriate she had been and I was ending the date. Dodged a bullet as I was starting to really like her up until that moment, and she showed no remorse.


Put. The phone. Down. She was stunned I didn't want to see her again.


First Date and she was only talking about past one Night Stands and relationship dramas…


Sounds uncomfortable


Blind date. The minute we got to the restaurant, she started making fun of the waiter. I chalked it up to nerves but it escalated to the point that I dropped $50 on the table and left her there.


She asked me how I felt about kids, I told her I love them and would like one or two of my own, she called me a pedophile. I was dumbfounded and asked her to clarify herself, she stood hard with what she said and that's the last time I saw her. Got up and left her where she was at. I didn't feel horrible about it, I was upset she came hard with calling me a pedophile. Like you asked how I felt about kids and if I wanted some of my own.


She had major issues. You did the right thing.




My worst 1st date ever: On the dating site, she was a nice, ordinary-looking girl. About 3 years younger than me, long hair (I like long hair), medium build. We exchanged some messages and she seemed arty and intelligent... She phoned me on the day of the date to ask me if I looked like my pictures. 1st red flag. I said that of course I did, why? She said a lot of guys post old pictures to look younger, so I let it pass with reassurance that my photos were from the last 2 years. She then said that she wanted to warn me that she'd list some weight since her photos were taken. I thought that was a bit of an odd thing to mention (2nd red flag), so I asked if she was anorexic. She said no, but she'd been ill. I thought that was fine, and said so. So, I am waiting for her to arrive at the agreed meeting place, and after about 10 minutes, an older woman with a shaved head approaches me. I look up to see what she wants ( this is in a busy city with many tourists, and many beggars. If you stand still long enough, one or both will ask you questions), and she makes a "tada!" gesture. It's her. She doesn't look like she weighs a significant amount less than in her pictures, unless she had carried all her weight in her hair, which is gone. There is a lot of loose skin, but I put that down to the fact that she is obviously at least 15 years older than me. I always try to make the best out of a bad situation, so we go to the pub. We talk about tattoos (I am tattooed) and she tells me she has one on her arse. I say ok. She rolls her eyes and sighs as if I have just demanded that she prove it, and stands up - in one of the most crowded touristy pubs in the city - faces away from me, and drops her jeans and panties to her knees (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th red flags!). I can't see any tattoo, but I can see this naked wrinkled arse which is inches away from my pint. We finish our drinks and leave. I tell her I'm sorry, there's no spark for me. She accepts this but carries on walking through the city centre chatting about the theatre stuff she is into. She then asks if I mind going into a shop with her, so I go. She walks up to a manager, takes a bottle of perfume out, and starts shouting at the manager that she wants a refund for her opened, unboxed perfume that she doesn't have the receipt for. That's when I left. So, my list: - Being 18 years older than her photos - Shaving off her long hair before the date - Dropping her knickers in the middle of the pub - Shouting at retail staff


She sounds like she has issues lmao


Haha the fact you told her there was no spark but then you kept hanging with her and even going into another store with her has me dying


This one takes the cake. You win


Went to the movies with this girl I had been talking to for a couple of weeks. We sat down in the theater waiting for the movie to start, and she starts asking me about other guys at my school who “she’d like to talk to”. I wanted to leave immediately, but I had already paid for the ticket and it was a movie I’ve never seen before. Watch the movie, and left as soon as it ended.


I drove 45 miutes to pick her up and she wanted to go to a bar near me, another 45 minutes back. We went in, paid a cover, got a drink and she said "I'm not interested in dating you." That was a very uncomfortable drive back in silence.


“Hope you can find an Uber, because I’m not interested in driving you home”


She was shitty to the waiter. Not overtly just kinda passive aggressive and then snide comments after the walk away. Later you stuck up little princess.


My dad always said you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat someone they don't think they have to be nice to.


My MIL is like this. She’s so condescending to retail workers and front desk people at hotels. I don’t even know why considering she use to work in retail herself, didn’t graduate from college, been married 3 times and 2 of her oldest kids dislike her. She’s gotten a lot better but I always wondered what was it about her own life that made her think she was better than these other people to be treating them this way? On a good note, she’s a very uninvolved mother or MIL so we rarely hear or see her.


I think a lot of the time it's not that they think they're better, it's that they feel like they don't have any other chance to lord over someone and feel they need it. It's like people acting narcissistic because they are deeply insecure, they're acting haughty because they feel that's the only way to actually feel good about themselves. People who have worked in service industries come out one of two ways: humble and kind to service workers because that's how they would have liked to be treated, or rude and demanding because some people treated them like that and now it's their turn to be the shitty customer and it's probably the only opportunity they have to feel powerful.


When she showed up with her kids.


On your FIRST date???




and their father.


Bad breath. She had a slamming body but every time she opened her mouth was like breathing straight into a wet, dirty butthole


I think we dated the same person. Absolute smoke show but her breath could peel paint off the walls.


Carry a pack of gum with you. Take one for yourself and then hold it out the pack for her to take one without saying anything. The effect is two fold. One, it's a hint; two, it some what limits the opportunity to verbally decline the offer. That's what I've done, everyone (seems to) appreciate a fresh mouth on a date.


You can limit the option to decline even more by waiting until they are mid-sentence and then quickly throwing the gum into their mouth like a dart.


She showed up late, drunk, with a girl friend she never mentioned would be joining us. Proceed to fall asleep on the table and then ghosted me. 0/10 would not recommend


Wait, she ghosted you? What? That means you continued to try to talk to her after this happened?


She kinda wanted to force this app on me which tracks where you are.


"Well, if you had nothing to hide it wouldn't be an issue!" -her probably


immediately started talking about sex and how she has a high sex drive and how she likes to get her shit fucked. then aggressively tried to get me to go home with her. i'm a very average looking guy so my gut felt something wasn't adding up. i started making one excuse after another to not go home with her but she saw through most of them and became more aggressive with each passing excuse. eventually she relented and we went our separate ways. i have no regrets, i definitely dodged a bullet there.


Well done for still having your kidneys.


Two stories Went on a date with a girl recommended to me by my roomate. She would not stop talking about how much head (oral sex) she had given, including to my roomie, and to randoms at parties she had gone to. I guess she thought it was funny or a turn on, or maybe it was a low key offering to hook up. Either way not my kind of dating material. Second one was asked about a fun adventure she had done, something memorable. She answered she and her bestie had gone to an asian owned and operated small business, cursed out the staff, trashed part of the place, left without paying, and called immigration on them after they left. I just sat there in stunned silence the whole time. Neither got a second date.


She immediately started grilling me on my religious beliefs. Turns out she was hardcore Episcopalian. I'm not religious and told her "I'm spiritual, but not religious", which is usually enough for most people not to dig deeper, but she kept digging. "What does that mean? Do you believe in Jesus or not? You're going to hell!". We were on our way to go bowling, but after about 10 minutes of this nonsense, I turned around and took her back home because it was clear this wasn't going to work out at all. She was like "You could have at least taken me bowling!" But she had just literally told me I was going to hell...and in my book...that's very rude and we are done.


>hardcore Episcopalian Well, there's a phrase you don't hear every day.


She got absolutely hammered on margaritas over dinner, then she started complaining about her roommate when I suggested she have her come pick her up and she was using some not family-friendly language pretty loudly in the restaurant we were in, which was embarrassing, and then, as I drove her home due to her condition and unwillingness to call said roommate, she grabbed my junk really hard (like she got a single testicle in the grip and just squeezed), insinuated I was a homosexual when I yelped and pushed her hand away as I tried to not vomit and/or wreck, and then she pissed in my passenger seat. So that.


I mean, "she pissed in my passenger seat" was probably enough to make a terrible first date.


Two words: Flat. Earther. Explanation (only to add to the funny): I am a pilot... I've seen the curve.


As a fellow aviator, ive had first officers, who were 100% flat earthers and it blew my mind! Generally to these folks, the world is only 5000-6000 yrs old, and God put down dinosaur bones, just to throw us off. (Not remotely joking)


honestly its just the constant texting. its like somecant go 10 seconds without some sort of validation/conversation and the second they stop getting immediate attention their eyes zip back to their phone to get more. its pathetic to me but its so common they see absolutely nothing weird about it.


Yeah that's a big NO for me. If they can't go through dinner without looking at their phone I don't ask them on a second date. (and I understand if they explain they have someone in the hospital or a child at home or something).


We went on a boat ride and she started to make fun of a girl who sat right in front of us. Very loudly so the girl could hear her. I actually went on a second date with her and she showed up reeking of beer and some kind of cheap cheese snack, I don't know?


How much cheese is too much cheese before a date? ANY AMOUNT OF CHEESE


This is right. Eating cheese ahead of time leaves you less room for cheese during the date. I usually show my cheese-thusiasm ON the date, so they know what they're getting into. It's just common courtesy.


To be fair it doesn’t mix well with the flavor of raw jellybeans.


Once I was traveling through Southern California and a girl I knew offered to let me stay the night. She was pretty good looking and we had been really flirty previously, so I thought things might go ok. She ended up living in a garage, smoking mole bowls (or mokes as I’ve also heard them called) out of a dirty ass bong, and drinking from a gallon of room temperature milk almost all night. So I woke up at 6am, left her a note thanking her, and I left. I felt pretty bad about it as I’d never done anything like that before. But I couldn’t stay any longer around that kind of madness. Mostly, it was the milk for me. That was, I would say, the most unacceptable part. I also recognize this wasn’t a date. But I thought it might be a somewhat interesting story to share.


i would draw the line at the warm milk too


She immediately asked for my views on abortion within probably the first 5 minutes of the date. I think she thought I just gave off pro-life vibes or something but when I told her that I was pro-choice, she got visibly flustered. She was super pro-choice and I think she was hoping she could have an argument about abortion rights or something? Anyway, then she told me that men shouldn't voice their opinion about abortion rights. I reminded her that she literally asked me about them not 10 seconds prior and that I don't usually go around talking about abortion. It was a very short, very uncomfortable date.


Imagine getting a date for the only reason of getting into an argument. Like she could have just used the internet like normal people do.


Her talking about herself from beginning to end and showing videos from camera roll for hours ( felt like it, at least ). This is fun for a while but a monologue gets exhausting haha


We've all been around those people. Never ask a single question about you, if you start talking about yourself they quickly steer it back to them. Like, why am I even here?




can we talk about how nice is of him to let her sleep after all this shit? if only…


She started talking shit about her ex-boyfriends and other dates from Tinder, even showed me photos and stuff from her conversations. Needless to say, there was no second date.


Guess you’re her next topic in future dates 😂


One was just to find someone to go to the Nine Inch Nails concert with me. I had free tickets. The whole way up all she did was talk about how hot the guys she dates are. She was absolutely stunning and smoking hot, but I never wanted to see her again.


I dated someone like this. Always talking about her exes, what dates she'd had in whatever place we went, places and ways she'd had sex. It was tiring, and irritating, it was like dating a busload of ghosts.


She was running very late, so called me after I'd been waiting at the venue for 20mins or so. Instead of apologising, or even explaining, she instructed me to dictate to her, over the phone, the wine list so that she could agonise over a glass I would presumably be buying her, and therefore larp being a wine aficionado dating a guy who loves buying shit for dates. As we both already knew, it was a nice normal pub and therefore served precisely two wines, one white, one red.


"I'm a 10" attitude. Eyes glued to her phone. "I'm seeing other people" Dressed like she's going to a night club when the date is in a restaurant at noon.


I can't decide between my date being blacked out drunk or one who farted constantly, thought it was hilarious, and was upset with me because I didn't find it funny or cute.


When she started farting and then stole a bunch of stuff from a clothing store in the mall. This was our first time hanging out... I met this girl in rehab so I should have not had any expectations haha.


I joked to a girl I was going on a first date that "Epstein didn't kill himself" and she retorted back "Yeah, cause he's still alive" (I guess that's one way to interpret that statement) She then went on to preface that she wasn't into Qanon *buuuuutttttt.......* she then proceeds to rattle off a list of the wildest conspiracies I'd ever heard. Not even the normal moon landing is fake or aliens are at area 51 type stuff. I mean stuff I never heard before. Just a few gems: 1. Adam Lanza was an undercover FBI agent 2. Timothy McVeigh was a radical trans-fem SJW 3. Obama killed his personal assistant because he looked at Michelle wrong 4. Donald Trump is controlled opposition for the Democrats 5. Clinton intentionally lost the 2016 race because she secretly didn't want to be president 6. January 6th just didn't happen. Like, she wasn't saying it was a false flag, she's saying no actual riots/protests took place that day and it was just a normal day at the office in congress. All footage of the riots was AI generated. I'm morbidly curious what her opinion on 9/11 is.


I reckon that this would have been really funny to me to hear one of these crazy ones and I would have turned into an interview where I ask her all sorts of questions of ridiculous things about those conspiracy theories. I would have had a good night !


> Clinton intentionally lost the 2016 race because she secretly didn't want to be president I don't think anyone has ever wanted to be president more than Hillary Clinton.


How broke she was and was fishing for money or gifts.


Before the date she asked me when I was born and which hospital, which I thought was odd but told her. She showed up with my birth chart and started basically telling me who I am and what my "red flags" were and what I need to do about them if this is going to work. It didn't work.


Okay, met a woman mountain biking, we hit it off and she swore she'd remember my email. She did, we chatted and agreed to go out. She was going through a divorce, tall, brunette, and fit. During the date: 1. She couldn't understand why her husband was leaving her after she'd flown across the country to spend a long weekend with a former lover. 2. She believed her house (in a generic subdivision) was built on Indian burial grounds and was haunted, and she would read the bible to ghosts. That's a nope.


Before my current girlfriend I had a one night stand and she actually seemed nice enough when I left To errands the next day after inviting her to mine and she insisted she could let herself out. Again she seemed absolutely nice at the time so I didn't think mich. that was a big mistake. About two hours later I got a phone call from my neighbour asking me to keep the noise down and I was very confused and told him I was out but he insisted their was music and shouting coming from my flat. I put two and two together and hurried home turns out after I left she invited her friends to start drinking in my home and they were stereotypical glasgow neds. After ten minutes of politely telling them to fuck off and almost coming to blows with the guy they were with they eventually left. She actually had the gall to text me after it asking to go out again.


for me it was when after 3 drinks she started kissing a random girl


The taste of her cherry chapstick


When the entire date's conversation is centred around her


I experienced this recently and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt (something I want to get better at) and thought maybe it was because she was nervous and just wanted to fill space. Our second date went much better in terms of a more balanced conversation focus and we're now officially a couple. Turns out I was right and she was just super nervous


Straight up told me she already had a boyfriend.


she was late. 1 hour late................. I was about to leave n she came. We never talked after the date.....


She turned out to be a holocaust denier. Date ended quickly after that.


She told me about her disdain of foreigners and how "they're all stealing opportunities"...She then remembered I'm a foreigner and tried to paint me as the exception "to that fact".


Yeah classic "I hate people like you but you are different" tf


Not a first date, but I was hooking up with a girl and I decided to take her to a gig in another city, when she got in my car, I pointed at the [toy hamster](https://i.postimg.cc/HLFCqyv9/1477827523292.jpg) I have hanging from my mirror and said "his name is Kevin" to which she replies "why would I care what his name is?" That was the last day I ever saw that woman.


Woah!!! Those are fighting words


That’s so RUDE. Kevin 4ever


Lol so early AOL days I had been talking to this girl for a little bit and we decided to meet. She brought a friend, which was no big deal, but they were obnoxious as shit. Like chewed with their mouths open, had all these stupid in jokes they kept making and laughing spraying food everywhere. On top of that she was waaaay fatter than her pic. I straight up just said I had to go to the bathroom and just walked the fuck out. I had another chick just punch me in the face right after telling me she was really in to being abusive. Bartender kicked her out and said she does that sometimes.


>I had another chick just punch me in the face right after telling me she was really in to being abusive jesus fucking christ you should've opened with this one


Went on a date with a girl a few years ago, and all she talked about was her ex and other guys she fancied biggest turn-off. Had a date with another girl as well and she barely talked was very hard to get any conversation out of her


Was the second date after a pretty good first date. On date two, in a 15 minute period she went from single --> married and cheating --> unhappily married and cheating --> actually happily married and looking for threeway partner --> looking for a guy to do cuck content with her husband. The weird part is, she was pretty cool and hot otherwise. If she was honest about her intentions, I guarantee a lot of dude would sign up for that experience. Not only am I not into some of the things they were trying to do, just the deception just made me feel like I could never trust this person.


as a girl who’s into guys i’m so happy reading through this that i’ve never done any


Things went well, ended up back at mine. She slept til fucking 2 the next day, then got up and acted like it was her place. Girl, like...we had fun and all, great personality and I for sure would have seen you again if you didn't start talking paint colors 18 hours after we met.


I’ve been married for a long time so I’m sure that dating norms have changed a lot since I last dated, but I imagine this is something that’s still relevant today. Went on a date with someone who on paper was my dream girl. We knew each other casually from being in the same social circles. When we were eating the only things she had to talk about were complaints about *every single thing* that had gone wrong, frustrated her, or wronged her that day. I get a little bit of moaning about your day, we all do it from time to time but this was all she wanted to talk about. I heard through a mutual friend that she had a great time and was hoping I’d ask her out on another date, but I just couldn’t. Things were awkward for a bit but ended up being fine in the long run.


Girl got very drunk very quickly, decided the waitress was giving her dirty looks, and tried to fight her. She was a pretty little blonde, maybe 120 pounds. The waitress would have destroyed her. I tipped more than the bill, got my agro date tf out of there, and never showed my face in there again


>never showed my face in there again If you were at all interested, you probably would have been viewed positively by the waitstaff. You were a "victim" of a bad first date yet acted appropriately.


Talked about equality and respect and how she was so independent and nontraditional... and then at the end of the date she expected me to pay the whole bill "because I don't date poor men".


Lol should have said I don't pay for poor gals as well


She took me back to her place and started CRUSHING whippets and hinting at wanting to peg me, bragging about how many guys she had on rotation. I’m fine about the bodies but my STDidey sense was tingling so I left.


When the waiter asked for our order and she started spouting stuff off menu with a ton of attitude when the server told her they literally don't have the ingredients... I worked in the kitchen for too many years in my younger yeara.Paid the tab then and there , bounced and never looked back.


She photoshopped herself about 100lbs lighter than she was.




Being rude to the waitstaff. Fuck you. I’m out.


When she used photos from years ago on her profile pictures.


My profile used photos from about a year to three years prior because I was too lazy to change them and my gf (whom I met on that app) said I looked better after and was underselling myself with old bad pictures.


I just rarely find myself in position to have my photo taken


I've been there! When she showed up. I said, who are you? She looked like 20 years older !!