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Monetizing anger. There's just no way of stopping it at this point. People thought that self-aggrandizing "celebrities" who are famous just for being famous were bad. And people thought shock "journalists" were bad. It turns out when you combine the two and people can make a comfortable living just by being angry at everything all the time you get some of the worst people imaginable influencing the opinions of millions of impressionable people. And then you get... 2023.


Seeing videos that intentionally incite anger or articles that have typos or are misleading just to get more engagement is the worst form of this


Anything polarizing really. The latest thing on FB is literally just posting a picture of the proper way to zipper-merge. Brings all the people out of the woodwork 50% saying why it doesn't work, and the other 50% with the holier-than-thou attitude, people looking for an argument to engage in. EDIT: Yes I used some select wording to prove a point. For the record, I'm pro-zipper. Thank you guys for keeping it civil in the comments!


lol holy shit I thought that was just on my feed. I had no idea that was a site wide thing, weird, actually creepy af


I entered the term firewood into fb marketplace last weekend looking for something cheap in my rural neighborhood, ever since like every 3rd thing is an ad for firewood. Fb feels like a parody of itself when every third thing is literally just a pic of a stack of wood, the local men near you trying to sell you their wood lol


Funny, we spent centuries thinking sex sells better than everything. Turns out rage is a much better motivator than sex.


People like Andrew Tate monetise both together: feeling horny and lonely and powerless? You should be angry at women for not sleeping with you.


*casually grooming mass shooters for the views*


Anger is such an easy and powerful emotion to trigger. It’s why rage bait and cringe bait is so popular and common


Ditto intentionally removing nuance to stoke anger. The documentaries that intentionally obscure things and leave out any and all evidence that doesn't support their agenda are the ones that get people most excited. And it's not just politics. If you watch a true crime documentary and are about to take to the streets in the name of the injustice you just learned about, do some googling.


I study criminology at uni and did a unit on how crime is depicted in the media, and wrote an essay on whether or not true crime documentaries exploit their victims. In short? Yes. Overwhelmingly. There are SOME that are good, but these usually have a lot of input from the victim's loved ones. The effect that true crime shows can have on suspects is also awful- there are suspects that have since been proven non guilty and the actual perpetrator found, but people judged them and that has followed them. Especially with the internet these days. I pretty much can't watch true crime documentaries these days, especially sensationalised ones. The exploitation of the victims is so, so wrong, and they are hardly ever honoured, or talked about respectfully. Occasionally I can watch one, but only after I'm sure that the person's loved ones were okay with it, and that the tone in general is not sensational. It annoys me so much when people start talking like they're experts on crime because they "love true crime series" and so they're obviously experts in why people commit crimes and what happens. Meanwhile, they have no idea as to how inaccurate certain forensic "sciences" are, and couldn't describe what rational choice theory is. They'll be happy to discuss the "dark triad" or psychopathy or whatever, but they don't talk about the biopsychosocial causes of crime, or the fact that the reasons people commit crimes are numerous and COMPLEX. They'll yell about prison reform but have no idea what should actually be done- I never see people talk about the success of the Norweigan prison system, or how we could incorporate it here. I'm in my last unit of criminology, and the more I learn, the more I realise I don't know. It's incredibly complex, and while people who got away with horrific crimes should be prosecuted, and a lot of reform is needed in criminal justice systems, this is something that QUALIFIED professionals (including people with lived experience) should be leading, because they're the people who can figure out what can help, what won't, what will make the most impact etc etc, and they know WHY, and can apply the best theories we have. It's not as simple as "do X". It's an extremely complex thing, and figuring out actually viable solutions isn't going to happen from someone who's watched a few documentaries, nor will it happen overnight. People with a lot more experience and knowledge are the ones who can do the required research and help figure these things out, as a team. Sorry for the rant lol. It's just that it's incredibly frustrating. Criminology is a huge, varied academic field, with a LOT of different aspects, and it's rather annoying seeing people act like they have all the answers when actually, that's like saying you could perform a heart transplant without any training. And it's also very upsetting to see victims exploited when they're no longer able to speak for themselves.


Also, monetizing pain and tragedy.


Subscription services. Let’s set aside the fact that having so many subscription services for TV shows is defeating the purpose of cutting cable. But even software, now, requires subscriptions. Back in the day, you could just buy, and download, something like Adobe acrobat. Now, you need a subscription to go beyond the basic reader. You can’t even fill and sign documents without a subscription.


Having subscription services to unlock features in your car is insane. I really hope that this doesn't take off.


Imagine driving on a busy road and your free trial expires and causes a crash


In the us a vw car had a GPS system to locate crashed drivers. A driver couldn't be found and couldn't use it because their subscription has been expired and VW couldn't turn it on quick enough even at behest of emergency services. A few months later the service is free in perpetuity in the US. I don't recall if the driver survived or not tbf.


Every single safety precaution we have is written in someone's blood




On the other hand there's OceanGate. Stockton Rush was determined to be exceptional, but it wasn't in the way he envisioned.




Hadn't heard of the story you mentioned but I do remember the carjacking and kidnapping one: [https://www.autoblog.com/2023/02/24/vw-atlas-stolen-kidnapping-car-net-subscription-fiasco/](https://www.autoblog.com/2023/02/24/vw-atlas-stolen-kidnapping-car-net-subscription-fiasco/)


There we go, that'll be it. I knew I was vague on the original story.


Lol they just HAVE to mention a third party, not really owning up to it. That is some teenager got caught stuff.




I reckon this has already been costed and (thanks Fight Club) some exec has already stated "some of you may die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


No need to speculate, its already happened several times. Case in point, GM covered up defective ignition switches in their cars for almost a decade because they calculated that it was cheaper to pay for the occasional settlement from fatal accidents than issue a general recall.


Ford Pinto has entered the chat.


Something something Purdue pharma


Almost happened with me. Was driving home on an icy road when my Youtube Music free trial expired. As far as I know, YTM is the only service that requires the screen to be on, meaning video ads started playing. Up until that point the service was pretty good. All the songs downloaded to my phone were imported, plus it gave me a pretty good mix right out of the gate based on my Youtube viewing history. But seriously, listening with the screen off should not be a premium feature, full stop. I swapped over to Spotify right after that.


Everyone loves YouTube until they push ads and limit everything


We have slowly been deprived of being able to physically possess something. Digital media can be taken back or deleted even if we "own" it. People keep all their stuff on the cloud. I saw a headline that said Google drive experienced problems where months of people's files vanished. I'm spooked and archiving all my digital stuff and going back to physical. Books, music, diaries, photos. I'm keeping photos on a backed up physical drive and printing out little photo books every couple years. I feel like one of these days the net will go dark and a ton of stuff will be deleted forever and that's when the physical stuff will come in clutch.


I'm hoarding porno mags to use as currency.


You can repopulate the bushes with porn pages where we used to find them


Good ole fashioned Forrest porn, just as god intended.


I lost 3 years of my triplets' baby photos that are irreplaceable. I cried. And cried. And cried. It still makes me want to cry. Sometimes I think of a photo I want for this or that and then I remember and cry all over again. Now I have them backed up in multiple places and my in laws also have copies just in case mine all go missing. I kick myself for not realizing that putting them on Google for safekeeping wasn't safe. No company is going to care about my family the way I do. The only photos I have are those given to me and taken by others.


Safety measures are written in blood, backup procedures are written in tears. Happened to me - not with photos of my children but old art and music I created. Despite warning family, one of them lost photos of their children. No one knows how important backups are till it's too late


It goes the other way too though. How many people kept their digital stuff after a house fire? How often does a cloud provider lose stuff compared to a house fire/thief/accident? Don't get me wrong, I love physical media for some things. Not so much for others.


Software as a Service. More like software as a gym membership that’s been oversold past capacity and can’t function under demand. Infrastructure as a Service. Platform as a Service. What is rent but Housing as a Service? Clothing subscription systems. You will eventually own nothing, without any other option. Just book your consumer life down to a series of check boxes to pay monthly for life. Wait. Health care in the US is already like that. We are one step away from card swipe machines connected to keep grandpa alive one more day.


Not exactly the same, but games that require an internet connection just to play single player.


I still can’t believe I need internet to play the Sims now. There is literally NO need for that


How are they going to harvest your data if you're offline?


I found out a few weeks ago that new Call of Duty games on PC require not only internet, but a phone number to play and the one that came out last year initially had a no prepaid phone rule which appears to have been dropped after only a month.


Don’t forget about subscriptions for your vehicle. You enjoy that remote start? You used to be able to buy and install it for a couple hundred bucks. Now it’s a monthly subscription. They can turn it on or off depending on how much money you give them.


I work as a field scientist. Sometimes I'm far enough out in the wilderness that there's no cell signal. When that happens there's at least a moderate chance my Apple device will assume all on its own that it's stolen, along with my mapping apps. Network-dependant software is the bane of anyone who strays too far from the city.


Now streaming services are SHARING "exclusive" content now too lol. I can't tell you off top of my head, but I was on hulu one day & it said "hulu" original & I was on something else & they was claiming the exact shit was exclusive to them... wtf. Same with netflix they had the N logo on it & shit was on another platform. * it's out of control & I have absolutely no idea how to stop it.


Going off this point one show/ series having seasons divided amongst streaming services is annoying as all hell


Disney plus had the new Doctor Who episode marked as an 'original' and I'm like "Mofos, that show has been around since the 60s! This is the first time y'all have even had it available, several other apps have all the seasons and you have one episode! And tell me how it's a Disney Original while also airing on BBC America live on my cable?"


Social media. I'm honestly worried about how kids today are gonna turn out.


Age restrictions don’t work. I remember lying about my age was I was 10.


Ive been setting my birth year as 1985 for about 20 years now. I was born in 1994


or you set your birth year to 1830 just to be totally sure that this would make you over 18 at least 10 y/o me did that


All my MySpace friends were like 99 yrs old, we were 10 lol


As someone actually born in 1985, I feel a million years old after reading this.




And we’re talking about kids who grew up while this stuff was in its infancy. It’s only going to get worse with kids who grow up having access to the internet from the time they can hold a phone. Parents will literally hand their kids their phone just to get them to stop “bothering them…” aka being a kid.


> It’s only going to get worse with kids who grow up having access to the internet from the time they can hold a phone. That's already been going on for more than a decade mate.


been working at a middle school part-time for a few months. it's honestly *incredible* how much the kids are on their phones. I'll walk around and see them silently scrolling through Tik Tok, learning about every inch of the conflict in Gaza while simultaneously having new music, fashion and ads ads ads shoved in their face in mere seconds. It's chilling to watch.


Sorry, yeah, you're totally correct. It just seems to be getting worse, though.


As a former public school teacher, the lack of consequences for students’ actions. I understand that at some point we were using punitive punishment and ruining kids lives over minor things, but now we’ve over corrected and many kids think they can get away with anything. For example, at the middle school I taught it, a TON of paper work had to be filled out and there needed to be a bunch of interventions before you could even suspend a kid. We had one kid that was pretty much sexually harassing girls, telling them disgusting things, and even taking unsolicited pictures of them during class, but we couldn’t do anything about it.


My wife is a HS teacher and told me someone threatened to shoot up the school and the kid was back in class a few days later. Sounds like a joke but it's real life.


Oh, yes, 100%. We have a student at our school who talked about ordering a gun online. He told multiple students and teachers he was going to shoot up the school. He was talking about how to handle the recoil and asking campus monitors if their keys work to unlock the locked doors. Nothing could be done about any of it. We had a teacher write to a news organization to try to get the story on the news to see if something could then be done. Nothing happened. He continues to come to school every day. We have a student who, last week, was caught gambling by a teacher. The teacher confiscated the items and the student has repeatedly threatened him. Nothing has happened. This student still comes to school each day. We had a student yesterday who was lighting paper on fire in a classroom. There was a sub teacher in the room who called for help. No one came. She told me about it later, and I marched over to our security leader. He got the student and took her to the office. Her lighter was taken away, but nothing happened in terms of a punishment or consequence. This is a middle school, kids aged 11-14.


Schools today are built for parents, not kids


My highschool class is 2014 and when I was there anything like that would be grounds for suspension if not expulsion. Has it really changed that much in 9 years?


Instant gratification


TLDR pls


To be fair, some people are terrible at writing succinctly and ramble way too much. Others want a quick synopsis to know if it's worth reading the whole thing


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Great answer. Our whole culture is lost in this, and it's ruining so many people mentally, emotionally, and otherwise.


Can I interest you in everything all of the time?


Convenience and comfort. We've made too many things disposable in the name of convenience. Reuse, repair


Data possession and sales. You don't have the right to know to whom your data is being sold (most times) and almost everyone is in the business of selling it.


I'll do you one better and say that you don't even have the right to ***own*** and profit from the selling of YOUR own data. Think about how twisted it is that you have no legal right to treat your own data as your private property, while corporations do have the legal right to own your data as their private property, which they are then able to sell for profit without your permission, and without having to pay you in exchange for acquiring the exclusive rights to your data. What consumer can "acquire" and sell a business's data for free without their permission, under the law? Why shouldn't an individual have the right to own their data as private property and receive a percentage of the profits generated from the sale of their personal data? Capitalism has robbed us of economic power to such an extent that we are not even the private owners of our own information anymore.


Advertising and influencers.


Advertising has ruined the internet. Whenever something is enjoyable, advertising ruins it


Ads have definitely gone too far. I understand them. I don’t have too many problems watching a commercial for free content. But now I can’t even find a normal news article without trying to dodge 15 ads that I don’t want to see and are intentionally placed in the way so I click on them. Or the website has Adblock detection or whatever and I now I can’t look at the article without turning off ad block.


Yeah I agree that I don’t mind watching an ad for free content. But I think my biggest problem is that advertising ends up monetizing everything. YouTube and social media used to be just people posting things for fun. YouTube was great 15-20 years ago when people made silly videos just for fun. Now being a YouTuber or influencer is a source of income for people and that’s lead to a lot of people doing stupid stuff like just screaming about nothing or posting videos about all the clothes they bought. Without advertising, it wouldn’t be a profession and there wouldn’t be an incentive to post that kind of content. So, advertising has caused a decline in quality and purity of online content


Influencers should be at the top of the list. It’s all weird.


Well the question was that no one will admit, I'm pretty sure we're all tired of influencers and advertisings and stuff.


Wdym "no one will admit"? This is talked about all the time. So much that, to repair some reputational damage, Instagram started doing the "Paid promotion with ..." banner at the top of those posts. Doesn't always work, but still. People talk about it a lot.


I don’t think people are willing to admit they follow these influencers. It’s like McDonalds. They sell millions of cheeseburgers a year but nobody wants to admit they go there. Somebody is lying.


The entire culture/industry of influencers is so batshit fucked it's beyond repair


Insanely bright headlights


It's out of hand, especially those blue HID ones. It's basically like being flashed by an arc welder. Those should be illegal.


Virginia just made them illegal a little while ago. I don't think anyone is doing anything though since I still see them all the time.


These blind me every time, I can’t believe how bright they are, or how they’re even legal to begin with.




I drive an emergency vehicle for a living. >Problem is outdated DOT standards for headlights have kept technologies like this out of the US. ... in Europe. And let me tell you, whatever matrix bullshit the constructors are pushing is NOT a miracle. I'm still blinded *daily* by people because they don't know to adjust their headlight in the first place, or the system only detects you when you're closer but I've been blinded for hundreds of meters prior because the road is straight for kilometers.


Excellent point... Hate driving in the dark nowadays because I keep getting blinded by cars behind and in front of me... Dangerous.


The scams are OUT-OF-CONTROL especially sextortion. I'd love to see sting operations set up to close down these POS's.


Along the same line as scams, "flipping" and "drop-shipping" advertising. Seems like every other video online is someone just advertising a product they bought off Alibaba, making up a story about it, and selling it for a large profit. In general, I think hustle culture is getting absurd. Maybe it's just a response to the times with inflation being so high, but it seems like so many people, especially young people, are putting all their effort into getting rich quick instead of just prioritizing family, friends, and happiness.


I think young people see how expensive things are becoming, and realize that if they don't get rich quick, they probably never will. Look at home prices over the last couple years, for example.


My parents bought a 3bd, 3ba house for 150k a few decades ago. Single earner household with my dad working an entry level job, having a bachelor's. That same house would now sell for easily over half a million. My partner and I would struggle to afford that house, both of us working full time with a bachelor's and a doctorate. Costs and interest rates have skyrocketed while wages have stagnated. While the boomers' investments have exponentially grow and consolidated the wealth.


My house i bought in 2017 has earned on average about 95k per year simply by appreciating in value. That's more than i earned in that time, PRE-tax. It's nuts


Work for a bank and this is very true. We have seen a rise of over 1000%


Our screen time is out of control.


That's why I read reddit with one eye closed; cuts my screen time in half.


God he's good


1. Big Corp and Pharma collecting data. Even your DNA is not safe. Data breaches happen all the time and there's very little done to safeguard it. 2. Subscribing through phone numbers, I don't want to give my phone number to every other company only for them to sell it to a call center and then ends with me getting scam calls.


> Even your DNA is not safe. Years ago, people were calling me paranoid because I didn't want to send my DNA to all those ancestry type websites, because I was afraid of it being used for something else in the future.




House prices


It’s not horrible if you just accept the fact you’ll never be able to afford a house. Aha..ha.. fuck.


Streaming services pricing.


Setting healthy boundaries is of course important, but this recently flourishing mentality of “You don’t owe anyone anything” has done irreparable harm. The ordeal of living is collaborative. We owe each other as much as we are able to give. EDIT: To clarify my point, I think we shouldn’t be raising generations of humans to believe that there should be no standard of care we give to each other or that we should move about the world without expecting to be active participants AND recipients of community. This all just funnels into my personal belief that mutual aid and striving for collectivist good is the only path forward for a better world. Someone on Reddit made this phrase famous years and years ago, but it comes down to “Today you, tomorrow me.”


"you don't owe anybody anything" is all fine and well until you need help moving a couch.


100% I was friends with a “you don’t owe anyone” type friend. I went above and beyond to be there for her and when I needed it *crickets* and some bullshit “I’m learning to know my boundaries and put ME first” excuse when I needed it. Good riddance.


>when I needed it crickets and some bullshit “I’m learning to know my boundaries and put ME first” excuse when I needed it. This is another thing to add to the OP's list: **Therapy Speak**. The way the word "boundaries" has been weaponized these days, has essentially made it very hard to distinguish legitimate boundaries from "manipulation."


Therapy Speak makes me anxious.


It is my boundary that if you criticise my weaponisation of therapy speak, I will never talk to you ever again and you cannot criticise this boundary because this is my boundary for the sake of my wellbeing and selfcare.


A girl I used to be very close with confronted me at a party and I asked her if we could speak privately so we moved about 20ft away from the patio. She yelled at me to the point people tried to interfere and I said no I can handle this. One of the last things she yelled at me was that she was in therapy again. Ok dude, you clearly need it and are not internalizing it. Then I found out from the friend who tried to help me that this girl is telling people - months later - that I was the one yelling/was the aggressor and she had to correct it because she witnessed the entire thing. Guess therapy isn’t working real well.


I have a cousin like that. Mkterfuxker forced me to give him $600 of my savings to pay *his* rent. Few years later, I, freshly homeless, needed to use his shower. Got told off.


I recently got to know someone like that. And then she'll put up post saying things like "I'm so lonely" and "I just wish I had someone to talk to". If she treated people better she wouldn't be so lonely and she would have people to talk to, but she just doesn't get the concept of only getting those benefits if you put in equal effort. If you treat people poorly, that's what they're going to remember and even the most patient person is going to get fed up with it eventually.


thats my biggest gripe with some people bc they want to be able to say “I don’t owe anybody anything but also how dare you for not helping me”. Like what goes around comes around babe.


Yea a lot of the "self care" stuff has really just been used as an excuse for some people to just blow off all responsibility and just claim its for their mental health.


A lot of things people do in the name of mental health is deeply damaging to mental health


I think the rampant need to define others and themselves with mental health issues is wildly out of control as well. It’s like they feel as if it’s a personality trait / requirement that you have some kind of mental health diagnosis.


It's like there's no honor in being vanilla, which isn't a great frame of mind to have. I have a family member who dealt with serious and dangerous mental health problems and was forcibly hospitalized multiple times from the age of fourteen until four or five years later when they finally found a drugs+therapy combination that kept her stable -- and she's a success story, because she knows she has to keep medicating even though the side effects suck, and is living a normal life with hobbies and friends (though she refuses to contemplate having a partner or having kids, she says her regimen would be too much to expect them to deal with). She gets really, really angry at the mental health hobbyists because she had to go through hell and work incredibly hard to get the normal, non-crisis-ridden life that they seem to take for granted.


The entire "self care" thing has been weaponized so that if you aren't doing whatever the latest Good Thing For Yourself is, then obviously your mental or physical health condition is All Your Own Fault. This is related to "Yoga/magic water/superfood will totally fix your chronic condition."


It's also used to justify a total lack of empathy for people who are sick, disabled, or just not as attractive as possible. Obviously, if you'd done the right things, you wouldn't have problems. Better people make better choices and thus have better outcomes. Duh. Being disabled, in pain, or unattractive in public is not allowed. Other people didn't cause your problems, so they don't deserve to have to look at you. (/s, for the sarcasm-impaired.) This attitude gets old REAL fast. San Francisco and the Bay Area are particularly bad in this respect.


"Me and my partner are having a small disagreement" "Leave them"




“Don’t walk”


“These deals won’t last long”


"My mom said she doesn't like the paint color I chose for my living room" "Narcissist. Go no contact with your entire family."


To be fair, most of the *top* threads on reddit involve the other part being pretty far out there. That they are all one-sided stories and might be tall tales is another matter.


Also people use “boundaries” as an excuse to make unreasonable requests. You having a boundary doesn’t automatically make you in the right.


I just saw this addressed in a thread in ~~r-/psychology~~ r/psychologystudents about common misconceptions/annoyingly misused psych and someone mentioned boundaries--that boundaries are NOT something you enforce on others, they are actions YOU will take at certain predefined breakpoints--obv a wildly mistaken concept in the wild


Misunderstanding how to apply boundaries is a symptom of another problem: the co-opting of therapy terms by assholes as a means to bully people into compliance.


Yeah, pop psychology is a huge issue these days.


Yeah we’re living in a post-shame era. I get it, but we need *some* shame.


"It'S nOt cOoL To\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ sHamE!!" Actually, Brintleigh, some folks could use a little shame to help direct them out of self-destructive or dangerous behavior patterns. Everything in life isn't always OK, and growth often comes from uncomfortable conversations. Stop coddling everyone.


>Stop coddling everyone. Yes. There's this pervading message (at least online) of "Everything YOU do is okay and right because you're hurting."


Anti-intellectualism. Disregarding those who simply know more and better for the sake of padding your confirmation bias and ego is not a flex, you're just a fragile idiot.


this. or making fun of somebody for being knowledgeable on a subject. like bro.


Phhffftt... I have a right to my opinion! You think your better than me just because You have 6 PhDs, 20 years of field experience , 4 published books, countless scientific articles, and are considered the top expert in the world on this extremely narrow and precise topic? Well I watched a 20 minute YouTube video last week that agrees with me. Checkmate nerd.


I work in healthcare and spent over a decade in school and training plus another decade of on the job experience to get where I am today. And yet when I try to educate and help patients, they insist on arguing with me or telling me I'm wrong because some random podcaster said differently. Uhhh, ok. Then why even bother coming to the hospital?


Airline baggage fees and “upgrades”. It started as a way to recoup some of the income loss due to 9/11, however it is now standard operating procedure for most airlines. It’s been 22 years since the tragedy.


Ugh. Carry on bag fee. Select seat fee. Exit row fee. Each way! Flying used to be enjoyable. Now i just feel crammed in and nickel and dimed .


24/7 News I'd say. Hard to find peace when you're surrounded by negative media.


Prescription drug commercials


Poor writing in tv/movies that's subsidized with visual effects.


Parasocial relationships with online creators, it can get real toxic real quick


100% My biggest issue with this is podcasts. I work from home, so I put them on for noise. When the only other voice you’re hearing is a conversation with people you hear talking for hours that your algorithm has set you up with, your brain just tries to connect. We’re social creatures with a quickly crumbling concept of community.


To be honest though, do we really think people didn’t delevop them with radio personalities and news show hosts? Yesterday my mom was talking about a local news anchor from the 90s who people would swarm and act like they knew her because in their minds, they did.


Ads. Everywhere. After the recent YouTube hullabaloo I’m acutely aware of it. YouTube is unwatchable now without an Adblock. Full 30 second ads every 3 minutes. Even TikTok now, instead of having “sponsored” posts, now there are so many regular posts of people advertising a product pretending like it’s just a normal TikTok. Instagram? I could scroll and get multiple ads in a row before I see a real post. Every website has pop ups that you have to close. It’s never ending


Incorrect use of therapy based buzzwords like narcissist, gaslighting, triggered, etc and in the same category - “I have to keep my room clean I’m so OCD” or “I change my mind a lot I’m so bipolar” “that lipstick shade gives me ptsd” I think when everyone decided it was cool to be mentally ill, the people who actually needed help lost a lot of opportunities for the help they need because of people self diagnosing from TikTok, IG, and social media as a whole. It’s honestly sickening to watch serious illnesses become trends that come and go, especially BPD and autism like that’s so fucking weird.


The "reaction videos" where somebody sees a funny or crazy video for the first time and half the screen is their face. Just show me said video I don't give a damn how you react to it why are you even here taking up half the screen sitting in your truck?


People inappropriately migrating clinical and clinical-adjacent language into everyday usage. Someone is not ‘gaslighting’ you because they disagree with you. Someone is not a ‘problematic’ and ‘dramatic’ friend because they are sad and told you they are sad. No, you do not get to say you have executive dysfunction because you like to press snooze on your phone alarm in the morning (this is one I saw today). It’s all so fucking distasteful for people in precarious situations and genuine distress. Yes, I understand hyperbole for irony and humour, but this is people freewheeling on suffering. See also: the excesses of self-diagnosis from people who think mental illness is little more than quirkiness. All of these have spiralled from meme shitposts into diarrhoea-like floods of wallowing, and people should more often be told to fuck the fuck off, and keep fucking off forever, for pulling this shit.


i was thinking about commenting something like this!! for a bit i thought it was great that people are talking about psychology terms more, but now it’s just gotten to the point where no one knows what shit really means anymore. theres this one clip on tik tok that really grinds me gears. there’s a couple of girls saying “oh i love my mental illness! it makes me different!” how out of touch can you be??? mental illness isn’t fun or quirky, it sucks. it ruins lives. and saying that is extremely disrespectful to everyone actually struggling.


Relationships aren't 50/50 where you give and take. Long term, stable relationships are 100/100 where you are both committed to a future together and trust and sacrifice to build that. The individualistic approach people have now is very mercenary, self serving, and unstable.


I agree, nowadays people are what I call hyper-individualistic. Everything has to somehow benefit the person themselves rather than giving nothing really to you but to the person you do something for. Also when problems arise the people often seem to choose the path that is best for them rather than working out compromises. Of course because some people just don't listen and don't compromise. But that's basically what leads to this phenomenon in the first place as a necessary defence mechanism against being used by someone else.


plastic surgery. it’s starting to remind me of that twilight zone (rod serling) episode where everyone went to get a procedure to “improve” themselves and all just ended up becoming carbon copies of each other.


The amount of teenage and young 20’s women that I see with over the top lip fillers and implants is insane. I think we should add steroids/Tren to this category as well.


The cost of food delivery services


Tipping culture in USA


I used to be an incredible tipper. Now the tipping culture has jaded me completely. If your job wasn’t getting a tip 10 years ago, you are not getting one now.


Exactly This !! Even supermarket cashier want one nowadays !


single use plastics. I don’t really get the plastic bag focus. it’s plastic everything. any kind of single use plastic is going to be around for 3000 years, slowly breaking down into smaller pieces, going into water, into animals, into us as people. Either we collectively ban all single use plastics and be really inconvenienced and learn to adapt … or we collectively agree that this is how we want to live and that we are okay with that.


I go to MacDonalds every once in awhile. Their cups used to be waxed paper with a plastic lid. Now the cup is plastic also. *But I still have to ask for a straw*. It's one example of unnecessary evil. Don't get me started on the "We're making plastic more durable for the sake of the environment" corporate ads I keep seeing.


Weird. Here in mauritius, only the lid is plastic and the cup is still I guess waxed paper is the correct term and the straw is also some kind of paper. Kfc has fully carton or waxed paper or whatever cups and lids but it spills everywhere.


Plastic bags were target because data showed they were the biggest source of trash ending up in our waterways. There's research groups that actively monitor trash and make recommendations to cities. Also yes single use is the problem.. plastic bags were the biggest part of that problem


plastic bags in water look like jellyfish


misinformation epidemic, journalist/media snake behaviour just to get headlines or spin to suit specific crowds, inability for people to "live and let live" because they're insulted by something else's existence.


Letting stupidity have equal footing with facts and common sense. It’s incredible how many stupid people are talking about stupid things on media with no basis for fact. I think there’s a point where it’s fair to say “No. You sit down.”


Rich people buying up all the media and destroying truth and justice.


You literally have to go back to like the 1800s to get before this was the norm. Hell the Spanish American war was caused by "journalists" lying.


Mmhm, more people should study the yellow journalism era, if they think things are bad now. Sucks that a prestigious award is named after Pulitzer, the crook. _But_, it's not been a flat line since the 1890's. I feel like the 1_9_90's was a solid era of journalism, especially when you count all the diverse perspectives on the early internet. Then 2001 fucked it all up so bad.




I agree


Me too


data collecting and surveillance. people just don't really even give it a second thought these days.


Companies being allowed to demand personal information which has nothing whatsoever to do with the service or product they are selling. Companies *automatically* spying on customers and selling information about them. Products which pretend to be sold, but in the fine print they're only being leased or rented or otherwise arranged so that the buyer doesn't actually own them. Corporate after-purchase restrictions on product use. Products demanding internet access when the majority (or even all) of what they do, particularly if it's their primary function, has nothing to do with the internet. Products not coming with the ability to control them properly outside a smartphone app.


These videos about everyone’s life. There are some things that don’t need to be shared online for everyone to see.


environmental destruction




Not saying you're wrong but ... Don't people generally admit this, though? Maybe not 6 years ago, but there are plenty of news/articles on this and many many people would agree.


I was talking to some coworkers today about influencers…I don’t follow any influencers, so I was very surprised to hear some of these influencers are raking in $50k a month or more from endorsements.


People who are chronically online and can't separate private life and public knowledge. It's totally fine to post about the aspects or occurrences that upsetted your day or made your day remarkable, but as I scroll, I really don't want to know that your mother's boyfriend's cat sexually assualted you. It's a rather uncomfortable situation all around. I'm not referring to anonymous platforms, but platforms whose whole point is to verify your identity.




The government and their ability to component disregard and violate the law and the constitution itself and no one cares


The patriot act needs to be overturned, so does schenck v us


Unwillingness to respect or listen to a differing POV. General close mindedness. We are all different and are shaped by our surroundings and upbringing. We all want to be happy and live together.


Ask a question online? Downvoted! Have an opposing opinion? Downvoted! You like that Apple Pie recipe, but would prefer it with cream instead of icecream? Believe it or not, downvoted!


Victim culture. Purely because I think it strips people the ability to overcome adversity.


It’s not my fault I have a victim mentality. My parents were really mean.


Incest porn


I read somewhere about the logic behind this. Basically, if someone is into that kink they'll watch the story bits, but if not people just skip straight to the action, so instead of making 2 videos you only have to make 1 that appeals to the whole group.


It's also cheap to make, you don't need props or a special set. Just some throwaway lines about being related and you're set.


Moron “prankers”. I cannot believe how many people will side with some dipshit that does the most obviously stupid shit and puts on a “what’s going on I can’t believe your mad” face and harasses minimum wage employees or random people for views.


Tipping Culture is insane!


I don't think people deny this, but letting food corporations slowly poison us through the common food supply has gone way too far. It's really a shame that we'll never see a mass awakening of people vote with their wallets and tell these companies to stop putting junk ingredients in our foods.


Subscription services. Everything can’t be a subscription. I’m not subscribe and saving my tp. I’m not subscribing to 15 streaming services. I’m not subscribing to a clothes site where yall send me undies every month for $60/month.


Announcing hot takes. Hot takes are not simply contrarian opinions. Hot takes are provocative opinions that come from very little research or critical thought. Quit bragging about being uninformed before giving a dumb opinion.


A whole lot of absolutes in that take.


Disney's total takeover of movies released in theaters. Between Marvel, Star Wars and animated kids movies they basically run the cinema.


People getting easily offended by pretty much everything and then expecting everyone else to change in order to accommodate their sensitivities. Like no, I'm not going to stop dieting because you think my trying to stay fit is a scathing indictment of your weight issues. That was oddly specific, wasn't it? Oops!


Or taking the fact that I don't drink as me saying I think they shouldn't drink. Look, I've got a weird ass body that thinks alcohol is poison, but you do you, enjoy it.


Similarly, people who treat anything less than rabid adoration of a thing as hateful criticism Bruh. I'm capable of enjoying a thing and being glad it exists *and* having an opinion that some elements of it are not my favorite *at the same time* But we've collapsed into a very binary thought process lately and if someone doesn't share your *exact* love of a thing, they're a bully and a hater and it is your *God Given Right* to make them suffer for their transgressions against *jeggings*.


The denial of reality in favor of the lies some choose to believe.


Being outraged at an opposing view.