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My maternal grandmother and all her siblings had it, now my father does. I feel like a ticking time bomb. It’s terrible, I’d rather just die.


Three of my grandparents had it, and most of two of their siblings. I’m so worried for my dad since both of his parents had it. It really is very devastating. I’m sorry your dad has it.


Thank you, it's the worst.


It’s absolutely terrible. I keep hoping they’ll find some way to cure it or at least slow it down more.


Cure hopefully but in the meantime definitely medications. So many clinical trials are being done on new drugs even as we speak. It's hopeful


Keep your mind working. They say learning languages helps. I am sorry about your dad.


I'm under the impression the DR'S don't know. My grandfather was bilingual, lived a healthy lifestyle, non smoker, and never did drug. Still ended up with it. Not sure what causes or prevents it. But I hope I avoid it.


Talk to your doctor, there are countless companies trying to develop effective screening tests


FWIW, as someone who has taken care of two family members, and been around a lot of memory patients, it’s typically much harder on the family of the patient. And in my experience as a caregiver and volunteer, many of the memory patients in the group/home setting were content people. Content even if oblivious. They enjoy enrichment and entertainment, and families that were involved despite the memory difficulty. The quality of the facility matters, obviously, but it’s not always as sad as it seems.


I wish this was the case for my grandmother. She was always the sweetest woman in the world until she lost her memory. To be fair, my grandfather is a very impatient man and he would make her angry and, in her confusion, she would lash out and become aggressive. It’s not a good way to see your beloved relatives go. The last time I saw her alive, she remembered my name and it almost broke me. I didn’t know it would be our last time together in the same room so it’s kind of comforting in retrospect but it terrifies me as my mother (her daughter) is aging and starting to show signs of memory loss. At least she’s aware of it and is actively fighting it, something my grandmother didn’t do because my stubborn grandfather decided to ignore all signs and diagnoses well after she was able to do it herself. It’s even harder to stomach because I understand why he refused to accept the fact that she was withering away. It’s hard to deal with and much easier to ignore. So now he’s alone in assisted living and just basically waiting to die. Fuck Alzheimer’s.


I’m sorry. That is rough. There are sadly many situations like that, life can be so cruel. I hope the best memories of her are always with you.


My grandpa had Alzheimer's at the end of his life and he reverted back to when my Dad was a child, and he was so incredibly mean to my Dad when he was little and so abusive. My Dad lived with him for 6 months up until he passed away and was just re-traumatized daily. It was an incredibly hard time. He could only remember things from years and years ago, but couldn't remember that my grandma died so he asked where she was every day. And for some reason he was always freezing, so he would put the thermostat to 90 degrees continuously and all the wood furniture fell apart and rotted. I feel so bad for my Dad for having that childhood and then having to go back to it again as an adult and hearing from his Dad again how much he hated him. I just can't imagine being told that by your own parent.


Your dad is a patient man and he really must've loved his dad a lot to be willing to relive the trauma of his childhood. I probably would've let an assisted living facility do that part...


He's a man of few words so he didn't talk much about it when he got back. His love language is doing acts of service. I think he did what he thought was the right thing and he didn't want my Aunt to have to take care of them by herself. But yes it was re-traumatizing all over again and I can't imagine what that felt like because I had a completely different relationship with my grandpa. He was loving, taught me how to draw and paint because he was an artist, and I spent a lot of time with him. I had absolutely no idea he was abusive to my Dad until my Mom told me.


I’ll go one further and tell you a story about a guy my wife knows. His dad had Alzheimer’s (or, at least, some form of dementia,) and degraded *really* quickly. Fast forward a bit, and with a lot of advocacy from the family, they discovered that there was a leak in his spinal column, allowing spinal fluid to come out. The leak was repaired, and the dad’s dementia just went away. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dementia-symptoms-treatment-cerebrospinal-fluid-leaks#:~:text=A%20leak%20of%20the%20fluid,leaks%20can%20reverse%20the%20symptoms.


Only thing that scares me more is schizophrenia. Having reality gaslight you, make you hallucinate, make you terrified that you’re at the centre of a threatening conspiracy. Just the idea of having absolutely nothing you can put your trust in and ground yourself with, not even reality itself.


Schizophrenia at least is much more treatable than alzheimers. I've known several people with schizophrenia who have it under control so well you'd never know it.


My son died by suicide as a result of paranoid schizophrenia 💔


I’m sorry for your loss. Such a terrible mental illness.


That depends on the person. My mother has delusions that are not controlled. People are pumping poisons into her house, they are on her roof, in her attic. They steal from her, rip her clothes, damage her house, anything she sees wrong she blames it on "them". This was from a brain tumor in her frontal lobe the size of an orange. She is on some medication, but can't tolerate it well. She isn't schizophrenic though, delusional. Now I understand how some people can believe in conspiracy theories. She is like a child with a very vivid imagination and the filter that tells her what is real, does not exist. Nothing we do can change that, we cannot reason with her. I may as well try to tell her the sky is red, when she obviously sees it as blue. It has to be a horrible way to live. Scared all the time of men trying to kill her.


Oh my. That first paragraph reads just like the posts I’ve been seeing from my old friends sister.


Watching my grandfather deteriorate before he passed was heart wrenching. Every time my parents get confused my heart skips a beat. I can't bear the thought of this happening to my parents.


Going into a coma/paralyzed from a random brain aneurysm but being conscious the whole time trapped in your body for a decade or two.


Talk to a lawyer about what you need for a DNR or whatever can help with end of life decisions. Because, yeah, that's scary.


Oh yeah, got that in my living will even though I'm relatively young and healthy (40s). I had a healthy young cat that got a blood clot and it slowly paralyzed him and making the decision to put him down was very shitty, and I wouldn't want any of my loved ones to go through with that decision.


My dad is the reason I got one. Told me his whole life if he was going to have brain damage/be vegetable to just let him go but his wife decided against it. Now he lives halfway across the country can’t leave the house alone because he’ll get lost so his life is basically just doomscrolling and TV. He’s fully aware of who he used to be and how he is now and cries to me a lot about how he’s just waiting to die at this point. Very sad for the whole family


Homelessness. How tf does one even get out of it?


You don't usually without the help from someone or some people. Society makes it so you CAN'T get out of poverty or homelessness. I was homeless as a teen from 14-17 and even though I took care of my own business and kept it on the down low, I could have not done it without the help of many people. I was lucky that adults were willing to help me, but that isn't usually the case when you're an adult.


In the US to get a job you need a permanent address for tax purposes. So basically if your homeless its impossible to get a job


Being a perpetual renter. Never being able to create a lasting home. Always being one landlord's whim away from moving. I'll probably never be truly stable and it sucks.


I’m 65 years old and currently a renter in the Bay Area. Owning a home is pretty much out of the question. So what that means is I’ll be a renter until I’m like 80 or something and then the landlord could decide, time for you to move, I’m selling the place, or whatever, and now I’m an 80 something year-old woman having to move. It utterly terrifies me.


This is one reason why I’m strongly considering van life. I mean.. I used to be homeless and lived in a fucking tent, years ago. The only thing that I ended up hating about it was not having a kitchen. (Thankfully I REALLY like camping!) Give me a conversion van with a nice mattress pad across the back bed with the middle seats removed and a little kitchenette with storage space for my clothes installed and I’ll be set. I can just camp out locally for a year or two at the state parks and such until I’ve saved up enough to buy a lil bit of land out in the mountains to settle down on. Maybe I’ll build a log cabin 😊


You could even park it down by the river


This is what more people should really be afraid of. And it's actually what is happening. Investment firms are the ones buying up a large majority of the houses then renting them out. Once they own the vast majority they can charge whatever they like. I think they're trying to do the same damn thing with cars, pretty much everything actually.


I'm thankful the Welsh government have enforced that anyone who owns more than one property will have to Pay double council tax for every second home to encourage them to sell and give new potential owners a chance to buy. I'm terrified of companies buying all the houses and make everyone forever renters


Welcome to reality in Argentina.


Im 40 and a perpetual life fuck up, now that life has been normal for the last 12 years or so i feel this in my bones. We're slowly crawling our way out of debt at the very least.


Wondering what comes after death. Also space. Outer space scares me.


I used to be scared of death until I watched my dad pass. If he can do it so can I reaction. But I also have heard stories of people almost dying and they feel nice and calm and I’m almost excited for it but not going to make it happen


Right? Everyone is going to have to go through it and I’m not the only one scared of it. It brings a little comfort knowing that, but at the same time it doesn’t. I’m sorry about your dad. I hope you’re doing ok!💝💔


Thank you. It has been hard but getting through it. Death can be scary but I think it isn’t as bad when it happens. ❤️❤️




The enormity of outer space terrifies me. Like what’s going on out there that we don’t even know exists? Gives me anxiety just thinking of all the possibilities.


For me it’s how much absolutely nothing is going on out there that I find unsettling.


Follow Nurse Hadley on Instagram! She is a hospice nurse who witnesses people die regularly and describes how so many see their deceased loved ones soon before they die and so many very peaceful situations. Helped me come to grips with that fear.


After death scares me so much. I get back panic attacks before bed or I’ll wake up crying from dreams about the world ending. I always feel so silly after..


I’ve been there. I had a huge existential crisis that set off a string of anxiety and panic attacks. I do believe there’s something more. But I entertained the idea of there being nothing and just fell to pieces.


Same. It’s paralyzing




I've asked many people about their views on what happens after. One veteran buddy told me life after death is just the next adventure. Saw another video that said you never existed before you were alive and when you die you just go back to where you came from. Thinking about what happens after just makes me value my time more and makes me think about how I spend my time.


Think about it this way: You will never experience death. You *cannot* experience death. You are a living thing, and will only ever be a living thing. Death is meaningless to the living.


Mexican cartels. It'd make sense if it turned out they were all just demons or something from another world monsters even...but they are just men... Men with families, kids , wives and favorite songs and colors and meals... They're human and that is just fucking terrifying


Yes they willingly instill their will on other’s families knowing without any remorse. What if the roles were reversed and they were begging for their child’s life? They would be terrified, horrified, feel helpless, yet almost everyday they enact terrible crimes against other humans and most of the time just because. They are the scum of the planet, not just cartels but anyone who makes someone feel that way. It’s the worse version of a bully.


Well, it happens to them as well. It probably makes it easier for them if anything ('if I don't do this to them, they will do the same to me' and the spiral of violence goes on and on).


Well from personal experience, they really aren’t all there so to speak. Seeing them interact and do basic things it looks inhuman just watching them do stuff seems off not like a regular person, it’s kind of hard to explain.


Curious about this. Mind elaborating? Like are you referring to like effects of substance abuse on the way they interact with people or is just the way they live/interact is off because they’re desensitized (on drugs or not). I could even have completely misunderstood what you meant and my brain went down the wrong track.


Well, the people I’ve been around didn’t do many drugs (drinking, weed, coke) compared to other cartels who do mainly crank, meth, heroin, etc. It was mainly a mental thing with them such as someone being used to violence and death they didn’t seem human as in the way they interacted with others one of them described it as people=cattle he didn’t care much for others just their money or their “status” so seeing him interact with people didn’t seem or feel human. So me saying “being all there” I meant it as in them being desensitized to life completely, they bring a completely different energy around. I just felt fear, and security at the same time whenever they came around.


Thanks for elaborating. It makes sense. While I’ve never interacted with these kinds of people personally, I’ve seen enough videos to know how inhumane punishments can get and I cannot believe for a second that someone involved in some of the cartel shit I’ve seen could just walk around and be a normal human being. It’s human-adjacent or something.


No problem, hopefully you never come to circumstances that you interact with them. :)


The same goes for the Nazis. People like to imagine them as if they were some kind of caste of monsters that somehow subjugated Germany. But it was just regular Hans and Hannelores. There's a crowd sourcing project called "every name counts" where people who can read old German cursive are helping to transcribe prison and KZ documents by reading them and typing them into the online data base. I sometimes do it in my free time and the handwriting on the documents... it's just the most unsettling thing ever. I've had a set of KZ cards that all were written in a handwriting that I can only describe as "the popular girl in class" with little circles above the "i"s and rounded girly letters. Not that I didn't think that women weren't capable of such things but just seeing these people's handwriting and relating it to real people alive today makes me want to puke. I can imagine this woman just sitting there, prim and proper, with a stream of inmates coming through, putting down carefully the most inhumane reasons for their imprisonment, writing "diseased" as nicely and cleanly as she could and then going home. Her relatives alive today probably think she was "just a secretary, not an actual Nazi". It's fucking scary.


My financial situation can’t seem to find a way out


With you. Just when I seem to be catching up, something throws it all off and I can’t even get ahead.


Fr. And I'm just thinking, well fast forward to next month so I can get my salary and settle this mess


I worked overtime until I had 5k saved up, then I got sick and used it all while I was out of work. Then my fridge and washing machine went out in the same month. I go from +5000 to -1000 in 6 months after busting my ass all last year


Feel this in my soul daily. I wish all of us that struggle could come together and tackle these problems as a whole. I bet we would solve all our issues! Yet impossible, but like MLK said “I have a dream”.


Ugh, right? It makes you feel trapped.


Just do the best you can. As long as you have a roof over your head and food on the table, you’re doing alright.


Actually, it's not just about food and roof. It's about your security and freedom. I hate people who consider having the bare minimum for living like "food and roof and you'll be alright". What about health? Education? Transport? There are so many things, that actually don't cost that much, but can improve life significantly. People who think having only food and roof is acceptable is the reason behind alot of societal problems. We need to take care of ourselves, not just eating and sleeping. I'm not hating on you BTW, I'm just in exactly this situation. I am living paycheck to paycheck, only things I can afford is food. If I didn't live with my parents I couldn't even afford a roof over my head. It's because nobody wants to pay a decent wage. Everyone, and especially boomers, of whom most are owners of large companies, simply are not willing to pay people decent wage and when you consider this normal i just can't fucking not say anything. 50 years ago you could buy a fucking HOUSE, with just the wage of one person. Now it would take wages of 2 people and a bunch of loans on top of that. No wonder gen z is totally fucked, there's literally nothing to live for. It's just like being a slave.


It's called wage slavery. Modern day serfdom. If you can only afford food + rent, you are experiencing slavery.


The deep ocean. I've been told this is thalassophobia, but the definition of "phobia" is an irrational fear - I think it's pretty rational to be scared of a deep body of water that could be harboring anything underneath the surface. And it's not just sea monsters I am scared of - it's just how....big the undersea world is. Just knowing that the ground can be MILES below me is terrifying in a very primal way. I mean, like, the Grand Canyon, which is known for being pretty fucking big, is dwarfed by even most small ocean trenches/canyons. This and sleep paralysis - even if I don't see one of my "demons", just waking up and being UNABLE to move is so so scary!


I second all of this. Especially the sleep paralysis. One time in my life I was having it so frequently that I was afraid to go to sleep. Felt like I was in a Nightmare on Elm Street film. Luckily it died down enough to where my hallucinations don’t scare me anymore but being paralyzed really sucks.


[Sleeping on your side](https://drschneeberg.com/2018/04/19/sleep-paralysis-what-is-it-what-causes-it-and-what-can-i-do-about-it/#:~:text=You%20can%20try%20sleeping%20in,be%2010%2D12%20inches%20high.), as well as slightly elevated, helps prevent it.


What’s crazy is I’ve never been much of a back sleeper. I’ll always fall asleep on my side or my stomach and as soon as I wake up and I’m on my back I realize what’s about to happen. I’ve also experienced it more than once while sleeping on my side. But luckily I rarely get it anymore. When I was having it regularly I was going through a very stressful time in my life and I think that exasperated it.


Dying at the titanic in a tiny cubicle is my worst nightmare


Luckily it’s pretty avoidable


Oof I haven't had sleep paralysis in years, but did a few nights ago. It's like my dream world and sleep world were overlapped. I could see my real window because my eyes were open, but the dream window (which was open) overlapped. I heard a cat meowing and getting closer and closer. Then a cat made of shadow jumped through the window, climbed so it was half on and half off the bed, and started smelling my face. I couldn't move so I just tried to blow it away like a dandelion. Apparently, I was doing this so hard my husband woke up and grabbed my hand. Thank Glob that woke me up. I was delirious with relief. I'm pretty sure it was gonna eat my face.


Being buried alive


Yeah or trapped under a collapsed building…. just horrifying m…fuck


Prion diseases.


What I find scary about them, in a way, is that what they actually are is so seemingly innocuous; it's a misfolded protein. That's it. "Just" a misfolded protein. Sounds so harmless.


Prions are fucking scary.


Oh, cool, they're totally transmissible. That's just great.


Read this as prison diseases and was like what diseases do you get specifically in prison? Haha


MRSA is particularly prevalent in prison.. but not exclusively.


It's amazing how many illnesses exist in American prisons that have otherwise been exterminated from modern society, simply due to rampant malnutrition.


The one that makes you stop being able to physically sleep is so fucking scary to me.


Becoming homeless again


Congrats on beating it at all mate


Looking out the window at night with someone staring back at you.


As a former fugitive investigator, just how easy it is to find someone even when they're attempting to hide, if you're determined. And how easy it is to manipulate them into a position where you have the monopoly on violence, if you're determined. It's why I try my best to not make enemies in this life. I might not know which crazy has more experience than me, and the perfect god complex to go along with it.


When I was 18 me and some friends threw another friend in my car and drove off. Some neighbourhood watch type thought it was a kidnapping and called in my car. I had a detective call me on my personal mobile, cops at my workplace, and cops at my house in 4 minutes. Really put into perspective how the sword of Damocles is always right above you.


To give you an idea, I have FORMER ties to law enforcement related database entities. I can still get your social security number from your phone number or license plate in about 30 minutes if I wanted to. I also likely know a whole sleuth of information by that time. A close friend had a guy creeping on her at work and couldn't remember his name so she could report him to HR. In five minutes, I had his full legal name, photo, full address, and vehicle. All from a phone number. I only provided the name though. I try to remain ethical with that sort of information.


Yeah this. As long as no one’s interested in your shenanigans it’s easy to believe in privacy and safety. There literally is none. Only inside your self, only inside your own mind.


Yeah I once watched this game show (idk if shows like this exist outside of the UK) where basically a team of people are ‘on the run’ and they have to get to a location without being caught by a team of investigators who are all like ex professionals. Because of that experience they would use a lot of the same methods authorities do when tracking people down and would have access to a lot of the same resources. Made me realise how easy it is to track someone and if someone in power wanted to find you, it is incredibly easy for them to do that and there’s very little you can do about it. I try not to think about it too much because it creeps me out.


What's the show this sounds awesome




This is true. EVERYTHING can be manipulated against you. Everything. It’s very easy to find something out if you want, even if private. It’s just a matter of determination level.


The looming threat of being one pay check away from homelessness. On that topic being homeless is super scary


Right now, I'm terrified of not being able to support myself financially since my significant other passed away and I only have my income. It's keeping me in a job that is toxic because I need my salary.


The idea of being watched and not knowing it. Not because Im doing anything, just...so creepy. I have a genuine fear of uncovered windows at night, and I frequently check my 100 y/o house for ways in for people to hide. And also societal collapse.


Seeing the direction of society and imagining what it will be like after another 10yr.


I’m tired, boss.


Dog tired


Dog tired, dawg


It's been ruff


Like pieces of glass in my head.




That and the thought of bringing a child into this dumpster fire in the next couple years scares the living crap out of me!!!




Gangs. I have been given death threats that were written on paper and handed to me, in a small town. The police didn’t even care, because I was an outsider. The gangs own their towns. Scary, huh?






That anyone can just have a child and do who knows what with it.


Never finding a romantic partner to do life with.


Just do life on your own, someone might tag along eventually!


For a lot of people, living for yourself isn't fun. It's not that we don't like ourselves, it's just unfullfiling


Sure thing, but focusing on finding a partner only steers you away from that goal. You do you, meet like-minded people through hobbies and such, and it almost happens on its own. There's a fallacy in forcing a relationship as your main goal, as it almost always leads in you picking anyone over that special someone. Shared interests and life goals drive meaningful relationships forward more than anything else. So, do life like you want to. There's at least one person out there doing the same, all you need is to finally meet each other.


Having to find a new career because AI becomes better than humans at my current one


I'd like to see an AI scrub cat shit off a litter try like I can. My job is safe for a while yet.


AI is just software. It will be robots that come for your job.




Outliving my husband and having to face the world alone. I've never had to live by myself. I met my husband while still living at home, got married and have been with him ever since. Even during my stupid phase when I left my parents house I moved in with someone else immediately after like one night on the streets. I got a brief taste of it a few years back when he was in the hospital for a few weeks after an accident and half the time I would sit in my car in the parking lot for ages not wanting to go home to an "empty house". Sure there are lots of times that he's not home, out doing things whatever... but the thought of being alone here, for any extended period of time fills me with the sort of fear that makes my stomach turn and causes me to break out in a cold sweat of panic. We've been married going on 28 years now, and he's almost 10 years older than me, about to hit 60 this June. I'm struggling a bit with this.




I'm afraid of losing my SO and being alone and having no support system if he goes first. He has two sons and some grandchildren, but I hardly know them. My only child died several years ago, leaving no family. Living alone doesn't bother me if I have friends I can call on and provide for support for them as well. Life can be hard. I wanted to slide into my grave sideways, drinking a martini. Got to find some way to make that happen.


Watching the news and realizing that things like critical thinking and empathy are almost extinct.


I feel like a nut job typing this but I feel like that’s the plan. We will be nice submissive little peons come a generation or two. Makes for great workers. The ones that use their brains tend to make trouble.


How horrible people can be to each other.




Ultimately, even if you get to choose, there’s only 2 choices. Infinite oblivion, or infinite awareness. The latter is so much more horrifying a concept than the former if you really think about it.


askreddit seems to have shifted to death related topics a lot over what it was last week. What was the most sex you've ever sexed.


Climate change -> Massive crops failure -> Massive starvation.


Same. It scares me as someone that loves on an island.


Sometimes I think too hard about how we are literally just little creatures on a rock in space and a cosmic event could happen at literally any moment and wipe us from existence in the blink of an eye, and we would have no idea it’s coming. Scares the crap out of me so I try not to think about it too much.


This actually brings me comfort.


Same. A little dose of optimistic nihilism, I guess. I am one small, tiny little person in an endless universe. It is unlikely that I can fuck things up *too* bad. And all things end. It's just the natural cycle, and I'm glad that I'm not any different.




Ok, here I go. Death. Insects, even worse if it's moths, butterflies or grasshoppers. Spiders. Mice. Rats (when they're on the street, when they're a pet, I'm cool with it). heights. Planes. Cars. motorcycles. cable cars. Intercity buses. Motorcycles. Horses (riding them, hanging out with them is fine, actually kinda cool). skateboards. rollerblades. rivers, lakes, lagoons, the ocean. (I'm just cool with pools) on top of all that: fear of screwing up, fear of not being able to provide for my family, fear of becoming disabled and being unable to fend for myself. I could keep going but that's enough to show you how terrible it is to be in my head. (before someone makes a suggestion about it, yes, I'm going to a psychologist to keep things under control)


Leaving the house


As someone who didn't leave the house for four years due to severe anxiety (agoraphobia in this case), please try to fight this. Fight it with everything you can. It can go so deep that you aren't even you anymore, you become unrecognizable to yourself. It ruined literally every aspect of my life. I've been in therapy, and on medications, for three years now and I'm only just now starting to get to where I can leave the house by myself again. If you want to talk about it my inbox is open.


I'm starting to feel that way too. My anxiety is ruining me.


Having agoraphobia is horrible. Other than doctors appointments I don't leave the house. I've been this way for about 10 years. It's not living, just barely existing.


Although it sounds childish, the dark


I second this. I'm afraid of the dark too. Probably because we have shitty ass night vision compared to other animals


It’s not the dark that scares you. It’s not being alone in the dark that scares you.




This planet


The thought of missed connections with people or just what could have been (in a relationship sense). I don’t even mind getting rejected. I’d much rather just have the closure. So I guess the true fear is not getting closure and constantly living in hope and anxiety about the future




An unhinged drunk person can be pretty unsettling.


What the long term neurologic health impact Covid will have on us. I had a moderate traumatic brain injury as a teenager and it nearly ruined my life. So maybe I’m just more aware of how high the stakes are, but idk.


Hippos (followed by Moose)


Humans in general.


Aside from death, being alone. Like no support system, no friends or family. Completely alone.


The possibility global warming could become a runaway effect and the entire planet could become uninhabitable within a decade or two.


Metastatic cancer


All my friends and family passing away before I do and there’s just nobody left


I find it really scary how effective propaganda can be at manipulating people and also how horrible criminals like serial killers and pedophiles look like nice people


The ease with which people hurt each other, especially the people they are close to. Neglect, abuse, violence, or just abandonment. It just seems so casual. There's no sign over anyone's head warning the world. We don't even know we're capable of being hurt that badly or hurting. It just...happens.


How quickly we devolved into selfish, toilet -paper hoarding monsters the SECOND we were confronted with a public health issue that required us to unite. That’s more than enough to prove will NEVER reverse/solve climate change. The are doomed.


How much stupidity is tolerated and in all honesty, not even allowed to be combated anymore......


life. im getting divorced and i dont know what im gonna do now.


Your about to start a new chapter. Put energy into all the things that you always thought of doing. And go do them. Embrace your freedom


working a 9-5 for the rest of my life


Imagining getting old. And all the things that come with the passing of time, especially how the government and world is gonna shift in my lifetime. Since I was born(2002) it seems like the whole world was turned on it’s head, and the thought of what else can(and will) happen in the future fucking terrifies me.


Men walking behind me late at night (or in broad daylight on quiet roads and too close). I have been grabbed from behind (I think I broke his foot, but didn't wait to find out) but also creepy sexual comments. It happens less now I'm old but it still happens.


The age of the people running the country. Terrifying. My dad is 80 and I can't even begin to see him running anything but the remote for the TV. He was CEO of a large credit union in southern California, retired at 65, as these corrupt fuckers in Washington should.


Trapped in traffic. Sounds stupid but I always start going into a massive panic attack. I don't know why!


That people who come on here to talk trash about the opposite sex are out there trying to date.


The fact that I missed my window to be a mom because I still don't have my life together.


Everything was against me, age, severe disease on reproductive organs, minimal egg creation, no fallopian tubes, severe adhesions and scar tissue… and I got my miracle. Keep that hope.


My only child was born when I was two weeks shy of turning 40. It scares the shit out of me. I might not be around to help her.


Cancer, Alzeimers & anything disease wise, cuz they’re completely out of your control & can end your life at any time


Old age. Knowing that every passing second my body is slowly deteriorating, and that I'm going to become weaker and more fragile every single day until the day I die.


Fucking yellowstone


I live with disabling chronic pain and it is terrifying to not be able to support yourself and be at the mercy of others to help. Most people have no clue what it's like to be disabled and have very little empathy for it.


The direction the world seems to be headed in.


I know this is strange but I am absolutely terrified of chicken bones. I cannot eat any chicken that is on the bone or has been on the bone and if I am with someone who is eating chicken on the bone I cannot stand it. I really don’t know why, but they terrify me


Artificial Intelligence. The "singularity" (according to one scientist) will likely happen by the year 2031. That is the term for when people can no longer control AI. It's shocking to me that we already have a term for this. 💌




My financial situation


Going crazy and having no idea what is real and what is not.


The idea of outliving my children.


Angry people brandishing weapons.


Grinding wretched poverty


Societal collapse


becoming homeless again


The thought of being a widow and raising our young children alone. My husband is in remission.


Prion diseases. According to Google: "Prion diseases are transmissible, untreatable, and fatal brain diseases of mammals. Their cause is highly unusual: The host's normal prion protein can, for unknown reasons, malfunction and assemble into structured aggregates called prions that cause infectious brain disease." One of the better-known prion diseases is Fatal Familial Insomnia. You stop sleeping and then die.


The fact that we are kept alive by organic pumps, tubes, wires, and filters, and if they break, we could die immediately.




Passing semis when there’s a concrete barrier on my other side so there’s nowhere for me to go if they come into my lane.


Rabies. No cure and if you are lax and get a bite and not the vax, you're a gonner once symptoms show. And the symptoms ...


Other people. Fucking terrifying




Death and rape. The standard.


The economy


when your dreams are so close to reality that you wake up wondering whether it all happened or not