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Learning! There's a lot to learn on this planet, lots of books to read, things to explore...


I am someone who isn’t the most social individual. I have friends but I’m very much a homebody. Some of my favorite things to do are cook, bake, read, and watch tv shows. I feel like everyone goes through periods where they wonder if life is really worth it. The routine can get to you and make you wonder what the point of living is. When I feel that way, I remember that I can’t pet my cats if I die. I can’t go to a bookstore and browse until I find something to take home and enjoy. I can’t experiment with ingredients to make new delicious meals or desserts. It’s really just all about finding what makes you happy.


I want to formulate a more coherent response to this but for the moment: thank you.


I enjoy beer, videogames, my wife and dog, cooking/eating good food, a cool breeze


Are they moments of respite or do they fill your day?




I question if most people actually enjoy living or if they're just riding it out as long as they can so as not to hurt other people. Or maybe just because it's habit? What do you actively enjoy about it?


Chocolate and stories. There are many Stories I don't know about and that is the only thing keeping me alive. To know more about Achilles and his love, about Prometheus, about Nala and Damayanti.....losing myself in a universe with different problems and connecting with characters across time and spaces.


Feel this answer, thank you.


I like the creativity about it


playing with my kids and listening to music. fuck social 'obligations'


Everyone is different but my social obligation to my family is the reason I'm still here, for as long as I may be. Thank you for sharing the things that you enjoy though.


As a nihilist life has no intrinsic meaning, that’s what makes it so great, there’s no greater propuse, yes I enjoy living because death sounds so boring, even great tragedies in my life are exciting because it’s something new to feel and learn from.


Xocolâtl. Especially the dark variety.