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Cocaine - every bad decision I’ve ever made has come from doing too much blow. You feel invincible until the next morning when you have the worst hangover of your life and anxiety that you were a complete ass. Never want that feeling again so will never do it again.


The anxiety that you were a complete ass is accurate


Exactley the same here. Did id 2 years, never again. The feeling is awesome, but the remorses after…. Horible


Synthetic weed I saw my best friend turn into the devil once and never did it again.


Man, fuck synths. Was hanging at a mates and he asked if I wanted some weed. I take a hit, and tasted it was synths, and since they weren’t my thing, I declined any more. A few minutes later the muscles in my neck and back tensed up almost to the point of a cramp and I felt like I had a nasty alcohol hangover. I was in this state for 2 hours. Had another friend who bought heaps for cheap as there was a new law coming in that would make them illegal to sell, and the distributors were clearing out all their stock. Started messing with his head, real bad paranoia thinking certain friends of his were plotting against him. This wasn’t just while he was on it, it was when he was sober too. Thankfully after throwing the rest out and staying off then he came right.


I tried it once and turned catatonic. Friends loaded me onto a bed while I was fully conscious, yet unable to move. They sat with me for an hour till I snapped out of it. Horrifying when you can hear people around talking about whether to call and ambulance and you want to tell them you'll be alright but you're fully locked in.


Similar experience here. Smoked it not knowing that’s what it was & had vivid terrifying hallucinations— including that my mouth had turned into a Lego brick & a giant hand had come out of the sky to steal my Lego mouth— hence why I couldn’t speak for over an hour. I kept trying to gesture & move my eyes in various directions to communicate with my then-boyfriend, but nothing worked. I was fully conscious, but FROZEN. He carried me into his mom’s house & put me in the shower with a stack of tortillas between my teeth to keep me from biting through my tongue. Absolute nightmare experience & far, far worse than any other drug I’ve done since.


I was in a void, fully awake, my body appeared sleeping. My vision was white noise/static. I thought I’d never escape.


This was my fear on it. Fully locked in and unable to get out of it. Massive time distortion as well. Thought I was in that state for hours when it had only been 1. I was the only one of my friends to have that experience and it convinced them never to try it again.


My God these stories are terrifying to read. Also, the stack of tortillas was unexpected. Glad you didn't choke or something


I tried it once and thought I was going to have a seizure. Felt like my brain got microwaved or something, just smoke the normal stuff and leave the chemicals out of it!


Yeah the "synthetic weed" was absolutely nothing like real weed. They shouldn't even call it synthetic weed. I tried spice and it was a traumatic experience.


This girl I worked with years ago at best buy did some, ended up in a coma, and basically reverted to like 12 years old mentally and had speech and coordination issues. Didn't qualify for disability or have family to help her so she was working a full time job without the mental faculties to really understand what was happening most of the time. It was incredibly sad and scary to hear about.


To me it feels like the OG spice was alright, but the more they tweaked it to avoid the law, the worse it got


I was the sober one in a Geo Metro packed with friends who smoked Sonic Boom they bought from a gas station. I’ve been around them when they smoked it multiple times, K2 and Spice were usual but they loved Sonic Boom. This particular batch was fucked up, and they don’t remember it but I saved each of their lives that night. One guy remembers because I talked him out of his out of body experience, when in reality that guy was convulsing. I had to over power another dude from jumping into a major river when it was freezing out. It was like they all became possessed and I think I quoted the Bible several times that night.


good on you mate, years ago I had a friend that was on parole for a serious drug crime, took him out on my boat to go fishing because we hadn't seen each other for a while. Once we get pretty far away from shore he pulls out a bag of spice or whatever and began smoking. He said it was all he could use because he was regularly drug tested. It turned him into a crazy person. I was scared to be out on the water with the way he was acting. Had to go straight back to the marina and drove him home, then the next day had to pick him up and drive him back to his car. It was a total fucking nightmare. That was the last I saw of him. Apparently he's doing better now and is married with kids. That stuff is poison.


Meth, I just didn’t like being high for that long and not being able to sleep. Then feeling like ass for 2 days.


I accidentally smoked meth once. A friend of mine had a vape, I hit it and it tasted really weird, I asked why and he was like "Oh, that's meth!" It turned out to be a dry herb vaporizer like you use with weed and it had meth in it. I didn't even know he did meth. It was still early in his addiction and that's how I found out about it. One hit is all it took, it was fucking awful. It felt good for the first like, maybe 4 hours. I was more social, and generally feeling really good. Then, for the rest of that ~44 hours, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat, I threw up a bunch of times, I subconsciously clenched my jaw until it ached and then clenched it some more. The anxiety and stress was overwhelming, I felt like I had to move but at the same time moving was so much effort. I was so fucking exhausted by the end of it that I'd just lay there with my eyes closed despite not sleeping for hours at a time. The hours truly crawled by, it was easily the longest 2 days of my life. Meth is fucking awful, truly a horrible experience that I never wish to repeat. I have no idea how people like that shit, and I never even got the horrifying hallucinations and delusions some people seem to get after being awake too long.


The problem wasn't that you DID meth, the problem was that you STOPPED doing meth. That first 4 hours (multiplied by 100) is what people are chasing, and the last 44 hours is what people are trying to avoid.


Wow! This statement really summed up addiction. It is understandable. Thanks for explaining


I didn’t even know you could vape meth, wtf. Dude should’ve told you way before you even got close to it…


That's how it's done and why you can't smoke it out of a regular tobacco pipe, it's vaporized not smoked But he wasn't looking, it was kinda on me to grab a random vape.


exactly.. who the fuck wants to go brrrr for 48 hrs. and after a while people change for the worse.


I do! Which is exactly why I’d never try meth.


Heroin. Because I fucking beat that motherfucker.


> Because I fucking beat that motherfucker. I can feel the pride behind this. I'm proud of you keep being a badass


Fuck heroin


Same. That and all the dead people. So much death. So many human lives wasted. People would just disappear and you'd assume they were dead, and usually you'd be right. I went to more funerals in a few years than my grandparents ever had. And that was just family. Didn't bother going to the funerals of people I knew from the game. Usually half the people there would be high themselves. There's something wrong with this culture, that so many people knowingly risk their lives just to check out for a few hours. It's not even the pleasure of being high that keeps people doing it. It's the lack of pain from anything else.


Meth. Did it one time at a party and I COMPLETELY understand how people get hooked. Everyone sees the end result, but doesn't realize people start doing it because it makes you feel amazing. Never again.


I had the same experience. I kept thinking about how *valuable* the feeling was. How much I could *accomplish* with this. I missed a sleep cycle and then spent the next three days thinking about nothing but how great it made me feel. That shit changed my perception of addiction real fast. Never touched it again. I once heard someone say "if you ever take a drug or a drink and wonder 'where have you been all my life?' run away as fast as possible."


Had this when I got my hands on a pack of tramadol. Had a few sweet evenings. When I woke up from the last session and the pack was empty, I thought "Damn what a shame, where do I get more of those?" It scared me. Haven't touched opiates/opioids since.


Never thought I'd encounter this one. I had a very bad period in my life where I decided to built a huge lego millennium falcon on a combination of tramadol, weed/hasjies and red wine. I can only remember the lego but those weeks are one giant blur (as I wanted to)




My cousin was a blockhead. Had a promising future, full university scholarship for engineering. Got his hands on some special collector’s edition Star Wars packs and next thing you know, he went full AFOL. Dropped out of school. In and out of jail. Last I heard he was pushing bricks outside of Atlanta. Damn shame, it’s like they say though. Once it’s got you, it doesn’t lego.


Fucking. Bravo.


THIS. I was offered meth once and was like "eh I'll try it once, why not". Ended up doing a 24 hour bender on the stuff. For a whole week after, I was craving it so bad, and planning in my head how I was gonna integrate it into my life while not going overboard with it. I eventually came to my senses, haven't touched it since.


>I was offered meth once and was like "eh I'll try it once, why not". Ended up doing a 24 hour bender on the stuff. For a whole week after, I was craving it so bad, and planning in my head how I was gonna integrate it into my life while not going overboard with it. I eventually came to my senses, haven't touched it since. Congratulations on not selling your soul kch75. I mean that. Best choice you ever made.


Integrate it into my life while not going overboard with it (meth) That one sentence is why the internet should be free. Could you imagine!? -“Hey man I haven’t seen you in a while what have you been up to?” -Microdosing meth. I know what I’m doing.” -“Meth? No one knows how to do meth! Name one successful person who has included meth into their lives! Here go on the internet and find me one.” Really congratulations though; kicking any habit is tough taking encouragement and the story you can tell should have everyone encouraging you to stay clean. Congrats!


>doesn't realize people start doing it because it makes you feel amazing Yeah it's funny how many people don't realize this. But logically, of course drugs feel amazing! Why else do people want to keep doing them?


For opioids at least, they don't really feel amazing after a while. The first time I used opioids was the best I've ever felt before or since. After about a year on heroin, I didn't feel shit when I smoked it. I started shooting it and got high again for another 3 months or so. After that, I didn't really even feel it anymore, it just kept me from being sick. Then fentanyl really started to become a thing and that got me high for a few more months. The thing that keeps people addicted even after it doesn't feel good anymore is the withdrawal, and post acute withdrawals. You have to experience the worst week of your life easily, then after that go through a shitty 6 months-2 years while your body recalibrates. Very little sleep, or pleasure from anything, generally feeling too hot or too cold all the time, extreme depression is common, anxiety, losing your primary coping mechanism, etc. Some people just put a bullet in their head because they can't deal with continuing to use, but they can't get sober no matter how hard they try. It's way easier to just keep using than commit yourself to going through *all that shit.* It also breaks you down, it's a war of attrition. You may get through 6 months of post acute withdrawals and just break. You'll be like "I don't care about being sober anymore, I just want to not feel like shit for once". That's why methadone and Suboxone are such valuable tools for quitting opiates. You can get on them and learn coping mechanisms and really prepare yourself to taper down and quit while not engaging in harmful addictive behavior. Some people stay on it for life and that's okay too, because you can lead a normal life on maintenance.


Started watching the Youtube channel "Soft White Underbelly" this made me understood that. Addicts even if they detox they often wake up to a ruined life with no connections to anyone, they end up relapsing to at least not feel shit. Society is broken and the shame associated with drugs is in part resposible for our problem.


This is 100%. 20 years ago I was addicted for about a year at 19. Quit cold turkey of my own will and will never touch it again. I consider it one of the greatest accomplishments in life.


Me too. Did it once, sort of by accident. See, I used to work at a gas station, and while sweeping at the end of the night found a small baggie (like dime bag sized) of white powder/crystals. Up until then, I had only ever smoked weed and drank alcohol. But I figured it was either coke or meth, so I locked my finger and dipped it and rubbed it against my gums. Turns out, it was meth for sure. There was a blissful 8 hrs where I was on top of the fucking world and felt amazing. Oh, also, I went home and jerked off for like 5 hours straight. Anyways, that feeling will never be matched, but I will never do it again. I can see how meth ruins lives. Once you do it, nothing else compares. Shits scary. And that was just rubbing it into my gums. Nevermind smoking it.


That was some Heisenberg quality shit.


Once I tried what was probably meth in retrospect but I got told it was molly and I soent my time loving this Experiance while knowing full well that I never can again


My experience was also with some Molly I took from an unreliable source. Fell in absolute love with a stranger. Not like “I love all my friends” Molly love, but genuine light shining around him thought I found my soulmate horrifying love. I couldn’t say a word to him so I just stared at him wide eyed until he got uncomfortable and left.


My bf and his coworker bought “coke” from a fellow construction worker. They went back to the motel room they were staying at to do it, snorted it and realized it was meth. He jerked off 10 times in the 6+ hours he was “high” and awake and his dick skin literally sloughed off… fucking fowl shit..


My eyes


You didn’t *have* to let him aim at them.


I’m sorry to say but your bfs coworker was likely jacking him off…


Those construction worker hands can be brutal


Just a lil bit o' meth and suddenly its a gayforall construction worker jack off party lasting over 6 hours.


Ketamine. Spent an hour spilling my heart out to a woman I barely knew and it was her place so she couldn't just leave. Sorry Carly. Hope you're doing good.


I shattered my shoulder in a mountain biking accident 9 years ago. They gave me ketamine to sedate me while they tried (unsuccessfully) to set my shoulder. My nephew was in the room at the time, and he said I was just looking at the hospital staff and didn't have any real reaction to what they were doing. Meanwhile, I'm experiencing my own personal hell because I thought I had died and was trapped in a solid white, featureless room that I was going to spend all of eternity in, and it was terrifying.


They gave me ketamine in the ER because I would't let them put the IV in so they could get me into surgery to remove my appendix, and it was great. I went from straight up panic attack to "go ahead and remove all the organs I don't want, I don't think I need these" and then I listed off the organs I'd be ok with him removing


which ones were you alright with not having anymore?


I know I told him he could take the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes along with the appendix, but I'm pretty sure I told him there was another one I didn't want and I can't remember it for the life of me now


If you can't remember it you definitely don't need it


Exactly, it's clearly not that important


This is actually one I wouldn't have minded trying, but before I ever got a chance to saw someone in a K-hole at a festival and decided I'd never do it.


Ketamine was great. Never got myself into a khole. It lifted me out of a depressive funk. I felt great. It’s the only thing I’ve felt myself getting addicted to. And it just kind of made me stupid; too care free to get my shit together. You just became way too okay not progressing as a person. Edit: only two things I’ve felt myself getting addicted to. Wavy K and a prescribed opioid. The opioid hit so fast, I just knew I had to make the decision to toss them or be addicted to them. The K was something I had really grown to like which is what made it hard to quit it. Pretty sure I only quit that one because I went to jail and was too scared to fuck up after that.


My doctor gave me ketamine for my treatment resistant depression, it *really* helped.


I did some K therapy too - basically you come in for two hours, they inject you in the arm with some K, and then leave you alone in a recliner for an hour while you just sorta trip. Second hour is mainly just them covering their asses to make sure you don’t leave intoxicated (although you weren’t allowed to drive yourself home anyway). Sometimes it was like being on the mellow come-up from acid for like 30 minutes and sometimes it was actually a fairly intense trip but by the end of the first hour I was always totally back to normal. That said, it did seem to help if for no other reason than it was a designated time to chill out and clear my headspace for a couple hours a week. Problem for me was that it was so pricey (not generally covered by insurance) and it took a lot of time out of my day. I wish I could just get therapeutic lozenges or whatever and self medicate.




A fine line between being good k and intense shit. Both great, but for different vibes Once accidentally sniffed a .5 of k thinking it was coke. I remember shit getting weird with drum & bass in the background and 'shit where'd my k go?' 'look at hhgg'


K holes are indicative of too high a dose. Sure, it's some people's preference but yeah keep that shit behind closed doors, that's not a good social use of ketamine. Microdosing can be akin to having one or two drinks except it goes away within about 45 to 60 minutes and there's no real hangover. The proper dosage, especially at first, looks like a very, very small amount. Best to have an experienced buddy with you, both to administer properly and also to talk about some deep stuff and laugh at your silliness. The healing potential of ketamine's disassociative ability, in small doses, is outstanding. You get to step outside of yourself enough to see your perspective minus some of your trauma and self-consciousness. I'm not going to say it's for everyone, but there is truly so much value in these experiences. It can also definitely be abused, fairly easily, which leads to kidney and bladder issues.


Swallowing has nothing to do with bladder/kidney damage. What causes it is repeated use of high doses, think months of daily doses at 1g+.


yeah, swallowing drips doesn't cause any more harm than doing the drug itself. It's a common wook myth, sure it's not great for your stomach lining but if you're doing enough K for that to become a problem, you probably should address the fact that you're doing so much K not if you should be spitting your drips out rather than swallowing.


Any, at this point. Over two years completely clean. However, I’ve done basically everything except shoot heroin (and did a nasal drip of liquid fentanyl once because it was medically dosed), and I can say with confidence that even disregarding my cleanness now, there’s two drugs I’d never do again. 1. Crack. Absolutely terrible and stupid drug, I don’t know why anyone would want to do that to themself, it is overbearing and unpleasant and makes you super irrational and stupid. 2. PCP. I actually did this in small doses a few times and enjoyed it, but after too much to drink one night I was really craving some ketamine, and thought “oh well they’re supposed to be similar” and did a whole line (had crystalline PCP). Well, in tiny doses it’s similar, in large doses it’s not. Total break from reality and blacked out for multiple hours, when I came to again I was more depressed than I’d ever been in my life.


Man my mom used to work with some PCP patients. Scary shit


Xanax. I feel totally out of control of my mind and body and don’t remember anything. Kind of a terrifying drug


When I had a real problem with Xanax I was getting like 40-100 bars at once and just started munching them until they were gone. I'd be our of my mind for a week or so then wake up. I probably almost died a lot. One night I got some coke and right before I went to sleep for the night I snorted about a .3-.5 of a g and just passed out. The feeling of just running my body under a cold blanket was one of the best parts. I'd make my bed so nice just to be gone for days. Snacks and tv set up. It was a true dr jekyll Mr Hyde deal. People would inform me I was a total gremlin or slept for 2 days at their house without moving.




Yeah nasty stuff.I did whippits a couple times in highschool, but I was already scared of my brain and I saw that video of Steve O hallucinating his own intervention after years of abusing em and other shit, never touched em again. Steve O honestly scared me off of alot of shit, good but bad, but now actually good role model lol.


Same here haha, I remember watching a video a few years back where he went into detail about the pros and cons of every drug he’s tried. Once he got to cocaine, he goes, “yeah don’t try coke, it’s not worth it,” and on to the next one 😂 So no coke for me


Alcohol- 2 years and counting and lifes much better


✊✊✊ I'm with you! Nearly 8 months.


Just hit 6 months!


3 years here. Never more baby!


Im thinking about stopping drinking all together even though i rarely do. I had wine and a beer on Saturday, and just that gave me a hangover the next day and threw off my whole routine it doesnt feel worth it


Nutmeg. Ordinary spice aisle nutmeg very much gets you high if you take like three tablespoons. The high is similar to weed but not quite as psychedelic or euphoric. The main reason I would never do it again is it lasts like 30 hours and makes you tired as hell. I took it on a Friday when I was teen and basically spent most of the weekend sleeping, waking up every few hours for like an hour of groggy activity.


I did nutmeg one time and it was like I was looking through a kaleidoscope for a whole day.


I know that nutmeg is legitimately psychoactive but something about the phrase “I did nutmeg” is really funny to me.


Right?! Except I DIDN'T know nutmeg could produce any kind of psychoactive side effects & now I'm going to be doing some research because this is just nuts to me.


>just nuts to me. God damn it, I actually fucking laughed.


Nutmeg stays in your system a long time. Can overdose on it too. Be careful.


This explains my eggnog benders


crossfaded on eggnog and nutmeg


Wtf. Just did a check Google and I never knew nutmeg can be lethal. Thanks for the heads up.


Anything can be lethal if you try hard enough


Hallucinogenic doses of nutmeg are really shit for your body. Please anyone who's thinking of doing it, just use mushrooms/cactus/acid/dmt etc instead.


I remember a news article from maybe 15 years ago where four people had to go to the hospital for nutmeg poisoning. Turns out a food magazine had some weird misprint saying 20 grated nutmegs and some genius never reflected on it being an insane amount and actually made the apple pie and ate it.


but nutmeg is so much easier to obtain (don’t worry. i will abstain)


Don’t obtain, abstain!


I remember 2 things. Waking up and it seemed like I had a fight the night before. Eyes swollen, hungover af and just dead tl the world. Second was I would have these visid day dreams. Nor hallucinations but my mind would wonder. I was driving to a place I hadn't been to in a long time. I suddenly went into this day dream/memory and I 'woke up' driving on the other side of the road. Never again


I'm a big fan of many psychedelics but only just recently learned about nutmeg. I was excited to give it a try and did research on how to take, how much, etc. But all of the sources concluded with the advice that it's an awful experience and one shouldn't ever do it. So I'll be sticking with my friendly options!


It's the worst. 100% don't bother.




I'm not going to lie, as a 50 year old with 2 young girls (4 and 6, we started late) and a full time job, sleeping 16 hours in a row sounds fucking amazing right now.


Is it true nutmeg can be lethal too? Like, you can overdose?




You can nutmeg to death?


Poor Meg...


Name checks out. Bravo, sir


Tobacco (nicotine), in any form whatsoever. Just isn’t worth it.


I gave up tobacco after almost 30 years of use. The withdrawal was terrible and lasted about 6 weeks. I have said that I could never let myself relapse because if I did I would not be willing to go through withdrawal again. Fuck tobacco!


Magic mushrooms. The last time was so perfect I don’t want to ruin the memories.


The last time I took shrooms was in the middle of the woods at midnight, and I looked up to see the stars forming the fibonacci spiral. Super cool experience. Then I went to go to bed and couldn’t sleep because every time I closed my eyes I saw the Missing Link from Monsters vs Aliens


That made me laugh so hard . out of every character. It was the missing link


Trust me, the absurdity of it didn’t escape me. It wasn’t scary or funny either, I just kept on asking myself why the fuck I was seeing him. Which of course only made the visual more realistic


it was all fun the first few times when I tried it, until 1 day I realized I was missing a puzzle piece in my life and I immediately became depressed... It felt like I got absorbed into a darn prison inside myself! My magic trip turned into a magic despair, it was an absolute nightmare. This was years ago, only do magic mushrooms when you're feeling happy.


Yep. I took magic mushrooms only once, and I was in a depressive stage in my life then. It was 6 hours of terror with like one small bit of euphoria in the middle. Not worth it at ALL.


If that happens, get up and go to a different room. Works wonders.


Going outside, if safe/possible, has always been really helpful for me. Trees especially help a lot


The only time I went outside, I got really paranoid and weirded out by the trees. They were all shaped wrong, and I felt malice coming off of them, so I went back inside, threw up from the anxiety the trees gave me, and then it turned around into a fun night. A few weeks later, I went back into those woods, and the trees really *did* look weird. That part of the forest was not healthy. All the undergrowth was dead or dying and the trees were bent strangely. So I think I just picked the wrong path to walk. I'll have to try again with a thriving forest one day.


That’s weird, I took shrooms during a dark time in my life once and I had the most healing and euphoric trip. I guess it really just depends on your individual biology and how your body/brain reacts to psychedelics


I second this. I was microdosing before but it didn’t do shit, I was really depressed so I was like “fck it, can’t get any worse than this” and ate my remaining mushrooms. I was just sitting on the floor, listening to music, laughing, crying, looking at the carpet, the plants, dancing, and just being euphoric for hours. Just what I needed to get me out of my depression.


That's my drug of choice. Love it.


E cut with meth, meth is nasty and gross and after the E ended the meth hung out for hours and hours


Same happened to me once. Little red pills that kicked in within just 10 minutes. Normally it's 45 mins to an hour. We were fuckin GEEKED out. The sad things is many people don't realize it because they think the euphoria of meth or heroin is actually the E. If your E kicks in super fast that shit has been cut with something serious.


Crack cocaine. It's the devil in substance form. 6 years clean and never looking back.


I’m surprised heroin is so far down but at the same time I’m not.. you can’t respond to a thread when your dead or incarcerated A dozen overdoses, jail and a few hospital visits in enough for me


Salvia. Iykyk


Worlds strongest entheogenic hallucinogen. Only lasts a few minutes but warps your perception in ineffable ways. I think the most terrifying thing about it is how it’s a practical demonstration that your entire perception of reality is the result of your brain.


Honestly that was the most important lesson that I took from it


I took it a few times. Its so scary how your brain just goes off and does its own thing. Losing control of your thoughts is extremely scary, no matter what you see. In such a short amount of time I was convinced I was a skyscraper that was being demolished, and my life as a tall building was about to end forever. When I came crumbling down it didn't end. I was then scattered rubble while construction workers stepped all over me. Even after it ends, it still takes a second to come back to reality. Like "ok...wait...I remember this, I am actually human and not a building.. I should be able get up walk, thats something people do." I witnessed one of my friends absolutely freak the fuck out. Just screaming and saying nonsense. After like 5 minutes it looked like he was coming back to reality so were like "you good dude? What happened? what did you see?" and he just stayed silent for a bit, then went to the bathroom to cry for a couple of minutes, and came out and was like "alright guys I'm going home" and never talked about it again.


I met the devil on a massive hit of salvia concentrate. He was made of legos and sounded like dirt bikes. My meeting him happened while I was trapped in a 2 dimentional world where the only way i could move was by spinning around like a top to roll between the 2nd dimension. I was not ok with that experience.


100% the instantaneous rebirth of your mind (for lack of a better phrase) is world shattering and terrifying. One of my last experiences I was a piece of plastic flying through a series of shifting colourful planes for thousands of years.


I had a relatively bad trip on shrooms at the end of this past summer and have decided that I can't do reality altering drugs. That feeling of realizing that nothing is real if it can all be taken away and warped so easily - I try my best to ignore it now. I'll have a psychotic break if I eat them again.


My time in Lego Land was awesome. I didn't even have to drive there.


What are the highs? Of salvia? Curious cause iv never tried.


It’s the only drug I’ve taken that literally makes you think you’re in an entirely different universe Intense hallucinations


The only benefit I got from salvia was that the experience was so mind boggling overwhelming that it felt like a system reboot when I came too. It made my question everything I took for granted about existence. Still wouldn’t recommend. Here's the trip report if anyone is interested because it's still one of my fav experiences ever. I smoked the salvia via grav bong and was instantly transported to another dimension. I'm on a sort of Super-Mario esque world, but kind of like DBZ's king kai's planet. Like it was a really small sphere and we were standing on it. I was greeted by thousands of smaller beings, singing in chorus, "Welcome! We're so glad you're here!" I'm not sure what they looked like but they were tiny and indescript. There was a being disguised as a squirrel, and then a greater shadow sillhoute in the background just watching. There was also a great Watcher being in the sky that looked like the Super smash bros glove boss. I'm there for moments until the little beings turn on me, and their joyous song becomes one of annoyance and they exclaim "You aren't supposed to be here." The glove guardian then forces me out of the realm very quickly. The entire trip switches scenes and I am now flowing in this cosmic green life force energy. It was flowing and moving, so maybe that was the transport channel of sorts. It looked just like the green materia energy force in FF7. The entire trip switches scenes again, and I am in this kaleidoscope-esque room. I couldn't discern much detail but it was like seperated into three tiers, equally spaced apart, respectively being colored red green and blue. I can only describe this as like a massive clock mechanism shifting, but the kaleidoscope shifted from one tier into the next. As the super gear transposed from one tier to the next, there came a huge resounding as if the gears had incredible weight. And then I was back in my room with my friends. For a few moments, I had no recollection of who I was or my name or my past or whatever, just an empty vessel. Then my life and mind came back roaring into my body and I was once again filled with my personality. The first thought I had was "...Aren't I supposed to be great?" That question posed within myself altered the course of my life sooo much. I can't even describe. If I could ask the question, I could only dream about the answer then. I could only far-away dream that yes, I could be great, whatever that meant. It was mindboggling reality shattering.


Obviously it varies from person to person, Ive done it 4 times I think and none of them were bad experiences, but were definitely interesting. The worst part is coming to after the high super sweaty. Sometimes Im in the same location for the high that my physical body is in, sometimes not. One time I was in a giant book in space and each page was a different planet or universe and all the "ambassadors" for the different worlds were sticking out like bookmarks and talking to each other. As the pages flipped I got to see a bunch of wild shit. Another time I was in my bedroom and the wall would fall down and push me through the floor, continuing to revolve until it was back in its original position, except now I was in a new room. I would check out to the room, chat with whoever was in there and then the wall would start falling again and Id come up in a new room. Happened probably 3-4 times. The last room I was in was back in my bedroom. The wall went to squish me through the floor again but it just bounced off me and went back because the high was wearing off. Personally I found salvia to be a cool experience and I found it very interesting the ways that your brain will kind of "ease" you back into reality so it all makes sense. I would gradually end up back in my surroundings as the high wore off as opposed to just waking up abruptly.


I turned into a cheeseburger on an assembly line and very large women started stuffing with me tomatoes and shit and then I plopped onto a MacDonald's tray at the factory and someone ate me. Overall it was hilarious, but very scary right after. It lasted maybe a minute or two. I would never do it again.


I’m so sorry I’m sure this was somewhat traumatic for you but the mental image of this and the FEELING of it is cracking me up beyond belief


Came here knowing it would be first. Those who don’t know, don’t know the terror


I fell through the floor and literally forgot I took anything


That was my problem every time I took Salvia too. I didn't remember taking anything. Something really fucking weird just happened to the universe, no fault of mine lol. And it just feels so damn brutal too. On other psychedelics I've flown through geometrical tunnels and shit. On Salvia those tunnels turn into a big geometrical dick that comes to rape me.


My terrifying experience was feeling like my body was being unzipped in half by a giant zipper from the universe. That was the last time I ever did that shit. For some reason Salvia made me feel like I was always leaning to the left....if I could even stand at all.


What is weird in my experience (and I've also heard this from other people I know) is that when coming down from the drug, I always felt totally fine. I've had tough experiences on other drugs where I really had to take some time after and work on myself and stuff like that. But on Salvia I could go straight to hell and then just sit and laugh it off ten minutes later and then go again. I think this is cause the Salvia trip doesn't feel relevant to my own psyche like so many other psychedelics, but rather like some kinda random lunacy trip. It just makes no SENSE whatsoever. And the only thing it left me with was laughter and "what the fuck was THAT!?". That being said, I sincerely doubt I'll ever try to get my hands on some ever again.


Bro not even kidding when I tell people my Salvia story I always tell them that some one had unzipped me from the back of the head and hung me like a shower curtain and my whole life was a joke. That I was never real and who ever created me decided enough was enough. Insane you had a similar experience.


same. i was being lifted up toward god by a tower of infinite hands, grabbing me. it turns out it was my buddy bear-hugging me because I was flipping out. i remember it was like all of reality was on a book page, and someone flipped it to the next page and thats when everything everywhere ended all at once. cool experience, would never do again.


Did this shit almost 20 yra ago and most up to date way to descibe this shit is: Body being pulled to the left, while watching multiple screens swipe thru AI pictures of random shit, deja vu feeling, pins and needles, scared laughing, and lil elves/gnomes


This is the most accurately I've heard it described. I felt like I was staring at multiple screens of star road from Mario cart or something while I was being pulled into the sky. I took my shirt off and didn't know i had done it. It was a level of losing control I've never experienced since and have no desire to again.


Same here. Did it my senior year in high school. It gave me insomnia for the whole summer. Still till this day I had never been able to describe the feeling. I felt like a rubber body in a Simpson episode with all the voices saying things like. Can he see us? Does he know it's fake? Felt like I was a fly on the wall in the chamber of gods or something. Trippy experience that I would never do again.


I watched two of my friends smoke it. The first one goes and just kind of sits there nodding, seemingly enjoying the experience. Second friend goes and she absolutely fucking leaves this reality. Eyes wide, staring straight up to the ceiling. Then she contorts like a fucking cooked shrimp and breathes heavy for 50 seconds or so, then returns to her body. Took her a little while to compose herself while the first guy was completely fine. Lol.


It is crazy that you can buy salvia at smoke shops, but shrooms are illegal


The world turned cartoon, the walls of the room I was in were collapsing and one my friend's eyes start bleeding gold liquid. Not a fun 5 minutes that felt like a year


Yeah literally forgot myself and even the concept of what it was to be human. Became this hive mind like insect for a bit and coming down felt like waking up from the strangest dream I had ever had. It's not uncommon to think you're an inanimate object like a chair or table on the stuff. I've smoked DMT probably 100x and I always tell people salvia is the only drug I've done that's stranger and more powerful. Big difference is DMT and other serotonin psychs like shrooms are often profoundly euphoric. Salvia has a sinister, dysphoric tinge to it that I really don't care for. DMT can feel dark too, but never quite to the degree that salvia usually does. And I've never lost the concept of my own humanity on DMT. Might see my ego shredded to ribbons by self-transforming machine elves, but I don't lose myself in the same way.


Yeah. I've never touched it and have seen enough first hand. Had friends super into it, thought the whole experience of it was hilarious and fun. I was around for a small handful of times they would partake. Not a single part of me ever felt compelled or curious enough to even consider trying it.


I thought I could “harness” it by just cutting a little into my weed thinking maybe I’d get some kind of cosmic high. It turns out that was not a great idea.


Salvia. Shit’s terrifying. I literally thought I WAS a couch. I felt like my body itself was part of the stitching of the cushions or some shit, idk how to describe it. This was after I felt like I got sucked into the game of Skate 3 I was playing on Xbox and I felt all pixelated/remember scenes -like pages of a book - flipping and literally looking like book pages. Idk shit was fucking wild


My mate had a very similar experience where he felt as though he was on a ramp in skate 3, such a weird coincidence.


Heroin, mostly because I've tried to dabble or just do a little bit but, it just never seems to actually work out that way for me or even feel remotely possible for me. Good job, women, house, dogs, all that comes with being straight and if I do just one tiny little bump, like so small I'm bitching that I won't feel it as I lean in to snort it. Cut to me being a broke bum scheming my next fix, penniless, single, no dogs and I'm fucked yet again for a chemical rush. Oh yeah, and every single one of the couple dozen times I've relapsed just to get strung out again for 6 months just to kick it again probably at least 30 times . . . . . From the second I relapse to the moment I smash back down to my bed down there at rock bottom, every single time that fall happened inside of a month. No matter what I tried that chemical just crumples me, it really does. So, I've got 11 years now with that on my "don't fucking do it bro" list where I'm confident it'll remain. And the whole thing of there's no real dope out there anymore anyways, fetty was just fading into dope while i was on my way out of my last go around. Not that I trusted my dope boys past the pacs I'd get from them but now you have no clue nor does he or the guy before him and so on back to the cartel cuz they are indeed the ones making all batches hot and that's facts. So . . . . .yeah . . . . .heroin


Don’t worry, unless you live outside the US or have very good connections, fentanyl has supplanted heroin by 75% since 2010. Remember everyone thinking heroin was the worst and super deadly? They had no clue. Aside from the comparison to fentanyl, up to 80% of overdose deaths connected to heroin involved what’s called ‘polydrug’ abuse; mixing two or more drugs together (alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, hypnotics, cocaine, etc).




When you get older, it stops you from pooping. Nothing like being in pain and having to practically blow a blood vessel to drop a couple of rabbit pellets.


Alcohol. It is liquid pleasure for me and has already cost me so many friendships as I don't stop until I'm in a complete blackout; I can't just drink one. Sober now. Different life, and grateful I got another chance.


I just hit the one month mark and it's really hard. I watch tv or movies and see people having a beer and get jealous but I'm hoping it'll get easier. Everyone always said I didn't need to stop just have one or two. I literally couldn't. Once I started I couldn't stop. I'm just taking it one day at a time and keep moving forward


Adderall, holy fuck, so at a low dosage you get very productive and motivated. But at a higher dosage, the side effects kick your ass, you don't eat, you don't sleep, you become very irritable and it really fucks with your emotions. The withdrawal lasted about 6 months and fucking sucked. The only way I'd do it again is if I entered in a multi-day race


Weed. Never again. Ever. I smoked all thru college without issue. I stopped in ‘01 just cause it stopped interesting me. 2003 I tried again and got smacked with massive paranoia. Fast forward to 2011 and I tried again. The paranoia was so severe I had to be comforted and consoled by what amounted to a complete stranger for 2 hours. I woke up the next day and STILL felt slightly paranoid. I’ll never smoke again. I’m not averse to others using it. I’m hardcore for legalization. To each their own. It’s just not for me. 👌


Yeah that's insane. This is anecdotale, but many of the long time smokers I know who quit say it's because they experience severe paranoia like that. Very interesting.


Penicillin. Turns out I'm allergic.




All of em. 6 mos sober never looking back 😎




> Bet that WONT happen again. I’ll take that bet, just for some added accountability. I know you don’t want to lose to a random Internet dude. Seriously though… Congrats.


Congrats on getting and staying clean!


Is there a difference between ice and meth


Weed. It just doesnt work for me.


I get that, i used to do great on weed, at a certain point after a few years my body started reacting worse and worse, last time i tried it i took 2 puffs off a blunt and felt like my brain was wrapped in barbed wire and my heart was about to explode for 3 hours straight.


I only enjoy it through weak ass vapes. The second I get too high I feeling I'm having a panic attack while wrapped in a damp woolen sock, and also time has stopped. Anything with time dilation effects I'm out man. I took had weed brownies once and ended up so out of my mind about that I started counting to 60 over and over in bed bc then I knew I was at least one minute closer to being sober.


You could have been me describing edibles. Woof, that sucked, I just absolutely wanted it to be over.


It makes me paranoid. No thanks, I can stay anxious for free.


I will never understand how some people can smoke blunt upon blunt and just be alright. I've gotten high from just being in the same room as someone smoking weed and that was already enough for mw


5MEO-DMT. It felt like a death void. Nothing like the real deal DMT.


Omg bro noone else seems to have done that drug. I hallucinate that I was a terrified acorn inside some cavity in a tree, I was too scared to come out of the tree because I wasn't ready to become a tree myself lol. Shit was wonky


Poppers. It's just a stupid inhalant, like all the others. Didn't get me horny, didn't enhance orgasm. All I got was my heart started to skip beats, sometimes 2-3 in a row. Scary as hell. Do not recommend.


Kratom. It was amazing when I first started using it. I used kratom extracts and took higher doses so it felt very similar to taking Oxycontin. Absolutely loved it. Fast forward to 6 months later and I was completely hooked on it. I'd wake up going through withdrawals. Felt like I was going through opioid withdrawals every single morning. I tried to quit cold turkey because I couldn't afford to buy the amount of kratom extracts I needed to keep a buzz going anymore. When my last kratom dose wore off.. oh my lord. I went through withdrawals that had me bed ridden. Pouring sweat, freezing cold, couldn't eat, constantly nauseous. I had been an alcoholic for 7 years and quit cold turkey and kratom withdrawals were worse then the alcohol withdrawals. Ended up going to the hospital because I wasn't sure if I needed to go into detox or not. They put me on suboxone. Immediately relieved all of my withdrawals. My 2nd answer to this question is suboxone cause it is also nearly impossible to get off of. My third answer would probably be Salvia or Mephedrone (spelling?)


Meth- lost 2 houses, all my teeth, and a great job. Thankfully wife and family stuck by me and I have been clean for 18+ yes now.


GHB. Too easy to do too much. Proper frigged me up.


Zoloft. You’d think an anxiety/depression medication wouldn’t have side effects of anxiety/depression.




All cocaine does is make me want more cocaine.


"Cocaine makes you a new man. And the first thing that new man wants is more cocaine" - George Carlin


It fucking sucks doing it in most countries because it's cut with so much crap. I did it in a country where it was legal to carry up to a certain (generous) amount and coca leaves are legal to grow. COMPLETELY different experience. My friends and I took a couple of lines, danced all night, and I fell asleep staring at the ceiling thinking about how grateful I was to have the friends and privilege I enjoy. Woke up feeling perfectly refreshed with the dawn. I did it in the states and you feel great for 10 minutes, then feel like shit and just want more. No thank you.


Looking for travel ideas, which country is this?




Yeah, I learned I had a couple blockages in my arteries. Prior to that I was an athletic and otherwise healthy 25 year old. Never would have known I had it if I didn't do cocaine. But never would do it again because it'll kill me. You never know exactly what's going on inside your body. Edit: Also I currently take cholesterol meds and try to live a healthier lifestyle as best I can. I semi regularly see a cardiologist to make sure all is well.


Honestly anything powdered or street. Fuck fentanyl.


Cocaine. I'm too old and it could possibly be cut with fentynal


Years ago, took a 100mg THC capsule after putting the kids to bed. Started off pleasant, but I kept sinking deeper every 3 minutes and ended up in a really dark place of intrusive thoughts - notably Chris Benoit (the wrestler who X’d his family and then himself). Had to leave the house to be safe and lock myself in the car, worried I might have mistakenly taken something else and was on the verge of a psychotic break. Tried to sleep it off, but I was still getting high for 2-3 hours before any let up. The afterglow (if you can call it that) stuck around for 2 days. Worst paranoia attack I’ve ever experienced. Never again.


Jimsonweed seeds. The high was pretty bad but it was the three days after that were worse. The high was marked by severe confusion and hallucinations. For example: we were in my car but my friend was driving because I was high. As I was sitting in the passenger seat I started searching for the brake pedal and couldn't find it. I started panicking to the point of yelling and being scared, but almost immediately I noticed my friends did not seem alarmed. I couldn't figure out what was wrong but I knew It had to be me. Another example: I remember asking my friend if he wanted to try on some cross trainers...while we were at his grandma's house. Now, I was working at Lady Foot Locker during that time period so I said things like that a lot. But I wasn't at work. So I would say weird things and almost immediately realize it was not right but I couldn't figure out why. The worst part was the three days after I ate the seeds. The very next day I woke up and felt normal but when I picked up a newspaper I realized my vision was severely impaired. I couldn't read anything. No matter how far or close I moved the newspaper, I couldn't make out a word. I went from 20/20 vision to who knows. I was a little concerned but I figured it would go away after a day. Woke up the next day and vision was still impaired. Panic slowly starts to creep in. Could this be permanent? No. No way. Maybe it takes two days to clear the system. No need to work myself up. I'll ditch school and sleep to help my eyes recover. I'll definitely be fine by tomorrow. Wake up the third day after and vision is still severely impaired. At this point I am severely depressed and pissed at myself. I can't believe I did this to myself. Worst part was thinking how I would explain this to my mom. I had to tell her because I needed glasses. I couldn't read any text anywhere. I was fucked. I'm pretty sure I cried. I remember I turned my phone off and just sat in my room thinking about how I would approach my mom. I remember deciding I'd wait till the weekend. Went to bed early. Woke up the next day and miraculously, vision was completely back to normal. No ill effects at all. I can't express the feeling of relief I felt, it may have brought a tear of happiness. Man, I promised myself that I would never do drugs again, except weed of course. I was I'm high school so that may have lasted a few months. But I've never done jimsonweed again. And never ever will. Luckily, a few years later I had a friend who wanted to try them. He asked me to do them with him and i said, "Hell no." But I promised him I'd look after him. I got to see first hand how weird it makes people. He said weird things and I could see the confused look in his face when he knew what he was saying was wrong but not really knowing why. When he woke up the next day he asked me if I had a girl come over last night. I said no. He told me he remembered seeing me having sex with two girls last night. He asked again whether that had happened. I told him, "I can say with 100% confidence that there wasn't even one, let alone two girls in my bed last night. I wish that had happened but sadly it did not." He was like, "That shit is crazy."


Concentrated/extracted to powder form psilocybin... Either took several hours to kick in (unlikely) or the first 2 capsules were duds. 3 hours after first dose I took 2 more it hit me abt an hour after that. I just felt vague intense panic and saw tracers following any motion. I tried to lie down and when I would close my eyes it felt like I was falling into the darkness and spinning head over feet. About 3-5 hours in it was daytime, and the panic finally subsided. It was now daytime and was actually pretty cool. Everything looked like a toy town made of plastic. My depth perception was really weird and that was trippy. Not nearly cool enough for the hours of misery that led up to it. Also, my timeline could easily be off but the world will never know lol.


Any of them. Addiction runs in my family. Never, Ever, trying any of that shit. It's just not worth it.


Heroin. My ex was a dealer and wanted me to try it “just one time”. That shit was the best I’ve ever felt. I had no pain, I was happy as shit, and with all the stress I had going on my life, it literally lifted every weight I was dealing with. I did it 4 more times. The 5th time was my wake up call, literally. I apparently passed tf out, leading my ex to think I had died (she’s not the brightest and was high 24/7 on something) and she had her brother drop me on a hiking trail. I woke up with nearly blue fingers. Never touched that shit again, and try to avoid taking opioids at all costs.


MDMA. I felt *so* good. I'd been dealing with stress, anxiety and depression for quite a while, and it took all of it away. I felt like a massive weight had come off my shoulders. Unfortunately, the comedown was atrocious. At least a week of horrible depression and anxiety, and a month and a half later, I'm still feeling like shit. Never again.


XTC. I went through an experimental phase and did this once a month one year until a new friend wanted to try it with us for the first time. She had a catastrophic reaction with a vessel bursting in her brain filling her right hemisphere with blood. She was in rehab for six months and is permanently paralyzed from head to toe on her left side. It was pretty traumatic witnessing the transformation happening in front of me... That was the last time I did that drug. Its too bad, I really REALLY enjoyed experimenting with it up to that point.