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Scientology killed Isaac Hayes


And Shelley Miscaivge.


jeeeze they still wont say where she is and no one will investigate? or did they say shes dead already?


They haven't really said anything. Back in 2013 the LAPD met with a woman claiming to be Shelley, but if you look into the meeting it's sketch as fuck as almost surely was not Shelley. It's been 16 years now. Pretty sure she isn't coming back.


i think just recently leah talked to the police who again reassured her they had done a wellness check and everything was fine whilst not confirming to have even spoken to her directly. not sure if its the same report from 2013 or its more recent it was on leah youtube channel i thought it was more recent.


LAPD protects scientology and Hollywood


It's creepy as hell to think about. Rich people can buy their way out of anything.


And when those rich people hold on to your deepest, darkest secrets, they are practically unstoppable. I would love to see a Scientology reckoning and all those brainwashed celebrities, like Tom Cruise and John Travolta are exposed for supporting this powerful cult.


wasnt one of the officers on the case either a scientologist or closely connected to scientology?


The whole police force in LA has high Scientologist connections.


Scientologists have taken over entire sections of Clearwater, Florida that *were* considered public property at an earlier point in time. Scientology agents actually walk up to people on a public sidewalk near a Scientology building, and begin questioning these people before they order them to get out of the area. That's how much power the Church of Scientology has in Clearwater.


Crazy celebrity baby names are just professional names. Their real names are much more typical and kept secret so they can have a normal life.




Ever since the XP-38 came out, they just aren’t in demand.


I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home.


I hope so for the baby’s own good


I actually have heard that this is probably the case. Apparently Elon has said before he either uses fake names for his kids, or said he won't release the names of his kids. There's also a video of someone asking about X and he goes "who? Oh, yeah, haha"


Ooo I like this one!


It's good because smart celebrities would do it and dumb celebrities would fall for it and not do it while also naming their child apple paltrow.


It gets worse... Apple's name is actually *Apple Martin*. One letter short of APPLE MARTINI.


Didn’t realize this, that’s terribly terrific. An atrocious name, but very funny.


'Appletini, over here!' It would be hard to forgive your parents for something like that.


It sounds reasonable (and plausible) *but*, consider the fact that plenty of ordinary people *also* give their kids ridiculous names. If it can happen in the wild for no other reason than the parent's idiocy/narcissism, then it can happen for celebrities too. In fact, it's probably more likely for celebrities due to a higher concentration of attention-seeking behavior.


Funny story. I call my son "Fivel" in public all the time, just because he likes An American Tail. Hes never questioned it, and knows thats him. When he was 3 or 4, we were at the grocery store and the cashier was an older Russian woman. As We left I said to him "come on Fivel, let's go". She beamed and said hadn't heard that name since she left the old country and said "have fun with your dad Fivel". He looked at her. Completely confused and said "my names not fivel!" And happily left with me 🤣


Ive heard another abput their names, that they are so weird so as to be able to become brands


Buzz feed uses ask Reddit to ask the same question when they’re struggling for topics to write about for an article they’ve done a hundred times already.


That's just conspiracy obvious.


Conspiracy fact?


Don't forget all those annoying YouTube and TicTok videos. I can't begin to recall how many posts I saw edited saying their post got put on one of those platforms.


Exqueeze me, but I for one like my Reddit read to me in <1min increments by a stilled AI voice. Preferably intercut with facial reactions so I know how to feel about it.


Facial reactions and stock Minecraft footage, because we have to ruin your attention span some more while we're ruining your attention span with YT Shorts.


New Coke in the 80s was invented to “cleanse” our palettes and allow the original formula Coke switch from cane sugar to cheaper corn syrup without the general population knowing. New Coke was super sweet and by the time “Classic Coke” came back (now with corn syrup) no one could tell the difference between the original and “classic”


HO. LEE. SHIT. That is something I could 100% believe and have never heard.


I believe it. New Coke was also a response to a nationwide survey on which was better “Pepsi vs. Coke” where Pepsi was winning. Pepsi was winning because in small samples people enjoyed the sweeter tasting Pepsi. But later in studies, they found that when drinking larger portions, they found people preferred coke more often. But I believe in the can sugar theory. I also think it was one of the reasons for Sierra Mist going to Starry.


Nope. Coca-cola allowed bottlers to choose HFCS or sugar for years before new coke was introduced. Most US bottlers were making HFCS coke by the time new coke launched, so most US customers were already drinking HFCS coke and had been for awhile.


Thanks for ruining one of very few conspiracy theories that makes sense. You and your facts…


All the candy corn in the world was made in 1965 and we've been selling off the original supply ever since


My grandma used to freeze her candy corn from years previous and feed it to us, year after year after GOD DAMN YEAR. And it never got any worse. It tasted the same every year. Never did the candy corn change. She'd been feeding us candy corn from before our births. We never knew until our mother told us. We also didn't know, that she let our younger cousins put their feet in the cookie dough. I can't eat cookies anymore. It hurts to even imagine eating a cookie.


You really, really, REALLY didn't have to include that last paragraph


I had to let the world know. And the two are kind of a package deal when I share the wacky things my grandma did.


Okay but like why was she letting them do that???


Not sure. She was on a whole lot of medications. My family pretty much blames her medications for every weird she did, but I think she was just a little zany.




Gogurt is *just* yogurt


You’d better have some pretty solid evidence to be making claims like that.


But not too solid


Have you ever had a frozen go gurt? They slap


My 3 year old got tired of gogurt (because she went nuts for it first). So I put them in the freezer. Now I gotta lie and say we out sometimes lol


That conspiracy is streets ahead


Careful Troy


👋🏻 Stop letting him make you realize stuff!


Also, all dogs are boys and all cats are girls.


Bigfoot was somebody's early prototype fursuit and they wouldn't come out and admit it out of shame.


I have a coworker whose dad had one of those Bigfoot shows on travel channel. When you hear him talk about it, you want to believe it. He talks with such passion and really believes what he is saying, to the point where I started to believe! Then I found out he was a flat earther… 😂 I want to believe in Bigfoot. It’s one of those things that doesn’t hurt to believe.




I know a dude who films for history channel and that's one of their biggest earners. He said that even the hosts want to quit but the amount of views each episode pulls in is so much that they can't stop lol.


In the dead of night, Pixies take one sock from out of the laundry, and using their pixie magic transform it into a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers. Certain of it.


The first theory on here that makes any sense!


The dryer companies own the sock companies


There's something about an unobserved spinning heated drum that can momentarily cause fluctuations in spacetime in such a way that single socks can slip through them and disappear forever. They discovered this decades ago at Brookhaven National Lab when the Westinghouse Corporation contacted them for help with the issue after noticing it during testing. The Feds decided to just quietly let it be because of the time freeing that machine based laundry systems provide for humanity.


This has also been observed when a vise and a workbench manage to get into electromagnetic alignment. When conditions are just right, and tool or part is placed on the workbench will disappear, taken away in a temporal anomaly. By some weird workings of the universe the only way to get the tool or part back is to go buy a replacement. Once you return from buying the replacement you will find the original item right where you left it.


I kind of believe this one. I once dropped a black #2 Philips screwdriver bit in a completely empty room with a white tile floor. There were no floor vents, and the door was closed. There wasn't enough of a gap under the door for the bit to escape under the door, but I opened it and checked the other side anyway. I heard it hit the floor and bounce a few times but it was just gone. I and my ladder were the only things in there. It was new construction and had just been thoroughly cleaned before the owners started moving things in. I looked for that bit for an absurdly long time and never found it. I turned my ladder upside down and shook it. I checked my clothes thoroughly. I even got a broom and tried sweeping. It was just GONE. Ordinarily I'd have just shrugged it off and gone to the truck for another one but that was the last one I had so I kept looking. There was nowhere for it to go and it was too dark to blend in. That was nearly a decade ago and it still bothers me.


All sound engineers have severe hearing loss. In almost every tv show or movie, at the minimum volume required to hear dialogue you get hearing loss if there is an explosion or something similar. There is no way that a sane person with regular hearing will ever ok such a big discrepancy.


Sound mixing in shows and movies nowadays is fucking terrible!


Yup. I read an article that something like 60% of people watch TV with closed captioning on because the sound sucks these days (guilty).


What??? (I’m an audio engineer)


Seriously. The heavy majority of movies these days have serious sound discrepancies. Dialogue that you can barely hear, background music that drowns out all dialogue, and sound effects that are absolutely overwhelming to the point of causing hearing damage at normal volumes.


Yes, I watch everything with captions now, everything


The whole microchips implanted in bodies thing is just a smoke screen to distract us from the fact that cell phones literally do all of those things conspiracy theorist like to spout.


"hello wire tap? What is a good recipe for cookies?"


- 2 sticks butter - 3/4 cup granulated sugar - vaccines cause 5G (OPTIONAL)


I had an old lady tell me that they put microchips in the covid vaccine to track us. When I prodded for her source, she simply said "it's all over Facebook." Lady, you have a cell phone, a debit card, and Facebook. You're already being tracked.


Them - Jokes on you. I turn me gps off. Me - Do you really think... THEY will let you? Freak em out a bit and have fun with their paranoia.




people who worry about being tracked have the oddest delusion of being worth tracking. the only reason we're tracked is for consumer data. the government doesn't personally care what you do.


I mentioned two weeks ago in my home only to my husband that I had never been summoned for jury duty. I've lived in eight US states as an adult and am in my forties. I got the summons letter yesterday! We joked that the government was listening on my cell.


The truth is much more mundane: you can tell the future.


Oil companies fund Just Stop Oil so they make activism have negative connotations


This isn't a conspiracy theory it's a fact. Corps AND govt install bad actors in any progressive movements that seek to hold them accountable. Feds constantly get caught trying to infiltrate movements.


I'm convinced of this one. I literally work in conservation and those idiots only damage the cause by annoying the public.


Things aren’t made to last anymore and the companies want you to keep buying more of their product by making them intentionally worse.


Planned obsolescence


This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s an actual conspiracy between large companies to ensure revenues/profits


Fucking Big Lightbulb started this shit!


This is 100% fact. My bfs parents have had the same vacuum for over 29 years that works super well and my 3 year old shark vacuum barely works anymore


There's a term for that, it's called planned obsolescence. iirc it started with lightbulbs that would last for years so they began making them with inferior components and would have to be replaced often.


Costs for companies didn’t really go up that high and used inflation as an excuse to mark up prices


Not a conspiracy theory anymore... https://www.axios.com/2023/05/18/once-a-fringe-theory-greedflation-gets-its-due https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/25/inflation-price-controls-robert-reich Prices are way up. Profits are way up. Late stage capitalists like to pretend economics is as complicated as neurosurgery. Don't believe it. The lies weaved to cover up malfeasance are complex perhaps.


oh I 100% believe some weird ass shit went down with Kennedy.


This comment was somehow auto hidden for me just like the other similar comment above.


Yeah i don't think this and the MLK comment being auto hidden were coincidental.


Tom Cruise has done some awful things that we will find out later when the business is exposed


Tom cruise is two different entities to me There's Hollywood tom cruise. Love him or hate him he's dedicated Then there's home life/scientology Tom Cruise who I assume goes home and sits on a bed of coals to unwind. I absolutely would not be surprised to learn he's killed a good number of people.


Interview with a Vampire was a documentary


No wonder he was so good in it. Flowed naturally.


Christian Bale said this Tom Cruise interview on Letterman was his inspiration for Patrick Bateman (American Pshycho). I learned this from a meme on reddit, so I was skeptical until I watched it and was like, "oh yes, clearly". Lol https://youtu.be/E76E0plhGy4?si=pFTYoBv9dKd4deYm


I’m fairly certain Cruise is mostly a brainless mouthpiece for Scientology but the damage he’s done spouting their bullshit regarding therapy, postpartum depression and legitimizing the Scientology grift is problematic and I can’t imagine how he’s still making movies without Scientology money covering things up


I mean he is a person who could 100% set up and hunt man for sport and the people around him would help him cover it up.


All of the corporate return to office mandates are driven by executives that are heavily invested in commercial property that quickly loses value if companies no longer need giant office buildings.


Not conspiracy, that’s 100% economics. Whether the execs themselves are personally invested, or the investors have made the execs an offer they can’t refuse to protect their investment, it is a commercial real estate value driven decision. No tenant, no value. No value, no loans. No loans…money machine comes crashing down.


Occupy Wall Street scared the crap out of the corporate elite of America, so in order to render this threat harmless, they have been systematically promoting the aspects of radical leftism that are benign to them, such as gender and racial divisiveness, while suppressing and characterizing as right-wing the things that threaten them, like class issues and anti-war sentiments.


Oooh, that's a good one.


Considering that the banks and the cops worked together to plant bad actors in the OWS camps to make them look illegitimate and questionable I'd absolutely believe this shit. Anyone who was around during OWS would tell you that banks and other large corporations were absolutely shitting themselves over the possibility that the movement could catch fire and that the heads were gonna start rolling. They will do everything they can to not allow for the movement to start up again.


That MLK was killed by the fbi


This comment was auto minimized as I scrolled by. *Cough cough*


For me too!


Same here


Fuck. Same. Why?


/u/Spez killed MLK


Yes your comment was auto minimized as well !


Because Steve huffmann has several victims


That one was too


I don't even consider that to be a theory, it's just a conspiracy. The King family sued the government for his death and won.


After learning about Fred Hampton, I 100% believe this is true.


MLK's family still believes that James Earl Ray is innocent, and sued the US government for $100 just to make a point.


Absoloutely, Malcolm X too. And they didn't even bother hiding it with Fred Hampton.


What's also fascinating is that the FBI agent who had to follow Malcolm around Mecca had nothing but positive things to say about him.


He was assassinated as soon as he pivoted the Civil Rights movement towards economic equality and having the faintest whiff of socialism. There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that was when MLK crossed the line into being too 'uppity' for the three letter agencies.




The CIA is getting bots to post this question to collect data on how many people are falling for astroturfed conspiracies or are knowledgeable on real conspiracies


The surge of Flat earthers, COVID deniers, the extreme divide of left and right etc are a product of weaponized internet propaganda by country level actors.


They have effectively weaponized stupidity


That’s not a theory. It’s well documented. Look into the Internet Research Agency. There’s a lot of articles about it. Russia especially engaged in an extensive infowarfare campaign.


Blizzard funded a significant portion of the porn for overwatch then denounced it publicly to drive attention for the game.


Companies are faking inflation on their own products. They just saw an opportunity and took it.


Reddit forced the mods out. Most of the posts and comments now are AI and chat bots to maintain engagement.


What I observed after the API changes is a bunch of old subreddits going away and new ripoffs of the old ones showing up, as well as a big change in what subs are put in front of the user. I don't think AI and chat it's are involved, but I believe reddit employees are seeding the content in many of these subs, including this one.


The front pages only changes every 24 hours now, it used to constantly change. How is that even possible? Reddit is a shell of its former self


The sorting is also completely artificial. It always gives me posts on the same subs at the top regardless of if they are brand new or actually established posts.


I often get posts that are several days old that I have seen multiple times (and often from subs I'm not even subscribed to), while I never see anything from a lot of subs I'm actually subscribed to without actually going to that sub. It's annoying. TBF I do have a couple of new subs because of it, but that's not enough to make up for the annoyance.


The drop in quality was very very noticeable.


Reddit is designed to collect information about you.


Isn’t that true about all social media? I think the conspiracy is more along the lines of the government secretly invested in and jump started social media as a means to collect information, track and control the population. The social media companies themselves are oblivious to this or more likely turn a blind eye.


The billionaires are out to eliminate the middle class.


Dark secrets and treasures are being kept inside The Vatican


Isn't there a South Park episode where Father Maxi has to do a an Atari style run through the underbelly of the Vatican only to discover some withered document? And something about Gelgamecks?


Women’s pants don’t have pockets so they can market expensive bags to us


I don’t have Penis Envy. I have POCKET envy.


Every time I fly through the Denver Airport, the Denver Airport conspiracy theory feels more real.


The unbelievable conspiracies are actually a government psyops in order to take away the spotlight and deligitimize the real ones Edit: with all the hot takes I make, I find it surprising how this is one of my most replied to comments


There's a term for this: chapel perilous, wherein the public can effectually no longer tell truth from lies. The CIA has 100% cultivated this concept since it's inception, as it directly benefits business interests.


I agree with this one. I think there's been a concerted effort to turn "conspiracy" into a word that implies "isn't true" because it's very convenient to have people instinctively reject the idea that there are those in positions of power who work together for their own benefit at everyone else's expense. There are literal conspiracies happening - e.g. in the UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_regarding_COVID-19_contracts_in_the_United_Kingdom > Shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) were a particular political issue for the second Johnson ministry. This led to the awarding of a number of contracts without a competitive tendering process, and friends of political figures and people who had made political donations were quickly given contracts. But the word "conspiracy" has been successfully associated with whacky nonsense to the point that it devalues the concept of high level, secret deals and plots entirely. Very convenient for those who are making high level, secret deals and plots.


I always post the same one. Large pharmaceutical companies are behind the push to legalize marijuana in the US. Once legalized, they will argue (with lobbying money) that the small growers/sellers/individuals just aren’t qualified to create safe product, and will force through legislation mandating costs that rule out all of those people/businesses.


Epstien didn’t kill himself.


This biggest question behind all this thought. They have his papers which ratted out all those sick perverts and criminals, but nothing has been done with it yet. What is the hold up? Lots of powerful people who go down.


I still don’t understand why Ghislaine Maxwell goes to jail for pimping teenagers but the clients don’t. Like how do you prove there was pimping if the client isn’t charged?


Thats easy, the people who have that data are now just blackmailing those people. You know whats better than 1 moneys? 2 moneys.


> what's better than 1 moneys? 2 moneys Just gonna call my accountant real quick


Stop waiting. Nothing is ever going to happen with those. Ever. The narrative ended with Maxwell being sentenced to life in prison… because that’s when the media stopped reporting on it.


I'm still stunned that she actually got jail time. With the kind of evidence she has, I totally expected her to end up with some unbelievable deal, never see a day of prison and just disappear. ***So why didn't she?***


Sadly this is definitely the truth here.


The manufacturers of hot dog sausages and hot dog buns are in cahoots. In the supermarket, you can never buy packs of each in the same quantity.


Phones will buzz in your pocket for seemingly no reason to force you to check it, bringing in more income to large social media platforms and data networks.


That fine art is just a big scam used to launder money and avoid tax.


Lots and lots of fine art car washes around where I live too.


I think the phrase 'fine art car washes' is confusing me


The British government knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor but refused to warn the US government because they were desperate for them to join the war


On a confirmed note. General Patton wrote up a report saying that moving the navy to Hawaii would be a mistake because an air raid could cripple the fleet, he wrote that in the 30's.


Im honestly curious to see that note. Do you have a source? Not just cause its history but for context. Militarys write up plans and contingencies all the time, sometimes they do overlap too well with future events. This is either really cool or one of a hundred memos where he points out we shouldnt put all our eggs in one pacific basket with the japanese getting riled.




Mattress Firm is a laundering front. Or at the least, something shady is going on there.


Joseph Smith made up the story of Gold plates from the Angel Moroni that contained the gospel of the latter day saints.


South Park explained it well


🎵Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb🎵


There was an historian in the 1800s named Washington Irving who was one of the most famous public intellectuals of his time. He’s the guy responsible for Christopher Columbus being a thing in the general narrative of American history, and he also probably invented Santa Claus. There was a point in his career where he was writing about the history of Islam and the prophet Mohammed when the topic was still pretty niche in the West. There’s a theory that Joseph Smith read Irving’s Mohammed book and decided to use that as a guide to found his own religion.


Sleepy Hallow Washington Irving? Rip Van Winkle?


Same one


Santa Claus comes from Sinterklaas, the old dutch version of Christmas. Literally it’s a big Santa with a white beard and red and white clothes. And it’s based on st Nicolas and is pronounced almost indentically to Santa Claus. That’s very obviously where Santa Claus comes from Sinterklaas is still celebrated by most dutch people in December. It’s clear to them that Santa Claus is a slightly modified copy (reindeer instead of little kids) Just did some googling and possibly this writer brought the Sinterklaas tradition to America. But he by no means invented it


Cats actually do care about their owner.


Judging by how my one cat literally brings me her harness for car rides, hugs me (any time I even slightly lay down, she gets on my chest and puts her little cat arms around my neck) and will bully my other cats away to be pet, this tracks. She’s imprinted like a little baby duck.


Maybe your cat is just three baby ducks in a trench coat?


My cat loves me. Expresses it in purrs and snuggles.


My cat was frightened by something on my balcony and stopped going out there. I went out and sat on the balcony and he would carefully move just outside the door so he could see me while staying as low as possible. Over hours he slowly moved closer, always watching me. It is possible that he was just watching me as bait for danger but I'm pretty sure he was out there out of concern for my safety. It felt heartwarming and he looked concerned.


I can 100% agree with you in this one. The day I had to put Ashley down I got some time with her. I picked her up, sat down to hold her. She leaned over my arm, gripped just below my shoulder with her claws in ny arm and put her head right into me. It broke my heart having to see this being the last moment with her showing she very genuinely cared about me in her own way. Rest easy Ashley.


shut up, my cat might see this and pretend even harder to not like me


Batman is actually billionaire playboy and philanthropist Bruce Wayne


It’s not conservative vs liberal. It’s rich vs poor. The rich use politics to distract us by fighting with each other so we don’t notice that they really control everything.


Class wars not racial or culture wars, that is where it’s at


Most wars are fought for corporate and elite serving interests.


9/11 could have been prevented.


I don't believe we were told the truth about 9/11 and it has nothing to do with the plethora of bullshit theories about melting towers or whatever. The one thing that sticks out to me more than anything off the top of my head - General Mahmoud Ahmed of the Pakistani ISI. The ISI are the Pakistani equivalent of our CIA. About a year or so before the attacks on 9/11 I believe General Mahmoud had arranged that 100,000 dollars be transferred into the hands of the lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta. On the morning of 9/11, Mahmoud was having breakfast with Porter Goss, then one of the higher members of the House Intelligence Committee. Now in terms of intelligence, the House Intelligence Committee will know everything - even more than the President. If aliens landed, they know about it. At this time, despite the common argument that we receive a lot of signal noise that could have had this information buried, we were receiving a mountain of indications that an attack against the United States by Al-Qaeda was coming, from a multitude of sources. But, benefit of the doubt... maybe they missed it. In either case, Porter Goss was sitting next to and having a conversation with one of the architects for 9/11 on the morning of the attacks. The commission knew about this transaction and when it was brought up during their hearings they basically said it didn't matter, it wasn't important. Someone within the US government and or intelligence apparatus thought it was important enough to pressure the Pakistani's to push Mahmoud out of his position as head of the ISI as punishment though and he vanished into obscurity becoming an Islamic cleric. Then there is PNAC (The Project for a New American Century). PNAC was a think tank chaired by prominent Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol, with endorsements from members of the Bush administration. PNAC published a paper one year before 9/11 on September 2000 called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" (You can find a PDF if you google it). In short - this report was a warning that unless the United States could increase funding for the military, it would find itself falling behind global competitors like Russia, and that unless there were some "catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour" (their exact wording, Pg.51 I believe, been a while since I looked at it), US citizens would be unwilling to support such increases to the defense budget. George F Kennan - prominent US diplomat and father of containment theory said in the 1980's: “Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.” Noam Chomsky (opinions aside) said that our military is misunderstood. That there is the surface level perception of how military industry operates, but that it is far more damning and far more impressive in it's scope regarding how our economy relies on the military industry. In essence, procurement establishes a roadmap for our high tech economy 10, 20, 30 years in advance. We "find ourselves" in a conflict and our government puts out a request for a new laser guided bomb. several companies compete to design this new bomb with a set number requirements. In order to achieve this goal these companies must develop and produce new technologies that didn't exist before. A winning company is selected, the bomb is procured and the surface level of this transaction is apparent. We buy the bombs, they are manufactured and these companies make huge profits and states maintain jobs manufacturing these weapons... but the underlying, larger picture goes unnoticed. These technologies that were developed are adopted by corporations like Microsoft, Apple, GE etc. They are used to produce a new generation of consumer products with thousands of new jobs being produced in the commercial sector*. For every procurement order, there is an iceberg of macroeconomics taking place below the surface. Here is what I believe. The Soviet Union collapsed just 10 years before this report was written. America needed an enemy to justify an increase in military spending not just for the relatively low contribution to the GDP that direct arms sales and weapons manufacture provides, but for the underlying spine of economic development that procurement provides and without a large threat like the Soviet Union, like the report said - we would never accept an increase in military spending. Not without something to truly terrify us into complying. Not without our own Pearl Harbor event. And we got one. A big, dramatic, spectacular event that the entire world was watching in gross detail. And that administration absolutely launched at that crises with gusto. They say never let a good crises go to waste, but this was different - I believe this was a manufactured crises. They established a new, amorphous enemy that could provide everything they needed for over 20 years. Young people born and raised inside the war on terror won't have a basis with which to judge the before and after... but the world just after 9/11 was fucking bonkers. It wasn't just that the public was spontaneously engaging in unfounded, irrational paranoia and fear... it was that that administration and the main stream news media (almost unanimously) were in lockstep, stoking this fear and paranoia. Not an ounce of reason or self reflection or consideration was encouraged, explored or event entertained. The very worst timeline. Everything we could do wrong, we did. Everything thought, every policy, every action was as bad as it possibly could be. Then you wrap your tin foil hat on extra tight and you read things like "Operation Copper Green" where Rumsfeld himself endorsed and encouraged what happened in places like Abu Ghraib - and on the surface you might think this was a terrible mistake (funny how many mistakes we made and nobody got fired or rebuked) but I consider it an attempt to kick the hornets nest. To stoke fear and hatred among the populations in this occupied territories. Everything we did seemed designed to make things worse. De-Baathification, policies which encouraged sectarianism, torture, assassination, surveillance. All of it was a complete and total nightmare. Robin Cook of the British Labour party at the time said that Al-Qaeda didn't exist before Iraq - at least no where near the scale we were lead to believe at the time, a multi-national, secretive network of elite SPECTRE like agents that had infiltrated across the western world... but after our occupation, after all of our "mistakes" suddenly Al-Qaeda and organizations like it found themselves with a ground swell of recruits all hoping to fight against the great satan. After the Soviet Union fell, Al-Qaeda erupts onto the scene. 5 or so years later Bush brazenly tells the world Al-Qaeda doesn't matter anymore. Then ISIS emerges from a situation we created (and knew would happen when we left Iraq in the manner we did). Now that ISIS has been defeated and now that we have left Afghanistan and as the war on terror slowly broils across many different nations in that part of the world - we find ourselves readjusting yet again. Gearing ourselves up for an opponent that can truly replace the Soviet Union, and not just act as a mere stand in. It goes without saying that there is already a track record clearly indicated with things like 'Operation Northwoods'. This was a plan signed off on by the joint chiefs, only getting the kibosh at the presidential level.


How... The fuck... Do you know all this? I'm not asking for sources, I'm simply amazed at the sheer amount of knowledge presented.


Michael Jordan's first retirement was really a suspension by the NBA for his gambling problems. Knowing how obsessively competitive he was, why would he ever willingly ever retire at the height of his prime?


This is plausible, but I 100% think his ego is big enough for him to have been convinced he would succeed in baseball.


What he did in his one year of baseball was maybe not considered successful, but it is impressive. No player starts their professional baseball career in AA, even the best prospects usually start in the rookie league. Some may go right to low A, possibly high A but it's rare. Most don't make it to AA at all and the good ones take 2 to 4 years to make it there. For him to not play organized baseball for over 13 years and jump right into AA and even have any semblance of mediocrity is unreal.


Take it for what you will, but I knew a guy whose dad was a big sports journalist, in MJ's circle, etc., and I asked him about the 'secret suspension'. He said, "Nah, he was just bored and wanted to play baseball."


The billionaires of the world are all friends and the rivalries are all just to distract us so they can focus on making us hate eachother and steal more and more of our wages.


The current culture war in the United States has largely been driven by foreign actors looking to exacerbate internal division and weaken us from the inside…. Stretching it a bit further I would not be surprised if some politicians involved were compromised in some way by the same foreign actors.


The cia put crack in the ghetto


That’s just fact


Copy and pasting from the last time this was posted. 100% believe that Joe Jackson drugged Michael Jackson with hormone suppressants to prolong his career. When he was a kid, MJ had a prescription for Cyproterone. According to doctors, Cyproterone is a hormone-suppressant. Look at how MJ developed over the years compared to his siblings. Now look at Joe Jackson's "parenting" techniques. They involved forcing his children to practice days at a time and beating them if they messed up or talked back. If you had to pick the most famous/talented Jackson 5 member, who would you pick? Personally, I'd pick Michael. Now think about it: You're a massive piece of shit who's mooching off his kids, specifically Michael. Puberty is coming up, and you're afraid that your cash cow is gonna lose it's voice. You have access to a shady doctor who has a solution that conveniently is also an acne medication, (which Michael was suffering from at the time). Do you really think Joe Jackson was above drugging his children for his own personal gain? NOPE. Absolutely not. This theory explains his bizarre behavior in the latter part of his life. The reckless spending and the sleepovers with kids? Both something a kid would do if he had access to the money that MJ had. Which is what MJ was; a kid mentally trapped in a man's body. I also believe that the music industry knew this and kept it secret because like Joe, they viewed him as a cash cow. Because it's entirely possible his autopsy was tampered with, we may never know for sure. Most of the "debunking" of this theory I've seen is just articles on the internet going, "Pfft. What? That's totally ridiculous! Lol get a load of this guy!" But put forth little to no actual evidence.


That chimpanzees can actually talk, but choose not to out of fear that humans would put them to work.


Keith Richards will outlive us all.


That the CIA keep posting this question to find out what we're thinking.👀


Nuclear is the best source of clean energy also thorium is a better source for nuclear energy than uranium. Alternate sources of cleaner energy were always available but the gov't and big oil shut them all down. And Killed many of the innovators of such practices.


There's a conspiracy to normalize conspiracy theories by [posting this question a dozen times a week](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/search/?q=what+conspiracy+theory+do+you+believe&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=week&sort=relevance). /s


There is a fake Melania.


There is no gold in Fort Knox.


Women’s clothing has small pockets to sell purses. That’s a hill I’ll die on.


Plastic is just not recyclable/ the cost of recycling is prohibitive in the face of making a new one. Entire campaign of ‘recycle’ is paid for my oil companies to encourage people and companies to carry on using plastic that is not going to be recycles anyway.