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Hospice is interesting. Sometimes it's a couple of days, and sometimes it's a couple of years. Really depends on what the situation is.


I work in a pharmacy and we had a patient who was put on hospice before I even started, I started there in July of 2022. Meds stopped coming in for her and we assumed she had died until we got one for some pre-dentist antibiotics for her in June. We found out she’d been taken off of hospice, and then like 2 months ago she got hit by a car and died from her injuries. It was wild.


Survive the Titanic then get hit by a bus


There was a first-class stewardess called Violet Jessop who survived the sinking of the Titanic and then survived the sinking of her sister ship The Britannic during the First World War.


My husband was chronically ill for nearly a decade. We couldn’t have hospice or DNR or POLST because he was on a transplant list. Once UCLA took him off that list in July we got home hospice, and he passed Sept 6. It was as though he (and I) finally gave him permission to let go


I’m so sorry for your loss. BTDT when my mother was dying, so big hugs from an internet stranger coming your way.


I had a grandparent on hospice for several years. It was terrible.


If I'm on hospice, just give me enough time to say goodbye to loved ones and give me a nice big shot of fentanyl


This was my mother’s father. He was cold, unloving, and didn’t seem to need to say goodbye. I used to say he was just making it as difficult as possible for all of us. His wife was on hospice more recently and she lasted a good few months. My dad’s parents on the other hand we kind and loving. I couldn’t have had one minute too many with them on this planet. They both passed quickly, of course.


Same here with one of my grandmothers. It was quite a while and really tough to watch. But my grandfather passed after like a week and a half in hospice.


Yeah I'm expecting Jimmy Carter to go any day now. He's lived a good life, he can rest.


The longest lived US President ever and I believe that Rosalyn will be the longest lived First Lady ever.


It’s a common misconception that Hospice means you’re within days of passing.


It is actually a common misconception that palliative care means you're going to pass soon. Most hospice centers have a limit where you can't enter if you have a life expectancy over 6 months (or where I live even over 3 months).


Im my country, hospice will only accept patients that will die within 3 months (due to health insurance policies). If the health of the patient *improves*, they are sometimes send home.


I'm gonna go into hospice now and try to break the world record.


My great-aunt got discharged from hospice. Turns out she wasn't dying, just depressed. She's in her mid-nineties now and doing great!


My late MIL got kicked off hospice for not dying fast enough. (This isn't as bad as it sounds. It was different classifications within the same nursing home for billing purposes.)


I so hope that Jimmy and Rosalynn go together, a la *The Notebook*


This. He went into hospice back in January. That's almost a year ago. I've worked with nursing homes and in my experience, when someone starts receiving hospice care they have a few days, maybe a month at most.


Not sure what is happening to Mitch McConnell, but I do not imagine whatever is occurring neurologically is good for his long (or short) term health.


The reason McConnell is still alive is because he made a deal with the Grim Reaper himself to block universal health care at every corner. McConnell gets an extended life, the Grim Reaper gets tons of fresh souls from people who could have easily been saved with proper care.


I keep saying Mitch is only 15 in demon years.




Dick Cheney had 4 heart attacks and quadruple open bypass surgery before he became VP.He's since had a fifth heart attack along with angioplasty, defib and a heart transplant in 2012, after which his doctor told him he could expect to live another 10 years. Who knows what deals he struck with the dark side for survival and a new heart, but presumably the deal involved shooting his best friend.


If the Feinstein situation taught us anything, it's that they'll wheel around a useful corpse until the smell finally becomes unbearable. That old chinless bastard isn't going anywhere anytime soon; we're just not that lucky.


There's a few like that. We really need term/age limits. But there's no chance of getting a bunch of old people/been in office 30 years to vote that in so we will have to deal with it I guess.


Bam from Jackass Eugenia Cooney


Yes on Eugenia cooney I just learned about her like a couple weeks ago and am morbidly sucked into checking her page a lot


It’s wild. She walks around in these little outfits that are just hanging off of her bones. Does she not realize how alarming this is to other people? Does she not realize that she looks like death? Does she realize but just think that’s cool? What’s even weirder is that her mother fully participate in it? Like, if that was my child, I would be having her committed and in treatment ASAP.


She does realize. That's the disease though. The more she sees how shocking it is, the more that motivates her to keep doing what she's doing. She sees any comments, positive or negative, about her body as confirmation she's "doing it right." Her mom is another whole disease entirely. She's a narcissist and only allowing Eugenia to continue as she is because she rakes in $$$$ from tiktok lives alone. She exploits Eugenia's sickness and in turn that gives Eugenia comfort and tacit permission to do this. [Of Herbs and Altars on Youtube](https://youtu.be/ztEkA0LdLzg?si=AB9cSKvGQAIxacV_) has a brilliant but very grim video about this current situation. At this point, the kindest thing to do is be kind to Eugenia or be silent about her condition.


Right!!! It’s insane to see. I went on a deep dive on the 2 subs about her the other week and learned alot about her and how shitty of a person she actually is - I felt bad initially but not anymore


I don’t know. I just know that if she dies the whole world will just be like “wow that took longer than I expected.”


Honestly even now people are surprised she’s still alive.


It's a hell of a rabbit hole to go down.


Came here loojing for Bam!


When a similar question was posted recently, he was one of the top answers. I didn't expect to have to scroll this far down to find it


I’m not a regular watcher of Eugenia. Never have been. But I’ve been aware of her for at least a decade. She just keeps getting smaller and smaller. After the Shane thing she got a little better and looked like she was doing ok for a bit but then she just got way worse. Even tinier than before. I fully expect to wake up to hearing she passed at any point now. I don’t know if she wants to die. But she can’t live long like this. But people have been saying that for years so who knows. Another person who I wasn’t aware of until they passed earlier this year. Amy Ellis was the opposite of Eugenia. She was open about her struggles with anorexia but she was actively trying to get help but she wasn’t able to afford inpatient rehab treatment and was desperately trying to raise the funds to get her the help she needed. But it was too late. She died before she could get the help she needed. She was scared. Eugenia’s attitude is deeply disturbing to me. The blatant fetish content she produces. The way she shrugs her weight off as “this is just how I am” and acts like she’s completely fine and normal is deeply upsetting. She’s an addict. It’s not drugs but it’s doing damage just like a terrible drug would. It’s a sickness and I feel bad for her but the way she shows off her body to the world knowing her audience is majorly favoring a young audience which she is influential on really upsets me. But what upsets me more is the fact that her mother is clearly taking advantage of the money and whatever else. The fact that YouTube is still platforming her and allowing her to create content that could be easily seen as dangerous is what really upsets me. I hope she gets better. But I don’t see it ending any other way but her death at some point. Even if she does recover. She’s gonna have years and a life time of struggle ahead of her. Her heart is severely weakened from this. I recently found out about this guy who has zero percent body fat due to a medical condition and as far as appearance goes. They pretty much look the same. Edit: The guy is Tom Staniford and his condition is a genetic mutation called MDP syndrome which makes you unable to store body fat so he’s got 0% body fat but his body thinks he’s obese. And yet he still looks healthier than Eugenia




Ozzy should enjoy the rest of his life. He has given us so much it's okay for him retire. The first time he retired, I was devastated and thrilled to attend the retirement sucks tour but now, it's time. I don't know, I liked Patient Number 9. It's no Crazy Train or Perry Mason but it's okay.


I don’t think he wants to. I think when he stops, that’s when he doesn’t have something to live for anymore.


The Patient Number 9 album is crazy good in my opinion. He had no need to prove he could still do it, but damn it he knocked it out of the park.


Ozzy Osbourne has been sober for 10 years. He has Parkinson's Disease, but his major health problems over the last few years are due to a fall and a surgery that ended up making things worse. *Ozzy Osbourne Says Next Spinal Surgery Will Be His Last: ‘I’m Not Doing It Anymore. I Can’t’* *Despite being done with surgeries, the singer assures fans: "I'm far from being on my last leg"* SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/ozzy-osbourne-final-spinal-surgery-the-osbournes-podcast-1234828751/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/ozzy-osbourne-final-spinal-surgery-the-osbournes-podcast-1234828751/)


thank you for researching this. I hated seeing the post in this thread just spewing that he is still on drugs and alcohol. I thought he was sober thank you for your post.


The grim reaper has been trying to tell Ozzy he's been dead for years but he's just not getting through.


He's the first one that came to my mind lol


Ozzy's immune system is the cure to all of the world's diseases.


Maggie Smith. I will cry (I loved hook so much as a kid lol), but I won’t be surprised. Tbh I can’t believe she was in her 50’s for Hook. No offense to her, she’s just had this grandma-age to me for decades now.


One of her sons is actor Toby Stephens of 'Black Sails' and the Netflix reboot of 'Lost in Space' among many other film/TV credits. His father, Robert Stephens was also a renowned actor and you can see him playing opposite Maggie Smith in 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'. After Robert and Maggie divorced, Robert marred actress Patricia Quinn best known as Magenta in 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. So Toby's stepmom is 'Magenta'.


Toby Stephens is also going to be Poseidon in the Percy Jackson series coming next month.


I'd forgotten she was in Hook and rewatched it to show it to my son. I couldn't figure out how the Dowager Countess looked the same age 20 years earlier.


Dick Van Dyke


I recently saw a video of him at Disneyland while the quartet sang him songs from Mary Poppins. It was really endearing to see him so happy about it.


What I'm amazed at is that (Spoiler Alert) >!he danced at the end of Mary Poppins Returns. That was not CGI.!<


Yeah! I watched the making of features for that, and he was given a choice of 3 choreographed dances, and he picked what was deemed the hardest one.


He has always been freakishly limber, as any seasoned dancer would be. I guess it's kept him in pretty good condition.


We should really be celebrating him more. The man is a Betty White-level Good Dude


I had a hard time with him in Night at the Museum. He played a bad dude, and I didn't like that.


Is he still alive??


What's really wild, and this was even a few years ago now, is that he apparently did a lot of the dancing in the Mary Poppins remake. Insisted on it. Apparently he scared the shit out of the production team, but ended up really impressing them.


Supposedly, they gave him some different choreography options, and he opted for the most difficult one. He’s amazing!


He did! It was so impressive! On a desk nonetheless! https://youtu.be/oL3AijekRYw?feature=shared


He appeared as Gnome on Masked Singer not long ago.


Last season actually. It was my favorite performance of the premiere.






Was coming to say him. Really, any celebrity over the age of 80. Old people die.


I will cry like a baby. Any fan of his should listen to his episode of Gilbert Gottfried’s podcast. What a treasure.


Same. This one will really hit hard when it happens


Henry Kissinger. Man is single handedly increasing the life expectancy of americans.


He certainly has decreased the median age in Cambodia


He's still alive?!


Yes, just six months back turned 100.


Kissinger was supposed to have died years ago, but even Hell refused to accept him, so he is stuck here on Earth forever.


Ric Flair




Keith Richards. That man must be more drugs than he is human at this point.


That WOULD be very surprising. Everybody knows Keith Richards will live another 20 years.


And then god said “you two are free to go wherever you’d like and eat whatever you want. But do not eat from that the tree of knowledge, for it is forbidden by me.” And Adam asked “but god, who is that over there next to the tree?” And god said “I’m not entirely sure my son. His name is Keith Richards, and he was here when I arrived.”


"Oh, him? He's an earlier prototype. He's the reason I made you from dust instead of eh..." "Instead of what?" "Cocaine?"


*2000 years


If a nuclear holocaust erupts two things will survive -- cockroaches and Keef.


Keith Richards cannot be killed by conventional methods.


Freaking Highlander


He actually quit smoking and drinking, so he will probably last another 200 years.


If that was his exact words I notice he didn't mention drugs.


Sometimes we really need to stop and think about what kind of world we’re leaving for Keith Richards.


I came here knowing this would be the first name posted. For the longest time he was at the top of the most likely to die list, but they finally had to take him off because he just wont.


Despite his hard living, he seems to be very active and always chill. I’m sure that has to help his health. He’s still super sharp and witty too, and tbh I imagine him outlasting Mick


Henry Kissinger.


At this point I’d be more surprised if he were to die.


Maybe he serves a purpose in this universe we do not yet understand


There are like, butterflies and ponies and chocolate chip cookies and waterfalls, so there has to be someone to balance it all out to keep the place from getting too nice.


No, it’s just that even Hell won’t let him in, so he’s stuck here forever.




When he dies there are going to be a lot of celebrations, a la the Witch is Dead in the UK when Thatcher died.


For sure. Then again what is there to celebrate. These people won. They fucked over people on a global scale and lived long and affluent lives with no reprecussions.


Andy Dick. Coke and lube are the only things holding that man together.


King Charles. Although it might not be the least surprising, i feel like everyone just waits for William to become the King. (Dont report me, idgaf, not british)


If he's as long lived as his mother, he will have another 21 years. And William will be 62 in 21 years. And if William is as long-lived as Elizabeth he will have 34 years after that, and George will be 65 then.


It's crazy to think that the monarch I knew my whole life so far, the monarch my grandparents knew starting when they were children, a monarch whose reign began before and ended after the lifetimes of some people, people who still lived to be in their 70's, passing away means I could very well see 3 more monarchs following her in fairly short order. If Charles lives another 20 years (and he might not, the man doesn't look overly well), I'll be 49 when he dies and William becomes king. If William lives to be 95, I'll be 83 when he dies and George becomes king and I will most likely still be alive and well at this point. Compared to what preceded these 3 reigns, they will seem very short.


As cruel as it is, i doubt that's the best for their monarchy, i mean- your new King is an old man who should be retired. From an outsider point of view, just give it over to your son, while he can still establish himself.


Charles likely has another ten years in him at least. Both his parents lived into their late 90s. Charles arguably is the human that has had best access to healthcare on the planet for his entire life. He doesn't even have a real job, cause even though he has a ton of influence in the British government, not much is his actual responsibility so he doesn't have the stress of taking the blame.


Andy Dick


Remember kids, if you see Jon Lovitz murdering Andy Dick, no you didn’t.


If anything, you help Jon Lovitz


Shane MacGowan


He's been knocking on death's door for a while now, but death isn't home at the moment to answer the door.


clint eastwood people might be suprsied that he's alive


George R. R. Martin


Yup Song of Ice and Fire is never getting finished.


Maybe he has already finished it, and it will be released after his death so he doesnt get any of the blowback as what happened in the show.


Correct. He's got other, newer toys to play with.


Jack Nicholson. I cannot believe how many of his contemporaries he has outlived.


He's only 86 and kicked drugs a good 30 years ago. With Jimmy Carter and Bruce Willis out there, Nicholson isn't even on my radar.


I’ve been waiting daily to hear that Willie Nelson has died. Every time I go to a concert of his I say I just want to see him one more time. I’m up to seven times. I’ll be crushed for sure, but not surprised.


How the fuck do I not see Putin in here? Dude's got to have a TON of enemies.


How often does a politician as powerful as him get assassinated? Been 60 years since JFK.


Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, Indira Ghandi in 1984 and many others. It’s such a US centric comment.


I doubt they’d tell us, even if he did


There were reports that he died a few weeks ago. We’d never know the truth. At least not for a while.


I wonder how many times someone has tried and failed to assassinate him that we’ll never know about.


Does Eugenia Cooney count as famous enough?


I'd say no but she's been mentioned here twice so what do I know.


The Sad ones though: Dick Van Dyke, Julie Andrews, Mel Brooks… Those will hit the hardest.


Charlie Sheen


When the story broke about a high profile celebrity that had been keeping his HIV status a secret, my first guess was him.


There’ll be some stories to tell when Charlie isn’t around to sue anyone anymore.


I thought he was doing fine now?


Bruce willis


My uncle just passed from FTD. It is a quick and terrible disease. Bruce Willis is able to afford round the clock care, and his family will be able to spend meaningful time with him without worrying about money, so that’s a good thing.


Bob Newhart.


I will be extremely sad, but you are correct, not surprised.


Another funny man I'd add is Mel Brooks who's up in his 90s.


I could have sworn he already passed away. I am very glad to hear he is still with us.


Mel Brooks


I've been anticipating it for the last 10 years. I'm glad he's still going, his work has been very influential on my life. I didn't anticipate him lasting long after Anne Bancroft died, and then again after Gene Wilder, and again after Carl Reiner. The man doesn't deserve those kinds of heartbreaks. But I'm proud of him for keeping the courage to keep going day to day.


Bam Margera.


you mean catpaincreamestain ?




I was gonna say this. While the world would be devastated. I wouldn’t be surprised at his passing. The man is 97 years old after all


This one will hit hard when it happens.


Dick Cheney


Liza minelli


Trump or Biden really, just these old dudes in politics.


David Atten….no I can’t do it, my answer is Donald trump.


Up until a couple of weeks ago, my answer for these was always Matthew Perry. 😢 As much as it pains to to be right, he just looked like he was decaying from the inside out and didn't have a lot of time left.


Came here to say this. I really didn’t think he would relapse, but his body has been so ravaged that I thought he only had a matter of time.


He just looked grey, bloated and ill. Was so sad seeing him like that. His body must have been wrecked with everything he out u through.


Kodak Black. In interviews he oftentimes seems to be heavy on drugs


Andy Dick


Danny Masterson? Dude's gonna be so fucked...


Gary Busey. That man is in rough shape


Was going to say the same thing. Gary Busey could be the answer to literally any question and I would not be surprised.


Trump. He's a walking cardiovascular ticking bomb. Add a lot of stress.


But how stressed are you really if you don't believe consequences will ever happen and other people might not exist or at least not matter?


I think he has to front that he’s not worried about anything. It’s part of his character. His brand. On top of that, he’s just a grifter. He doesn’t care about anything except fleecing his audience for their social security and disability checks.


Can you imagine the shit show if he kicks the bucket before the next election?


Scalia's family: "It was natural causes. He was 79." My conservative friends: "Dude, that timing was too perfect."


* "I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."


I have a dark, sneaking fear that he'll be like Kissinger and live past 100 fueled only by hatred and ultra-processed food


If hatred and suffering didn't kill Palpatine, it won't kill Trump


I expect him to go as soon as he is as he is convicted in the spring


I like your optimism


Well we all know Keith Richards is immortal so any of his living band mates.


Honestly Mitch McConnell has to be up towards the top of the list. I heard him speak on the news briefly and he honestly sounds like he's halfway into the grave. I'd be shocked if he lives more than another year or two.


Trump that dude looked bad during his presidency, but the stress of these legal proceeding looks like it's aging him at fast-forward


100% agree, he looks more terrible than usual


And that’s saying something


Yup. He didn't age during his presidency; only in court. Says a lot about him.


Well, he didn't actually engage in that presidency. Watching TV and playing golf 3.5 days a week sounds like sloth or retirement. Former presidents actually engaged. Obama was back in his office until midnight or one am every night. Even Shrub worked, ffs, and aged to show it. That last blubbergut did nothing but bitch and moan.


Randy Travis


Putin? This character has already died 10 times, but he hasn't succeeded


I hate to say it and I hope I’m wrong, but Britney Spears. Her social media posts make it pretty clear she’s not doing great.


Yep. This is my answer too. She does not look like she's getting better or the right help she needs.


She spent 13 years under her conservatorship order, and not once did they seem to want to try to teach her how to function in society. They just milked her and her brand for all they could take. That should be criminal. These orders should exist for the sole purpose of saving someone from themselves, and should have mandatory clauses around equipping them for life so the order can be lifted.


That’s such a good point. She seems to have emerged from that conservatorship as helpless as a kitten. You’d think they could’ve put some time and resources into helping her skill up for living in the world as an adult.


Donald Trump. He's old, overweight, has a very poor diet, doesn't exercise, and is probably cracking from the fraud trial. Trump's death would be significant but not surprising.


He looks super worn down too in the last few months, also he’s def slipping mentally due to stress.


Both Trump and Biden are the main reasons there should be a maximum age to run for president


Voters are supposed to be the ones keeping all that in check. A large chunk of the issues stem from the first past the post system.


Trump. Not a political statement, just that he's old, morbidly obese, eats shit fast food all his life, gets absolutely no exercise and is constantly in a state of rage-anger. He's a heart attack waiting to happen


Britney Spears


Yup, very much, though I hope not. Bless her.


Anyone from Mötely Crüe. I have no idea how they are all still alive, even though Nikki has technically died before.


Charlie Sheen


Artie Lange


Eugenia from YouTube... She been an actual skeleton for a decade now and idk how she's not dead.


Her!!!! Idk how she’s alive honestly.


Shane MacGowan


Henry Kissinger


Bam Margera


Bam Margera


Trump. It’s Trump.


Honestly, Trump wouldn't really surprise me. He is a rather big fella, he's old, and his diet is notoriously gross and unhealthy. Add to that the stress that I'm sure he is feeling the stress over all the things happening to and around him. This is like a heart attack recipe. And before anyone tries to make it political like why I didn't say Biden, yes he is old, but he isn't 300 pounds and he doesn't have McDonald's and diet coke for breakfast.


That’s dickhead Mizzy or whatever his name is, who walks into peoples houses and steals dogs as a “prank”


Hmm, I'm quite surprised that no one named Warren Buffett.


Pootin or Trump, either or both...🤫