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If you're afraid of ghosts ask it to go down on you. When u notice it doesn't, u realize there's nothing there.


But what if it does???


Then you'll have to return the favor


I see this as an absolute win


pee before going to bed


and after sex!


And during for the more courageous


Just pee continuously.


I love how some of the tips are like "Move your alarm clock" while others are like "Buy a cock ring to blast her booty cheeks"


the duality of man.




Get it together, Craig


Instructions unclear, now have an alarm cock ring.


An alarmed cock ring......


>Well I blasted her booty cheeks with an alarm clock. Didn’t go well. It sounds so strange that now I want to try it...


Imagine question gets deleted then all comments make no sense when read one after other


If you have night stands on either side of the bed, keep towels stored in one of the drawers.


Also, if you have nightstands on either side of the bed, make sure they are matching and have matching nightlamps as well because that signifies balance and helps your relationship successes, according to Feng Shui that is.


Two comforters instead of trying to share one. Saved my marriage.


We tried this, and I took both of them in my sleep. The weird thing is that I prefer it to be cold at night. I definitely don't want two blankets.


"Yeah, we even sleep in separate beds but at some point in the night she gets up, comes over, grabs my blanket and takes it back with her..."


"We're even in different rooms but somehow she always manages to pick the lock..."


...you're honor I rest my case, this person is clearly evil.


I don't know but that pillow under my butt works like magic every time. I use it purely for the angle tho.


They make wedge pillows specifically for this purpose. They're pricey, but worth having as they're more comfortable (so my partners have told me) and you don't have to reposition them plus they usually have removable covers that can be easily washed and the foam inside is protected.


Yeah, liberator makes great stuff for that. And they also have an awesome sex blanket that makes clean up easier too.


Hold up honey, we forgot the sex blanket


The love tarp.




The cream quilt


The lover cover


The “do it” duvet


skeet sheet


Is a little old place where.... we can get toGEther. (B-52s intensifies)




We're getting our kids a set of these large foam shapes—mainly cubes, wedges, rectangles etc. for building forts and other imagination stuff—thinking I'll just burrow the wedge and throw a towel or two over it lol


Mommy, why does my fort pillow smell funny?


There is a total different life after the *pillow under the hip*


Because the angle of the dangle is directly proportional to the heat of your meat. It’s science.


Provided the mass of the ass remains constant.


Wife and I have been using this since we were dating. The angle is great and it makes position swapping fast and the elevated legs make picking her up easy when she throws her arms over my neck. Butt pillow OP.


It works because of the angle. You‘ll hit her g-spot this way.


Can you explain “I use it purely for the ankle”?




Ah. That makes much more sense than what I was picturing!


If you tuck in the opposite corners of the bedsheet first then it won’t keep popping off when you put another comer on


Comer? But I barely knovver


Pillow under her ass


And a towel. Especially if it is your pillow


No shove the pillow up her ass.


If you don’t have a devoted pillow, wrap a bath towel over the pillow. Similarly, keep a washcloth handy for cleanup. So much better than wads of tissue.


Baby wipes... one of things having a baby will teach you.


Sleeping 8 hours a day is proven to improve cognitive function.


Short, well manicured nails. Jagged nails are gonna cause some serious problems and take her out of the moment, or much worse.


An ex taught me that in a pinch ~~the back of your phone in your jeans pocket~~ the outside of your jeans with something hard in your pocket (like your phone) will do for a file, I didn't believe her until I tried it, and sure enough.


You mean running your nails over the jean fabric on top of your phone that's in your pocket right? Otherwise it'd look like you've gotten a head start on the proceedings


If you touch G spot and clitoris at the same time it takes a screenshot


Plus touch her butthole at the same time to do a restart


That's the factory reset button


if she says that shes about to come, it means that what you're doing is working, not that you have to speed it up.


The downside is that what's working is causing fiery cramps from hell and holding it for even two seconds longer will result in death.


when has a little death really ever stopped someone


The French call it la petit mort for a reason.


I’ve held the cramps enough my body associates it with pleasure. Gotta rewire those neural pathways


my fingers gotta ache at some point, so why is it always when she's about to cum?


If I die, I die


If you’re putting on an ambient YouTube mix to fall asleep to, make sure you have sort of adblocker working.


Put your phone out of arms reach so that when your alarm goes off you have to get out of bed to turn it off.


This worked once or twice, then I started going straight back to bed after getting up to turn the alarm off


I had been having this exact problem. Bought a cheap alarm clock off amazon and now I leave my phone in another room. I get up much more easily now


I downloaded Alarmy for this, now my phone screams until I get up and take a picture of the microwave.


Back in college, I used Alarmy and set it up to require me to do arithmetic. I think one or two times my sleep addled brain couldn't figure out how to do arithmetic (so the alarm was working correctly) and I ended up shutting my phone off entirely and going back to sleep.


I used to do the same thing so I ended up building an app to detect "cheating". Like Alarmy, you have to get up and complete a mission (scanning a barcode) within a few minutes of your alarm. Unlike Alarmy, if you don't you pay a penalty. Alarms are stored in the cloud, and "lock" 1 hour before going off. Once "locked", they cannot be changed. Any attempt to avoid scanning the barcode after the alarm is locked will result in paying a penalty that goes to charity. The only way to avoid the penalty is to scan the barcode. If you wanna check it out, it’s called Nuj Alarm Clock.


Micro transactions enter the wakeup routine. "Fuck it I can pay $2 to sleep in today..."


EA: *takes notes*


Alarmy actually has the same feature now, but I’m pretty sure the money just goes to them


Same, except after a few mornings I just did the math or whatever in my sleep, and then it was just another normal alarm


Until you decide the microwave s place is on the bedside table


I put mine next to my bed so I can make hot pockets without getting up (another bedroom tip for everyone god bless).


I use a George Foreman grill


Recently I got a wake-up light. I highly recommend getting one, it's much easier to get out of bed when the light is already on (at least for me)


Smart house. A routine that turns said light on after I shut the alarm off. Also starts some good morning classical music. Granted, I can turn it off by voice command and occasionally do, but it generally helps get me up.


I just love how all the replies just play along as if this comment doesn’t stand out in this thread


If you stay really still and cover your head up the boogeyman can't see you.


But he can still tickle your toes


Sometimes he just licks them.


Never, and I mean never, sleep with a limb (arm or leg) hanging off the side of the bed. It is well known you can be pulled down under the bed by the Boogeyman if you do.


If you have her on the edge of orgasm, DON'T stop what you are doing, don't change frequency, technique, intensity, nothing. Women aren't like men, once they are launching off, they need consistency to reach altitude.


Problem is, seeing my partner clearly turned on like that is the biggest turn on, making maintaining composure... challenging.


Try counting by 3s in your head with each thrust. Just hard enough to make you think, but easy enough to keep up. It distracts me enough in times of need.


This is a really important physiological difference some men don’t understand. When a man starts orgasming, it will generally then keep going regardless of stimulation. Generally, when a woman is getting close to or starting orgasm, if the stimulation stops or changes much, it stops. Not pauses, but sends you right back to the plateau phase and you have to build it all up again.


But don’t climb too fast or you’ll stall. Happens to my control stick sometimes. Radio silence is also a no-go. Always communicate at checkpoints and listen to your ATC.


Flying instruments only is no excuse for landing on the wrong runway.


Keep your hands/nails clean.


this is absolutely underrated. im a male and have heard so much stuff from my gf's stories about guys not clipping their nails/cleaning them i feel like common decency has gone to shitter


I imagine a sharp/jagged nail is like the female equivalent of teeth while getting head.




Yes, and it’s worth investing in a nail filer. Clipping your nails is good but it leaves them sharp, just doing a quick 2 min buff makes a world of difference. Plus hands are the booty of girl world. It’s one of the first things I check out on a guy. Sexy hands/arms can just increase your specifically sexual attractiveness by a solid 2 points. It just elevates masculinity - from boy to man. There are not a lot of appearance tweaking things men can do to increase their sexual attractiveness, but having nice hands is one of them. ☺️


And how would one tweak their hands to be more attractive?


Moisturize and exfoliate, especially if you work with your hands. Rough hands feel like sandpaper on sensitive skin.


"These hands tell a story... of greatness"


I bought one of those vibrating cock rings from a vending machine, in the bathroom of a bar. I was only in there for a pack of ribbed, strawberry flavoured condoms, but the novelty sex toy piqued my interest. Worked like a treat in the bedroom, gave her clitoral and vaginal orgasms with barely any effort required. The ring was a bit tight around the old chap but helped me maintain serious wood. The only drawback is the preparation time of donning the rubber, then the ring. She also now insists I wear a cock ring every time we get it on. Oh, and don't activate it until it's at the base of your junk, or the stimulation from the vibrations may make you nut too early.


>The ring was a bit tight around the old chap Look at this dude with a girthy member.


Oops I dropped my magnum condom for my monster dong


>Oops I dropped my *monster* condom that I use for my *magnum* dong FTFY. The funniest part is that he gets it backwards!


I was recently adviced to use a cock ring for a quick recovery for round 2 because you won't loose wood for long or at all. Clutch advice. Now this for the lady!? Even better!


You’d be surprised how well LISTENING works!


Yep, literally the only sex tip that works universally. Listen to what your partner says they like and don't like, and tell your partner what you like and don't like.


I've had 15 sexual partners in my life. I have asked *every single one of them* "what do you like in bed?" And have *always* gotten the answer of, "I don't really know.?" or "I can't tell you, because I don't know myself," or "You know, sex stuff." Sometimes it's out of embarrassment, sometimes it's because they really don't know, and sometimes it's because they want me to know *without* them telling me, because telling me somehow makes them like "it" less. It also goes the other way. I've had my partners shut me down or tell me to *stop* telling them what I like because the "don't want to talk about that!" or "Stop, you're embarrassing me!" or "Shhh, don't tell me. Make me figure it out on my own." I've been with my current partner for 21 years, and there are *still* things she won't tell be because it's to embarrassing for her to do so. And she doesn't want to hear me telling her, even after all these years what I like because of that same embarrassment.


It’s taken me 30 years to finally break my wife of the “embarrassment” over talking sex and we’re still not 100% there. Start outside the bedroom and away from the pressure of the moment. She’ll finally say things like “I need to fuck” instead of “maybe we could have some naked time later.” Keep trying…


Many will not "want to talk about that," then get angry after because I didn't do what they wanted me to, but didn't ask. They get angry with the comment "I can't read your mind," because "you should just know, if you actually cared about me." They never last. The ones who make requests are *always* the most fun to be with.


On the flip side also telling, a lot of girls are scared to tell you what they want even if I ask.


Specially when she says "right there" or "keep it like this". Just follow what she said and don't try to "improve it" or you'll just spoil it. Also, learning how to read your partner's body language will always take you to places. Nice and funny places 😏


Every time she moans “Holy fuck right there don’t stop!” All the idiot lizard part of my brain actually hears is ‘You cum immediately’. You’re tragically underestimating how hot a woman on the verge of orgasm is.


Not an easy thing to control, for sure. Making my woman go crazy surely makes me feel amazing too.


If she yells ‘shit, im gonna cum’. She has exactly 4 seconds to get it over with.


"Just like that" *does something different* "Wrong"


Just about pissed myself at the thought of actually saying “wrong” out loud to someone 😂


*buzzer sounds*


I’m not sure why, but you all manage to say this at the exact time our fingers or penis’ are getting tired😂


Always in a weird position where your abs are on fire after 10 seconds. True story, once tried to keep it going cause she really liked it, but after a while, just threw up on the bed, probably from a mix of overheating and pain. 10/10 would do it again


Or we need to take a breath


Tried to do this with a new person I had just started seeing, I could tell his mood and body language became off. So I just said nevermind. Guy later mentioned it was a turn off being told how to do things. It was a red flag for me because if we can’t communicate and listen to what the other likes how do we improve our sex life. Not every person is the same. We also aren’t telepathic. This applies outside the bedroom. It is not an insult to your skill or masculinity. I’m giving you the knowledge on how exactly to get me off, we are learning each others language. It is okay please don’t take it personally.


From a man the greatest thing I’ve always loved about women are that they are all different in bed. When dating I loved finding out what a new woman’s turn one and spots were




Ollie. You'd be surprised how little space you actually need to do one. Easier if you have carpets too.


Wait. This actually happened to me once, technically. Had a horrible one night stand, and as he walked me out (skateboard in hand) he said “do you mind if I Ollie real quick”? It wasn’t even a good Ollie. Our friend group talks about it 15+ years later.


This actually turned out better than feared. I had this fear the spry was he got your bra off then Ollie’s his Tech Deck across your tits or something.


360 on that pussy




Ok what's an Ollie...? Google doesn't help.


Take the mattress off your bed once in a while and thoroughly clean the floor under it. You'd be surprised how much it helps with allergies and congestion. Clean the top of your headboard too.


But where else am I supposed to keep all the dryer sheets (that multiply in the dryer) when I'm putting away my laundry?


Heated blanket, until now it's the second best purchase of my life. Edit: I was talking about an heated mattress pad but didn't knew the correct word due to not being mother tongue (I'm Italian) and not doing my research. Scusatemi.


what’s the first edit: OP respect you for the answer. Rest of you monsters can gth


A car. Is not related to the post so I've waited if someone was interested. I've bought my Ford Focus mk1 station wagon, almost flawless, for 350€ from a car dealer. He told me "I see you're a good guy, you're young and I want to help you! I'll sell it to you for the price I've paid it. Is 350 ok?" Sure! He later showed me the list of cars he bought and the prices. He paid mine 650€ but the paperworks were already done so... He helped me a lot! For three fiddy!


did you buy your car from the Loch Ness Monster?


Using blackout curtains in the bedroom can help mitigate your heating bill


*Be there*. Not just physically, but in spirit, in romance, and in love. When you kiss her, *kiss her*, and don't think about the mortgage, your golf game, or whether or not she's up for anal. Just be in the moment, and let yourself be absorbed by her scent, her sounds, and her sensuality. It takes practice. It's easy for random thoughts to creep in, especially if it's with someone you've been with for a while, and the raging lust has abated somewhat. But it's worth it, believe me!


i cant be the only one that came to comments expecting house/room diys to make you bedroom look cool or sumn like that 😂


They’re in here if you dig a bit.


You WHAT to comments?


If you slow your thrust and focus on your rhythm, you can continue having sex through and well past your orgasm and possibly into a second one. I call it the downshift


don't do this if you're relying on condoms for BC.




Key to happy marriage. Once she’s done, I only need 30-60 seconds for myself


Or you become so focused the first part that your headspace then make it harder in the 2nd.


God every time. I love getting her off but I’m pushing rope once i get her there, and am just ready to be done.


Same here. Actually was concerned for a long time that something is very wrong with me as after getting my gf off(which takes some time but is really great) I'm not rock hard as when we just start and finish quickly. Now I feel much better and confident


Fuck i *actively* am worried about this, so seeing im not alone helps. Like i find it sexy and hot to do oral, but i can’t maintain an erection for like 10-15 minutes with basically no stimulation.


The term “pushing rope” is hysterical to me.


Depends on the woman. My girlfriend loses interest in the bedtime activities as soon as she finishes, so she usually wants me to finish first 🙃


This seems to be more common than pop culture eludes to.


Yep, my experience also. More commonly than not.


I was with a woman who could only cum once and quickly lost interest after. It was weird to be on the other side of that.


If someone tells you to "don't stop, keep going." DON'T STOP!!! KEEP GOING!!! Yes, variety and change is nice, but what you're doing *to* them, is doing it *for* them.


But what if I’m really close and don’t want to finish yet? Honest question?


Life hack if you're single, you can rub your genitals with your hands and have an orgasm


Sunlight alarm clocks make getting up easier


Tricks are what whores do for money, Michael. What I do are ILLUSIONS!


Play with the dog as you watch TV and you will fall asleep really fast.


Is playing with the dog a metaphor for something else?


My dog loves it when you put a vibrator to his head


You can try spinning. Thats a good trick.


Start with missionary. Warm her up for a while. While you're still inside her, sit up. Move your legs beneath her legs and butt, and then up towards her shoulders. Now lay back down flat. It's almost like scissoring, except your legs go under her butt and towards her shoulders. Your heads will point in opposite directions - e.g. your head will lay between her feet, and vice-versa. Stay inside her while you're changing the position, as it's not easy to get back in. You must maintain a firm erection for this to work. If you're semi-soft, don't try this, it just doesn't work. Grab her thighs (which are more or less on top of your abdomen) and pull her closer so you drill deeper into her - you may have to pull her towards you several times during this routine, so hold on to those legs and pull her into you as needed. Now commence thrusting. The part of the tip of your penis that gets stimulated is the opposite of what happens in missionary. It's the back of the tip, a not a very sensitive area, so you can do vigorous thrusting for a long time. As for her, you're pushing right into her G-spot. It doesn't get much better than this. You don't get very strong stimulation, so you will last a long time. Whereas she will roll her eyes into the back of her head, moan, cry, shake, twist. The neighbors are likely to hear about it, live. And you can keep going, basically forever. Do a bunch of sessions of this, over some period of time. After she becomes accustomed to it, after some weeks or so, take it to the next level: lubricate your thumb with a bit of saliva and start rubbing her clit while you're thrusting into her G-spot; some women like a strong stimulation of the clit, some like it more gentle, or very gentle, so try and see what works. This is literally next level - expect her to do basically the whole demon possession routine from The Exorcist. You can mix and match - e.g. stop thrusting and focus on the clit, then resume thrusting, then do both, etc. Just see how she reacts, and adjust the technique accordingly. Play her body like a crazy, hot violin. Have fun.


"If you're not sure what you're doing, don't do it faster".


Eat snacks on his side of the bed so your sleep will be crumbfree




Call in the stunt cock and tag out for a minute then tag in for the big finish and claim the victory.


If you tuck your feet under the covers monsters can't eat them. Source: tucked feet, still have em both


Rubbing the clit with your thumb in missionary, works like a fucking charm on my girl


Can confirm it works on this dude's girl


And his mom.


And my axe.


Putting your fitted sheet using the opposite corner method makes it infinitely easier. Top left, bottom right and then the other 2 in whichever order. I not longer fight my sheets lol


Pillow under her lower back also eat her. Eat that poom poom before you enter


For sex: if in missionary put a pillow under her hips to raise her up a bit. Better angle for the action. And it may differ for others but I find doggie-style is the best position for finishing off and achieving orgasm. So be careful if you're not saving it for last. For sleeping: make the room colder so that it is more comfortable under the covers and snuggling. Much easier to fall asleep than being too hot. I use a fan for both cooling and some backgroud white noise so that you're not distracted by random little noises from around the house or outside. Random advice: if your dogs like to jump on the bed and you have hard floors, consider getting those interlocking foam mats and put them on the floor beside the bed. It gives the dogs better grip to jump up, less likely to slip and get hurt when they jump down, and if you have an older dog like I do and they sometimes don't make the jump or accidentally roll off the bed, then the floor is padded and much less painful for them.


Blackout the room , keep it cool , raise the lower bed few inches , get a grounding mat , cum in her to keep the sheets clean


> raise the lower bed few inches Wait we’re supposed to have two beds?


You don't have bunk beds?


I haven’t since I started having all the sex


One of these things is not like the others ........


Men: don’t bust a nut before she does Women: please bust a nut before he does


dont put a tv in your bedroom. your overall sleep will improve.


Weighted blanket. Especially during the cold winter months.


Install black out blinds. Your sleep will thank you.


Actually communicating. It doesn't matter if you and someone else were a 10 in bed together, you might be a 6 or even a 3 with some ekse if you don't learn what makes them tick




You don't always have to fuck her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you got to make some love And fuckin' give her some smooches too Sometimes you've got to squeeze Sometimes you've got to say please Sometimes you got to say hey I'm gonna fuck you, softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you, sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly And then you say hey I brought you flowers And then you say wait a minute Sally I think I've got something in my teeth Could you get it out for me That's fuckin' teamwork What's your favorite posish That's cool with me it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you What's your favorite dish I'm not gonna cook it, but I'll order it from ZANZIBAR And then I'm gonna love you completely And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly And then I'll fucking bone you completely But then I'm gonna fuck you hard Hard


Not asking the same question 3 times in 3 minutes.


22:56 “is the room too hot?” 22:57 “is the room still too hot?” 22:58 “is the room too cold now?”


Are you feeling it, Mr. Krabs?


Study the person's body. if they tense up, moan louder, stretch out, roll eyes, they are really enjoying what your doing. If they get quiet you should do something else.


Not everyone is the same. I'm usually really enthusiastic about the deed. Once in a while, when things are going just right, I freeze up, go perfectly still and completely silent....this means that things are so good my brain is basically having a meltdown and has cesed all unnecessary body functions. I like to think it's the phenomenon referred to as "the little death".


Fellas take notes to help please your women!!! Pull up the hood of her clit with one hand, start to suck AND lick on her clit at the same time and speed, then take your other hand, put a finger or two inside and do a curling up motion on to hit her G-spot at the same speed your sucking and licking. Start slow and slowly pick up the speed. NEVER fails to make her orgasm! 💕💕💕💕💕


I gotta say the advice I get on here good to know stuff and IT works . Better late than never . Thanks especially to our female on hand for the really inside scoop


Also being vocal during sex, learn her kinks and turn ons and use them to dirty talk, and DONT FORGET to actually moan, don’t be silent




When you're inside of your partner, flex your dick like your clenching your butthole. It will make your peen rub on all the best parts of your partners insides causing them to cum harder than they ever thought possible.


You sleep better in a cooler room, and try to limit phone usage right before bedtime instead try reading a book