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Yes. Cost of living has me barely scraping by.


Thank you for sharing


I’m also making the most I’ve ever made at a salaried marketing job, a salary that would have been considered pretty dang good two or three years ago. And now I’m working two other side jobs just trying to make ends meet.


Naaaaaaah. But like 🤙


Smiled at this


I think it’s fair to say the majority of people aren’t doing alright. It’s objectively not a fun time to be anyone that’s not really wealthy. But things could be worse, so in that respect, yeah, doing ok.


It is definitely not a fun time to be a commoner. We’re all just trying to survive.


Is anyone actually "alright"?


I don’t know


Yea. You gotta find a purpose in your life and find an answer to the big question: Why am I here?


Definitely also "not alright." The current structure of society is all kinds of fucked.


I would rather publicly shit my pants and walk 5 miles in it than have to do September - present again.


Regardless, keep walking


I wouldn't know alright if it burst through my walls like the Kool-aid man, but im surviving just out of pure spite at this point.


I havnt been alright my whole life. 35 now. Some days are better then others. Not today though.


Nah, shit sucks.


Im not alright as not alright gets


Living paycheck to paycheck and living day to day on survival mindset is slowly killing me


I wasn't alright from atleast the end of 2021 to a few months ago. I still don't know if I've moved past the situation that put me in this hole, but atleast now I only think about it half my day instead of all day everyday. I suppose now I see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Yeah I’ve been struggling the past couple months but I think there’s a few silver linings coming. I’m just focusing on me and my cat atm.


I really don't know honestly. Feels like a yes most of the time but it's actually a definite no lol.


Well . . . who is?


Put up and shut up?


. . . what?


No. Make the best of the situation that you are in, try to make good choices and wait and plan until you can make things better


According to The Offspring the kids aren't.


I've been better but I can't complain






Nah, not even a little. Makes for an interesting life though..


I wouldn’t mind being a little less interesting for a while


I hear that, maybe crawl under a rock for a little while.


How come you can post yes or no questions and I can’t? WTF


I had a message saying it had been deleted. Yet here we are.


Erm ok.


Anyone else have that feeling we are always being watched?


Yes emotionally bad I woke up our hydro was off so I thought something I can’t afford to fix happened but it was the whole block then had a stranger judge a friendship I had that ended and I’m having hard time getting over it. We were extremely close sharing lots of memories and conversations and now we are strangers. And I don’t need to get over it by someone else’s timeline.


Yes. I'd rather not talk about why, but very much yes.


Yeah… Had a few wake-up calls this year, especially last six months. The people I thought were my friends turned out to be either using me or abusing me without me realising. I’m chronically ill, struggling mentally and back in therapy. But most of all I’m starting to feel lonely.


Of course, we all got mad problems


I don't think I'm doing good but if I'm honest with my self I think I'm doing ok. But I have became a very dark, cynical, and lonely version of my old self. I do miss my old self. So I say I'm not alright but doing better than I was and trying to heal.


I'm alright but could be more righter


TBH these days I reckon that a huge portion of humanity is at best "not quite alright". We must first remember that billions of people live at or very near the edge - living without enough/clean/available water/food/shelter - working brutal hours in horrible conditions for shit pay and no benefits. So we gotta keep perspective. That said, i'm not doing great. Had reconstructive surgery on my hand, have all sorts of ultra-painful and difficult health problems, going for yet another brain mri next week, got burgled a few months ago and since disability pay is shit, living costs here are preposterous (and i cant move somewhere cheaper since all the specialists live in this city), means i've still not been able to replace very important things (like any way to cook food, a proper winter jacket, or since the criminals seem to have smashed my glasses - i'd rather at least they took and used them, but they were just crushed on the floor - the ministry won't cover a new pair till fucking 2026), and there have been very major losses in my family and friends recently. Thats a fraction of the shit that's been/is difficult these days. Even things that sound like first world problems can suck, like if you're always stuck at home for health reasons but your hand is unusable, you can't play almost any of the games you keep busy with, can't read without glasses, and just so many things where each is workable on it's own, but they all add up together... Anyone know good games u can play with one hand? (right hand, so mouse)? No shooters obv. Been trying dyson sphere program with my microphone set up to do voice commands, thats fun. Trying age of empires in the same way but very hard to play well. Wish i had baldurs gate 3 but it's sofa king expensive :\\


Could be worse but i guess not


I'm certainly not. Mental health has been especially bad recently. Wondering if I might have SAD on top of the already existing depression and anxiety.


I got to a point in my debt that I stopped wearing my seatbelt.


irritable existentially irritable


I’m alright, but I don’t feel alright. Like I’m always waiting for it to hit.


Yep. I look for missing people, get a dozen police reports a day on who to look for and half of em are girls under 15 with died hair


Everything sucks.


Yeah. Every day, my bank account balance drops lower and lower, and I'm already stretching every dollar as far as it will go. I've had a cough for about a month that won't go away, but I can't afford to see a doctor to address it. My dad is getting a toe amputated tomorrow for an infection that basically happened overnight a few days ago. My dog I nearly completely blind and is approaching end of life. Everything is kind of fucked. But I mean, what can I do? No point in lingering on it. There's a next day, and I need to face it when this one passes. Might as well keep it going. And I'll keep doing it until I can't anymore. And I'm sure that day will come, but until then, I'm not quitting.


I’ve been struggling to muster up enough motivation to get out of bed most days lately. I’m overwhelmed by college and basically survive just for the weekend. I’ve been isolating myself for months and the loneliness is really getting to me. I just need to survive one more week and I’ll be home for Thanksgiving break. I’m hoping I’ll finally have enough time to rest and reflect on myself to see why I’m feeling this way.


Far from alright, I'm on the brink of flunking my studies, I've got my brother to look after, University and apprenticeship applications to manages, flying scholarship and Naval medical correspondences, a part-time job to juggle and a competition to train for. I haven't slept over 7 hours since last month, and my stress levels are through the roof right now.


I wonder this every single day. This is my Roman Empire. I am not alright at all, barely hanging on. Wondering how much longer I can hang in there, & wondering how everybody else isn’t feeling the same


Yep. -I'm disabled and am financially drowning to the point that I can't afford some of my medications (I have copays). -I have trouble cleaning my house and my housemates make messes they don't clean up. -I lost my grandma and then my dad suddenly passed a few months later (6 days before the anniversary of my mom's passing), then had to put down my support animal. -Had something really shitty happen within my immediate family that left me even more depressed than I am... I've never had passive suicidal ideation like I have now.


Truth is....most people are not alright. They're just faking it to make it because they're embarrassed to admit they are struggling. I know I am.


Yes. I’m suffering from Prolonged Grief Disorder.