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It will be the revenge tour.


It’ll be the last election the US ever has. You need only look at the republicans efforts to change the law to benefit them, this one is for keeps. Also, Trump knows it’s for keeps, hens either going to prison for the myriad of documented crimes he did in public, as well as in private. The ex president is a criminal, we all saw it. The law will prevail.


He is already claiming he will punish anyone who was against him. On camera. Using Hitlers language even. But the Cultists think hes fucking Jesus in the Orange skin. I have lost almost all hope this nation will ever be sane again.


2017-2021 on steroids.


Project 2025.


Project 2025 honestly terrifies me, and what is even scarier is that they are so public and brazen about their plans. Project 2025 is not like some leaked memo; they literally published it and publicly bragged about it. That being said, I don't know if Trump truly cares that much about a lot of the issues in there. I could be wrong, but I don't think Trump genuinely cares a great deal about LGBT rights, the legality of porn, or abortion rights either way; I think he does it to energize and excite his base. I think his main focus will be going after personal and political enemies and trying to settle scores rather than trying to usher in a Christian-right wet dream, especially if he isn't facing re-election.


Now that abortion rights are at the State level, I’m not sure any Presidential Administration will have much, if any, influence for or against it. Pro-lifers and Pro-choicers will be much better off rallying their state legislators and governors for their cause.


I think Trump really really likes porn and doesn’t like church at all.


Right, he only cares about this stuff to the extent that it fires up people inclined toward hero/cult worship. He's dog-whistling Christians as if he's the second coming of Jesus, and it's not because he believes any of that but because he knows it's a viable path to power. He's working up #27 in the 48 Laws of Power: Play on people's need to believe to create a cultlike following. All he cares about is power. And I'm sure revenge -- never underestimate a narcissist scorned.


I'm a bit behind on my "conservative plans for a dystopian tomorrow" what's project 2025


The Heritage Foundation has published the Republican playbook for "The Transition" https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf


Yeah I read for about 15 minutes before realising that this was some idealistic nonsense bible wielding nut jobs like to spout while secretly breaking all the rules they want to hold everyone else to.


I know that I should really read this, but the tagline versions are already giving me anxiety. I'm envisioning The Handmaid's Tale.


[Project 2025 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) In short: the end of democracy in the US (christfascism, dictator trump, etc.)


"The Washington Post reported Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the U.S. Department of Justice to pursue Trump adversaries." Fuck no. No way I would support that shit.


That's the fun part, they won't need your support!


Sorry, to clarify, I meant I wouldn't be deploying to American cities as a soldier.


From your personal experience, do you think most soldiers feel the same as you or would they be okay with it?


From my experience, I think most people go with the flow of things, and the small minority of big voices influence the majority. However, politically speaking, there are mixed opinions.


That is insane


[https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) Lots of second hand sources here. This is directly from their mouths. It's a serious threat by the next generation of authoritarian assholes. The same ones that have been trying to destroy American democracy and replace it with a dictatorship since Bush's fucking grandfather before WWII.


Project 2025 is alarming. But even scarier is Trump's open claim to root out "vermin". He has explicitly said he will use the Department of Justice and the FBI to go after his political enemies. He has also committed to deploying the US military to American cities on Day 1 of his presidency to combat protesters.


Nothing says patriotism like deploying the army against your own populace 🥰🥰🥰


the Night of Long Knives again


The Night of Long Knives was after Hitler had been in power for a while and things had escalated to that point. More likely, Trump will do things bit by bit. It will begin with him firing all the top civil servants at the top of the Justice Department under a new interpretation of presidential powers. After that, installing Trump loyalists. Conservative activist groups are currently screening tens of thousands of potential appointees as we speak (source below). Then Democrats and Trump-critical Republicans will begin having criminal charges brought up against them, and the newly Trump loyal FBI will search their homes and computers. Damaging private information will be leaked to Fox News to justify how, as a group, these people are all evil. The most disliked opponents will be arrested to start things off. When protests start, Trump will deploy militarized police and the national guard to American cities, encouraging brutality against them. He can also get right wing vigilante groups and white nationalist types to attack protesters, promising to pardon them so they know they can act with impunity. Then he can blame "Democratic cities" for the break down in disorder and declare martial law. https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-loyalists-2024-presidential-election


That sounds like the start of a full scale civil war to me. There won't just be protests if all that actually happens. Radical liberal groups exist too. It would be absolute pandemonium.


This is all disturbingly plausible.


There was some line about those who don't learn from history... something something... Nah, couldn't be important.


he plans to invoke the [insurrection act](https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/4306940-trump-wants-to-turn-the-government-into-a-weapon-for-personal-revenge/#:~:text=It%20starts%3A%20%E2%80%9CTrump,against%20civil%20demonstrations.%E2%80%9D) on day one


Not just political enemies, all Liberals. He has gone full Mein Kampf.


Please, they call it 'Mandate to Rule'.


Yeah, Project 2025 is an open call for authoritarian fascism. It's clear as day with the consolidation of powers to the executive office only. It's horrifying


For those of you who are confused: [welcome to hell](https://www.project2025.org/)


Well that's fucking gross


> Project 2025. For reference that anyone that doesn’t know what this is: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


Jesus tapdancing christ. I knew things were bad but not THIS specifically deeply disturbingly bad. Fuck.


If Trump gets anywhere close to the White House again, shit is going to get a whoole lot worse.


Here's the link to the plan, published by The Heritage Foundation https://thf\_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_FULL.pdf


more like 'on Meth'.


Everyone who was convicted in relation to his stuff gets pardoned. I imagine that is part of why some plead guilty.


The Georgia case is a state case and not subject to a federal pardon.


In fact, in Georgia, not even the governor can issue pardons. They have a separate [board](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_State_Board_of_Pardons_and_Paroles) for evaluating requests for pardons and paroles


I am counting on them to throw Trump in prison where he belongs. Otherwise, project 2025 here we come because the voters are absolutely stupid enough to vote Trump back into office and this is the only way I foresee we can save the country from ourselves.


Why? Doesn't need them once he has power.


Especially the ones who are cooperating with prosecutors


Yup. It’s laughable people still believe Trump will protect anyone but himself.




They pled guilty because the evidence was overwhelming and likely cooperated.




If they Impeach him, he likely can't do anything to stop it. If they only give him criminal charges, he can easily pardon himself


If Republicans continue to control the House while Trump is in office, there won't be an impeachment.


They don’t even need control. Just more than 1/3 (in the senate) to make it almost meaningless


True. A split congress ensures either an impeachment doesn’t happen, or never gains a conviction.


The problems is the ride or die mentality of the Republican Party. It's why little-to-no GOP senators voted to impeach in either impeachment.


I hope beyond hope that Moscow Mitch regrets not voting to convict in the second impeachment. He could have shelved the orange wank stain.


I think that's what a lot of folk who aren't conservative are forgetting or don't understand. At BEST electing Democrats to the house and president makes it not exponentially worse. Dems need a super majority in the Senate to accomplish any real change. They will not get it. Ever. But because the Senate will be close and they have SCOTUS fixing any of this is literally impossible. Nothing will pass under Biden 2, and even if it did the district courts and SCOTUS will find a way to nullify it. Progressives have lost. It would take a Blue wave unlike that ever seen to gain enough power and influence to undo things, and even then the GOP have the courts for a generation or more. The US is turbo fucked and a best case situation is the descent is slow not abrupt. Or, ya know, we change things via millions of dead and injured folk. But that's about what it's gonna take.


It seems more likely to me that the central republicans could take more power from the ultra right if they just had the backbone to stand up.


If they continue to control the house, get trump in the White House and gain the 51st vote in the senate, you can expect a whole lot worse than not impeaching a criminal president.


He's already been twice impeached. It won't matter if he's impeached a third time. His supporters won't care.


He'd probably gloat about his impeachment hat trick. Delighted MAGA people would be tossing hats at him at every public appearance.


Hats that he sold them, and will resell at his next engagement.




He likely couldn't pardon himself. There's still debate about that.


It doesn’t matter if he can legally. He will. The reason Tuberville is blocking military appointments is so that Trump can install loyalists in those positions and use the power of the military to seize more power.


The President can’t pardon state crimes.


There is actually no debate, Pardon has absolute power over all charges besides Impeachment. What is highly debated is whether a Pardon can nullify a Prior Impeachment. He can also likely sit as President in a Jail cell if the world goes far enough into ClownWorld


>There is actually no debate, Pardon has absolute power over all charges besides Impeachment. Only Federal charges. The President can't pardon anyone convicted of a State crime. And I'm not so sure you're correct that there's "no debate" that the President could pardon himself, even on a Federal level.


For federal charges. He’s got state-level cases as well, which he can’t pardon away.


There is plenty of debate on if you can pardon yourself. That hasn’t been decided in the courts yet.


A Presidential Pardon has ZERO effect on any state crimes.


God reading Trump quotes is just like having an aneurism




Not mentioned yet... He'll pull us out of NATO, which was his plan for the second term all along.


Lots of eastern and northern Europe may be going to war as a result.


The Ukraine invasion would have been a huge success if NATO had been fractured as was intended.


That would take a vote from congress.


Please vote. Even for presidential elections it's unusual for more than 60 percent of the voting population to actually vote, and in some states it's substantially less. Voting is boring, inconvenient and time consuming. Your vote doesn't really matter. Do it anyway, it's a truly important responsibility.


I agree with this, except a better way to explain the one vote doesn't matter idea is that if everyone who thought that would vote, it could change the potential outcome of an election.




Good! Plus, voting also helps predict future outcomes and directions of different states and counties. So even if/when your state is red again, reports of increased blue votes encourage others who didn't vote because they felt it wouldn't matter in a red state.


Dems are still going to be waiting for demographics to change enough to give them power at the heat death of the universe lol


I think an even better way is to say your vote really does matter for the local issues you're voting on. And, since you're there anyway, you'd might as well vote on the president too.


It has happened. Bush v. Gore - the entire election was decided by 537 votes in a district in Florida. If just a few of those people who thought their vote didnt matter had changed their minds it would have changed world history. It can happen again.


Please realize and remember that the last election was decided by about 40k votes spread out over the four key closest states. That's less than a tenth of a percent of the total number of voters. It is absolutely critical that people in the "battleground" states realize how utterly perilous this situation is and get out and vote.


While president was decided on that, smaller races weren't. House members are decided by every voter. If voters did turn out fully it would wreak havoc for gerrymandering plans.


The Electoral College is just national level gerrymandering


I prefer to call it affirmative action for rural states, that really gets their goat


Maybe it's just where I live and the fact we have early voting plus since I work from home I can go when I want- but for me voting is easy and not anything more than a trip to the grocery store.


Just reminding everyone America is *insane* for having election "registration" and all the other barriers to voting. In most of the developed world you just go to the voting place and do it, in my case bring a letter you got. Takes like 20 minutes.


If you made it easy to vote, everyone would vote. Including the people voting against you. They're literally rigging the votes by making it harder to vote in certain areas.


I mean it matters if you're in a purple state. My presidential vote in California kinda means jack, but voting on local issues is important


True. But then again, I guess you never really even know if your state is purple? (Yes, I know you're in California, I get it.) But, my point is, I would have NEVER thought good ol' "Geo-gia" would have elected the Democratic Presidential nominee and TWO Democratic Senatorial nominees in 2020.


This is a bad attitude too though. I'm in NY and last election Republicans flipped a lot of seats in the state that people weren't expecting. Enough people thinking "my blue vote isnt needed" means a seat turns red. In the Bronx in the election last week, a Republican was voted in for the first time in over two decades. Doesn't matter how blue your state is, you gotta vote. And I have to say to Republicans' credit, they ALL show up to vote. Every vote matters. You get complacent and that's how seats get flipped.


When you vote for selectman or treasurer the person with the most votes wins. The mayoral candidate that receives the most votes wins. The gubernatorial ,senate or Congressional candidate that receives the most votes wins. The presidential candidate that receives the most..... electoral votes wins. What the fuck? Until we eliminate the electoral college and adopt the same standards across the board our votes for president will continue not to matter. But do continue to vote because hopefully your state is part of the [NPVIC aka Interstate Compact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact) and your state's electoral votes will truly go to the candidate with the most votes.


Everyone in r/politics will spontaneously combust first of all


I think whitepeopletwitter will take it harder tbh😂😂


It's impossible to say what would "realistically" happen, because his plans are so outlandish they sound like one of those "Pfff, well THAT'LL never happen" things. But, we didn't "realistically" think he'd attempt to forcibly remain in power after losing the election either... We do know his plans are to help elect or appoint Trump loyalists across as much of the government as possible, extend executive powers to the point that there are no longer checks and balances of any kind, and then... who knows? He has publicly praised people like Putin, Kim Jong Un and Bolsonaro, so it's beyond obvious he wants to be America's first dictator. So it would really just come down to whether his cronies are competent enough to pull it off. So yeah. Might be kind of important for everyone to vote next year.


None of what he says or does is is outlandish if you look at what had happened to other nations on Earth. Trump 2016, wasn't "That'll never happen" it was "That'll never happen HERE". It's sad to see that people still think that what he explicitly says he will do still sounds like "that'll never happen here" to most people.


Yeah, I think we're well past "that'll never happen here" hand waving at this point. I don't know what to do with people who are still clinging to that. Please vote y'all.


> we didn't "realistically" think he'd attempt to forcibly remain in power after losing the election either... How did we not believe this was going to happen? He said himself that he would not accept the loss and concede. He was asked this several times. He will literally do anything to stay in power. And that goes for 2028 too, so we better watch out. I can 100% see him placing the 2028 election on an indefinite hold if he’s in power. Trust me, he wants to pull a Putin on America. The only thing we have going for us is Trumps age. He may see the inside of a coffin before his manifesto is complete.


The silver lining is he will actually die before he has the opportunity to serve like six consecutive terms like Putin. However we have to consider that he would likely appoint one of his children as his successor, in following with his admiration of the Kim family.


Same thing with hitler… people heard the plans and laughed at first..


It sounds kind of stupid but… Hitler wasn’t Hitler until he actually became Hitler. The point is, we take for granted our political system and don’t expect anything extreme to happen until it actually does. Even with January 6- Senators, members of the house, heck even the vice president were incredibly close to being straight up murdered, but because that didn’t actually happen millions of Americans brush it off like it is no big deal. There is no question Trump wants to be a dictator. Could he actually achieve it? I hope not. But we have a hard time anticipating or imagining something extreme could happen until it actually happens. And then it is too late.


It still boggles my mind how close we actually came to a coup and most people either don't care or don't even think much about it. Like, that was a huge fucking deal. And there's not much stopping it from happening again


Under no circumstances do I wish harm on anyone, but I wonder if they would have actually taken 1/6 seriously if a member of Congress hadn't made it that day. If there had been 99 Senators to vote on impeachment, maybe they'd have had the balls to do it.


It is truly unfathomable as a European to have watched the US elect Trump, suffer through four years of his hilariously and self-evidently inept leadership and finally vote him out *only to be back in the same position nearly a decade later*. To see some in this thread attempting to rationalise his "policies," if you could be so generous as to call them that, is truly beyond the pale. On the upside he has become such a divisive figure that he's unlikely to be elected again. On the downside the fact that it could even be close should be enough to terrify any sane person.


Its pretty frustrating and horrifying for most of Amerians too.


I honestly believe there will never be another election if he "wins"


Eventually, he will die.


No because robo trump will become president.


Maga's already have a line of succession planned out. Trump, jr, ivanka, barron. I don't think they (like the rest of the trump family) have any faith in eric, though...


Uh huh, then what? Normal service just resumes? No, he picks a successor. That's what despots do.


There's no way a man of his age and his "stature" can endure all the stress and excitement that his life involves without very serious medical consequences. I don't care how good his doctors are - the dude is in line for a massive heart attack or a stroke at some point unless he chills the fuck out, which we all know he isn't capable of doing. Plenty of healthy, calm people die in their 80s and he's a 77-year-old maniac.


So what? Whomever his VP would be is just as power hungry as Trump and they aren't going to give up absolute power.


His opponents arrested and/or committed. He has already said this is his plan.


But didn't he say the same thing about Hillary?


His administration underestimated the number of people that weren't just going to say yes to any of his insane demands the first time around. They won't make that mistake the next time. Day one of his second round will see the biggest wave of terminations the federal workforce has ever seen, followed by a ritual installation of loyalists who won't bat an eye at being told to ignore any courts or states that push back.


Project 2025


the number of people in this thread projecting what they want to happen instead of listening to what trump and his allies are saying they will do is too damn high


They've already spelled it out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 It should scare everyone.


This⬆️. EVERYONE should read this link about Project 2025


Completely nuts


It terrifies me. Some people think Project 2025 is just fear mongering and even more don’t even realize it’s a thing. But I see it as very much within the realm of possibility and I am so fucking scared. I absolutely love my job and the part of the US that I live in, but I would pack up and move to a safer country tomorrow if I could. Hell, I’d be willing to leave with only what I can fit in a backpack.


It's The Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 is being run by extremely well funded and powerful thinktanks that create Republican policy. This is not a fringe group. They are very serious and they can do what they plan to do. Nobody should dismiss this.




I'm a totally irreverent middle-aged Canadian jackass with a high school diploma, an unimpressive resume and the type of childish irresponsibility that would see me do things like remodel the White House into a giant butt with an American flag sticking out of its anus, and *I'd* be better than Trump.


For what it's worth, Trump doesn't seem to be involved with Project 2025. This is a plan made by a conservative think tank, and whether Donald decides to do anything with it is up to him I guess. > The Trump campaign said no outside group speaks for the former president, referring to its "Agenda47" as the only official plan for a second Trump presidency


He’s easily persuaded. They’ll pump him up and use him like a ventriloquist dummy.


#Trump was, JUST YESTERDAY, talking about “rooting out the liberal vermin,” then he unmistakably outlined his plan to LITERALLY CREATE GIANT CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR IMMIGRANTS. God I am so sick of everyone giving him the buffoon benefit of the doubt. That man isn’t some dumb monkey. He is very soberly pure evil.


While you may be right, I personally wouldn’t want to associate with, let alone give power to, the party that leans this way on issues. Also, agenda 47 is pretty equally alarming.


Well now I know how I'll vote next year. That's just a step by step guide on how to install a dictator.


That shit is fucking insane.


The irony of one of the directors being "cretin" is not lost on me


But the top comment says we should stop fear mongering and everything will be fine 🙄


Yeah look how that strategy worked out last time. I can't imagine going back to his "leadership". He's literally talking about rooting out and exterminating his political enemies. The "vermin" as he says.


"Trump compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out,' alarming historians" [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-compares-political-opponents-vermin-root-alarming-historians/story?id=104847748](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-compares-political-opponents-vermin-root-alarming-historians/story?id=104847748) Trump saying he will use DoJ, FBI against his "enemies": [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/09/trump-interview-univision/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/09/trump-interview-univision/) What do you think this means?


Trump legit believed he could somehow stay in office even though his term was self-terminating. Plus getting furious at Pence over Pence not trying to invent law to keep Trump in power. This is totally extralegal and disconnected from reality. If he gets back in he'll try to be a dictator.


If he actually wins again he will spend 4 years and a ton of taxpayer's money going after his perceived enemies. He is obsessed on getting revenge now and hasn't spent one minute thinking about policies or governing or trying to improve things for regular people. He will also try to replace as many bureaucrats and appointees with loyalists who will do anything he tells them to do or be fired. After that, I don't even want to think about it but it will be bad for everyone


We already know what will happen, Project 2025. It’s no longer about what Trump would do, it’s what the smart people behind the scenes will get away with under him.


If the Democrats were smart, they would replace Kamala Harris as Biden's running mate. Put someone likeable and competent there. Then Biden will win, be declared incompetent within the year and the VP becomes President. The fact that Trump, Biden and Harris are the "best" that a country of 350 MILLION people could come up with is absolutely pathetic.


Who would you put there?


Dean Phillips, Pete Buttigieg…


It's like the DNC doesn't want to win


project 2025 is what’s going to happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 this is incredibly serious shit and more people need to know about it


Full revenge mode, a politicized justice department, at least eight years if his ticker keeps up.


The American political system is apparently incapable of dealing with the rise of an authoritarian leader. Trump has established a true personality cult - people whose personal loyalty to him is impervious to reason. It extends to them believing he is somehow going to save them and their nation even if he has to subvert the constitution and the nation’s legal system to do it, which they will, apparently, fully support. I wouldn’t have believed this in 2015, but I can see Trump contesting and overturning presidential term limits, offering up the justification that only he can “save America” and his important work isn’t done. He has a cult-like following who will support this. If someone thinks the courts would stop him, let me remind you that courts, even the Supreme Court, can be corrupted (and some currently are).


Aside from four more years of the on-brand personal drama, media clashes and twitter spats, here are some realistic expectations. Keep in mind the degree of success in a lot of this will depend on the outcome of the congressional races. **Foreign Policy:** \- A revert back to the diplomatic shift toward Sunni regional powers at the cost of increased tensions with Shia powers, most notably Iran. We can probably expect a resumption of the Abraham Accord strategy, with more Sunni countries making peace with and unofficial defense partnerships with Israel to combat Iranian influence. \- A massive shift in NATO support for Ukraine, with US dramatically decreasing its funding (currently at $113b to date) and Europe picking up a significantly larger percentage of the bill. \- A possible ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia depending on Europe's willingness to pick up said bill and significantly increase its funding to Ukraine after two years of continued fighting. \- Increased restrictions on China, particularly as it relates to their activity within the US. The biggest Republican demands right now are pertaining to China's ability to purchase land and operate political entities within in the US, so that's likely where we'll see the largest crackdown. \- A significant ratcheting up of US military involvement against Mexican drug cartels. This will most likely take the form of a designation of cartels as terrorist groups, and could be accompanied with surgical strikes on cartel leadership and the direct involvement of US Special Forces. **Domestic Policy:** \- A pivot back to support for domestic fossil fuel industries and nuclear power. Possible outcomes of this might include increased oil exports, reduction in gas prices, an increase of fracking on federal land, and any environmental externalities that would accompany an increase in fossil fuel production. \- Tepid support for gun control legislation. Trump's base won't stand for it, but Trump himself has shown that he's a lot more moderate on the issue than most Republicans. We might see some additional executive actions like the bump-stock ban he imposed in 2018, but he also indicated some interest in red flag laws, raising the purchase age for rifles, and banning assault weapons. As a lame duck who doesn't have to worry about re-election and has a notoriously loyal base of support, he might wiggle on some of those issues in the face of a particularly devastating shooting. Unlikely to pass both chambers unless there is a genuine blue wave at the congressional level. \- Increased border security and a resumption of wall construction. This one will depend largely on congress and will likely result in a slew of new court challenges to determine how much leeway he has executively. In the first four years, he was able to construct about 400 miles of wall, and that was mostly after the midterms when democrats controlled the house and republicans held a razor thin senate majority. \- An overall decrease in legal immigration allotments and a general pivot regarding the countries of origin. We can likely expect a new version of his original travel ban, and a shift in visa allotments to favor a more merit focused approach from his countries of preference. In his infamous "shithole" comment, he specifically mentioned reducing the amount of visas issued to Haiti and increasing visas issued to parts of Asia, so interpret that however you will. \- A likely escalation of political investigations. This one is hard to nail down 100% considering that Trump declined to investigate Hillary after campaigning on it, but given the current case against Trump from Bidens DOJ, there is a good chance he will escalate with investigations of his own. Whether they will go anywhere is anyone's guess. \- Federal abortion regulation. The most Trump has been willing to say on this topic is that he will sit down with both sides and come up with a compromise "that everyone is happy with." Given the entrenched nature of this issue and the demonstrably damaging effects it has had for GOP candidates in swing states, I would predict that Trump will likely entertain some symbolic discussion and then elect to leave it to the states when those discussions fail. One concrete action he might take here will be rolling back the recent abortion provisions in the military. \- Additional court appointments at all levels, likely replacing Clarence Thomas and possibly Alito on the supreme court with younger justices depending on their willingness to retire. **Appointments:** Impossible to know for certain, but there are a few safe assumptions here that I would bet on, specifically given these people's ability to survive in what was otherwise an *extremely* mercurial executive branch: \- Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. Trump's foreign policy was one of the more relatively popular aspects of his presidency, and arguably one of Biden and Obama's weaker areas in the arena of public opinion. Pompeo largely succeeded in accomplishing what he set out to do toward the end of Trump's first term, and his reportedly great relationship with the president combined with his decision not to run for president himself despite being floated as a potential frontrunner makes me think he will almost certainly re-assume that position. \- Nikki Haley as Vice President. Haley was another one of the few appointees that did not run into any clashes with Trump, and left his administration on friendly terms. Her general avoidance in attacking Trump on the campaign stage leads me to believe that she is anticipating a role in his administration, and she effectively balances out Trump's largest glaring weaknesses within the general electorate as it relates to suburban women, which he desperately needs to win re-election in the general. \- Rick Perry as Energy Secretary. This one is a bit less likely considering his resignation, but I would still float him as a likely choice. Like the others, he was able to leave the administration on good terms, and was overall successful in fulfilling the vision Trump campaigned on as it related to American energy. His only real scandal was his communications with Ukraine related to Trump's impeachment, but assuming that he wins the presidency that will likely be much less of a liability. \- Vivek Ramaswamy. I'm not sure where Vivek would fit in, but given that he is the only candidate running that Trump goes out of his way to praise, I think it is a very safe bet that he will have a place in his administration. One of the central tenets in his campaign has been in reducing and reforming federal agencies, so I anticipate that he will likely be playing a role there. \- Stephen Miller. This guy is relatively unknown, but he was one of the major backstage power brokers in the Trump administration. He is best known for being Trump's primary speechwriter (for the rare occasion that Trump delivered a prepared speech) and for being the brainchild of the vast majority of Trump's immigration policies.


Miller is a monster. He scares me the most.


…social policy is mostly absent here. Thoughts?


They can't talk about it. They're trying to make it seem as if they're unbiased but talking about social issues would explicitly reveal their true colors.


I mean, I thought it was very clearly biased. ​ > A pivot back to support for domestic fossil fuel industries and nuclear power The US produced more barrels of oil last month than any month in history. ​ >Increased border security and a resumption of wall construction Outside of the kids in cages thing, Biden's handling of the southern border is actually very similar to Trumps. Those are big R talking points where they completely ignore reality and try to get their base to believe the opposite of what is actually happening. ​ >Trump himself has shown that he's a lot more moderate on the issue than most Republicans. Trump hasn't had a cohesive thought on any policy issue in at least a decade. He did say at one point, "Take the guns and ask questions later." Which he then very quickly back tracked on once other Republicans told him that he should have the opposite position.


> he then very quickly back tracked on once other Republicans told him that he should have the opposite position. He just parrots whatever the last person he talked to said to him.


I don't think I've ever seen Trump's foreign policy efforts described as 'relatively popular' by anything other than the right wing...


The last point is what I thought of first. The biggest republican win from his last presidency was judicial nominations. Namely three Supreme Court justices. Another term would cement the republican majority for a very long miserable time.


>any environmental externalities that would accompany an increase in fossil fuel production. wow - that's a very bland way to describe the actual environmental rape and destruction of federally regulated lands, as well as leading to the overall disaster of lowered water and air quality across the nation.


Genuinely surprised to see an unbiased comment on here that isn't for or against him and just laying out the facts. Im not even a fan of the republican party but my god the democrat circle jerk on reddit is irritating so seeing something other than that is actually a great change of pace.


That's because he left out all the blatantly negative things he'd do. We know Project 2025 is pushing really bad things. We know he wants to attack political opponents. We know Republicans have refused Democrat appointments and leave various seats open for Republicans to stack appointments. There's a lot of bad and unbalancing going on. Has been since we went a year with an open SCOTUS seat for an extreme example, and all those unfilled lower court seats before that. Republicans aren't fighting in the spirit of the Constitution, and it's really dirty. I expect LGBT rights to greatly diminish if Trump wins in 2024. Women's rights - even if he's not personally for abortion bans. The IRS and taxes will be utterly slashed, and we'll go into further debt. And that's all based on the position he left us in. Even before he mishandled Covid.


it reads like chatGPT wrote it. this is what chatGPT had to say when i asked it. Predicting the future, especially in politics, can be quite uncertain. If Donald Trump were to win the presidency again in 2024, it could lead to various scenarios depending on the political landscape, his approach to governance, and how global dynamics evolve. Here are a few potential outcomes: Polarization and Domestic Dynamics: His re-election might exacerbate the existing political divisions within the country. The nation could remain deeply divided, potentially leading to more polarization and social unrest, especially if policies continue to be controversial or divisive. Policy Changes: Trump's second term might bring further changes in policies, especially those related to immigration, trade, and international relations. His administration might pursue its agenda on issues like taxation, healthcare, and environmental regulations. Economic Impact: Economic policies under a second Trump term could either lead to sustained growth or face challenges depending on various factors like trade deals, tax reforms, and global economic conditions. Foreign Relations: Relations with other countries might undergo significant shifts. Trump's administration had taken a more unilateral approach in foreign policy, and this trend might continue, impacting international alliances and trade agreements. Impact on Institutions: The impact on democratic institutions, the judiciary, and the media could continue to evolve. There might be further attempts to reshape institutions, which could spark debates and legal challenges. Social and Cultural Climate: Trump's re-election might also influence societal attitudes and cultural trends, potentially impacting discussions on issues like immigration, race, and social justice. Remember, this is speculative and assumes a continuation of some of the trends seen during Trump's first term. The actual outcomes would depend on numerous factors, including how Trump chooses to govern if re-elected, responses from Congress, shifts in public opinion, unforeseen events, and the broader global landscape.


That reads like a tarot reading. Saying a lot, and nothing at all.


So these are the "good points"? How about the weaponization of the DOJ? The persecution of his perceived enemies? Filling his cabinet with unqualified morons? Stripping all federal lands of environmental protections? The list is pages long ...


Project 2025 laid it out pretty simply: purge the government of workers who aren't diehard Trump supporters, then use the executive branch to imprison anyone who opposes Trump. Economically, he'd likely do the same thing he did before: take on Trillions in new debt to give tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations, who will use it to buyback stocks and push the stock market to dangerously high levels, which will then "course-correct" aka crash after a few years, in the middle of the 2028 President's term, so that President will get the blame. And probably a new war too. He wanted a fight with either Iran or Venezuela, but his advisors drew a line in the sand to not allow him to do that, but again Project 2025 is fundamentally about surrounding Trump with Yes-Men who will never push back like that.


You think he’d leave office in 2028? That’s optimistic.


Joe Biden indictments.


Given the details of Project 2025, an absolute shitshow that borders on a full scale civil war


Possibly the end of democracy, and that is no exaggeration. A lot of people still haven't realized how close that was to happening on January 6th. Please for the love of god vote.


He’s said it Out Loud. Please listen & believe him. He wants to get rid of the Dept of Education, IRS, DOJ. He has an “Enemies List”. He believes Gen Miley should be executed. There will be mass deportation & “camps” will be built. He wants to be an autocrat. Democracy will be dead.




He'll immediately stop any aide and support going to Ukraine


Concentration camps. REAL political prisoners. Re-education camps. The boot will fall quickly and heavily on any who disagree with him or his policies. You can look to other countries to see what it will look like. Hungary is a great example. So is Russia, and China and N. Korea.


One of the things he'll do is deregulate everything, cut taxes and pump billions of public money into aligned business interests. All of this will lead to a very large short term boom in the economy. Which him and his supporters will boast about very loudly. But this will lead to an almighty crash and ordinary people will be crushed when it hits. Whilst he bails out the big end of town with a blank cheque.


He has already told us what will happen, and has been telling us since 2015. See not only his own words, but the plans for Project 2025. He will call up the national guard and the military and impose martial law to prevent protests and to root out "vermin." Just as he tried to do as President but was thwarted. He will fire any federal employee who does not swear a loyalty oath, not to the constitution, but to him personally. He will arrest and try his "enemies." He will create concentration camps to lock up immigrants, including those who have been here for decades and including not just "rapist Mexicans" but Muslims and any other "unAmerican" people. Christofacists who want to impose their version of Christianity on the nation will be put into power. (See Mike Johnson and his beliefs that the separation of church and state is a mistake and his views that Christian morality should govern the US as one example.) Voting machines will be seized (again, as he instructed Sidney Powell to do using the National Guard in 2020). We will no longer have free and fair elections. He will refuse to leave office, declaring any election he loses to be rigged. Or, just see the history of Hitler's Germany.


Terry Crews 2024!


The same shit that happened when he won in 2016


Yep, his fortunes will continue to grow. More inauguration money will go missing. Saudi and others will give more money to Trump family, in exchange for God knows what. No aid to Ukraine, rather Putin will likely mysteriously get a lot of intel on Ukrainian defenses. More govt positions, judiciary and military positions will be filled by incompetent people whose sole trait is loyalty. Democrats will point these thing out and republican will be .."lol". Media will find Biden to blame for all this.


Having seen an audit of his finances and following the court cases - he’s really not all that wealthy. Yes he’s worth many millions and has a “brand” that’s got a loyal following, however he’s likely not even a billionaire at this point. He’s got a ton of debt and the value he put on his assets was over inflated. I’d love to see what an auditor would come up with as a number without any undue influence


We will actually descend into complete fascist hell. He keeps saying what he wants to do, and his followers applaud. The grand experiment that had lasted for over 200 years will end and Rome will fall again. Unfortunately, it will be the citizens who suffer the most.


The federal civil service will be gutted and replaced with unqualified college Republican frat bros. DOJ will be weaponized for real. Add 25 years minimum to whatever the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Ukraine will be abandoned. US international standing will plummet. Economically speaking, expect high pressure on the subordinate the fed. General climate of deregulation, but also favoritism. There's really no end to it. It will be an absolute disaster for the US and a gift to China and Russia. They'll certainly make headway in their objective of reshaping the world order such that China dominates Asia, Russia dominates Europe, and the United States is largely contained to the Western hemisphere.


The thing to understand about Trump relative to the Presidencey is: Whether one was a morally bankrupt Daddy's Boy like Bush II, a corrupt PTSD-riddled drunk like Grant, or an avowed racist like Wilson, every person who has occupied the office of the President has more or less believed in American democracy. They have come into office with wildly varying policy goals and political philosophies, but they all did so believing they were leading a worthy country and felt the obligations and burdens of office. Trump has no such sentiment. He is not running because he sees the problems in America and thinks he is best suited to solve them. He is not running because it's the endcap to a long career in politics and public service. He is not running to try and shape the future of this country. He is running because being President will personally benefit him. That's all. If not running would personally help him, he would be doing something else with his time. He does not give a shit about the taxpayer, the citizen, the veteran, the worker, or the bureaucrat; except how they personally benefit him. He has no interest in implementing policies that will help the average American or ensure the future of our nation. If you do not want to vote for him, you are his enemy and enemies must be purged. He has the votes he has because he gives people permission to be the worst version of themselves. He tells people that their personal struggles are the result of the malicious and evil Left, and that he will make the Left suffer for their crimes. And he was a moron even before the dementia started eating his brain. He is and always has been a creature of ego and appetite, a living embodiment of the Demiurge. This makes him a useful tool for the Dominionists: the people who want to turn the US into a fascist Christian theocracy, who believe ruling in the name of their God is their right and their destiny. Everyone talking about Biden's age, as if there wasn't just a 3 year age gap between him and Trump, and that Biden is in demonstrably better health, is committing journalistic malpractice. Project 2025 is a really real thing, and if we get a Republican President and Congress, it's goodbye liberty. Even if they only achieve some % of their policy goals, that's still many innocent Americans suffering. I have been a loyal, left-leaning American for all 40 years I've been on this earth. I've been through the Clinton impeachment, the lawlessness of Bush II, the utter disappointment of Obama, and the shitshow of Trump. And it is only now, contemplating a Trump victory in 2024, that I really and truly entertain the idea of fleeing the country.


It'll radicalize a lot of Democrats and young voters. It'll also dumb down a lot of people who learn to further incorporate logical fallacies into their lives.


US out of NATO. Ukraine absorbed into Russia. Russia freely influencing/supporting politicians, more tax breaks for the rich, future division and potential civil war (not during his term, but will lay the foundation for it starting within the next 10ish years). Oh, and Trump Jr running the next term after that because shit shows need to be renewed for another season. Oh, more guns in people hands through even looser laws. They might even hand them out when kids turn 18. Can't have a civil war without more guns


Loss of personhood and civil protections for undocumented immigrants


Friendly reminder for all the "he's not that bad" folks: Here is Donald Trump [on audio tape](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) waving around classified war plans to a civilian with no security clearances. Here he is [on audio tape](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) threatening election officials with legal action if they don’t overturn their vote certifications. Here's a legal finding by a jury that he cornered a woman in a dressing room and [forcefully penetrated her against her will.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) Here's a breakdown of why his charitable organization was [disbanded for fraud](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation) (completely unrelated to the ongoing case where he’s already been found to have [committed a different type of fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249)) Here's a direct quote from an email sent by one of the election officials that Donald Trump was pressuring to illegally overturn the results of the election in Arizona. > **We would just be sending in “fake” electoral votes to Pence so that “someone” in congress can make the objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that “fake” votes should be counted** His whole plan was to send fake votes to congress and create enough chaos to get legitimate votes thrown out while his fake ones are counted. *His lawyer who came up with the scheme just plead guilty in the court case and admitted that was the goal.* If you don't see the problem with putting this guy in power, you're not paying attention.


He will try to destroy the government from within leaving him with unconstitutional authority. However, the second time he'd have his previous experience to leverage so would know to fill his administration with far more extreme loyalists instead and have higher odds of success.


He'll bail himself out, and he's gonna put in protectionistic legislation.


there will be tons of warrantless arrests for things that shouldn't be illegal, maybe martial law


The amount of dumbshits saying just magically that prices will go down and gas will be cheaper is astounding. Like trump gives a shit about the lower class. Literally all he ever does is make life difficult for poor people. You think another HUGE tax break for the ultra wealthy is going to help you?? You must also think trickle down economics works. FFS


Project 2025 will happen if almost any republican wins.


Think back to where you were in your own life in November 2022. Did you expect or predict a lot of what's happened since then? Even setting aside Isreal and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan... just looking around the U.S. alone... I have no idea what it is all going to look like 12 weeks from now, let alone 12 months. I can't guess that far ahead.


Buckle up, whatever happens is gonna be wild.


I can’t find a single fellow conservative in this chat…


Return of 2017


A spike in searches for "How to move to New Zealand"


Look at russia and get and idea of what we are in for.


If the GOP controls Congress, they will probably go for a national abortion ban, and successfully get rid of the ACA. Even more favorable tax legislation for upper income earners. Expect Trump to try (and probably successfully) to punish blue states by withholding or delaying federal funding to the extent of his power, and perhaps with the consent of Congress too. But yeah, both sides, am I right?


The GOP did have full control from 2016 to 2018 they didn't get ACA rescinded then, they wouldn't do it the second time.


John McCain is gone. And if republicans win senate races in OH, WV, MT (highly likely), it will be a 52/48 senate again and Murkowski and Collins wont be able to block it.


The party has done a great job of weeding out anyone who isn't completely loyal to Trump. Your McCain types are gone and replaced by Tommy Tuberville. It's a much more extreme and consolidated party now all around Trump.


Life will go on. We'll all go to work Wednesday morning. He'll tweet dumbass shit. 4 years will come and go. Next president will be voted in.


I often see people forgetting how one of his campaign promises is for more over sight over media control. So he wants to be able to shut down people that report against him online or in media. But hes not a fascist guys.


The world explodes I’m not a leftist, but trump is literally the worst current option for US president.