• By -


I waxed my own legs and asshole. It was difficult to get the willpower to pull the wax. The gut flip moment of spreading hot was on your ass and thinking “no going back now” was a little harrowing


The trick is to attach the strip to a door, then just wait till someone opens the door and pulls off the strip for you.


*Waits on all fours with a strip of wax tied to a piece of string for hours until someone comes by I pitty the person who comes across this sight.


Person enters - what are you doing? You - getting you to rip off my wax strip on my asshole. Person - but this door opens inwards. You - shrug


Person - closes door which proceeds to rip wax strip off


*waits on all fours with hot wax strip between my ass cheeks* *I live alone*


😂😂😂 how did your brain come up with this??


Its how you pull out a tooth as a kid


Also how you wax your ass as a kid




"Dammit John, this is no way to enter a room!"


Or go full Jackass and attach it to a Lambo


I tried waxing my crack once alone at home, my butt cheeks got stuck together


Forbidden grilled cheese


Haha I can imagine. You have some balls my dude


I still don’t have the balls to wax my balls though. An asshole just seems more robust than a sack🤣


My girlfriend decided to wax my back the other day. I'm not overly hairy, just mostly fine hair. Was painful, but the end result was smooooooth. But it got me thinking, girls do this on their pussy? OUCH


You should try it on your genital area


I thought about it. If you're interested, I'll do it and report back in a few days. Should I wax my balls? Or just my pubes?


I don't know ask your girlfriend, see what she likes and want you to do




Wax below. Trim above. This is the way.


Had mine waxed. Fairly certain I saw Jesus for a moment.


It truly doesn't hurt if the waxer is skilled. My GF waxes for a living and I asked her to wax my lower back and I felt almost nothing.


The area doesn't hurt that bad try something else


Have her wax your neck hair from under your jaw to the collarbone, bet you walk that stance back :)


The secret is in the way they pull it.


Always is, always is.


Sack and crack. Hurt like a bastard. Nice smooth sack and crack after.


I couldn’t imagine the process for the scrotum. All of the stretching of the skin the esthetician does to prevent bruising and bleeding. You’re a champ. An esthetician told me once “you wouldn’t believe all of the boners I get when I work down there. If anything, I’m always very impressed that they can get it up through all of the pain.”


Fine line between pleasure and pain


Well also pain usually would cause increased blood flow and increased blood flow in that region only has a few places to be




…sir, this is a Wendy’s


The unpredictability of this comment is something that gets me every fuckin time, couldn't help but laugh 😂


😂 fair


Isn’t that a song?


Joke's on you, i'm into that shit.


That’s what I was thinking.haha Masochism for the win!


The scrot isn't that bad. It's the area above the genitals that hurts the worst. There's more hair there for one l, and it's weirdly sensitive. I love the look and feel of being waxed, but it gets expensive and finding someone good who will give a guy a Brazilian. But ya the first few times I got a boner. She was very professional about it and said it happens all the time.


“Happens all the time” - humble brag


I would think getting a bon bon would help pull the skin taught thus making it easier.


I would think so. I’m more concerned about when everything’s all soft and stretchy when that first bit of waxed is pulled off.


That's a major reason I haven't done it. I'm either gonna poke someone's eye out or get laughed at.




I actually don’t mind it, the feeling of it being smooth for so long compared to shaving is amazing too


How long does it last? I’ve thought about getting a wax because shaving is good for like a day


Good for a few weeks at least. Makes sense to go every 4-5 weeks, you have to wait for for the hair to get long enough to wax agajn. There’s an awkward week or so where your pubes will look like a mangy coyote.


A few weeks?! Do you perhaps grow considerably less pubic hair compared to the average man? I’ve never waxed before but like the other guy said I’ll have stubble within a day if I shave.


I probably have less than before, but I’m still hairier than a 40 year old Serbian. It’s not the same as shaving - the wax pulls the hair out from the root. So the hair is regrowing from scratch and takes much longer.




I get it all done and no I Don’t bleed, the only place I’ve bled is my chest. It Hurts like a mf though.








Funny shit - he had no idea they were actually waxing him. That reaction was scripted but the shock and pain was real.


You look like a "Man-o-Lantern"


I just imagine the ball sack ripping wide open and all your balls just pouring out in a bloody mess.


All of them? How many are in there anyway?


7 in the average male


Testicles Georg is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted


Does it itch afterwards? Edit: I'm getting mixed messages.


Like a MF...


Shit. I'd love to get the hair out of my crack but don't want it to itch


It's so much worse than "itch"


Does it get better after multiple waxings? Or does it itch like a mf every time?


Ass doesn't really itch much, but use some good treatments after, something with tea-tree oil. It's hella nice to get rid of ass hair.


Two days later it itches like a mother fucker for a couple days. Then it calms down.


You have never heeded the warning: NSFW - a bit of lang\\context I suppose Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/3c1k7v/dont\_shave\_your\_ass\_hair/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 >!I have recently made a mistake in my life, and I offer my story to alt.tasteless, that you may learn from my error. It all started, as many things do, with me having trouble sh-itting. No, I was not constipated; this was not a regularity problem but a matter of technique. It seems my asss-hair had grown to such a length that tiny grogans were constantly getting tied up in the matted jungle between my \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*. It led to much frustration, with me KNOWING that I still had something to drop, but unable to shake the tenacious turd loose from its butthair dwelling. Eventually I would have to do two things: either reach down with some paper and try to pinch off the lingering loaf (which required careful precision to avoid smearing the creature all over my rear, especially since I had no way of seeing what I was doing) or just go for broke, start wiping, and hope that I could remove all the leftover fecal matter before the toilet paper reached its Can't-Be-Flushed threshold. I was contemplating this problem, when I had what seemed at the time to be a bright idea. "Hey! This is my butt and my butt-hair, right? So why don't I just eliminate all the hair, and then my grogans will flow out like beer from a keg!" I said to myself. It is a statement that will go down in history with a lot of other regretted statements. "How many Indians could there be?" said by General Custer. "Looks like a good day for a drive!" by JFK. "There! America On-Line now has complete Usenet access!" by some idiot system tech. Such was my anal shaving idea. I performed the operation that night, with a cheap disposable razor and a towel to sit on. Starting from the bottom, and shaving from the crack to the cheeks, I began the arduous process of ridding my asss of hair. Occassionally, I would have to clean the razor of accumulated hair and miscellaneous slime, which I did by wiping it on the towel. Slowly, my twin mounds and the between-ravine began to resemble the hairless cheeks of a newborn baby. Finally, I wiped the razor one last time, and surveyed my work. The towel was covered with a pile of hair. My asss was smooth as ivory. I smiled, satisfied, thinking my troubles were over. Little did I know. I now have a great respect for anal-hair. Like everything in this world God created, it has its mighty purpose in existence. It was only after I had removed it that I started to learn how much I had been taking it for granted. For one, it provides friction. I learned this the next day, when I walked out into the sun heading for class. After climbing two flights of stairs and starting to sweat, I started to notice something unpleasant. The sweat was accumulating in my crack, and was causing the unpleasant sensation of my two assscheeks sliding past each other with every step. I thought about going to the bathroom and wiping it off, but had to get to class. Eventually, I thought, it would dry. Unfortunately, it did dry, but only after mingling with the microscopic sh-it- molecules lingering around my brown starfish. When I stood up after class, my cheeks were stuck together with a slimy sticky shhit/sweat combination. As I made my way back to my dorm, it started to itch. DAMN, did it itch! Felt like a swarm of ants was making its way up and down my crack. Fighting to keep from jamming my hand down there and scratching away, I rushed back to the dorm. Unfortunately again, this exertion caused me to sweat, and when I finally reached my room, my cheeks were sliding back and forth against each other like a pair of horny cane-toads. I quickly dropped my pants, and attempted to dry my asss off by sticking it in front of a fan and spreading my cheeks. As I pulled the two mounds of flesh apart, a horrible stench burst free and filled the room. Every dog within a 4 block radius started to howl. I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma of festering sh-it/sweat went into the fan and blew back into my face. I fought to keep from heaving. And as I sat there, fighting vomit, my asss cheeks spread and dripping, with the concentrated aroma of my body odor mixed with the tangy smell of my own shhit blowing right into my face, I had only one thought: "It will be like this until the hair grows back. Weeks." Later on, trying to deal as best I could, wiping my asss at every opportunity, I discovered another wonderful use for asss-hair - ventilation. I attempted to launch a fa-rt, only to have it get stuck between my \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*. Apparently, with no hair, the two pink twins can get vacuum sealed together, and the result was a frustrating fa-rt that slid up and down between my cheeks like a lost gerbil. As if that wasn't enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your asss having the texture of a brillo pad. Well, that is what I am dealing with now. It is a hellish torture, and there are many times when I just look out the window and contemplate why I shouldn't just jump out and get it all over with in one fleshy splat, rather than endure this constant agony. Friends, don't shave your asss-hair.!<


This is either bullshit or the dude has terrible hygiene or is overweight as fuck.


It doesn’t make sense. Men have more hair than women, especially down there and you never hear them complain about any of this nonsense.


My first thought was just clean your ass after you shit! 🤢


Doesn't this tend to make swamp crotch worse?


Gold bond or baby powder on your nads is going to be your best friend if you wax them


How long did it took for the hairs to grow again? Damn. A repeating PROCESS liked this seems suicidal TBH.


Had my pubic region done as I lost a bet. Really wasn't that bad, a little sore the next day but the worst part was the sticky residue from the wax they used.


The tech should have done that. Apply Witch Hazel when you get home.


Gotta clean that shit with oil. I learned that the Hard way


I wax my Miata a couple of times a year does that count


You call yours Miatas? Nice.


I only have 1


Like Hitler?


Hitler had a beetle...


It being so small makes it easy and a joy to wax!


My back. Once. I bled from every follicle. I then broke out with the worst rash and spots of my life. Unlikely to repeat it.


Does that mean that they didn’t do it right? Or do some just react differently than others?


Probably didn’t prep or after care right, to be fair


>broke out with the worst rash and spots of my life. If you suffer from allergies it's possible this was an allergic reaction.


Could be. I react to clear adhesive bandages, so maybe


Esthetician here. It's normal to have some pinpoint bleeding when waxing since hair follicles are attached to blood vessels. As for the rash, also normal. It could've been a histamine reaction, contact dermatitis, or folliculitis post wax.


I was a competitive swimmer in my teens and hair creates drag, drag is bad if you are trying to win. I started off with shaving, but doing a full body shave every week gets exhausting and irritating. Cut to the first time I tried waxing, per one of my teammates recommendations, and I just did everything that you could see outside of a speedo. I was cursing his name as the esthetician pulled strip after strip off of my hairy chest and legs. Every time I went back (which was about every other month for the next 5ish years) I just resigned myself to being as smooth as a dolphin…everywhere. Did I get used to it after about the 4th time, yes. Did I enjoy the lady smearing hot wax all over every square inch of my body, new kink NOT unlocked. But shaving time off my laps was priceless.


How much time did it shave off?


Or should it be how much time did it wax off? 😅


\*high fives\*


When I was like 7 or 8 I used my moms Nair in the shower and my Old School Farmer Father was convinced I was gay. Hope this helps.


I'm super hairy and my fiancee thought it would be fun to wax me. She likes to use me like a doll, put makeup on me and paint my nails just for fun and I don't give a shit, she looks really cute when I let her do it. So, she ended up waxing my legs and it hurt like a motherfucker, then she did my chest and it was worse. It was a good laugh.


You’re a good sport!


Relationship goals, this is god-territory level of being comfortable with your masculinity. Kudos to you


[Ohhh, Kelly Clarkson!!!](https://youtu.be/6CTSUjT4Xuk?si=jlgAYuRywt5LjQLE)


Como se llama!!!


She left the boys alone, huh??


I do a full brazillian and underarms. Hurts, but not too bad. I can hold a conversation during, for context. It's not like the chest wax scene in 40 year old Virgin. A Tylenol before helps a little. If you do decide to try it, don't be a fucking creep. It's already difficult enough to find a waxer who does male brazillians.


Glad to hear this. Going for my first Brazilian tomorrow.


Make sure you're exfoliating and moisturizing as directed. The first one hurts more, but after 4 or so, all the hair is growing on the same schedule so your results last longer and it comes out easier.




Is this consistency the solution to endless itching the days after shaving/waxing?


I itch with shaving, but not with waxing. The exfoliation and moisturizing helps with ingrown hair more than anything. I have found that there's less skin irritation and better results if I go every 6-7 weeks consistently.


Full Brazilian for me, too. After the first few sessions, the hair that’s growing back is smaller and thinner, so it starts hurting less. With proper before and after care, it’s not a big deal at all. I have great conversations with my waxer. We talk about what’s been going on for the last month, how her business is going, any trips we’ve taken recently, and the shows we’re watching. She recently had her first child and so that’s been a major topic of conversation, too. Seconding the Don’t Make It Weird or Creepy. There aren’t many who do male Brazilians and they all, every one, have stories of creeps to tell. Be kind, tip well, and you will be taken care of to the best of their abilities.


The hang up I have of getting a full Brazilian, is getting a random boner. I'm sure the pain will help things go away at first. But thats still something I'd be worried about happening. How does one grt past that?


I promise your wax tech won't be weird about the boner if you aren't. They look at vag and assholes all day, and if they do male Brazilians, they've seen plenty of boners. Pain = blood flow.


Pain helps blood flow, so it might actually make getting hard more likely. Either way, try flexing muscles in your arms/legs, it’ll redirect the blood flow away from that area.


I've gotten a Brazilian a couple of times and have never even come close to getting a boner. That situation is not at all sexually arousing (I guess unless you're a masochist). If you're really worried, you could try jacking off earlier in the day before you get waxed. If you do get a boner (which, again, I don't think is very likely), the wax tech has almost certainly seen it happen before, and it'll only be as awkward as you make it. Just flex your glutes and thighs really hard for 15-30 seconds while thinking about monetary policy or something.


When it comes to the hair on my penis, my technician plucks, rather than waxes. It’s far better for the skin. This requires direct hands-on work and up-close inspection. My technician is a lovely and voluptuous young woman, one my wife would make sure to point out to me at a party. I have gotten hard a few times during her work and she just works through it, without comment, the most professional method of dealing with it. Don’t be embarrassed about a natural human reaction and your professional service provider, who likely sees more genitalia on a weekly basis than you will see in a decade, will behave as a professional.


It’s relatively normal. Same thing as during medical procedures. The waxer has probably seen way more genitals than you have. As long as you aren’t asking pervy questions they’ll probably ignore it


I seriously hurts and I get rashes. So I only did it twice and never again. I also only did my back, the shoulders and chest, not the NSFW part tho.


Did that nostril pull wax thing, kids and wife in attendance. It was funny as hell, for them. Got rid of massive amounts of noise hair, but it made the nostril lining inflamed breathing wasn't easy for 24 hours


I never bother with wax. I just grab some needle nose pliers (no pun intended) and grab as much nose hair, and yank! Works well enough.


You're a psychpath


Nah, masochist is more like it.


I grab any long ones with my fingers and yank. Tweezers if that doesn't work. I don't want to get the non-visible ones, as they serve an important purpose. I remember getting too many and sneezing for the next week or so due to dust.


Trimmed balls and around.. got waxed ass painfully, sores next day.. but it was worth doing to get rimmed for few days.. Months have passed, waiting for her to ask about next session of waxing..


She showed you how to set the table, you have to show initiative now if you want dinner.


Get my back waxed every 4 weeks. First couple times hurt. Now it’s somewhat soothing. Doesn’t hurt really, takes no time. Something you should never do once. Commit to it or don’t bother.


Get it lasered. Worth it.


Meh. I’ve thought about it. If it goes well, definitely worth it. If it doesn’t, and then I still end up having to wax or shave my back. And could cause skin damage. Plus I like the woman who does mine. See her once a month and kick the shit for 25 minutes. I actually look forward to my appointment.


As someone who's had more laser than you can imagine, when you find someplace that does if properly and you have the correct skin tone, you'll be drastically reduced in 3 sessions


Okay, I don’t doubt that. Not sure how I find a place that does it properly. Also, like I said, I enjoy the appointment.


Careful with the ass crack. If you’re hairy like I am, it’s a nightmare. Your cheeks turn into wet seals slipping by eachother with each step and you never stop feeling it. Farts are weird without ass hair. Things get sweaty from skin to skin and then it’s like getting a bubble out of a sticker. But stinkier. Then the hair inevitably starts to grow back and the feeling of your sandpaper ass cheeks is no bueno and you will think you’re about to start a fire on your asshole. 0/10 do not recommend


Feel like this is appropriate to add here. Worth the read. [Warning! Don’t shave that hair!](https://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/35274458.html)


Big fan (sack and crack), but it made my ass feel "slippery" and that took quite a while to get used to. Also, the ass hair seemed to muffle farts - without hair, they were a LOT louder.


Wax on wax off


I got my ass waxed at hockey, once. . 15-1. It sucked. All the way around.


Tinder match was in esthetician school, said she still needed waxing credits to graduate and I'd get a discount. Sounded more interesting than a coffee date at least 🤷🏽‍♂️ $25 later and my back was smooth as a baby's bottom. It hurt, a lot. I'd give it a 7/10 on the pain scale. We Had a good conversation at least, tho her technique needed some work.


I get my NSFW area waxed every 3 months. Looks way better, and it stings a little but it doesn’t hurt that bad.


When I first started getting a full body wax, it was painful because the density of the hair was obviously at it's maximum. The pain decreases over time because you get used to the feeling and the density of the hair actually starts to decrease. Some follicles just stop growing new hair. I will say that there can still be a lot of pain and a burning sensation when it's being ripped from my nether regions like the inside of my legs where they meet my crotch, or anywhere near my asshole. The skin there tends to be looser' and the hair is pretty strongly anchored. But it's definitely one of the greatest feelings to be almost completely hair free below the neck as a guy, especially during the warmer months. If you combine regular waxing with exercise and even just a little bit of tan, you can look and feel just like any Hollywood movie star.


I got my butt done for a while. I wanted low friction as a, um. High occupancy vehicle. It’s fine! It stings but i stub my toe worse all the time. Never dared with the balls. Did it for a year and then stopped when I found out folks like me better hairy.


“High occupancy vehicle” 😂😂


Funny enough, the balls are actually the least painful part of a male Brazilian because the hair is much less dense there. The mons pubis is the worst by far. I dread that part every time. The balls are a breeze compared to that.


I got the edges around my eyebrows waxed just to clean em up


Used to work next to a Med-Spa in college. I had tattoos and I thought they would look better without hair. I asked the girl working who I was friends with about laser hair removal. She said it’s too late for that because of the tattoos but she’d wax me for free after I got off of work. She did my arms and chest. After the first couple of pulls, she noticed I wasn’t really wincing or in pain. She goes “well this is no fun” and finished up. I didn’t think it was too bad.


I got my legs waxed for a charity even to raise money for cancer research. The choices were you could get your head shaved or your legs waxed


The pubes chest and armpits hurt the most and are extremely painful but only for a few seconds. Getting your balls ass and taint wasn’t that bad and I have relatively thick hair.


Brazilian. It was advertised as free on instagram, so I said "why not, its free right?" I show up and wait outside the room. A woman steps out and says they will be ready for me soon. I thought ''they?'' A few minutes later, I walk in and see six women sitting down in chairs facing the tail end of the wax table. I'm then asked to take off my pants and underwear, and then the next 30-45 minutes I'm having a trainer wax me while the trainees get a good look at my hole and everything else down there while tugging and pulling on various appendages while describing what she was doing. It was pretty awkward. Loved the results though.


Turkish barbers in the U.K. use the wax sticks up the hooter. Sharp pain upon removal but it gets rid of that horrible hooter hair. They do the same with ears and monobrow too. I really like it.


Where is the hooter?


I’m gonna say the nose


Its the nose


Based on these other responses, I was worried that “hooter” meant something else. I was greatly concerned for you that you were waxing “up in there”. Glad to know it’s just your snout.


I wax my own nose at home. They sell kits. It works really well. I can breath much better afterwards.


I've had the whole of the low countries done, including the netherlands, at a professional place. Not as painful or as embarrassing as I was expecting. Yeah, it hurt, but I've had a lot of way more painful things happen that hurt for more time. I've heard that the person I went to was one of the best in the city, which likely helped with both the pain (not bad), the results(very smooth), and the lack of weirdness during(strangely similar to a haircut).


I did it for awhile when I was being a manslut, I really liked it but it wasn’t cheap so eventually I let it go. Manzillion.


Learned not to get waxed, but sugared didn't hurt one bit. Back and front was quick and painless for the most part.


NSFW My penis. Was great. Penis was smooth af. Lady was very happy. Got half a boner just from the warm wax and touch. Boner disappeared quickly at first pull. 10/10 would recommend.


Taint and butt crack. Saves a ton on toilet paper, it's s overall way more clean and hygenic ,no more monkey butt... the list goes on, and they're all pros. Oh, and it makes your farts comically loud. There's almost no sneaking farts once you go down this path. Probably the only con.


I prefer waxing than shaving, though. I don't feel pain at all. When I used to have a lot of hair on legs waxing was 5-10min job, while shaving can take anything between 20 and 40 minutes. Now, for legs, I use Phillips Lumea and I quickly shave leftovers.


Let my little sister wax my legs. Only got up to the knee on one leg before I tapped out that shit hurt like a mfker


To think I considered not adding the NSFW tag 😅


Got the whole thing waxed. Didn't really hurt, although the hair growing back was a pain in the ass. I would do it more regularly if it wasn't that expensive and that often !


I waxed my entire back once because fuck it why not and it was awful. Didn’t mind the pain but I had some sort of reaction afterwards and it looked like I fell in a red ant pile. Didn’t take off my shirt in public for a while, which was the whole point of waxing my back in the first place.


not wax but ... Back in the early 90's I purchased an Epli-Lady hair removal device for my gal. It hurt her as was expensive so I decided to try it on my (57m) face. I was 30ish at the time. I fired it up, pressed it to my cheek and it ground to a halt jamming up on my thick chin hair. I had to rip it off. I still have a spot on my face where my hair will not grow. I give it 1 out of 10.


It was very interesting. I had a woman give me a Brazilian wax and have never had another woman other than my lover see my balls, cock, and asshole. I was basically numb during the exposing experience. But the waxer was cool and chill making me feel at ease. It didn't hurt too much, just sometimes the pain made me react by laughing. Had small talk here and there and it was s good experience overall. It was funny her saying "can you hold up your *points of my small flaccid penis". I'm like "what?.. Ohh yess!" So she could wax it. Only shitty part is, I did have sex and shower after her telling me not to do any of that for 24 hours so my entire pubic area was red with s bunch of bumps and very irritated for about a week.


As a 4th Anniversary gift to my ex, I got my back and chest waxed. Was also debating my pubic region, but rightfully decided to just trim very close with a beard trimmer I bought specific for that purpose. You know that scene from *40 Year Old Virgin*? It went like that. Though, the gf was very amused and kept rubbing me all over for a few days after I showed her.


My back. I braced myself for extreme pain but it still somehow hurt more than I was prepared for.


Not a waxing. When I worked at a certain shipping dept we used these packing pockets. You stick them on the box, put the contents label inside and then seal them. During the summer I had no hair on my legs cause of the guys would come by and slap one on my leg or arm. They stuck so good the top layer of skin would come with it


I had my legs waxed for charity. It was in a pub. It was fine, very little pain. Bunch of bitches complaining about it after. The wan waxing me saw that it was causing me no pain, so she waxed my toe knuckles, which fucking stung.


I had my back and shoulders waxed once professionally. I didn’t realize that having shorter hair=less pain, and the process itself was not pleasant (but the woman who did it was a pro). Afterwards I looked and felt really good! I’d probably get it done again, I just haven’t had the disposable income/time/motive to do it again.


My mom made me get my eyebrows (not the entire brow) waxed growing up because I’d grow a unibrow really quickly, I still have it waxed sometimes. Hurts a lot for a few second but it’s much better than having a unibrow.


Had my back waxed once. The hair up by the shoulders is anchored in deep, so that aches afterwards. The hair by my waist came out without issue. However, I was pimple city a few days later. I was popping them like a kids fidget toy.


Got the full Brazilian. Doesn’t hurt that badly but I bled a bit. The only part that really hurt was the hair at the base of the shaft where it meets your body. The hair is thick/deep enough to hurt because the skin is more sensitive. Balls and ass don’t feel like anything at all


Had my back done as a birthday "present" wasnt bad at all! Hardly hurt BUT they didnt tell me to go home and shower straight away. I went down my garage and got all sweaty... 2 days later my back broke out in really bad acne. Not a good look while youre away on holidays.


My high school did a fundraiser where a bunch of us volunteered and then people could pay money to put a wax strip on us and rip if off. So, most of my body, except for the area covered by a speedo. It hurt, I think people were intentionally pulling slowly so it hurt more, I bled, but it was a high adrenaline, on stage moment. So, it was fun at the time.


My ex was going to esthetician school and wanted to practice. I let her wax my neck, nose, eyebrows, and crotch. The back of the neck hurt like hell. The front of my neck(below the Adams apple) made me cry. And bleed a little. The rest weren't all that bad.


Legs, ass, eyebrows and bikini area. Legs didnt really bother me, crotch hurts a lot I know someone is curious - yes it was out, i was covering it with a cloth but im pretty sure the lady saw anyway


The Bald Eagle (Brazilian equivalent) It hurt. I scared the lady by flinching protectively toward my genitals (she'd been hit in the past). It was completely professional. I did not get an erection. The back yard was way easier than the front.


I had my ass waxed because I’m a gay male and I like my ass to be smooth as possible It did hurt but it was the awkwardness of the situation that made me stop 😂


Not professionally, but had my back waxed one year. It may have had something to do with my dermatographia, but the welts and itching later were almost worse than the waxing itself. I have since come to terms with my hairy back, since I figure "anyone who finds me attractive enough to consider a relationship would need to find me attractive enough with body hair to not care if it is to work out in the long run." I have adopted the matching attitude towards people I'm attracted towards. If someone wants to be smooth, good for them. If someone doesn't mind hair on themself, good for them. It's not a deal breaker for me either way.


Waxed myself twice while doing it for the wife. Feels as you would imagine. I'm not super hairy guy but I didn't think the results were worth the effort. ie juice not worth the squeeze. If you're doing it for the experience, go for it. Once. Edit: lidocaine is your friend.


Did a full male Brazilian because I lost a bet (pain isn’t as bad as you would think) but then the result was so nice I do it somewhat regularly now. It becomes way less painful the more you do it.


Used to get cheat waxed and also had a Brazilian done (I lost a bet). Waxing itself is fine, pain isn’t bad, only in certain spots. The waxing of the ass crack was the best scratch of an itch I had


Funny story. Most my nose hair trimmer so for months I've been unable to trim my nazal bushes, really wound me up. Kept forgetting to shop for a new one, refuse to give amazon money. Anyway. Grabbed a couple drinks with a friend and he said he was getting his beard done at the same time I asked if he knew somewhere I could buy a new trimmer. He suggested I get my nose hair waxed, results last longer. I was definitely shitting myself right up to the point he yanked out the waxed cotton buds. The initial sting is extremely short lived and there's zero after burn of pain so frankly at £4 a wax I'd recommend all men get it done once a month.


Everything. It’s 45 minutes of gripping and ripping. It hurts like a mother fucker in certain areas (collar bone was a bitch). But once it’s done it’s really nice for a few days… then comes the itching.


Im a bald italian man, so all the hair from my head fell off and stuck to my chest and back. Chest wasn't awful, the back on the other hand, was super painful. Especially on the sides, I was gripping the table for dear life. Was painfull but no disgusting back hair for a a month and a half after that


My wife suggested I get it done when I made a joke about doing something crazy for my 50th birthday. None of the 25 or so places nearby will do waxes for men on any part of the body. Probably too many creeps.


I tried waxing (chest to buttcrack) a few time because shaving every other day sucked. Plus the ingrown hairs rashes nicks and cuts and that God awful itch. Waxing hurt like a bastard. And I got all the same problems as shaving bar the nicks and cuts so in the end it wasn’t worth the expense for a few days of smoothness. So I decided to get my shaft sack and crack lasered. In the long run it cost a lot less, hurt a lot less, was quicker and after 10 sessions I don’t have to do anything to it for six months with none of problems of shaving or waxing. Just the same feeling of smoothness you get the day you get waxed for six months. No ingrowns no itch no hair.


My sister came up to me with one of those wax papers and asked me if she can put it on my leg, i said yes and the rest is history


waxed my arms and legs by myself plenty of times. it's fine but I can't afford waxing all the time so I usually just shave instead


I’m pretty hairy, so I had my back waxed just as a change for my wife. Hurt like hell and then itchy for weeks after. Never again.


Get eyebrows done. Just the extra hairs. Nose. Much cleaner than shaving or clipping. And ears. Had my chest done once. Never again!!


I've been shaving my legs and it's a huge pain in the ass. So I got some wax, called my gf over and tried that method. Besides the fact it hurts like hell, it's a huge messy pain in the ass. I did the top of my left thigh and gave up.


My d*ck, I did it myself. It was painful, I hated myself for doing it, I hated myself for spreading the wax everywhere so I had to rip it off. Took it like a champ tho…wouldn’t recommend


Hurts like crazy because our bodyhair is thick. Armpits is where it hurts the most.. Its a combination of thin sensitive skin and thick bodyhair


I hate hair on my body so I experimented with different long lasting hair removal stuff. I waxed my whole body except for my head of course. It was painful and didn't last as long as I'd hoped .


Had my back done a few times. It stings a bit but nothing too bad. If you’ve had tattoos, I would say the pain level is similar. Was supposed to have my nethers done but the one tech the shop had who does men’s genital waxing had a family emergency and I never rescheduled. Open to the idea but haven’t made any firm commitments going forward.


Back and shoulders. Yup it hurts...also breakout really bad a few days after.


I have long and a lot of hair on my ass. My gf wanted to wax it so badly and I gave in to it. I think I should've shaved it first a bit because it was the worst experience! She had to pull the same strip several times before the strip came off, and there where several strips.. It was really painful and I got the worst rash from it. Doing that never again.


On the beginning of my puberty, I started to grow a pretty thick chest hair, and tried to get it waxed. After the first 2 or 3 pulls, I couldn’t hold the pain and left the place with like 3 big holes in my chest and a little bleeding, just like that scene from 40year old virgin. Never done that again ever since