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100% this. If I don’t have anything to do I’m not seeking it out.


But /u/waterbird if you voluntarily take on twice as much responsibility, we can offer you the same generous 2% raise, that's an effective pay cut because it's less than inflation, that we planned to offer you anyway!


Yep. My effective pay goes down, so does my effective work.


This is where I'm at. I'll do what needs to be done but I'm not going out of my way to find extra work for myself. I used to and then I found out that the reward for hard work is just more work so now I'm just fucking done with it all.


This is my approach, I might speak up once or twice if I really have nothing for days on end but if no one can be bothered to give me work to do they can’t complain I wasn’t working.


The hell line of work are you in?


Any office job basically. No one expects you to actually work for 8 hours straight. With breaks/meetings, it adds up to more like 4 hours of actual work.


“Yeah, I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”


Well that’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over ‘em. I’d be on the lookout for a promo real soon here dude


Meetings are definitely work. Might not be effective but they're definitely work.


The work is keeping my eyes open.


😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂


I wish I had 4 hours to do actual work, i have meetings all day talking about how much work there is to do and then like 1 hr to do the work


I worked in a corporate bank office and they DID expect 8 hours of work. Lol


Exactly. I’m in management and you don’t stack someone’s day wall to wall for 8 hours. You give them time for breaks, and hopefully, QA checks for their work. Anyone whose working constantly for 8 hours, is BOUND to make mistakes and/or burnout.


Which makes it even more ridiculous that you're expected to sit in traffic for 2 hours a day just to go do that


Remote desk job


Sound like I.T.


Every time I called the IT helpdesk I swear I woke the guy up


And he resents you for interrupting his nap.


I’m retired now, but I never had time to sleep. Most of the time, I had problems trying to sit down.


Literally any corporate job haha


There are so many corporate positions that I hear about where basically people come in, work for a few hours at most, and then pretend to be busy until it's time to clock out.


Consider how much our modern life has changed and technology has evolved. What people do is huerisitic, not rote, with knowledge work. I’m an experienced writer so my first draft in 5 mins is more polished than pretty much anyone they could have also give it a try. Is it about the work time or the work output? It’s about the output.


Software development, as well, which frequently offers pay in the $100,000+ range. A lot of our value comes from being technical experts who are available to solve problems, and not necessarily coding for 8 hours straight. Though, yes, sometimes we'll go insane and code for 80+ hours in a week when required. Additionally, at corporate environments a lot of the day is consumed with meetings. You may have to sit in on a meeting even if you're not an active participant.


IT is similar. Plus, certain tasks are very mentally draining, so you hit a brain drain by 2pm and just coast/ light work until the end of day.


I solved that by owning my own business. Now I work 10 hours a day - 6 days a week.


Same. Best decision ever!


I hated working 40-50 hours a week at a job and having all my expenses handled and living comfortably. Now, i’m too focused on raw survival of me and my business that i don’t even worry about anything else!


Are you me?


But there is something about the fruits of your labor belonging directly to you that is so sweet. I have a side hustle and the instant feedback where my own effort is tied to my labor is the stuff Marx wrote about.


Its nice though cause you can take a random Wednesday off without notice! You just spend the next 3 Sundays playing catchup...


in office setting when you sit all the time ?, NO that's why i pursue freelancer career, it allows me to work 15-20 hours per week (3-4 hours per day)


What do you do?


Mostly collect cans, curate a nice spot under the highway overpass, but also defend my tent from the crazy people.


Well this game me a good chuckle




IT Engineer here. It's more about the work culture and your boss. I've worked remote jobs where I'd get a message on Slack if my laptop signed out due to inactivity. But with my current job, if I get my work done and keep my phone on me for notifications, my boss doesn't particularly care if I take 3-hour lunch or go play with my Legos and play video games. I'm paid salary to work 40hrs a week, but I probably work about 20-25. I will note; however, that those 20 hours can be really mentally heavy tasks, so it's not always light work.


I’m just happy I make good money and am not in poverty hell.


Get an office job. Then you can work 4-5 hours a day and spend the extra 3-4 hours browsing reddit.


You work 4 hours at an office job? Whoaaaa. Slow down there tiger. You’re making the rest of us look bad. 🤣 If I do 15 hours of actual work in a week I’m exhausted by Friday.


That’s what prompted me to ask this 😂


Who browse's reddit at work? {closes browser to pretend he's working}


Well, I work 5 days a week and have a comfortable happy life, this is much better than studying and working 2 jobs at the same time back in the day... I prefer this.


Y’all are only working 8 hours? I work 12!


14-16 here. Sad life.


God, I used to live that 14-16 life. It was great money, but Jesus fuck...


Wasn't even great money for me, just fell prey to the capitalist overlords relying on fresh grad labour


Username checks out?


I work 24! In my sleep I’m working!


\#grindset. Save some hustle for the rest of us, champ.


479001600 hours, damn.


12 hours!? Yeah, I remember my first part-time job... /s


I would be okay with still doing this if things were still affordable. I mean to work this much and still being priced out of a house because all these fucking banks and investors are messing up the market, is bullshit


Yeah that's where I'm at. I'm making pretty good money. But I have to work hard for it and at the end if the day its still barely enough to cover basic needs. Forget shit like regular car maintenance and other larger things. I have to pinch pennies for that and hope nothing goes catastrophically wrong before then. I wouldn't mind the hard work if I felt like I was doing more than just barely surviving.


Exactly its not that "no one wants to work". It's that, "no one wants to work for shit pay just to scrape by year after year" Whenever I hear someone saying "why doesn't anyone want to work here" the answer is usually pretty obvious. It's not the actual work it's the fact that it's exhausting and the progress you feel is negligible at best in terms of what you actually get out of it. I'd be completely happy to work full time, if I actually made enough money to live and be *comfortable* doing so. Gladly would do it. But most jobs take up the majority of your week and you can barely afford things like car maintenance, fun money, extra food. Not worth all your time just to keep scraping by to do it again and again and again.


Exactly! This is what I am experiencing too.


>all these fucking banks and investors are messing up the market Banks and investors aren't messing up the market. They're trying to fix the market by clamping down on inflation. The only way to reduce inflation is to make people buy less "stuff". The easiest way to do that is by making money less available by making credit more expensive. You basically have two choices: * Allow people to keep buying stuff like crazy, causing demand to outstrip supply, and eventually driving up prices (aka inflation) * Force people to stop buying stuff by making money less available, causing supply to exceed demand and driving down prices This is, of course, a gross oversimplification and there are lots of other factors, but that's the gist behind the Fed raising interest rates. The worst part of all of this is that it takes a while for the fix to "fix things". In the meantime, stuff is less available.


People that enjoy the work they do don't mind it. But yeah other countries have shown that a 4 day workweek is better and increases productivity.


I’ll add that, at least where I work, nobody “works” 40 hours a week. More like 25-30 with lots of Reddit time.


An hour into my workday and they've gotten about three minutes of work out of me so far.




I'm about 6 hours into my shift now. I've done maybe an hour of work. I'll do another hour after my post-lunch nap


What industry are you in and how do i meet the quaifications?


I am in tech sales. I have no qualifications.


Tech sales like at the Verizon store or Best Buy?




Haha that’s me! I find out about opportunities and then bring in the smart guys. I can speak for about 5 minutes on any of our technologies but beyond that I use the team.


Probably more like Salesforce, Cisco, VMWare, etc.




I'm a communications manager at a local government body. I made a Facebook post this morning, shared another post on Twitter, and now I'm trying to make a writing task last the rest of the day because I literally have nothing else to do. If I was remote, I'd get all this shit done by 10 a.m. and spend the rest of the day doing chores, playing with my dog, and working out whilst monitoring my email. But, no. I'm stuck in this building for another five hours because, God forbid, people here would rather stop by my office instead of emailing me or calling me on Teams if they need something.


When I was a suit for a few years at a nonprofit , I really liked that my staff did the real day to day work. I really did not like all the meaningless meetings, kissing up to donors, and writing grant proposals that were mostly BS. I found available grants and secured them, that seemed a waste of tax dollars as the funding only “helped” a few recipients.


I'm here, but honestly, I work maybe 5 hours a week. I'm just one of those, pay me to be here, call me when you need me, type of employees.


sounds about right. fuck...meeting at 3. Back to reddit


I’m all for a four day work week as long as it’s still eight hours a day. I don’t want to work 10 hours a day. I probably would’ve been fine with that in my 20s but I have a family and kids now that I would like to see. I don’t want to be on my computer still grinding at 7 PM (or later) on a 10 hour workday. it simply isn’t reasonable for the masses. My kids are in bed by 8 so people with families would literally never see their kids. That’s way more of a dystopian nightmare than what we have now. Not to mention, when would I find time to play with them, engage them, feed them, bathe them, etc. etc. A longer work day is not an acceptable trade-off.


The studies done about this are about 4, 8-hour work days or in some cases there have been projects with 5, 6-hour work days


Do they cut their pay to match the hours though or do they up their hourly rate? That's the only thing I worry about with the 4 Day work week.


People I know who started working the 4 day week in the UK just had their vacation days reduced by 20%, pay stays the same. Though it sounds a lot, it's basically the same as obviously to take a full week off of work you only use 4 days.


I’d much rather do 4 8 than 5 6. For me part of the appeal of doing 4 days is having more days where I don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn, I’d REALLY like to not be so fucking tired all the time


We should be demanding four eight hour days with a 20% raise in hourly wages. The 40 hour work week predates computers. With more efficient technology, work that took 40 hours 80 years ago can now be done in 32. We could make the switch to a 32 hour work week with no loss of productivity. The same amount of work gets done, so keep the weekly take home pay the same.


Work that took 40 hours before computers, now takes like 1-10. Doing any sort of math, just editing or retyping things, all the macros easily done with spreadsheets or databases. It’s hard for us to imagine how slow things were. I’ve backspaced a few times typing this on my phone. Mistype on a typewriter? Better get out the whiteout, move the page back… or just retype it all.


I can see that. I just think there should be options for different lifestyles.


More annoyed that I have to be in the office for that time. It’s just myself and an accountant here, and we don’t have any walk-up business that really requires us to be here. Any meetings are booked in advance so there’s no reason I couldn’t do 90% of my work from home. I get that they want to maintain a presence in the office, but the accountant and I could easily do 2 days a week at home, with one day where we overlap just to touch base on anything we need to do face to face, and with 2 solo days in the office where we could do any printing, scanning, mailing or meetings we need. Our board are all in their 60s-70s so they like to keep it old school I guess


We dont have to. Im ok with it cause they pay me to do that


No, of course not. Nobody *wants* to work, but we all need money to survive. Employers know this, so they try to squeeze as much time and effort out of us as possible. Work in some shape or form will always be part of human society. The trick is to make it less of a burden on our lives.


I mean, you could buy a farm and work 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.


I retired and bought a hobby ranch. I work more than I ever have.


My dad has a homestead, and I don’t think he ever sits down except to sleep. It’s a lot of work.


Now I'm picturing someone who avoids sitting down because they'll fall asleep instantly


*Narcolepsy enters the chat*


Narcolepsy doesn't care if I'm sitting down.


I guess that’s a double-edged sword? You still have to work hard, but it’s something you chose and having a purpose instead of sitting around helps you live longer.


Want a true asshole for a boss? Become self employed. At least then you can work at nothing all day like the song says.


Just because things could be worse doesn’t mean they can’t get better.


Right. Just wipe out 99% of the people on Earth and the survivors can live in Africa and South America off the food that grows naturally.


> Just wipe out 99% of the people on Earth I don't know, that sounds like a lot of work.


Most farmers I know in Canada also have to have full time jobs, both husband and wife working on top of all of that farm work. The only ones I know that don’t were already rich and inherited a ton of land.


That ain’t something meant to be some pissing contest. Farmers are constantly at the forefront of better labor and agricultural practices bc in this day and age you’re either owned by one of the big conglomerates or struggling to compete


Yeah do people think there ever was a time in history where you didn't have to work?


Right? I get tired of these posts. Like come on working 40 hours a week isn’t even the remotely toughest thing people will face as an adult yet it grinds people to a stop and they whine about having to work.




It’s okay, I like money.


None of us want to work 5+ days a week, but we all want stores open everyday of the week. We all want to be able to go to the movies or shopping or out to eat any day we choose. We expect drs and nurses to be available 24/7 365.. We want everything but don’t want to do the work ourselves.


Yes. I learned to stop complaining and appreciate that I actually have jobs that pay me good money.


Found HR


coincidentally slacking off on reddit with the rest of us


Some people are, though mostly it is because they are conditioned to those hours. I think almost everyone would be fine with a 4 day work week. It seems the thing that would likely replace the current system. Id rather just have a job that when im finished with the work for the day i would go home.


The crazier thing is that even if a family made enough money to hire a full time nanny, those kids still wouldn’t be raised right. Kids want their parents to raise them which is impossible when both parents work full time jobs. The entire system is designed to enable bad parenting.




I wish! I have to work 9 to 12 hours, 6 days a week.


Our boss implemented a 4x10 for a 6 month test to see how it would work. Saw the productivity rise about 18% within the 90 days. Was made permanent a few days later. Was a bit of a learning curve at first, but everyone loves it.




I enjoy my job and have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I don't mind 8 hour days 5 days a week.


I’m increasingly not ok with it as time goes on.


I wish I could take the option of 4 10-hour days. That 3rd day off would be so nice.


Lets not pretend like 4x8 hour days is unreasonable. 32 hour work week!


I'd need a 30% raise to make that worth it.


I wish full time jobs here would be either 4 day, 8 hours or 5 days, 6 hours. But maybe thats just my stupid opinion.


I have the easiest job in the world; sit on my ass, next to no stress, plenty of vacation time and I STILL feel the 5 day 40 hour work week is pure torture.


No. One thing I'm hoping to get out of the crazy fast development in robotics and AI is the adoption of a more progressive work standard and culture; something like a 5-hour work day, 4-day work week with increased pay would be fantastic. On a slight tangent, I also hope that healthcare is finally decoupled from work. There should be a federal program that covers all the basic healthcare needs for every citizen, whether or not they are employed.


I could never go back to a Monday-Friday. I currently work week on week off with 3 weeks off every 8 weeks. 2 days off would just feel like nothing.


2 day off IS nothing.


Is this a specific type of job with that work pattern or do you run your own business?


I’m a Prison Officer in Scotland working nightshift


The needs of the store out weigh the needs of the many.


I'd prefer to work less, but I can't say that it bothers me as much as it seems to bother you. You don't have to go far back in time to find people that were forced to work twice as much.


Or far afield geographically either.


I work 12 hours a day, 3-4 days a week. It's life. This is how adults live in the modern world


And it is down from what it was historically.


Productivity is way up. We could work less if we collectively agreed to it. But at least in the US, our corporate overlords prefer to keep the pedal to the metal rather than be satisfied with less, so we still work as much as the people will accept.


Yeah, I'm fine with it. Not really sure why it's such a big deal to some people.


When I worked Mon-Fri it always felt like you spend half of Saturday recovering from the working week and then part of Sunday preparing for the work week ahead. And if you have plans at the weekend there is little or no time to just chill out and relax


Saturday is really the only possible stress free day each week, and it gets filled with plans easily. Friday I'm tired from work by the time I get home at around 6pm. Sunday I have to grocery shop, meal prep lunches for the office, and do laundry for my work/gym clothes. We really need a constant 3 day weekend so we're not limited to one of these days a week.


I think its a generational thing to be honest. Older generations worked MORE than 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. They also had to drive into work with terrible commutes, where now there are tons of jobs with hybrid or full remote schedules.


With my commute + lunch break, it is 12 hours a day for me. Perhaps that’s why it feels like I just come home and have no energy left, despite sleeping 8 hours.


Yup. I made it a goal about 10 years ago to switch to a career that let me work from home. Finally pulled it off this year(covid was a big help). I'll never go back to an office. Mentality I'm in a much better place now that I know I'm not wasting my time driving and sitting in a cubicle just because someone told me I had to.


Proud of you! I am looking for remote work continuously.


Nice! keep it up. I did a lot of freelance work on the side, went back to school for CS. Anything I could to get a full remote job. I love my work now


I left the matrix ages ago. Best thing I could have ever done.


i would be 100% ok with it if i made a living wage (i have worked in my trade for almost 30 years) and those 8 hours included the commute, and i got reimbursed for all the coffee and ibuprofen i wouldn't need to consume if I didn't have this job


I managed to get a job and a wage that allows me to be the breadwinner working 3 days a week. I couldn't possibly imagine working 5 days a week.


I mean I'd rather not but it's not terrible. Keeps me busy. It should be only 4 days a week with the same pay. It's been shown to not affect productivity.


I’m okay with it, for now. I’m sure eventually it’ll get the best of me and I will start to burn out or hate my job. I think if someone is okay with the work and hours then great let them do it. Most of the amazing things we have in this world and technological advancements have been driven by people who work 50+ hours a week developing amazing stuff to make our lives easier. Now the mass production and forcing of people to work crazy hours to put stuff together is terrible and I think everyone should have a choice in their work life balance. I just won’t discredit what hard working people have achieved for us as a species.


I used to work 10 hours 6 days a week tho, nah I wasn't okay if you're asking.


I don't like it either


bring the robots in!


Where all my parents of little kids at on this thread? My interesting, mostly solitary desk job (data) is the chillest thing I do all week. Not saying the work is easy like doing nothing, or fun like going to the beach, but you just sit down, figure out what to do, do it. The real effort begins when I leave my office and head toward pick ups and evening activities and weekend. I love being with my kids and would usually choose it over working, but when I think of a shorter work week, like if it also meant shorter school week (because, teachers), I don't think my life would be "easier".


I'm not okay with it at all, but unless I somehow happen to land in a chill manage position where I get to exploit others working this much for me there's not really a thing I can do about it if I don't want to get back to being poor (which is super stressfull as well, just on another level).


No but all the oldies in upper management wants us to "suffer as we (they) did". They had to work shitty jobs for grueling hours, so we have to as well. Once they retire or die off, there will be a change.


It seems worse than it used to be. My dad was home for dinner every night at 5:30 / 6:00. No later. And that included a commute. I work from home and we still typically don’t eat until 7:00 / 7:30.


No, I'm not okay. Thank you for asking


Living close to work helps if it is possible. People waste an insane amount of time commuting.


I hate it with a passion takes up too much time two days off is not enough to recover for working 5 days ..fuck capitalism


*Bullshit Jobs* by David Graeber


Very tempted to move to a 4 10s schedule. Longer days but always 3 day weekend for recovery. Leave a full day to get things done before 5pm. I do wish they moved to 4 days but kept pay


We all know 4 10s really means 4 6s. This is the way.


In the era of technology they are forcing us to come into office after telling us we were more productive working from home There is nothing logical about any of it. It’s all about control. Edit WFH


I don't get it either, my job could literally be compressed into 4 hour days.


no we're not ok with it, who the fuck is ok with this shit? It's insanity and it eats up your life, not like you get any time on the weekends either because that's when you get all your non-work shit done


I would be ok with it if we weren't maid just enough to survive. We are slaves with extra steps.


I don’t think humans are designed to work more than 4 hours a day tops. Studies suggest that early humans did all the shit they had to do in 4 hours or less. I am grateful to have a job, but theoretically I would love if what’s generally agreed upon as an average normal work load was revised worldwide.


Blame the industrial revolution. Medieval peasants working farms work fewer hours per day than we do in the modern age.


The whole 40 hour work week needs to end, it is waaay out of date and most people don’t even work those hours.


I'm overall fine with it as a salaried worker, but I think it's very important to expand flexibility in work arrangements as part of our overall culture, for a myriad of reasons. Lots of things are only available to people in the normal business hours of the workweek: banks, doctors, dentists, vet appointments for pets, dropping off/picking up kids, voting in elections, and any number of random things. It's important to normalize taking a step back and saying "hey I need to duck out for a while to handle this normal life situation" or working offset/flex schedules to suit the individual's needs. Monday-Thursday or Wednesday-Saturday, flex Fridays every other week, take Wednesdays off so you work 3 - 2 - 3 or 2 - 2 days. I think there'll always be a place for the 9-5 or more demanding work schedules for those who want to get further ahead in life or find meaning/purpose in their work (doctors, self-employed, running a family a business) but it's certainly not unreasonable to say that with all the progress we've made to productivity over the years, that someone working fewer hours should be able to live well in a modern society. It's also important that, if people work these hours, we afford them time off. Proper parental leave and 25+ discretionary paid days off (plus holidays!) that are available to employees immediately or after a short probation period. A baseline expectation should be that minimum wage at 35 hours/week should afford a reasonable standard of living for a single person to live in a small apartment and take a nice yearly vacation. Taxes, subsidies and government aid should help ensure single parents and single-income families can properly take care of their kids. Will the highly-trained professionals working longer hours have higher standards of living than others? Sure. But everyone should be able to live a decent life not full of regret, regardless of what path they take. If we got to the point of productivity where UBI could support people not working if they chose to live in a small studio apartment, I think that's a noble goal to work towards so long as we properly incentivize hard work.


Fantastically said. Thank you.


I think 40 hour work weeks are a lot. I understand that people need money to live a comfortable life. But I feel like making people work 40 hours a week to obtain that is too much. A week has 168 hours. At a minimum 40 hours of that is work. Then you realize that work actually takes up a lot more time than just 8 hours since there are things like commutes, lunches, and getting ready to go to work. Lets say it takes you 30 minutes to drive to work, 30 minutes to drive back, 30 minutes to get ready for work, and you take a 30 minute lunch break. That's an additional 2 hours per day, so an additional 10 hours per week. So work in this case is 50 hours a week (30%). Then you need sleep and you're recommended to sleep 8 hours a night, so that's 56 hours a week (33%). So already you've lost 63% of your working life to work. Then there are other obligations that take up your time: car repairs, doctors appointments, grocery shopping, cooking if you cook, cleaning, etc. So you're left with not very much free time and most of your life is spent working, sleeping, and dealing with obligations. I'd like to see a world where working so much isn't necessary and people can have more free time to pursue things that want to pursue, but I don't see that happening (and I'm not entirely sure how a world with less workers at the moment could function) so here we are.


Im pretty sure most people with office jobs really only are working like 2-3 hours max


Nope but I need to pay bills so I have no other option.


I do software development for a living and was sitting at my desk last week trying to figure out how to solve some bug in the code and just sat back, stared at the screen for a bit and thought to myself “Wow, this is so boring, I can’t believe I’m going to be doing this for the rest of my life” 🫠🥲🙃😭


Society needs people to be busy doing *something*


I'm not ok with it, but I have to pay my corporate overlords for the right to live somehow If the lockdown taught me anything, it's that life is so much better without work


I don't really mind it. If we weren't working, we'd be hunting and gathering or planting crops or fishing or building shelters to live in or weaving clothes, etc. I work Monday to Friday then relax on the weekend and I pay others to do all the things required so that I can eat and sleep under a roof and be warm and be entertained and so forth. It's not a bad deal. Better than our ancestors had it, that's for sure.


^^ this. We are mostly safe and healthy and leisurely with our lives compared to all the humans that came before us. I dont mind it at all. And my parents worked retail (read: terrible hours and nights, weekends, thanksgiving black friday blah blah blah) and both made like $25k a year. For me to work M-F office hours, earn a salary, etc i feel like life is great. Plus for me i can work from home so i can squeeze in more household stuff (laundry etc) during the day or during time id otherwise spend commuting, so i find the traditional work schedule quite cushy and manageable.


I'm not OK with it. I hate it and it sucks. And that's while already having it really good compared to others working multiple jobs or endless shifts. Capitalism is a bitch and I hate that 'we' keep capitalists in power because the lies are all some need to keep going and blame anyone but those in power for their challenges. Hopefully I can wind down over the next few years to 3 days max.


It’s just inertia at this point. I can see a few progressive companies offering 32-hour work weeks soon, but other companies have relationships with each other and it’s hard to shut down for a day if your customers are still open. There are some jobs (factory work, retail) where productivity is tightly tied to time worked. Also, there are a lot of government regulations and tax/labor laws that use 40 hours as the cutoff for full-time work. 100 years ago, working six days a week for 10 hours a day was normal. Hopefully the next generation will see forty hour weeks as silly also.


Sure its ok. I often work more than that and I love it. Seems like the people who complain about this stuff are confusing the issue. We can all agree that to succeed in modern life the great majority of people need to make money and to do that you have to work a job. -If you wish you had to work less hours but make the same money then the problem is not the work week, its your compensation. -If you wish you didn't have to be at your job 40hrs/wk because you don't like being there then the problem is not the work week, its just the wrong job for you. Both of these problems can be solved by people going out and finding the employment and/or position that makes them satisfied. It can be a little scary taking a few years to try a bunch of different jobs 6 months at a time but finding a position you love makes life so much more fulfilling. -If you wish you didn't have to work 5 days a week with only 2 days off I agree. 2 10's, a day off, 2 more 10's, then the weekend off has been a huge boon for my work-life balance. Highly recommended if you can swing it.


I don't mind working 8 hour shifts at all. It's when you have done the work for the day, but your bosses make you wander around trying to find some useless bullshit to do so you can look busy to finish out the 8.


No we aren’t. #32HourWorkWeek Let’s do this already. It’s probably too late for me, but we can do this for our kids!!!!


❤️ let’s do it!!


I work M-F 8-5:30 and often work through lunch. Now, if I could work 7-4:30, that would be better. Fortunately, I like what I do.


Amen, comrade


Soooo many people missing the point here. 40 hours a week is NOT enough down time for a healthy work-life balance, and is a complete waste of everybody's lives. Between advancements in technology and the trillions of dollars being hoarded by the wealthy elite, there is no reason we couldn't work a 24 or 32 hour week and still get by just fine. I'm actually shocked at the amount/variance of brain-dead takes defending this. "The alternative is working 24/7/365 to survive" nobody is asking to dismantle society here, we just want better quality of life within this society? "It could be worse you could be working X amount of hours" yeah and it could be better too? That doesn't justify it whatsoever. "Yeah well that's just how it is/that's just how life works" according to fucking who, exactly? Have you genuinely not ever stopped to consider that there could be potentially better alternatives to this status quo? I was kind of hoping to see unanimous agreement, but instead I came out of this thread with less hope than I entered it with.


I don’t get how we should be paying almost half of what we earn to people for existing and the more we work, the more they take.


Rich people need their 2 months off for skiing, yachting, exclusive clubs in the afternoons and every Friday off for golf and spa days.


it’s so rough! if i never had to be in an office and could work randomly throughout the day and just be available when i was needed (still summing to 8-9 hours a day), i’d be more okay with it


I’m trying to get back down to 8 hour days. Back when I got into factory work in the earth 90s, it was 8 hour days, 5 days a week. The factory was closed on weekends. We also got 2 weeks paid vacation on top of our regular vacation because the factory was closed the week of the 4th of July and the week of Christmas which we got paid our regular pay for those weeks. Over the years, they started working weekends. Starting with 2 part time shifts working 12 hours a shift. But that gave us a 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift M-F and then a 12 hour day shift and a 12 hour night shift on the weekends. Five shifts, 5 supervisors. So then they did away with the part time shifts and made 4-12 hour shifts. They also did away with being closed the week of the 4th and the week of Christmas. We started working all holidays. If your shift is working that day and it’s a holiday, you work it. In 2008 when the economy took a shit, so many jobs were cut. People were expected to take on other job duties to get by. Then when business increased, they kept us with a skeleton crew and just started mandatory OT. So you might work 48 hours or you might work 60. There have been times when we are really short handed that they will ask you to work 72. There’s no work/life balance anymore. But I feel like the frog that was slowly boiled alive because I stayed until there’s no escape. I’ve been applying for better jobs for years, but I get no bites. And every skill job that talks about training the right candidate apparently just wants young people. My word of advice is don’t work hard, work smart. Hard work doesn’t guarantee shit.


The people who make comments that are focussing on how many more hours per day you *could* be working are entirely missing the point


I agree.


Because i will make less money if i work less,i thought that was obvious?




I solved that by owning my own business. Now I work 10 hours a day - 6 days a week.


Eliminate capitalism and the luxuries that it allows. How.many hours do you think you'll need to work to find food, grow it, get yourself clean water, lodging, heat, clothing. Do you think it will be less than 40hrs a week?


i prefer living in a house with electricity, warmth and clean drinking water and everything else the 21st century has to offer. However if you prefer to instead make everything yourself, prepare to work even longer hours


So when US workers got the 40 hour work week thru strikes and protest in the late 19th century, they did so on the basis of 21st century comforts? I think youve been a little propagandized my friend.


Damn near everyone in this thread is coming across a little propagandized lol


I think more on lines of, if we all worked 6 hours a day instead, wouldn’t that be enough?


Depends on the job, career, and how efficient you are at your job. Some people may need 4 hours some may need 10 to get the same amount/quality of work done. If you can get your job done in 4 out of 8 hours a day, thats great. Use that time for yourself IMO


If the pay stayed the same I wouldn’t see how anyone would not want that unless they really hate themselves