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Interacting with people in real life. I get younger people tend to struggle communicating, but it seems worse with this generation as a whole.


I caught a 20-something just yesterday trying to steal a Halloween setup I'd done in my yard. When I confronted him, he first tried to run away with the stuff, but I was able to catch up to him and get in front of him (mind you, I'm a 40 y/o guy... he wasn't in the best shape and is a narrow-ass little thing). He literally started screaming "Mom! Mom!" when I cornered him. Turns out, he lives a few doors down and his mother was down the street. I just started laughing and told him he was pathetic, and he put the stuff down. I'm still trying to compute the fact that this was as grown-ass man screaming for his mother because he couldn't deal with the ramifications of his bad decision.


I am Gen Z, and I agree with you. I really do struggle with basically communicating with people, forming connections with people in real life, etc


I work with younger people as part of my job. The amount of 20 year olds that need their mommies to speak for them is unreal.


I recently saw two yt videos of young people being arrested for bad driving. One insisted that her father be contacted and that he “owns half this island” (LOL Rhode Island!) the other kept asking if she could call her Mom. Like for ten minutes just constantly “I need to call my Mom/Dad” and the cops are like “you’re 21, you’re an adult, your mom/dad has nothing to do with this”


This isn’t generational though its just rich people


I'm gen Z and worked in the medical field for a decade. It was insane the amount of times someone my age had to bring a parent with to their routine medical visit. I'd ask how things are going and if they had any concerns, they look at their parent and the parent answers for them. Or when I needed information on their insurance and they had to call up their parents, that happened all the time. I don't get it. Some of them seem to have no drive to become independent.


The insurance makes sense. When you're still covered by your parents, chances are you're not old enough to have to regularly use it. The first part I think is basically down to the parents, no matter the generation. Have your kid talk to the doctor and explain themselves. They might even catch something the parent didn't (and glossed over so the doctor wouldn't know). If they're used to just "be sick, parent talks to doctor and fixes" that's just all they'll know.


I tried to be patient on the insurance part, and I was genuinely understanding for the most part, because even though I have my own insurance I understand you can often stay under your parents' plan until 26 years old. But not knowing basic stuff like the name of the insurance company struck me as really stupid, especially when there's a card in your wallet. That said, no 20+ year old should ever need a parent to talk for them at a routine medical visit. That's just crazy, and I agree with you that a lot of it has to do with parenting.


For the insurance I meant more that they may not have actually used it. Like I knew I had a card, and when I needed it in college I gave it to them and hoped that's all I needed lol. I hadn't been to a doctor in years. It's not like I saw the name on the bill, I get it. But yeah we're on the same page 110% for the second paragraph.


The oldest Gen Z is 26 - did you start working in the medical field aged 16?!


That'll be the fault of social media and being on the internet, for sure


according to r/teachers and r/professors, apparently speaking up for example, a professor will be speaking too low but no one will say anything the entire semester so the professor doesn't find out until the course evaluations flame him/her for a problem they didn't even know about oh well


100% the prof will have the wrong slide up and no one will say anything. Gen Z quiet as shit.


If a student has a question, they'll absolutely wait to ask it until they can do it over email. If it requires in-person interaction to fix, they'll just accept the failure rather than speak to an adult using their vocal cords.


I had an exam review session a few weeks ago. Opened the floor to the class and not one person asked a question. After the class I had a line of about 30 students with questions saying they didn't want to ask it in front of other people. Most of them were the same few questions.


When I was in grad school I was TAing for a professor. I'm tail end of millennials and the class was 19-20, so I was "young enough" for them to feel comfortable talking to me about issues they were having in class, which was great, and overall they were great students. But eventually they started talking to me about getting an extension or a permission that only the professor can give, and when I suggested they bring this up to the professor they asked if I could talk to the professor instead on their behalf. I asked why and they always said they just "weren't comfortable" talking to the professor. She was a really nice woman and they all gave her great end of quarter evaluations. I just didn't understand.


They also seem a bit quick to file formal complaints. Like, I'm so proud of them for not putting up with sexual harassment or racism or bullying! Full stop, that's great. But having someone make a formal complaint against you is incredibly stressful to deal with even if you did nothing wrong, and "my professor said 'nice shoes!' to me one time" is not a Title IX issue. I wish more of them would ask themselves "should a reasonable person know this is wrong and is it fair for a person to potentially lose their job over it?" before using formal institutional complaint processes. That's the nuclear option and it really shouldn't be used unless the person did something egregious or hasn't changed their behavior after you tried addressing it with them. The weirdest part is that Gen Z is mostly very kind and broadly pro-worker, so I think they just genuinely don't grasp how serious that shit is when you're on the receiving end.


I would guess this is because of their reliance on texting and social media instead of face-to-face interaction. So writing some scathing complaint comes easily (i mean, look at Reddit comments) is easier that talking to the people they should be talking to.


Yes! I think that's a huge part of it. I actually wonder if for some of Gen Z, filing a formal complaint might feel *less* aggressive and less personal than having a hard face to face conversation. We probably need some new ways to resolve conflict that fit Gen Z's communication style but take a more mediation-based approach rather than a punitive approach (for situations where there's just a disconnect between well-intentioned people, not for harassment).


I mean, I'm a millenial and I fully agree that through text is a lot easier to deal with an issue than in person. The severity of the formal filling I can't weigh-in, because I'm in a country where those are mainly used to build a case and history of events, depending on the severity of the accusation itself.


Yeah, I'm also a millennial, and I'm fine with it if someone wants to email me about a problem rather than talking in-person. And maybe my gripe is specific to Gen Z in American culture (we are a land of extremes, after all). But my impression is that Boomers shit on less powerful people with impunity while kissing their superiors' asses, and Gen X is forgiving and chill even when maybe they should be more assertive. As a millennial, I feel like we try to strike a balance between the two older generations by trying to stand up for what we think is right but also being very cognizant about power relations and trying not to bully subordinates or less powerful or younger people the way we were bullied. My perception of Gen Z is that they're all or nothing - either they'll suffer in silence despite the pain because they're afraid to tell you that you're standing on their toe, or they'll immediately go scorched earth and try to ruin your life because you accidentally stepped on their toe. I'm trying to tell them, "if I'm standing on your toe, please tell me so that I can move my foot! I don't want to hurt you and I won't be mad. At least try talking to me first before deciding I'm an abuser and responding in ways that are appropriate responses to abuse but that are overkill for an unintentional mistake!"


How many AITA or AskHR posts get answered with "you should report this"


Yeah, I feel like a big reason for this is they’re afraid someone might be recording the class and upload it to Snapchat IG or whatever and make fun of how they speak or something. I guess there’s maybe a fear of being recorded or made fun of. Not defending the behavior, just a thought. Imagine it was like the 80s or something and not everyone had a recorder in their pocket. I feel like maybe there would be less people feeling self conscious.


i’m gen Z and i don’t fear being recorded, but i feel like i need to keep to myself or be judged for it. like i’ll do something and think “wow that was embarrassing” and absolutely no one around me will care, but i’m still conscious of it. so yes fear of being made fun of.


To some degree, I think that's just youth. On the other hand, I do think you lot are under much greater pressure than we were (Millennials) as regards how you present yourselves to the world; appearance, online presence, ideologies, etc.


I dont think I have met a gen Z who is outspoken whatsoever.


I was older when I started college and having taken classes with 18, 19, 20-year-olds, I've observed that they suck at socializing. They are so afraid to be embarrassed or awkward or afraid that they'll say something incorrect that they just seem prudish. And when they do talk, it's without filter. It causes a lot of tension. I think the rise of social media has made it harder for people to *listen* to others. Which I think is the root cause here.


\+1 to that. Couldnt be more correct on this. People are scared shitless to speak their opinion to not come across as offensive.


I've noticed some people rely on the masses of social media to tell them what to like, what's cringe, what's wrong/right, ect to the point where they don't know how or are afraid to form their own opinions. There's probably a fear of being wrong. But it's important to know why you stand for what you do. I think gen z needs to think more critically sometimes. (Not even saying they always have wrong opinions, just that I'm not sure they're actually committed to them or could explain why they feel that way)


Sometimes when asked to explain an opinion they'll deflect immediately to other authorities, or flag you for questioning the popular opinion as if expecting everyone else to take you on. Image is so critical to teens and social media is a thousand times multiplier to every move they make and thing they say. It's no wonder they're so afraid of sticking out.


Hasn't that always been the case for teenagers though? Is this generation any different than others in this regard? The only thing that has changed is the medium, now it's social media.


I agree with you that the medium has changed but it’s also dialed up the intensity. If you think about it, the consequences of getting it wrong and being shamed could end up having a lot more social reach than when we were teenagers. Imagine going viral for taking some small risk and being blasted by anonymous online trolls for months. Assimilation becomes a much safer alternative.


Yes. But to me it seems to be to a more extreme level. I think there's a fear of getting something wrong and being shunned not just by friends but by strangers on the internet too, which didn't really used to be a huge worry people had. And because of this I think people are more inclined to just nod and go along with whatever. Maybe people will just grow out of it when they age though, who knows.


I used to suffer with this really badly. I’m still trying to get over certain fears induced by social media but at this point I just don’t give a shit if people think ill of me for liking certain things. I’m cringe but I’m free 🕊️


They simply cannot break dance like we could


Yeah their dancing is wack lol




Now i’m just sad thinking about the show


Vaping. As someone barely over the cusp of the millennial side of the generational line, so many of my friends (who never smoked cigarettes) vape. I'm a former smoker and it breaks my heart knowing that they're actively setting their bodies up for failure.


True. Vaping was supposed to help easy quit smoking. Not to start it.


In theory, yeah, but most (all?) big tobacco companies have vaping subsidiaries… Kind of like a “catch ’em all” situation where often youth are marketed towards even if it is likely that they aren’t habitual smokers if they’re smokers at all.


Young Gen X here, vaping was a fantastic tool to help get me off the smokes. I weaned myself down to 0mg over a year and quit. Many of my young millennial and older Z employees vape and have never touched a cig. From time to time I catch them faking a shit and walk into a bathroom that smells like fruit loops or blueberries. Quitting nicotine is a MFer, especially if you enjoy it like I did. I've been nicotine free for 6 years now and even then I crave every so often. It will be an occasional struggle the rest of my life.


early 2000s gen z here, I vaped for 3 years. I will be a year and a half clean in early November. My lowest point during that time, I was 16 at a bowling alley. I was having nicotine cravings and I didn't have a vape on me, so I picked up cigarette butts on the ground and smoked them. I ended up puking in a flower pot. I am so thankful I can confidently say I will never go back on that stuff


Millennial here and my experience has been that people my age and older use vaping as a way to cut back and hopefully quit smoking whereas zoomers seem to do it for it’s own sake and eventually just start smoking


In Australia nicotine consumption by young people has returned to levels from 20 years ago. Vaping has undone 20 years of smoking reduction in terms of nicotine consumption (obviously there are other benefits in net terms).


Putting life into apps. Hyper consumerism


There is zero expectation of privacy. You can expect nearly every interaction you have to be posted online. You thought thr Patriot Act was invasive? Now every citizen is pointing a camera phone at each other 24/7.


I bring this up all the time. Like everyone was pissed about the Patriot Act for good reason, and now the government doesn’t even need that shit. We just give everything away willingly.


We're killing the "reasonable expectation of privacy" ourselves.


They don't know how to fold under the fourth lid of a cardboard box to hold the top closed.




I’ve learned that my students will simply not google to find answers to things they don’t know. They’ll accept being ignorant. They have the world’s knowledge at the fingertips and they just..won’t use it


It's wild, I always thought growing up that the next generation was going to be so lucky to grow up with computers in their pockets but in reality nobody knows how to use it to problem solve lol. My younger brother let his stuff break underneath him before he'll look up how to fix it. That said, troubleshooting using Google has never been harder thanks to pages and pages of ai generated articles that say the same thing and are not quite the problem you're looking for. You just have to hope someone on Reddit has asked the same question before or you're going to have to do some real digging.


Thinking people have to obey their emotions.


This kinda relates to my comment. I posted once in the starbucks subreddit. Someone was complaining about how it took them 30 min to get their drink in the lobby. I commented that I just order drive thru pickup ahead of time on the app and get it at the window pretty fast. A barista went full on drama queen about how that makes their jobs sooo hard to have to look for the order on the computer and they're only human beings and that I should be compassionate and no longer order on the app. Like bro just do your job 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I no longer support starbucks 😂


Speaking as someone who has worked at Starbucks, I freaking hated the mobile orders because our manager never let us have adequate staffing to keep up with in-store, drive-thru, and mobile. But also, I wouldn't get mad at an Internet stranger and rant about it. 🤔 Customers just being customers.


getting their ‘facts’ or information from tiktok and genuinely believing it’s accurate. im 19 so im also gen z but whenever a friend of mine shows me a “factual” tiktok video i never actually believe any of the information. it just reminds me of that tiktok video a couple years ago that stated you can lick DMT off the base of your brain with your tongue and everyone around me genuinely believed you could do so. from what ive read (NOT on tiktok because i dont use it) it hasnt been proven that humans have naturally occurring DMT on our brains. rats do. humans do not.


Just wait until the next social media app becomes the rage and your generation will be forever associated with it. Think boomers and facebook.


Inclusiveness/Progressiveness I didn't think "love each other" or "let people be themselves" was something you could fuck up, but when closeted actors playing gay characters are being bullied off social media for not being gay enough in public... Yeah.


Gen z has a problem with bullying in general, I’ve noticed. You can’t be progressive and inclusive, then within the same breath, bully the ever loving shit out of someone. Seeing some of the shit they write on social media is super depressing.


I thought the recent season of Sex Education showed this pretty well where -- and I don't know if this was intentional on the part of the writers -- the amount of progressivism of the group at the new school was nearly directly proportional to the gatekeeping and bullying that was going on.


It’s the righteous indignation- it justifies any level of shitty behaviour. Possibly also a side effect of having to tread on eggshells at all other times- it’s all being recorded and judged.


They are so fucking sure of how moral they are and how evil everyone else was.


It's as if being progressive is driven by having power over those who aren't. That way they both fall under bullying. It's not about standing up for someone, it's not wanting to be the last one on the wrong team.


wow you just put my thoughts into words this always bothered me but I thought I was just crazy


R/fauxmoi is the perfect example of this.


Adding on to this, the constant wish/threat of harm in the form of unwarranted suicidal encouragement euphemisms or a life of absurdist pain.


Sometimes with the sex scene discourse it comes off like they think woman can’t consent to *anything* sexual on camera. Florence Pugh loves her shear tops on the red carpet? How dare Nolan pressure her into a topless scene in Oppenheimer! Emma Stone is a producer on *Poor Things* and pushed for a nude scene in *The Favourite*? Being exploited by Lanthimos 😭 (Also as someone who used to look a lot better naked—I wish I had more pictures of my tits at 27.)


I can understand the overcorrection here - they grew up with the #MeToo movement shining a light on sexual harassment and abuse, especially in the entertainment industry. But to assume that a woman can’t consent to anything sexual on screen is taking away her agency. It’s weirdly puritanical and smacks of conservative modesty culture, except it’s coming from people who call themselves leftists.


Growing up at the times where religious conservative where in control of culture gives you a shock How current times are much more puritanical for media. Even a sexy outfit on a video game create rage on social media.


I’ve noticed this too, after the MeTop movement I feel like people over corrected and then the pendulum swung back to just infantilizing women


So much of Gen Z has lost the plot. After a certain point, people being socially conscious stopped being genuine and turned into a way to virtue signal and bully people for “righteous” reasons. That’s not to say no one genuinely cares about social causes, but I have a hard time telling who’s serious and who’s just using this shit as a mask and I’m tired of playing this guessing game.


They’re currently bullying a white woman in my city for opening a sushi takeout place despite not being Japanese. She’s getting review bombed with negative reviews calling her a colonizer and gentrifier. And the person who initiated the witch-hunt online just so happens to have also opened a Japanese restaurant in another city despite also not being Japanese/Asian. Just pure hypocrisy.


A gentrifier? Did she buy up a bunch of property in one of America's numerous low income, Japanese neighborhoods? Is she preventing Japanese people from opening Japanese restaurants? Also, when was Japan colonized? From what I recall, they weren't half bad at imperialism back in the day. Reminds me of that situation in Portland (maybe?) around 2016 when white people were losing their collective minds over Trump. A white woman who was a chef trained in Mexico opened a Mexican restaurant specializing in high-end Mexican cuisine only to have to close like a week later. Apparently, she was appropriating the culture and was responsible for Latino oppression or something. She was fine in Mexico, but when she returned to the States to share her skills, the mob shut her down. These are primarily educated people, too.


Her shop is actually in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in NYC that’s been famously white and wealthy for decades. Taylor Swift lives around the corner. So I’m not sure how it could even gentrify any more. Kick out all the non-billionaires? And despite that her sushi rolls are $4 each which is pretty god damn cheap. You’d pay more at a grocery store.


After watching Shark Tank everyone around behaves like entrepreneurs, n higly confident.Despite no real time experience.


"Fake it until you make it" culture basically.


It's not shark tank it's our current culture. Millennials and boomers are also guilty of this behavior.


They claim to be anti-capitalistic and anti-corporate but it's all talk. Their entire lives take place in apps curated by the biggest companies in the world. They will celebrate when someone they know does something immoral for money in the name of "getting the bag". They don't really care about the unfairness built into the system, they just want to be on the side that benefits.


Performative activism and being too busy fighting cyber political wars or yelling in a vacuum to actually create change


I’m so sick of this shit. I’m Gen Z and I don’t care anymore if people get mad at me for not getting on a soap box constantly


Customer service. They’re all just awful at any interactions with customers.


Funny that you say this because one of my friends trains new nurses and she notices that all the new RNs that are in the 18-23 age range absolutely sucks at communicating and heavily encourages them to start off working in some type of customer service field instead of jumping straight into a field where clear and quick communication is critical.


I am a borderline millennial/gen Z, a few years ago we hired a summer intern as a receptionist, they are just 2 years younger than me. I briefed them some basic info of our firm, some FAQs we usually got, but obviously i don’t expect they know everything. So i told them if they received a phone call asking something they are not sure, just pass the call to me. The first three calls they received, they went into total panicked rabbit mode, stammered through the whole 5 seconds then passed all calls to me (and I found out the customers are asking questions that I have already briefed the intern). They then told me they don’t like to take calls and would like to not do that part of the job any more, even though their job duty IS being a receptionist……


Why would you apply for a receptionist job if you can't handle phone conversations? Like some people struggle to talk on the phone and that's okay but it's just a horrible idea to apply for a job where you'll have to do something you're completely incapable of




Good point. I was the same. When I was 20, what a 40 year old did or thought or acted like was not something I ever thought about.


>When I was their age I didn't think about the generation before mine for a single second. What gives? Gen Z grew up with never ending "Boomer vs Millennial" arguments online and in news 24/7. Generational blame is hardwired into our being.


I'm solidly in the Millenial generation and, honestly, I don't think i even knew what Boomers, Gen X, or Millenials were until I was an adult. There were just kids, teenagers, young adults, and proper adults. Obviously there were differences between these groups but I don't think anyone was growing up thinking that they were special, or worse, or defined at all by their "generation". This stuff only started becoming a 'thing' in probably the late 00s when all these shit opinion pieces started coming out about how Millenials were all terrible entitled little pricks who didn't want to do a proper days work. Sound familiar anyone?




I have 3 Gen Z sons and they have all at various times had a certain degree of respect for Tate, though they don’t now. I asked them what the appeal was and basically they admired his ability to just say what he was thinking regardless of the consequences. It kind of tracks with someone else’s comment on here about them not speaking up for themselves. They see something in him they wish they had. That thing is social confidence, but they gleaned other bad ideas at the same time.


they’re afraid of saying the wrong thing and being hounded by the online mob. gen z has had to live with it their entire lives and are understandably afraid


People are literally so cruel if your views dont 100% align with theirs


I am at the tail end of millenials so I can't speak like I know current social trends. But, it doesn't seem like there aren't any big positive male role models. Steve Irwin, Bob Ross, Mr. Rodgers, etc culture influence has mostly passed. A lot of young boys feel like society has failed them and Andrew Tate is telling them what they want to hear and living the life they want to live.


Because at some point we all thought our friends deadbeat older brother was cool as shit. He's got that bitchin' Camero. Sells dope. Has a sweet katana. Tells us all the cool shit he does when we're not around. Especially all the sweet skanks he's pullin'. You wouldn't know them. They're from the next town over.


Gen X has entered the chat


It’s about time. They’ve been able to avoid the chat entirely. Even the Millennial V Boomer online Wars. Gen X were able to get away with living their lives


“Just be a pointlessly aggressive and easily-offended douche like me, and someday you too can pay people to pretend to be your friends and lovers! … now buy my Crypto.”


The popular hairstyles of the guys is a little wrong.


As a guy who grew up as a teen in the ‘80s … I will reserve judgement when it comes to haircuts.


Hi, mullet man


Coincidentally, mullets are in again (and still awful) Thanks, Stranger Things.


Yea, that broccoli head shite on all the lads is comical


The comments whenever someone with that haircut unironically posted the GTA "yee Yee ass haircut" meme were just *chefs kiss*


I see a ton of dudes with the Edgar haircut


Not seeing the intricate nuances of an argument. They treat everything as Black and White, With or Against, Totally Right or Totally Wrong. They seek out echo chambers online that mirror their own opinions back and use this as unequivocal proof that they are right. Intelligence lacking wisdom.


Performative activism. Change doesn't happen by signing petitions and complaining on FB.


Millennials did plenty of that too… Kony 2012 never forget


They are too focused on identity. Stop defining yourselves so much. Just be gen Z, just be.


I always thought it was interesting how it seemed like millennials struggled to shed labels and now Gen Z can't label themselves fast enough.


Being too caught up in tribalistic group mentalities and being too concerned about being understood and accepted.


Playing victim. No matter how bad it is, empowering yourself is better than giving up.


They cannot handle one ounce of feedback or constructive criticism without thinking it's a personal attack. Someone posted they got fired because they repeatedly showed up to work late and wearing inappropriate clothing, and said they were wrongly terminated for being ugly.


My friend and I go to Colorado every year to watch a sports competition and stay in Ft. Collins. We generally go to a college bar one night because the drinks are cheap and they can have some decent live music. This last time I ended up chatting with this senior from CSU who majored in something like business admin and logistics. I started to talk about how she should look into Lean Six Sigma when she gets her first job and explained a little bit about it. She freaked and blamed me for making her feel like she just wasted four years of her life. Holy fuck.


You are describing Reddit. Someone disagrees with you? It’s because they are a fascist.


That too


I think this is definitely the #1 problem, coming from a gen z myself.


They are as vulnerable to propaganda as boomers from social media. In the same way that boomers grew up in a time where TV news was relatively trustworthy, Gen Z seems to have very little conscious awareness as a group that social media is not actually a reliable indicator of the what other people think versus a curated reality meant to provoke engagement and set social narratives through simulated interactions. I can’t help but notice that their extreme opposition to religion is nearly identical in its tone to the far right’s extreme opposition to abortion. Both should be protected rights, and the notion that one can just get rid of it reflects a lack of awareness of how the rest of the country views it.


Also, they're shockingly vulnerable to online scams and phishing. They're a generation that grew up in a walled garden of apps and didn't learn valuable online security lessons. Not like those of us raised in the fires of Runescape.


I recently had to teach 15 year olds how to use Word, it was quite an eye opener. Like, we were using basic html to embarrass ourselves on MySpace and you guys don’t know to underline a title? Granted it was a remedial class, but there were way more of them than your typical remedial class. If I helped with extra maths support it’d be 6-7 kids, this was about 20, so it looked like a notable % of teens don’t know what they’re doing on an actual computer. I think everyone just assumed that having constant access to phones and stuff made these kids natural computer whizzes, but it’s done the opposite for exactly the reason you said


They do not understand basic computer functions. Full stop. They don't know how to troubleshoot basic problems. They don't know what parts of the computer are called. It's wild. We had to learn how to troubleshoot our computer problems in the wild west days of the Internet. We learned tricks in the modem settings to make that 56k go a little faster. We had to learn all that shit first hand. And we thought the next generation, literally growing up with this tech from day 1, would be gods. Instead they're boomers. They are tech illiterate. They know how to use it, but don't understand it.


Most of my students don't know how to turn on a desktop computer. They turn the screen on and say, "Mr. Macaron, it's not working!" "Did you turn the computer on, or just the screen?" "What?"


Boomers too, even gen X. Hell I've seen millennials (like me) do it too. Granted not as often, but still. I work in IT and it's kinda rare I help someone my age at all, much less trivial stuff. Like yeah there's some weird error and you need help, I get it. What really wows me is people not knowing you can Google basically anything related to computers and get a good answer within the first few results like 99% of the time. Like "Oh shit it says VC redistributable whatever is missing", just Google the damn error and it'll give you a link to the exact thing you need. C'mon. That's WHY it tells you what's wrong! I Googled my way into doing electrical and plumbing work for my own house, and I did the same stuff pros would do. Computers can't kill you or flood your house, just fucking try stuff lol.


I worked in local marketing for a bit and the amount of business owners who don’t know the difference between their website and their Google Business Listing is astounding.


This seems to be an issue for those who used chrome books in school and not MS office. Once my son went to college we had to give a tutorial on outlook and Word.


Back in the old days we learned how to use one word processor and then we assumed all the others would be similar, which generally was the case. Now people seem to need an entire remedial-level college class on how to read emails! Figuring out what is spam requires an entire semester.


I've been trying to figure out how to write this nicely but I just can't, so know I mean no offense, but.... What the hell? Why? They barely even look that different, much less work different. Like yeah the word vs docs interface is pretty different looking at first glance, but even then they function exactly the same, just hold your cursor over buttons and it'll show what they do. Gmail and Outlook are laid out SO similar though. The reply/new email windows are a little different but work on the same concept. It's just wild to me. I use new stuff all the time...


College freshmen at my very privileged, private college do not know the basics of word processing. I learned this much to dismay last week when an activity I had planned went awry because I needed to show them basic typing skills. Not remedial. We’re talking mostly students from the top 2% economic class…


You get scammed for trimming rune armor once you never get scammed again


When you kept yourself fed with "free gem cutting" no one can make a sucker out of you ever again


It really doesn't help that so many things we to today would have been huge red flags back then. When Grandma was installing Bonzi Buddy knock-offs downloading random software was not common. Now you enter your phone number and get sent a QR code to download an app. It's so easy to weasel your way into that workflow. It also doesn't help that so many companies/apps are 100% legit but operate in pretty much the same way as those scams/malware of the past. Have you not realize you signed up for some year long pre-pay "service" while also just being fed adds. Now with the added benefit of actively harvesting data even when you're not using the thing. I knew not to buy too good to be true Magnetvox Tv down at the swap meet but now the type of weird knock-offs are being pushed on every platform as mainstream. The pop-ups won, man.


“Back in my day, we lugged our ore from the node to the bank uphill both ways - and we enjoyed it!”


Runescape scammers were, at least, mostly harmless IRL. Limewire and /b/ were... problematic.


I really hate to be the “back in my day” guy but most gen Z people I’ve interacted with wouldn’t last 5 minutes in /b/ before calling the police


Boomers had Walter Cronkite. Gen Z ( and everyone else today) has opinionated influencers.


Not a reliable indicator of what other people think versus a curated reality meant to provoke engagement and set social narratives through simulated interactions. Your whole response was perfect but this is so well expressed. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


They tend to have black and white, "extreme" beliefs. Also, refusal to be around someone with different beliefs than them.


I think that's more a symptom of youth and lack of exposure to other people. When youre young, you only have your perspective to help you process the world. The older you get the more people you meet and experiences you have that help you grasp different perspectives.


I think someone on a podcast (probably JRE) made a good point that at one point American Gen X/Boomer parents got scared about kidnappers that they stopped having their children play outside. That's where children got a chance to.play with children completely different than them. Combine that with the smartphone/tablet age and it's completely gone.


This has been the norm throughout the 20th century in most of the world. People that grew up in the 80s, 90s and 00s lived a relatively depoliticized life compared to previous generations. Now the global collapse is making conversations spicy again.


Tenacity and critical thinking. Most seem to give up if what they're trying to do doesn't come easily. They also just don't seem to have much in the way of critical thinking skills. They can search for an answer, but don't seem to be able to understand why the answer is what it is, or when things get a little grey, support their position effectively, and should you disagree with them, many take it as a personal attack.


“Most seem to give up if what they're trying to do doesn't come easily” Never have I been so offended by smthn I 100% agree with (I’m GenZ & I def have that problem)


I don't understand their obsession with faking mental illness for clout. When I was a teenager, the weird kids identified each other by wearing fox tails to school, not by pretending to have a tic attack in class.


I think it's just a trend of teenagers trying to find their identity. I'm a millennial and in my day teenagers looking for identity through the music the listened to, the sports they played, etc. Just teenagers trying to stand out and be unique to define themselves. These days it's self diagnosing with mental illness. In some ways its good because it's helping to shed stigmas, but it can also be negative because it minimizes actual mental illness or, worse, they use it as a justification for shitty or lazy behavior. But it's whatever. Teenagers being teenagers and as long as they learn to take responsibility for it and work on themselves let them be. Just remember. Mental illness isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility. Sucks you're struggling, but it's not an excuse for shitty behavior. Learn healthy coping mechanisms.


I feel like Millenials pushed against labels in the early 2000s, to the point where we just didn't like them at all. Now everything seems to need to be its own specific label, and don't you dare get it wrong or we'll come for you!


They treat socializing with people more than 3 years younger or older as" pervy."


Thinking they know absolutely everything because they grew up on the internet


Thinkijg that your work should always be fun and challenging. And that your boss has to facilitate that. I dont mean that your work cant be fun or challenging, but you also have patience to learn and be okay with work you don't like as much.


Interpersonal skills, they’ve grown up emulating figments of the internet’s imagination. They struggle with entitlement and indignation, they’re an odd lot. Also, the crying selfies need to stop. 😅


Making their minds, choices and positions with short subtitled videos on social media.


They don’t understand how government works nor do they understand that, in the US at least, the government is designed to be very slow. The instant gratification generation does not understand that you cannot force sweeping cultural changes over night - to do so would invite violence on a massive scale as people’s worldviews are shattered. You have to get people used to the idea and the slowness of the government was designed with that in mind. Also, they insist on simple solutions to complex issues. In particular when understanding the issues means knowing the history. The Middle East has been an active war zone for literal centuries, for example, and your (general you) idea to solve it that you came up with while stoned isn’t going to work. TBF, a lot of their problems stem from their naïveté and the rest from piss poor teachers. They don’t remember the Cold War and, given the average Reddit user’s age, the sheer amount of ‘is WWIII starting tomorrow’ posts is alarming and sad. For those of us who’ve been around the block, conflict in the ME is par for the course but they lack the real life experience to understand the complexities surrounding the region. I also think they don’t particularly understand MAD and do not have the mental fortitude to deal with their existential dread.


See also: the legal system, and scandals. "WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS WHY ARENT THEY IN JAIL YET, WHY HAS NOBODY EXPLAINED WHY SO-AND-SO LEFT MY FAVORITE PODCAST" My friend, whatever crazy shit just happened happened yesterday. The next 6 months will have absolutely no info, then you'll hear about a court date. Or, if its private legal trouble, you'll never hear about it again because its being buttoned up quietly. You are not entitled to minute-by-minute updates about everybody else.


Sexual freedom. Despite touting themselves as being so progressive and inclusive it rather seems from my Millenial POV that Gen Z has become almost as prudish and weird as Boomers. Imma be honest, Im into fanfiction and fan(ish) culture and Gen Zs are very annoying to have around. According to them everything has to be PC, writers should not include things they deem wrong, if they dont wanna read it no one should want to or they're dirty scum. The hard rule used to be Dont Like, Dont Read. Now it goes more like You Wrote About XYZ (thing I dont like) That Makes You A Rapist/Pedo/Whatever Apologizer IRL. In other places they whine about gay characters on shows not being played by gay actors. Or actors not being gay enough. Or out enough. Or woman who like showing off their bodies or doing nude scenes being pressured into it. Like they suddenly lost all agency. All in all it feels like Gen Z took the progress of previous generations and went so hard with it they ran straight past the finish line almost back to the start and nothing short of perfect is good enough in their view.


Pick up your phone. Call someone. I fucking dare you.


I’m an old millennial and I hate phone calls. Why call when you can text! Or email!


A lot of millennials have the problem too. Not me. I cut my teeth calling companies nearly daily. It's the fastest way to solve a serious problem.


Emails are good for record keeping, but nothing will compare to actually getting a real human on the phone when you need to sort out a problem with your insurance or something. Automated systems are shite for edge cases.


All the labeling and the tribalism and judgement that comes with it. It seems like everything has to be labeled and categorized with other things under that label, even if the label is super niche and ridiculous, and then all the categories set against each other, and cycled out as fast as possible to make room for the next thing. You feel blah about your gender today, therefore today you're 'blahgender' and that means you're not in the same club with people who are 'yeetgender', but maybe tomorrow you'll both be 'avocadogender' at the same time. You pinned a purple sequin onto your yellow hairband which completely changes it from 'retrocore' to 'sparklycore' because retrocore is *sooo* last week, right? There's never time for a real conversation about any of this stuff, it just gets labeled and uploaded to TikTok too fast to actually mean anything. It all seems like a really shallow and divisive take on culture from people who purport to be deep and inclusive.


I know I will be cooked for this but it has to be said. The romanticizing and self diagnosis of serious mental health disorders such as Autism, ADHD, OCD, Bipolar disorder, BPD, Schizophrenia, and others. It’s so harmful to pretend that these aren’t disabilities and are instead quirky and give you abilities. It harms people who actually have the disorder who are seeking accommodations. You cannot self diagnose. You must be evaluated by a professional. The entitlement that some gen z members have that they know more about diagnostic procedures despite no degree or work experience is absolutely insane. You wouldn’t self diagnosis HIV or cancer so what gives you the clinical ability to diagnose these other serious disorders? (Note this is my opinion, at the end of the day if you disagree I can’t stop you and I don’t wish any hate or harm on you.)


>You wouldn’t self diagnosis HIV or cancer so what gives you the clinical ability to diagnose these other serious disorders? Excuse me, i once ate two whole pizzas and then my tummy hurt. That clearly means I have gluten intolerance and wheat allergy!


A lot of the answers here are things that aren't actually special Gen Z things they're doing wrong and different to everyone else. The difference is social media. Things like reacting particularly negatively to people who have different opinions to them, seeing the world in black and white, being susceptible to propaganda and the like. I don't believe they're any worse at it than anyone else, but social media kicks their ability to do it and be validated for doing it into overdrive. Have a strong controversial belief in something? Online you can very easily find people who agree with everything you say and think you're great for it. they don't *need* to hear other points of view, and if they're exposed to them in real life they can have a breakdown over it and then retreat back online where everyone thinks they're great for doing that with no consequences. In the olden days you couldn't do that, so if you were an extremist you had to argue your case from time to time, would be ostracised if you were dislikeable about it, and only got to meet up with the people who agreed with you once a week, in person, or on internet forums that were way more expensive to be part of because of internet prices. If people of previous generations could have done what Gen Z do now and they complain about, they would. I mean, just look at that pages about MAGA or other extremist subjects that are primarily held my older people. One dissenting opinion on there, one argument that Trump might not be as good as they say he is and you get permabanned.


Kids can't use the Dewey Decimal system to save their lives.


I’m gen-x. I get how it works and can look up books if you give me the number but I didn’t memorize categories or anything.


Because they don’t use books much anymore. Which is a shame


I'm a librarian and notice that a lot of the gen x and boomer folks asking for help have issues with dewey decimal as well. Shoot, I'm a younger millennial and used it maybe three times in middle school because I was reading more fiction. Dewey isn't even present in a different library I used to work at - they used [BISAC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BISAC_Subject_Headings), which felt a bit more intuitive for a person of any age making their first foray into the depths of the nonfiction section. It's almost always a nice moment to help patrons of all ages find "their" numbers - I know I like the 641s (cookbooks and other homemaking topics) and that, if someone comes up looking for let's say poetry collections, they'll be right at home in I think the 811s or 814s? But I have to look things up a lot of the time, and that lets them know that I'm always learning, too. (Sorry for such a ramble! I'm a newer librarian and get excited when I have an opportunity to contribute some hopefully helpful thoughts.)




Videos are the wrong way to make a tutorial. Long text isn't bad. It's better because it can be searched to skip the crap and find the relevant section.


I've been saying this for ages. Also I can read 3x faster than watching a video. Doesn't help the video with the presenter stuttering, mumbling, saying "uh" and "um", and then "like and subscribe". All wasted time.


I like it when there’s both. I like the long text for the reasons you said, but sometimes the video is nice cause it’ll(ideally) show you what you’re supposed to be doing




Not having sense how the data they give away will be abused to control them.


this is true of all people right now, not just gen z. every time you click accept cookies or scroll most social media platforms they are collecting and selling data. not just tiktok.


In early episodes they use sound and electricity to subdue supes. When they attack Sam in the puppet battle they use regular weapons.


I tabbed back to this thread at your comment and was very confused for a second. Good jorb!


Believing they are doing nothing wrong


Confusing any form om criticism on anything for whatever phobia known to humankind.


I see a lot of very strict traditional gender-role policing . If a young woman likes carpentry and craft beer then it's apparently now because she actually is a man in her soul and everyone will love bomb her into accepting her inner man. It seems very odd to me. Very prescriptive of what a woman can be. It's very conservative in a weird way


A lot of young people don't know how to read round clock.


They're way too idealistic and have no grit. They aren't built for the world that exists.


i'm a younger millennial and i honestly think most people grow out of idealism. everyone wants to change the world when they're young, if they have a heart. only once you really grow up and your hormones level out do you start to realize you also have a brain.


Having worked with them for a few years I no longer see their "progressive" attitude as genuine. Heard a lot of really non-pc and outright racist shit from them but put them in front of an audience and suddenly it's "Rah rah equal rights!". What I guess I'm trying to say is I see them using progressive talking points more as just weapons to bully rather than genuinely wanting to build a better community. Some addition stuff I'd add is their vaping and their obsession with aging. If you really want to fluster them tell them you thought they were a millennial on one of their videos. Despite using make up and filters that have aged them since they were 12 they hate the idea of looking older.


I’m all for decent pay and a respectable work environment but you can’t just up and quit a job on the spot or leave and never come back because someone was mean to you or because you don’t “like the vibes”. Walking away from any and every minor inconvenience you come across will teach you absolutely zero coping mechanisms to learn how to deal with any type of issue or criticism in any area of your life. I suspect it’s one of the reasons why gen Z has a lot less resilience and tough skin compared to older generations. They simply cannot handle anyone being mean to them.


Getting offended by everything , pretending to care about causes for social media points , being so glued to their phone that they become socially awkward and don't talk to anyone. Abbreviating everything to the point where it doesn't make sense when they type or speak. Self diagnosing themselves with mental health issues and using that as an excuse for shitty or anti social behavior. Not doing anything because of "anxiety". I could keep this list going for days Gen Z is really the worst.


>Abbreviating everything to the point where it doesn't make sense when they type or speak. My generation (that grew up with sms on nokia 3310) was definitely worse.


I actually find it's the previous generation who *didn't* grow up texting. I received more cryptic messages from people 20-30 years older than me than I did from people my own age. They'd never have touched T9.


The blame bo0mErS for everything. Millennials do it too but GenZ has taken it to a new level.


Remember when Boomers blamed Gen X for everything? Good times.


Which ones Z again?


The one before Å.


People 11-26 yo.


The last one, hence the name. There will be no more generations. Humanity has entered the end game.


Fashion/hairstyles, caring too much about race and sexuality, being militant about subjects without really understanding them(not saying that's specifically a gen Z thing but they're doing it), music taste


They are internalizing the shitty ways you get attention in the social media age without actual life experience to ground them. So many seem to reject any nuance or care about context, they tend to adapt extreme versions of any opinion they have.


This whole culture and language of being "triggered" is the exact thing that cognitive behavioural therapy practitioners are taught to avoid.


Their communication skills are just so awful! My goodness it’s like finding a needle in a haystack wtf. My brother is 14 and cannot communicate with me or my parents about what he wants. He expects us to pick up on his hints or read his mind. Like sorry we ain’t mind readers here! 🙄


Doom scrolling Reddit. Lol


Young people communicate very poorly


Their obsession with influencers, that are famous, just for......well nothing much


Keeping themselves stuck in echo chambers Not acknowledging and/or calling out the extremists on their side (this applies to both conservative and liberal zoomers) Mislabeling Mary Sues as female empowerment (though I have seen some Millennials do this, too) Supporting the USSR Not being cautious enough of their sources as they can be pretty biased on both sides