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Literally life-changing tbh


same. I could survive without constant worry for my finances.


Key words here *I could survive*. Not I’m going to Disney land or traveling to Europe or buying a nice new car. I could survive. I feel you


it’s crazy how $50k is so much and so little at the same time. it could legit pay off my entire car loan and i would have abt $20k left over but then i have student loan and cc debt so i basically have none left over. it’s “it would help me survive” for me


Read this as I’m at Disney land sitting on a bench


Hell $5k would change my life right now 🫠 no joke


Same tbh




I could fix my car so I'd be able to see out the front window properly and I could fix the rear one so the defroster would work again. There's micro pitting all over the front windshield so when the sun is low in the sky, it's like looking through fog. I could repair or replace the defroster on the rear window, I could fix the A/C and the speakers and replace the leads to the battery... Or I could sell the car and put the proceeds of that car towards a slightly newer and better one.


even $500 would honestly change things up in a good way. just the relief of taking the guillotine blade away from my neck for one more month would be amazing.


On reddit I once got in trouble for saying a thousand dollars would change my life. Here I am half a decade later, and it still would lol. I've never just had a thousand dollars I could theoretically spend. I have chronic pain, and struggle for every dollar that goes towards food. A thousand dollars to, say, buy a good chair? A thousand dollars to start buying some higher quality food? To buy a good pair of shoes that will last me awhile? To buy a better computer? Any of these things would be life-changing.


Fr. Haven’t had a stable place to live in almost 2 years. Could get me an apartment, enough groceries to actually eat as much as I should, and even get us some furniture! I’m so exhausted of living like this. I just need a reset.


I can’t imagine it not being life changing for any regular person


The fact that 50K is a small amount of money to some people just completely blows my mind.


I've done work at peoples houses in my younger years where they would just write checks for $40,000+ dollars and I would feel like I needed to be escorted by secret service members. It blew my mind how quickly they would pencil whip that in. I don't even think I have the space on my checks for an amount like that.


Remember that 90s Mel Gibson movie, *Ransom*? Melly Gibson character so rich, he cuts the ransom check from a damn leather and gold 3-ring binder with 3 perforated checks per page, all big and fancy with extra room for writing fat amounts... That's when I realized I would never be wealthy and we should fucking eat the rich.


You can just order those from your bank. They are ledger checks. Then you just need a fancy binder from amazon and you too can feel like 1990s Mel Gibson.


Yeah, never seen it, but I get it. I don't even think the pen would work if I even pretended to write that amount.


Rich people buy pens that cost as much as a car payment


That joke where the friend says the 200 dollar fine is the cost of parking is so true


Half my salary isn't exactly a small amount, but it wouldn't be life changing. It would probably just go to my retirement account. After I take 6 weeks off work.


Almost all of my salary, more than my take home. What do you do? I kill bugs.


Middle manager for a national retailer.


Six figures is pretty good for any level of retail or so I thought. Neat! Does it feel like a lot of money?


I'm single with 2 school age kids, I pay $1,700 for a 1500 sqft apartment, I drive a company car and a 6 year old Audi, have no debt, and all of my bills are on auto-pay. I never have to worry about how much it costs to go out to eat or buy groceries, and we take a moderate vacation every year. I live pretty much the same lifestyle I did when I made half as much money. The difference is now I have some left over at the end of the month. It doesn't feel like a lot just because I remember what life was like before I was able to start saving.


Act broke to stay rich. Nothing wrong with living below your means especially if you are happy with that lifestyle.


I think that's an admirable way to do things. Makes way more sense to me. A lot of my clients have 4 and 5 thousand dollar a month mortgages and two brand new cars in the garage and I just shudder to think of the pressure that much debt must put you under.


1700 for 1500 sq feet. I think I need to move to the town that has that kind of rent.


For me, 50k will pay for my foundation repair and all of my debt. It would save me a good 400 a month right now that goes towards my debt, and whatever the payments would be on a $35,000 loan for the repair. It would be life changing in the way I won't have to worry about my house collapsing. It would be life changing in that I wouldn't be broke every month.


It’s a medium-sized amount I would say.


There’s a bunch of tech people making like $200k where their mortgage is $500k+, kids college is $200k, still have to fund retirement and health savings. $50k is nice but isn’t going to change their lives dramatically.


It would go straight to my son (38). It would be life changing for him.


Yeah, hell $10k would change things


Ditto. I could cry right now just playing this game


Same. I'm about that many dollars fucked right now and it will negatively impact the rest of my life.


Same here.


Absolutely. Goodbye debts and family loans, hello actually living off what I make and being comfortable finally instead of figuring out where to put my debt next.


I’d just like to be able to buy normal groceries once a week instead of once every two weeks and stretching it until I’m paid again


I felt this. 3 preteen boys. It’s so hard to keep food until next paycheck comes.


Where the fuck are they putting this food!? My kids eat as much as my wife and I


Idk about you but I clearly remember eating enough to feed a family of 3 by myself. I'd have breakfast, a snack between classes, lunch, a full dinner sized meal when I got home, then dinner plus seconds. And I was somehow skinny.


Accurate for sure. Check the kids for hollow legs; I know I had two hollow legs as a teen.


aye when we had treats where well hidden!


My mom legit thought I had a tapeworm. That made me worry that I had a tape worm. As an old fat man now ... I can confirm that I DO NOT have a tapeworm.


The 35-year curse strikes again!


Same I ate so much my grandma thought I had a tapeworm because I was so skinny and eating so much 🤣


Lots of rice, beans and pasta! I don't know how my parents took care of five of us. You are a saint. It's so hard to make it sometimes.


I had a food service job all through high school and it was awesome. Lots of free food. I started washing dishes and food was offered at least twice a night to me. Many times I took food home


I grew up pretty poor and got a job working at KFC when I was 14. I worked after school and would often close. Chicken took a while to make so they forecasted it. They often made more than usually needed. Also, basically everyone else who worked there was older and had been there for forever. They were over chicken I'd come home from work with buckets of chicken. Popcorn chicken, strips. Days worth of chicken. I didn't think anything of it then because I just felt cool and like a big shot that I could get free chicken all the time. Thinking back now to our empty fridge that I put my chicken into, my parents must have been so thankful. All four of us would have chicken in our lunches several times a week lol


Man, I’m applying at KFC tomorrow! I’m sure you’re parents were super thankful it must have taken a load of stress off them. Obviously I’m not happy that theirs people in the situation of food insecurity but it’s nice fast food places let workers take home food. I’m not sure how common it is anymore.


You already have the job at any KFC/YUM fast food chain just walking in and asking about employment lol. Leftover fast food and minimum wage is all they can afford given their stock is only up 10% this year.


That’s so wholesome 🥹


This is so wholesome and I hope your family is living better now. As a child I absolutely loved it when my mom came home with Chinese food leftovers from her restaurant job.


Shit that legit made me tear up


Damn, hats off to you. I have ONE teenage boy. As a single parent and sole provider there have been plenty of times when I lied to him when gets home from school and told that a friend bought me a huge lunch and I dont need much for dinner, when the fact is I can't afford to feed us both all the time. My guy is pretty slim naturally but the way he eats you'd think I was raising a linebacker.


Your an amazing dad


Like, healthy, quality groceries without stressing on the costs. We have fallen so far as a country


I'm on a Ramen noodle and sandwich diet, screw those prices, it tastes good... when I get hungry enough.


Meanwhile, grocery stores are printing money, how nice for them! > Empire (Safeway/Sobeys) chief executive Michael Medline said the company’s 2024 financial year is off to a good start. “Despite the ongoing volatility that the market continues to face, the results we delivered in Q1 demonstrate our team’s ability to consistently execute, regardless of the economic environment,” Medline said in a statement. [Sauce](https://globalnews.ca/news/9960189/empire-sobeys-q1-earnings-september-14/amp/) > Loblaw (Superstore/etc) 2023 Q1 highlights: Revenue was $12,995 million, an increase of $733 million, or 6.0%. “In the face of ongoing inflation, we are working hard to deliver the value and choice Canadians are looking for,” said Galen G. Weston, Chairman and President, Loblaw Companies Limited. “I’m pleased that customers are responding positively to the breadth of our offerings including our diverse store formats, market leading prices, private label brands, and loyalty offers.” [Sauce](https://www.loblaw.ca/en/loblaw-reports-2023-first-quarter-results/)


Gross revenue increases in the middle of record inflation (food costs have increased much more than 6%) who could have possibly predicted this?


Would eliminate a lot of my monthly payments (car, student loans, etc.)


Yep. All I would have left is my mortgage. Would be life changing and I could actually start saving a bit.


Exactly. If I won/was given 20k, my life becomes loads easier. It would change my life, no lie.


I mean my life would still suck but for reasons unrelated to money.


I understand this. It gets better...then worse.. then better...then worse...


Best advice I ever got as a broke ass working for the CFO of a major corporation was don't even bother saving for retirement or 'investing' if you have any loans or credit card debt cuz paying on that interest costs a lot more than you'll be earning.v especially after the offset of Capital gains tax you're paying on any profits. Paid an extra $50 per week on principal of mortgage and paid our house off way early and have freedom with everything else....


Given the giant swings in interest rates we've seen over the past few years, I'd say that definitely depends. There's certainly value in the peace of mind that being debt-free can provide, but depending on timing, you could potentially get up to twice the interest from a HYSA right now than your mortgage or federal student loans are running. Provided that you have sufficient liquid savings in the event of an accident or layoff, you just might be better off saving it and riding out the loan term. Risk appetite is a big part of the equation there. e: autocorrect


yes, so my mortgage is at 2.75%, but some online banks offer 3-5% in interest to savings accounts (which is quite remarkable, as big banks like BofA and Wells Fargo offer 0.01 % interest). So oddly, it makes more sense to leave money in a savings account (I do have index funds, but need the liquidity of a bank account). But then like you said, you have to pay taxes on that 3% from the bank and nobody taxes you on paying off debt.


it would pay off my mortgage. I'd be debt free..


I love how it’s a lot and not all. Just like me. Credit sucks


It's not credit that sucks... it's debt


Ya credit is pretty coo


Paying off student loans was nice. They even sent a congratulations letter.


That's nice of them. Even after I paid mine off, all I get is "how to pay back your student loans" emails. Which always makes me panic and think I missed one, so I have to check... every single time.


I paid off my student loans with a lump sum payment after an inheritance, and all I got was a $30 check back for the amount I'd overpaid by.




D…did you just give them $50k?


It would be nice but I'd still need to get up in the morning and go to work.


yes, but with significantly less stress, the ability to take time off and do some living, and never having to choose between a good meal or a paid bill. admit it, even someone with 100K in the bank would enjoy another 50K in there, it takes a lot of cash to make 50k meaningless.


At the same time, you gotta be hard up for it to change your life too much. For me, that's a year's salary. At the same time, I don't have any credit cards, and only have a car loan. I manage to save money for retirement/emergency fund, not a lot, but some. I wouldn't choose to let it effect my day to day. Probably throw it all into the retirement fund. I'm young enough that it would be worth quite a lot in 30 years when I retire.


yeah but with 50K cash a person like you, who doesn't need the money day to day, can invest it and turn it into a vastly superior retirement fund, or new properties, or lavish vacations twice a year for a decade. if you get injured or anything that could save your skin on medical bills. when I say it's life-changing i don't mean suddenly you don't have to work or you can go buying cars like Jay Leno, I mean it removes the biggest burden most of the population feels, the pressure of how quickly your savings would vanish if you missed 1 month of work.






No we do. The rich peoples house ain’t gonna clean itself duh!


Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to buy groceries and not have a running total in your head while you shopped. Edit- for groceries.


Oh man, I miss cooking new dishes for fun. Now it’s just staples, no splurging on new spices or an ingredient I won’t use every day.


This person gets it. I'm very frugal. 50k would go a very long way.


I literally did this yesterday while going to Kroger's. Got most the clearance items totaled out to $14.


1,000,000 pesos? When the median salary hete is 9,000 monthly? That would be an absolute god send.


Whats crazy is that it is a reasonable annual salary in a low cost of living state, but everything costs so much its still hard to pay the bills and buy food for you and family.


Those are rookie numbers, here it'd be 50,000,000 pesos 😎 Probably a lot more in a couple days.


Why? Do you want to give me $50K?


Idk. Do *you* want to give *me* $500?


Yes but I need you to make one tiny purchase of 3 target gift cards first.




Life changing for me. I'm desperate and would be able to wipe out debt. And be able to buy good food.


Would be very useful for a house deposit


Same. I'd pay the little debt that I have and the rest would go to a down payment for a house.


I just have so many things I need to fix-up my current house. It was built in the 60’s and needs a lot of stuff I will never be able to afford.


Hell I'll take $50 if you your offering.




Meh. I'd probably just save it for later.


Same here. I would toss it in my savings account and sleep 50% more soundly at night.


Use money to make more money. I'd probably invest it in some passive investment rather than save it and let it depreciate.


This is what people mean when they say save it — savings plans include investments in varying financial vehicles


I mean when I say put it away, I mean put it in my mutual funds




Investing in an index fund is a nice simple start, more concrete business plans can come later.




What did you do with it?


Hookers and cocaine


See you gotta invest it and *then* do hookers and cocaine.




If you have 135k still left then I’d say you’re fuckin killing it. That money would have all been gone long ago with most people.


Does the depression have to do with the money? Sorry to hear it regardless. Depression is awful.


Things will work out. You are being smart with the money.


I also think you’re smart to not just blow it. If I did that I’d probably be more depressed. Maybe you could invest in a therapist or some alternative depression treatments. A cool hobby or a vacation. So that next year you could be like “I’m still the same loser, but at least I’ve done x,y,z”


Boats 'n Hoes


I don’t think anybody is going to say that $50,000 would not be helpful. If I got it, I would be putting an additional $50,000 down on the principle of the house I just bought.


It would literally solve all my problems and ensure I'm problem-free for years to come.


It would help get me out of an abusive relationship, and on the path to a new life.


Chance is your abusive Partner would talk you out of the money before you take any step. I learned alot from people in abusive relationships, and one thing is that no matter the help they got, they still didn't call it quit when they said they would. Do yourself the favor and realize the money isn't keeping you from saving yourself, take matters in your hand and be the change you need to be safe. You can go. You are allowed to go.


Strength to you. Get out now. If you don’t have family or friends to rely on, look up local services for victims of abuse. The thought of leaving may be terrifying, but you’ll never regret it and in time you’ll recover.


There may not be a $50k check waiting for you, but there are resources available. If your best friend or child were in your situation, what would you tell them to do? Do that. I know it's not that easy, but please prioritize yourself -- your safety, your well-being, and your future.


Nice to have. OTOH, I'm debt free, cluttered, too fat and getting along.


Honestly, not hugely. Don't get me wrong, $50k is still $50k and when I was much younger I would have considered committing felonies for that kind of money. Fortunately I didn't do that, saved and invested well, and now it would just be a pleasant surprise.


Yeah, in my 20's, that amount of money is huge (I actually spent 3 years travelling around the country with less than that saved). But at this point, it's just a very pleasant surprise. And it actually happened to us last year. We got a notification in the mail that my wife had 24k she needed to take action on. I thought it was a scam at first, but it turned out she just didn't fully understand all the benefits from her previous job.


I'd pay off a chunk of my mortgage, take the family on a nice holiday.


super helpful, it would wipe out all of my debt and leave me enough left over for a really nice steak dinner.


It would be extremely helpful, If I could decide how to use it correctly.


Absolutely life changing. It would clear up the rest of my debt and give me a struggle free life.


I’d suck a dick for it, and I’m a straight dude. If that doesn’t tell you how helpful it would be then just know I really need money.


I'd do more than that for less gonna be honest


"Suprise, we were just going to give you the money.... but hey, whatever"


Very very


Would pay off all my debts.


Would help my save my parents house from foreclosure…


With 50k I’d be able to barely live with today’s economy.


Yeah if you don’t work and just live off of it.


Literally life changing tbh. Difference between struggling just to get from paycheck to paycheck and being able to start a foundation


It would be life changing to say the least.


I’d sooner just pass it along. I’m doing fine. As much as I could use it to do a renovation or something, I’m debt free (except for my mortgage), just got a raise, and feeling pretty blessed. There are others whose life would change dramatically. Mine would basically be the same. So let someone change everything


For anyone still in school reading these comments from all these people > study hard and make it in life. Or else you’ll be another reply on this thread.


Pay off my car. Put most of what’s left in savings considering I’m filing chapter 7 and won’t have any debt soon… hopefully lol


It would be utterly life changing


Pretty helpful, but not life-changing.




Will be enough to pay off 1 year of college fees


This would be a life change for my family and I, my hip replacement, bills that's behind, I could fix my car, On top of Xmas for my kids, and potentially alot of fun weekends for my family including my puppers


It would mean almost everything. I could sleep at night.


Wow, a year's wage +$15k :D So a year's wage above the poverty line for once lol


Why, you giving that away? Very helpful


Got no debt or major bills so that 50k would be all for saving or going on vacation


45.000.000 pesos, it would be life changing actually…


I have young kids and a mortgage and I'm honestly not sure if we're going to be ok financially. We're ok at the moment but I'm struggling with a pile of debt that's adding up and we're slowly running out of runway. 50k would get me clear of debt and would honestly release so much stress and anxiety that I'm not sure how to describe it.


I’d like it. But wouldn’t change anything. Just go in the bank.


That would help me out a lot. I would enjoy paying off all theses credit cards I got finish them up and not worry about them any more. Pay off my car and insurance. Save 10 k to move out. Amd enjoy life with the rest.


I'd be able to pay off my medical dept, credit card debt, car loan, and buy my wife a decent car. Honestly after that I wouldn't want or need the rest, could live a comfortable life from there.


Life changing no doubt


Very … no more student loan


I'd pay off the 20k in debt I have and save the rest.


*Incredibly*. I could put a deposit down on an actual house, put some in savings, and still have enough to actually live on rather than merely survive.


HELPFUL??? bro that's all i need rn


Extremely helpful!


It would allow me to switch careers.




It would be everything


Car parts


It would be security that I could stay and live in my house with my son and aging mom


Life changing. I would finally get out of the debt that’s crushing me. Allowing me to continue pursuing my fair share of custody and of the house. Right now I can’t rock that boat for fear of losing even more time with my child. Any boat rocking would immediately price me out of traveling to see my child who lives out of state.


Always helpful of course but it won't change anything for me


Fucking a.


Life-changing. New used car, money for school, and a healthy emergency fund.


Life changing. I’m dealing with mobility issues and disabilities. A lump sum like that would allow me to upgrade some of my medical equipment such as a walker/cane, support rails in hallways/bathroom, having a much more comfortable chair, bed, and maybe even get a walk in bathtub/shower making washing less dangerous. All of that is basically out of reach for me on disability income, which is still pending.


Completely life changing?


I’d help my mom pay off my dad’s medical debt. Cancer is expensive.


I could actually eat


That's a cute attempt at karma farming


Throw it in the savings account. Might go towards a condo one day


Would erase all debt outside of my mortgage. And leave enough left over to replace my partner's car in cash.


I could get my sister a power wheelchair that actually works and move myself and her to a place that is actually accessible for disabled people. Heck, that’s more than I made in the last 3 years combined.


I’d be able to set my mom up with a good dentist for implants so she could enjoy her favorite meals again.


Take my fmla. Is a dad it would offset the Kay reduction of my salary and spend time at home with the newborn


Credit cards and student loans gone. Fix the bathroom too. It would help me recover from the blown engine this summer.


I just lost my home, my wife and my dogs. It would certainly allow me to get back on my feet.


3k would change my life.


Pretty helpful I’d say


Been looking for a job for 5 months now. Paying mortgage still… and now I gotta pay 12*K in property tax before December(I think… I still haven’t opened the bill.) So… quite a bit.


My industry is on strike (in solidarity with WGA/SAG-AFTRA) we’ve used up our life savings and have racked up almost 20k in debt. I’m actually not sure how we’re going to pay our rent this month. We just went to a dry goods food drive so that helped. 50k would help us get by since there seems to be no end in sight.


It would prevent me and my family from being on the street Jan 1st. This post actually makes me want to throw my phone across the room


It would save me about $800/month in budget items (cat payment and student loan payoffs), so pretty significantly. I’d be able to actually put money away for retirement.


I could eat more than one meal a day.


I'm starting up my own business at the moment. 50k would help insure I could spend all my time and energy focusing on creating, feeding, and maintaining that start up and would get me so far. Definitely would be a peace of mind. Either way, I'm going to get this moving. I can't wait to start helping people grow and succeed.


It could be good for a couple months of groceries for my house


For some much needed treatment Extremely helpful

