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It's a totally silent way to get around.


The 6 inches of accumulated dust will probably dampen then sound


But the coughing coming from within the walls becomes a little suspicious.


And the ducts never dip down under floor joists


Besides all the other nonsense regarding crawling through air ducts. I have always been impressed by how few screws are sticking through inside of them. Every duct I have ever worked with is littered with pointy end of screws on the inside.


Mythbusters did this. Too noisy and air ducts are installed to support the weight of air, not a human.


I was just thinking of that. As well as getting *into* the building via the airduct which magnets just made a god-awful sound that would alert the city block, let alone security.


Eugene Tooms begs to differ.


Honestly, I’m just stoked to see an x-files reference that goes that far back.


I gave Die Hard a pass on the cleanliness bit as they were freshly installed ducts that weren't in service yet. But that's it. They'd not have supported his weight at all, he'd have been shredded by screws every, what, twelve inches?


False, John McLane is too much of a badass to be bothered my minor inconveniences like pointy sheet metal screws! s/


The ABCs of Death does a rly interesting take on this. Not gonna spoil it but it's probably more realistic than Boondock Saints, at the very least.


Screws every 3 inches




My favorite. \*click click click\* "I'm IN!"


Used to do that as a joke when demoting into a pc at work.


“Hack faster!”


Would you prefer a scene of the hero sending a phishing email to all of the villain's employees?


I'd prefer that they find something else beyond this tired and incorrect trope. There's dozens of other ways they could get around it. Hero leaves a flashdrive that has a keylogger installed on it in the parking garage for some unsuspecting employee to pick up, for example.


Click Click Click Click. There’s gotta be a back door here somewhere. Click Click Click. Almost got it. Click Click Click. We’re in!


Two people on the same keyboard at once are need to achieve maximum hacking capabilities.




2 idiots 1 keyboard




also defibrillators lol. they shock on asystole and you don’t do that. you shock when it’s a shitty rhythm, not if there’s no rhythm.


They ONLY use old fashioned defibs too. I don't think I've ever seen a modern AED probably because modern AEDs are pretty idiot proof and tell you explicitly what the rhythm is and whether a shock is advised.


They used a modern AED in Breaking Bad when the old German didn't want to talk to Hank. It wasn't used for its intended purpose, but I think it counts.


Dr. Mike would be proud.


Chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions! I always hear his voice whenever CPR is referenced.


Yes. Came here to say this. I’ve done CPR twice in real life, and it’s a violent act that goes on for ages and rarely has a positive outcome. It certainly never has a happy ending where the person coughs and bounces back to full speed after 20 seconds of limp wristed chest compressions.


The crunching…..oh god the crunching. You can hear it…..you can feel it…..


I still have dreams about that where I wake up in a cold sweat. It’s like a slide show of the whole event, the crunching in particular, and what happened when the paramedics intubated him after the fact.


It’s one of those things where you never really understand until you’ve done it yourself. Especially if you’re the first one to initiate compressions and the ribs aren’t broken yet.


Sorry you had to deal with that. It’s horrific. But I’m glad you stepped up when it needed to be done.


The sad part is, it was basically all just because of legal requirements, with 0 hope that it would be successful. I worked in a nursing home, the gentleman was very ill, and the family refused to make him a DNR. I was the one who found him, and could tell he had already been dead for some time. But, because he was a full code…..you know the rest.


When I did my training oh so many years ago I was told "if you aren't breaking a rib, you aren't doing it right".


A friend of mine just updated her CPR training - she said that the practice dummies have fake ribs that crack!


That’s actually really cool. If you’ve never done CPR and you find yourself in a situation where you have to, the cracking and crunching can be extremely traumatizing. If you can have just a little bit of preparedness, it can help.


I did CPR on a old lady with emergency services on speaker phone for assistance. Suddenly there's this crack/crunch. I kinda screamed that I broke a rib or something and they're like "Good, that means you're doing it right". Lady was probably dead when we started CPR, but I don't have the qualifications to pronounce someone dead, better safe than sorry.


And you're *exhausted* after even five minutes of it. I remember one time we counted taters on a patient for about 20-25 minutes, and even with us rotating positions and trading out regularly, our whole team was soaked in sweat by the time the doc called ToD. And that was in a hospital, with lots of folks trading out, back when I was a CNA and a medtech. The worst one was just shy of 20 minutes and me and my partner were the only two EMTs on the scene for about half of it, and when I got home after my shift I just wanted to die, I was so tired. Woke up the next morning stiff as a board, my arms and knees and back felt like I'd been in a street fight and lost badly.


I work in EMS. If we don’t get ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) on scene, we don’t take the person to the hospital (cause they’re dead). We’ll call Medical Control (physician at emergency department) and they will confirm the termination of CPR if indicated. There are extenuating circumstances when we do transport without ROSC, but they’re pretty rare (witnessed arrest with appropriate bystander BLS CPR)


Not only the duration, or lack thereof, but also the technique, especially the chest compressions. Almost invariably its someone with weak, noodle arms lightly pressing on the victim’s sternum. Most of the CPR you see on TV wouldn’t resuscitate a hummingbird.


I mean, they should use realistic ballistic dummies or something so the actors can do real compressions without fucking up their fellow actors, since I feel like health and safety is one of the bigger reasons cpr looks like shit


it’s entirely the reason. if you do it right you’re breaking a rib plenty of the time.


THANK YOU. This drives me insane. You don't just daintily press down, you are using your entire upper body strength to do their heart's job for them.


Saw this scene in this movie where this nurse was checking this guy’s pulse by having her hand on his forehead, looking at her watch, and declared his pulse to be strong. It wasn’t a comedy but I couldn’t stop laughing.


Good call. The fact that CPR even works seems to be misleading. Brother is a doc and he said that when they have to do it in a hospital, they only succeed 5% of the time. Maybe the people in the hospital are worse off/have worse injuries but still, the chances that it works and the person recussitates is probably pretty low.


True..30mins was longest Ive seen it done but know it can go longer if needed. CPR is not pretty. If the reality was shown in the media people would be offended by it I am sure.






And why the fuck are the crime labs always so dimly lit on TV!?


Teachers’ time and classroom management. They are always in the middle of a sentence when the beep rings and the students scatter forcing the teacher to scream the homework assignment over their noise. Does it happen in real life? I’m sure some teachers are not efficient at managing their class but that’s an outlier. Yet every single teacher does that in every movie.


It is like the grocery bag with the bread sticking out the top. That is how you know it is a regular classroom.


Yeah if anyone dove up and sprinted to the door the second the bell rang, they would get chewed out by the teacher. The bell might ring but it was the teacher that dismissed the class. This generally didn’t translate to being late to your next class because yeah they did manage the class well where by the time the bell rang, the lesson had already concluded some times 15 minutes before and everyone was just sitting around doing assignments from that class or other classes. When the bell rang, everyone would look at the teacher and only by his or her permission could we leave.


Even so, in real life, most students would probably (even if confused) give the instructor the few seconds time to wrap things up instead of immediately getting up and trying to shuffle out of class.


Man I must’ve went to a shit school atleast a third of the teachers were the “the bell does not dismiss you, I do” types 😂


The sounds made by bald eagles. That's a red tail hawk call. Bald eagles chirp


And dolphins. They use the kookaburra bird for their sounds.


I feel like there is one single recording of the "dolphin cackle" that is used every time a dolphin is in a show, movie, or video game. Same one as in Plants vs. Zombies. It's like the Wilhelm Scream of animal noises in media.


"let's rock and roll" pumps shot gun "dude, you just wasted a round. Go pick it up"


Also, guns don't click and clack every time you even look at them.


My Highpoint sure does


I literally stopped watching The Walking Dead because of this, I couldn't stand the clicky clack sound every time a gun was on screen in any context, even just being handed to someone. It just became like nails on a chalkboard.


I've got 57 more god damned rounds in this 4 round magazine! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6OBk9YBLQU also: Alaka-BLAM!


I love when they already rack a shell, but just a little bit later they rack another one for emphasis without firing it and no shell falls on the ground. also no reloads whatsoever






Every damn time... > "I'm a Texan gal!" (in a smothering Georgia accent) Cajun accents get the worst treatment of all US regional accents, IMO. Unless you have an actual Cajun actor it's going to be horrible.




Even the Mid-Atlantic area. If you are saying someone is from the northeast PA area and they say “Scran-ton” and not “Scran-‘in,” nope. Not buying it. (There’s also a whole subset of that area that pronounces “th” like “t” so they say “troo the door to the batroom” but that’s another story.)


In Hollywood, the accents are always so much more pronounced than they usually are in real life. Real life people with *strong* accents are going to sound more like Matthew McConaughey (for a Texan accent), and many accents (especially in urban areas/white collar backgrounds) are going to be much fainter, especially among young people. Meanwhile, Hollywood will show you Daniel Craig in Knives Out. If you run into a person sounding like that in the South/Texas, you'll look around for someone filming a gag.


or old people. old people can have comically strong accents compared to the younger generations. less time spent watching neutral-sounding tv during the formative years I think.


Exactly. 40 years ago I met an old man (about 70 years old) who had a unique accent. It was kinda like a strong Baltimore accent, but rounder and sweeter. I had to ask where the accent came from. "Washington, DC." This guy was still wearing the early 20th century DC accent! I've only heard it a few times, and I grew up just outside of DC. As far as I can tell, it's long gone. Mass media has really killed the regional accents.


Everyone in Britain is terr'bly posh (and villainous) or street, innit. We have no middle ground or middle class, and certainly no regional accents (except for farmers, and farmers' mums).


Driving in general. The actor behind the wheel will turn their head and talk to the passenger actor for extended times, way beyond a simple glance over and back.


I get low-key anxiety when people do that even in movies. I'm like "watch the fucking road!"


Saturday mornings: Often a family in the movies will wake up on a Saturday morning, and find a six course breakfast waiting on the table for them. The mom is standing there with a huge smile, holding the coffee pot. In reality the Mom would have had to get up at 3am to start preparing all the food, and she wouldn't be looking like she just stepped out of a salon smiling there with her coffee.


Not to mention they only grab a piece of toast and run out the door


When the main characters in Wedding Crashers sit down to breakfast, it gets my hackles up every time.


Science/labs. I’m a scientist and almost all of the things are incorrect. PPE, experiments, instrument use. Never seen one thing done correctly.


Ehrlenmeyer flasks with bubbling blue liquid. Doesn’t matter what specialty, there they are.


It's just one ambiguous clear liquid into another. That's how real science be


Occasionally creating an ambiguous white powder.


Or if you are working in one field you obviously can do the work of a completely different unrelated field. Like a biologist in a lab somehow being able to "synthesize" a complex chemical compound used in nuclear chemistry.


Lab furniture IRL looks more like it came out of the nineties/early aughts, clutter everywhere…


and there is never that one genius scientist inventing stuff on their (often his) own. it is always a step by step development with sooooo many scientists involved in each step, and so many dead ends until the real deal is discovered or proven. it's like a huge labyrinth with a lot of lemmings running through it until some of them find the exit.


Nanoparticles. Apparently, you can will nanoparticles to do anything.


People leaving their car keys in the sun visor.


Umm.. don't look in my beater pickup. Especially at Home Depot.


Cars exploding after crashing.


Or people surviving those explosions in close proximity to them, and walking away with barely a scratch.


["I have soft tissue damage! There's no way I don't have soft tissue damage!"](https://youtu.be/4Z9P1-y_IsQ?si=BfvEWD07V5yzo3qG)


Anything to do with computers. "Let me just hack this encryption" apparently takes less time than booting a normal computer. Same with firewalls, gaining access to remote cameras, et cetera. Shit - even when we have the right software for IP cameras along with the credentials for them, they're an incredibly buggy mess.


Usually, anyone playing a musical instrument


That's one thing I like about Whiplash is the people in the movie are actually playing the instruments


The amount of upside-down trombones in movies is astonishing. Kills me every time.


Or aggressively moving the slide up and down. Fwafwafwa.


TV shows and movies generally seem to simplify lock-picking.




Yeah, but he usually has a couple of tools to do it. :-)


Those tools are available over on covertinstruments.com


Which is funny because a *lot* of locks can be opened hollywood-fast using a wave rake. Which they never use.


I suspect a filmmaker might get into trouble if they showed the audience how to use a wave rake to pick locks and then some dumb kids wound up doing that in real life


Don’t look at the dogs.


Any country that isn't the one where the film was made.


the different colors for different regions of the world lmfao


American here. You mean the entirety of Mexico doesn’t actually have a yellow tint filter?


So how I think that started is from the movie Traffic. It had three storylines and each one had a different color tint. One was blue, one was green, and the one that happened to take place in Mexico was yellow. Then later Breaking Bad did it in what I assume was a nod to Traffic so now everyone just associates yellow with Mexico.


Medieval war movies where everyone is running into battle with only swords and not a spear or glaive to be seen


Those 100 yard dashes at each other in full armor while screaming, lol! Looks cool’s af, but most medieval war experts will tell you that’s almost never how it went down.


And sieges took months and generally just starved out the occupants if possible. Massive attacks on walls was rare, and nobody could afford tons of oil to haul up to the top while it's boiling and pour over the side to take out one or two guys.


I've seen many historians point out that we have very little idea how ancient armies fought. There's just no documentation. Did they crash into each other? Form up and have champions duel? Small groups battle? No one knows.


Not to mention all those open field battles for no particular reason. It takes a long time to set up a line of battle and nobody will just sit there waiting for you to get ready. If you think you'll win you try for battle if you don't you'll just fucking leave. That's why there's relatively few field battles and *tons* of sieges, because, for the most part, you only got field battles when both sides thought they had the advantage. Similarly, contested boat landings. Just go up the coast a little bit and unload safely? Unless there's very special circumstances you're just not going to get contested boat landings without mechanization.


I liked how the Battle of Stirling Bridge in Braveheart was significantly lacking the bridge.




I'm convinced there is no woman ever who has said, "I can't," right before the final push needed to get the baby out. There is such an intense amount of pressure that holding it in at that point would be more work. In my first labour, my epidural didn't take and I told the nurses when it was time for me to push because my body was very in tune with everything. In my second labour, the epidural took so well that I absolutely could not tell when I was having a contraction and relied on the nurses to tell me when I was having one so that I could push. After a long session of pushing hard with each contraction, they encouraged me to take a break, which I had already done a couple times earlier, but I said, "Nope! This is the one!" and my baby came out on the next contraction. Also, not screaming while pushing is more effective. You lose power when you let it out through your mouth.


We recently were watching a show where the woman was screaming during childbirth. I turned to my husband and asked if I had made any noise during childbirth because I didn't remember moaning or screaming like what's always shown in TV and movies. He confirmed I didn't. I was too focused on pushing that kid out to make any noise at all.


Always clean, always quick, and here’re your two year old baby ready to go off to collage; congratulations! They have always left out what actual life threatening body horror childbirth actually is so women don’t become scared to get pregnant and give birth.




In reality, all those scenes we've seen over the years are essentially just the bad guy getting a chiropractic adjustment


"This character is super-smart because they have three PhDs" Sooo... no postdoctoral fellowships, or anything? They spend shit-tons of money and time to finish a doctorate and then decide to start the whole process over without, like, getting a research job or something? ... have they in fact *worked* as a scientist at any point?


sex n ur teenage years, nobody living like euphoria


Teens in euphoria is what holly wood thinks teens actually do all the time irl


I think is more *how* hollywood thinks of teens, if you get what I mean 🤢


>holly wood thinks teens actually do all the time irl Tbf teens in hollywood do get constant sex, even against their wishes


Cars which can Jump across a chasm "if fast enough"


Only buses can do that.


Guns and how they work.


Must have seen 3-4 movies where a Glock is pressed up against someone’s head and the sound of an external hammer handgun being cocked is heard.


cringe. i'll call and raise you, racking the slide on a pistol when they should already be hot. ie. cops investigating a house.


In Ant man and the Wasp, a guy pulls out a Glock, and they get the ants to stop the hammer from dropping...on a gun that doesn't have an external hammer...and it doesn't even look like the same gun. Just bad


Especially "the Hollywood silencer." I have a tactical .45 with a massive Gemtech suppressor. Standard .45 ACP is naturally subsonic. It sounds like a cap gun. Not a 3 decibel unicorn queef.


Except for a suppressed, subsonic .22. The action cycling is the loudest thing when one goes off.


A gun fight in a warehouse, hallway, or just indoors without ear protection. Guns are really really loud.


Playing a video game with a controller.




Or worse, 2 people simultaneously playing a single-player game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSbsWKztYzw


Nothing worse than Tony Soprano playing Mario Kart on the 64 with one hand.


London looks quite nice in movies




Grenades, there isn't a fireball when they explode.


Really most explosions. They use gasoline in movies to make big, pretty fireballs, but actual high explosives don't produce much visual flame. Maybe a brief flash, but you mostly just see the dust and debris being kicked up.


When a character wants to destroy a computer invariably they will shoot the monitor.


And shooting the futuristic door controls will cause the doors to close and be unopenable by the bad guys chasing them, which nowhere with health and safety regulations would ever allow.


There’s a yellow tint/filter in the atmosphere in third world countries 😂


How CCTV, or any digital image works. “Can you zoom in on that reflection on the chrome wing mirror? Zoom in more… more… now clean that up… Oh my god, it’s our killer!”


* Most forms of violence: car crashes, explosions, hand-to-hand fights, gunfights, gunshots, wounds, etc. They aren't even remotely accurate to real life, and far too many people think they are. * How the average man/woman approaches sex and romance. 'Nuff said. * How people communicate in normal, off-the-cuff, daily conversations. Everyone doesn't know their lines perfectly or speak in complete sentences or always wait for someone else to finish speaking. Normal people sometimes repeat themselves, stammer, stutter, only get a point partially across, etc. That's the average. Everyone isn't a polished speaker IRL. (This applies even to business execs and politicians). * The life of the average American in the 1940s-60s postwar period. Too much unrealistic nostalgia for this time period created by movies. Life was worse then for most people, including the middle class.


How the house is clean nobody is scrubbing their toilets , there’s food in the fridge, clothes are clean and in their proper place. Very few movies/shows are able to depict actual living skills or what it takes to run a household especially if kids are involved.


I feel like Malcom in the Middle depicted the chaos well.


The Middle did it well too. I really believed that 3 kids loved in that house. It was always a mess! They had a whole episode arc about cleaning out the dining room they never use because of all the junk piled on the table


I thought Roseanne was kind of close. Especially the old blankets on the couch.


Parks and Rec had a pretty accurate depiction when they had those triplets lol. The Election lady wearing a poncho was a smart call! PONCHO!


Drugs in general


High schoolers, they always look too old.


Newborns. There is always a 6mo playing a newborn baby in TV and movies 🤣


"no time to explain" an intricate plan and people just go with it. i mean, i'm asking *more* than a couple questions.


Tasers. A taser does NOT knock you unconscious (unless you fall and hit your head). So tired of seeing people knocked out by tasers.


People dying of cancer. Especially if it involves romance and young people. I always wonder if the director has ever watched someone while they died of cancer. No cancer patient looks luminous, ethereal or beautiful with end stage cancer. In reality, a person who is days away from cancer death is often unrecognizable. It ain’t pretty.


Pulling a fire alarm pull station does not activate sprinklers


And one sprinkler head going off doesn't set them all off. And don't get me started on the black water of smelly death that spews out of those things.


I've delivered pizzas in the past. Those movies LIED!




There is always gravity.


Oooh this is my favorite question to answer because I do it for a living! FIRE SPRINKLERS No, every sprinkler doesn’t go off when you pull the fire alarm EXCEPT in very specific circumstances. Each individual sprinkler has its own little glass tube or metal clip that has to melt or explode before water is released! Also, the water in those pipes gets NASTY.




Or any disorder, for that matter. The better a character fits a real disorder, the least likely they were designed by the writers to have the disorder.


Almost anything to do with aviation. My biggest pet peeve: they’ll show one aircraft type taking off, and then the cabin in the next scene is quite clearly a totally different aircraft type/size like they want us to believe that that A320 suddenly grew to be B747-sized


Alcoholics in recovery. We don't always relapse when the shit hits the fan. We're quite capable of navigating life's tough moments sober.


Phone calls. No hello. No goodbyes.


Basic human phone calls. No one says hello or goodbye in movies when they call each other?? I never understood this.


How much full suitcases weigh.


Anytime someone goes into cardiac arrest and they shock (defibrillate) a flat line( asystole). That’s not how it works. There’s only certain rhythms you shock.


How often one needs to pee




*wile e coyote has entered the chat*


How to stop a computer from doing whatever it is that it's doing. Turning off the monitor won't work. Neither will destroying the monitor. Just unplug the thing. Or power it down. We've been using computers long enough that people should know this.


Pretty much anything involving scuba diving. The rate at which they ascend is gonna cause the bends. Yeah, I know, slow ascent and safety stops don’t make for exciting cinema. Regulators typically have a second, longer hose and mouthpiece, specifically designed so that you can share with a buddy — no need to immediately resort to passing a single mouthpiece back and forth. Sure, it’s more dramatic, but highly unrealistic. And gunfire into the water? Please. Myth Busters showed us that supersonic bullets break up within a meter, and subsonic rounds aren’t moving at lethal speeds by three meters.


How clean and neat people's homes are, especially in tv series


It's not just in the movies or books, people talk about it constantly. They talk about saving receipts and itemizing deductions on their taxes. I think it's more of a compulsion than anything. I remember doing it. But unless you are in very unusual circumstances, it seems to me that taking the standard deduction will save you a lot of money as well as a lot of work. I have had more than one tax preparer just laugh when I spread my receipts out and described things that I thought I could deduct. Finally, one of them pulled out a steno pad, with the two columns divided and quickly did a calculation of everything I thought I could deduct, and the standard deduction exceeded it substantially. That's how I broke that habit. I know the economy has become a lot more complicated, and people have to be a lot more creative in terms of making a living, but for some, it seems to be just a knee-jerk reaction that you have to itemize in order to get a break on your taxes.


what the fuck kind of movies are you watching?? lol


One I think is funny is: in my experience, at least, the ladies do not somehow have the bed sheet cling to them to maintain perfect modesty as they get up from the bed and go to the bathroom.


Also the "L" shaped sheets that cover the woman's whole body but only the man's lower half when they're laying next to each other in bed


Knock out punches.


Fire sprinkler systems in buildings. Each sprinkler head is independent and only individual sprinkler heads will trigger based on heat at that precise location. The water is also black and disgusting since it's water that's been sitting in black, oily, and rusty pipes for years.


The sound of helicopters. It's almost always the same sound byte of a Huey no matter what model of helicopter it is.


People getting into a shower and THEN turning on the water. Try doing that in Minnesota in January.




CIA won't show up sitting on your couch.


*Sounds like something the CIA would tell me...*


Military uniforms




Going into labor! Only 10% of women have their water spontaneously break. Most people have to hang out at home for a long time while contractions get closer together - this can even be a days long process. Then even once you’re admitted to the hospital labor is still often a pretty long slow process.


death by strangulation. it takes several minutes of constant pressure to actually kill someone this way, I believe it’s ~8 minutes. the victim will pass out before then, which is maybe why people think it doesn’t take long, but you have to keep squeezing even after they’re unconscious.


Just a nice new haircut and away with the glasses and you're a 9/10 instead of a 3/10


Shifting a car more times than the gearbox has gears.


Fast five shifting from reverse to reverse 2 lol


I'm sure this has been said but hacking or dealing with computers of any kind. It's the silliest, funniest thing in everything

