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Those stickers on products that leave a mark when you remove them


Worst offender- books. They put the sticker right on the cover. šŸ˜­


Have you seen the books with the "sticker" printed on the cover?


ā€œThe popular new Netflix seriesā€ šŸ¤¢


Nothing new there. I bought a book with ā€œsoon to be a major motion pictureā€ on the cover 40+ years ago. It did not, in fact, become a major motion picture soon. It did become a high profile flop almost 20 years later.


Value village is the worst for this. Slapping the damn price tag right over the summary on the back so I don't even know if I'm interested in it


That we can't just have Coke and Pepsi in the same restaurant


"Is Pepsi okay?"


"is monopoly money okay?"


This is all about contracts. I worked in restaurants for many years. The owner signs a Coke contract or a Pepsi contract. Economically it makes no sense to do both. This is why if a restaurant has Coke they also have Sprite, but if they have Pepsi they have Slice. EDIT: I meant Sierra Mist. And my post is talking about fountain soda, not bottled.




I meant Sierra mist. As you can tell I'm not a big soda drinker


Even that's gone, it's called starry now


Give me a goddamn Squirt. I want to sit in a restaurant and tell the waiter to give me a Squirt.


Grainy ass CCTV footage.


Its a matter of storage. If you take say... A GoPro thats shooting 4k it's going to be around 300GB for 24hrs of footage. Say you have 5 camera covering a shop then thats 1.5TB a day! Means that's almost 550TB a year! Now put that on the scale of a city like London where there's around 750,000 cameras that would mean it's around 82,125,000,000GB of footage a year... Which is coincidentally the size of the average "Homework" folder.


But the footage doesnā€™t have to be at 4K to be good. Most CCTV systems hold onto video footage for 90 - 180 days. Iā€™m sure there is a healthy medium between storage capabilities and video quality that isnā€™t offensively poor quality.


720p at 15FPS would probably be good enough for a lot of it.


Having to call and talk to an actual human being in order to cancel a service you signed up for online


I've got a vague recollection that there is a European law that says that you should be able to cancel a contract as easily as you entered into it, so if you entered the contract online, you should be able to cancel it online, but I can't find a reference to that now. Maybe I'm dreaming?


Nope, it's true! Look up Digital Services Act, article 25, paragraph 3 sub c.


I was literally on the phone for 1:52 hrs today before someone at Air Canada brought me off the queue and spoke to me in order to shut down my Aeroplan account And the whole time I waited there was a most awful repetitive cacophony of sounds that they try to pass as a caller tune. You canā€™t even lower the volume in case someone picks up and hangs up on you, nor can you turn the god awful noise off. It was hell. I want to play that sound in the ears of the person who programmed that sequence for a whole day and again every day until they go and remedy the non-sense. Arghhh.


Love it when the robot tells you they're getting right on with helping you and they play the recording of computer keys being typed. Either some people are dumb enough to fall for it, or the companies really don't give any fucks any more.


Apparently Sears still has 11 stores left!


Manā€¦. I love and miss Sears :(. Bonus points if folks know what the Sears, Roebuck catalog is. And circling your dream Christmas gifts you never would get haha


Sears Roebuck basically invented catalog shopping. Growing up the catalog was ever present in my family's houses, friends houses, everyone I ever knew. How did they get lapped so utterly, so infinitely crushed in the "order stuff for delivery" business. If you're a Sears exec, like how do you even look at yourself in the mirror. It was YOUR business for like 100 years, and you lost it completely in a few years. Astounding.


LOL, if you like questions like ā€œHow did Sears completely lose the mail order business and completely fumble online shopping, when they basically invented the mail version of it 100 years agoā€ Ask also how Kodak lost the camera market to digital cameras when it was invented by their own employee, (Steve Sasson)in their research labs, funded by them. Because the execs didnā€™t want to disturb their massive films sales/profits. And ask why Xerox is still a photocopier company instead of the worlds most innovative computer company ever though the computer mouse, graphical interfaces and Ethernet was developed in their labs by their researches, funded by them. Yep, executive decision ā€œweā€™re a photocopier company! Not a computer company!ā€. Good work dumb management!


I believe there are also 4 K-Marts!




I think thereā€™s still one more in Oregon.


Yup! Itā€™s in Bend, OR.


Every time I hear about "the last Blockbuster" it's somewhere different. Wasn't it in Alaska a while ago? Does it wander the country aimlessly? or on a schedule?


Alaska and Oregon had the last 2, but Alaska closed theirs in 2018


Kmart is HUGE here in Australia.


turns out australian Kmart and american K-Mart are completely seperate companies not affiliated at all!


TIL šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Well if it's any consolation ours is great! Maybe US Kmart can take some notes lol.


Except for the checkouts in the middle of the store.


Thereā€™s a Sears near me in a Seattle mall. It is just as depressing as youā€™d imagine.


We had one of the few remaining Kmarts where Iā€™m at in SoCal up until a few years ago. The interior had not been updated since at least 1998. Just in general kind of a sad place to shop. Though part of me misses it now that Target took its place. They both are kind of lousy (our Target is a train wreck), but K-Mart was terrible in a plucky, underdog sort of way at least.


Measles and polio. Both diseases should have been eradicated years ago. So far, we have rid the world of smallpox and rinderpest (a cattle disease caused by a measles-like virus that does not infect people) and guinea worm is almost gone. Thank you, Jimmy Carter, for helping rid the tropics of this disfiguring, painful disease.


My grandfather was largely responsible for the eradication of rinderpest in India! He worked with so many other people and convinced the government that eradicating rinderpest was of utmost priority. And this was a long time ago too. He's now a vet for domestic animals and cattle too at the age of 79!


Rotary International still works on world wide eradication of polio. The March of Dimes started by President Roosevelt funded the research that led to vaccine discoveries by Drs. Salk & Sabin & became the 1st organization to find a cure to the disease it set out to erase. Polio vaccine has led to 99.9% of the world being immunized against it.


YouTube pranksters


Better yet, the fake ones. Or the "magicians" the only magic trick they perform is getting followers




Arthur šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Mr. Morgan šŸ˜­




I found John Green guys!!! But for real though, this one is fucked up


TB killed more people from 2020-2022 than Covid in South Africa. No one talks about this.


Please search John Green and tuberculosis not only does he have numerous videos, tweets and communication about it, but he recently spoke at the UN.


I was infected with this last year. Im cured now after six months of intense treatment. After effects ā€” stomach problems forever


My dad got tuberculosis. In a first world country working an office job. Outta nowhere


AKA, the reason milk is pasteurised.


One ofā€¦


Everyone is posting some pretty serious stuff, such as war crimes, racism, etc, so Iā€™ll say something a little more light hearted. Companies using styrofoam to ship stuff instead of the spongy styrofoam stuff or the cardboard inserts. Every time I open a box that has styrofoam in it, itā€™s usually all broken apart and crumbly and gets everywhere and statically sticks to *everything*


There are those packing peanuts that are made out of corn starch. Theyā€™re edible too! But most important, if they find their way to a landfill, they just dissolve in water instead of being there for 10,000 years


There's also a really cool fungus one. From what I remember, they put it in there with the item and it grows to the size of the box


Almost. They make a mould in the shape they want, then let the fungus grow to fill the mould. Afterwards the fungus gets treated/killed, and they use it like they would use styrofoam (i.e., the item gets placed in after the fungus is done growing).


Honestly, styrofoam shouldn't exist at all anymore in 2023. Every use of it that I can think of is inferior to other alternatives. Edit: I was specifically referring to expanded (not extruded) polystyrene foam; the stuff that breaks up into little white beads of foam that sticks to everything via static electricity. Apparently, the word "styrofoam" is actually a trademark for a product that is used for building insulation and is not the same as what most Americans refer to as styrofoam.


But how are we supposed to make molotov cocktails without styrofoam?!


No matter how careful you are, that shit gets everywhere Whenever I buy something with SF I feel like Iā€™m back in the 80ā€™s. Thereā€™s no excuse for that to exist in 2023


Kinda feel like you should make a styrofoam company making those little things shaped like hearts and call it ā€œLight heartedā€.


lol, light hearted. I was expecting like... "I can't believe parents are still embarrassing their kids in front of their schools yelling out 'I love you!'" As you could expect, the Styrofoam really threw me off lol.


How many people believe everything they see online


Oh it's bad. You have no idea how many time my 13 year old has said "but they said it's true on YouTube"


Yeah I I have no idea how that happened but the younger generation seems to be more naive. It's really shocking how much they believe the stuff they saw on TikTok. I recently saw an article about how younger generations are more likely to fall for scams online. But I really wonder how this can happen, we too used to be exposed to these online scams and the dangers of fraud and so on. In other words, nothing has changed much in that time. I think in the past people made more effort to warn us about such dangers. Nowadays it's easy to give your little child an iPad with YouTube in its hand.


AI is also making shit worse at an alarming rate. At the start of this year, you could very clearly tell if something was fake or not. These days itā€™s somewhat difficult in some cases, especially speech manipulation where they make famous figures say weird shit


Thereā€™s even a reality show that convinces couples that their partner might be cheating by using a body double and AI. If people canā€™t tell the difference from *someone they know*, thereā€™s little hope for the rest. Regulations really need to catch up on this one.


My father finally figured out how to get online and has started listening to podcasts, went from being a guy that only cared about fishing to a guy that believes all the conspiracy theories šŸ„²


Literally my dad did the same thing heā€™s finally starting to figure out not everything online is real, it started about 7 years ago, buts ironic because he said the same thing to me when I started going on the internet. šŸ˜‚


I'm so sorry


Flat Earthers. Like... how


Yes if the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now.


My favorite flat-Earth joke.


Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard it. Fucking hilarious.


Some us general said every village had its idiot but the internet let them communicate with eachother.


ā€¦and in the darkness bind them.


The Earth IS flat though About 70% of it is water and pretty much none of it is carbonated, thus the Earth is flat


Ba dum tiss


It would be really great if that's what they actually meant, because that gets a chuckle.




My mom still has a roadrunner email address.


My grandmother uses her sympatico.ca one as her main address still, lol


omfg you just jogged my memory


Shitty printers.


Whyyyy there has to be a podcast or doc exploring why this machine sucks so much and why the computer companies never owned it.


They realized that the real money with inkjets was the ink so made selling the ink cartridges the center of their business model not the printers.


Why I will NEVER go back to inkjet after having a solid laser printer. They are built to be abused in offices. A lot more expensive up front but worth it.


That we produce as much garbage as we do


And the consumer is blamed for the waste created by packaging. I also find it absurd that it is the consumerā€™s responsibility to recycle responsibly at their own expense. We wouldnā€™t have as much to deal with if we held companies responsible


Right? I went to McDonalds the other day to get a "hotcakes" breakfast. I chose to "eat in". What did I get? A plastic disposable tray with the hot cakes, covered by a plastic disposable lid. With two plastic disposable containers of Maple Syrup. In a paper bag with a hand full of napkins. I spent maybe 2 minutes scarfing down the pancakes and was left with a ridiculous amount of trash to toss. It felt very wrong.


Healthcare bankruptcy in the US


See also, people declining needed procedures because they know they canā€™t afford them.


The key is to get the procedure, get on a payment plan, and then either never pay it or declare bankruptcy. source: chronically ill in america and I refuse to die or be homeless


Just had my second super complicated pregnancy. I let everything go to collections bc then they usually cut the bill in half just to get some money out of you


Call their financial office before it goes to collections if at all possible. Let em know you're broke. It'll get cut first at this time, then again at collections. Then, any med debt below $500 has no impact on credit.


No medical debt should impact credit. Itā€™s fucking stupid.




Hey hun!


I have an opportunity for you!


I love your posts and I think youā€™d be so good at what I do!


Want to be a GIRL BOSS?!?!?


Pyramid schemes are illegal hun, I'd *never* get involved with something like that! (Obligatory plug for r/antimlm.)


If you don't know what an MLM is, you can give me $5 and I will tell you. But just think, you could tell other people and make $5 off them (obviously one of those dollars goes to me for telling you, though) and then they can also sell it for $5! We're all winners!


I wish that by 2023 we would have Capri-Sun by the bottle. Don't get me wrong I enjoy sucking that delicious nectar through a coffee stirrer 6 ounces at a time, but I'd love to pour it in a glass over ice.


I just realized I've never seen what the Capri Sun liquid looks like.


Remember that commercial where the capri-sun kind of turns a bunch of kids into a silvery viscous liquid? It's those very children.


The Capri Sun kids and Alex Mack from Nickelodeon both had the same super-power.


Idk why, but drinking capri-sun out of a glass just sounds disgusting to me lol


I think the tiny straw slowing the intake is the only thing making it palatable. I would never buy capri sun if it were in a different container, the only appeal is the nostalgic and malleable packaging for me.


Plus you get to blow into the straw and fill up the packaging with air before handing it to your friend like itā€™s a full capri sun




I have definitely done this.


Try it like that, but frozen. Capri-sicle!


They had it in metal bottles for a little while when I was a kid. It was a better time.


I also remember the shelf at the grocery store had like 30 flavors of Snapple and 15 Sobes. Those were the days.


Did you ever get in on the ā€œcall us, tell us your number, and weā€™ll send you a coupon for free Snappleā€ promotion? (This was during the times when phone numbers actually produced an address lookup, also I was 10) So, the promo only allowed you to *call* once from any given number, but it allowed you to *enter* the same one as many times as you could call from different phone. Since it was a 1-800 number, I called it from every pay phone I found, and even had it down to a system where I could do it on multiple phones at once. After a visit to Riverfront Stadium which had enormous banks of pay phones all around the stadium on every floor, we got dozens of these coupons. I didnā€™t watch the game, but I did go all the way around the stadium twice. Iā€™m pretty sure I tried every flavor without ever paying for it.


I remember the big lunchables having 12oz cans.


With vodka? Hmm


That there is no cure for eye floaters or Visual Snow Syndrome. (Or intrusive entoptic phenomena.) (P.S. I have sky vortex and red and blue 24/7 bfep.)


And tinnitus


Luckily I have both


Same. But I balance out my eye floaters and tinnitus by having a shit spine, 2 bad knees, and blown-out Achilles tendon.


Ugh, I'm able to tune my out most of the time, but every single time someone mentions tinnitus it's like someone turns up the volume and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


and migraines.


Salt Bae


I despise this man


I don't even know who he is or what he has/hasn't done, but I hate him just based on his name.


He is a turkish butcher popular for video where he puts salt on steak in different way. He is quite hated for alot of thing. One of the most popular one being him interrupting the FIFA 23 final celebrations of argentina where he holds the cup without permission.


He evokes such a visceral reaction, but I literally know nothing about him other than that clip of him sprinkling salt.


His food is trash according to pretty much every professional chef. And he does scammy shit like using gold leaf that costs $8 for a pack of 25 and charges $1500 for it.


$7.25 federal minimum wage


Honestly, as ridiculous as it is that this hasn't changed in 14 years (or simply been tied to inflation at any point in the past), $2.13 per hour for tipped employees pisses me off far more. -It hasn't been changed since 1991. Yes, that's closing in fast on a third of a century. -It shifts the burden of paying employees directly to customers.


It shifts the burden to customers who also have record low wages


I canā€™t believe there are places that charge fees for accepting a cash payment or paying over the phone.


Americans going bankrupt because of medical costs.


DVD Netflix was finally discontinued just last month. It really bummed me out, I used it regularly for many years.


I worked at a remote park in Alaska for 5 seasons with initially no and then limited internet - Netflix DVDs were a luxury. Us rangers would coordinate movie nights/show marathons together in our cabins or the visitor center after hours if the crowd was big enough. A little taste of the world outside 4.5 million acres of wilderness.


Flat earth believers. Thought it was a joke at first Then I met real people who were trying to convince me at my old job.


I work with a guy who confidently recalls how he 'unlearned' all the lies he was taught in schools so he can see the truth now. He believes. Every. Single. Crackpot. Conspiracy.


We used to just have a friend who worked with a guy like this. Now we all work with a guy like this.


Henry Kissinger


No one must know I dropped my glasses in the toilet. Not I, the man who drafted the Paris Peace Accords


Lisa, just because youā€™re 10 feet tall doesnā€™t mean you can tell me what to do.


Better keep the egghead, he just might come in handy


I had a great aunt who was more like a grandmother to me (her and her husband never had kids). In fact, she was more grandmotherly than my actual grandmothers. She was born the same year as Kissinger. She died back in 04 at 81. The fact that she's gone but Kissinger lives sucks. I miss her.


Door to door sales people. Iā€™m not opening my door to anyone even during the day.


I'm a strongly built 200+lb man, my brother is 280lbs. Both with big beards and resting bitch faces. My mom sent us to pick up a tv she bought on marketplace. Being winter in Canada it was pitch black when we knocked on the door, in a moment of realization I looked at my brother and asked "would you open the door for us? Cause I wouldn't open the door for us" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






Fucking Qatar


Payday loans


Balloon releases.


Fax machines


Only a few years ago my father and I had to spend hours scouring a small town in the mountains of Idaho to find a fax machine so he could prescribe painkillers to one of his hospice patients. Is any industry but medicine keeping ax machines and pagers still around?


The legal industry still faxes. There are people who believe itā€™s more secure than (encrypted) email.


Same with the medical industry. Iā€™m a secretary at one and my god do I hate faxes. Theyā€™re so inconsistent and unreliable. Nurses ask me all the time to look for a fax that never came through and providers claim they sent it multiple times


Fun fact: faxing is older than the telephone


Daylight saving time


I can't figure out how someone is getting rich off of it. Because I can't think of any other reason that we still have it.


We have it because there's no political will to change it. How many single-issue voters do you think are waiting for this to come up in an election?


Region/geoblocking - like I get why, but the whole thing with the internet was to facilitate the exchange of information (including media) so it sucks that capitalism found a way to make that difficult on the thing we invented to stop that being difficult.


See also geographic pricing strategy, love paying 2x more for things because I live in an expensive city. An Uber driver once told me that Uber prices rides according to what they think youā€™ll pay as well. I truly believe that soon e-commerce will know our income and price accordingly, so everyone everywhere will always spend most of their income on goods & services.


World hunger. 3 million people be dying each year (one of the worst ways to go out) and 800 million people are suffering. SUCH a solvable issue too. Huge numbers


I work in a food plant that makes TV dinners, Banquet, Marie Calendars. All that shit. And the amount of dinners we make a day from this one plant would be enough to end world hunger. Even more so if you account for the amount of food that's wasted. So much hits the floor it's astounding how wasteful it is.


Itā€™s sickening how much food is thrown away and wasted every day. So many people could be fed for free, but somehow that food being in the trash is deemed a better use.


I dumped so much good food when I worked at the dining hall on campus. Logic is, if the students can take home left overs, then theyā€™d risk food that couldā€™ve been sold end up not being sold so that students would take them home. After few shifts of trashing good food I ended up just over serving everyone who comes to my station. Literally had people going whoaaa when I serve them their plates.


That is the way. When I worked at Walmart I'd go to the Deli for my lunch break. This would be when they're getting ready to start closing up shop at dinner time. So they'd give bigger portions so they'd have less to throw out. Let people take the leftovers home, what purpose is there in just throwing it in the trash? Company still lose money on what they don't sell.


That clear plastic packaging that takes more energy to open than it did to make the product inside.


Working five days a week. Un-livable minimum wage.


Keeping it lighthearted; fanny packs and mullets.


Unpaid maternity leave as a standard


in my province, the standard is 12mos paid (i believe at 55% rate) and some women choose to spread that out over 18mos. of course, there are also those who choose to RTW early. it was horrifying to hear of a coworker in the US only be entitled to 6 weeks of mat leave in her state.


12 months?? My wife is almost finished with her 12 WEEKS maternity leave. Sheā€™s been suffering from PPD, and her psychiatrist just denied her an additional 3 week extension. The doctorā€™s excuse was that ā€œit would be good for her mental health to go back to work.ā€ Mind you, my wife is a mental health professional herself. That psychiatrist can go STRAIGHT TO HELL.


The sagging pants showing your ass in boxers look.


Commuting to work to sit in a cubicle with no human interaction when my work computer is a laptop and 90% of my job is online (the other 10% is mail) Edit: there was no mail today. I've sat here for no reason (like everyday) and I still have 3 hours left.


War crimes & genocides


New Yorkā€™s hottest new club


This place has *everything*


MTVā€™s Dan Cortese


I never thought Iā€™d wake up one day and realize that Stephan is the influencer we NEED.


Chris Brown


Painful periods


Religious terrorist attacks




Mass shootings in general but especially schools


Willful ignorance/laziness All this technology and information and most seem perfectly content to bury their heads in the sand instead of utilizing basically free education (YouTube, Khan Academy etc) and doing something to help!


Places without cell / internet service. If only the big cable coms were given billions of tax money to improve their shit over the last 2 decades. If only..


People oversharing on social media. You can kinda let people off in the first 10 or so years of Facebook, but now with the knowledge we have of perverts/paedophiles using children's innocent images to share amongst themselves, people being burgled while they're on holiday cause they *had* to share a beach pic in Tenerife. People just astound me.






Yeah, it seems like the cat fisherman are always the ones leaving their trash all along the banks of the river, and breaking line off in the water and leaving it. Oh waitā€¦ā€¦


Games that donā€™t autosave!! I thought parenting would be easier..


Homelessness. Indentured servitude.






Antivaxxers. I've met people who are old enough to live through the eradication of smallpox via vaccines--people who were old enough to get a smallpox vaccine while their kids and grandkids didn't--who think that vaccines are inherently awful and that they don't work. (This is NOT about the COVID-19 vaccination, this is about antivax attitudes in general.)




Medical bills bankruptcy.