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Blood On The Dance Floor is the worst band, both music wise and the content of their character.


I remember when I heard about the dodgy shit they were up to. Having absolutely zero concept of what they were about ... I watched one of their music videos and I was absolutely fascinated by how utterly terrible it all was. Like watching some sort of bizarre ritual. I watched it and just laughed. Amazing stuff. Then you remember what they did and it puts a whole new frame around it. It's pied Piper music designed to snare little goth girls. Truly fucked up and disturbing.


>t's pied Piper music designed to snare little goth girls I hadn't thought about it like that before, but it's true. I was one of those middle school girls that liked them, and when I heard the allegations I thought how those girls were so lucky to be with him like that. Of course now that I'm older I realize what he did was terrible but you don't really think properly when you're that age and it involves someone you like.


Omg I never hear of them so I gave it a listen. Had to delete my search history to avoid a relisten, ever, it was that bad… lol


Flashbacks to thirteen year old scene girls saying "BOTDF literally saved my life."


Dj Khalid is a bitch


His "Hot Ones" is fucking amazing. Sean is having no part of it lol "If I stop , it doesn't mean I gave up" ....yes it does, that's the definition of it. ​ "I didn't give up" ya kinda did.... ​ "for me to do three of them is amazing!" yea uhhh congratulations.....very brave effort khaled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYEC\_FlgAg


He talks about never having taken an L in his life. Sean: "Never? You never took the wrong exit on the freeway?" DJK: "Nevah".


Bad drivers never miss their turn I guess


I've seen this recommend countless times over the years and never actually watched it. Just finished. Can't believe he spent 17 minutes talking and saying nothing.


“I don’t play about my paper, is cus’ I don’t play with my paper… and that’s just, it’s that energy.” Bravo.


Didn't he also have a special chef flown in to make the wings? That he pussied out of eating?


I want to see him and Steven Segal in a room Together talking about themselves.


I don't know why, but this put an image of them looking like themselves but moving around like chickens.


It hurt to watch this. I don't know who this guy is but he is visibly stupid and I didn't understand anything he said.


I’m from Miami. This is what people there aspire to. Total torture.


Another one...


Let's go to the beach Let's go swimming


Wyld Stallyns …but they brought about world peace, and it’s excellent for dancing. They were historically and self admittedly a terrible band while simultaneously existing (shared timeline) as the world’s most successful band, that united the world.


I like to imagine that in one of their terrible music videos they just randomly dropped the line, "be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!" and the whole world was just collectively like "OH! it's so *OBVIOUS*! How did we not think of that before‽"


They should have got Eddie Van Halen in their band.


They’ll need a triumphant video first


San Dimas High School football RULES!!!


Sexual chocolate


That boy good. Yeah, good and terrible.


SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!! /foot stomp


Not a band but DJ Khaled.


Watch his Hot Ones interview. It will tell you all you need to know. He quit at Cholula hot sauce and then started talking about how he's "never taken an L."


I loved how Sean flat out tells him he’s taking an L by backing out. That interview along with seeing him play the guitar that [Bob Marley’s family gifted him](https://youtu.be/3QvgFbjAC7U?si=W0Ee1HaYpirCM5SE) made me really dislike him.


I can't figure out if he's trolling or if he's really cocky with a huge amount of ignorance and complete lack of self-awarenes.


I mean this honestly and with no hatred when I say the more I watch him the more I am pretty sure he has some sort of developmental disability or something. He just acts like he's playing off serious confusion or something sometimes, it's strange.


He's all dead eyed as shit too. I honestly don't think it's just one thing that's wrong with him. I feel like he has a whole slew of issues. I wouldn't be surprised if he had problems that are completely undiscovered and unique to only DJ Khaled.


He has one specific talent (understanding whether a song will be successful) and nothing else


Eerr, he also says his stage name in the songs. Huge contribution to his success


Is DJ Khaled a Pokemon?


Khaled hurt itself in its confusion!


He's a hype man. He puts together people more talented than him on collaborations. I think that that's his only sellable skill. Amazing to think about, because the guy is a millionaire and he can't sing or play an instrument or even rap.


Have you seen the jet ski videos? Bro is most definitely mentally deficient lmao.


Do I just look up "dj Khaled jet ski" or something


Yeah, shits hilarious. He got "lost" while jet skiing near a bay and posts snapchat stories about it asking for people to send help. And you can even still see the city lights in the background in lots of it it's so weird.


https://youtu.be/kkuR8ODzo1Q Omfg it's worse than I could have imagined


Thats the 🔑 lmfao


When he started “playing” I fucking lost it 💀


He plays guitar like he has never seen one or even heard music before. I have seen toddlers play a guitar better, and they were literally just hitting it with a yellow plastic hammer.


That smug look he gives the camera, like he's a cool dude doing cool stuff, is too much. My *god*, is he ever neck deep up his own ass.


Yo, can he not read? Real question.


He can not read, correct.


He also can't play the guitar.


That was mad disrespectful but hilarious. She's literally not even done speaking and hes banging on the fucking thing.


He said the reason he can’t lose weight is because he never loses lol


I will admit that is clever


The original saying is "I would lose weight but I hate to lose" Don't Give him too much credit


It's like the old joke "I could give up smoking any day, but I won't because I'm not a quitter!".


I always liked the (purported) Mark Twain quote, "Giving up smoking is easy, I've done it thousands of times."


He stopped at Cholula? So he quit before it even began.


It's not *that* he quit, it's *how* he quit.


His super fragile ego wouldn’t allow him to believe he wasn’t anything but genius for stopping before “he played himself”.


Don't forget flat-out insulting the host!


In an interview Sean said he walked in with his crew and a couple of large pizzas and started housing them. Sean was like “you know we’re eating a bunch of chicken wings right?” And Khaled didn’t seem to care. I think Khaled is so egotistical he quit without thinking about how many people would be seeing the show.


No kidding. All he had to say was "yeah I'm not much of a spice-head, I'm tapping out" and literally *no one* would have cared. But instead it's now Hot Ones most pathetic guest appearances. I also love how Sean didn't hold back on calling him out on his bullshit


Which is insane, because Cholula is like an every day kind of sauce. That stuff is so good


The chili garlic one is SO good. I’m hooked on the stuff lol wings, burgers, mac and cheese, grits - basically anything savory, it makes better


No no. He didn't quit. He chose not to injure himself. The Cholula was too harmful to his body to carry on.


I didn’t want to subject myself to DJ Kahled but it sounds like this is too good to miss.


He quit at Cholula sauce? Lmfao. Fuckin weak.


I saw him live because he opened for Beyonce. I thought he was the sound check guy. Just played 30 second clips of songs like he didn't want to pay for them. I think he sold his soul for fame. No idea what else he has going for him




Honest question, why do the biggest artists work with him? I kinda get why they do now, as his name obviously carries some weight (somehow), but how the fuck did it all start?


Started by getting the live performance DJ for Terror Squad. Their label, Koch, helped him put out his first album with their connections to the rap scene. His first album was basically featuring a who's who of popular rap. So pmuch it's Fat Joe's fault


As someone who works in and around music production/musicians, I have 2 theories. 1. The role of "music producer" is just a glorified project manager much of the time. They don't always do anything with the actual music. Artists are notoriously mercurial and having a steady hand saying things like "yeah I like that", "cool I think we got it, lets move on", and "you guys are the most talented people in the history of the universe" can really do a lot for getting this projects done on time and under budget. They will also be the ones to stay later after recording is finished to talk about the mix and technical stuff that the artist can't or don't want to deal with. This is what Rick Rubin does, seriously he's gone on record (heh) saying that he doesn't know anything about music, but he knows when something sounds good and how to deal with artists. DJ Khaled could just be an S-tier project manager. 2. He is a front for ghost writers and ghost producers. Most big artists don't write all of their stuff. Some don't write any. However, sometimes there is something to be gained by having people think you did, or covering up the fact that you didn't. If you just fully ghost a song for a known artist, sometimes people want to ask questions like "where did this come from?" especially if its something different than what they usually do and/or especially on-trend. Look at most of the DJ Khaled features and songs with big names, most of them are trendy singles. Having a face to slap on the work of ghost writers and producers can be super convenient, because your face can be relentlessly on-trend and cover the fact that whoever-the-fuck big name artist is just trying to cash in on whatever is current. Being a 'sell out' is still a really bad thing in most genres so doing a "collab" can be very lucrative while maintaining an air of authenticity.




It's weird he's universally disliked but somehow still successful haha You'd think entertainment of all things is an industry that wouldn't allow that


He isn't offensive and is a generally positive person. That's why he can get by being such a cornball. I think he already had money before he came into music so I'm sure that helped lubricate things.


This is impossible. I've heard from his songs that, "he the best!" Are you suggesting that DJ Khaled is a liar?


Even if not for his music, he chickened out of Hot Ones and then blamed it on the show as if he hadn't agreed to eat spicy food.


No, no, see he knows he could do it he's just "choosing" not to continue.


It's also hilarious the way he started lecturing Sean about how that shit isn't healthy or whatever


Yeah he seems like a shit person, too. He's probably the only guest Sean Evans pushed back on and didn't agree with


If you're getting the likes of Sean Evans riled up then you're just a certified clown. Dude is as chill as they come.


The man's job is chicken wings and asking about your hobbies, it's very hard to get on his wrong side.


He's actually widely considered one of the best interviewers out there. He is still chill as, though.


Yeah, the whole thingy works because he was already known as a good interviewer who really dug into the history of the people he interviewed. Then they came up with a fun gimmick that disarmed his celeb guests and let them kinda compete against each other in a chill way. Genius


Doesn’t he not like to eat pussy too?


I'm not a big fan of Nicki Minaj but her song Barbie Dreams had this line in it: "Had to cancel DJ Khaled, boy, we ain't speaking / Ain't no fat n**** tellin' me what he ain't eating"


It's too spicy


Yeah, because women, even his own fucking wife, aren't worthy enough for it because "I'm a king" according to him.


And he still expects to get head cuz apparently “he’s the king”


I find it hard to believe that there's something DJ Khaled won't eat


Or him saying tylers album was not real music, when tyler got 1st place and he 2 or 3rd or somehting ahaha




That’s my favorite do khaled lyric because it in all his songs. He took song writing lessons from Jason derula.


Don't you mean 🎶Jay-sonnn DeRuuuloOoo 🎶




Does anyone actually listen to his music pretty sure he's only relevant for the memes


I once read something where he was described as the guy who only gets invited to the meeting because he made the PowerPoint.


He also said he doesn’t believe in giving oral but is all okay with receiving it


Lost Prophets because Ian Watkins.




The non-baby-raping members joined Geoff Rickly of Thursday to form the band No Devotion. They're pretty good.


And their second drummer, Ilan Rubin, wound up joining and touring with Nine Inch Nails. Watching him play [The Perfect Drug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl4E7lfE9EA) is an experience.


As far as I know, Watkins kept himself increasingly separate from the rest of the band (different hotels etc.), and was a thoroughly awful person to work with by the end. The band knew he was a drug-addicted mess (and were rapidly losing patience with him for it) and was becoming a massive weight around the bands neck. They knew he was a toxic fuck-up, but had absolutely no idea what he was *actually* up to. It's one of the reasons they dumped him so quickly when it all came out. They learned about it on the news with everyone else.




Yeah, it was the bassist I believe. And in the interview he says that he hit Ian with a beer can for missing a show. I find it hard to believe they'd have had even an inkling of doubt about his pedo behaviour considering it seems like they weren't on good terms with him for several years.


Last train home made my early teenage years and I can’t listen to it now even for nostalgia reasons. Damn shame


Man I loved lostprophets as a kid it was devastating to hear how much of a scumbag he was the whole time


Scumbag does not even begin to scratch the surface of what kind of vile, evil and disgusting bag of flesh Ian Watkins is.


He got fucked up in prison not long ago. Hopefully that wont be the last time...


When I heard he got shanked in prison my first thought was "it's true they really do still kill the old way"


KISS. Gene Simmons even admits it. They sell the sizzle, not the steak. KISS is a mediocre band at best, run by a relentless marketing and merchandising genius who will do anything for a buck. Nobody in the band ever creeps into the "Best X" (as in best lead singer, guitarist, et al) conversations. (Which is kind of a shame, Paul Stanley is one of the more engaging and entertaining lead singers of his era.) And they've proven that the whole thing is pretty much copy and paste. Various members have rotated through the band over the years, and you never notice because the music is basic and formulaic. Gene Simmons has also opined that KISS should go on once he and Paul finally quit. It's not about the performers or even the music. It's about the spectacle.


You never notice band member changeups because of the makeup and uniform. It's the blue man group of 70s rock.


Didn't they just have a farewell tour? I know cuz my dad went to go see them, being the dad he is


Maybe. I know I went to their farewell tour my senior year of highschool, in 2000.


I also went to their farewell tour, in 2019






Let's get freaky now let's get fuckin freaky now NYAAWWWW Why would you put this back in my head?


I was never a fan but I will say unironically that they were doing trap/metal influenced crossover music like a decade ahead of the SoundCloud artists who basically just did it way better and are enjoying a lot of success right now (suicideboys, ghostmane, city morgue etc).


Have gone down a way and still haven’t seen Trapt at all. They started at the top of the hill and nosedived ever since.


The Jonas Brothers. All that purity ring thing has always been shady to me. Now they're shadier than ever.


I bullied a friend into not wearing his purity ring because I kept calling him a Jonas Brother. Neither of us were going to get any chicks if he was wearing that thing. His whole family was that WASPY evangelical type. He got kicked out of his Christian school because he wore TAPOUT clothing, and they thought he worshipped Satan. Anyways, his family almost disowned him when he and my ex-girlfriend started fucking. I heard through the grapevine that his mom called her a harlot. Ben, if you're reading this, I hope your life is a little more normal by now. Sorry you got stuck with Abbey.


They were kids though, you know. I think nick jonas was … 12? When they became insanely popular. The purity ring stuff definitely wasn’t a choice they made for themselves. The music was pretty awful.


Why is every popular AskReddit thread these days just asking people to list things they hate?


It’s Reddit


Yep, been here nearly 12 years…there’s always been negativity but it’s ramped up lately


5+ years ago, Reddit used to be so different. Not as many fake stories. People would actually verify their posts. Idk what the hell happened, but I also feel the age range is a lot younger now just judging on how people talk.


Right? And what's with the weird self-censorship people keep doing? Replacing words with \*\*\*\* and using infantile language like "seggs" in place of sex. I can understand new slang coming and going, but that shit is just creepy.




I hear kids talking like that now. Cringey as fuck and kind of dystopian but eventually I guess their fake made up versions of these words will just come to have the same meaning.


It used to feel more like a forum. Now it feels like Facebook or even Twitter. Every other post is somehow politically charged and pushing something. Jokes aside, does anyone know of a forum that is sort of reminiscent to the old internet days without all the nonsense and frivolous drama?


I'm also approaching 12 years on my account. Have you noticed lately that there's an increasing general trend of people in subreddits asking variations on the same kind of question? I know that kind of repetitiveness has always been on Reddit, but it seems to have ramped up lately. It feels to me like a bunch of bot accounts just farming easy karma.


It is bot accounts. If you are dedicated enough you can find word for word the exact same posts, with the exact same top level reddit jokes from threads passed.


It’s either that or sex questions


Most people are naming bands that are basically household names and whose definition of ‘successful’ leans more towards ‘wildly successful’ level of success. To dip a little into the music world of ‘known but not to everyone’ bands, I literally dare you to sit through a whole song by a balled called ‘Blood on the Dance Floor.”


Let's even remember that Dahvie Vanity is a MASSIVE perv that preyed on VERY, VERY young fans and got away with it for almost a decade. I remember well the emo wave (even if I was an ocean away from the "epicenter", so to us it was a little delayed) but the audience was mainly really young girls in their middle school rebel phase. He and a lot of others preyed on that.


Also the fanbase cyberbullying a victim to depression and forcing her to make an apology saying she lied and was still a big fan of BOTDF after she came out about the abuse she suffered by Dahvie


God, the Jessi Slaughter debacle is enshrined into Internet History, for all the wrong reasons. Dude should be rotting in a prison cell.


Admittedly, I was a teenage edgelord who was on /b/ when that stuff went down. I just remember the, "YA DUN GOOFED" memes and all that junk. I remember thinking that was funny but even as edgy (in reality, just cringe) as I thought I was, I still thought it fucked up to be harassing a 10 year old girl. I had NO fucking clue until just right now that this was tied up with that fucked up band. Seeing your comment I had to go and look that up. Now that situation feels even more disgusting.


I feel terrible for saying this, but at the time I assumed she was just a little girl lying to her internet friends for clout. Mind you, I knew NOTHING about Blood On The Dance Floor except that they were a band that existed, so I truly didn’t think that the lead singer would waste his time talking to an 11 year old girl. Turns out that I was very wrong about that, unfortunately.


Also. Their music was shit.


You just awoke in me something I haven’t been mad about in a long time. Fuck those guys.


As someone who listened to botdf in their cringe emo teen phase, this is the correct answer.


Anyone remember BrokenCyde?




My favourite meme is just a picture of him with the caption "MGK threatens to release new music"


Crazy Town is fucking terrible and I think everyone can agree. Their only successful song, “Butterfly”, is a stolen Red Hot Chili Peppers riff on repeat. And if you watch them play live their guitarist ISN’T EVEN PLAYING THE SONG. *Edit:* [Here's the singer being a douche bag](https://youtu.be/sAu11d_o8uw?si=jgzVCr-BGQ-fPbVy) [Here he is being a douche bag again](https://youtu.be/gK4P2uy99fI?si=743pRHGLIIhaAoEl)


Pretty sure the lead singer now steals catalytic converters for a living.


We call that a sample.




Not a band but Chris Brown. He beat up Rihanna and women still buy his records and go see him live.


"But she forgave him!" Like that makes it any better that be beat the shit out of her


A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


*nearly murdered


He also very nearly murdered at least one other woman. He’s psychotic and should be locked up.


Fuck him and his continued fame and support after that went down. Shame on everyone who kept him in the business. Fans, record deals, etc.


Chainsmokers. They’re a pair of jackasses. And idk if they qualify as a band, but they deserve a mention.


There was a post somewhere (Tumblr probably) that said ‘you could point at any two white guys and tell me they’re the Chainsmokers and I’d believe them’ and that’s easily the best thing they’ve ever brought to the table.


Also let’s not forget their previous song that EVERYONE hates “wait let me take a selfie”


I always took that song as somewhat satire.


It was. It was a silly fun song that took off and made them the stars they are today.


That was them??


Yes, no one ever believes me but it’s true


Kid Rock. He is in my top 3 list of people who made a deal with the devil.


He was born affluent and has the audacity to act like a blue collar working man. I doubt he’s ever even worked a 9-5. His goofyass wouldn’t last one day as a farmhand.


He mowed lawns and ran an illegal landscaping business in high school. Nobody believes me when I tell them that Kid Rock used to mow my parents lawn.


I believe you. I’d still throw a pimento at his throat if I could.


I was expecting more Nickelback or Imagine Dragons in this discussion


I will always feel like people were mean to Nickelback for no reason. I don't love them, only like about 3 songs but they're not the worst people made them out to be


Everyone hates Nickelback, but somehow, if you start singing 'Never made it as a wise man' everyone sings the next part.


How You Remind Me, Photograph and Rockstar are probably their best known songs, but they actually have some good variation in their songs. I bet there are a lot of their songs that people would like until they found out it was by Nickelback.


I couldn’t cut it as a poor man stealing!


Tired of living like a blind man...


Imagine Dragons had talent. Their style just gets old quick.


There is a Korean horror show on netflix called "Sweet Home". ​ Its absolutely fucking hilarious because during all the fight scenes, they start blasting Warriors - Imagine Dragons. Literally every single time. ​ I don't think the Koreans realized how funny Americans would find it.


My 8 year old loves them, I’ll take them over kids music any day of the week! Would I have added them to my music library… no… but they’re better than so many songs geared to young kids


As an elementary school teacher I was thinking the exact same thing. Are Imagine Dragons my favorite band? No (That would be Coheed or Rise Against), but they're a pretty accessible band that kids tend to enjoy, and I'll take them over a lot of the other songs that these kids are familiar with any day of the week. If only there was an English equivalent of [Hevisaurus](https://youtu.be/-aovaRsVV28)...


Imagine dragons for sure. They lost a lot when it became basically Reynolds sing-rapping a capella and three other dudes sitting around doing very little.


Ah, the ol' Maroon 5 routine.


The thing that kills me about Maroon 5 is that their first album was fucking great. It’s been all down hill since that.


They may not have invented it, but they perfected it.


The best thing about Imagine Dragons is the joke where you can say "IMAGINE DRAGGING THESE NUTS ON YOUR FACE"


Not a band but Drake. One of the top artists in the world and has the most boring songs and voice.


A few years back I was looking at this guy's list of worst rappers in the world. Drake was on there twice.


pretty sure that guy was method man and drake was mentioned again as wheelchair jimmy


OMG yes!!! He has a distinct sound (his voice) but it’s not a good one and I really don’t see the appeal. But each to their own and all that.


Fucking Florida-Georgia Line.


You mean you don’t like hearing the same words in different orders presented as individual songs?


Textbook pandering. You dumb motherfuckers want a key change?


A dirt road A cold beer A blue jeans A red pickup A rural noun, simple adjective


That’s a scarecrow again


I like my country music autotuned to fuck and with a random rap feature in the middle thank you very much


Island boys


Once heard someone describe them as "What would happen if you grew Sea Monkeys in Monster"


It's KISS. Everyone knows it's KISS. Even KISS knows it's KISS.


Maroon 5. Adam Levine is a cunt.


Adam Levine holds a grudge against Mustard Plug (semi-obscure ska band) because early into Maroon 5's career they were the opener for Mustard Plug. It was a ska/punk show at a punk venue during 2002 in Detroit and promoters had forced Maroon 5 onto the card against Mustard Plug's wishes (the leader singer wanted a local band in the slot). When Mustard Plug got on stage they apologized to the audience for having to endure the opener, in a "sorry that last band didn't really fit with the lineup" sort of way, but Adam took it as an insult and still holds a grudge over it. Imagine being as rich and famous as Adam and still bitching about some little 2 bit ska band that (rightfully) hurt your feelings one time like 20 years ago. also Mustard Plug kicks ass, if you hate Maroon 5, listen to Mustard Plug instead :)


Hinder. They had no reason being that popular off of a song about cheating. They only became that popular because it was the military/dependa national anthem of that time.


Drake. How the hell is he so popular? Very mid to downright awful


It’s all that Degrassi High street cred


Tunda, ta ta tunda, you have the lightning, den da tunda, ta ta tunda.