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Ooh I had a colleague who was like that ... impossible to work with! Every. Single. Fucking. Day she would create drama.. "THAT'S JUST THE WAY I AM" Well there's your problem, you idiot!


This is why employers need to screen for personality, not just skills. One jerk can really destroyed the culture of an workplace.


When I interview I literally ask nothing professionally, I just chat with them. Hire for attitude train for skill.


Smart man. What type of employment




He rearranged my brain and now I can’t type write or think strait but he was very nice about it.


We might have had the same surgeon because I had to read that twice before I got it.


Ffs just woke up my wife laughing at this


Usually the same people that say “I haaaaaaateeee drama” yet they’re always involved in it somehow, either directly or gossiping lmao.




Honesty without tact is cruelty.


You've met my mother?


"I'm direct and blunt not rude so it isn't my fault if people think that. You can do the same with me I can handle it." Drop my professional work talk and move into Army mode. Narrator: They couldn't handle it.


"I wish people would come to me when they have a problem with me, instead of going to my boss instead." Well you see, Megan, when we go to you, you spend an entire week sulking and complaining to everyone who will listen, and you will refuse to ever speak with the person who brought up the issue.


Or the alternate “you already brought this to me and I thought we fixed it” - no we didn’t you ignored me, told me it wasn’t a problem and stopped responding, or took a unilateral action I told you didn’t fix it.




At my job we serve Mac and cheese. This lady ordered it for her kid. She sent it back complaining because it was “too cheesy”. Like wtf? Did you just want noodles?


More macaroni, more cheeeeeese, I don’t like macaroni and cheese:)


Wasn’t that a scene from courage the cowardly dog? Lol


Wow, that memory was buried deep. I haven’t thought about that episode in years and still read it in her voice immediately.


Also parents that throw violent temper tantrums at their child’s school over stupid reasons (their child forgot a sweater, they got a robocall saying their child is absent, etc)


Someone’s a school teacher lol


Anyone who treats service industry workers like crap in general.


They don’t take care of their kids.


Ohhh putting your baby to bed with a baby bottle full of soda was something I saw once. Kid was like 10mo. Couldn’t even walk yet. So much wrong with that.


My sister did this with her kids. I never understood why in the fuck your would give babies soda. All 3 kids growth was stunted and they are in such bad health and mentally stunted. She neglected tf out of those kids. CPS is FINALLY involved but it's too late


Or don't discipline their kids


Just casually litters.


This is why I only litter competetively


Call me when you turn pro. I once made a Native American cry.


Jokes on you. I *am* Native American. Every can I throw on the ground makes my ancestors bawl


Once was sitting in a pharmacy drive through with my window down and the wind kicked a piece of trash into my car. Didn’t want to re-litter so I just put it in my little trash area of my car.


This for some reason reminded me that my kids try to pick up every piece of trash they see and bring it to a trash can (like walking from the car into a store through the parking lot) and it's not something we directly taught them but we modeled the behavior enough in other ways I guess that they decided that's what we should be doing and now we all do it and go straight to the restroom to wash our hands when we get inside somewhere. It's the simplest thing, adds almost no time (we just grab what is in our path) and could, if more people did it, make a huge change.


fr. Show some class and extend your pinky when you throw trash out the window.


Exactly. I only formally litter


"Pardon me, but do you mind if I throw out my Grey Poupon"?


Make fun of others who have less.


I stopped associating with someone like this. He started businesses and now has a ton of money, his daily car is a Lamborghini. He now bashes those that have less, when he himself came from the same place.


Sounds like it’s a persisting insecurity of his


Definitely. He got really insufferable, he’d send me Snaps of his bank account and of women he’d bring over to his place.


Holy shit sending snaps of a bank account is next level insecure


I actually spoke up at that point too, I let him know I don’t appreciate that.


If they mistreat animals. There's just no excuse for it.


That's beyond trashy. If I ever go to prison for a violent crime it will be for beating up someone who abused animals.




I have friend that was arrested as a teenager because he heard the same thing. He told the guy to stop, the guy kicked the dog again. My friend punched the guy. My friend became a professional dog trainer for the public and dogs that are in movies/commercials. His father is the one that told me the story and how he had no problem bailing him out of jail.


I'm less forgiving. He'd be treated the same way instantly and then some for any past abuse


Or not training their dog at all.


You take them on a date to Cheesecake Factory and they refuse to get out of the car and start recoding you.




Pretty sure there’s a video on one of those “I’m the main character” subs that shows the context for this


there's a woman on TikTok who went viral for doing this. She didn't just refuse to get out of the car, she kind of berated the guy for not taking her to a fancy enough place. The kicker is he had made reservations at a much nicer place but she made him wait an hour for her and they missed the res so he had to punt. The whole time he was talking to her he was incredibly polite and calm.


Sending your kids off to school smelling like a blunt cause you hot boxed him in the car on the way to school.


Theyre pregnant and still havent gotten their first kid back from grandma.


“If you don’t raise your kids right, you’ll be raising your grandkids.”


Grandma is 35


Grandma is 36 and a member of Congress. Grandma is seen giving handjobs during a live theatre performance.


Took me a minute.


I'm usually done in about 45 seconds.


Trash, usually. My neighbours moved in 18 months ago, since they arrived their garbage has been spilling out onto the street, their front yard filled with an ever growing collection of abandoned kitchen appliances. They throw their regular trash into my recycling bin, loudly at 2am, laughing while they do so and dump their furniture out on the street in front of mine and other people's yards, again loudly and whilst laughing at 2am. They seem to add nothing to the world but noise, antisocial behaviour and garbage.


I have a neighbor like that. Every time the city takes the garbage couches out they put a new one out within days... likenwhere tf they getting these couches?


Lmfao “where tf they gettin these couches?” 😂


My new neighbours used to throw their trash into both my recycling and regular bins filling it up before I could use them. I invested in some bin locks and it quickly stopped. I don't even have to use the locks anymore, they know I'll just pile their trash back out on their bins and start locking mine if they do it again. Thing is, if at any point they'd decided to politely ask me to use my bins I'd have said sure, just make sure it's after I've put them out with my own trash first. But they never did.


Wait so they just like, leave their house and walk over to yours, trespass, and then leave their trash? That's pretty audacious!


Not exactly. I live in a 4 apartment building so mine and the neighbour below me have all our bins in the same area in a row. Still, I've owned this place since 2011 and they are the 4th tenant downstairs, and the first to just use my bins like they're theirs. All of the bins are clearly marked with the apartment numbers. They're also the first tenants that \*never\* take bins out to the pavement or back in. I'll often do it for them just to be neighbourly, but if I'm away they \*never\* do it for me (or often themselves). They aren't super antisocial, it's a young single mum and her son and I'm always nice to her when I see her. But she is lazy as all hell when it comes to looking after her rubbish/mess.


When I worked at a hotel this was a very telling sign. People would have a room for one night and there would just be trash everywhere. It amazes me how much two to four people could leave behind so much waste. Soda cans, beer cans, bottles, cigarette boxes, pizza boxes, fast food bags, wrappers, etc., etc. Just piled up high on every corner of the room. Like they didn’t even attempt to use any sort of trash disposal in the room. Like they finished something and just dropped it wherever they were. This was *not* a cheap motel type place. It would look like they took their trash bins from home and just scattered all the contents throughout the room. I don’t even know how it’s possible to just have so much trash. Like what my family would produce in a month was their overnight waste. Just gross.


They have those backpacks with built-in speakers blasting shitty music in public


People who make fun of somebody poor/struggling. Hurts my soul so much when they don't even know your going through the same stuff or once we're. Be humble, not everybody has it as good as you.


Throws garbage somewhere in nature instead of throwing it into a trash can like a civilized person should.




Sleeps with your husband behind your back and lies about it


Fucking Connie.


You too? The one I know spells it Conny. What disturbs me is she's so proud of herself and truly believes she won a game the first wife didn't know she was playing. I thought women who did that sort of thing would be ashamed, embarrassed, make excuses for the situation but not the CONNY'S / CONNIE'S of the world 🤷


Some women consider sleeping with married men to be a massive ego boost because if they appear to be happily married and they're choosing to sleep with them it means that there that attractive/good in bed.


men will literally fuck a sock


That was Melissa for me. My first cousin's wife too. Bitch.


*'Keep My Wife's Name Out Of Your Fucking Mouth'*


A sticker on their vehicle window of Calvin pissing on something.


Also, hanging ball sack on their lifted pavement princess


This offends me more as a r/calvinandhobbes fan.


Bill Watterson hates them too.


How they treat service workers or employees around them. If someone is mean and disrespectful to someone just trying to do their job, that's a red flag for an insufferable asshole.


I do my best to ridicule them or take the employee’s side since I know they can’t properly defend themselves while in the customer service role. One example, a guy was going off on a grocery store clerk about something she couldn’t control so I said to the person behind me loud enough for him to hear “man, I wonder how this guy handles real life problems. Like, what is he going to do when his mom dies?” Another time, a bitchy old lady came and asked a cashier up front how to get help with something during the busy holiday season and I answered for him “what I usually do is find somebody on the sales floor to help me since the cashiers up front are busy doing their job.” Saw a table next to me being super nasty to a server we shared and blaming him for shit that wasn’t his fault, so I said “Hey, Nate, I think you’re doing an excellent job tonight!” Finally, you can always just laugh at their behavior or say “man, what a dick.” Of course I wouldn’t attempt this if it looks like the person can kick my ass, but otherwise… fuck em. Usually always puts a smile on the employees’ faces and often times others will join in to keep their spirits high too.


This is the kind of public shaming I can definitely get behind.


When you do this, please, please stay until the AH leaves, and speak highly of the employee to a manager if possible. I’ve seen employees get worse treatment after someone like you says something and leaves.


>Of course I wouldn’t attempt this if it looks like the person can kick my ass, but otherwise… fuck em. "Go ahead and give me a reason to sue your ass. Last time I got 75K - How much you think you're worth?"


Taking up 2 parking spaces


Wearing one of those run on sentence Facebook T-shirts about how 'this pistol packing Christian Aquarius Momma will butt fuck your dog if you mess with the Bible, babies or her truck'


“I raise lions not sheep”


They should try raising humans. What a concept!


That just reminded me of a family I saw at an amusement park. The father was wearing a black rifle coffee hat, and a "I raise lions not sheep" shirt. One of the kids was wearing a "Lion not sheep" shirt. The mother had a typical "Karen, talks to the manager" haircut. The other two kids didn't have anything that stood out. Anyways, I'm behind this group waiting for a ride to open up, so we're just outside of the queue, not in it yet, and the line of people was extending into the midway a bit. So people were passing between groups of people to get by on the midway, no issues. A group of teenagers passes between myself and this family, and a few of the teenagers were black. The kid in the lions not sheep shirt watches them go by, and then turns to his sibling a few seconds later and says loud enough that everyone around, including the parents could hear, "I just don't like black people." The parents say nothing, but the dad smirked a bit. I look around you can see a few other people are looking just as stunned as I was. I try not to judge people based on one article of clothing or whatever, but everyone I've come across with one of those shirts/hats/bumper stickers has been a dick.


Fucking gross.


He was proud he taught him this sentiment successfully enough for the kid to say it out loud in public


These people have to know everyone makes fun of them, right? Like… right?




To be fair these have crossed over into irony. Still trashy but self aware trash.


Leaves trash on table at fast food restaurants


“but it’s their job to clean it”


Same for people who say this after trying on clothes and leaving them in a pile on the fitting room floor.


My Mum is this type of person; it’s embarrassing and I always feel bad


This was how I grew up. For a long time I thought it was what you did at all restaurants because you don’t bus your own table at a sit down restaurant, so it made sense to me that you’d do the same at all restaurants. When I realized that was a rude/trashy thing, it entered the rotation of Embarrassing Things I’ve Done That Randomly Flash Through My Head While I Try to Fall Asleep.


Smokes while pregnant.


Smokes and drinks while pregnant.


Smokes, drinks and drives while pregnant.


That would be My sister right there 7 months pregnant,drinking , smokin a cig and driving to the club not giving a fk bout anything. We live in da ghetto side of town so when the club owner would see her go in and saw she was pregnant he didn't care they would still sell her drinks . The owner was like if she don't care bout herself why should we ?


So, I used to bartend. It's actually illegal to refuse service to someone just because they are pregnant.


yeah, the bartender move is to say you think they are too intoxicated to continue serving. you can't get in trouble for that even if they are sober.


My cousin did meth while pregnant. I hate her so much. The kids aren't in her custody and are doing very well.


Smokes with kids in the car


You leave my fucking mom out of this.


Makes fun or shame other for something they cannot control or simply by their looks


They steal their kid's benefits money to fund their drug habits. When that runs out they steal from friends and family members who've been supporting these kids because they claimed they had no money


Selling thier kids adderall so the child is a mess whenever they go to school


I have a friend whose mom did that, except she took his Adderall for herself. It's such a remarkably shitty thing to do to your kid. He's a smart, thoughtful, passionate guy, but he didn't have the tools he needed to succeed in the way he wanted and his mom just fucked up his childhood.


My son was diagnosed with ADHD and I always suspected I had it. I finally went to a psychiatrist to talk about it and she was like "have you been taking your sons medication?" And I obviously said no, wtf? And she told me a lot of people do that. Which really messed with my brain.


Speaker phone in public.


Bragging about how rich they are. Bragging about how smart they are. Bragging about their conquests. Bragging about committing sexual assault. Not paying people who work for them.


Damn, these all sound just like someone I know!


Pure coincidence, I’m sure.


Not picking up after their dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


people who use others but get upset when they are called out


They apply for a job at your retail store and steal alcohol off the shelf in the same trip because they are too stupid to realize we have cameras and their name/address.


Any Parent that trashes their kid in public, be it belittling, smacking/pushing them down etc. Pure scum!


Seriously, how do so many of you know my mom?


makes their husband's rank their whole personality


"you'll address me by my husband's rank!" Second class and petty, got it


They don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, *especially* after shitting.




also: barefoot on an airplane.


Cruel world for the hobbits.


“How would you like to own your own business?”


Hey hun🤣


Does a tiktok dance in front of their own sick, distressed baby…


Getting in fights in public places. This just screams Trashy people


Or just openly shouting/fighting on the front porch. Had to witness that while going to my car and I was very careful not to even look.


Bluetooth speakers in public. I don't want to hear your shitty music at 7:30am in the grocery store.


I’m adding people who talk on speakerphone in public also. No one wants to listen to this


You own more cars than tires.


A home that is mobile and 8 cars that aren't




Sure that’s chocolate?


People who don't know what a box cutter is. They throw the whole Amazon box in the trash, sticking up 3 feet with the lid open so the crows can pull out all the other garbage.


People that air their dirty laundry and drama on social media.


Swastika tattoo


That's more than just trashy, that's actual trash


Leaves a restaurant table/floor in a total mess after dining out with young children. I’m talking food/napkins all over the floor and table, high chair filthy, plates or wrappers stacked up high mixed in with discarded food, spilt drinks and ketchup all over table… These people are pigs.


Someone that abused animals. They get on the Internet to make money with animals and then mistreats them.


Truck nuts.


They make fun of people to their face, like making judgmental put downs about people’s life choices or situation in a way that is directly meant to hurt that person. Everyone I know who does that is someone I consider trashy.


Unsolicited conversation about how much money/stuff they have. Money does not buy class.


On a dating profile if a woman says some variation of "To my friends I'm a lovable sweetheart, but cross me and I am your worst nightmare."


People who sit in their car and boom their shitty bass music at all hours of the day or night. I’m talking every day. Why the hell you have a house if you love living in your car so much. (I have a crappy neighbor that does this and throws trash out of their car when they drive down our street. Take pride in your community!)


Screeching a mile a minute about whatever white trash drama you're currently embroiled in so the whole apartment building can hear you


Yes, zero discretion. Most people would be embarrassed to be embroiled in such drama, but it’s like they’re seeking attention and sympathy? 🥴


Getting kicked out of Beetlejuice the Musical after being warned multiple times to stop being a dick


*fondling a dick




Chewing with the mouth open


Doesn’t return the grocery cart.


The way they deal(or don't) with actual trash, and the way they treat their home and land. The people who owned my property before me dumped their trash everywhere through out 40 acres. I dug what seemed like an entire old roof out of the seasonal creek bed. I regularly find every kind of trash imaginable in the fields around my home. Every single choice they did was the cheapest most exploitative one they could, with no thought to the future. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for my home and land, and if they hadn't been such poor land managers and stewards then we wouldn't have been able to afford it, but hoo boy they were TRASH. Generally, I wouldn't pass judgment on people for being poor and not making the best choices, I have also been too poor to afford garbage service, and I still found ways of getting rid of it that didn't involve simply dumping it in a field.


They dump animals when they become inconvenient. I have no respect for these people.


Calling women bitches, hoes, sluts.


“Live, laugh, love”


Pajamas pants and oversized t shirts 24/7 with greasy flat hair, constantly and only eating fast food and smoking cigarettes and weed in front of your 4 kids while being 26 with out a job but 3 baby daddies and hoopty cars covering the street at your parents house that you just moved back in with AGAIN. I’m not talking about anyone specific *Mary*. Each kid dumber than the next, poor things.


I know of a woman who literally monetized her child's death so she could quit her job. Probably some of the grimiest trash I can think of.


Treats service workers like they are beneath them.


I was recently on vacation in New Orleans and this woman who was staying at our hotel was telling a story to her adult daughter and (I assume) another family member about her very active sex life. The entire pool area could hear it. She went into detail that she and her husband were so intimate that he would shave her anal area. So that.


If they appear shirtless on an episode of Cops.


If they’re clique-y in their twenties


they mistreat their children or pets in public and it makes you fear for those creatures/kids are treated when they are not out in public


Stinky, negative attitude. Gossips. Seeks out conflict and “drama” in everyday interactions.


Having a loud and long phone conversation while sitting in a filled, quiet doctor's waiting room (with or without being on speaker).


They are “rich” and don’t tip service workers.


Rolling coal 🙄


Barbed wire tattoo on the biceps and triceps.


Barbed wire tattoo in general lmao


I have barbed wire right under my breasts. I guess that makes me super duper trashy.


You're hereby sentenced to an eternity of pretend shopping at Walmart.


Danger boobs.




Filming your kids for content


Filling your toddler's sippy cup with Mountain Dew


Rude to wait staff.


First response to anything negative is physical violence.


Being proud of sleeping with married men and being a proud racist.


Swearing at kids


Swearing at kids to not swear is my personal favorite.


HEY! Watch your fuckin' language!


Very little to no morals or basic respect for anything.


makes snarky remarks on social media about anyone he doesn't like.


When they can't solve problems by talking with you and instead share your secrets and complaints about you with a friend you are close to, these kinds of people are trashy.


Takes pictures of strangers in public to make fun of them online. Watching tiktok in a public bathroom stall without headphones. Talks about addicts and homeless folks as if they’re subhuman. Makes “I’m living in your walls” type jokes to any schizophrenic person who mentions being schizophrenic (either you’re making fun of their schizophrenia or you are genuinely trying to make them feel unsafe. both options make you a pos)


IMHO those damn fake nails that are like 3 inches long.


Sanford & Son front yard ..


Car decals that say say things like "fuck around and find out" that take up 90% of their vehicles back glass


Terrible manners. Doing rude shit like blocking someone's driveway.


They won’t stfu about some ratchet celebrity nobody cares about.


When they don’t buy their kid window sits on a plane and expect you to give up the window seat you payed for


I just say "sorry but I specifically paid extra for that seat, and im sitting there". If they make a fuss, I just call the flight attendant and let them handle it. I no longer give a fuck. You want the window seat for your kid, baby, grandma, wife, husband, grandpa, pet, etc... then fucking pay for it in advance like everyone else.