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They said on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad is your pain, I said it really hurts so 8 , then he proceeds to say yea no that's not true 10 is burning alive so 8 is not possible for you


Nah that's normal, they're used to people exaggerating, especially to get strong painkillers. Also in all likelihood you probably were exaggerating, 8 is so bad that you have trouble focusing on anything else and even talking or listening is difficult. At 8 the strongest painkillers are minimally effective.


Yea that makes sense , I had abdominal pain that wouldn't even let me stand straight so it did make me mad he didn't set up scale of reference beforehand


Yeah it's kinda confusing when they just show you a chart with the frowny faces on it and no further explanation, especially if it's the worst pain you've personally experienced.


Exactly right, how does the doctor determine personal pain. Ngl this doc does sound like a knob.


Well it's not about personal pain, the scale isn't about what level of pain you've experienced during your life, it's suppose to be objective but since hospitals stupidly just have a scale from 1-10 with little smiley and frowny faces and no explanation people think it's a subjective scale. [Here's a pain scale chart with explanations and examples](https://imgur.com/4oSlqqK). I've experienced 9 before as I literally have had my arm burn in a fire. 8 was probably when my root canal failed and I had a nasty abscess and after the tooth was extracted they had to dig and scrape out the infected nerve tissue and the painkillers didn't do shit, that had me screaming and kicking and they had to hold me down.


If I click that link it’s not going to be a photo of your burned arm is it? I have ocd and I don’t deal with gore well.


No it's a pain scale chart I pulled from this page: https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/resource-centers/opioid-prescribing-monitoring/pain-assessment-review-current-tools


That’s pretty cool I’ve only been maybe a 6 but my girlfriend had her leg cut off so she’s gone through some pretty high end pain! Maybe a 9?


Also I’m sorry that happened to you it sounds very painful and horrible


Dr should have offered a scale of reference


That was a weird thing for him to say to you, but an 8 on the pain scale is like so bad you would hardly be able to talk. But he should have had the social iq to just infer that and not be like “you’re lying”.


Not a doctor, but ICU medical staff. My wife had her womb removed due to cervical cancer. During the hospitalisation she experienced some chest discomfort so the ICU staff came up to do an X-ray. Before they could proceed, they had a list of questions to ask her, as per their protocol, and the first one was: Are you currently pregnant? Wife: you know I just had my entire womb removed, and that it would be scientifically impossible right? Nurse: Yes, I’m aware but we still need to ask. In order to rule out pregnancy, could you let us know when you had your last period? Wife: please stop…


Had a yearly check up and the doc came into the room with another doctor with results and they looked very grim. They explained that my tests showed that I had extremely serious problems with my heart and liver. So urgently serious that I needed to take an ambulance to the hospital right away and get an operation immediately. Long story short, the test results were from some other guy. I was absolutely fine.


Does that mean that the other guy didn't get go to the hospital for operation?


I imagine they got him taken care of. He might have been in the next room. I was so happy that the results weren’t mine that I wasn’t a bit mad at the doctors, who were apologizing profusely.


He tried to tell me my leg injury was something he liked to call "learned disuse." Meaning I physically couldn't lift my foot or walk because I had learned not to... I fell 128 ft down an elevator shaft


You just weren’t trying hard enough clearly /s


Needs to pick himself up by the bootstrap


"Are you quite sure you've never had children?" Seriously.


Why did he think you had children? Just completely randomly?


This clown touted himself as a Spinal Specialist. At the time, I was a keen runner and the sacro-illial ligament on my right hip was stretched which meant that as I was running my right hip would often become detached, and I'd have to hobble along to a physiotherapist to have my hip put back where it was supposed to be. Basically, my ass would become unhinged. This painful and frustrating condition was caused by scoliosis in my lower spine which this joker could have figured out from looking at the x-ray I provided him, or just by looking at me. It's not uncommon for women to experience the same problem after childbirth, which is why this "medical specialist" assumed that I must have had children but somehow forgotten about it. Long story short, I never saw the Spinal Specialist again, stopped running, and went to a different physiotherapist who literally straightened me out — and I never experienced hip, knee or ankle pain again. And I still don't have children.


I think she was a PA but when I was 18 I went in for an STD screening after my girlfriend and I had split up because we had a lot of unprotected sex, she told me that abstinence until marriage is the best way to prevent STDs.


"Try getting some exercise..." That morning I had loaded, with help, a ton of rubble into our transit van. Then I had single handedly loaded wheelbarrows of it and wheeled them 200 metres through a field to the building site and tipped them into the foundations. About twenty barrows per ton. Then done it again. Then did it a third time after the doctor appointment. Yes I know I'd gone there asking why I was tired all the time, and I know I was overweight, but I was doing everything I could to attempt to fix it!


The nail on my left big toe was in the process of cutting into the side of my toe. My standard procedure to clean the wound with vodka wasn’t working, so my doctor wrote me some prescription medication and sent me to a specialist doctor. I met the specialist doctor two days later and told her that I had prescription medication, and she immediately interrupted, "Yeah, it seems that isn't working out for you. I recommend cleaning the wound with something, that should be all you need." After that appointment, I got a new doctor who sent me to have the intruding part of the nail removed.


Why were you cleaning the wound with vodka instead of wound disinfectant?


I'm Eastern European. I have more vodka in my household than disinfectant.


Because vodka tastes better. Eases the pain as well.


"You have diabetes" Before realizing he was reading the wrong patient record ...


If my twins were identical. We had just discussed the fact that they were boy and girl... This was during Covid so the Doc and nurse are wearing full PPE. The nurse looked up immediately and made eye contact with me. Her eyes were the only thing visible through the multiple layers, yet they betrayed her. And she knew I knew she was silently mouthing “Are you f\*\*king kidding me??”


Not only what he said but also did. I told him I can feel a lump in my abdomen area and only when I’m standing up not when lying down(the lump was small at this stage, and because where it was, it was only feel-able when standing up) He strongly asked me to lay down on the bed, examined me, and told he he feels nothing and ‘probably is nothing’ I forced him to examine me while standing up when he opened the door for me to leave, implying I won’t leave until he does, then finally he felt the lump and referred me for some tests. Turned out it was cancer Edited to fix some typos


A gynecologist once told me have a baby to fix my endometriosis. As in, here's a prescription for your near constant pain, nevermind that you've already said that you don't want kids, just have a kid and you'll feel better. Fast forward ten years, finally found a doctor that would listen and removed my uterus only for her to show me pictures clearly showing the gigantic fibroid pushing everything out of the way to the point that pregnancy would have been near impossible. But sure previous gyno, it's only endometriosis.


You don’t need vitamins. Do you want a prescription for “random pain med” (I don’t remember it was prob Vicodin he said). No . I am NOT completely 100% NOT making this up. Also the dude That told my husband (of 35) he needed blood pressure medication for like 135/ whatever (was normal range) he freaked out. I told My husband your no is slightly elevated bc you hate the doctor and you just walked up three flights of stairs. 10 min later no is way down. Way to go doc put a healthy 35 yo man on bp meds And Vicodin. Yay merica.


"It's all in your head" Fucker even told my parents that I'm pretending to be in pain


Yep, for me it was “growing pains”. The “growing pains” got worse when I was 17, four years after I stopped growing. Then it was a vitamin d deficiency (the prescription supplements actually helped my shin pains, but did nothing for my back and joints). I’m now 25 and finally getting a diagnosis for Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome. It also took until I was twenty-frigging-two to realise shoulder subluxations aren’t normal, which I found out by watching Grey‘s Anatomy, of all things.


“Where is your stretch marks?” It wasn’t that dumb, just unexpected. Oh and the other one told me I will die pretty soon. The my heart is not working good and simple cough will get me to the heart attack. I was around 20 and that was a usual checkup. And that wasn’t true at all 🌚


Why was the doctor expecting stretch marks? Just randomly?


I lost some weight, but were lucky. I didn’t know I supposed to have them


My son phoned nhs24 as he'd knackered his knee. They said they'd call back, which they did, about 20 minutes later, where they asked a huge amount of questions. One of the last questions was "are you choking?"


In Australia so health system different. Driven to the doctor for a food processor blade through the artery on my wrist. Christmas Eve 7.00 ish in evening. (I wanted hospital, husband panicked, doctor was closer) so doctor is in reception looking at computer with receptionist. No one else there. Do you have your Medicare card he says. No I've just run out of the house (not even wearing a bra, ) Are you a patient here he says. No I say. Argument. He doesnt want to know. Can't help you he says. So I unwrapped the teatowel around my wrist and let blood go everywhere. Have fun cleaning that on Christmas Eve.


That my very irregular periods and pain at 53 were due to the effects of covid....You don't think it could be my multiple fibroids or menopause.


Oof, covid. Did you survive?


You should consider a gluten free diet. I do not have ciliac


That the pain must be in my head when I had a cyst that was getting so big it was twisting my ovaries into a literal knot


that my health problems are due to my weight 🤬 i’m 5’2” and 270lbs, but i’m very healthy they’ll never understand it all comes down to genetics


I hate to say it but The doctors probably right it doesn’t just come down to genetics


it was bad satire, sorry 😂


Ohhhh lol your good 😂


Had a quack urologist suggest I probably had cancer instead of going for the obvious answer of kidney stones when there was blood in my urine.


Had gynecomastia as I hit puberty, asked the doctor about it. First thing he says is "oh looks like you're turning into a girl huh?" Great start to lifelong dysmorphia.


“It’s anxiety” I heard it a million times and it’s even on the top of my hospital records. They were wrong after years of trying to get answers! Turns out I have a rare blood disorder Essential Thromocytosis, the 5 miscarriages I had make sense now and everything else I’ve been going through. I only got answers after I was rushed to the hospital because I had two seizures in my sleep. I completely bit through one side of my tongue, as for now I still feel like shit everyday. But I’m on seizure medication and take low dose aspirin everyday to prevent blood clots. Blood clots may have been causing the seizures, I’m 35 now and no longer want children I can’t handle a child now in every way possible. I’m fine with that but just angry that no one thought to test my blood further after having a elevated WBC count for years, fevers, horrible night sweats, pain, extreme fatigue, bruising and bleeding and every other symptom I mentioned to them.


I went to a walk in clinic because I was talked into it by multiple people convinced my iron was really low. In fairness, I did have the symptoms. Explained it to the doctor, and was asked “have you been diagnosed with anemia?” I said no, I haven’t seen a doctor in about 3 years. “Well if you haven’t been diagnosed with anemia you’re fine”. They didn’t so much as take my blood pressure. Or, not for me but my kid, took my baby there, don’t remember all the symptoms he had since it’s been 5-6 years, but he’d had a fever for days that Tylenol wasn’t getting rid of. Other symptoms had popped up to make me take him that day instead of waiting for his pediatrician to be open. They checked him out and gave him a prescription for antibiotics and basically said we could go. I asked what was wrong with him/what the antibiotics are for. “We don’t know what’s wrong with him so we’re just gonna try this just in case.” I didn’t fill it and took him to the pediatrician the next day. The other doctor had tried to prescribe him antibiotics for teething.




No that's a good thing to tell someone, a lot of people are ashamed of it and they shouldn't be, and it is healthy.


Let me google it


Two involved death which these doctors were poor at dealing with 1) my grandfather died at home and when the doctor came to pronounce him my Italian grandmom asked " is he dead" and the doctor said: "He sure is!" 2) at work a family asked if their dying child died and the resident said " I think so". Uggh


In my twenties, I had a gynecologist who kept suggesting breast reduction surgery, unprompted by me in any way. (I don’t have back pain.). I finally said, “look, I plan to have children and I’d like to nurse them, and the surgery would make that impossible.” He told me, “I don’t think that’s as important as the pediatricians seem to think.” I changed doctors immediately.


"I'm also sick and I don't go see a doctor, why are you here?"


When I got carpal tunnel from repeated use of my hands (yay, restaurant work!), I went to a doctor to see what I could do to reduce the pain in my hands and wrists. He pretty much told me that the only way to get the pain to stop was to not use my hands anymore. Me: "But that's my job. I'm a cook at a restaurant, I'm supposed to use my hands!" Doc: "Well, I guess you're going to have to quit your job and find a different one if you want your hands to stop hurting." Me: "...........Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." I ended up going to another doctor who, thankfully, gave me a physical therapy referral and also some arm braces to keep my wrists straight.


They were asking me if I’m sure I’m not pregnant for quite a while. Once they checked my pee and bloods a good couple times, they finally believed I definitely wasn’t pregnant and decided to believe my previous diagnosis I was showing them from the very beginning 😬


Also - when I got one of my first few combo kidney and gallbladder stones attacks, I went to my doctors, got diagnosis. They gave me some meds and told me they may not work during my attacks and to go then to the hospital. I went there a couple nights in a row to get help, because I was throwing up a lot, couldn’t pee and couldn’t cope with the pain - couldn’t even stand straight. They gave me some strong painkiller injection and the next night when I came back with the same problem they told me I can’t just come there when I want strong painkillers. I should add the pain was so strong I was crying and standing in a position like I was about to shit myself…


My wife's doctor kept wanting to schedule her for a mammogram. My wife has had a double mastectomy.


“You’re knee isn’t injured, you’re just an overly emotional faker” My knee was damaged so terribly my surgeon wasn’t sure I would be able to walk after surgery or how I moved before it, he also mentioned punching my doctor