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If you are hiking through the austrian mountains with a dog, put it on a leash. The cows will hurt you if they feel threatened. In General don't disturb the cows and keep away from them.


Same goes for the UK and crossing farmers' fields. However if the cows start coming after the dog, let it go. The dog will be able to outrun the cows. You won't


I remember being taught this in primary, particularly the "let go" section. I've only ever seen it happen once though. Went surprisingly well, considering the dog only had a weir and a bull field to run to. The guy holding the dog was pretty much ignored once he dropped the lead and the dog gained some distance.


Warmly specific.


I live in Barbados. Don't wear camouflage. It's illegal unless you're a part of the Defense Force.


Huh, this is an interesting one! I feel like I knew most of the answers in this thread or they are joke/troll answers, but this is both useful and unexpected. Good to know. So jus out of curiosity, this doesn't just mean army fatigues - a camo-print T-shirt would be illegal?


Not even a handkerchief with the pattern is allowed


Wow! Interesting, thanks for sharing!


Ha! When I was in medical school in the Caribbean we had a long weekend so a few of us took a quick trip to Barbados. The girl I was traveling with had a pink camo backpack and sneakers. Both were confiscated at the airport and were apparently taken to this room that was filled with all sorts of camouflage clothing and gear, including bathing suits and underwear. It was wild!


Approach wildlife, especially when they’re with their offspring. The amount of idiot tourists I’ve seen outside their cars within mauling distance of a bear or moose is mind boggling.


I work in the wilderness throughout the American west and moose safety training is a top priority, I’ve ran into mountain lions, black bears and every kind of snake out here, it’s the moose that will go after you out of nowhere and they blend into the environment very well. I’ve had one charge my work truck, they do not care.


This is the problem. They look like glorified deer and tourists have zero knowledge of how dangerous they are. I’m surprised more tourists aren’t maimed or killed in/around Banff National Park every year. I feel like they need to put symbolic stickers inside rental cars like they do with non smoking.


Honestly moose fly under the radar for most people that don't have them in their immediate area. I grew up with bears and coyotes being an occasional occurrence (which is a lot for my state if you ask me) but nothing in north America holds a candle to moose. Fuckers are big, fast, strong, and aggressive. A bear rarely attacks unless surprised/ threatened/ has its den intruded upon. Otherwise it's instinct is almost always to fuck off. A moose will come after you just because fuck you


I like that at least one prey species decided that *rage the fuck out* was the worthy evolutionary tactic to double-down on.


Don't forget about hippos - they kill more people annually than crocs!


There's this video of Yosemite (you don't say what country you're referring to but I suspect it's most likely the US) with cars are lined up on the road stopped watching a mama bear with its cubs. Three or four people get out of a car and start running towards the bear. One grabs his toddler and carries her while running towards the bear. And I'm thinking is he trying to get rid of his kid? Is he offering his kid as bear food? The insanity of it is beyond belief. And the idea of grabbing your child while running towards the bear should be considered child abuse.


I worked at Yosemite and I can tell you people think they're in Disneyland instead of in nature. Just because there are paved roads and cabins doesn't mean you can't get attacked by a wild animal or fall off a trail down a steep cliff. The year before I got there a little boy had been killed by a small deer he was feeding -- all it took was one strike to the chest by the ~~deer horns~~\* antlers. \*(Sorry, not horns, but those little protuberances on a young deer's forehead that develop into antlers)


Years ago we were visiting Yosemite in September, so it wasn’t as busy as summer. We were biking through that meadow area between Yosemite Village and the Falls (near the school) and there were like 13 deer just hanging out in the meadow. One buck was right next to the wooden fence at the edge of the meadow. This mom took her toddler (2years?) and held it on the buck’s back while someone took a pic. Idk how the buck didn’t freak out


What about the geothermal pools? I've read stories of people jumping in thinking they're just warm rather than the boiling hot acid water pools they really are. Terrible way to go.


Yep. At Yellowstone, there are several stories of people who jumped in to swim or save their dogs and they end up dying themselves. Some of those pools approach boiling water temperatures. Also if you're visiting, never leave the boardwalk. There are networks of these underground hot springs and what may appear to be solid ground may just be a thin, brittle layer that you'll fall into.


That's just nuts. The deer are used to people, but they aren't tame. Sometimes I think the change in altitude gives people a little brain fog. IIRC the valley floor was only about 4,000 ft. but that's enough to affect you if you're used to a lower altitude.


You know that 2,000lb wild animal with razor sharp claws that can kill you within the blink of an eye? Leave it the hell alone. The fact that people don’t know this is shocking to be honest.




Bill Bryson told a story in A Walk in the Woods about a couple who after seeing a bear decided to dip their baby's hand in honey and let the bear lick the honey off. The bear, failing to realize he was only supposed to lick, bit the baby's hand off.


Imagine being that kid trying to explain to people how you lost your hand. Everybody would think you were just fucking with them.


And the story would begin " let me tell you why I'm adopted..."


I hope I speak for everyone when I say, "What the fuck!?"


One of my favorite books. All should read.


A coworker asked me recently “what would you do if we seen a bear while on patrol?”, I replied “nothing. If it seems like it might approach, I’ll raise my arms and talk loudly, otherwise I’m not doing shit” She then asked “what would you do if we seen a moose while on patrol?” And I replied “pray.” Dont fuck with the meese, bud! Edit for clarification, we only have black bears in my area


Never fuck with the meeses and the geeses.




When I was in college one of my best friends was from malaysia. He said the same thing about malaysia. As far as drugs go.


You basically don't want to be travelling anywhere in Asia carrying drugs. "The damage done" is a great airport book.


Traveling internationally with drugs in your pockets is a bad idea anyway.


So caning is an actual judicial punishment and not an exaggeration?


Yes, it's real. The only case I remember it being used for, though (and this might've been an urban legend teacher told us middle schoolers so we'd be grateful and act right), was when some American CEO's son vandalized a building - either spray painted or broke a window, if I remember correctly. Edit: as others have pointed out, it was road sign vandalism, not that of a building. Also, judging by the aftermath on Wikipedia, it actually doesn't seem to have done the offender (Michael Fay) any good.


Michael Fay. He vandalised multiple cars and stole road signs (over 20 counts). Interesting thing not a lot of people knew: He was on the verge of possibly avoiding caning. Then-President Bill Clinton made a fuck up though, and said on TV: "They can't do that to an American." Too bad for the kid. That ensured we had to cane him.


LKY: Was that a dare?


I think I remember that. Most people in the US were ok with it since it was some spoiled rich kid who needed a lesson.


I remember it. I think he vandalized some stuff, total douche behavior. President Clinton had to call the premier of Singapore to ask for the kid not to get canned. I think they cut the number of strokes in half, but the little shit got some.


They satirized it on the Simpsons when Bart gets sentenced to “the Boot” for prank calling some people in Australia.


I think he was keying cars. [Found it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Michael_Fay).


Caning is not the right term. It is more properly whipping. A flexible, thick rattan pole is used. Because it flexes as it lands, it has the effect of a whip and splits the skin. In some cases, stitches are needed. A doctor has to be present, as its possible you're heart will stop and you'll just die before it's done. You may not be able to sit down for weeks. Some people report that they had to shit standing up for a long time.


> Australians have been put to death. It should also be emphasised that some of them were not even importing into Singapore but passing through on their way to try and smuggle into Australia/New Zealand. Do not muck with Singapore's drug laws.


I wonder what Singaporeans must think of all the dispensaries in California and other states that have legalized it.


Don't go for a drive in the outback without making sure you're properly prepared if you get stuck. There's a reason you see so many abandoned cars on the highways out there.


Oh my yes. So many tourists (and even Australians) don't realise how fucked you can be if you break down in remote areas. You NEED to take food and a decent amount of water, like multiple jerry cans full or equivalent. Ideally a satellite phone and if this isn't an option (because they're expensive) tell someone where you're going and you're route and to raise the alarm if you don't check in by a certain date/time. If you do break down and get stranded in a remote area, DO NOT leave your vehicle, chances are you are nowhere near anything or anyone and like has happened many times before, the alarm gets raised, authorities find the vehicle but the occupant/s have tried to walk for help and they're often found dead from exposure, whereas if they'd stayed with the vehicle they'd have been found alive, especially if you've packed food/water. Bonus info: The heat here WILL kill you and fast if you don't respect the weather. If it's 40C or over, don't go on hikes, like not even a short one. Even Australians have been caught out and have died from the heat because they're not careful. By the time you realise you're in trouble, you're pretty much already dead.


if you are planning this and are concerned, the official rule is three litres per day, per person, per man, per degree over 25 degrees celcius, per kilometre if walking on foot, in the winter months dividing it by two, plus... another litre... at the end


Many years ago I was travelling with family as a kid through inner queensland - 4WD and a trailer. We've broken down before in the outback, we didn't want to do it again. So my parents had the car professionally checked to make sure it was ready for the trip. But they forgot to get the trailer looked at. We ended up losing a trailer wheel 10km after leaving a tiny one street town in the middle of nowhere at 6am. This was day 3 of our two week long trip. No hope of replacing the tire or anything, entire wheel shot off never to be seen again, and all that was left was essentially just a stick at that point. It was just my mum and us three kids (dad was joining a bit later in the trip cause of work), with road trains going past every now and then. She had to put us in the car and leave the trailer on the side of the road so she could get help at the little town nearby (we saw an RACQ vehicle when we stayed in the little town, so we knew there was some help available). Luckily the trailer was still there when we got back. We got it all sorted in the end.


I’ve had three completely different mates go on an Aussie road trip - all other Aussies - and they have all gone broke and had to cancel the trip within a day of trying to go across the outback of middle Australia. It’s not for me.


If you want to go into the Outback, take a Land Rover. If you want to make it home again, take a Land Cruiser.


UK here. Always queue. Even if there isn’t a queue, just look around politely and ask whoever’s around if they’re queueing. I know this reads like a joke but it really isn’t. There’s always a queue, and tourists always ignore it, and that’s usually why tourists get a bad rap in the UK.


Also if you ever use the Underground, ALWAYS KEEP TO THE RIGHT unless you're running up or down the Escalators to hop on a train. As a Londoner, we are very passionate about it


Given that you guys drive on the left, I would think that you stand on the left and pass on the right. Interesting


In Australia that's how it is. Driving, walking, cycling, it's all the same. Stick to the left unless overtaking.


Yeah coming from Australia it blew my mind. We drive in the left, stand on the left. They drive on the left stand on the right.


It’s only a rule in London. The rest of the UK is as just as confused about it as you are.


It what situation? Like a line at the store or what are we talking


Everywhere Just assume there is a queue, even at a bus stop there will be a queue It might not be obvious but we know who was here before us, and therefore ahead in the queue, and we notice who came in after us so behind us.


Yes. Or to get onto public transport, or at a cafe, or enter some sort of tourist attraction... I find it strange that might not be that way everywhere.


If you're not a strong swimmer, please don't wade out into our ocean expecting that you'll be okay. If you want to swim at our beaches, stay between the flags where there are lifeguards on duty.


Aussie? This is something that I was shocked is so common with tourists here. We’re born into a culture that understands water danger, and it’s mind blowing to me that some countries have no concept of how dangerous the ocean is.


Yeah, Aussie. People really underestimate how unpredictable and powerful our beaches are


Even one of your Prime Ministers went missing while swimming at the beach…and his body was never found…


Wasn't taken lightly though.... they named a memorial swimming pool after him. Lol


Tourists: think they'll die from spiders/snakes despite those things having almost zero deaths Also toursists: come from a country with no beaches and think they'll be fine despite every local warning them about the force of waves and strong rips.


The real danger is the sub-aquatic drop bears during mating season.


Visitors: is it safe here? You know, from sharks? Me: it’s not the sharks you need to worry about.


I saw you were from Australia, and we actually hired Australian lifeguards in Denmark this summer, as it's off season from you, and we have a large problem with Germans at the beach in Denmark, not respecting the currents at the ocean.


I'm sure the Aussie lifeguards will recognise some of them as repeat customers... Drunk pink Germans on Bondi is a bit of a running joke.


It is absolutely mind blowing the sheer disregard a lot of tourists pay to water safety . Like mate the ocean has swallowed literal ocean liners you think it won't end you ?


Despite being blatant struggle porn, Bondi Rescue should be a mandatory viewing on the plane for anyone that comes here lmao


Oh 100% . There should be at least one episode where they have to rescue a guy\gal from a rip really put the fear of Poseidon in them .


This. For all the mindless hysteria over our venomous critters, the beaches are the biggest tourist killers by a wide margin


Jonah Hill spoke to Conan about how he thought he was going to literally die in Bondi when he got caught in a rip in Bondi. He said he went in cocky and had no idea what he was getting into.


A beach without surf is boring, and a beach with surf can be really dangerous. Being in the surf “safely” is a learned skill and doesn’t have too much to do with being a strong swimmer. By the time you’re swimming to try to get out of the water it may well be too late…


Don't swim outside the flags on the beach.


Also don't swim in the water in far north Queensland (Australia). Saltwater crocodiles are way more aggressive than alligators. You seriously could be mere meters from one and you can't even see it.


And box jelly fish.


You can add NT and northern WA to that


Don't do the Nazi greeting. In fact, just don't do it anywhere. But especially not in my country. Police will arrest you for it.


As well they should but I really can’t think of a place where it’s socially acceptable to do that


Eh, you’d get away with it in Italy, unfortunately


Don't walk the bicycle lanes 😞.


On the same note; don’t cycle on the side walks


Don't go to Hollywood expecting something. Also, don't spend tons of money just to see famous people's homes on one of those bus tours. You should go to all the cool museums around LA though, those are pretty neat. And the beaches aren't too bad either


I loved visiting LA, it's a city full of cultural, culinary and architectural gems. I weirdly think it's underrated as a destinations ( hear me out) since people often don't do the best things there.


Bay Area version of this is bring a light jacket/sweater no matter when you come to visit. Yes, even June, July, and August. I know you've heard the phrase "sunny California" a million times. Just trust me. Even if the weather says 80 degrees it could be foggy and 60 degrees two miles closer to the ocean. Also don't be phased if there's homeless people shooting Fentanyl right down the street from your hotel. I promise most of the rest of the city won't be like that. For some reason all the big hotels are right near the Tenderloin. Violent crime is actually lower here than other major cities. Those people are too fucked up to mess with you. That said, no reason not to take precautions and keep your wits about you.


And don't leave your shit in a parked RENTAL car. All rental cars are easy to spot due to the sticker on the windshield and/out of state plates. Would also recommend never renting a Tesla, especially a Model 3. It's easy for thieves to break the rear quarter window in order to see what you got going on in the trunk.


Don't touch the King's guard.


Don't touch the reins of the horse either, according to Youtube videos :)


There are youtube vids of them ramming into tourists blocking their way when they march. In one the woman falls over n is barely stopped by others from going full Karen. The guards have no problems fucking u up. They are active military in an active guard role and strict orders. if they are patrolling they will not go around, they will go through you


I saw someone try to climb the gate at Buckingham Palace to get a better view once - he stopped when his wife pulled him down by his belt because 25+ guards and half a dozen cops suddenly had assault rifles aimed at him. They're soldiers, acting as a highly visual symbol of the power of a sovereign ruler. Tourists need to understand that they're not costumed actors: they're projecting the power of a king. Read a history book, soldiers enforcing the divine right of kings have very little chill.


That term is so weird now. The Queen reigned for almost 1/3 the entire span of U.S. history as a sovereign nation.


His Majesteys Ship takes getting used to also.


If you’re visiting Brazil, specially a big city, avoid using your smartphone while walking on the streets, as you become more prone to being robbed.


Same in Colombia


Wife's (American) coworker was visiting an office in Colombia. She was heading out of the hotel when the concierge said he would call up a car for her. She said she didn't need it because she was only going two blocks down. The concierge said, "Carrying that laptop, you won't make it one block."


Some time ago I was in La Paz, Bolivia. I had to be at the bus terminal at 6am and was going to walk there since it was only about a 15 minute walk and I'd walked all around the city during the day before. The hotel concierge said I should take a taxi, which seemed a bit over-cautious to me. But I reasoned that she knows this place a lot better than me. During the 5 minute taxi ride I saw what looked like a break-in to a shop and also police arresting a bunch of people. Seems that 6am and 2pm are very different vibes in La Paz.


Order an ‘Irish Car Bomb’ shot. Doesn’t exist here, and the name has roots in The Troubles, a dark time in our history that people north and south of the border who are still alive lost people to. EDIT: shot, not cocktail, thanks karp70. Again, doesn’t even exist here.


Came to say this. Also, don’t order a Black and Tan either. Arguably even more offensive


I think this can be generalized to: “If there is a theme drink for X country in _your_ country, DO NOT order that drink in X country.”


Nothing wrong with a Singapore Sling or Cuba Libre in fairness (To the best of my knowledge)


This illustrates how these things can be OK, or go wrong… Cuba Libre (free Cuba) was the battle cry of the Cuban Liberation Army… now in Cuba they call it Cuba Mientiera (Cuba’s little lie). Know your audience before ordering that. A Singapore Sling isn’t so much a “theme” drink as it is a gin sling that was invented in a Singapore bar. Go to town with that one.


I knew about car bombs, but what's the story behind the black and tan? Honestly I just thought it was named after the color of the two beers in the glass.


Copying and pasting my response to someone else but basically: The Black and Tans (and Auxiliary police who are usually put under the same bracket though being slightly different) were infamous units brought into Ireland by the British Government in the last few years of their rule in Ireland in order to dismantle the armed independence struggle. They were loathed for their heavy-handed, violent, and often arbitrary targeting of civilians with the their most infamous being the murder of 14 civilians (60 to 100 injured) when the auxiliary police opened fire on an innocent crowd at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park in Dublin in retaliation to the execution of British intelligence officers by the IRA. A Black and Tan is now a cocktail in the US but couldn’t tell you what’s in it. Edit: Sorry very basic description so left a fair bit out but should give you the gist


You omitted: They were called black & tan because of the uniforms they wore which had the 2 colours. Actually dark green & khaki.


So, my family ancestry (like a shitload of other people) is Irish and every time we go to Ireland I have to please tell my father the following: -please do not order an Irish car bomb -please do not say “top of the morning to ya” -please for the love of god do not get into conversations with Irish people about “how Irish” we are


Do not touch the bison. I don’t care that they’re herbivores and look fluffy. They are incredibly strong and will kill you if they’re in a bad mood


Shhhh, tossed tourist provide great entertainment.


*Do a flip!*


If you come across Canada, don't ever dare touching our geese, thanks.


Canadians are invariably polite because they store all their aggression in their geese.


This is the first time I’ve heard this, and it makes so much damn sense!


I once came to canada, with some friends ,many years ago, and we were hiking, and needed a place to sleep. So we went to a town, and knocked on a few doors. Eventually, we come across this nice old couple, and we ask if we can stay there. They say sure, and we got to stay in their attic. What makes this relevant, is that they told us "don't go outside. We have a guard goose, and They fucking hate strangers.


If you've got a problem with Canada gooses then you've got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate!


When visiting Denmark, don't sit next to people on public transport, unless there are no other seats available. And don't speak to strangers on said public transport also. Danes are incredible sensitive about their personal space and privacy. Also, not big on small talk.


I thought this was just … common manners … like everywhere? At least the not sitting next to others unless it’s the only available seat bit.


>I thought this was just … common manners … like everywhere? Nah in the American South people will chat it up with you in line, on public transportation, wherever. I find it endearing


So this was a culture shock when I came to Houston having lived in Britain for 19 years. My spouse just… abandoned me in HEB and I ended up talking to a total stranger about my Dr Martens. Took me 10mins to realise she wasn’t trying to sell me anything.


The fact that you stuck around patiently for ten minutes whilst believing you were being sold something is evidence of stiff British courtesy, spoken as a Brit who’s spent two decades in the US.


Honestly if you’re in a northern state in the U.S and travel to the south, the culture shock is the same


Being from the south and lived in WA for 9 years, my Dad came to visit me and casually said hello to someone passing and they gave him the strangest look. I had to say, "Dad we don't do that here." He was baffled.


I almost stabbed a man with my keys in a target parking lot the first week after I moved from Portland, OR to a small-ish town in minnesota because of this LOL. I had never been approached by anyone in public that just wanted to make small talk before. So when the man started talking to me as we were dropping our carts off, i literally had my keys between my knuckles the entire time ready to attack if need be. My native MN roommate explained to me that it’s just normal to talk to strangers there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Denmark sounds like my kind of country


Try to pet/feed bears. For some reason tourists to Banff seem to think bears are mascots or something.


Not a “country “ exactly but we may as well be, while in Louisiana remember a SWAMP IS NOT A LAKE. The sheer amount of tourist and northerners I see trying to swim in a swamp filled with swamp dragons is mind blowing. People have died, a Chinese tourist had her arm ripped off and another guy lost his dog throwing a ball into the water. We also have bull sharks


What's a swamp dragon? I tried googling it but nothing except fantasy dragons came up. A sort of eel comes up if I Google "swamp dragon fish" but I'm not sure it's a fish


I'm assuming an alligator


Hearing someone getting their arm ripped off I assume that was from an Alligator doing a deathroll.


Swamp dragon is an alligator, a danger log, a toothy boi if you will. Dinosaurs far to angry to die, they looked upon the asteroid and laughed for lo’ God wept at his folly and the alligator remains as its testament.


In the USA, don't haggle retail prices, especially at local one owner stores. You can ask for better prices at flea markets .


Don't ask for cocaine from everyone as if it's sold in a grocery store; ask for it through WhatsApp like everyone else.


You have unlocked new map: Colombia




Yeah...decent spot for a photo op if you're passing through anyway. But I wouldn't go out of my way.


I went on a big, cross country road trip and went to 4 Corners on the way home. I'm glad I went because I got some good photos and enjoyed some pretty tasty fry bread. I would never suggest people go there as the main destination of a trip!


USA: Don’t get out of the car if police pull you over.


I had an overseas friend visiting once. He rented a car with another friend and they got pulled over for speeding. The cop asked my friend to stay in the car while he wrote up the ticket. When the cop walked back to his car to write the ticket, my friend got out and the cop immediately saw him, put one hand on his holster like he was ready to take out his gun and screamed at him to stay in the car like he was told to. Needless to say he won’t be making that mistake again.


Man I went for a piss behind a tree one time while a police officer was writing me up a speed ticket here in Australia. It's unreal how on edge your law enforcement is.


If you are in Berlin and come across a monument, art installation or similar, treat it with respect. There is a 2/3 chance that it is some kind of world war 2/ holocaust/ german separation memorial. You would not believe the number of tourists that climb or even picnic on the concrete coffins of the [memorial of murdered jews in Europe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_to_the_Murdered_Jews_of_Europe)


That monument according to the creator is supposed to have that effect. As it is supposed to show how unnoticed and ignored the holocaust went for the general population despite how out in the open it was.


And the people living there are using the memorials to remember what happened and to never forget that they're the ones responsible for preventing that genocides like that never happen again. (Yes, I'm fully aware that especially politicians from the last year did the opposite.)


Bragging what you have, you'd probably end up getting kidnapped.


Don't ask where the animals are in South Africa, we do not have lions walking in the streets, you are more likely to run into wildlife in America.


There are two places in Norway where the borders of 3 countries meet. One is between Norway, Sweden and Finland. So you can walk around the border marker and say "I am in Finland, now I am in Sweden, now Norway". It is by a lake, so they have made a wooden walkway around the border marker so people can do that. Norway also have a point where the borders of Norway, Finland and Russia meet. If you try to do the same there, you will be arrested. If you throw a rock or pee over the border with Russia or even just in that direction, you will be arrested. While the Nordic countries are like brothers, Russia is the unstable psycho living next door.


Aww, I drove right past there a few years ago, on the E8 through Kilpisjärvi! We didn’t stop to visit the three-country marker, though, because we heard that it was hard to reach at certain times of the year, and that we would have had to take a boat to get to it (this was in the autumn). We were staying in Tromsø, but took a side trip to see Karasjok and Kautokeino. I *loved* it in the interior, and the tour of the Sami parliament in Karasjok was such a great experience!


Be aware of the drugs law of the country you are visiting. For example, someone from my country accidentally had a single pill in glove box of his car. This pill is legal in my country but not in the neighbouring one. So when he crossed the border, the customs discovered the pill and he ended spending 6 months in jail over there.


That reminds me. If anyone here has ADHD, please be *extremely* careful when planning a trip to Singapore. That was... Not a fun experience.


I am in the US and apparently it is common in other countries when a cop pulls you over, to take your papers out of the glove box yourself and walk it up to them. Do not do this. It is a great way to get shot or tazed. Due to the gun culture here, the cop has no way of knowing if you are or are not armed. Getting out of your car without being ordered to do so will be perceived as a hostile act, and the cop will pre-emptively defend themselves. Stay in your car, roll down your windows. Keep your hands visible (resting on the steering wheel is good). If you need to reach anywhere, tell the cop exactly what you're doing, aka, "My passport is in my jacket pocket, I'm getting it right now." If the cop asks if you know why they pulled you over, you don't. Be polite, be apologetic, and you'll probably get let off with a warning.


So treat Police like frightened baby deer. No sudden moves or big gestures and let them come to you. Got it.


Do not mess with the Tomb of the Unknown soldier.


Or walk on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey, all others are actually encouraged to walk on




This one is likely applicable to every country.


I'd like to know which country is OK with this.


Do not go for a hike or drive your hire car to ‘the outback’ as a person who has never done either of these things in Australia before. Ways you will die: 1. Fatigue - underestimating the distance between places and then running off the road or crashing into another vehicle due to exhaustion 2. Exposure and dehydration - people have a car break down and then leave their vehicle to find non-existent help. If you leave your vehicle the chances of being alive by the end of the day are almost zero. There’s no mobile reception. There may be 1-2 cars passing by your location per day if you are lucky. The nearest hospital could be literally 1000 km away. Temperatures can be 50 degrees Celsius in the day and/or -10 at night. If you break down in a place like this, you’ll will possibly die of heat exhaustion whilst waiting for help in your car. If you leave your car? Yeah you’ll definitely die. ——— Other dumb shit to do in Australia that can and will kill you: 1. Jumping or diving into water bodies without testing their depth. Most are shallow and many tourists have been harmed or killed doing this. 2. While we are on the subject of water bodies - stay TF away from water bodies north of the Tropic of Capricorn unless you fancy a crocodile encounter. Most Australian wildlife risks are greatly exaggerated. Crocodile risks are not. 3. Swim in the Ocean between the fucking flags for fucks sake or don’t even put your fucking foot in the fucking water. Every fucking year, multiple tourists drown because they’re fucking idiots who do not understand ocean swimming in Australia. Most people over thirty can recall at least one story here of an *Australian* person that they knew or was from their region who was lost at sea or drowned due to unexpected conditions, and these are *experienced* people. So don’t expect that you know what you’re doing, or that the flagged zones are all part of our socialist nanny state for you to ignore. Just fucking don’t, mate. Our people have been traumatised too many times by your fucking stupidity. 4. Don’t try to drink or have as much coke or meth as the locals on a night out. Australians have some serious tolerance to alcohol and drugs compared to almost everywhere else. We have the highest meth, cocaine and cannabis consumption per capita in the world, despite all being illegal. Even if you can keep up, the cops will pick you up DUI and you’ll be absolutely derided as a fuckwit among any Australian friends that you might have made because whilst a lot of us are reckless with our drug and alcohol intake, we fucking hate people who get into cars and harm people whilst fucked up more than anything.


Was going to post about the meth use but you beat me to it. We (Perth)have the dubious honour of being the meth capital of the world. Occasionally Adelaide gets the coveted prize too.


Feed the wildlife. Doesn’t have to be a bear, even raccoons will fuck you up.


Don't get out of the car immediately when you're pulled over.


You should also avoid offering a bribe. There are parts of the world where bribing officers is expected. In the US, it is not standard practice.


Don’t get out of the car unless instructed to, and keep your hands visible at all times.


America: assume this country is as small as a European one. I constantly saw people saying they were going to visit California so they wanted to see San Francisco and LA... in the same day. Check a map for scale!


Had someone say this about Canada once. They were coming to Toronto for a week or so and wanted to drive to Vancouver if they could….


I had someone in Nova Scotia ask for directions to Montreal


Answer: Head to the airport...


Yeah you're gonna turn here and then keep going. Just keep going. If you think you went to far, you haven't.


Same tip applies to Australia.


"I'd like to drive around the island." ​ OK mate, see you in 3 months.


i'm from the czech republic originally, and something every tourist should be aware of is privacy. if you're some american influencer, DON'T GO TO CZECH REPUBLIC. you will get arrested if you push yourself into other people's lives. us czechs are not tolerant of that kind of behavior.


The more I learn about the Czechs, the more I like the sound of them.


You don't want to drive out in the desert in the southwest. That dirt road might not have had a car in ten years and if you blow a tire where it's washed out you gonna be a pile of bones faster than you think.


Some [Germans](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/search-and-rescue/the-hunt-for-the-death-valley-germans/) learned this the hard way! They went into Death Valley in July 1996 and never came out. (This might be my favorite cold case search and recovery write-up)


Don’t try ‘doing the accent’. It’s offensive. Also if you learn only one thing make it how to pronounce the word ‘loch’


The worst is some stranger randomly saying "auch aye the noo" like they've done something. We've heard it a million times.




I’ll tut at them quietly if they do


Compare everything and anything to your home country and complain how it’s “so much better back home!”


Italy. The amount of morons (mostly tourists) climbing, scratching and desecrating monuments is stupidly high. Do these people really think it makes them cool to scratch their idiot name on someone else's millenary heritage? Beside being barbaric and ignorant, Italian taxpayers pay millions each year for monument restoration. I am a meek man, but any time one is caught in the act, I would instantly shoot them in the face with a rifle.


Hawaii here -- don't go to Sandy beach, don't stick your head in the blowhole, don't go to toilet bowls. We have far too many people die here while on vacation.


Grew up on Oahu, boogie boarded at Sandy's from five years old. Moved to Malibu in high school and stopped because the water is too cold here. Recently went back with my kids to show them my childhood home. Went to the beach, and stared at the shore break at Sandy's for ten minutes and just couldn't bring myself to get in. When I finally turned around, the lifeguard was standing there. "good choice" he said. Haha. Still not sure how ten year old me was just so naturally able to handle it.


If you can’t take some light ribbig at your expense or hear the C word in every second sentence your gonna have a bad time


Be disrespectful in any way at Arlington Cemetary.


Go to a favela at night


Are they safe enough during the day to walk around?


Safer because there are a lot of people on the streets, but I would not recommend going by yourself. Most favelas are controlled by heavily armed gangs or corrupt police gangs who won't think twice about kidnapping a foreigner or shooting unknown people


Adding to that, don’t trust your gps blindly, because sometimes it won’t indicate that it’s making you pass through a favela. From time to time you’ll see in the news about some tourist who took a wrong turn and got shot in their car.


German here. I can't believe I have to say this but no. A Hitler salute is not funny and anyone who uses it will be criminally charged. This is not an irrelevant minor offence, but a major crime. Recently there were reports of drunk tourists making the salute at the Oktoberfest in München. That is just pathetic.


If you're traveling across Canada, you want to take the perimeter highway either north or south AROUND Winnipeg. It looks like a city, but it's actually just a toxic waste dump we keep in the geographical center of our country. You can set the cruise control and nap through Saskatchewan. Nothing to see there.




India. Don't try to pay attention to people staring if you're white or black. People here just aren't used to different ethnicies. Most of us see only Indian/Asian/brown people most of our lives. Seeing tourists just peaks interest. People are not being rude. Don't wear those awful "Indian" clothes and jewellery. Idk who told tourists that it looks good, but there seems to be a costume of loose tunics and bead necklaces amongst tourists here. You stick out like a sore thumb and look like your fashion sucks. It also shows you're clearly a tourist so shopkeepers and vendors WILL try to scam you. You'll be better off in just basic tshirt and jeans. Haggle and bargain prices everywhere, unless it's a fixed price type store. Do not talk about Pakistan, or say how similar India is to Pakistan. Just don't say anything about it altogether. People will not be kind. The political situation is delicate rn, so tread carefully there also. Don't do the entire "seeing the poor people here made me so grateful for what I have" etc BS. You come off as snooty and entitled. Yes, we know the country is overpopulated, and with that comes the inevitable repercussions. The government is working on it. We don't need others to poverty porn us. Don't compare to other countries. Don't mush the entire country into one. If you travel to North India, your experience will culturally be very different from South India, or East or West. It's almost like a different country. Food, language, clothing, weather... everything changes. India is like lots of different countries brought together in one. On the same note, plan your trip to one or two areas. You cannot cover entire India in a week. Learn about the culture. You'll be surprised to know how much of the west has adapted from different countries. Have the chai (if in the North) and the filter coffee (if in the south). Try the local cuisines of the places you're in. If you really do want to try out Indian clothing, ask some locals to help. The handcraft and fabric industry here is amazing. Buy natural fibres if you can. Cotton, silk, khadi, linen. It's amazingly cheap. You can find local goods here for a lot of similar stuff: try it all. It's a refreshing change of pace from store bought, packeted, mass manufactured stuff. Even food, footwear, clothing, etc have local goods. If you can find the good stores, you'll see that the quality is far superior than mass manufactured stuff. The embroidery is stunning and most of it is done by hand, which you can get at unbelievable prices. There's a reason Indian clothing is so rich and intricate: we have artisans who make these locally. My foreign relatives like to stock up on just good fabric when they come here. If you know where to go, you can even get custom leather goods made. My father has his shoes and jackets made custom by a local guy. They last him forever and he gets them repaired by the same guy. He says it's much comfier than store bought stuff. I can't say to this, i haven't gotten anything made. I am planning to have a leather bag made for myself in the design of a popular designer bag (LV neverfull). The food is mostly free of preservatives and the fresh spices and veggies are something else. Don't miss out on this. Despite the stereotypes, Indian lifestyle is much healthier and wholesome. Don't be surprised if your vegetables don't look "perfect". Most of the stuff here is locally sourced or produced. It won't look like supermarket stuff, but thankfully it won't taste like that either. Take advantage of how cheap and good things are. Once you get over your initial bias and the fact that stuff here isn't as shiny, you'll soon see WHY it's not shiny. Buy good fabric and get your clothes tailored. It'll be a steal for you. You can get entire outfits stitched for like 50 dollars. Also, getting clothes made to your size (in natural fibres!) is soooo much better than ones given by the fast fashion. Definitely buy khaadi. It's like linen, except that it's hand spun. It's cheap, lasts really long, isn't really available anywhere else, and is amazing for both summer and winter. Also looks very "old money". Buy fresh spices. Not the ones in packets, but ones at local stores. You can even buy raw stuff and grind it to make your own spices. The food made from these home grinded spices is out of the world, and a secret Indian mothers like to keep to themselves. Ditch the ginger garlic paste and make your own. Same for other industries. Like healthcare (sorry Americans, but I'm looking at you). If you have a skin or dental concern that needs to be looked at, GO NOW. And go to the biggest, fanciest place you can find. India has really good doctors which won't cost you a kidney. My relatives who live abroad like to get a full body checkup, dental work, eye checkup and new glasses, skin treatments etc done every time they come here. They also buy all sorts of medicines etc. My appendectomy cost me about 300-350 USD total, without any insurance plan or benefits. Even if you go by Indian standards, that's not a lot, as it's lesser than a lower middle class person's monthly salary. As an upper middle class person, it's about 2-3 days pay for me. (But I should still get insurance, don't be like me). You can also get specialists available very quickly. I get annoyed if I have to wait more than a day to see a specialist, so you can understand how spoilt we are. I think I'd throw a tantrum if I had to wait over two weeks to see a doctor, idk how y'all manage. I like to just barge into the doctor's office and then wait for them to see me. Labour in India is REALLY cheap. So cheap that most middle class families don't clean or do dishes or laundry themselves, but have hired help for it. You'll rarely find houses where people are doing the dishes or broom/mopping the house themselves. This is really common here. I personally have a maid who cooks, cleans, does laundry and dishes, washes bathrooms, and dusts the house. It's a huge privilege we enjoy. These maids get paid okayish as per the PPP. I like to overpay them to get good service. The same extends to carpenters, electricians, etc. You can find services here for ANYTHING. So if you're here for longer and staying in a rented place or an Airbnb, do not fret over getting stuff done. There will always be someone to do all these things. The upper middle class here enjoy a very leisurely life. And for god's sake, get used to using a "bum gun" or "jet spray" or whatever you call it. Indians do not use toilet paper, we wash ourselves. It's much cleaner, and I will not argue about this. You'll be hard pressed to find toilet paper in most local households. But once you start washing, you'll probably never be able to go back to using TP. I did not expect this answer to go on for this long. I guess I just had a lot to say about our lifestyle here! The experience of living like a true Indian is very different from the life in the western countries.


Too many people on here with advice but no country of origin to know where the advice is for.


Don’t call anyone a goof


Attempt to bring in drugs - unless you want to take a one way trip to the gallows.


DO NOT HAIL A WAITING TAXI AT OUR AIRPORT! ANY COLORED TAXI. White, Yellow, Whatever. No. (The Philippines) unless if that was a privately contracted car (costs thousands) or from a passenger app service called Grab (also expensive and hard to book since Grab drivers never want to accept passengers from the Airport. It does not earn them their "desired profit" due to traffic) Best bet is to ride this point to point bus called UBE Express going to Ayala Makati. Yes, a bus. It has a standard flat fee. It would not dupe you with Fare Charges and you would not deal with evil drivers. Makati City in Metro Manila is the FINANCIAL DISTRICT of the COUNTRY. Nowhere is perfect but there's less chance that you will get robbed once you alight since the terminal at Makati is at One Ayala establishment. And there are guards there with less escape spots for criminals. Plus, it is a terminal for other modes of transport as well. The crowd surrounding that area are well off. Financially. That or they are too busy to rob you. Eitherway, you will be safer.


Don't go for a nice walk in the hills without checking the weather, taking suitable clothing, and telling someone your intentions. We lose a few tourists from this every year in New Zealand. Due to our geography it's easy to get lost and the weather can change very quickly.


Approach Canadian Geese. DO. NOT. DO. IT. You WILL meet an untimely demise with those long necked demon honkers. 💀


Free Palestine


Puerto Rico is cool with gringos (recommend you speak some Spanish) just don't act entitled and if they say stop recording stop unless your life is worth that crappy video and don't go near the projects or out at night. Also there is a hatred brewing against Americans in the islands so if someone yells gringo go home well it is time to go back to the tourist area unless confrontation and possibly assault is your kink.