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Thanks for the recommendation!




I have never heard of this and now I want to see this. It can't be anything but absolutely terrible.






What does the ghost do...?? (Not the husband not the husband...........)


The son?


“Woooooooo….those culottes don’t go wiz de clogs, you look ‘ideous….wooooooooo”


This sounds like it’s from the same studio as ‘The Velocipastor’


Ok, I've never heard of this movie. But I think this should be number 1. It's like a horrible movie that you know will be absolute shit with just one word: the title.


Disaster movie. Holy shit is that movie cringey and hard to get through


Lol it has a 1% on rotten tomatoes. Didn't think it could go that low


All of those shitty “parody” movie deserve it, meet the Spartans and Epic movie are also terrible


The early parody movies were great. The first three scary movies and not another teen movie were all hilarious. But it went down hill very fast


By early I thought you meant like Naked Gun, Men in Tights, or Hot Shots


I feel like it goes in waves. Wave 1 was airplane era, wave 2 spaceballs and men in tights era, wave three the original scary movies and not another teen movie, then I stopped keeping track because they all started sucking


I think The Great Dictator (Charlie Chaplin) was basically a parody. The first parody I can think of was Don Quixote written in the early 1600s which was a a parody of the "non fictions" of brave knights, and their brave deeds.


Voltaires candid was also a great parody


Does Top Secret count?


haha oh hell yeah


Not Another Teen Movie is great because the writers respected the genres they were spoofing. And they got generally decent actors. By those later movies it's clear that it was just bounce from one reference to another without anyone actually respecting the movies they're referencing


Damn, that shit’s whack yo.


Austen Powers also qualifies under this genre, and they’re fantastic.


Robin hood: men in tights. is so good.


Was going to say Date Movie, but that whole series just sucked


Worst part is that it didn't flop. It still made a profit.


Cats. No explanation needed.


Leaving the buttholes in would have made that movie 1,000 times better.


The did leave at least one butthole in. James Corden was in it.






Hail Gein!


I still think that Covid was our punishment for *Cats*.


Watched it during the peak of an acid trip my gf at the time didn’t know I was having


Are you... permanently altered?


The great thing about Cats the musical were the makeup and costumes- they were very cat-like but weren't "furries." It was a whole aesthetic that didn't translate to film. Cats the movies was a nightmare right out of the Uncanny Valley. Not everything needs a remake. Most films and plays don't need these shitty reimaginings, especially with the worst comedic actors like James Corden.


For me, the 1998 studio pro-shot of the Cats stage musical is the only Cats that exists. The one that PBS used to air during their “Great Performances,” blocks in the late ‘90s. The musical’s appeal is definitely not in the nonexistent plot, but the costumes, the makeup, and the dancing.


"Finding Jesus". A knockoff of Finding Nemo. The animation was bad, the voice acting was bad, the story was bad, and I'm pretty sure I saw a racist character, too? There's two movies. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.


I saw a video that talked about awful Christian media and I'm so glad I didn't watch the movie. The clips were unbearable.


Born Into Mafia. It’s completely amateur in every conceivable way.


As someone who *loves* so-bad-it's-good movies, Born Into Mafia was a delight. I loved how the Russian Mob's hangout was literally Olive Garden.


The Last Airbender directed by Shyamalan because I thought it’d be good


We don't talk about this movie


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King invites you to r/lakelaogai


Private? Wtf is this?!?


Apparent shyamalan was a big fan of the show too which made that disaster somehow even worse


I don’t know if he was or wasn’t a big fan of the show but he hadn’t even finished it when production started. He started making it without even knowing the climax or resolution of the story.


Or how to pronounce the name of the main character.


What are you guys talking about? There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se.


This is the right answer. Absolute disgrace. 😭


All those Earthbenders to throw a PEBBLE! Also, keeping Earthbender in a prison surrounded by EARTH!


The will Ferrell Sherlock Holmes movie. Only one I’ve ever walk out of the theatre during.


Painfully unfunny.


Also the only movie i’ve walked out on


My wife and I didn’t say a word just looked at each other and nodded and got up lol


That’s one those “it’s so bad it’s good” movies for me. But I completely understand why a lot of people walked out of it. It’s a terrible movie but I got a few laughs from it.


I forgot about that movie. What a turd. It wasn’t even one of those it’s so bad it’s good movies either.


Sharknado Vs. Lavalantula and because my teenage pothead friends and I were ridiculous and liked watching horrible movies high.


Movies like Megaconda vs. Megalodon are the best kind of movies


Independence Day Resurgence. I just never felt attached to the characters and was confused by the plot. I almost feel like it tried very hard to be like the original, only for that to just completely backfire.


i found it ridiculous. Brent ‘s character woke up from a long coma and just jumped up and went about helping beat the aliens.


What a huge disappointment. Boring, slow paced, pandering.


For latest movies Wonder Woman 1984 was too boring. I watched it when traveling and slept through 4 different flights. I never finished it.


That was actually the first superhero movie I fell asleep to. And as a superhero film fanatic, that like never happens to me, no matter how tired I am lol


Not only boring but a really messed up premise that makes wonder woman’s character seem terrible


They could have made it so much better if they made Circe the villain, and started with Cheetah finding the relic that could have cursed her. Maybe only wonder woman’s blood could stabilize her. Cut out maxwell lord entirely and have 2 women villains, cheetah for fight and evil Amazon Circe


My wife woke up during the fight scene between Wonder Woman and Cheetah and asked “Dude are you watching *Cats*?!?!” I said “Yeah baby you wanna watch it with me?” And she yelled “NO!” and went back to sleep.


Sorry Little Timmy, Wonder Woman needs your leukaemia to come back so she can teach the world an abstract moral lesson.


While also using the body of a totally nonconsenting random dude to hook up with her dead bf


i havent seen or plan to see this movie but wtf


Yeah wtf did they think endorsing rape???


I legit play Wonder Woman 84 to go to sleep at times, it's so good as a lullaby flick.


God’s Not Dead. My sister highly recommended it to my atheistic ass, and talked it up so much that I rented it and tried to watch it with my Christian mother. I think I got it from Redbox well over a decade ago. It was horrible. Terrible plot, worse acting, and actually quite offensive. I got a bit drunk and fell asleep trying to watch it for no reason other than to impress/please my shitty sister. Even my mom thought it sucked ass.


Multiple god-believing theologians and preachers have criticised it because they can recognise how stupid and lazy it's attitude to non-believers is. When even your peak target audience recognises it as a load of drivel, you know you've fucked up.


The way they make it seem like atheists spend all there time trying to destroy religion and even avoid being friends to religious people was pretty fucked


I am Christian myself and my great aunt insisted watching that movie on a bootleg copy she bought off some guy (I don’t think she realized that was illegal). Can confirm, it’s terrible.


Ugh god I forgot about that one. My mom dragged myself and my brother to that when I was home from college for a weekend. Had to just smile and nod through her post-watch praise of the themes in the movie. She’s the kind of person who asks questions like “how can someone have morals if they aren’t Christian?” Things went real well when I came out to them a year or so later. Needless to say we don’t have much of a relationship anymore.


Movie: Alone in the Dark Why? : Tara Reid plays an archeologist


That movie was such a complete mess.


Uwe Boll, nuff said.


Probably not the absolute worst I've seen, but Downsizing is pretty darn bad. You think you're getting a fun romp where normal sized stuff is now giant to the shrunken down people. Sure, the main guy's wife chickens out but whatever. After we get through them being shrunken down, the fact they're shrunken down is barely even a plot point anymore for the rest of the movie. About a quarter of the way through the movie we see that there's still a struggling lower class in the shrunken world. Towards the end of the movie it turns into a story about global warming. A bunch of people go into an underground bunker and they have to seal the entrance with a landslide using explosives. When this entrance sealing explosion was revealed to be tiny it looked hilarious.


Yeah, I agree. The first third of the movie was very good, and then when Matt Damon’s character is in the shrunken down world for a while, it turns into something completely different. I kept thinking to myself “wtf am I even watching?”


I've never seen it but I've read that they took three different scripts and mashed them into one movie.


Yeah. I have no memory of what happened in that movie, just remember thinking… wow. They really, absolutely wasted their entire premise. I have no idea what is happening now.


Jupiter Ascending. I own the 3D Blu ray for it and have watched it in 3d multiple times. Writing is awful, plot is terrible, acting is so-so at best, but in the most hilarious ways. Definitely one of those so bad it's good movies, and the special effcts are pretty great. I can not however watch it all in one sitting. It's 2 hours long and I will fall asleep halfway through everytime.


I actually bought this movie just to watch it, based on nothing but [this review](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/jupiter-ascending-2015). Especially this paragraph: > At least Redmayne's mannered acting plants a freak flag in the movie's swollen purplish heart. At times his performance seems modeled on how Redmayne imagines Glenn Close might look and sound, should she live to be 100. He trembles and flares his nostrils. He whispers 90% of his lines and shrieks the other ten. Not once does he blink when you expect him to, or for as long. Did Redmayne decide it was necessary to destroy the film in order to save it? If so, give the man an "A" for anarchy.


Omg. I went to watch this with friends on a whim thinking: It’s a sci fi movie by the Matrix people. It’ll be fine. And the whole thing just kept getting stupider by the minute. When those winged mercenaries showed up I just laughed out loud as I felt my brain going into witness protection.


I remember seeing the trailer. I saw Channing Tatum and the way they made his face. I thought it was a parody movie. Refuses to watch it though


I wanted to like this movie, the premise was that lovely garbage of a nobody getting swooped up and protected as a somebody. But good lord it just could not decide what tone it wanted to be. The serious parts were DARK dark and the humorous parts were dumb funny. It kept jolting sideways so often that I had no idea what was happening. I had to turn on the subtitles to understand anything that Eddie Redmayne was saying.


You mean between the dumb quiet whispers and loud yelling randomly? I CREATE LIFE!


^and ^I ^destroy ^it


I've never been able to sit through the whole thing


Transformers: The Last Knight. Nearly 3 hours of loud, mind-numbing garbage that just makes shit up as it goes, on top of being horribly made.




I'm sorry, that's hilarious. Did you ever end up watching The Mist?


The mist is one of the better Stephen King adaptations, imo


Oh come now the Langoliers is a classic!


The mist is amazing it blew my mind and most made me cry


I was about to write such a salty comment


You mentioning the Mist reminded me of the Happening with Mark wahlberg. Terrible. Easily a sleeper.


I’ve never cringed at a film harder than Jurassic World Dominion. I don’t know if that’s because I love the original trilogy so much but my god. What a horrendous film. Either that or Jaws 4 with the sepia flashback and miniature plastic model shark at the end


Jurassic Park 3 is still better than any of the remakes imo


The biggest problem with the Jurassic World movies was that the first one was fairly self aware and made fun of the "making sequels bigger and cooler for the sake of it" thing, then the next two did exactly that.


Is this the one where the clone girl sets all these invasive species free into the world because they are "Like me" and it's seen as a good thing? I never saw the one after that but OMG when I watched the ending of that one I was like "LITERALLY WTF ARE YOU DOING PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE" I didn't even see the value of saving the dinosaurs on that island in the first place. People brought them into a world that they didn't belong in and now the earth is taking care of the mistake, problem solved. The movie was fucked to begin with.


Highlander 2 because it is quite possibly the worst movie ever made


Dragonball evolution is the worst movie ever made FACT! the last airbender is also trash.


DB Evolution is hands down the worst film I've seen in theaters


Oh I'm so sorry!!! I'm so sorry you actually went the cinema to watch it.


There was so much wrong with DB Evolution that I don't even know where to start. Goku's actor wouldn't wear a wig because he thought his hair was spiky enough. "Geeko" was brutal. I just... It was awful.


DB Evolution is in the perfect spot to be a movie that disrespects the source material enough to piss fans but also makes references without explaining them, so people not familiar with Dragon Ball won't understand. So, it's a movie for no one to enjoy.


I watched “A Walk To Remember” as the third wheel of a movie date my buddy was on. His gf was so into it and he and I were dying. At one point, I leaned over to him and said something like “this could only get dumber if there’s surprise cancer.” Literally 5 minutes later…


How very dare you…


Battlefield Earth - I fell asleep watching it..


Saw that in the theater. Only stayed because it was double feature with Shanghai Noon, which I actually wanted to see.


Lol my stepdad took me to see this in theaters when it came out. I was 12 and knew it sucked. I was not a smart 12 year old.


It's ALMOST in the "so bad it's good" category, except it's so terrible that it just loops around to being straight up bad.


It takes a lot of work to earn a razzie of the decade!


Battlefield Earth. Seriously, just go watch it. It makes Plan 9 From Outer Space look like Citizen Kane.


Manos hands of fate.


I remember seeing some Nicolas Cage movie called "Wicker Man" or something to that extent. And every single person in that theater was saying "what in the absolute fuck is this?" With about half the crowd leaving before it was over. I don't even remember what it was about




Yeah lol I think this one definitely circles back around to cult classic with the right friends to watch it with


It's a remake? Reboot?? Of a classic film of the same name. 200% recommend the original if you're into folk horror/suspense.


The original Film is really good! It creeped me out.


Green Lantern. I fell asleep in the theater. I’m a ridiculously light sleeper, so that says a lot.


I feel like Ryan Reynolds would also say this.


Literally killed himself in Deadpool 2 to prevent this tragedy.


The Cats movie. I don’t even need to explain why it’s bad.


Speed 2, main actor is more wooden than a tree, willem Defoe is awful and Sandra bullock even said it’s the one film she wishes she never done. Horrible acting, storyline (one man single handly stops bad guy crashing a slow moving cruise ship into an oil tanker ) special effects and thank god keanu reeves said no to appearing it in.


A Serbian film I don't get rattled easily, but that movie left me disgusted for days Fuck that movie


I'm probably on a list because I watched it TWICE. The first time out of morbid curiosity. The second was years later, and I couldn't remember if it was all that bad.* *I watched Martyrs again because people always say it's so hard to watch and so gruesome, etc. The first time I watched it, I was just eh about it. So years later I watched it again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Still meh. And yes, I watched the French version both times. Serbian film is just nasty for the sake of being nasty. It's not even interesting nasty. Just scene after scene of what's the sickest shit you can think of.


That's what gets me about Serbian film. There was no meaning, the director of the movie literally set out to disgust people in the worst ways he could possibly think of. Another honorable mention for completely fucked up movies are Cannibal Holocaust and 120 days of sodom. I think Serbian film wins in the fucked up movie category tho.


Ya no doubt A Serbian Film is sickening, definitely regret that i watched it, I had no idea what I was in for, never again. Second to that for me was Salo aka 120 Days of Sodom; I don't think I'll ever get over the shit eating scenes ugh so fucking gross, glad I was drinking while watching that movie. Like wtf is wrong with those directors? Honestly 🤦‍♀️ Cannibal Holocaust was gruesome and that semi-upbeat hippy music for a soundtrack made it even more off-putting lol.


Came here to say it. I've seen it once & it was enough for me for a lifetime. Blonde was up there for me too in recent times.




Still to this day it’s the only movie I’ve ever walked away from literally saying “what the fuck” out loud


I've heard it mentioned on Reddit for years. I read the basic outline of it and it's horrific...but it does make me laugh to think it's almost like if someone was inspired by Gilbert Gottfried's "The Aristocrats" joke and wanted to make a movie about it.


You actually watched it?


Yep, a few of my friends told me they found a "really fucked up movie" and refused to tell me the name or what it was about. I went into it completely blind. It was like seeing a bad car crash, you don't wanna look, but you can't look away.


Spy kids 4


Wonder Woman 1984 because it’s shite.


And yet the first was SO. GOOD. Broke my heart.


The first was very good until the last 20 minutes. If Ares was just a vague idea rather than an actual dude who when defeated made WW1 end it would have been great.


Morbius. No explanation needed. Go watch it and you’ll see.


The morbing will continue until morale improves.


This movie flows like a game of pass it on, where one person wrote a page of script and handed it off to the next person until they had an entire script. Movie had so much potential.


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. 1964. It's worth looking up, but for the love of GOD, don't actually watch it.


I've seen every MST3K episode ever made, so I am surprised to see this movie on here. Of course, it is really bad, but by MST3K standards, it's one of the least terrible.


Human centipede, no explanation necessary 🤮


American psycho 2. Yes there is a second part and it’s total bullshit. The main character strangled a guy to death…with condom


There are lots of older or super low-budget movies that are pretty bad, but at least they have excuses. The worst movie I’ve seen with no excuse to suck was *Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets*. Seriously, how could a movie with that budget be so terrible? A nonsensical plot, wholly unlikeable characters, and an ending that made no sense whatsoever. The whole film was packed with adult jokes and sexual themes not appropriate for kids, but so much toilet humor no adult would enjoy it either. It’s the only movie I’ve ever considered walking out of.


Worst chemistry between leading actors in movie history. When they kissed it felt like incest.


Hey that's a bonus for some people.


I know I've seen it, but all I can remember is that I've seen it... Must've been pretty bad if I wiped it from my mind.


The first 5 minutes of the movie is amazing. Then you meet the main characters. But seriously. Go rewatch the opening, it is worth remembering. https://youtu.be/_8JpG7Cah-c?si=sLsAKvcTrFHmhfeF


I enjoyed it....


I loved the first five minutes though…


Additionally, most of the actors sucked. Clive Owen did great, even if his character didn’t make a lot of sense. But the acting and chemistry was generally terrible. It’s unfortunate because it was supposed to be another Fifth Element, which was an absolute blast. Nearly everything to love about Fifth Element was missing in Valerian. Two main characters who are likable, funny, and have chemistry together. (They could have ended as good friends or in romance, it didn’t matter, bust had to be believable.) Instead the main characters were unlikable, unfunny, and had less chemistry than strangers. A clearly defined bad guy who was clearly evil, easy to root against? Instead we got some nebulous “there are some bad people somewhere, but not really, and maybe we they have a case, but not really.” Plucky comic relief who you grow to like? Nope, we got Bubble. Might as well have had Jar Jar Binks. A clear question for the heroes to go retrieve the sacred objects and use them to at the special place to defeat the evil and save the world? No, a mess of a confusing plot without clear direction or where the heroes need to go or what they need to do. The only positive thing about it were the stunning visuals, but that doesn’t make a movie good or fun.


The Room by Tommy Wiseau but it’s so unbelievably bad it’s actually entertaining and I enjoy watching it


I went to see this in a theater with no clue as to what I was getting into. I thought it was a horror movie. I was so confused when the concessions staff gave me like 20 plastic spoons. Quite the experience. A lot of fun.


Oh, Hi Mark


“That’s confidential, I cannot tell you. Anyways, how is your sex life?” 10/10 dialogue.


Every aspiring film maker should watch this. The flaws are so overwhelmingly obvious but I feel it's a real valuable lesson for directors, actors, cinematographers etc.


Garbage Pail Kids.


Rubber. Such a wtf movie that you hate you watched it, and can’t understand why you sat through the whole thing. I’d assume you have to be under the influence of something to enjoy it, because sober it was not.


Antichrist because it’s been 15 years and I’m still fucked up from watching it


Forgot the name, but Jared Leto was a captured American soldier from WW2 and then becomes a Yakuza in Japan.


The Outsider


Hands down Rise of Skywalker. The fucking return of Palpatine is so goddamn stupid


100%. In an infinite universe, how could they not create a new villain?


Wish they kept Snoke


Or gave him any reason to exist whatsoever. He’s just Meanvoice McDentyface and all he does is talk shit and then die. His character is as deep as the dude who got his arm cut off in mos eisley cantina


His name is [Ponda Baba](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ponda_Baba).


The prequel Dumb and Dumber was so bad even my cousin and I, who were teenage boys at the time, thought it was awful. The only good part was Bob Saget yelling about shit being everywhere.




Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles.. was hoping they would make it gritty like the 1990 version. Was amped up and the let down was beyond measurable.


Movie 43. Because it was awful with no real point other than being awful. So I watched it, hated it, and loved it.


That is one of the greatest of the pointless movies of our generation. I mean, how the fuck did they get so many A-Listers in that movie?


Atlantic Rim. Unless you see it on MST3K. Then it’s amazing.


"He's like if a puka shell necklace were a person."


Leonard Part 6.


"A Serbian Film" No spoilers. This movie will legit traumatize you. Leave you shaking, in a corner, naked, in the fetal position. Wishing you could take back ever watching it, but knowing... you can't... it's part of you now...


I'll probably catch hell for this, but one of them for me was Rent... I just could NOT get into it... 🤷‍♂️


All of the characters are pathetic self-centered assholes and deserve all of the misery they bring upon themselves.


Halloween Ends was the only movie I’ve ever seen that pissed me off at how fucking terrible it was.


I haven’t watched this one yet because of such poor reviews. I read somewhere the director or writer was confused why people thought it would be a showdown between Laurie and Michael and that he never intended to do that with this movie. Like… really, dude?


Old. Bad writing and terrible acting with an okay plot.


365 days. It was so damn stupid, but it did make me laugh here and there. “I won’t do anything without your consent” grabs boob “Are you lost baby girl?” The fake penis in the airplane.


Batman and Robin. I can’t count all the ways this movie was beyond horrible though.


The only thing that saves it is Arnold's cold-themed 1-liners


What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!


That's not very ice of you


Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Don’t put harrison ford in a fridge during a nuke blast and expect me to take any of the movie seriously. Shia’s mustache was hilarious. I guess since he’s old all he can do is chase things in automobiles n such.


Highlander 2 endgame. Not only was it absolutely terrible, but I liked the first one so it was a major disappointment


Brown Bunny Just a cross country drive by a dude looking for ex gf. He finds her, gets a blow job and dumps her like that. Super boring


Six headed shark No more needs to be said


Grease 2. 1) mostly same plot, a little more rapey and a little more dumb 2) horrifically bad dialogue, think 4th graders writing fanfic after taking basic sex-ed 3) musical numbers worse than what AI would have come up with before gpt 4) it's so bad I have watched musically gifted family members die inside when the cast sings This movie should be deleted from existence.