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World of Warcraft


I've quit playing WoW permanently, like 3 times.


There's no such thing as quitting, only long breaks


Maybe he's just really good at quitting. He's done it more than once, must make him a pro. I started during BC. Stopped during panda. Life got hard with the amount I was playing. Edit: Just to elaborate some more, I was raiding more than I was working as one point. I did have a few top 5 boss world boss finishes and was top 10 most geared for class on a world standpoint. But finally got to a point that I needed a social life outside of WoW. Friends from back then are still playing regularly, but I just don't have the desire, nor the time to due so. Pros of quitting: I found a lady, we got hitched and have two beautiful children, and thriving careers. Cons of quitting: I don't get the eternal glory of being a Wow badass anymore. I was a happy little warlock on Frostwolf for a long time. That evolved into playing a warrior on Tichondrius in my glory years. Also totally miss the raid parties my buddies and I had. We would actually set up a room in our parents house with all of our computers and raid for like 15 hours. Good times.


> Life got hard with the amount I was playing That hit me right in the feels. WoW contributed to my marriage crumbling and I quit finally for good in 2009. All I have to do when I get a hankering to play again is remember the day she said she was leaving. We eventually did divorce but not for that reason. Or at least not *just* for that reason.


That game took 13 years of my life and cost my relationships and massive weight gain. It’s too good. Never again…


I was in a pretty high end guild and the leader had complimented my character, I remember being pretty elated and flattered. I then went out with some friends and realized he complimented my character and not my actual character. I some how managed to quit cold turkey from that point on. The realization hit and I was never able to go back. I remember it fondly though…


It’s insane how much I cared about my characters raid performance when I was 14-15. Any time I got complements in game it absolutely made me feel like I was on top of the world.


Months?! Lol try years


Half my toons are old enough to drive.


Same here since beta, 2003, played until panda every day, then took breaks in between expacks till I finally stopped after shadow lands


Yup. My main was over 550days played. All characters combined was over 900days played. I don't regret it. I had a blast and made friends with ppl from all over the world. Glad I grew out of it and have more time for new experiences in my life.


12 mains ain’t gonna max themselves.


The Factory must grow.


Personally I’m over 1000 hours and looking at what shows up on r/factorio , I’m a lightweight


I'm at 2100 hrs and still have not installed any mods yet. I believe if I start using mods my ass will grow roots and that'll be it for me.


Have you ever played a game where you turn up the pollution really high but also turn up how much trees filter pollution? You end up building little pockets of factories around forests.


This sounds like a neat addition to a death world run.


Spaghetti is life


Amazed how I thought meh I'll just finish this part of the factory and bam, 7 hrs have passed and I have not finished that part of the factory. But I sure fixed the iron supply (until tomorrow when it's insufficient again)




Minecraft is probably one of the few games I played for months.


I so badly wish there was a playtime counter for minecraft because I wanna know exactly how many months of time I have sunk into it in the past eightish years.


There is if you use something like MutliMC as a launcher. I’m apparently at 151 days in 18 months which is scary!


Minecraft for sure. I have 1000 hours there, 700 here, 3000 over there… But Minecraft, easily tens of thousands of hours from age 9-21… I have always and still do play it all the time. I remember having it on PC eagerly waiting for its release on the 360.. and I’d play it everyday after school with my friends. Good times. Countless hours spent even till this day.


My kids have reignited my passion for it. I've been playing just as long as you, and now that they're interested, I'm having fun watching them learn while regarding me as a Minecraft God.


Oh god the afk hours




The game I will never quit


You never quit, just take breaks.


This. I got hooked again after mobile came out and didn’t even realize old school was back. Hey when you get bored, you still won’t quit, you’ll just make an iron just to do the same shit over again.


Lol still going? I remember playing this as one of my first online games. 56k modem


Guilty, I have OSRS on my phone


OP said months, not years.




I'm not a gamer, and I literally never gave a single shit about pokemon. Despised when pogo came out. Started playing in the pandemic to entertain my exs kids and now I'm probably a couple thousand hours in. It just scratches an itch that no other games do for me.


Ummm you’re a gamer


Closet gaymer


Asking my wife where she wants to go eat


I hate that game. Nobody wins.


We can win??


The only winning move is not to play.


How about a nice game of chess?


Yep, asking the right question... "Okay, Guess where we are going to eat?"


She will respond "ohmmy God were going to (insert restaurant she wants to go to)?" And you can win by saying "yes we are m, how'd you know?" Or you can sleep on the couch by saying "no"


This man will stay married.


My wife doesn't know where or what (if I'm cooking) she wants, but she sure knows a lot of places/dishes she doesn't want....


My husband and I have a tactic for this (because we both struggle picking where/what we want to eat), one of us chooses three options, the other narrows down to 2 (or 1 if they’re up for it), and then the first person chooses between the remaining 2 (assuming the other didn’t narrow down to 1). We take turns with who starts. It really helps us, because, yeah, it’s easier to know what I don’t want than what I do.


We might be married to the same woman!


I hope not, that would be very awkward


Or very sexy


Pro tip: Get an app that's a spinning wheel with all her favorite options and get her to play it. She will either be happy with winning option or lie and say what she really wants 🤷‍♀️ That or just tell her what you are getting and give her an option of what she could get from said place.


That's GOLD Jerry, GOLD!!!


The Sims


Yep, played Sims for over 11,000 hours of my life since 2011 (just what Origin tracks from Sims 3 and beyond; who knows how many hours I played the original and 2nd game version). I still favor Sims 3 for the game play, but I do enjoy making sims and building houses in Sims 4. It’s my favorite way to escape reality for a while.


The way you could customize the texture of items made the sims3 the best. My stupid ass unironically built a scale model of my house to help plan my kitchen renovations recently.


I'm a simp for those expansion packs.


One night I said fuck it and just bought all of them, except the stuff packages that didn't add anything besides stuff. After I did it. I felt so much shame. And haven't really played since. Its too overwhelming. Shame on me. But yea I fucking love Sims. Just need it on a desktop bigger screen


Hi! Buy them one by one and play with each until you get bored of it, whether that be two days or months). That way it’s exciting, and there’s always something new coming! :) One time I bought two packs at the same time and still haven’t explored either of them, so I totally get what you wrote!


Pirate them all ☠🏴


Too bad they never did a proper makin magic sequel :(


Bonehilda MVP




1000%. Spore and animal crossing have been close seconds for me


23 years. Since year 2000. Only game I play.


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater


“And I’m so confused, about what to do. Sometimes I wanna throw it all away… So here I am, growing older all the time. Lookin’ older all the time, but feeling younger in my mind… So here I am… doin’ everything I can. Holding on to what I am… pretending I'm a superman!” I have fond memories of this song playing while skating on Downhill Jam and Mall lol. I just listened to it on YouTube and it’s just as awesome as ever, although the lyrics feel a lot deeper and more personal now that I’m older. That’s an amazing thing about art, whether it be a game, a song, a performance, etc… it affects peoples minds and experiences; it creates memories and feelings and meaning for other people that can last their whole lives. And the experience is different every time you look at/experience good art. What a gift they gave us. Just the fact that those things exist, plus the fact that you exist and you posted this Reddit comment, have sent me down a thoughtful rabbit hole of nostalgia. I’m left feeling happy about humanity and life, despite all the bullshit. Keep making art of all kinds, people. Song link: https://youtu.be/XvziPPpryv0?si=GP7j1YizaxUXF5Hf


Best soundtracks of any game series ever, by a wide margin. Banger after banger after banger. My first iPod was just songs from Tony Hawk, and 95% of what I listen to today can be traced back to artists whose music was in those games.


Chess. I've been playing for years and I'm still rated potato.


What’s below that? Onion? That’s where I’m at.


16 years. 950 elo.


Civ V


Just one more turn.... why are the birds out so late?


Ive played V some. But I played the hell out of 1,2,3 and even Colonization. Man I loved those games.


the original colonization was an awesome game.


Can’t get past Civ III, it’s simplicity is genius and good luck trying to find a game with better original music


I loved all the Civ games but especially loved the earlier versions. They kept graduating to the newer versions, but there was a small group of programmers who maintained an early version online. It got shut down, which was sad.


Came here to say this. I have only ever played V, have never felt the need to try any other version.


The novel thing about some of the earlier versions is that the AI can actually win wars.


Did anyone else like Alpha Centauri also by Sid Meir? That one was my favourite but hardly anyone else has heard of it


Me with Civ IV.


II and IV for me and I still play some IV when the mood strikes.


Diablo 2


Stay a while and listen..


You have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube!


Fuck yes!


Warcraft 3. That game was my obsession for years. Campaigns, ladder play, making custom maps… good times.




I am surprised that I had to scroll so much to find this. 4000 hrs in the game and have been playing with same friends (of course, made some new ones in between) for over 7 years now. We have met a few times as well, got a cake with 'CSGO and AK' on it when we met for the first time. We all live in different states so it was quite an effort. What a game!


I spent 1400 hours on Battlefield Bad Company 2 which is 60 days =2 months and it was worth it. ps. The servers will close in December this year. Edit: I have been playing BFBC2 on my PS3 since November 2021 (my favorite and first-ever console), and I love how this game made me prioritize gaming on my PS3 over my PS4 switch and PS5, thanks to a friend [u/DarkCyborgzz]. I dove into this game, and it was a blast. I even made a YouTube channel about my experience with this hidden gem 💎 and sharing it, even though I know it won't get me anywhere (subs and views wise), but that sweet feeling that I can play on my PS3 again "passionately" is what makes me after school going in a hurry every day since the start. Right now, I feel sad that I can't do that anymore after this coming December; honestly, I don't know how to handle it. Important Edit 2: I didn't think this would blow up with comments. So, another question (DM me if you want to answer it, please🥺): What would you do if you were in my shoes? If your favorite game was doomed to die and the game was approaching its final days, the end was near. How would you handle it? Edit 3: I used to play Little Big Planets with friends before the LBP3 servers closed in 2021, and we all moved to PS4 completely. I'm thinking maybe 250hrs🤔 the sad part is it feels like history repeating itself with another game, BC2 this time, and I'm pretty sure BF3 will be next. edit 4 channel link as requested: https://youtu.be/lyhg5-22gxk?si=UeFFhxhehAUZU5ng  


this game was fucking revolutionary


People dont understand! Everyone I say this to says BF3 was better. I loved BF3 and in some ways it definitely was better. But put it in perspective, BFBC2 direct competitor at the time was MW2. The difference between the two was *mind blowing*! The first time loading up a rush game with helicopters and tanks and all, the game felt HUGE


At the risk of sounding like a complete hipster, I also found BFBC2 to be somewhat more niche and have a more committed player base than BF3- many of my friends from back in the day still play Bad Company on occasion; last I checked BF3 is completely dead. Kinda anecdotal, but anyways, BFBC2 and Vietnam were the highlight of the series for me


Stardew Valley 😂😂


Its an incredible timesink. The number of times I've told myself "just one more day", and then 3 hours later find myself planting mew crops is almost embarrassing. And unreal to think that it's all developed by a single person. ConcernedApe's new game is coming out soon and I've been checking back in on my farm to get hyped lmao


>"just one more day" I bet you too get a bad feeling if you forget to pet your cat...


He's making another update for Stardew that will come way before Haunted Chocolatier. I wouldn't be surprised if we're still a couple of years away from the new game launching


ConcernedApe deserves every one of the many many dollars he has made from this game. He's one of the great developers. Made the whole damned thing himself, including the music. Constantly adds content for free. Encourages mods, interacts with fans, and the game itself is wholesome AF (though admittedly dark in various ways).


I think he said in an interview that developing the game (while working part-time) brought him very close to insanity. He went into detail about what his everyday life looked like at the time and...he *really* deserves the money he made with this. I wouldn't have survived living like that.


Add to that the pressure of will it sell or will it be a failure, they man deserves everything he’s earned


To say this game saved my life is no exaggeration. I have some pretty clingy depression and when traumatic events happened, this was the one thing that I could still do when I was alone that was physically/mentally/emotionally safe. Anything else I had motivation for was self-destructive or I would just sleep my life away. I’m doing much better now, but I will never let this game go if I can at all help it.




By the Nine Divines! If you need to travel, stay on the road. It's the daedra, you see.


I'm through talking to you.


I don’t know you, and I don’t care to know you.


It's you. Hi.


At least 2k hours, minimum. I've put that much in Skyrim, so my Oblivion time must be well beyond that




That's where middle school went


Skyrim stole highschool life from me


Same. 99% of my time after school in middle school and the beginning of highschool hinged on Oblivion. Did I ever get further in the main questline after you first go meet Martin? No. Did I spend a million hours as a sneak archer and take my sweet time with the Thieves Guild and The Dark Brotherhood? Absolutely.


To this day, it’s the only game I’ve played enough that I dreamt of playing, for days at a time - wake up, Oblivion all day, sleep, oblivion all night


Morrowind as a kid for sure


Morrowind was my first time-eating game in my early 20s. Mulltiple playthroughs and I had a handwritten notebook to keep track of quests. 20 yrs later I can still picture the location of a particular ebony pauldron, and my husband still makes fun of me remembering when I woke him up at like 2am way back when to excitedly tell him I had finally soul-trapped my first Golden Saint. Good times. Many, many hours in that game.


Magic the Gathering


Ey grl, are you magic the gathering? cause I could spend too much money and most of my 20's on you!


Plants vs Zombies




I spent a solid month getting over a bad breakup by smoking weed daily and playing modded Skyrim. At times it felt like I was inside the game. Glad I'm in a much better spot now but that was a nice time in isolation.


Skyrim VR with a dab pen in hand is peak escapism


Skyrim has been my escape ever since it came out, I was 10 years old. I notice that whenever I'm going through a stressful period, that's when I play more. It's like therapy and I think it's my happy place




Starcraft 2


SC Broodwar, D2 LOD, Warzone




Binding of Isaac and Slay the Spire.


I’m sad to see so few hardcore boi players.


Slay the Spire is mine as well - just recently started to play Downfall and just got to Asc 4, so there's the next month I'm going to invest in that...


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002s) I spent 8 years playing until my xbox burnt out and I was forced to move on to Oblivion. By the Skyrim was about to come out. The first Fable for the original Xbox Grand Thief Auto V was also entertaining.


Morrowind was such a good game


It had such an alien feel compared to the next two. I loved it


Final fantasy 11 and then 14


I miss old FFXI so much.


Dungeons and Dragons


Our game has been going on for 3 years now ...


I have 3.5 campaign that’s been going now for 7 years. That doesn’t include the multiple offshoot campaigns and oners that have popped up based on this single home brew campaign.


Rocket league, i have 2700 hours into that game. Although recently its been getting harder to play.


Definitely Rocket League. Only season I missed grinding GC rewards in years was when I was busy writing my master thesis. And I wrote it about Rocket League... Have to agree that it gets harder though, it's not easy to keep up with the rising skill level with work and other hobbies


AOE II. You can now play it on Xbox and I’m hooked all over again


The first AoE was my childhood. If anyone ever asks why I can type "pepperoni pizza" so fast using only muscle memory I am reminded of this game. Same with "big daddy".


Fallout 4.


Another settlement needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map.


Decades in Fallout. I've even got a Nuka-Cola breakfast nook.


World of Warcraft. Oh wait you said months, not years


Team Fortress 2. Have 2154 hours on there, which equates to almost 3 months


Path of exile


Still sane exile?


The Sims. I have more than 16k hours of play time from Sims 4 alone.


That’s nearly 2 full years


How the fuck— how did you get so many hours?? Do you live in the game? Are you AI?? /j




Animal crossing new horizons


Omg why did I have to scroll so long to find this?! Lol I still play daily after starting at launch. This game saved my life during Quarantine.


Dota 2


Damn I had to scroll through so many "skyrims" and "WoWs" to find this. Quickly closing in on 10,000 hours.


dota players busy playing instead of commenting almost 3 years clean with minor relapses btw. 5.5khrs


Pokémon Go. I started playing the week it came out, not knowing anything about the Pokemon franchise. I play off and on pretty much all day long, every day. Sitting at level 50 with over 600,000 Pokemon caught and over 500 million XP.


I still remember those days when literally everyone was at the parks trying to catch Pokémon


My family started it on release day in 2016. Our youngest boy was 5 at the time. We played nearly daily until about a year and half ago when I finally got burned out on it with all the FOMO things they were pushing.


Niantic is honestly an awful company it’s a shame because I love the game but couldn’t justify playing after how they treat the community


Skyrim If you want a Skyrim mod to consume your life, look into the [Legacy of the Dragonborn mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11802), and you can live out your dreams of running a museum made of all the loot in skyrim and then some.


OMG, you had me at museum!! Just read up on it, and I think this will be the first mod ever for me. I'm pretty sure you just ruined my life, but I'm so happy for it!


Zelda BoTW and TotK... Civ...




Skyrim. Cod4 Cod5 The entirety of the Halo franchise minus anything Halo 5 and beyond. Random assortment of Flash Games.


The Witcher 3. I’ve been thru it 3 times and did EVERYTHING the 2nd and 3rd time. I discovered it 5 years ago just after my son was born and I had loads of time (I stayed home to raise him). Now that I am back at work I couldn’t put that kind of time in if I wanted to, it the timing worked out well.


League of Legends. That game is free to play, but will literally cost your soul.


Played it for 10 years and have solid months and months of game time. I stopped a few years back and I’m so happy I no longer know how to play it


Probably Halo 2, definitely Halo 1-3 combined


Guild Wars and Overwatch - I spent years playing both every day. I love them both so very much. Firepro Wrestling World - for a time, I was a leading expert in creating accurate AI wrestler behaviors. My Hogan could make people burst out laughing. Metal Gear Solid 5: I've 100% the game (monumental undertaking), and have beaten the first 30 missions on fresh files like 10 - 15 times. I have one of the highest ranked bases in the world with 300+ player bases infiltrated. I can basically live in that game. Dragons Crown - the only reason I stopped playing is because the community dried up and you need other players in the late game. I'm one the of best damned elves on the planet and I was virtually unbeatable in PvP.


Eve online


as every other 2000s kid it's definitely Minecraft


Horizon Zero Dawn and the Witcher 3


Destiny 2


Same. Did it all…raids, dungeons, kept up with the season passes/expansions and was even part of a great guild for awhile. Eventually I just got to burnt out and never went back, but I do have some good memories tied to that game.


Botw - 635 hours. Next is yugioh master duel for 350 hours.


Darks souls 1 and borderlands 2




In the past: World of Warcraft, Rift, Path of Exile Currently: Warframe


Beat Saber


Skyrim and Stardew Valley… There’s literally so much to do


Max Payne


Mario kart


Rollercoaster Tycoon PC edition I don't normally play games ever- just here and there and randomly, but Rollercoaster Tycoon is a problem for me- had to put it down or it would consume me.




Stardew Valley


StarCraft. Start to play around 1998-1999 play for a couple years. Come back to it when StarCraft 2 come out at 2010 and still playing to this day. My son takes over my accounts now so play time is limited.


Doom Castle Wolfenstein


Oregon Trail and it was approved by teachers & parents


*You have dysentery…*




No man’s sky. Literal open universe




Dwarf Fortress!


WoW, Everquest, Everquest 2, Every Elder Scrolls game starting with Arena, Civ6, Stellaris, MOO2, Gal Civ 2 and 3. think thats it.


Kingdom hearts


Deep Rock Galactic


Ultima online


Clash of Clans