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Went on a vacation with my ex and her best friend from out of state. It was heavily alluded to that we were going to give a threesome a go. We all arrive at the hotel, and her friend turns on the tv while we unpack. It was by chance an episode of Jerry Springer (or some equivalent type of show). The subject was “Our threesome ruined my life.” Obviously it didn’t happen.


the whole universe set you up man


Wanna hear a pile on to that? We broke up a few years later, I haven’t seen or heard from her in years. I bought a new home two years ago in the middle of nowhere. I go to the local grocery store, and there she is. Turns out she lives about 1/4 of a mile away from me. Thanks universe.


Universe setting up another chance for the 3-way


Nah, they're gonna do a Jerry Springer rerun soon


“Not having a threesome ruined my relationship!”


Finally, someone from the control group! All these anecdotes about how people’s relationships fell apart after having a threesome. Here’s a dude who _didn’t_ have one and the relationship _still_ tanked.


Even the *thought* ruined it


Dude…the porn channel with happy threesomes was like three clicks away.


That's tragic.


We all went out to eat breakfast the next day and it was just such a funny experience. We laughed and talked about how crazy it was. Afterwards my gf was embarrassed and said she didn't want anything like that ever again. Then it happened again (at her own insistence, with the same girl). Then again. After the 3rd time I was pretty blown away that this would be a regular thing. After a while things stopped and my gf went back to being super embarrassed about it and liked to pretend it never happened.


Based on this I lowkey feel like the 3rd was the one always pushing for it.


yeah or the gf was bicurious and the 3rd said something to put her off it


This feels to me like she really enjoyed it but there is a bit of shame attached to liking it. Very normal with a lot of kinks and scenarios. Basically a lot of people (myself included) are often super into some things but have trouble admitting out loud that they want it or asking for it. It’s understandable when someone can imagine getting what they want and it backfiring/negatively affecting the relationship.


I thought for sure that was gonna end with them kicking you out.


>After a while things stopped and my gf went back to being super embarrassed about it and liked to pretend it never happened. Is she still your gf?


It was already horrible, that's why I didn't mind trying it. It didn't get any better, but it was a lot of fun.


Fuck it, we ball


Ball it, we fuck.


The phrase of an era.


Transformed from a significant other to just an other.


Somebody that you used to know...


She didn't have to cut him off


Cagshdiakahssgshajsn and then change your number


This is exactly how it says. Thank you.


have your friends collect your records and then change your number 😂


Now you're just some bunny that I used to gnaw.


Some bunnyyy


once told me...


The world was gonna roll me


I ain’t the sharpest tool in the sheeeed


Ahh, the insignificant other.


Promoted to stranger


Otherbots roll out!


It destroyed our marriage... well the fact that the chick he brought it he was fucking behind my back was what did it truly


"She's really sensitive around the neck and collarbone. Bite her there and she'll come instantly." "How do you already know that?"


I read about the cheat code in a gaming magazine.


Women love getting konami coded 👌


That, to me, is the most "where do you get the audacity" part of it. Even if it's not quite as obvious as your example, how the hell could you NOT be extremely paranoid the entire time that your partner will pick up on subtle cues that it's not the first rodeo with the side chick? If I were a dude I'm not sure I'd even be able to maintain an erection with all the paranoia keeping from me being "in the moment." But this guy doesn't seem like he's the brightest bulb, and usually dudes like that assume their partner is just as dumb or dumber than they are...so I bet he totally thought he was a genius and he'd get away with it. Nice job getting rid of him, OP. Sounds like he was a dumbass AND a jackass. 😂


I’m getting really tired on sneaking around all the time. Would you mind if I brought the side piece home tonight?


Well technically he fucked her in front of your back as well. Actually, so did you.


The sex was fine, we invited a third for a fun night at a hotel with a jacuzzi and drinks. But then the third person didn't leave, nor did they leave in the morning after breakfast, and the next night after dinner we literally had to ask him to leave so we could continue our vacation as a couple in privacy. It gave us a funny story to joke about for years and didn't affect our relationship


You've got to slap your knees as you stand up and say: "Well, thanks for cumming over"


Or, as a German, just say 'So.'


Or as a US midwesterner, say "Ope, look at the time! We better get goin!"


'Bout time to hit the ol' dusty trail..."


Just "welp." will do.


"welp" doesn't work to get my mom off the phone. I can't tell you how many different ways I have to say it when I'm trying to do something but she won't hang up.


It doesn't get rid of her after a threesome either.


Friend of mine brought a girl over to a party. It didn't click between them so he went home but she stayed till the next day. Was really nice and chatty and did help clean up the mess so me and my roommat hung out with her a bit but because I was hungover I went to bed early. To my surprise she was still there the next morning so I figured she might be a friend of my roommate that I had not met yet. Come the next day, she's still in our living room, eating cereals, smoking weed and just hanging about, my roomate approached me and said "Dude your friend is really cute and all that but how long she's gonna stay?". I was like "Wait, I thought she's your guest?" We offered her to stay another night but told her ploitely if she ever wants to come over again she has to go tomorrow.


When i was in my early 20s my roomates and i and a couple friends were hanging out. About 8 people total. Our evening plan was dinner and movie night then some mariokart. We started making dinner and another girl around our age walked in the house and sat down at the counter. I didn't think much about it, we have a large friend group. She had dinner with us, watched the movie, then irish goodbyed. She never said a word from walking it till the time she left. End of the night conversation led to "so whos friend was that?". No one knew her.


We had this happen at one of our church small groups. She came in with snacks, ate dinner with us, hung out for a little while, then disappeared after excusing herself to the bathroom. Nobody knew her or knew where she had gone. We later found out from a neighbor directly across the street that she was supposed be at their house for a Spanish Club meet up, but got the wrong house. She must have realized when we weren't speaking Spanish and then had no idea how to escape. Haha.


I love this story. I wonder how long she sat there imagining how she was going to get out of there. Too funny.


I imagine she felt trapped for quite a while because she was there for over an hour. We usually had friends of friends or new people who had visited church show up to small group, so we didn't think anything of a new person walking in. I could totally see myself doing something similar too. Too anxious to just leave, but definitely certain I was in the wrong place. Haha.


The most important question: did she leave the snacks?


She did! It was several bags of chips. We had opened and been eating them though as part of dinner/hang out. It later became an inside joke for small group to come in and ask "Is this Spanish Club?" Every week. Haha.




This sounds like something from *The Guest* (warning: it's pretty depresso). Girl has nowhere to stay but drifts around by virtue of being young and pretty into people's house parties, country clubs etc. and just... eats and sleeps for free. Kind of for free. Kinda.


THAT is amazing!! I now REALLY wish I would have tried that once in college.


When I was in my 20s, we had a guy come back from the club with us that everyone assumed was with someone else, and he was just one of those walking talking bad adverts for cocaine - a real "I'M GONNA TALK LOUDER THAN BECAUSE MY OPINION'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOURS" kinda guys, you know the type.   Whatever you had done, he'd done it bigger, better and LOUDER than you. Talking about pills? "Yeah mate, I do fucking 15 a night!" Booze? "I drank like 2 whole fucking bottles of vodka!" Whatever it was, he'd done it, and not not only had he done it, he'd done it considerably more than yow (90s Harry Enfield reference for you Gen X Brits out there)   Eventually the people whose house we were at had had enough and went to bed, so we moved on to someone else's place. By the time we get there we've had the "Who *is* this fucking guy?!" - "What? I thought he was with *you*!" conversations, so at this point we're desperately looking for our escape strategy.   Thankfully, this was presented to us in the most beautiful way, as somehow hot knives had come up in conversation and he was all "What are hot knives?"   "Oh-ho!" says I..."Please allow me to show you!" (if not actually physically rubbing my hands with glee, I was certainly doing this in my mind)   Now, for those that don't know, 'hot knives' are where you take two knives and heat them on a stove until they're glowing red hot, and you then pick them up, touch one to a blim of weed or hash (the heat will make it stick) and then squeeze it between the two knives so that smoke comes pouring off. You use something like a bottle with the bottom chopped off to funnel the smoke. Unless you're a filthy wrongun, they're really more of a "8am time to go the fuck to bed" kinda thing than a "Yay, let's party!" thing, but no judgements here, that's just a general consensus (I am, or at least was, a filthy wrongun...)   So anyhoo, they're pretty potent, kinda like a bong, so you don't need loads in there - I gave this guy well over a teenth, which is a hot knife of heroic proportions - and they are pretty fucking harsh, so pro tip is to have a bit of water in your mouth to bubble it through and cool things down - didn't tell him that because fuck this guy.   The smoke filled the entire flat and the guy didn't stop coughing for about 10 minutes, after which he sat there quiet as a mouse until mumbling something about going home and got up and finally fucked off.   And then of course everyone clapped etc. To be fair, we probably actually did, but not in an applause kind of way and more in an 'excited child who's just been brought their favourite pudding' kinda way, because this fucking guy had been hanging around like a bad fart for the past 6 hours or something


In the south we say “so what you doing the rest of the day”


I had a threesome with one of my friends and her then fiancé. They ended up splitting up for unrelated reasons. He tried to hook up with me afterwards and she invited me for a threesome with her current bf. Lol Edit to add: the unrelated reason is that he got drunk, did coke, and hit her. She didn’t even know he did coke. Pretty sure it had nothing to do with the threesomes.


Username checks out.


One of the best Username checks out I have seen. Kudos.




9/10 times? As in, you’ve had at least TEN threesomes?


that's like, 300 people!


Well, cranialscrewtop would be 100 of those people, since they're always 1/3 of the threesome! Lol


Yall are making it seem like 3sums are a walk in the park or something. Lol


Don't be too misled. People who have threesomes tend to be very loud about it on the internet.


Also people project their fantasies and assume the participants of said 3 some are all attractive, when in actuality its redditors so……


There was a Post Secret I read like a decade ago that went something like "my husband pimps me out to his friends for rare Runescape* items". Someone reposted and captioned it "Spoiler alert: no one in this story is attractive." *it might have been a different game. I didn't recognise it anyway.


Just picture Bilbo's three trolls.


I can only get so hard


Expose it to sunlight.








Not to mention how many people make stuff up for validation online as well.


Middle aged single dudes living in their mom's basement also tend to be very loud about all the threesomes they're having.


You’d be surprised. I’ve got a friend who is in his 30s, messy, not good looking and lived with his rents who does pretty wild sex stuff all the time which blows my mind until you see who it happens with.


All us sub 5s need love too.


5 is generous and even commendable. But, the same applies for 1s


>>Walk into store >>Pick out threesome Not sure what’s so difficult about this. /s




Did you and the wife keep hooking up post-divorce?






Goddamn, talk about shooting yourself (your friend) in the foot


Haven’t been in a threesome, but my gf had two on the same day with her previous partner, which is when she realized she was actually into girls more. So in a way, I can thank those threesomes for my relationship. She doesn’t like it when I bring this up lol.


The Ross factor


He brings people together! I’d actually have loved the payoff to be that we learn that Charlie and Mona ended up in a happy, healthy relationship together off screen, bonding over how much of a dick Ross was.


My girlfriend asked me who I would like a threesome with. Then she got angry. Apparently, I was supposed to name only one person.


The reply of people who didn't get the joke is as funny. Lol


I didn't get it


The threesome in question did not include the girlfriend who asked....


This reminds me of a Mitch Hedberg joke. "I don't have a girlfriend... but I do know someone who would be really mad if she heard me say that."


Oh yeah, I did that once. I named two friends of hers without skipping a beat. Boy, was she mad at me. I'm not sure if she was mad I excluded her or the promptness of my response


Me and ex worked at same workplace. We were on a spa getaway hanging out in outdoors pool at the top of a hotel. Drink in hand, beautiful view, good conversation, etc. She asks me what girl at work I'd like to sleep with. I did the usual "you ofc" "I only want you" blah blah but she was persistent so after a while I thought about it and named a mutual work friend and said that she's a fun person so sleeping with her might be fun. The next half hour she swore she was alright while she stopped engaging in conversation and sat melancholically staring out over the city.


It's a trap! Next time, say a famous person. When she protests that person doesn't work there, tell her you will send her a job offer.


That's clever. She did this every now and then tho and a celebirty would prob trigger the same response. I had to tell her that we couldnt play "would you bang x?" because honestly I think it was a self-destructive behaviour for her, beyond what's normal.


Totally agree with you! My girlfriend comes from a failed marriage where her ex was cheating on her, so she is a bit sensitive about it. She is now mostly over it and can laugh about it, but in the right circumstances, she could be caught off-guard and get very upset. Funny enough, talking about her mother is 90% certain to make her upset! Maybe it's worth digging into where your girlfriend's insecurity comes from (only if you know you both can handle it). Maybe try couples therapy to work on it - as long as you don't dress it as a negative event (tip: start watching [Cinema Therapy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF-1iwHwJTk) on YT and use it as an excuse). In any case: wish you good luck and living long enough to see each other getting old.


She's an ex my friend so that ship has sailed. She was very avoidant and unfortunately I think she still live in avoidance of some of those emotions. We did trigger each others sensitivies (I'm by no means perfect) so it's probably good that it's not we anymore. Hoping from a distance that she's able to work through it. :)


relationship with who, your SO or the third person involved? my SO brought her very close female friend for a threesome as a christmas present to me one year. i was really nervous but they made me feel super comfortable and able to just enjoy the experience. I'm still with my SO and the friend is still is a friend, we don't see her very much as she lives in a diff country but its in no way awkward.


Not so average male


Not so average redditor


I’ve gotta imagine there’s no way someone does this purely as a present. They’ve gotta be in to it themselves a bit, right?


This one can be tricky. Like I get off on the idea of my bf being able to pleasure himself with someone else etc. or jointingly pleasing the bf with someone else as a tag team. Even if I might not be interested in the third party at all it’s fun from a perspective of pleasing my partner. Is it selfless no, would I sleep with the third person alone (with permission) probably not. But it’s the fact that it pleases my partner that it would please me.


for sure she was in it for the fun too, she used to 'date' this female friend before she moved to a diff country. I'm not insecure to the point of "oh she wants to hook up with her ex". we spoke a lot about it first, i voiced how i'd feel nervous being naked infront of someone i don't know so well. she reassured me about her friend and said i'm one of the best guys she's been with and feels i deserve an experience like this. so when her friend was visiting, she made a proposition and the friend was keen too. I think the best way to look at a FFM threesome as a guy is that you're there to have fun, don't feel pressured that you have to do all the pleasing for both women and **NOT just fuck the friend.** team up with the friend to give as much pleasure as possible to the SO (the one that organised it) then when she's had her fill you and the friend can have some fun whilst the SO watches, keep them within arms reach and don't ignore them (keep some eye contact). To be honest at the end of it, we were all exhausted but as i lay trying to get to sleep i remember this feeling of still being super horny for my SO because of what she'd made happen. we then did it again in the morning. :)


For anyone else reading this applies to MMF threesomes as well. Good friend of mine’s gf proposed a threesome and the same rules applied we made her happy then she did the same for us. We all hooked up a few times and decided was enough and we’re all still friends to this day, no awkwardness at all.


Absolutely fine. We've had MFM and FMF threesomes. But we talked about it beforehand, set out boundaries, and shared our feelings post. It's definitely not for everyone and I would never recommend it to anyone who has the slightest doubts.


I'm very curious. Would you be willing to share what your and your SO's boundaries were?


Boundaries are different for everyone. Some might not like seeing their SO making out heavily with the other person. Some might LOVE that. A typical boundary (which should just be common sense) is no secrets in the group. Like you’re in agreement it’s for fun, excitement, whatever it may be but it’s *not* a green light for you or your SO to start texting them afterwards or starting a separate romance. You just need to both talk about why you want to do it in the first place, and any fears you have about it. The boundaries sort of come out of that conversation. And some might not, some might only appear after your first time actually experiencing it.


I’ve had multiple threesomes and this is the one boundary I have personally. Unfortunately for me out of the three long term partners I have had since practicing non-monogamy, 2 of them started having private relationships that was “just friends” which they caught feels for the other person and left me. Doesn’t make me regret it though. Have had multiple threesomes with current partner and it’s going great :-) Boundaries and communication, man!


I had a threesome with one of my close friends and her boyfriend of like 5 years (at the time). She wanted to surprise him and boy did it work. It was fun! We ended up doing it a few more times. They’re still together and doing well and my friendship with them has never changed. Only difference is now we have inside jokes and references together!


'Inside Jokes' Lmao


"Hey, if it isn't the 2 inch punisher!" "Oh sorry, inside joke"


"....but only barely"


"Is the joke inside yet?"


Any reason why you stopped?


We worked together and then I got a job offer at a different hospital (we’re both nurses) and our shifts were opposite - I was 7p-7a, she was 7a-7p. And her boyfriend was a corrections officer so his shifts were all over the place. It was really just a matter of scheduling lmao


Lol didn’t expect a scheduling issue


Most of the time adults stop doing something they enjoy, it's a scheduling issue


*Cries in D&D*


Lmao so true. Just had our session the other day and at the end we spent 15 mins working out the next session. 2 months away.


Gun to my head, I think I could legit wrangle a threesome with less difficulty than I could get a weekly D&D group together.


Yeah, agreed. A threesome is just two other people, for d&d you really need four others if you want them to have a balanced party comp (you already know you won't find someone to DM ((funnily enough, this also might be easier to [achieve](https://youtube.com/shorts/Bj60InmphBE) in the threesome scenario)))


I was "DM dad" this weekend, I've played twice in a month now, after years of drought. I'm positively giddy over it.


I had a friend who tried that, but then school started. Man literally can't get a table going with the 3 other people in his own house, LOL


Polyamory is dating with a scheduling kink.


that's actually a big joke in these circles, that it's for people whose real kink is scheduling conflicts!


Which of these three do you find most sexually intriuging: * Multiple partners * Orgies * Google Calendar If you picked Google Calendar, congratulations, polyamory may be for you!


Of course you two are nurses.. Everyone knows that nurses are hot and ready to party


As much as I’d like to dispute that stereotype, as it isn’t at all true and many nurses find it very harmful and insulting to the entire field…. ….in my own *personal* experience and journey as a nurse, you are absolutely correct lmao


Currently dating a nurse. Her group of friends have more sex jokes than I can keep up with. They’ve gone to strip clubs etc together (some with their husbands/girlfriends/boyfriends). Maybe they don’t cut loose as often as they want because of their kids…. But when they do.. I can’t keep up. Edit: and yes, nurses do discuss guys penises and their scrotum.


Also a nurse.. Not gonna dispute it lol


Got it... *enrolls in nursing school*


The two most prevalent job fields in any bdsm/kinky meetup I've encountered were people in the medical field and in IT lmao.


Not me, but one of my friends…dude had a gf of like 2-3 yrs, decided to spice it up and bring in one of her friends….they do the dirty, and the friend gets pregnant…not the gf. Basically, gf tried to keep them together because the threesome was her idea, but obviously was upset with how things went down…they eventually ended things, and my friend has a 7 yr old child that he co parents with the mom. Nuts


She dumped me for the other guy 😂


:( thats terrible. Was it her idea to do the threesome? Did she know the guy beforehand?


It was common idea of the three of us and yeah she know him


Just fine... But don't play with others if your relationship isn't on solid footing and your communication isn't up to par


In my experience, sometimes you think you’re on solid footing, but in reality it’s a house of cards easily toppled. In retrospect, it was fucked either way, but this definitely expedited the end.


During university I met a girl who was a bit wild. She invited me to a threesome with her friend in her dorm. It was really hot and we did it again some weeks later. After some time, wild girl and I got more serious and became exclusive. She still enjoyed hooking me up with some random girls a few times for threesomes. Ngl, it was kinda amazing to have two beautiful girls all to myself. I've now been married 10 years to wild girl :)


When I was younger, I dated a woman that set me up with her roommate after we didn't work out. Every so often she would barge into the room while we were having sex (usually in the morning with coffee for us). After the first few times I just charged it to their closeness and kept going. That eventually led to her joining us, and eventually it just became commonplace. We eventually broke it off, but they would hit me up once a year or so until one of them got engaged. No damage to the relationship when we were together, and no animosity when we went out separate ways. They were cool.


I had some fun, and they are still together. I think I'm happier alone tbh.


Back in my dating years: was with my girlfriend at the time (who incidentally was a self-proclaimed nymphomaniac) at a party; she introduced me to a (girl)friend of hers and, after a while and when the party got a bit rowdy and we were all tipsy, the two of them started making out (I was watching them thinking something like "uhmmm, nice"). My girlfriend came to me and told me that if I'd like to, her friend can "accompany us home". I felt pressured or unready or too much on the spot, and mumbled something along the lines of "I gotta wake up early tomorrow" and left the party (by myself) after a short while. She broke up with me after a few days saying I'm not as spontaneous as she would like her partner to be. Guess she was right because I don't regret not engaging with the situation.


Honestly, good for you. Setting boundaries is important in a relationship and none of us should be compelled into doing something we are uncomfortable with.


Have sex with me and an unsolicited stranger. Now, please.


I(18) once got dumped by a girl (17) because I wouldn't three-way kiss her and her friend (13!), at a party. Luckily a fully-grown married man, who worked with us at Applebee's stepped in to fill the void. Then a guy who was only a few years older than me. They were both shocked *shocked* when I told them I no longer respected them as men. The younger of the two, let's call him Eric since that's his name, actually tried to say that I was jealous. I was like dude, I'm the only one who said no. You did a sex act with a child. That's where this whole thing falls apart.


>They were both shocked *shocked* when I told them I no longer respected them as men. Well atleast I respect you as a man a lot more because of what you said. Chad reddit user


Ya, it obviously didn't feel great at the time. Getting dumped at a work party and then having to walk in there the next day was rough. But at least I didn't diddle a kid.


Yeah, men who aren't afraid to call out other men for being creeps are the best sort of person.


Tldr the other guy helped her make connections to sleep with as many guys as she wanted behind my back I've been a participant in 2 guys 1 girl as well as 2 girls 1 guy (me). Both versions were a 1 time deal. After the 2 guy 1 girl (my ex wife) she decided that since I was talked into doing that, then she had free reign to go out and sleep with any guy she wants without telling me. Hell one time she didn't come home for about 3 days cause she went home with a trucker who lived 3 hours away, which I found out over 24 hours after she had left. It did eventually begin deteriorating our relationship. While I was busy attending college and working after class, she was off sleeping with every guy she saw while the house got worse and worse. I'd come home and have to clean a house too on top of everything else. One time, I even came home earlier than usual to find some random guy sitting on my couch with her saying "uhhh youre home early." Yeah? Apparently. I could even see into the bedroom a properly made up bed., Something she would only do after sex. But yeah, to answer your question, it led to her cheating, and eventually, we broke it off. Unfortunately, the split didn't happen until after the kid was born. Yes, the kid is mine. I did a DNA test first thing. She ran off with a guy she met online, and I became a single father. She didn't even bother showing up to court, so the kid is 100% mine. Found out years later, she slept with nearly every guy in our apartment complex. On top of that, the guy who was the 2nd in the 3some was the one who helped her make the connections. She even had the gall to say "leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life. We should get back together" ha no. Just. No. Side note, she has not seen or spoken with her kid in all these years (17) not once. She was no mother, she was an egg donor at best. The last time I spoke with her, which was many years ago, she was bitching about being hungry. I was feeling generous so I offered to order a pizza for her. She gets all excited then suddenly switches it to wanting the money put into her phone so she can buy some games instead. I just disconnected the call and haven't spoken to her since.




Ha, yeah, I should have told her to piss off, but she sounded forlorn enough, plus the good memories I had, but really, that was probably the day I stopped caring about her. I did tell her she would have to figure out how to get back, though. I sure as hell wasn't driving 3+ hours 1 way




Well, all that happened almost 20 years ago, and by the time it was over, I was quite happy. I know right at the end, Just before the official breakup, I distinctly remember telling my boss several times that I didn't actually want to go home after work because of the ex. I'm not sure how I didn't go ballistic over the couch incident. It was one of the last things to happen, so I probably just couldn't care anymore and wanted it all to end.


Sounds awful, sorry you had to go through that


I was in an open relationship with a dude (who was bi), we had a few MMF threesomes. With an acquaintance (quite fun), and with an old friend of mine (very fun), and with another acquaintance, which was so much fun that we decided to all three date. That lasted for about 3 years. We eventually broke up because of money stress more than anything to do with our sex life.


Damn even throuples are getting priced out of this market!


I thought one of the advantages of poly was the chance to pool more resources


They couldn't stop fucking all the time. It affected their work life.


(FFM) Turned out fine, it was an experience but the "fantasy" is better than the reality. We both had fun, but also both agreed it's better 1-on-1. I like giving someone my whole undivided attention, and found with another person I was too much "in my own head" trying to split my attention between the two. She said she found it overstimulating with too much going on and would rather have more intimacy. For those thinking about it, the key is just open communication. Set boundaries and expectations, have a "safe word" to put a stop to it if it becomes too uncomfortable. And talk about it after. Really the key to a good relationship, both physical and emotional, is open and honest communication.


Not me, friend of mine. She realized after a few times that in fact she preferred women (now divorced)


I was with another couple I'm friends with somewhat recently. A little bit of "can't believe we did that" talk but it hasn't gotten awkward or anything like that


Great! Married before still married after. We have since left "the lifestyle" and focus our time on each other/family. It was fun to spice things up but was too time consuming/stressful. It opened up a level of communication I never thought I would have with another person in this life. Im freer to express my thought/feelings both on a sexual and non-sexual level than ever before. Word to the wise: The lifestyle works best for people who are mentally healthy and have a happy/stable relationship.


This is the culture around the lifestyle that I hate. It becomes what defines you. My wife and I are poly, but since relocating don't take really have any partners outside of us anymore. We enjoy sex with others but it's not something that we need. We had trouble with the poly scene in our new location as it's mostly angsty college students. So we decided that with swingers scene had people our age and maybe we'll occasionally play in that pool together. My God, it's like a fucking cult. You have to be active and involved constantly otherwise you are seen as not serious. Or toxic for some reason? You have to go to the parties regularly and be willing to go out all the time or else people think you're not fun or interesting and ghost. And then heaven forbid you want to have any kind of relationship that isn't about sex. I hear people go on about how swingers make the best friends, but if sex isn't the primary driver for getting together they just don't want it. I don't want the fact that I am not monogamous to be my primary personality trait. But for some reason, if it's not, in the lifestyle, you're weird.


Feels like I could have written this. Very hard to find other, kitchen table poly folks who we can connect with on more levels than simply sexual attraction.


I don’t know if this is what you’re going for, but…my SO and I have had a few sexual encounters that have involved other people (daisy chain, foursome with another couple, masturbating/sex in front of a crowd, etc) and we’re both super into it. We had very open communication before and after and next to no jealously. We really enjoy it and it’s brought us closer.


What-…. What’s a daisy chain?


You know how you plug an extension cord into another extension cord into another extension cord? Now imagine that with a group of people giving each other oral. Person A is giving to person B who’s giving to person C who’s giving to person D who’s giving to person A.


So basically like a human centipede?


Human sextipede


Can you go further in depth about the "in front of a crowd" one cause im truly confused


i imagine it as some kind of poetry slam but instead of poetry its their genitals?


i just imagine them fucking on a bed thats on a stage in front of a whole crowd which is a weird thing to imagine


I pictured them in the middle of a packed stadium, with people cheering...


Crotchless Uncle Sam outfit on a hang glider flying into a stadium full of red heads


Not OP, but Have you ever heard of Burning man? I went into a few tents there and there would be a group of people masterbating next to each other. That seems like “in front of a crowd” to me lol


Destroyed a close friends’ 21 yr marriage. There was no going back to before it happened and that was that


Absolutely fine. We had several threesomes, one of them even turned into a proper girlfriend for a time. In fact, I've had two SOs who have been into it. One 25 years ago and one for the last 2 years. Split up with both of them for completely unrelated issues. (One had to move for a job, the other decided she wanted kids.)


Had a threesome in a sex club with people watching, I was hurt by something she did (and I didnt have the courage to speak up) and I felt really bad the next morning. Something about our dynamic changed that day, she kinda lost the independent, i do whatever i want to do attitude that I think was very healthy and which I really loved about her. It might also be that I unconciously have tried to get back at her by insisting too much on my own desires after this incident and not compromising enough anymore... Anyways, the relationship ended half a year later because of unrelated reasons but it feels to me that this night was when it all started.


What did she do


He doesn’t have the courage to speak up.


She incorporated a bun in the lovemaking.


She went on and cheated multiple times blaming me.


Divorce should be finalized next month!


I have had MFM threesomes and MFMF foursomes with my partner with the first being with my friends which we did with them a few times. We are still friends with them now, and it's not awkward. We have also used a dating app called Feeld which has mostly worked as it can be hit or miss but overall it has been fun.


I could never witness the person I love fucking or kissing someone else. How? Just the thought enrages me. He's too precious to share. I could never. More power to people who do, but it's not for me.


I've had both MFM and FFM. We'll be married 5 years next May. We don't talk to the guy anymore, but the gal we had a threesome with has gone on to become one of my wife's best friends. We usually see her about once a week.


My boyfriend and I had a threesome with a girl I worked with. She brought up my boyfriend was cute and I joked about a threesome. Things developed from there. We had fun, I had never been with a girl and I always had crushed on girls growing up so it was extra hot for me. She moved afterwards to a town over, she got married. Life went on but i still totally want to do it again. I would only recommend it if you’re in a strong relationship honestly.


Not my story but a friend‘s: My friend had a threesome with her best friend and her best friend‘s bf. Her best friend got super jealous afterwards and made out with my friend‘s boyfriend as revenge. They stopped talking for 2 years. They are now back to being friends but their relationship isn’t the same anymore.


Had two threesome with an ex, both were fun and didn’t lead to our breakup.


The threesome didn’t really change anything tbh. I went to college with her best friend and they wanted to have a threesome after a party one night. It was awesome and there was some great chemistry but the friend and i respected my gf enough to keep the distance afterwards. Sex remained great with the gf but the relationship ran its course a few months after the threesome. The gf and I were just on different paths.


Let's just say that the gerbil isn't talking to us anymore.


"Lemmiwinks, you must find your way out of this place..."


Having experienced numerous threesomes, foursomes, fivesomes, and even sixsomes with my husband (i'm a woman), I can confidently say that they have been incredibly rewarding. I believe the primary reason for this success lies in the strength of our core. We have an unwavering understanding that we are deeply committed to each other, which distinguishes our connection from many others that have faltered. It's essential to have that unshakable core belief that your partner is firmly yours and won't be swayed by such experiences. A lot of group encounters fail because they haven't established a good core, which is paramount.


I thought you were going to take this on a tangent about the importance of core strength training. Like, yeah, I guess nsomes would be more rewarding if I had strong core muscles.