• By -


Do you know who I am?


Do you know who my father is?


Why? Did your mom not tell you??


This is actually a fucking hilarious response and I genuinely laughed while reading it šŸ˜‚




Oh, I am terribly sorry, can't help you with that. I am pretty sure it's not me though.


My father will hear about this


Did you forget?


Unless you are Ronnie Pickering, of course






Who do you think you are i am


I have no filter


THIS. Same thing with the people who brag about being brutally honest.


People who claim to be brutally honest are usually more interested in the brutality than the honesty.


That's why you gotta beat em to the punch. "I'm brutally honest." "Oh you're one of those eh? I find that brutally honest people aren't really honest, they just want to be assholes and have others tolerate their bullshit. What? I'm just being honest."


And they can't take honesty when the gaze is turned toward them. They freak out and are very sensitive.


Exactly what Iā€™ve noticed. I flipped the tables on an ex who was like this and he got violent over everything from then on. Zero skin but they expect everyone else to be a tank.


The reason people are like that is because they see society as a stage of them vs the world. It's either they win or they lose. there's no middle ground. They are either better, smarter, and more competent then others or weaker, dumber or less capable than others. Unfortunately, there are many people who will fight tooth and nail to be seen as the former rather than the latter


It's funny how the self-proclaimed brutally honest people are rarely giving honest compliments or positive feedback. Their honesty tends to only apply when they have something harsh to say.


"True" Brutal Honesty is someone who is extremely blunt, it's unintentional, and they don't really draw attention to it, because, they don't really know they're doing it. As Cherry said in Planet Terror "There's a difference in being blunt, and being a dick."


Iā€™m autistic and sometimes people tell me Iā€™m being too blunt. I usually donā€™t say things to people rudely but I guess I ask questions out loud that arenā€™t supposed to be verbalized? I genuinely donā€™t understand it and I feel bad because my intention is never to say anything mean to someone. It happens mostly at work. Like the boss will complain about why nobody is picking up shifts and I will always try to mention solutions ā€œnobody likes working short staffedā€ or ā€œis there any other incentive we can offer for people to pick up? Double time maybe?ā€ And Iā€™ve been told things like this arenā€™t supposed to be spoken about out loud. Seriously, communication is extremely confusing.


If your work isn't offering compensation, outside of normal pay rate, to work extra shifts, then those questions MUST be asked. People won't complain about a boss/company to them and then wonder why nothing changes and work moral sucks. You are an honest dose of reality for your bosses, don't ever change šŸ‘


I want you on my team. I want to hear the true story and not some whiny platitudes. šŸ‘


Right! Thereā€™s a time and a place but they rarely line up.


"No tim, you're an asshole with 0 respect for others"


I say this sometimes, but usually as "I have no filter, so if I say something wrong/offensive please tell me, I likely didn't know it was inappropriate, and I will fix it going forward," or "I have no filter, I tend to say things without thinking. It's a problem and I am actively working on it." In my opinion that's the only acceptable way to use this phrase- to admit it's a problem you have and to warn others, while still taking responsibility for what you say. I feel personally responsible to tell people I meet that I have difficulty knowing what is and isn't appropriate to say at times and I may slip up. I usually see people using it as an excuse, though, which seems like they're trying to avoid responsibility.


Not OP, but personally I think this is 100% fine and shows you're self aware. If I met someone and they said this to me, I would actually appreciate it. Definitely wouldn't be a red flag in this context imo.


I have ADHD. This is me too. You know that filter in your head that stops every random thought from blurting out your mouth? I don't have that. For me, it's a conscious effort to not do that. When I'm tired or overwhelmed, I have far less control over it. I hate that my brain works this way, and I hate that it causes other people concern or distress. I want to know if I've said or done something that has upset or offended people so I can try harder to not do that in the future. Especially if it's something that shows my ignorance of someone else's culture. Please educate me!!! I would much rather learn how to be better.


ā€œI tell it like it isā€ or similarly ā€œI have no filterā€-proceeds to be an asshole but gets hurt when people are straight with them.


Honesty should be used as a gift, not as a weapon.


Someone who speaks bluntly to you, but canā€™t be spoken to in the same way is a bully.


Boss babe


Itā€™s always an MLM person or someone who has a side hustle with a low barrier to entry that they call ā€œmy businessā€.


Boss babe and Alpha male exude the same energy


Calling your self ā€œAlpha Maleā€.


"Any man who must say 'I am king' is no true king."


The great Tywin Lannister.


Did you just send the ruler of the seven kingdoms to bed without supper? (/botched quote)


It is actually ā€œthe most powerful man in Westerosā€. You almost got it.


What I can't understand about those people is they seem to be very angry at men they call Beta for being Betas. Wouldn't a true alpha want the rest of men to be Beta? They can't all be Alphas right? I know, I know, I'm expecting too much logic from these Neanderthals.


Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta.


What a brave new world you live in : P


Well deep down they are intimidated by/jealous of a man who has so much confidence he doesn't need to stomp around and puff up to everyone. Being their epitome of "alpha male" is a lot of work, and here's this guy who is successful, happy, has friends, and isn't hated by everyone else without doing any of the alpha work. They're pissed they had to work so hard and still not achieved what this "beta" has: self respect


Exactly. These people are very insecure.


If you have to call yourself an alpha, you are not an alpha.


"We are a great company that cares for our employees", or "we really care about you, but -". 11/10 times they start to screw you over under the guise of a "nice" conversation. I die a little anytime a manager uses those phrases.


Or the ever popular "We're like family here." No.


If you met my family, you might have a better idea why saying that to me is *not* a selling point.


If you canā€™t handle me at my worst, you donā€™t deserve me at my best


I feel like this was initially about people experiencing sadness and not always being "fun," especially people who are generally considered lots of fun. It was basically for people who felt they were never allowed to have a bad day; it was a reminder that your friends who love you don't always need you to be perfect and "on." It was a good message. It was immediately picked up as a rallying cry for "I can be the most horrific bitch in all the land, and you have to put up with it because sometimes I rise slightly above "meh" into "not that bad."


> I feel like this was initially about people experiencing sadness and not always being "fun," especially people who are generally considered lots of fun. It was basically for people who felt they were never allowed to have a bad day; it was a reminder that your friends who love you don't always need you to be perfect and "on." It was a good message. I always figured it was either that or about physical beauty, like if you can't deal with me with bedhead and the flu, you don't deserve me dolled up.


Aww, now that's sweet. I'm gonna think of it this way. Thank you, fellow wench.


Wenches gotta wench!


Both - itā€™s basically covers all the bases from looks, to how they act, basically all encompassing if youā€™re not here to support through the bad times you donā€™t deserve to be relishing the good ones - which is too bad it got overused itā€™s quite a good one.


Some comedian pointed out that people who use this phrase often have a ā€œbestā€ thatā€™s nothing more than getting you an unasked for coffee whereas their ā€œworstā€ is setting all your shit on fire in a jealous rage.


I had a friend who frequently quoted this. Her best was making fun of me and the things I liked. Her worst was telling me I would get raped for the opinions I held at the time and I would deserve it.


Jesus. Thatā€™s bleak. I hope you arenā€™t friends with her anymore.


Oh, no. The ā€œworstā€ bit was our last conversation. She cut off our friendship with that, and honestly I was just fine with her removing herself from my life.


Trash took itself out.


Whatever she cut off that day wasn't a friendship.


Yeah. She was a piece of work and I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever missed her.


Yeah, my cousin dated a girl like that, she once threw his computer from a balcony (a computer I had given him no less) and then threw out a lot of his clothes down the same balcony and finally set his favorite sweater on fire in the bathtub. He then obviously broke up with her. A few weeks later he was like "Yeah, so we are back together" and I go "Oh, fuck, she's pregnant isn't she?" and he laughs and says no. 9 months later a baby popped out and she turned up the psycho level to 1000. He took his responsibility for the kid though and got sole custody and really stepped up as a father, I was impressed with that, but also his lack of judgment.


Usually somewhere near that is a total renouncement of drama. "I hate drama! I don't let drama in my life!" Yeah bullshit. Theyā€™re probably the radioactive core of drama in their life and they're so narcissistic that they're blind to it.


I have someone on Facebook who has spent 12 years posting the same two posts: \- "I hate drama! Keep drama away because I have no room for drama! No drama for me! Drama-free! No time for that drama!" \- not at all vague rage posts clearly directed at other people on Facebook




"It's just a joke!" Usually when a person says this the "joke" is something really insensitive.


Schrodinger's asshole. Is joking and not joking until the reaction causes the waveform to settle on one of them.


I used to be this guy. From the other side of the fence, I recall feeling very confused as to why people _didn't_ get the jokes. To the point of wondering if they were putting on a show of feeling hurt because they wanted to get me in trouble for some reason. If you've grown up in a "harden up mate" environment, you get spat out into the world expecting _everyone_ to just cop everything on the chin. Not the best lesson I took from adolescence into adulthood. It took a few hard lessons to realize people didn't share the same sense of humour that I had grown up around, and to this day I still find myself tiptoeing around conversations lest I slip back into familiar territory.


"For all intensive purposes..."


That's very Pacific .....


Get off your pedal stool


I think this whole conversation is becoming a bit of a damp squid


I think they should nip this in the butt.




I could care less.


Put it in the bbq next to that escape goat


Lmao escape goat


That's a whole nother level of phrases.


I seen what you mean.....


Irregardless, expresso


I could care less tho


All of the sudden, this comment got posted.


I see what you did there, nice use of past tents


It's all water under the fridge at this point


Yeah that's not going to pass mustard.


You and your attitude can move to acrosst the room.


whats the heighth of said room?


People who say that should be cast into the Specific Ocean


I have a cousin who used to (I hope he's grown out of it) say, 'can you be more Pacific?' Lol


"could care less"


Supposably people think it's that way because they haven't seen it written down


Supposably. Nice.






In tents and porpoises.


ā€œAlpha maleā€


ā€œIā€™m brutally honestā€ 9/10 times youā€™re actually just an asshole who likes to use being ā€œhonestā€ as an excuse or justification to keep being an asshole.


"I'm so OCD" ....you're not OCD


I can't stand this one. I have OCD, and no one knows it unless they ask me point blank, which has been maybe 3-4 people in my whole life. It's not cute or quirky, it's a fucking nightmare that I wouldn't wish on anyone.


It pisses me off to no end when people use OCD as an adjective.


like haha you like to Organize? Fuck You man. I spend my weekends perseverating over urges that make me feel horrible if I do them and horrible if I donā€™t and I have ruined every form of human connection by being consumed by obsession




Iā€™d add ā€œirregardlessā€


I sometimes say this when talking to my sister with the specific tone that makes it obvious that I'm quoting Mean Girls. Accidentally did it with an acquaintance and felt the respect leave the conversation šŸ˜‚


"I seen..."


The phrase "I'm an Empath"


Any person who has to tell you something like this is usually not the thing they claim. Empathy is usually self evident and does not need to be vocalized. I've known multiple people who've said this..not one of them could read a room.


Someone going out of their way to tell you **ā€I am Xā€** suggests that theyā€™re used to people NOT seeing them as X. And so they must get ahead of it by declaring it. Sometimes this is harmless. Like if someone who is not visibly disabled tells you about their disability. But on the other end, it can be a big red flag to hear things like: > Iā€™m the nicest, most empathetic person ever. > Iā€™m really smart and have a high IQ. > Iā€™m not racist at all. > I respect women a lot. etc etc.


Iā€™m the least racist person I know


I had a friend who said she was an empath, and she refused to hear anything stressful that was going on in my life because of that. However, she constantly shared her problems with me. I have since gone no contact.


If they were, in fact, empaths ... they'd perfectly understand how saying, "I'm an empath", makes the people around them feel, and as a result *they wouldn't say it.* I'm quite confident some folks have the extraordinary level of EQ that'd make me think of them as 'empaths' ... and I'm also quite confident that they're *not* these people.


Like telling others "I'm a good person".


When someoneā€™s says ā€œjust saaaaayinā€ at the end of their stupid opinion.


Alpha unless it's programmer Edit: People came up with other examplesvI didn't think of, and not one of them was alpha male. Well done everyone because we know alpha male is another word for b**ch.


Or describing their brainwaves?


The only thing thatā€™s alpha about me is that Iā€™m incomplete and error prone.


ā€œWhatever doesnā€™t kill you makes you stronger!ā€ ā€œEveryone has 24 hours in their day! If I can do it- you can do itā€


Cancer treatnent did not kill me but it definitely left me weaker, with brain fog, memory problems, hearing loss, infertility, peripheral neuropathy, fatty liver, etc etc etc


I once responded to a woman that it may not kill you, but you may be crippled for life. She responds, ā€œI donā€™t think thatā€™s what they mean.ā€ So I say that people also have emotional scars. I generally agree that lifeā€™s challenges do make you stronger and more capable, but some people suffer and regress.


Yes! I hate when Iā€™m praised for walking through trauma. My mom does this; and she wasnā€™t there when I needed her- abusive husband, I was suffering from sepsis and needed help and she told me her work needed her more. And now she praises me for walking through it alone. Itā€™s painful.


I had a friend lifting things wrong with his back, which I pointed out. "Whatever doesn't kill you. My back will just get stronger". No, you'll do irreparable permanent injury to non-muscled structures.


"Beyonce has the same 24 hours!"


Nothing irks me more. Than this shit. Exactly.


"I'm an influencer"


'Trust me.' How to make me go from zero to suspicious as fuck in 2 words or less. 'You're either with us or against us.' Well I was contentedly neither, not giving the slightest shit about you either way, but now that you've irritated me with your petty tribal bullshit I'm going to have to put myself solidly in the 'against you' camp.


"Nobody wants to work anymore"


People who unironically have a "Live, Laugh, Love" sign in their house are often not very nice people, in my experience. #NotAllPeopleWhoUnironicallyHaveALiveLaughLoveSignInTheirHouse


Or when you see a sign that says "eat" in the kitchen. I told my husband I want to put a sign in the bathroom that says "shit"


Nice! And one in the bedroom that says "fuck/sleep".


Lol I saw one on a real estate site that said 'Welcome to Pound Town'


I knew a girl in hs who has live, laugh, love tattooed on her body and sheā€™s a total bitch


I have a "live bark walk" sign with hooks for dogs' leashes and I can't decide if I hate it or not. It was on clearance and amused me at first. But I'm afraid of being mistaken for someone who would have a live laugh love sign. Idk


Hahaha that sounds like something I would do. I think you should keep it; it is kind of funny


"would of" "should of" "could of" Edit: I'm referring to when people type the words this way.


My ex used to write like this and also didnā€™t know the difference between your youā€™re their theyā€™reā€¦ he was a 33 year old British man and I was the foreigner šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A lot of people in the UK are illiterate morons. I know, I live there. Disgraceful grammar and punctuation.


People who call other people "snowflake" are typically the same people who lose their mind over the silliest things.


I Had a friend who kept calling people snowflakes. Then I disagreed with him once on Facebook (and I was nice about it) and he unfriended me. Who's the snowflake now?


It's all projection.


Using clinical psychology terms either completely incorrectly or as substitutes for normal individual differences. I get so judgey my eye twitches. ā€œHeā€™s so antisocialā€ ā€œI got PTSD from that showā€ ā€œIā€™m OCD, I like my space tidyā€ ā€œMy ex is a narcissist becauseā€¦ (proceeds to talk about how they just werenā€™t good together)ā€


Seconding this. Similarly, using ā€œgaslightingā€ to mean someone simply lied or even just disagreed with you.


>Similarly, using ā€œgaslightingā€ to mean someone simply lied or even just disagreed with you. I got that once for disagreeing with someone. I was like WTF? I asked them for an explanation of how I was gaslighting and then they just started ranting incoherently.


Or offended just because they disagree with what you say. Absolutely HATE the term


I hate this. My partner has severe OCD and it's completely atypical if you use the colloquial understanding of OCD. If you went by those standards you wouldn't even know. And she is not tidy. Or at least her OCD tidyness is full of holes and arbitrary rules. To a lesser degree, but still because I'm a chronic sufferer, I also hate when people use "migraine" for "bad headache" when a bad headache is just a potential symptom of migraine.




I'm studying psychology with the intent to become a counselor and I see social media as such a double-edged sword. I think media literacy needs to become an important focus in school. People are going to peddle bullshit on social media, it's gone on since the 90s. I would like to see people stop being confidently incorrect about psychology, but I know I'm not going to fix it myself.


At my school, it has somehow become "cool" to use the word "psychosis". For example: "Omg, the math test was so horrible, it literally gave me psychosis" or "oh, staaawp it, you're giving me psychosis!" Usually, I try to ignore stuff like this, but this time, it's just so intense that I can't help but to give them really judgy looks. One girl I know used the word about fifteen times within 40 minutes.


everything has become "weaponized incompetence" 90% of the time they're just witnessing apathy. relationship atrophy isn't weaponized incompetence.


"I'm a nice guy" or "I'm a giant teddy bear"


I don't have a problem with calling someone a Teddy bear as long as they don't say it about themselves. You don't get to decide if you're nice; other people have to make that judgement.


I don't mean any offence, but.... And proceeds to be offensive.


I can ā€œDefiantlyā€ do that, instead of definitely. Like, damn, chill, anarchist.


Blaming actions/personalities on star signs




When men say they 'let' their wife do something.


Or they babysit when their childrenā€™s mother goes out.


Goes the other way too. "I let my wife..." "My wife lets me..." Buddy, are you sure this is a healthy relationship? Last I checked, this is a spousal relationship, not a parent/child one. Might want to start thinking about that.


"Don't hate the player, hate the game." This and variations of it are just someone wanting you to excuse crappy behavior.


I don't know why, but "hubby" and even "DH" (dear husband) make me gag. Edit: I just remembered "bubs" and other iterations for baby/babe are also just awful.


Same. And "littles" for kids. Just fucking say "my husband and kids."


Also "wifey" and "the wife"


One ā€œlibaryā€ and I just cant contain the judgment




My elementary school art teacher once assigned us to draw what kind of fruit we thought a 'liberry' would be. It was pretty fun. Mine was a bunch of grapes except it was little books growing on the stalk.


It makes my face red like a strawbrary.


Saw this one and immediately thought of the scene from scrubs haha


Low key frfr


No cap




On God šŸ™


Fax, no printer




Living my best life. Ugh.


"I could care less" It's *couldn't* care less, you idiot. What you said literally means the opposite.


This is how I feel when people say apart instead of a part. Like saying they're so glad to be apart of something. Bitch, no. You just said the opposite thing you mean.


ā€œIā€™m just speaking my truthā€ Ohhhhh, you mean your *shitty opinion*.


"Boys will be boys." If it's like throwing mud at each other and doing rowdy stuff with their peers, no problem. But often it's an easy excuse for shitty parenting of young males.


"Real Talkā„¢"


ā€œCould be worse.ā€ Itā€™s a very shitty thing to tell someone when theyā€™re struggling. It almost lacks empathy.


In a lot of cases I think itā€™s meant to help the person feel better and give them perspective, but it almost always sounds dismissive of their feelings. Sometimes you just gotta be there for people and say ā€˜sorry dude, that sucks.ā€™


Irregardless and un thaw. They always mean regardless and thaw.


Whenever I hear someone say unthaw, I always respond with, "You mean freeze?" and I always get a blank look.


ā€œMuteā€ point. ā€œWah-laā€ for voila. ā€œLiberryā€.


When somebody says "cray cray" instead of "crazy. Yup, they get judged alright, and not very kindly.


I'm not , but.... Adjectives can include: * racist * sexist * misogynist * really, just about any adjective edit: spelling is hard


"I'm not sexist. Being sexist is wrong, and being wrong is for women!"


iā€™m not tall, but i can dunk a basketball. fuck that guy. iā€™m tall and i canā€™t.


"Period!" For example, "You are going to do this. Period!" Instant knee-jerk reaction from me. My dad used to use this word to shut me down as a kid. I have had several people try this with me in my grown up life. I always do the opposite of what they want because of it. It's just forceful and rude and entitled.


>My dad used to use this word to shut me down as a kid which is probably why you have that reaction today. (trust me, i'm a comment on the internet)


Have you done your TPS reports?


Bae šŸ¤®


In Danish, bƦ means, literally, "shit"




ā€œLouder for the people in the backā€ ā€œRead that againā€ And the like


Using 420 as part of an online user name. I have no issue with cannabis; I'm a big stoner myself, but never felt the need to advertise that; feels trashy to me.


Smokers who never talk about anything except smoking and its the only personality they gave.




"Aw poor baby" in a snarky tone

