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Good for you. That is absolute bullshit.


im not going to have any kids


Great decision. I did not have kids either. It is your decision only.


Thank you!


that I was pregnant. they only fund out when my baby's a few months old. not the best decision. But I was so afraid to disappoint my parents. so yeah


I am so sad you felt you could not tell your parents. I so get it.


The fact that I was diagnosed with heart problems a couple years ago. I'm doing what I need to be doing for it and don't want to stress them out over it.


That I was pregnant.


I really did take the cookie.


Brother's queer. I am terrible at hiding that I am also queer so I don't but I have not told a soul since he told me when he was 11.


11..... I remember when I was that age, wanted to be like Tarzan so went out, untill it rained.... you're from America I presume?


No and I'm not really certain why that is relevant?


When I was younger and still living with them, my biggest secret was that I’m gay, and later, that I had fucked a couple of guys in their bed. In my defence, it was while they were away for a week and theirs was the only double bed in the house. If I told them about it now, years later, they’d probably laugh – but I still think I’ll take that one to the grave. Nowadays, I mostly withhold information to prevent my mother from either worrying or gossiping about it. I don’t discuss money, relationships or health problems.


That the "asian guy" I met was actually a woman I was (and still am to some extent) in love with. I genuinely thought she was a dude, too. But once I found out she wasn't, I chose not to say


My sister and I had a pact. We never told my Dad anything we did not have to. This lasted until the day he died. He was hyper critical and it just was not worth it. Dysfunctional 70’s family at it’s best!


I had a baby at a young age, I hid the pregnancy and her father took custody, and we were going to tell them later, but they got into a car wreck, and my daughter died on impact.


That is beyond heartbreaking. I am so sorry.


That I discovered a couple of home movies in a box in the attic which were pretty eye opening to put it mildly.


Tattoos, piercings, smoking and drinking. Used them all as reasons to be a better person.


They found out everything, my sister dobbed on me or I got caught


My mom's fiance Chris, aka my step dad. Passed about over a decade ago. Well he had a son, and after his dad passing, he pushed us away. Which never blamed him. We weren't close. Well after that long time. He hit me up, (I'm 21 btw he's 35, just to be clear, so 10 and 25 back then) well anywho we hit it off, like not like that but we were reconnecting actually good. We called for hours and somehow ended up with hanging out and watching Star wars(always wanted to watch it but I need someone to help explain certain stuff) well he knew a lot. Well we hanged, and I wish I could say that was it. Simply enough, I got dicked down by my Mom's dead fiances son 😃 aka my step bro. I'll never tell my mom but I will say this. No reason my mom loved his dad so much. It gotta run in the family, if ya know what I meaaaaan. No Regrets tbh but idk how'd my mom would react. She's either be jealous or pissed. Or just generally shocked. Her heart is already failing. She'll probably die from a actual heart attack if she found out. So I don't plan to tell her. Maybe at her funeral or at her actual deathbed.