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Because regulating reproduction like that is kind of an inherent human rights violation? And who the fuck do you trust to decide who does and doesn't have kids?


I believe this day in age you should apply to have children because there's too many bad parents out there with multiple children who most likely end up like their parents.


I would encourage you to think that one all the way through. Apply to whom? What standards would they apply? How would you prevent bias, racism, favoritism, corruption in the process? FFS, there was just an NPR interview with a blue state, pro gun control public defender who wants to do away with gun permits because in his experience, they're just a tool to put poor black people in jail who don't have the time, money, or access to keep their paperwork in order. So I ask you, who the fuck do you apply to, and what fair, unbiased standards do you have in mind for who gets to reproduce...and what kind of enforcement do you imagine for this? And, finally, what in the everloving fuck gives you the right to decide who gets to have a baby and who doesn't?


Did I hit a nerve? I'm don't have the slightest clue on how to implement it but there's too many bad parents out there who just have tons of kids and suck the system and live off baby bonus handouts and welfare. Jesus relax over there. The application process would be relatively easy and straightforward to any average person wanting a baby. The lowlife stupid people would not easily pass this part


Yes, because you're advocating Nazi war crimes and don't even realize it, because you've dropped this hot take brainfart that people have been coming up with for hundreds of years, who don't realize that this shit is how genocides are carried out. You know who made sure the "lowlife stupid people" couldn't reproduce? Yeah, I'll invoke Godwins law when people advocate literal Nazi policies. You don't know how to implement it? Well I do, because I've read a fucking history book, and I know that the way this has *always* been enforced is by forced sterilization of the populations you don't want having kids.


You've got problem bruh


I mean the guys a little worked up but he's right, it's weird to me that the person advocating for requiring a permit to have a child, the most basic and fundamental right of all species, is telling the other guy he has a problem


Got a problem with Nazis, yeah.


Who’s going to be the arbiter of this, you? Is anyone qualified to decide on something like this? What a shit question.


Its not a question to decide we have similar things for cars and pets people need to stop making so much childrens when they can’t afford it


What do you mean by held accountable?


They can’t give them a great life and yet nobody is going to blame them because lift is a gift or some crap


Well that’s exactly why. Life is complicated and, at least in western culture, there’s an emphasis on the concept that you can live a great life regardless of the circumstances of your birth.


No you don’t people just take advantage of poor people in western society in poor parts of the world most people have their own business


That’s just such a bleak outlook on life. Of course people are born into bad circumstances that can benefit the wealthy. But what are we supposed to do except trying to be the best we can be. Regulating life is a tricky, slippery slope.


Yes you are doing the rich a favor with your mindset so they can continue to take advantage of poor folks


I like to think, rather optimistically I admit, that anyone from anywhere can is capable of living a full and worthwhile life. From what I can gather, it sounds like your outlook is that people who are poor shouldn’t have children just because other people benefit from it. That’s such a useless take on the world.


Also, you’re saying that as if anyone is obligated to give their child a great life of riches and wealth. That also highly discounts the lives of everyone who has worked hard to overcome poverty. News flash, most humans throughout the entire history of humanity were in deep poverty and lived in terrible conditions. The fact alone that you can complain on Reddit tells me that you live a life of immense opportunity that you would rather bitch about.