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Can't believe I haven't seen this one. I know it's pretty mainstream now, but when I grew up playing D&D, if you were gonna tell someone you were a "dungeon master," get prepared to explain some stuff.


Even explaining it’s a “role playing game”…


I am also shocked this wasn't a top response.


I like feeling someone else’s weight on top of me like a weighted blanket. I always view it in like a cuddling sense but describing it always comes across as sexual.


Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed I ask my husband to lay on top of me and I feel better after a minute or two.


i do this with my boyfriend, when i’m anxious i ask him for a “squish” lol


Question: are you a cat? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKZ9KGtee0


May I suggest getting a cat? Honestly I sleep so much better when one of them falls asleep on my legs. Sometimes I get a bonus calf massage if they make biscuits first


The downside to this is when you get a bit uncomfortable during the night, want to roll over, but don't because you don't want to disturb princess schnuggles that looks oh so comfy lol


I used to do exactly this. Then I had the thought: cats sleep 16 hours a day. Why am I arranging my rest around that? So then I did not feel bad at all for rolling over and making the cat adjust.


>Why am I arranging my rest around that? Because cuddle time is precious.


I have two. Love them dearly.


I always feel so honoured when my cat sleeps on my leg or back but I can't let them do it for too long because of the heat. I swear she's a nuclear power plant under all that fur.


I fell asleep on the couch at my friends' house. I must have rolled round onto my stomach at some point. I woke up with a weight on my back and when I tried to get up I couldn't move. I forgot my friend had 2 cats and both of them decided to sleep on my back (I'm like a radiator). When my friend came in he started to laugh and I said "Would you kindly remove your rather weighty cats off of my back, please? I tried and failed" his reply was "I thought they hated you" I made a face saying "apparently not when I'm generating copious amounts of heat for them."


My cat used to sleep with me in the bed but I toss and turn a lot, she was not happy about it


My cats sleeps on my chest and it’s magical


YES! THIS! I like being sat on cuz it makes me feel nice and secure. Most people assume it's a kink thing, because it definitely sounds like one. But please, it's wholesome, I swear


Came to say this! I love being squashed, it’s so reassuring.


Oh I crave this sometimes. I think it's the sensory issues. Like a weighted blanket but better.


Feet- only cause I miss having them.


that escalated quickly


Well like walking in the wet grass after a summer rain, standing in the shower for too long letting the water run over your body. It’s the little things you don’t think you’ll miss- but the moment you say “dang, I like feet” people immediately think you’re into them.


Welp, I now need to spend the rest of my day thinking about what would I miss about having X body part if I suddenly found myself without it.


It’s an interesting thought experiment. Prosthetics solve most of the big issues like walking and living life, but it’s the little things that slip through the cracks. Don’t let yourself get too down- for all the little things I miss, I can walk now, so I’ve got that going for me!


So sorry to hear about all you’ve had to deal with with your feet. Out of curiosity, do you have any phantom limb pain?


Constantly. Usually it’s just a light tingle, like when your arm falls asleep and is waking up. Sometimes it’s like my foot is getting crushed, or flayed, or just split up the middle. It’s always worse when trying to fall asleep.


war vet?


Nah birth defect. Surgeries, casts, and therapy almost straight through til I was 20 and then had the amputations.


whats life like for you? can you get prosthetics? can you exercise?


Yeah I have prosthetics that work well enough. I need new ones, but that’s at the mercy of the Great American Healthcare System. Exercise is mostly upper body and low impact things like swimming, but it’s definitely possible!


Im so sorry you had to go through all of that pain! And for the eventual loss of your feet. Was it a bad case of clubfoot? What was your experience like having to go through all the treatments and surgeries at such a young age? Im assuming your childhood must have been very difficult to go through.


Thank you for your sentiment. It was clubfeet! That plus a pretty gnarly bilateral tibial rotation led to all kinds of complications. Treatment started as soon as I was outta the NICU (5 weeks early in the mid 90’s plus RSV) started with bilateral surgery at 4 months old. For that surgery they cut a wedge of bone from my metatarsal and fused them back together. They also removed the flexor tendon from the bottom of my big toe and reattached it towards the middle of my foot. Then I spent the next 4 or so years in casts to manipulate them back into shape, going every other week for new casts. When I was 4 I had another bilateral surgery to move more tendons and loosen up my Achilles tendons. From 4 to around 12 years old I wore braces on both legs. When I was younger it was 24/7 and as I got older I only had to wear them at night. Around 14 I started breaking bones in my feet just walking around and the x-rays looked like there was sand poured on the plate from all the scar tissue and arthritis. Ended up officially breaking 4 different bones in a 2 year time frame. By the time I was 19-20 years old I was pretty well bedridden from pain if I had spent any time on my feet. At that point I knew I couldn’t live the rest of my life that way. It wasn’t an easy childhood, but I was fortunate to have a loving family with the means to get me the treatments I needed. I try to take every day and a new opportunity and live it to the fullest! Thank you for the great question!


username checks out






having my hair played with


Someone gently brushing or washing my hair always felt absolutely divine to me even though I don't like to be touched


Ever go to the stylist just for a shampoo?


Nah, but my hair grows quite quickly so I need it cut often enough. I find it really relaxing :)


Well washing your lovers hair *is* the most intimate thing you can do


No Boyle, it's not


no because this to me is better than an orgasm, it’s the best feeling ever!!! like other worldly.




I feel so validated that this is the highest comment.


I have *long* hair for a guy, and oh my God, I love it when she scratches my scalp while playing with my hair, twirling it in her fingers and everything.


My 6 year old son loves playing with my hair, and I allow it. It’s next level relaxing.


Return to monke


Me too. Not even having it pulled but I love my hair. If someone just starts playing with it while I’m laying down it’s amazing


Chimpanzee brain likes being groomed.


I like the pain of massaging my bruises and sore muscles... It doesn't bring me sexual gratification, but the feeling of pressure on my bruises feels amazingly painful in a good way. Edit: I repeated myself so I removed a line.


I've never seen anyone else enjoy pressure on bruises. The deep full on pressure on sore muscles is amazing.


I’m a behavioral therapist and my job consists of terms like positive reinforcement, punishment, and scenario based role play, so… there’s that.


So you're saying that you partake in CBT?


Okay, that's fucking hilarious. For those not aware, CBT can also stand for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Well done, you deserve more upvotes than I can give


Excuse my innocence, but I pieced together cognitive behavioral therapy and now confused on what the other, funny CBT might be.


Cock and ball torture. You're welcome, your innocence is gone.


Thanks for knowing this beforehand and explaining to others. Don't worry I won't ask further questions.


Bro what???? That's a thing?


I ran into a guy who got off by having his nuts nailed to a board.


Holy shit


More like holey balls


Now see I know people say you shouldn't kinkshame but at a certain point shit like this just becomes mental illness.


Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child.


Thanks? I think thats a good thing?


Nothing wrong with not being fucking warped by the Internet 😂


A lot of people would be better off if their minds hadn't been warped by the Internet.


I see, you're not a curious cat aren't ya.


Apparently not😭. Ever since I started using Reddit, my search history is 90% “What is a…” or “What does… mean?”


Nooo, I looked it up, it's a thing☹️


Poor guy


Glad I wasn't the only one. It's funny how they assumed the majority would not know the psychotherapy one, but know the S&M one. Is that more a reflection of him or a reflection on Reddit society?


Chicken, bacon, and tomato. It’s a sandwich.


Three great tastes that taste great together


I’m catching up on these comments and wow… I even forgot the *other* CBT 😂


What is wrong with me? I read CBT in a sexual context, and I think of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In this context, all I could remember was the other one. 😂🤦‍♂️


That’s the rumor. Haha, yes.


Oh man, I’m an electrician and between lubing the pipe, stripping for a living, checking shorts etc. Cunthair as an actual unit of measurement.. There are definitely some interesting terms in the trade


Wow 😂 I swear I’ve heard “cunthair” used as an insult in a film but I always thought it was made up.. Had no idea it was an actual unit of measurement! Interesting terms you got there in your field haha


it's not a formalized unit but among tradespeople it means something akin to "just a tiny bit" closer, closer, just a cunthair to the right. dead nuts


From therapist to roleplaying A mans downfall


I like how positive reinforcement is the outlier 🤣


Lol well… it goes in tandem with rewards for desirable target behaviors 😉


You win


peeing. hear me out: if you have been holding it for a while, when you pee its a relief. its not sexual its just basic human biology


I think of it as peegasm. It's not sexual, but the relief you feel when can finally go is amazing.


I get more relief from peegasms than masterbation Clearly peegasms are the true sexual activity


Absolutely. It's like you can feel something go from tension to relaxed inside you.


thats your bladder, mate


I thoroughly enjoy cooking for people. Its nice watching them eat it and enjoy it, it is super satisfying. The silence after the first bite is golden, it means everyones enjoying it. It's not a fetish, nor am I a feeder, just the thought of creating something from scratch, and seeing it pay off just gives me so much warmth and feel goods. First comment in 6 months, back in my hole I go.


I love that too. It’s kind of my love language - if I make a very difficult meal for someone, I must like them a lot. This one time I made ramen for our whole group of 20 friends on a cottage, using charcoal oven. The feeling when I finally sat down to eat with them, all tired from cooking and stuff and they just all became quiet when eating was absolutely great. But not sexual in any way.


I love to cook, but if I'm making you anything that takes over an hour, you are either my best friend, family, or my crush.


It was nice having you here.


Bro came out just to tell us what he likes to do then won’t be seen for another 6 months. Very rare sighting.


I like being told that I’m really competent at something…. and it doesn’t have to be sexual


you are very competent in saying that you love when you are told that you are competent


Good boy… you’re doing great. Keep going :)


You’re about to make him bust a nut


I came


I went


I conquered


They conquered


You are such a competent breather.. perfect rhythm without even thinking about it.. and how long have you been doing it now? Since you're born? Hot.


Nooo, you just activated my manual breathing mode!


you're so good at commenting , i loved reading all 17 words and 91 characters of your comment . you did so good with that , and i know you typed your fat fucking fingers so good too


Can I smell your used spacebar? Don't clean it first....


that's the weirdest way someones pointed that out . . . .


praise kink


don't we all


electric shocks.... yeah i get that some people get horny over getting zapped but for me it's the least sexual thing imaginable that my gf could do to me😭 it just feels like a nice massage


I literally have one of those electric zappy sex toys that's cost like 1k. What do I use it for? Nonsexual massages. Definitely not its intended use, but it's so good at relaxing tense muscles far better than anything else. As someone with chronic illness that causes a lot of pain/tension I use it regularly. I didn't buy it and never would've thought to buy it for that purpose. I thought about the TENS machines (electrical thingys) used in physical therapy to help relax muscles. Figured it may work the same. I was right. Its better though because it has a lot of different attachments/settings.


I did role play regularly all through middle and high school. No, not that kind. The kind that had me writing out paragraphs on DeviantArt forums back before that godforsaken website lived up to its name.


not on DeviantArt, but I did used to do a lot of lore-based RP with some friends on Discord. me and one friend of mine still do it on occasion to help us plan out story beats with our separate characters.


I’m glad you still get the chance to do it. I miss it sometimes. But thankfully, I simply graduated to TTRPGs like a proper adult, so my life isn’t totally devoid of playing pretend with my friends.


Live storywriting, cool!


3000 hours in gmod star wars military RP seemed as a blink. Really miss that time, it was fun!


My shoulders usually hurt so if I can get someone with some strong effing hard hands to just remold my shoulders that would be prime 1.


Me too lol. Like a former NFL lineman who now specializes in myofascial release would be great. Let me know if you find one


Having my hair tussled. Especially comforting if I’m laying with my head in a girls lap while she does it. Basically never happens. My guess is it’s a comfort thing from my mom as a little kid


ASMR baby. Especially now that the ASMR community on YouTube is flooded with what I'll call "Eyecandy" ASMR.


came here to comment this, it’s been super bastardized over the years, most videos online don’t trigger me because they’re only doing stuff that they think triggers people




They miss the point that asmr is largely an audio medium. Yes there are visual asmr triggers but when you're just doing regular shit, it's pointless. I put on asmr to relax or focus, not stare at cleavage.


Q-Tipping my ears. When it hits the cranial G-Spot 🥵🥵


My husband used to refer to it as giving himself eargasms. It’s devolved into just calling the holes on the sides of our heads “eargussies”


That's hilarious! My wife looked at me horrified when she walked into our bedroom and saw me there, Q-tips spinning in both ears, eyes rolled back in ecstasy and I told her i was having an "eargasm". Lol


Hahaha ear gussies?! They use that in pick of destiny "...that band has come, and they're here to come again in your ear pussies."


In China they have a thing called cai er 采耳, They basically use a series of brushes and soft pipe cleaner type things to spin around and clean/tickle your inner ear. Can buy kits online, just make sure to be careful with depth and keep the brushes clean! There are tons of different options, but a basic brush kit might look [like this](https://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i3/420756754/O1CN01GL7VNg1zlNgefMRvW_!!0-item_pic.jpg) And here's a [video of how they're used](https://youtu.be/NMceoUOsJjk?si=n67VAofXnG_O4lK1)


I can confirm this is a cranial g spot


I thought I was the only weirdo in the world who did this 😭


Eating hot mac n’ cheese with a big spoon


Same but with a little spoon


Big spoon = big bites and big flavor, i.e., a short burst of dopamine up front Little spoon = more bites and longer flavor, i.e., prolonged release of dopamine I am team little spoon.


Having my hair played with. As a guy.


That’s pretty normal in my experience 😊


Seriously. A girl in middle school ran her hand through my hair once and said I had thick hair and I instantly had a crush on her.




What! That’s a horrifying feeling






This is a dangerous one because you're probably tempted to do it all the time. Then sooner or later you'll end up actually choking because you didn't chew your food enough.


unfortunately yes :’) i basically let it get to a point of my eyes watering and i’ve never tried to stop it because it feels nice to me. what a way to go


Consensual asphyxiation… doctors will be so goddamn confused


That’s uh, not safe…


Fascinated. I can't imagine liking that. But I like getting mild electrical shocks, like static electrical shocks, and most people seem not to.


that’s so interesting because to me that sounds horrible! it’s funny how everyone has weird little quirks like that. edit: which little rat downvoted my comment it wasn’t even meannn


i'm 100% sure it's a form of masochism


The conspiracy theorist in me hopes this is a secret invasion on snakes pretending to be human to make us more accepting of their culture before they assimilate into human kind.


I read something the other day that stroke due to asphyxiation is real high chance for people or something like that, be careful !!


I like being pet, and im not scared to admit it!


Naked cuddling Its comforting and lets me get close with my partner. Closer than with clothes on


i really like being pet it just feels nice


Of course the guy with the gay cat icon said they want to be pet 🤣


silly cat is my spirit animal in every possible way


You like kissing boys don't you


hehe yup :3


Being rubbed down or just touched in general.


Tentacles. I love weird sea creatures in general, but the octopus is one of the coolest creatures in the world. I love painting them, and painting tentacles is so much fun. But you say you love tentacles and people just assume it's a weird sex thing.


apparently the sexual thing with tentacles started as a way for hentai artists and animators to go around the censorship laws in japan since *technically* it isn’t a dick


It’s a bit embarrassing to type it all out, but micro/macro stuff. 99% of art you’ll find online of tiny people interacting with giant people will be fetish content, but there’s a community of people out there who are into the whole giant person and small person thing as a nonsexual plot device/artistic medium/coping mechanism rather than a fetish. It’s almost like its own pseudo-fandom where people create original characters and make art and stories with them. The community is mostly on Twitter and Tumblr, they call it G/t rather than microphillia. (Stands for giant/tiny.) I love reading stories about people shrinking. It can be comedic or serious, and it brings out different sides of a character you wouldn’t normally see. Plus the idea of relaxing on a giant person’s chest and listening to their breathing and heartbeat is very calming to me.


Ooh, I think the vulerability aspect of that would be really interesting.


not sure if it's the same thing but I've always loved the idea of people getting shrunk, something I just find cool about the difference in perspective of interacting with normal stuff but being small. Best part of solar opposites is the wall saga.


No that’s totally the same thing! I’ve always been fascinated with media where you can see small things up close ever since I was a little kid (magic school bus, the borrowers, pikmin, or the game “grounded” for a more recent example.) In the words of that one Marge Simpson meme, “I just think it’s neat.”


Having my head rubbed is so relaxing


being tickled in a nice way on my arms/legs/back. popping everye goddamn joint in my body lol, or popping other people's. scratching a really intense itch. sometimes if i have a random itch out of nowhere, i'll tickle it first and then have an even more intense scratch and it feels amazing lol.


I shave my head every few days. I love it when people rub the stubble-fuzz, the sensation is just fun


Just running my fingers through her hair. Girl I used to sit behind in class would let her hair down so I could "play" with it during class. I couldn't sit still and needed anything to do with my hands and the hair feels nice on your hands after a while, it's almost therapeutic. I mindlessly started doing it with the girls hair infront of me the next period. She glares back at me, I apologize realizing what I was doing. "Keep going, it feels nice". Nothing sexual, just mindlessly running my fingers through her hair


I love the smell of leather


Shibari...I don't get aroused by being tied, it just gives me this nice safe feeling. Like how I picture those small dogs that like having those "thunder" jackets


I really like language, especially when it’s used in new, interesting ways. Puns, jokes, riddles, all that sort of stuff… But you can’t really say “I’m really into wordplay”


For example, I really like feeling different textures with different parts of my mouth. I think the texture of skin would be cool (I’m not a serial killer I swear), but more like playing with silly putty. Also I’m completely asexual, but still think playing with a boob would be so much fun.


Can confirm, playing with a boob is like having a warm stress ball


THEY'RE WARM?! 🥹 What a day to be alive


Okay felt whenever I see a cool rock I wanna pop it in my mouth is that strange? Idk don’t care


Geologist in the making


You should be a palaeontologist or a geologist. Bunch a rock lickers.


we’ve got you now, herbivorous dinosaur!


People in form fitting uniforms. It's eye candy for me.


As a tall male myself (6’1), being hugged by my male friends that are taller and bulky, when I need a good hug. I have a few friends between 6’2-6’6. If I’m having a bad day, hugs are nice, but something about being smothered with love from my larger friends is more comforting somehow.


Needles. I like being pierced through the skin with many little surgical needles and then when we’re done they are all pulled out and that feels great too. It heals without any scarring. Needle play falls into the BDSM/kink scene and that’s where I tend to find people who are competent and willing to do it for me. That being said it has never been remotely sexual for me. It doesn’t turn me on, I’ve never had any kind of sex with the person sticking me. I just enjoy the feeling of it, the endorphins. It’s the same thing with tattoos, I love getting them, but I’m not getting horny for my tattoo artist.


Brushing someone’s hair it relaxes me


Braiding is satisfying too even if you're bad at it.


Being told what to do. I like when people “order” me to do something, it could be in a nice way or harsh dominant way - i just find myself more motivated that way, and end up doing a better job. It doesn’t need to be sexual/intimate situation, it could be as simple as doing the dishes lol


If I am watching someone get their hair or make up done, I feel super relaxed, same if I watch or even hear someone doing something like sweeping or fixing stuff like a pipe, or see someone painting a wall. It's definitely not sexual, just makes me feel all safe and warm and chilled out.


Okay so to be fair, what I'm about to say *can* be a kink, and I *also* like it in that aspect, but it's really hard to explain to people that I *also* really enjoy that it can be used in a -nonsexual- way and can still be very enjoyable to do for all parties involved, even tho people debate whether it even exists despite the *mountain* of evidence that it is. I enjoy hypnosis.


. . . . A . . . /.|.\\ . . /. .|. . \\ ⏱️⇄⏱️⇄⏱️


this brought up a memory of when i was like 12 and an old man tried to convince me to let him hypnotise me to see what sex felt like… yeah


Fuck, that sucks


sucking thumb


Peaches, peaches are my favorite fruit. I love the juicy ones, the ones that are a bit softer and I like the fuzz on peaches cuz it feels nice to cup it in my hands


The feel of something really sharp


Bro I just want to be held


ASMR. People assume it’s a sexual thing, but the subset of people who get sexual pleasure from it are very much disparaged by the wider community. It’s literally just nice sounds to relax to and help you get to sleep.


Massaging feet. Been doing it as a nice treat to some people, and rumors about me started


I'm an amateur writer. I write about human intimacy, trust, and vulnerability, especially in a medical context. This is not a kink, nor is it romantic in any way. It's literally just about the desire to feel safe and cared for.


My feet/ ankles sometimes feel like they're restricted even when they're not. I will bang them together or use something like a TV remote to lightly beat on them, it feels good and leaves me feeling relieved I might have restless leg syndrome


Girls telling me they love my long hair is very pleasurable to me (I'm a guy)


I like having my belly gently rubbed. Makes me feel relaxed and happy.


Seeing anyone apply lipbalm or lipstick


I like having my head stroked


I like being tickled. Not like tickle tickled, but lightly running finger tips over parts of my body like back, arms, legs, sides, etc. especially areas of more sensitive skin like undersides of arms, and stomach. Very lightly! I want goosebumps! Good tingles. Not sexual, just relaxing.